2023 Msce Mock 2 Bk p1
2023 Msce Mock 2 Bk p1
2023 Msce Mock 2 Bk p1
(50 MARKS)
EXAMINATION NUMBER:………………………………………..……………………………………………………. CLASS: 4…….
1. Who did Isaiah refer to in Isaiah 8:7 when D. Hypocrisy
he said “They will advance like flood 6. Isaiah said trusting in the Assyrians was
waters …..? like hiring a barber (Isaiah 7:20) because
A. Assyrians Assyrians would
B. Egyptians A. Destroy the enemies
C. Persians B. Take all the inhabitants of Judah
D. Babylonians captives
2. “When you lift your hands in prayer l will C. Request heavy tribute from Judah
not look not you” (1:15) what were the D. Destroy both Judah and Egypt
people supposed to do for God to answer 7. Whom did Isaiah refer to when he said …”
their prayers? new brunches sprout from a stump” in
1. Make themselves clean Isaiah 11:1?
2. Defend orphans and widows A. The Messiah
3. Sacrifice clean animals B. Ahaz
4. Consult Isaiah for advice C. Hezekiah
A. 1 and 2 D. David
B. 2 and 3 8. Why were the eunuchs excluded from the
C. 1 and 3 worship of the lord?
D. 3 and 4 1. They were originally from
3. “Remember Lord that I have served you Babylon
loyally and faithfully ….” What made 2. They had mutilated their bodies
Hezekiah to utter these words? 3. They could not pass life
A. His son Shear Jashub had been 4. They could not be able to be
attacked by the Assyrians priests in the temple
B. His officials had told him that the A. 1 and 2
Assyrian army had been invaded B. 2 and 3
Judah C. 1 and 4
C. Isaiah had told him that he would D. 3 and 4
not get healed 9. “I will put a hook through your nose…..”
D. Isaiah told him that his descendants Isaiah 36:29
will be taken to exile A. Egypt was the most feared nation
4. Why were foreigners not allowed to B. Many nations traded with Egypt
worship with God’s people who had C. The Assyrians had already defeated
returned from exile the Egypt
A. Foreigners brought idols in the D. Egypt was a weak nation
temple 10. Which of the following is true about
B. Foreigners were rebellious Prophet Isaiah of Jerusalem?
C. Foreigners were not chosen people A. He criticized the educated women of
D. God did not like foreigners Jerusalem
5. Which of the following was condemned by B. He supported the alliance between
trito Isaiah? Israel and Judah
A. Lying C. He was called in the year King Uzziah
B. Murder died
C. Violence D. He had a son called Emmanuel
EXAMINATION NUMBER:………………………………………..……………………………………………………. CLASS: 4…….
11. What did the servant in the second servant 16. At which event did the voice “you are my
songs mean by saying that he was “called own dear son. I am pleased with you”
from the womb” said?
A. The servant would not commit sin A. Temptations
B. The servant was called from the B. Baptism of Jesus
beginning of Israel’s history C. Transfiguration of Jesus
C. The servant birth was miraculous D. Arrest of Jesus in Gethsemane
D. The servant was called to be a prophet 17. What did the shepherds do when they were
before his birth told about the birth of Jesus
12. What reasons did Jesus have for claiming A. They were terribly afraid of the angel
that Isaiah Chapter 61:1-3 is about him? B. They joined the band of the angels
1. He received the Holy Spirit at his singing
baptism C. They went to Bethlehem to see the
2. Preached to the poor people child
3. Preached in Palestine as predicted by D. They started preparing the gifts for the
Isaiah child
4. Brought comfort and consolation 18. On which occasion did peter say “Master
through his preaching and miracles how good it that we are here is! We will
A. 1, 3 and 4 make three tents……
B. 1, 2 and 4 A. Jesus’s Trial
C. 1, 2 and 3 B. During the feast of Passover
D. 2, 3 and 4 C. Triumphant entry in Jerusalem
13. “Jerusalem go up on High Mountain and D. The transfiguration
proclaim the good news ….”(40:9) in this 19. For what reasons did the prodigal son
verse Jerusalem refers to return to his father?
