Waffle Street
By Autumn McAlpin
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therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
What we do is legal,
therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
What we do is legal,
therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
What we do is legal,
therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
What we do is legal,
therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
What we do is legal,
therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
What we do is legal,
therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
What we do is legal,
therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
What we do is legal,
therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
What we do is legal,
therefore, it is not unethical.
If this was unethical,
it would be illegal.
That company mantra
was the only thing
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fending off this latest
bout of moral crisis.
You see, I just sold this guy
and his two financial gurus
on investing $200 million
in our mortgage fund.
He will lose almost everything.
My firm will make $26 million.
And it's totally legal.
Therefore, it is not unethical.
At a young age, it occurred
to me that I was different.
You see, it's always been easier for me to
relate intellectually as opposed to emotionally.
While most children
were playing pretend,
I focused my efforts
on counting to 100.
For Halloween, I departed from the
traditional superhero or ghoul,
and instead dressed as seven-time
mathlete champion, Franklin Stubbs.
In high school, I divided my time
between "The Wall Street Journal"
and classic literature.
By 16, I had a life plan
mapped out to my 65th birthday.
After a freak
Segway-ing accident...
landed me
in the college infirmary,
I had my heart stolen by a sympathetic
coed working on her nursing degree.
Somehow, she found
my idiosyncrasies endearing.
Eight years
and two business degrees later,
I landed in finance.
We hate Wall Street!
We hate Wall Street!
crash, I worked overtime.
Some nights, I slept there.
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I had goals to reach.
I got the car, bought the house,
then worked my way up
to vice president.
After this deal,
they'd make me a partner.
Overnight, our firm
was gonna be worth three-fold.
To celebrate, the top brass
threw a party in my honor.
It didn't occur to them that I
neither drink nor enjoy bars,
but being the man of the hour, I
was forced to make an appearance
and enjoy
my 18-dollar virgin tonic.
Jim! Jim, my man!
How you doing?
You having a good time, huh?
I just wanna say
excellent work. Top notch.
- What we asked of you was not easy.
- Thank you.
You enjoy yourself
because you deserve it.
I... I am.
Unfortunately, it is about
time for me to head out.
- No!
- Becky leaves for work in 45 minutes,
and she'll be disappointed
if I don't see her off.
Listen, good for you.
Before you go, let's get a
picture with Phil and Hal.
Don't you move. Don't move.
eccentric billionaire.
But I had spent
the last six years
talking people
out of their money,
banks, college endowments,
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teachers' pension funds.
If there was a nickel to be had,
it was my job to get it.
When the guilt piled up,
I buried it with my ambition.
If I climbed high enough,
maybe I could outrun it.
- Jim, how are you?
- Good.
- Jim.
- Come on in.
Take a seat.
How is Becky?
Uh, she's... She's great.
We're trying to start a family.
Good. Good.
That's really great, Jim.
We're gonna let you go, Jim.
- Come on, Hal.
- Show a little tact, Hal.
Cut the crap,
and tell him why he's here.
But we just went public
with the mortgage fund.
Hey, your work on that
was top notch, Jim.
The bonds are under water.
It's just a matter of time
before they all blow up.
There was no other way
to achieve those target numbers.
You were perfectly
aware of this.
We gave you a number to hit.
You're the one that decided
how to hit it.
This is all gonna
come back on us, Jim,
and believe me, it's gonna
be better for all of us...
if you're not here.
I was loyal,
and you used me.
Now, there's no reason
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this can't be amicable.
And no one twisted your arm.
me as the fall guy,
my career in finance was over.
No other firm would touch me.
Hey, you're home early.
So, I had
the most disgusting day today.
Cresting Elementary's corn chips and
chili fry day went completely awry.
A hundred and twenty fifth graders
show up spewing from both ends.
We had to make an emergency run
to Home Depot for extra buckets.
I bet you forgot we have dinner
with your parents tonight.
Do you know
if your grandfather is coming?
Because I love him,
but I just...
I need to mentally
prepare myself for him.
just made my fall
that much more traumatic.
What's wrong?
and repulsed by the business.
I got fired.
So, you're...
You're happy you got fired?
No. I don't know.
I think I'd just like
to try something else.
Well, I didn't know you had anything
other passions besides finance.
Sure, I do. Plenty of things.
I just need to...
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find out what they are.
It'll be fine, hon.
I know.
You'll figure it out.
At least one thing is gonna get a lot
easier with you home during the day.
I... I can't even think
about having babies right now.
We've already had
that conversation.
Yes, and now,
I don't have a job.
Well, you'll find one.
It could take a while.
We've waited four years
to be ready.
I want a baby.
I want us to have a baby.
I know.
But I'm really not in the
right head space right now.
Not even just a little?
Well, that's nice.
And if I do this?
Okay, maybe when you do that.
What is that?
On your shirt.
Face scrub.
No, that's...
That's definitely vomit.
All right, well,
this shirt is coming off anyway.
had caused me to reflect.
Not just on my own choices,
but on my family's long line
of working-class forefathers.
Men like my great-grandfather,
William Edward Preston.
He worked his way up from small-town
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butcher to East Coast farming legend.
Not only did he harvest
his own crops,
but he managed their distribution
across New York City
and still found the time to run
a soup kitchen every Sunday.
My father and grandfather built their
legacy through honest, hard work.
For over 50 years,
they delivered chocolate to
supermarkets across the country.
From a young age, I was groomed and
expected to tread the family path.
My decision to pursue finance had been
met with a... lukewarm reception.
I told you not to go to work
for those crooks.
They're financial managers, Dad.
Grandpop Adams:
that makes all their money
off other people's money
is a crook.
It doesn't matter
what you call them.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Case closed.
- Case is closed.
- Case is closed.
Yeah. Yeah, I'll have
another martini here, please.
- Oh, that sounds great.
- Yeah.
Now... here's what
we're gonna do, Jim.
We're gonna put you to work
in the warehouse.
Help you to start making
some honest money.
You know Jim doesn't have any
interest in the warehouse, Dad.
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Let me see your hand, Jim.
Right. Look at his hand.
Look at your son's hand.
- I don't wanna look at this hand.
- Go ahead.
I know what his hand looks like.
He doesn't wanna look at it.
It's like a woman's.
Is that a manicure?
- James.
- That's enough, Dad.
- I was only asking.
- No, it's enough.
- I don't know what's normal these days.
- That's enough.
No, I, uh...
I don't have a manicure.
I like his hands.
And what's wrong
with our business?
It's raised this family
for two generations.
- That's true.
- And I appreciate that.
I just... I wanna
find my own way.
Sorry, Dad.
No need to be sorry.
How are you fixed for cash?
We're not taking your money.
They gave me a small severance.
Yes, and we have some savings.
So, he has some time
to figure it out.
- I say we toast.
- Yes. Absolutely.
To new a beginning.
Excuse me, miss.
Are you distilling my spirits,
or am I to expect my drink
sometime this evening?
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time in my adult life,
I was without direction.
But it was time
to take inventory,
discover new interests
and pursue them.
What if I had
just a little bit more time?
To chase down moments like
this and make them mine
What if this night
had never come to pass?
How many nights like this
have I got left?
