Accounting Grade 9

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Syllabus Content Break Up

Cambridge Olevels Accounting – 7707
Grade IX
Mid Term Examination
Worksheet 1

Fundamentals of Accounting & Book  Understand and explain the

keeping difference between Bookkeeping &
 State the purposes of measuring
business profit or loss.
 Explain the role of accounting in
providing information for
monitoring progress and decision
 Understand and explain the
concept of Stakeholders.
 Why do the stakeholders show
interest in accounting of a

The Accounting Equation  Understand and explain the

difference between Assets,
liabilities & capital.
 Explain the purpose of accounting
equation and how it is implemented
in accounting of a business.
 What does it comprehend?

The Double Entry System of Book  Outline the double entry system of
keeping book keeping
 Process accounting data using the
double entry system
 Identification of Head of Accounts
and their nature
 Effects of transactions on
Accounting Equation
Book of Prime Entry - The General  Brief introduction of books of prime
Journal entry
 The use of general journal in
recording of transactions.
 Format of how to use General
Journal in recording double entries.
Mid Term Examination
Worksheet 2

Ledger Accounts & Trial Balance  Understand and explain the use of
ledger accounts
 Process to post the entries in ledger
 Understand and explain the process
of balancing off the ledger accounts
 Preparation of Trial Balance
 Purpose of trial balance
 What does it show?

Source Documents  Recognise and understand the

following business documents:
invoice, debit note, credit note,
statement of account, cheque,
 Complete pro-forma business
 Understand the use of business
documents as sources of
information: invoice, credit not,
cheque counter-foil, paying-in-slip,
receipt, bank statement.

Other Books of Prime entries  Explain the advantages of using

various books of prime entry.
 Explain the use of and process
accounting data in the books of
prime entry: sales day book,
purchases day book, sales returns
day book, purchases returns day
book & the general journal.
 Post the ledger entries from books
of prime entry.
 Distinguish between and account
for trade discount and cash
Final Term Examination
Worksheet 1

Cash Book & Petty Cash Book  Explain the use of and process
accounting data in the books of
prime entry: cash book, petty cash
 Distinguish between and account
for trade discount and cash
 Explain the dual function of the
cash book as a book of prime entry
and as a ledger account for bank &
 Explain the use of and record
payments and receipts made by
bank transfers and other electronic
 Explain and apply the impress
system of petty cash book.

Sole trader – Income statement &  Understand and explain the

statement of financial position purpose of drawing income
(without adjustments) statement and SOFP.
 Understand and explain the
concept of accounting equation in
 Make the students understand
different sections of income
statement and SOFP.

Final Term Examination

Worksheet 2

Bank Reconciliation Statement  Understand the use & purpose of a

bank statement.
 Update the cash book for bank
charges, bank interest paid &
received, correction of errors, credit
transfer, direct debits, dividends &
standing orders.
 Understand the purpose of and
prepare a bank reconciliation
statement to include bank errors,
uncredited deposits & unpresented

Revision for Final Term of all the  Revision from Past Papers covering
topics covered in Grade IX from 2017 onwards.

Recommended Resource Books:

 Business Accounting – Frankwood & Alan Sangster

 Cambridge IGCSE Accounting – Collins -

 Cambridge IGCSE & Olevels Accounting – Hodder Education

 IGCSE and Olevels Past Papers

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