A. Judah and Israel 1. He had realized his need
B. Mount Zion 2. He had remembered his home
C. The faithful remnants of Judah 3. He was called by his father
D. All exiled Jews 4. He had faith in his father
14. Which of the following reasons did Isaiah A. 1, 2 and 3
give for the choice of a gentile King B. 1, 2 and 4
Cyrus? C. 2, 3 and 4
A. God has control over his creation D. 1, 3 and 4
B. God did not want a Jew to rule 20. According to the Pharisees and the
C. The Jews were not free people teachers of the law, what sin did Jesus
D. Jewish leaders were weak commit during the healing of the
15. Which of the following does not depict the paralytic?
future story of God’s people as stated in A. Betrayal
Isaiah 61? B. Blasphemy
A. Their wealth will be doubled C. Injustice
B. Their shame and disgrace would be D. Bribery
C. Foreign nations would serve them
D. All Jews would serve in the temple
EXAMINATION NUMBER:………………………………………..……………………………………………………. CLASS: 4…….
21. Why did Simon ask Jesus to Depart from C. God’s wrath following the death of his son
him during his call in Luke 5: 1-11? D. that God did not approve that the Jewish
A. He had caught many fish as a result of way of worship
Jesus’ influence
B. Simon did not want to lose his 26. “Do you think you can make the guest at a
business wedding party go without food…?” Luke
C. He felt unworthy and ashamed before chapter 5) Jesus said these words because
Jesus he was blamed of
D. He was an experienced fisherman who A. Eating with tax collectors
needed no assistance B. allowing his disciples to go without fasting
22. The invitation in Isaiah 55:5 is directed C. Allowing his disciples to pluck corn on the
not only to the Jews but also to the Sabbath
Gentiles who would come to Jerusalem to D. Healing on the Sabbath.
_______. 27. The parents of Jesus fulfilled the laws of
A. witness how the Jews were settling down Moses by
B. proclaim that Zion is the dwelling place of A. taking their son to Jerusalem to be presented
God to the lord
C. assist the Jews in rebuilding the Temple B. offering a ram in the temple
D. learn from the Jews about the true C. circumcising their son after 2 weeks
23. Why did Jesus send two of his disciples D. Naming their son Jesus which means “God
into the city where they met a man is Salvation”
carrying a jar of water? 28. Which of the following parables shows
A. To show them a donkey for Jesus to that God values the need to help one’s
ride on. neighbour?
B. To ask him plead with the priests not A. the great banquet
to arrest Jesus B. The lost son
C. To show them a room where they C. the Good Samaritan
would rest. D. The rich man and Lazarus
D. To show them a room where they 29. Which group did the elder brother in the
would eat the Passover meal. parable of the lost son represent?
24. How did Jesus defend the action of a A. the lepers
woman who poured perfume on His head? B. The tax collector
A. The perfume was not expensive as they C. the outcasts
thought D. the Pharisees
B. He said the woman’s action would be 30. After the Passover festival, Jesus a twelve
remembered forever year old boy remained in Jerusalem
C. He said this was a sign of respect for the because
Messiah A. he wanted to hear who the people thought
D. The perfume was to prepare His body for he was
burial B. he wanted to be in God’s house doing his
25. What was the significance of the tearing of mission
the temple curtain before Jesus died? D. He wanted to debate with the elders in
A. that every person had direct access to God the temple
B. that the priests in the temple were evil
EXAMINATION NUMBER:………………………………………..……………………………………………………. CLASS: 4…….
31. In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collectors, the Pharisees prayer was not answered because
A. Ait was monotonous and long
B. The Pharisees claimed to be too righteous
C. The Pharisee was full of sins
D. It was too short
32. God performed miracles through Paul at Ephesus by
A. Using all cloths that Paul had used to heal the sick
B. Letting Paul’s Shadow heal the sick
C. Forcing Paul t fall down
D. Making the Ephesians speak in tongues
33. Of which accusations did the Jews from the province of Asia bring against Paul after he had returned
from the third missionary journey?