I leave in the morning
for the country where I'm from
I hadn't done
any truly honest work
since sweeping
the warehouse floor at 15.
Alpha had plucked me
out of college.
I never had to look for a job,
never had to fill out
an application.
Something millions of people
do every day,
and I didn't have a clue.
So, what mortgage derivatives does
your former employer invest in?
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into one of those,
and I'll get you your benefits.
"Making Art from Trash"?
Trade skill, hon.
What about "Interpretive Dance"?
Personal growth.
I just want a job.
And we will be happy
to help you find one.
Just as soon
as I get you the benefits.
I found the idea
of returning to school charming.
No doubt it would provide the
spark of inspiration I needed.
(wheels squeaking)
Vending machines and bathrooms
are down the hall.
Good luck
with your career paths.
In this three-part series,
we'll teach you how to find
a job using the Internet.
Raise your hand if you've
ever used a computer before.
Good for you.
Now, let's go over the basics of
filling out an application online.
First, you will want to create
a username and password.
No Child Left Behind program,
it was time to hit the streets.
I needed something blue collar,
something my great-grandfather
Preston would be proud of.
Society needed people
contributing on the ground floor,
not middle men living off
interest rates and derivatives.
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My name is Jim Adams.
I'm looking for new employment.
Do you have any, uh...
Do you have any job openings?
(speaking Spanish)
Oh, Audi? Yes.
Yes, I actually...
I have an Audi.
I'd love to learn more about it
and work... Here's my resume.
I'm a bit overqualified, I know,
but I'm really willing
to learn a new trade.
This is... This is great.
(speaking Spanish)
- Yeah. "Try it out."
- (speaking Spanish)
I would love to try it out.
That's exactly
what I'm looking to do.
That's... Wow, okay. Well...
- So I'll just call you?
- (speaking Spanish)
- I'll call...
- (speaking Spanish)
- Okay?
- Okay. Wow.
- All right.
- (speaking Spanish)
That feels good just to
have that on my hands.
- Doesn't even bother me. Doesn't even...
- Okay.
- I'm excited.
- (speaking Spanish)
So, what are you, a stockbroker?
I worked in the bond market.
That's not a stockbroker?
No. No, sir. I've never been
licensed to sell securities.
You ever do work
like this before?
I have not,
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but I am a quick learner.
I'm sure you are.
But we don't have the time
or the personnel to train you.
Thank you.
I could start by sweeping up.
My kid does that already.
Here is my resume.
Well, if it doesn't say you've
ever cut, sold, or laid carpet...
you might as well
put it back in your purse.
This is an attache case.
Thank you.
And after hand delivering
57 applications,
I had managed to secure nothing more
than an appointment for an oil change.
Maybe I was doomed to be a
white-collar desk jockey.
Waffle fact.
With more than 1,700 locations,
all open 24 hours,
Papa's Chicken and Waffle is the seventh
largest food chain in the United States.
During my college heyday,
Papa's was a late-night staple
and a place
I could always clear my head.
Just seeing the establishment provided
more comfort than I had felt in months.
(oldies music playing)
- Just have a seat. She'll be right with you.
- Okay.
You are right, man. That has
definitely got something.
It's called groove, baby,
and not a lot
of those new cats have it.
- (laughing)
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- I'm with you, bro.
How much is the Wanda?
Same price as it was yesterday,
Kathy, $9.72 with taxes.
Hey, Mary!
Where you at, girl?
I mean, people are dying
of starvation out here.
Come on now! I can't be grilling
and greeting at the same time.
I will have the Wanda.
Coming up.
- Wanda!
- Wanda's working.
What can I get you?
Orange juice, Wyatt with
cheese, and an application.
What do you mean?
You wanna work here?
Are you still hiring?
We're always hiring.
It's my third time working here.
Lord help us.
Fill this out.
I'll get a manager.
- There's only four questions.
- Yeah.
I guess I just expected it
to be longer.
Not at Papa's.
Hey, hey,
what's the man's order?
And call it out on the bird.
Wyatt with cheese.
Copy that. Wyatt with cheese.
Coming on the fly.
You like working here?
(chuckles) It's not "Top Chef,"
but it keeps me
on the grill, baby.
You looking for a job, honey?
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You're the manager.
- Assistant. Jacqui.
- I'm Jim Adams.
Well, Mr. Jim Adams, you
certainly do dress to impress.
You ever work
in a restaurant before?
- I haven't.
- I didn't think so.
What was your last job?
Well, I've always worked
in finance,
but I'm seeking a career change.
Preferably honest work.
Something that gives back, something that,
when I go home at the end of the day,
I can still have
a sense of dignity.
Well, all I need is a server.
Two of them just quit.
Well, one of the got hauled off,
but nobody got time
for all that.
You think you can handle it?
I'd welcome the opportunity.
Is that a yes?
A resounding yes.
Mary, grab Jim
one of those new-hire packets.
Can you start
tomorrow 8:
I can.
Good answer.
Now, manager Matt
will be on duty.
So you make sure
you make me look good,
and you go home and you familiarize
yourself with the Rise and Shine manual.
Of course.
Oh, and, Jim, baby,
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wear jeans.
People who dress like that end
up getting mugged around here.
It doesn't really hurt much.
Oh, okay.
I was wondering about that.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Best of luck.
I'm sure they, uh...
they deal with this sort
of thing all the time.
Yeah, thanks.
Everything all right?
Yeah, yeah, fine.
I thought the ER creeps you out.
Still does.
I had some news
I wanted to share with you.
An opportunity
has presented itself,
and I just...
I couldn't pass it up.
Okay, now, I'm getting excited.
What is it?
Papa's Chicken and Waffle.
What about it?
It's where I'm working.
You're managing
a Papa's Chicken and Waffle?
No, I'm a server.
I start training tomorrow.
Are you joking?
No, I'm actually
kind of excited about it.
Because it's a fresh start.
It's a chance to clear my head
and work with my hands.
I really wish you would
have figured that out
before we forked out
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50 grand on an MBA
and spent seven years traveling
around for your career in that world.
So do I.
Papa's Waffle? Really?
Chicken and Waffle, yeah.
What are you reading?
I'm studying.
For what?
My new job.
That's for waiting tables?
What's in there?
Sure, take a look.
"During off-peak hours,
"servers must
restock condiments,
"mop floors...
"sanitize the bathrooms."
It's refreshingly regimented.
You do realize those are
public bathrooms, right?
Have you seen what the
public does to a bathroom?
This ought to be good.
Here you go.
Have fun.
Thank you.
How long have you been up?
Since yesterday about this time.
All night?
Well, it's just the manager is
counting on me to have this down.
You're ironing your jeans?
People iron their jeans.
No, they don't.
You're nervous.
I wouldn't say I'm nervous.
it's kind of cute.
This is interesting.
"In order to qualify, a franchisee must
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first work a minimum of 1,000 hours
"at a Papa's Chicken
and Waffle."
That is
an inspired business model.
Let's just start by getting
through your first day.
(oldies music playing)
Oh, my darling I have...
What you gonna do?
Excuse me?
What job?
I'll be serving.
What about you?
