6-The patient is admitted to hospital, the teeth removed and the ridges trimmed with
the aid of the templates, and the dentures inserted.
7-This technique gives remarkably successful results, its main drawback being that
the rapid resorption renders the dentures and become ill fitted after a few weeks, and
two times relining are usually necessary within the first three months.
Full teeth charting, teeth my help in retention as a PD or over denture abutments
must be determined, any soft or hard tissue correction as frenal release or bone
reduction must be included after good evaluation.
Radiographic examination is essential for immediate denture patients.
- Periapical radiograph may be useful for localized area;
- OPG view give general view for both jaws in single image.
Teeth mold and shade must be recorded, proper communication with the patient
about his teeth shade and form is essential, furthermore teeth alignment and any
individual variations as diastema, spacing, rotation of the teeth if the patient like to
preserve same appearance or improvement could be suggested by you for better
appearance. BUT it is very important to remove any premature contacts because
these may interfere with correct jaw relation record, essential changes to improve
occlusal plane, midline, overjet and overbite and any other corrections that help in
esthetic and functional requirements.
Occlusal plane adjustment is necessary because the factors that necessitate tooth
extraction are often associated with occlusal discrepancies. These also interfere with
centric relation record as well as with the proper determination of occlusal vertical
relation. Proper location of low and high lip lines must be determined to determine
the required changes in teeth position or angulations
Presence of any infection or inflammation in the soft and hard tissues.
Periapical abscess, granuloma and cysts may make the· estimated tissue changes at
the time of extraction and healing and remodeling process unpredictable, this may
increase of the risk of unfitted immediate denture.
Previous prosthesis, -if present- must be checked as an additive reference for the
jaw relations or teeth selection. It also may help the dentist to explain some of
treatment or correct SOlne errors.
In many cases of immediate denture construction, a diagnostic casts are
essential. These casts could serve a lot in the treatment plan and communication
with the patient. The casts also can be used as a preextraction record .
All immediate denture patients must have good oral prophylaxis, proper scaling
and good oral hygiene, this will reduce post-operative edema and infection. Other
treatments as restoration crown and bridges or even RPD all must be one coincidence
with immediate denture planning.
In the diagnosis step; with all the collected information you have to decide type of
surgical procedure, immediate denture can be constructed with one of the surgical
1-Extraction of teeth only.
2- Extraction of teeth with alveoloplasty. In some case simple corrections may be
needed at the sight of extracted teeth to improve the shape of the alveolar process in
order to facilitate and improve denture objectives. In these cases surgical splint
construction is important. This splint usually constructed on the master cast after
teeth trimming. Cases with excessive bone correction may be end up with rapid bone
resorption and unfitted denture, therefore bone removal must be conservative.
Consultation with the surgeon is essential in some cases.
• Second way:-
Remove one tooth from the cast and immediately wax an artificial tooth into position
so that the adjacent teeth serve as a guide to the positioning of the artificial
replacement. Repeat this procedure alternatively.
-If you decide to duplicate teeth position so you have to an index; either by using
silicon impression material ; heavy body, adapted to the teeth on the cast and then
used to match artificial teeth location OR use the alternative or every other method;
you can use every tooth as an index to arrange same tooth but in the other side OR
trim all the teeth on one side and use the other side as a reference.
8.Evaluation of the trial denture(Try-In)
Confirmation of horizontal and vertical relationships
.Tooth shade
Steps of trimming are:- Removal of the teeth and cast preparation: The denture is
constructed on a working cast which is trimmed to the anticipated contour of the
ridge after surgery.
Step 3 Labial edge recess to incisal third mark Step 4 Mid-point recess to mid-width labial cut
Step 5 Round over lingual aspect of socket Step 6 Round off labial to middle third, sand smooth
The dentures should be worn at night for the first week only, after this period, the
dentures should be week only, after this period, the dentures should be removed at
Proper nourishment is essential to the overall treatment of the patient and must not
be neglected.
• 1 st week after extraction and denture insertion:-
I-Instruct your patient to wear the denture day and night for first 7 days after
extraction or until swelling reduction.
2-Remove the denture 4 or 5 times a day after the first day, and rinse the mouth with
warm salt water. Do this for the first week.
3- The denture must be cleaned and rinsed after meal as early as possible and when
removal and insertion of the denture is with little or tolerable pain .
•Further follow up care:-
1- 2nd week is the next call, this is depend 0 the case. Then the patient should be
seen one month later, 4-6 months intervals.
2-A denture adhesive will be necessary to help hold the denture in place.
3- Relining may be necessary to achieve esthetic and occlusion corrections.
4- Frequent or periodic recall mainly for changing temporary liner, this is depend on
the rate and amount of bone resorption and ability of patient to keep the liner clean
Maintenance of Immediate Complete Dentures
a.Occlusal equilibration
It is delayed for 5 to 10 days in immediate denture treatment until all swellings has
subsided and the patient is comfortable. It is best done on the articulator with clinical
b. Denture reline, rebase or remake.Healing affects the denture fit
.Short term tissue conditioners
–intermediate direct liners
–standard reline protocol
Comparisons of flanged and open faced denture :-
1.appearance of flanged denture does not altered after fitting where the appearance
of open – face denture (although good initially) can deteriorate rapidly as resorption
create a gap between the necks of the teeth and ridge
2. the flanged denture allows freedom in the positioning of teeth ,where, in open face
denture teeth have to be positioned in the sockets of the natural teeth
*so on case of malpositional teeth we can do good alignment in flanged denture
while we can not in open face type.
3. In upper denture:
a flange on an upper denture create a more effective borders seal , therefore , better
retention than is achieved with an open face denture.
In lower denture:
open face denture is not usually constructed because of poor stability of lower
denture during function , so flange denture is commonly used.
*so flange denture is better from the point of stability.
4.The presence of labial flange produces a stronger denture, labial flange will make
the denture stiffer so the midline fatigue fracture cause by repeated flexing across
the midline is reduced .so from the point of strength the flange denture is better .
5. As the bone resorbed fallowing extraction the denture become loose and a reline
is required , so the presence of labial flange make it easier to add either a short –
term soft lining materials or a cold curing relining materials as a chair side
procedure, as the color of some reline materials is not always ideal they may be
visible when used with open face denture.
6. The flange denture cover the clot completely and protect them more effectively,
the flange denture exerts pressure on both lingual and labial gingiva reducing post
extraction hemorrhage.
7. The consequence wearing of ill fitting denture can lead to:
If it is open face ,will produce a scalloped ridge in the region of the socketed teeth
In flange denture ,distribution the functional loads more favorably to the underlying
ridge, thus minimizing bone resorption.
8. When patient have got used to an open face immediate denture there is difficulty
to accept a denture with labial flange in future and patient will complain from the
fullness of the lip .
If flange denture had worn from the beginning this problem does not occur.
9. When the ridge morphology produce deeply undercut area it may not be possible
to fit a full labial flange unless there is surgical reduction, In this case the using of
partially flange denture or open face denture is preferable when surgical procedure
is contra indication.
immediate denture can be classified according to type of restoration into:-
l- Immediate complete denture.
2- Immediate partial denture.
3- Immediate over denture.