String Instruments
String Instruments
String Instruments
The violin is the soprano of the string family. It has a hollow, wooden body and four
strings. The sound made by the violin can vary from bright and vibrant to solemn and
mellow. The sound is made by drawing a bow across the strings, or by plucking the
strings with a finger.
It is a musical instrument of the violin family that is intermediate in size and compass
between the violin and cello and is tuned a fifth below the violin.
a bass instrument of the violin family, held upright on the floor between the legs of
the seated player
The bass is a bowed stringed instrument like the violin and cello; bowed strings are
played by dragging a bow across the strings, forcing them to vibrate.
A wind instrument made from a tube with holes along it that are stopped by the
fingers or keys, held vertically or horizontally so that the player's breath strikes a
narrow edge.