It's not something
they advertise,
but Papa's Chicken and Waffle
is America's third largest employer
of ex-convicts and felons,
a true testament to Papa's
founder, Jason Hank Kramerson's
unwavering belief in the redemptive
qualities of the human spirit.
Manuel, hey,
great to have you back.
What's it been, six months?
Twelve. Got out early.
Good behavior?
Well, well done.
Luckily, not much
has changed around here,
so we can get you
right back in the kitchen.
- Cool.
- Very cool.
Jim, welcome to Papa's.
I'm excited to be here.
I like that. You should be.
Come with me.
I'm not the kind of guy who likes
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to sit around flapping his jaws.
I like to throw you in the fire,
sink or swim.
The only real way
to learn is to do.
You get a chance
to look at that packet yet?
Fastidiously. I even found
a few grammatical errors.
I'll take that.
You can make
a lot of money here, Jim.
And I'm not just saying that.
It was hard for me when my
construction business went under.
I didn't know what to expect
when I first came on board.
But I'll tell you something. You
work hard, and you produce...
there is opportunity.
I started out just like you.
And now, I'm the store manager.
Thank you.
That's very encouraging.
You're damn right, it is.
I like your energy, Jim.
I'm gonna start you off
on the ordering process.
After that,
on the register with Jacqui.
Then you're gonna
follow Mary for the day.
- Edward, this is Jim, our new server.
- Hey.
Show him how
we get it done around here.
Hey. Hey.
I'm gonna throw a lot
at you, Jimmy.
So you better be ready
to catch it.
It's Jim.
Only my parents call me Jimmy.
Well, consider me
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your waffle daddy.
Now, here comes the first pitch.
When you call in the order,
make sure you have
two feet on the tile.
That's two feet square.
And be certain we hear you.
So, call it like
you have meaning.
I need a Winnie, two Wendys,
and a Brenda Joe.
Eight options on the menu.
Papa had eight kids.
That ain't a coincidence.
Now, the boys
liked their waffles savory.
And call it at the grill,
and we add the chicken,
bacon, and the eggs.
The girls liked them sweet.
Service dress them here.
Somebody want the Mama,
that's one
of our specialty orders.
They get the works.
Ice cream in the deep freeze.
Who's Brenda Joe?
Oh, that's Papa's baby.
Yeah, the only one who got
away with ordering pancakes.
Doesn't start with a W.
Um, maybe they ran out
of names with W.
Whitney is one.
Willy, or Wilfred,
or Wilhelmina.
Hey, we ain't got time
for your semantics.
Hey, Jacqui.
Show Jimmy boy here
the register.
Yeah, just like that.
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Oh. Oh, okay,
I usually do it another way,
but that seems to work better.
Thank you.
Now, you can use the built-in...
(cash register opening)
That's $37, $38, $39,
and 62 cents makes $40
is your change.
Papa's thanks you
for your patronage.
Hope you can come back
and see us again soon.
Thank you.
I have never seen anybody
take to the register like that.
Thank you.
Look, Jim, no offense,
but you don't seem
like the Papa's Waffle type.
You look more like
a school teacher or...
carpet salesman.
Jacqui, don't you think it's a
little soon to malign my character?
What kind of shoes
are those anyway?
Cordovan leather straight tips.
They don't look
guaranteed to be as versatile
as they are timeless.
Price I paid for them, they better
be as friendly as a shoe can get.
All right now.
I'm supposed to shadow you
for the day.
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Win Friends and Influence People,"
Dale Carnegie posits that the fastest
way to make others warm to you
is to encourage them
to talk about themselves.
Aren't you pregnant?
I'm just finishing off
my last carton.
Read any good books lately?
I hate to read.
The only book I've ever read
is "The Caramel Seduction."
What's that about?
It's erotica.
(chuckling) Oh, I... thought it might
have been about Milton Hershey
or some other
confectionery mogul.
There's no one named Milton
in this book.
Of course not.
Milton is a name
best suited for economists,
not Casanovas.
Mary! Hey, we're going down. I need
you and Jim back on the floor ASAP.
What about Cody?
He had a summons.
Come on, girl. Let's go.
Thank you for your business
and come again soon.
Why is it like this?
Afternoon rush.
Happens every day.
I need you to bus table seven and
drop silver and menus at four.
I'm sorry. What?
Take this rag. Clean that table.
Put these on it.
Out of eggs. Out of cheese.
Almost out of bacon.
Hey, hey, Jimmy,
we're sinking fast back here.
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We need a reload double time.
Get to the walk-in. I need
cheese, bacon, eggs, and butter.
Hey, hey, hey, we need syrup,
strawberries, walnuts, and jam too.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Wait. Who covers the register?
Hey, man, look,
forget about the register.
What's that?
It's cheese.
I said, "Eggs, bacon,
butter, and cheese."
It's the first thing I saw.
Hey, seriously, man,
ain't you a college boy?
I mean, how did
you survive your last gig?
I worked with numbers
in the ether,
not toppings in a freezer, okay.
I dealt in abstractions.
Well, how about you
abstract more than one item?
You're not handling
What's the holdup?
Where's the strawberries?
Apparently, Jimmy the genius
can't figure his way
past one bag of cheese.
Let's see...
Hey, hey, Jimmy, come on! I
need you to work with me, baby!
- Jim:
- Work with me!
- Oh!
- (clattering)
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Jimmy, please tell me what wasn't
my last bucket of bacon bits.
Jacqui said
she mentioned the shoes.
She did. Yeah.
It's all right. I've seen worse.
You're right. I haven't.
But the important thing is
you got back up,
and you finished the job.
Now, as stated
in the Rise and Shine,
all employees must complete
a week-long trial period.
But after
what I've seen today...
the ability to abandon all pride
in the line of duty...
well, I know Papa's material
when I see it.
You're part
of the family now, Jim.
I'm honored.
I know you are.
Hey, I hate to do this to you,
but I need you to come in a
couple hours early on Wednesday.
We just got word the owner
is gonna pay us a little visit,
and I need
this place to sparkle.
That hurts so good.
I think my left leg
just went numb.
- You want me to stop?
- Don't you dare.
This is the only chance
I have of walking tomorrow.
All right, well,
besides getting maimed,
how was your first day
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at making waffles?
That would require a promotion.
I am a server trainee.
Okay, how much
did my server trainee make?
Adding up my hourly wage and taking into
account the ruined shirt and slacks...
I think I'm only down
about $170.
You actually lost money
by going into work today?
Startup costs, honey.
Every business venture
is steeped in them.
You might find this interesting.
After seeing Mary's sales today,
and assuming
Jacqui did roughly the same,
I was impressed with the revenue
potential of the restaurant.
I mean, considering Papa's is open
24 hours with three shifts a day,
even if you factor in 70% costs,
it's still a healthy profit
for the owners.
More than both
of our salaries combined.
Well, my old salary anyway.
Yeah, it's interesting.
You don't like it.
You do like it?
I missed something.
Can I buy a vowel?
Rhymes with...
You're pregnant.
You did it.
No, well, you had something
to do with it.
I can't believe this. This is...
This is so exciting.
- Is that all you have?
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- No, this is really exciting.
Come here.
I love you.
I love you.
You know I'm terrified, right?
I do.
(laughing) I know.
In nine months, we're gonna be up to our
ears in burp cloths and dirty diapers.
