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Class XI A.

Biology Marks 70
25.1.2020 Duration:3
I.Choose the correct answer 8X1=8
1. Which one of the following bacterium can
cause crown gall disease in plants?
(a) Bacillus. (b) Clostridium (c) Agrobacerium. (d)
E.coli 2.Bentham and Hooker described
(a) 90,205. (b) 97,305 (c) 98,304 (d) 97,205
3.The leucoplast which stores protein is known as
(a) Aleuroplast (b) Chloroplast (c) Amyloplast (d)
Elaioplast 4.Culm is seen in .
(a) Bamboo (b) Tridax(c) Mango (d)
Merremia 5.Sugarcane plant has
a. reticulate venation b. capsular fruits c. pentamerous flowers d. dump-bell
shaped guard cells
6. Carrier proteins are involved in
a. Active transport of ions b. Passive transport of ions c. Water transport
d. Water evaporation
7. Chlorophyll b is
a. C54H70 O6 N4 Mg b. C55H70 O6 N4 Mg c. C55H72 O5 N4 Mg d. C45H72 O5
N4 Mg 8.Coconut milk factor is
a. auxin b. gibberellin c. abscisic acid d. cytokinin

II.Answer the following. 4X2=8

9.Write any two bacterial antibiotics and
their uses? 10.What is dictyostele? Give an
11.Define imbricate
aestivation? 12.What is
mean by tyloses?
13.What is deplasmolysis ? Give an
example? 14.What is mean by

III. Answer the following. 3X3=9

15.Write Short notes on programmed cell
death? 16.Define denitrification
17.What is
18.Define DPD
19. What is phyllode ? Give an example ?

IV. Answer the following. 2 X 5 = 10

20. Explain botanical description of allium cepa? (or)
What are the important characteristics of
basidiomycetes? 21.Explain EMP pathway ( or)
Explain munch mass flow hypothesis
Bio -
I. Choose the correct answer 8X1=8
1. Binomial nomenclature was given by ……….
a. Huxley b. Ray c. Darwin d. Linnaeus
2. The second largest number of species containing phylum in the animal
kingdom is
a. Annelida c. Mollusca b. Arthropoda d.
Chordata 3.Which type of tissue forms glands
a. Epithelial b. Muscular c. Nervous d.
Connective 4.Which is the pacemaker heart ?
a. AV Node c. Purkinje fiber b. SA Node d. Bundle of His muscle
5.Angiotensinogen is a protein produced and secreted by.
a. Juxtaglomerular (JG) cells b. Macula densa cells c. Endothelial cells of
blood 6.Glenoid cavity is found in
a.. Pelvic girdle b. Skull c. Pectoral girdle d.
Sternum 7.Glands responsible for secreting
tears are:
a. glands of moll b. lacrimal glands c. meibomian glands d. glands
of zeis 8.Which one of the following hormones is not involved in
sugar metabolism?
a. Glucagon c. Aldosterone b. Cortisone d. Insulin

II.Answer the following. 4X2=8

9. How do earthworms breath?
10. Difference between white adipose tissue and brown
adipose tissue 11.Write three ducts in salivary gland?
12.What is mean by nuptial
flight? 13.Define

III. Answer the following. 3X3=9

14.Write short notes on rheumatic heart
disease? 15.Difference between frog and
16.Write any four well recognized types of
bees? 17.Differences between rod and
cone cells 18.What is seed lac?
19. Specify the symptoms of acromegaly

IV. Answer the following. 2 X 5 = 10

20. Explain respiratory volumes and it's
capacities (or) Discuss about segmented
21. Explain sliding filament
hypothesis? (or) Write detailed
account on pancreas
Vivek Vidyalaya Matric hr.,Sec., School ,Kinathukadavu.
Class XI A,C Biology Marks 70
10.12.2019 Duration:3 hours
I. Choose the correct answer. 16 X 1 = 16
1. The glomerular hydrostatic
pressure is estimated to be .
(a) 60 mm / Hg (b) 55 mm / Hg
(c) 110 mm / Hg (d) 75 mm / Hg

