KPMG - Investing in Vietnam 2021
KPMG - Investing in Vietnam 2021
KPMG - Investing in Vietnam 2021
the horizon
2021 and beyond
KPMG was established in Vietnam
in 1994, at a time when Vietnam was
reopening its doors to investment.
KPMG is one of largest professional services firms in Vietnam with offices in Hanoi,
Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. KPMG also has an office in Phnom Penh, the capital
of Cambodia. With more than 1,700 professionals, KPMG is proud of its ability to
deliver international standard professional services encompassing:
08 Vietnam economy
14 Taxation
20 Employment
22 Land
24 Intellectual property
Vietnam is located in the tropical monsoon zone
tropical climate with only two major
temperate climate with four distinct seasons: spring
seasons: a rainy season from May (from February to April); a hot and humid summer (from
to October and a dry season from May to July); autumn (from August to October) and a
November to April cold and humid winter (from November to January)
Computers, Machinery, and related
Electronics Instruments products
and parts Computers, Textiles
thereof Electronics and garments
Footwear Instruments
Source: GSO
7.1% 7.0%
6.7% 6.8% 6.7%
6.2% 6.3%
270 332
4.1% 4.0%
2.7% 2.5%
AFTA √ √ √ √ √ √ X
AFTA-China √ √ √ √ √ √ √
India √ √ √ √ √ √ X
Korea √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Japan √ √ √ √ √ √ X
EU √ O O O X X X
Legend O In negotiations
Source: WTO (2019)
Industrial Manufacturing
$3,524 million of total capital, 450 new projects 21%
US$16.75 billion
$2,831 million of total capital, 340 new projects 17%
Textiles & Garments
$2,323 million of total capital, 240 new projects 14%
Building & Construction
$2,201 million of total capital, 325 new projects 13%
Consumer goods
$1,549 million of total capital, 210 new projects 9%
Others 27%
South Korea
17% 14%
Hong Kong
11% 23%
Feature Limited liability company (LLC) Joint stock company (JSC) Part
Required number One (for single member LLC); At least three shareholders; – Unlimited liability partners: At least two
of members/ Two or more members, but not no restriction on maximum general partners (individuals)
shareholders exceeding fifty members (for multi- number of shareholders – Limited liability partners (optional):
member LLC) (organizations or individuals)
Liability of Limited to the extent of the Limited to the extent of the – Unlimited liability partners: Unlimited
members/ registered capital contributions into registered capital contributions – Limited liability partners: Limited to the
shareholders the company into the company extent of the registered capital contributions
into the company
Issuing bonds Allowed Allowed Not allowed
Issuing shares Not allowed Allowed Not allowed
Listing on stock Not allowed Allowed Not allowed
(*)Where the investment projects are subject to the In-principle approval of the National Assembly, Prime Minister or provincial
People’s Committee; and/or subject to evaluation by various competent authorities, the above timeline will be longer
1 st Global M&A
Professionals, 2018
Global M&A Professionals in 2018
1 st Global Sourcing
Association, 2017
Advisory Firm of the Year
1 st International Tax
Review, 2018
Tier 1 Transfer Pricing firm
10.1 Protection of intellectual The protection of IPRs is further commencing from the date of
property reinforced under the CPTPP Agreement submitting application but such
including the following obligations: protection period will not be extended.
10.1.1 Types of intellectual Property
Right to be protected in Vietnam – In addition to civil and administrative (II) Copyright
remedies, the CPTPP insists the
Under the Law on Intellectual Property, application of criminal procedures and Copyright means rights to the works
“Intellectual Property Rights” (“IPRs”) penalties to protect IPRs. created or owned by an organisation or
means the rights of an organisation an individual. “Works” means a creation
– Accordingly, each member country
or individual (either a Vietnamese or of the mind in the literary, artistic or
shall ensure that criminal liability for
foreign organisation/ individual who scientific sector, expressed in any mode
aiding and abetting is available under
satisfies the conditions stipulated by or form.
its law.
the laws) to possess intellectual assets
– Geographical indications may be Copyright will comprise moral rights
comprising copyright and copyright
protected through a trademark or Sui and economic rights. The copyright will
related rights, industrial property rights
generis system or other legal means. enjoy the following terms of protection:
and rights to plant varieties. Intellectual
property that is protected under the – Member nations must establish Copyrights to cinematographic works,
prevailing Vietnamese laws include: policies on monitoring Internet photographic works, applied art works
– Copyright in literary, artistic and service providers to prevent IPRs and anonymous works will have a term
scientific works, and derivative infringement transmitted through of protection of 75 years from the date it
works; copyright-related rights in network was first published. If a cinematographic
performances, audio and visual – Reduction/simplification of work, photographic work or applied art
recordings, broadcasting programs, administrative procedures and work has not been published within 25
satellite signals carrying encrypted conditions for registration of IPRs. years from the date of its formulation,
programs. the term of protection will be 100
10.1.2 Term of protection on a years calculated from the date of its
– Industrial property including number of typical IPRs formulation.
inventions, industrial designs,
layout-designs of semi-conductor (I) Patent Copyright to any works not subject
integrated circuits, business secrets, Patent means a technical solution in to the above mentioned list will be
trademarks, trade names and the form of a product or process which protected during its author’s life plus
geographical indications. is intended to solve a problem by 50 years after their death. In case
– Rights to plant varieties including application of natural laws. The patent the works have been created by joint
reproductive and harvested materials. will be protected for 20 years authors, the term of protection will
Treloar Luke
Managing Director
E: [email protected]
Do Thi Thu Ha
Office Senior Partner
Head of Ha Noi
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© 2021 KPMG Limited, KPMG Tax and Advisory Limited, KPMG Legal Limited, all Vietnamese one member limited liability companies and member firms of the KPMG global organization of
independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate
and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such
information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.
The KPMG name and logo are trademarks used under license by the independent member firms of the KPMG global organization.