We're gonna have
to buy a minivan.
We're having a child,
not a soccer team.
Is it normal
that I'm already thinking
about everything
that could go wrong
and everything we don't have?
Yeah, I think it's called
having a child.
You sure we're ready for this?
You mean because at some point,
I won't be able to work,
and you're only making
$2.13 an hour
plus tips?
Yes, that crossed my mind.
Yeah, mine too.
I knew my enthusiasm for the job
wouldn't make up
for the lack of take-home.
With a baby inbound,
I need to make some real money.
$60 a shift wasn't gonna
buy me much time.
- Manuel.
- Hey, what's up, man?
(laughs) It's cool, man.
It's cool.
You the guy who slipped
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on his ass yesterday?
Jim Adams, yes.
Yeah. Larry, assistant manager.
Those the same shoes?
Yes, but I...
You know I can write you up
for that.
I did order a pair of Crewsave
shoes from the catalog,
but they take a while to ship.
Consider this your verbal warning.
You only get one.
I thought Jacqui
was the assistant manager.
(sighs) There's the manager,
two assistant managers,
and the shift manager.
Well, I guess that ups the odds
for promotion, doesn't it?
For some people.
Any idea what
I'm supposed to be doing?
Ask Matthew. He's in the back.
- Matthew?
- He's out back.
I want us to talk about this.
and talk to you about this...
I can't stop!
You can figure this out!
- Nancy...
- Whatever!
Can we please...
You all right?
You need anything?
How about I just grab a bucket
and start on the windows?
Jimmy Flops, back again.
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I can always count on you
to be early.
Anyone serious about his job
would be.
Jim, we're out of visors. I need everybody
looking as hygienic as possible.
Everybody listen up!
Boss man is 10 minutes out.
Last looks. Let's stash
the cleaning supplies,
and let's pretend we haven't been
busing our humps all morning.
Hey, what are you doing
wearing that stupid-looking hat?
Management told me
to keep it sexy.
Just trying to fulfill the
mandate the best way I know how.
Then I say...
you nailed it.
Thank you, Kathy.
Every six weeks, like clockwork.
That's Papa?
Drake, Papa's protege.
Hey, don't let the lack of
polish fool you either.
He's one
of the richest guys in town.
You give that old man a 10 cent,
and he'll squeeze out a dollar.
the original five franchisees.
How's my favorite...
10 Papa's locations,
he also owned a tire shop
and a beauty salon.
Two artificial knees didn't stop him from
inspecting every inch of the building.
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No crevice was overlooked,
no detail too minute.
And just when I thought my
admiration had reached its summit,
he took to the grill.
Cooked his own Webster
with a side of hash browns.
Then sat down in booth seven to enjoy
his lunch with a cup of coffee, black.
Afterward, we were called
into the back
for what I anticipated to be a
hard-nosed yet inspired critique.
Well, I wanna thank you all
for being here with me today.
As many of you know,
I'm not a man to waste words.
It's been suggested
that I slow down...
and I'm gonna take that advice.
Now, this doesn't mean
anything drastic.
It just means that sometime in the
future, I will cease to be your boss.
it than the idea struck me,
so acute and clearly-defined I
might only describe it as destiny.
I just want you to know it's been an
absolute pleasure to be your employer.
So, get out there
and sling some waffles.
Let's do it, guys. Waffle time.
- You've done a great job for me, Matthew.
- Thank you, sir.
Excuse me, Mr. Drake.
- My name is Jim Adams.
- Hi, Jim.
Um, I just was wondering if I could
have a moment to... speak to you.
I want you to look at something
and tell me what you think.
Please tell me you're not
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trying to buy a Ferrari.
It's a franchising fee and down payment
for a Papa's Chicken and Waffle.
More precisely, the location at
which I am currently employed.
Okay. Now, I wish
this was about a car.
I know it's intimidating.
With the state of our mortgage, I
can't imagine how we would do that.
Don't you think
this is a bit impulsive?
I understand it could come
across as ill-considered.
- Good.
- But I met the store owner today,
and it could not
have been more clear.
Don't you have to work
there a year or something?
1,000 hours.
But all corporate cares about
is a gross total,
which means I can tally
as many hours as I can take.
It's a huge risk.
I wanna be a man
that cooks his own breakfast.
Honey, I could teach you that
in an hour.
We don't need
to buy a restaurant.
It's good, clean, hard work,
and it's respectable.
It's endless hours
and a mountain of stress.
My father ran his own business.
I'm not naive to what it takes.
No, I... (sigh) I know that.
This has a lot of potential.
Yes, maybe it does, but...
we can't afford it.
We can take out a loan.
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Is this really what you want?
A Papa's Waffle?
Just come in and see it, okay?
If you're not convinced,
then I won't mention it again.
You ready?
Dazzle me.
(conga music playing)
Wow. Is it always like this?
Oh, thank the almighty
you're here.
- What is this?
- A wedding.
Someone is getting married here?
Happens all the time.
I need your help.
People are passionate
about their Papa's.
Look, we've got a critical toilet
situation I need you to take care of.
What do you mean "critical"?
Child, the commode is clogged like
a watermelon in a garden hose.
I told them that double
ply paper was a bad idea.
The plunger didn't work?
Stolen. That's the situation.
Who steals a plunger?
These people are savages.
Do you want me
to go buy a new one?
Two more flushes,
and it's Niagara Falls in there.
to the restaurant business.
Not a problem. I'll handle it.
Jimmy Jam.
I wouldn't go in there raw.
Oh! Wow!
No. No. No, no, no, no, no.
It's man up time. It's man up time.
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It's man up time.
(exhaling nervously)
It's time to man up, Jim.
It's time to man up.
All right, yeah,
that's significant.
That is significant.
(shuddering in disgust)
Yeah, you can't beat me.
You can't beat me.
You... can't... beat... me.
Sounds like
he's got it under control.
(toilet flushing)
Sir, I believe you were next.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
That was unbelievably foul.
And somehow, almost sexy.
Ooh, look like somebody's gonna
be playing janitor tonight.
Well, if that's what
this place brings out of you,
I think we should buy
three of them.
I just want the one.
Yeah, that was hyperbole, honey.
Well, if you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna go, uh...
bathe myself in bleach.
Good idea.
All right, you got your pen.
You got your pad.
- And you know your menu.
- Yes.
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- You ready to go?
- Bring it.
All right, I don't think
I've ever seen such potential.
Hey, you give them hell,
Jimmy Boy.
This one is for you.
- (rock music playing) -Look,
you just give them a big smile
and let them love you. Come on.
We're rocking now.
I asked for a refill.
Shoot! I'm so sorry.
I'm on it. I'm on it.
Yeah, that's what
you said last time.
I still need syrup.
Okay, it's coming right up.
Where's my straw?
Straw, yes. You got it.
- And my hot sauce.
- Hot sauce.
Table 15 wants their check, man.
Just give me a second,
all right?
Yo, I said Webster.
This is a Wally.
- Okay, let me see what I can do.
- Yeah, get me my Webster.
Hey, scrambled up. Table seven.
Sunny side up. Table five.
Jim, can I help you
with anything?
I need a refill on 12. 13 wants a straw.