1.1. Flame cells. - (i) Excretorystructures

2. Solenocytes. - (ii) Green glands
3. Antennal glands - (iii) Cilia
4. Malpighian tubules - (iv)
Flagella 1 2 3 4
(a) iv i iii ii
(b)iii iv ii i
(c) ii i iv iii
(d)i ii iii iv
3. Number of bones present in an arm is:
a. 30 c. 35 b. 32 d. 40
4. Red muscle are rich in
a. Golgi bodies b. Mitochondria c. Lysomomes d.
Ribosomes. 5.Synovial fluid is secreted by
a. Blood b. Cartilage c. Bone d. Synovial
membrane 6.Each skeletal muscle is covered by
a. epimysium. b. perimysium c. endomysium d. hypomysium
7.Assertion: The imbalance in concentration of Na+, K+ and proteins
generates action
potential. Reason: To maintain the unequal distribution of Na+ and K+, the
neurons use electrical energy.
a. Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.
b. Both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct
explanations of Assertion. c. Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
d. Both Assertion and Reason are false.
8. Which one of the following hormones is not involved in sugar metabolism?
a. Glucagon c. Aldosterone b. Cortisone d.
Insulin 9.Supra renal gland otherwise is known as
a) Thymus gland b) Adrenal gland c) Thyroid gland d) Pineal
gland 10.The conditioned reflex was demonstrated by
a) Pavlov b) Russian c) Anton von Humboldt d) odum
11.. A pregnant female delivers a baby who suffers from stunted growth, mental
retardation, low intelligence quotient and abnormal skin. This is the result of
a. Low secretion of growth hormone b. Cancer of the thyroid gland
c. Over secretion of pars distalis d. Deficiency of iodine in diet.
12. Pearl oyster belongs to the Class a. Gastropoda b. Cephalopoda c.
Scaphapoda d. Pelecypoda
13. Assertion: The best quality of pearl is known as lingha pearl and obtained
from marine oysters. Reason: Nacre is secreted continuously by the epithelial
layer of the mantle and deposited around the foreign particle
a. Assertion is true, Reason is false b. Assertion and Reason are false
c. Assertion is false But Reason is true d. Assertion and Reason are
true 14.Find out the name of the breed from the clues given.
1. Most popular commercial breed in
India and
originated from Italy.
2. This breed is chiefly found in West Bengal.
3. Breed popularly known for its massive
body having heavy bones.
4. This breed is known for its
pugnacity, high stamina, majestic gait
and dogged fighting qualities.
a. 1. Brahma, 2. Leghorn, 3. Chittagong and 4. Aseel
b. 1. Leghorn, 2. Chittagong, 3. Brahma and 4. Aseel
c. 1.Chittagong, 2. Brahma, 3.Leghorn and 4. Aseel
d. 1. Chittagong, 2. Leghorn, 3. Brahma and 4. Aseel

15. Which one of the following is correct pair?

(a) Exotic breed – Cyprinus Carpio
(b)Apiculture – Reeling
(c) Sericulture – Propolis
(d)Milch breed – Malvi
16. Identify the odd-man out regarding
“Refractive errors of eye”.
(a) presbopia (b) macula lute (c) cataract (d) myopia

II. Answer the following 8 X 2 =16

17. How is tetany caused?
18. Differentiate cortical from medullary
nephrons 19.Write the functions of CCK
Cholecystokinin 20.Comment on
21.Give the economic importance of Silkworm
22.What are the advantages of artificial
insemination? 23.Why we are getting running
nose while crying 24.Specify the symptoms of
25.Why limbic system is called emotional brain ? name the
parts of it? 26.Write any two uses of silk?

III. Answer the following Q no 33

compulsory 6X3=18
27.How is urea formed in human body?
28.Write any three function of skeletal
system? 29.What is accomodation?
30.What are the benefits of regular
exercise? 31.Draw the structure of long
32. Differentiate between protonephridia and metanephridia
33. Mention advantages of MOET
34. Draw the diagram of thymus gland
IV. Answer the following. 4x5=20
35. Explain structure of kidney OR
What is the function of antidiuretic hormone? Where is it produced and
what stimuli increases ordecreases its secretion?
36. Differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic neural system OR
List the disorders of the muscular system.