1. He healed to stop observing the Sabbath
2. He healed on the Sabbath
3. He spoke against the laws of Moses
4. He spoke against the temple
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 3
34. The companions of Paul decided to lead Saul by hand into Damascus because
A. Saul was afraid of seeing another vision
B. The night was too dark for Saul to see the way
C. Saul had made a terrible accident on the way
D. Saul had been blinded during the vision
35. The circumcision party accused Peter in Jerusalem because
A. He ate meat offered to idols
B. He went to Cornelius home
C. He went to Samaria
D. He refused to circumcise gentiles
36. Why did Elymns of Cyrus became blind?
A. He was healing in Jesus name without faith
B. He was preventing the governor from being saved
C. He was found arresting Christians
D. He wanted to purchase the power of the Holy Spirit
EXAMINATION NUMBER:………………………………………..……………………………………………………. CLASS: 4…….
37. Why was Demetrius not happy with the preaching of Paul in Ephesus?
A. He saw himself losing his political status
B. He knew that Paul would destroy the temple in Artemis
C. He realized that his business would get a bad name
D. He foresaw the goddess artemis becoming inactive
38. What was the response of the church in Antioch to Agabus prophecy?
A. The disciples asked the church in Jerusalem to help with the food
B. The disciples did not believe in the prophecy
C. The disciples decided to go to Jerusalem
D. The disciples sent a relief to their brothers in Jerusalem
39. The gift of speaking in tongues on the day of Pentecost was given to
A. The apostles only
B. All those who believed
C. Only those who were filled with the Holy Spirit
D. Only those who were in the house
40. Why was the Jerusalem meeting held in Acts 15?
A. To plan new ways of converting people
B. To discuss the conversion of Gentiles
C. To make new rules of converts
D. To hear a report of Paul and Barnabas journey
41. At Philippi, Paul was imprisoned because
A. The Jews stirred people against him
B. He was accused of preaching strange philosophy
C. He exorcised a spirit from a girl
D. He was teaching customs which were against the law of |Phillip
42. Which believer escaped to Samaria during the persecutions on Jerusalem?
A. Paul
B. Peter
C. Philip
D. Phases
43. What action did Paul take in order for Timothy to become his companion?
A. Baptizing him
B. Asking him to study the book of law
C. Circumcising him
D. Requesting him to sell his belongings
EXAMINATION NUMBER:………………………………………..……………………………………………………. CLASS: 4…….
44. according to \acts 2:22, how did Jesus prove his divine authority to the people?
A. By preaching the word of God
B. By performing miracles and wonders
C. By showing that he was greater than David
D. By preaching that Jesus rose from the dead
45. The false accusations levelled against Stephen was that he
A. Belonged to the synagogue of freed men
B. Accused his opponents of not being circumcised
C. Secretly instigated men to rebel against the roman government
D. Spoke blasphemous words against Moses and God
46. The vision Paul had at Troas of Macedonia begging him for help shows that
A. The Holy Spirit guides the church
B. The power of the Holy Spirit is irresistible
C. |God saves mankind through Jesus
D. Prayer is vital in the life of the church
47. Who rescued the apostles when they were tried for disobeying the order to preach in the name of Jesus?
A. The Holy Spirit
B. The Angel of God
C. Gamaliel
D. Saul
48. In the Parable of the wedding feast the bridegroom stands for?
A. God
B. Jesus
C. Sinners
D. Believers
49. Which of the following themes best describes what Herod A
grippa 1 did to the church in Jerusalem?
A. Jesus uses the church as an instrument of Salvation
B. The power of the Holy Spirit is irresistible
C. Prayer is vital for the life of the church
D. The church shares in the Jesus suffering
50. Which group of people described Paul as an ignorant show off in Acts 17:18)
A. Some high officials of the traditional worship in Athens
B. Epicurean and Stoic teachers
C. Humanistic atheists
D. Greek religious leaders