Syrup for 14. Check on 15.
Oh, and a... And a Webster
not a Wally on 12.
Jim, you just got sat
on the patio.
We have a patio?
Okay, there was a... There was
a box of them right here.
- Now, they're not here.
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- Jim, baby.
- I need straws.
- Jim! Jim, look at me.
It's okay. You're in
what we call "the weeds."
- I can't find the straws.
- I know. It's okay.
Look, we're gonna
get your section under control,
and then you're gonna take over the
regulars at the high bar, okay?
Give you a chance
to take it easy for a bit.
- Sound like a plan?
- Yeah.
Okay. All right, follow me.
Look at me.
Come on. It's okay.
Excuse me.
I need a refill please.
I got you.
Man, Kathy, you're getting
your $1.25's worth today.
Like you're any better.
Sitting around here waiting
till you get a phone call
to go repo someone's car.
- (whistles)
- And ruin their life.
Yeah, been there,
done that today.
Made her cry and throw up.
That must have been really neat
to see firsthand.
No, you misunderstand.
It didn't happen
both at the same time.
First, she cried,
and then she... (laughing)
She puked all over her car.
You're right. That does
make all the difference.
Of course it does. Yeah.
Well, man, I'm in it
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for the money, but hey,
it's the little perks
that make it so rewarding.
Where's my food?
Well, there's your Sprite.
Your bacon is on its way.
In the meantime,
please enjoy your grits.
This is unacceptable.
I ain't putting my bacon
in cold grits.
I am really sorry. I will bring you
out a fresh bowl with your bacon.
I hope you know I ain't paying
for this Sprite either.
You gotta be faster
if you wanna get paid.
Ma'am, I desperately want
you to enjoy your meal,
but I need to know. Do you want your
food brought out promptly or slowly?
What kind of stupid question
is that?
Well, I was too fast
with your grits,
and then the Sprite
took too long,
and you started bitching at me.
- What did you call me?
- Uh-huh, waffle man.
cost Americans trillions of dollars
with little more
than a slap on the wrist.
Here, a tardy plate of bacon had
turned me into a Jackson Pollock.
Whoa! Take it easy.
He's still new.
Better watch his mouth, 'cause next
time, it's gonna be more than grits.
Hey, Jimmy.
Get over here.
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You do realize
this is a business...
and that we are completely
dependent upon repeat clientele?
Yes, I mishandled the situation.
Sure, you did.
But strangely,
that gives me some hope for you.
But there ain't no point in you
telling someone to go to hell
when they're already
on their way there.
this might take
some starch out of your collar,
but you gotta make it right.
Go on.
Here you go.
On me.
It sure is.
I apologize
for my poor choice of words.
It was wrong
and not befitting of Papa's.
You ain't getting no tip.
Of course not.
Enjoy your meal.
Here you go, Jim.
Keep the change.
me more than I deserved.
He spent his days cleaning up
the messes made by financiers
who made loans to people who had
no business receiving them.
By cleaning up
after the repo man,
I had completed the circle
of economic justice.
Are you smoking pot, Jim?
Maybe you should start.
I want you to take that home.
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Give it a once-through.
"From Ex-Con to Babylon."
It's our etiquette guide to
help felons who are having a...
tough time re-acclimating
into normal society.
Is this really necessary?
There's some good stuff
in there.
Read it a couple
of times myself.
(sighs) Okay.
A clean one on the house.
- (sighs)
- (beeps)
Jimmy D, hey, there's still
a few customers in there.
You sure you don't wanna try and
add an omelet to those grits?
I'm not really
in the mood, Edward.
Aw, come on now, man.
Hold up.
Hey, what do you do
for exercise?
Well, now, surely, you don't consider
driving this car of yours a workout.
I, uh... I hit the gym.
Well, that's all I wanted to hear.
You're coming with me.
Hey, you mind driving?
I'm still working
on getting me a car.
Hey, hey, don't panic, Jimbo.
I promise to get you home
in one piece.
Yeah. (Laughs)
Hey, come on. Hit it.
- Hit...
- Yeah. Yeah.
Aw. Come on, man!
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It's the grits girl.
Give it to her.
- Grits girl? Okay.
- Yeah, go ahead.
Whoa. Whoa.
Whoa. Take it easy.
Take it easy. You all right?
- You sure?
- Yeah.
(Edward grunting)
(exhales) Yeah, baby.
Hey, how's that eye, huh?
Oh, it's fine.
Oh, good. It takes time.
You know, my dad started
me boxing when I was 10.
He taught me to cook, too.
About the only two things
he showed me worth repeating.
I heard you're thinking
about buying the Papa's.
You heard right.
Don't take this
the wrong way, Jimmy,
but beyond working the register,
I wouldn't say you had much
aptitude toward the business.
I'm only 121 hours in here,
I guess I'm trying to figure out why
you're putting yourself through it.
Because it's tough,
and it's honest,
and it's the furthest thing
from what I was doing.
Let me tell you something. I've
been working there almost 10 years.
I've heard a lot of people talk big
about getting their own Papa's.
But never once
has any one of them done it.
Let me have
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another crack at that bag.
(laughs) Go ahead.
- It's a little bit heavier, huh?
- Yeah, yeah, it's heavier.
Keep your head right here.
My main man!
- Dad!
- Hey!
- That's your son?
- Yeah.
He's so little.
You know
they come that way, right?
I guess
I'll find out soon enough.
I didn't know
you were expecting.
Well, we haven't exactly
gone wide with it yet.
I tell you, it's not so easy,
but it's worth it.
Most of the time.
All the time.
(laughs) Yeah, all the time.
"Great achievement is born
of great sacrifice."
- Hmm.
- Napoleon Hill said that.
Hmm. Sounds like a smart dude.
- All right, man, thanks for the ride.
- All right.
Hey, I will see you
on the front line.
Come on, baby. Come on.
life had been one of accumulation.
I had always thought of this car as a symbol
for who I was and who I wanted to be,
and now, that's exactly
why I was going to sell it.
If I truly wanted this restaurant,
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I had to put skin in the game,
a lot of skin.
Maybe even a leg.
- Becky:
- Hey.
Whose car is that?
- Where's your car?
- I sold it.
Is that a black eye?
Edward took me boxing.
Did he hit you?
No, not exactly.
It's hard to explain.
It's called a double-end bag.
Yeah, I know what that is.
It was this freak accident
equipment failure thing.
The bag came back
and, uh... struck me.
So you hit yourself?
The point being I realized that if we
really want to purchase this restaurant,
we're gonna have
to make some sacrifices.
I mean, a full lifestyle change.
Well, as long as it doesn't include
you becoming a professional boxer,
I think we'll be fine.
Becky, I'm talking
about the house.
- The house?
- Yeah.
No, no, no, no. We're not selling
the house. Are you crazy?
- You've been there what? Three weeks?
- Just... hear me out.
I talked to Mr. Drake,
and he helped me realize
it was the only way we're ever
gonna accrue enough equity.
Well, that's good that Mr. Drake is
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on board with selling the house.
Did you ask him
if we should sell my car too?
I love this house.
You love this house.
I know. I do.
But there is no guarantee the restaurant
will be profitable right away.
This mortgage is
already outpacing us.