36. Hormones are known as

chemical messanger justify. OR
Comment the functions of pancreas
37.Draw the longitudinal section of the
eye OR
Explain the methods of animal breeding

Class XI A,C Biology Marks 50

14.1.2020 Duration:3 hours
I.Choose the correct answer 5x1=5
1. The theory equivalent to Tunica corpus theory is ............ .
(a) Root Apical Meristem theory
(b)Histogen theory
(c) Korper kappe theory
(d)Apical cell
theory 2.Match the
(a) Phellum i. Cork cambium
(b)Phellogen ii. Secondary cortex
(c) Phelloderm iii. Cork
(d)Phelloids iv. lack suberin
(a) a - iii b - ii c - iv d - i
(b)a - iii b - i c - ii d - iv
(c) a - ii b - i c - iii d - iv
(d)a - i b - ii c - iii d - iv
3.Starch - Sugar Interconversion theory was proposed by ............... .
(a) Lloyd (b) Sayre (c) Levit (d)
Hanes 4.The term Quantasome was coined by .......... .
(a) Steinman (b) Emerson (c) Park and Biggins (d) Hatch and
Slack 5.Rice coleoptile test is bioassay for activity of
a)Abscisic acid (b) Ethylene (c) Cytokinin (d) Gibberellin

II.Answer the following. 5x2=10

6. Write any two significance of respiratory quotient?
7.Difference between intrafascicular and interfascicular
cambium 8.What is bulliform cells ?
9.Draw the structure of
ATP 10.What is
11.Draw the diagram of conjoint and bi colleteral
vascular bundle 12.What is substrate
III. Answer the following. 5x3=
15 13.Write any three points about properties of light
14.Comparison of alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid
fermentation 15.What is stone cells?
16.What is apical dominance?
17.Draw the diagram of
chloroplast 18.What is
19.Write any two root nodule formation?
IV. Answer the following. 4 x 5=
20 20.Write any three difference between C3 and
21. Explain the insectivorous mode of nutrition in angiosperms?
22.Draw the outline of Krebs cycle or Citric acid cycle or TCA cycle:
24.T.S of dicot leaf (diagram
only) 25.Explain PCO cycle.

Bio- Zoology

Marks :35
1.Assertion : Exogamy is a type of conjugation. Reason : Male and
female gametes produced by different parents.
a. A and R are true. b. A and R are false
c. A is true and R is false. d. A is false and R
is true 2.choose the correct statement
a.In some metazoan animals aspecial
type of longitudinal fission called strobilation occurs.
c. The offspring exhibit genetic variation in asexual reproduction.
d. conjugation is a type of asexual reproduction.
3. The Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) is produced by
a) Leyding cells b) Sertoli cells
c) Hypothalamus d) Pituitary gland
4. Assertion (A) : Head of the sperm consists of acrosome and mitochondria.
Reason (R) : Acrosome contains spiral rows of mitochondria. a) A and R are true,
R is the correct explanation of A
b) A and R are true, R explanation of A
c) A is true, R is false
d) Both A and R are
false 5.True or False
1. Chorionic villi and the uterine tissues forms the disc - shaped placenta.
2. Placenta is a temporary endocrine organ.
3. Gestation period is 280 days.
4. The Heart is formed in foetus during the third trimester. a) 1, 2 are true; 3, 4
are false
b) 1, 2 are false; 3, 4 are true
c) 1, 2, 3 are true; 4 is false d) 1 is true; 2, 3, 4
are false 6.Find the wrong statement
a) Metal cadmium causes infertility
b) Injury to gonad causes infertility
c) Marijuana causes infertility
d) Lack of sleep causes
infertility 7.Find the
mismatching pair
a)Candidiasis-Fungus b)Trichomoniasis-Virus c)Genital
warts-Virus d)Chlamydiasis-Bacteria
8. In India child sex
vation has decreased from 927 to for every 1000
males. a) 919 b) 920 c) 199 d) 991

II. Answer the following. (Any 4) 4X2=

9. What is endogenous
budding? 10.What is
strobilation ?
11.Mention the differences between spermiogenesis and
spermatogenesis? 13.Name the hormones essential for supporting
foetal growth?
14. Comment on chorionic villus
sampling? (CVS) 15.How do Hormone
releasing IUDs work?

III. Answer the following (Any 3) q:no16 compulsory 3X3=9

15. What are gemmules
? 16.Write any 2types of
17. Enlist the function of seminal vesicle?
18. Why abortion during the second
trimester is risky?

IV. Answer the following. 2 X 5 = 20

19. Different phases of menstural cycle? or
Enlist the various steps in Invitrofertilization (IVF) or Test Tube
Baby? Explain?
20. Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in parturition and
lactation? or Write an essay on multiple fission.

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