We can't have it
hanging over our heads.
I thought we were gonna
raise our family in this house.
I know it's a lot to ask,
and if I could make the numbers
come out any other way, I would.
Believe me. I...
I just...
I just need to get out. I need
to go for a drive or something.
Becky. Becky.
I need some time.
and a trip to the chiropractor
before she acknowledged
my existence.
All things considered,
I got off easy.
Can I start you off with some
coffee, orange juice, or hot tea?
You can start by slowing it down.
We just got the menus.
(alarm beeping)
We've got a buyer.
We've got a sale!
Winnie and a Wheeler coming up.
- You doing all right?
- Got it under control.
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(plates breaking)
Need another Wheeler on the fly.
(alarm beeping)
Put your hands on the Bible now.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give
you Billy and Mary Crohns!
Kiss the bride!
(exclaims) I quit!
Jim, how much is the Wanda?
$9.72 with tax.
Could I borrow $5?
How much you got?
Well, $5 would get you there.
All right, when do you wanna
pay me back?
How about next week?
Thank you, Jim.
You have my word.
I know where you eat.
Hey, Jimmy, man.
Did you just lend Kathy money?
$5, yeah.
You can kiss that goodbye.
Said she'd pay me back.
She owes a couple bucks
to everybody in this place.
You know she's
a little whacked out, right?
She's eccentric, sure.
She gets electroshock
every week.
She's been riding that lightning
for the past 18 years.
That explains
the earmuffs in July.
Well, if that's the way you've been
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investing people's money all these years,
maybe you are better off
at Papa's.
Who's Boss Hogg?
A franchisee out of Austin.
Checking out the restaurant.
This restaurant?
You're kidding.
No, I believe he's real serious.
Well, it was a pleasure,
Big Jake.
It's good talking to you too,
- All right.
- Thank you.
Uh, excuse me.
I couldn't help but overhear.
You're thinking
about buying the place.
This'll be my third. I already
got two back in Texas.
Wouldn't mind going national.
I love that bravery.
I hope you have a good tax man.
Compared to Texas,
this state is about as
hospitable as communist Russia.
(laughing) Why, sure,
I got a tax guy.
In a former life,
I was VP at Alpha Managers.
No doubt you're familiar
with our Texas branch.
I think we were number three
in the area.
I'm Jim Adams.
Jacob Masterson.
Call me Big Jake.
All right, well, tax codes can be a
bit tricky around here, Big Jake.
See, once a business hits
a 250K threshold,
municipality and state taxes
can run up to 15%.
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- I didn't know that.
- Yeah, not a lot of people do.
The trick is to aggressively depreciate
fixed assets on your tax return.
But if you don't know
what you're doing,
you can get mired
in a nasty audit very quickly.
- Oh, audits! I had the feds.
- Tell me about it.
But hey, you got a guy inside the
State Attorney General's Office,
I'm sure
you'll probably be fine.
Good, old Uncle Sam, huh?
Once he starts nibbling,
he just can't help himself.
He wants the whole damn thing,
every time.
You know what I'm talking about.
All right, well,
I gotta get back on the floor.
Best of luck with all this.
Hey, appreciate
the insight, Jim.
- Thank you.
- You got it.
He flew out of there as if just being in
the state was gonna trigger an audit.
It worked perfectly.
It's gonna take you another two
months to reach your hours.
Did you call Drake?
Directly afterward.
He said Big Jake happened to be
in the area,
and heard about the restaurants being up
for sale, and decided to have a look.
Well, did he sound sincere?
He assured me that we're
at the top of his list,
and everyone else at this
point is just a looky-loo.
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He said "looky-loo"?
It's not a term I'd use.
Okay, well,
we need to speed this up.
I mean,
we sold our house for this.
Couldn't agree more.
I'm dropping the hammer.
Have you seen Matthew?
- Freezer.
- Thanks.
Is that a 401K?
Mm-hmm. My husband is thinking
about cashing it in.
It's a little early for that,
isn't it?
You'd take a big tax hit.
Yeah, we don't have a choice.
Trying to get our daughter
to college.
You mind if I...
Oh, yeah, please do.
Tell your husband
to max out his contribution.
They'll match him
dollar for dollar.
Wait. They'll do that?
Nobody ever mentioned that.
They never do.
You have to know to ask.
And I would take out
education loans
that don't accrue interest until your
daughter is finished with her schooling,
which should give you four years,
six if she goes for her master's,
to build up
a nice, little nest egg.
- Thanks, Jim.
- Yeah, no problem.
Hey, Matthew, you got a minute?
Yeah, just doing
a little inventory.
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- I can come back.
- No, come on.
Well, I was thinking
about that 1,000 hours,
and how it's taking me a significant
amount of time to complete.
Yeah, how can I help.
I need more hours.
Eye of the tiger. I like it.
How many we talking?
Oh, you think you can handle
16 hours a day in this place?
I used to do it all the
time at my old job.
(Matthew sighs)
All I got is third shift.
Great. I'll take it.
- Third shift?
- Yeah.
Hell itself?
Well, if it gets me to 1,000
hours quicker, I, uh...
I don't care what it is.
I'll do it.
You got balls
the size of cantaloupe, Jim.
I'll give you that.
Third shift takes place
from 9:
and as I quickly learned,
has nothing to do with serving
patrons and earning tips.
It's a battleground,
a nightly reenactment of 250 Texans
defending an old Spanish mission
against the Mexican army
10 times their strength.
The bars let out at 2:00 a.m.,
and by 2:
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we are completely besieged
by the drunk, the loud,
and the clinically insane.
Uh, just...
Do I have great tits...
Sure, she had a tight body,
but the girl is missing
too many teeth.
Oh, no.
I like chicken curry.
You can't handle this.
You can't handle this.
- What up, kid?
- Hang on one second, okay.
- Hey.
- Yeah.
- He just got here.
- Okay, great.
(slurring, mumbling)
He wants to know
if he can order.
I don't know. Can he?
People here are talking
about you, man.
Say you used to work
at a bank or something.
People have their facts wrong.
What did you do?
I used to blow up banks.
No kidding?
I had a cousin
who used to rob banks.
I didn't say I robbed them.
I blew them up.
My buddies and I convinced the
bank officers to give us the money
which we used
to buy bad mortgage bonds.
And that's what it means
to blow up a bank.
That's tough, man.
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Stick it.
Thank you.
Didn't know
you were in the club.
What club?
You, me, and Edward, man,
we all did time.
Yeah, man, 27 years.
For what?
I don't know.
He won't say.
I never did any time.
(chuckling) One bad ass mofo.
Blowing up banks.
Hey, Larry,
drop me two scatter, please.
I can't hear you. Are you standing on
the bird? 'Cause I can't hear you.
Hey, Jimmy Jambalaya.
How's that double treating you?
Nine hours down, eight to go.
Yeah, I'm surprised you made it
through third shift without me.
It wasn't easy, but I managed.
Well, I doubt if it lasts. I don't see you
going too far without my hand-holding.
What do you think about me taking
a little spin on that grill?
My grill?
With your supervision,
of course.
What do you have in mind?
I always wanted
to make an omelet.
An omelet.
Why don't we start you out
with hash browns?
There's only so much damage
you can do with a grated potato.
Come on.
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All right, there. Now...
add your cheese
and whatever else you want.
But your focus
is on the hash brown.
Keep it crispy. Keep it golden.
Total is $489.60.
I'm sorry. That didn't take.
You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm all right.
I just, uh...
Let's just try this one.
(exhales) (winces)
Oh! (Stammers)
Do you need me to call an
ambulance or something?
No. No, no, no.
I'm okay. Thank you.
I think I'm ready for an omelet.
No, not today. Maybe tomorrow.
- Yeah, that looks...
- He says I'm not ready for an omelet.
(tires screeching)
Baby, what are you doing here?
- I already had a lawyer draft them up.
- Babe.
Are you out of your mind?
I'm at work.
Oh, yeah? You wanna be here?
Then you can be here without me.
I'm not living
like this anymore.
- I'm trying to put a roof over our head.
- I can't stand being near you.
I can't stand looking at you.
It's embarrassing.
- Nancy, listen...
- You're pathetic.
- Hey.
- Don't follow me!
- Hey, Nancy.
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- Stay away from me!
Don't follow me!
What did I do wrong?
(arguing continues)
Come on. You can't leave in the
middle of a shift like that.
It's not professional.
He'll be back.
of us ever saw Matthew Linslow.
I can't imagine
anything more depressing
than being dumped
by your wife of six years
in the parking lot
of a Papa's Chicken and Waffle.
Oh, crap!
Well, first off, I wanna say
that the baby is fine.
But what we can see is that the
placenta is partially detached,
which is why you're experiencing
the discomfort and heavy spotting.
So the most important thing now
is to get lots of rest,
which means no work,
no exercise,
and avoid
any stressful situations.
Well, there goes my job.
Hey. I'm working on it.
Jim, I need you
to be there for me.
I need you to answer
when I call.
You're working more than
you ever did at Alpha.
I'm sorry, Beck.
Forget the store.
What about us?
Is this how it's gonna be
when you own the place?
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No, it's not. I promise.
What are you doing
eating at the high bar?
You're never supposed to eat on
the restaurant floor in uniform.
It looks unprofessional
to the customers.
You're absolutely right, Larry,
and the minute I see a customer, I'll
be sure to abide by that policy.
Don't disrespect me.
I'm the manager now.
I will write you up.
Larry Coble had both server
and grill experience,
which made him the only
candidate eligible for the job.
Edward joined Jacqui
as an assistant manager,
and in a surprise twist,
four-time rehire, Mrs. Mary Crohns,
was promoted to shift manager
based entirely
on her accumulated hours.
First off, let's welcome
Mary back to the team.
- (applause)
- Thanks, y'all.
Now, let's get down to business.
As we all know, Matthew was more
interested in making friends
than he was
in running a restaurant.
Well... I don't need
any new friends.
What I need
is written on these sheets.
Let's go through them together,
Jim, why don't you read
the first one for us?
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"Servers will not eat anywhere
other than the break room."
Let's hope that one sinks in.
but I couldn't wait
to buy the place
just so I could see the look on
Larry's face when I fired him.
Just let me know
if you need anything else, okay?
You guys just
have a seat wherever.
I'll be right with you.
All right.
- A coffee here.
- Thank you.
A coffee here.
Working on your MBAs?
Uh, yeah,
we have a big exam tomorrow.
Look at that, profitability ratios.
That's my specialty.
Need any help?
but it's pretty complicated.
Aw, I wouldn't say that.
I used to be
in the business myself.
Good for you.
I worked at Alpha Managers.
- What?
- You worked at Alpha?
Well, not really important.
Let's get you two a healthy meal, huh?
Big test coming up and all.
Can I interest you
in some chocolate chip waffles?
-No, the coffee is fine.
No problem.
What happened?
What happened with what?
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Come on, man.
With Alpha.
Yeah, why are you working here?
I know, right?
It... makes you wonder. I, uh...
I grew up in the suburbs.
I went to a prep school.
I became
a debt trafficking financier.
I would just hate to see
what would happen
if I grew up on the wrong
side of town, you know?
See this?
Best thing that
ever happened to me.
Good luck on those exams.
Worse. It's me at 22.
The same blood flows
through every vein
You're better off than me
But you never have fun
(cell phone ringing)
Live 100 lives
'cause you can't live one
Hey, babe.
Yeah. Yeah, my break is over.
Just got a little power nap.
Yeah, thanks for waking me up.
I'll see you tonight.
I can't cross
that bridge alone
Under cloudy skies
Jimmy Jammy.
Looks like you've been rode
hard and put away wet.
after 350 hours this month,
that's actually better
than I feel.
You're on a red-hot burn
to the finish line.
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Hey, boss man at six o'clock.
- What do you mean you're tired?
- Go to work!
- Give me my jacket.
- Get out of here!
- What are you...
- Get out of here!
That is one extremely hard
woman, I'll tell you.
She do that often?
Yeah. I seen his kids
slap on him too.
Is there some reason
you're not wearing your apron?
Oh. Uh, no.
I should always be in uniform when
I'm on the floor. Sorry about that.
(door opening)
This is your seventh location.
- The parking lot has 55 spaces.
- (speaking foreign language)
Welcome to Papa's. How many?
Oh, we're not eating. Thank you.
- Gross income was $967,000 last year.
- (speaking foreign language)
Hi. Welcome. Welcome.
Hope you're enjoying America.
Excuse me. Who are you?
I'm Larry Coble, the manager.
Okay, great.
Just not so close
to the clients. Thank you.
Right, okay. Sorry.
So, should I show
everyone around or...
I know the floor plan.
Thank you.
This way, please.
- The beverage center...
- (speaking foreign language)
Who is that?
The new owners.
Move out of the way.
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Get back to your tables.
The building has
a maximum capacity of...
Does Drake know about this?
Who do you think
sold it to them, jackass?
It has received
an A health rating...
It's all right, Ellie.
Hello, Jim.
I can't say
I'm surprised to see you.
You can't tell me those new
owners have logged 1,000 hours.
Okay, they can't even
speak English.
And that 1,000 hours
is a prerequisite.
I read it
in the Rise and Shine manual.
I know what it says in the manual.
I helped write the damn thing.
And why do you think
it says that?
Quality control.
Surely, you can't be that naive.
Those criteria are about
eliminating the competition,
not about bolstering the ranks.
If it was that easy, there'd
be a Papa's every three feet.
Do you think
I actually put in 1,000 hours?
I believed everything you said.
You let me sell my house.
And you never intended for me to acquire
the restaurant in the first place.
That is not true.
In you, I saw
an ambitious young man
who wanted to buy
one of my stores,
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and if it would have worked out,
I would have sold it to you.
You mean
if I was the only buyer.
You know, modest as it may seem,
I consider these restaurants
my legacy.
These people own several
successful chains worldwide.
They're buying all 10.
It's an 8-figure deal for me.
I misjudged you.
How's that?
I was under the impression
you were a man of integrity.
My mother and father were both
passionate business people.
They had me late in life.
Pop had his tire store.
Mom had her beauty parlor.
They worked their entire lives in
those stores, long, arduous hours.
And what did it get them?
They both died
broken down and mediocre.
I'm not doing that,
and this deal guarantees it.
You'd still be rich without it.
I'd rather be richer.
Yeah, of course you would.
Don't be a child.
You're a businessman.
It's simple numbers.
It doesn't have
anything to do with numbers.
Miles Drake III was
completely full of shit.
(door opens)
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Hey, babe.
Rough day?
It's all right.
Whatever it is,
we'll figure it out.
Hey, where's Edward?
Airport location. Got promoted.
He's a manager now.
- When did this happen?
- Yesterday.
Jim, I sat you on nine.
Great. Just what I needed.
- Jimmy.
- Dad. Grandpop.
- Have a seat, Jim.
- I'm on the clock.
Sit down.
I'm not gonna say a thing. I'm
just here for the bad coffee.
We talked to Becky.
She said
you lost the restaurant.
We did.
Well, now what's the plan?
I'm gonna finish my 1,000 hours.
They can't take that
away from me.
You've worked really hard here, son.
I'm really proud of you.
We're not gonna let some two-faced
penny pincher steal this from you.
We're gonna loan you
the money for the restaurant.
You can open it wherever you want,
across the street if you want.
Drive this dive into the ground.
There's one condition,
and it is non-negotiable.
You have to take some time.
For you and for your family.
I can't take your money.
You're not taking our money.
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It's a loan.
You bet your ass.
And we're first dollar out
with interest.
Look, it's not that I don't want
it, or I'm not appreciative,
because I do, and I am.
I didn't just get laid off from
Alpha Managers. I got fired.
I got fired because I purposely loaded
a mortgage fund with junk bonds
to boost its interest rate.
It's not illegal,
but it's not right,
and I knew that.
Well, what makes you think
we're so perfect?
You feel bad about it?
You gonna do it again?
(sighs) Never.
- Well, then, get your head out...
- Dad.
I think we'd better get busy. You've
got a whole new life to create.
Time to get started.
- Just one today, sir?
- I'm looking for Edward.
Over here, Jimmy!
Thank you.
What are you doing on the grill?
I was looking forward to seeing you in
a polo, throwing your weight around.
Hey, that lasted about a week.
I couldn't stand it.
I figured I'd let somebody who likes all that
stiff shirts and paperwork have the job.
You know,
the grill man has gotta grill.
I'm about ready to take lunch.
You want anything?
I'm not really hungry.
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Yeah, me neither.
How about getting a Blendie?
Let's get out of here.
- That is good.
- Better than I thought.
I'm opening my own Papa's.
I'll be damned.
I want you to work for me.
I would love for you
to be in management,
but if you're... hell-bent on grilling,
then I'll take what I can get.
You know, you...
you gotta know a man...
that's gonna work
for you, Jimmy.
- I know you.
- Oh, no.
That's not like
I'm talking about.
You know me now.
- You don't have to go into...
- No, no.
I know what I need to say, so
keep quiet and let me tell it.
When I was 17...
me and a couple other boys
got a bad idea...
and we took that bad idea
to a liquor store.
Now, I didn't mean
for anyone to get hurt...
but I was certainly out to acquire
something that wasn't mine.
Just by being there...
I got tried and convicted
as an adult.
And I spent 27 years
in a federal penitentiary.
Now, that's the man
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you're sitting next to.
Now, I...
I've had plenty of time
to think about it, and...
If you really want something...
you gotta work for it.
You know, greed doesn't...
take you anywhere good.
I still want you
to work with me.
Let me ask you something, Jimmy.
Do you love
the restaurant business?
I see a life in it.
No, that's not what I asked you.
Do you love it?
I mean, be honest with yourself.
No, I really don't.
- You know, I love grilling.
- Sure.
I'd grill for free.
That's how much I love it.
What do you love so much
that you would do it for free?
Because I know
it's not slinging hash browns
or unplugging toilets.
I'm gonna tell you.
You still need a grill man...
just let me know.
- Hmm?
- I will.
Look, it's time for me
to roll up out of here.
I think we should toast.
Although, I'm not sure to what.
I can feel that.
How about to...
you getting fired?
All right, I'm curious
to see where this goes.
What are the chances
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that you would have spent any time
at Papa's if it wasn't for that?
- Slim.
- How about none?
I'll see you, Edward.
See you around, Jimmy Mack.
Hey, you didn't call me
Jimmy Dean or Jimmy Jam.
No, you've been the mack
for some time now.
Take care of yourself
and beware.
What can I get you, Kathy?
I need to apologize up front.
My head has been...
a little out of sorts lately.
I've had days like that myself.
It's been worse
the past couple of days.
I've been doing
a lot of sleepwalking.
Millions of people
have that problem.
I found a pair of jeans
in my commode this morning.
Slightly concerning.
I know it's your last day.
Thank you, Kathy. This is...
You didn't think you were gonna
get your money back, did you?
You know, the thought
never crossed my mind.
with a $200-million hustle
had ended
with a genuine $5 return.
And although I decided against
buying my own restaurant,
I found myself overcome with a
profound sense of gratitude.
Thanks to the 1,000 hours
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at Papa's,
I learned more about the
true nature of productivity,
economic organization,
and hard work
than from all my time in business
classes and the bond market combined.
And more importantly,
Papa's gave me a second chance
to get my priorities straight.
It's just here on the right.
So, I know it's not what we had,
but we can fix it up.
I think it has
a lot of potential.
Three bedrooms, two and a half
baths, so there's room to grow.
It's perfect.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
that those who cannot afford
financial services
are usually the ones
who need it most.
at Adams Financial Management,
we decided
to make it a priority.
Beyond rekindling
my fire for finance,
it's allowed me to keep in touch
with people I care about.
Jacqui and her husband, Derek, saved
enough to get their daughter to college.
Mary and Billy got divorced,
then remarried,
then got another divorce,
but are planning to get
remarried again in the spring.
Manuel and his family decided
to start their own restaurant.
I was hired as an advisor, but what
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they really needed was a referee.
Edward still works the grill
over at the airport location.
And two days a week, we work
the bags over at Anthony's.
Get it out, Jimmy.
- Jim:
- Edward:
- Jim:
- Edward:
You're smoking, Jimmy. Smoking.
Your lap
Your lap
Your lap
You were so good
But you've taken a turn
You wanted the knowledge
that you couldn't earn
So carry the weight
of the guilt you own
The secrets, they follow us
from home to home
All these walls
But you found the crack
Like waterfall,
You ain't coming back
Like ice in rocks
You look right on through
Exposed a love
that I never knew
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(blues song playing)
Mama's in the grave
Well, her soul
has gone to heaven
And my daddy's on his way
And that's
a hard road to hoe
You gave me this guitar
And now,
I'm learning how to play
Yeah, I have to start
to sing
I got a long way to go
It's a long, long road
I know
A hard road to hoe
Papa taught me by the belt
And though
I earned every whopping
Yeah, I've had my share
of welts
Still I turned out
better than most
Well, the lord
won't solve your problems
But he might show you
the answer
You're too stubborn
to understand
You just keep on
begging please
Yeah, you keep on begging me
You keep on
begging me please
Mama's in the grave
Well, her soul
has gone to heaven
And my daddy's on his way
And that's
a hard road to hoe
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