english 8 fourth quarter
english 8 fourth quarter
english 8 fourth quarter
______17. Our teacher was feeling blue; _______, she was not in the mood to crack a joke to us.
a. even though b. likewise
c. as a result d. however
______18. If you would like to compare and contrast the content of the reading text, what is the most appropriate graphic organizer to
be used?
A. Concept Map C. Story Map
B. Sequence Chart D. Venn Diagram
______19. Thinking deeper about a text means…?
A. Telling others to read it C. Asking a friend about the text
B. Sticking to your first thought D. Adding more to your first Thought
______20. These are the details/sentences that say something about the topic.
A. topic sentences B. additional sentences
C. long sentences D. supporting sentences
______21. Speech has three main structures. It will make easy for your audience to understand your point when you Split your written
speech into three. The proper order is _________, _________, and _________.
A. Body, Conclusion, and Introduction
B. Introduction, Conclusion and Body
C. Introduction, Body and Conclusion
D. None of these
_______22. What type of source which includes real information, some examples are; diaries and legal documents.
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source D. Tertiary Source
_______23. The purpose of this source is to create historical illustrations, make arguments, and give descriptions. What type of source
is this?
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source D. Tertiary Source
_____24. Why is it important to practice your speech? It is important for me________________.
A. To be happy B. To know if I am doing well
C. To meet the audience expectation D. To get used to speak in front of people
_____25. You had your well written speech and delivered it. How can you say that you have succeeded the task?
A. If I got their attention.
B. I was congratulated by many.
C. I have trusted myself and performed well with all the conventions I learned.
D. Not only that I did my best, but if I will see the contentment from them.
_____26. Why choosing a suitable topic is important? A speaker needs to choose a proper topic so that______________.
A. the audience will love and care for him
B. the audience will learn from him
C. the audience will be happy
D. the audience will be funny
II. Directions: Tell the following phrase/clause whether narrative, explanatory, descriptive, persuasive or factual, and personal
recount. Write your answer in the space provided.
____________27. …I have my own experience, that COVID 19 is an airborne disease.
____________28. …do you agree with me that COVID Virus is airborne?
____________29. … was started in Wuhan China.
____________30. … attack your immune system. Sometimes the infected person is asymptomatic.
____________31. … Corona disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
____________32. These are used to record details and facts of a particular event.
____________33. Paragraph that describe something or somebody, that is conveying the information.
III. Directions: Arrange the steps of making an outline from one (1) to five (5).
________34. Flush out your main points.
________35. Review and adjust.
________ 36. Organize your main idea.
_________37. Think a good topic and establish a purpose.
_________38. Create a list of main ideas.
IV. Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Then, identify it whether Particular or General. Write your answer in the
space provided.
________39. Filipinos are good English speakers; however, most of them forget their own dialects.
________40. Ana wants to be the top insurance agent; in fact, she aims to get a hundred clients in a day.
________41. Liz might have a great night out; meanwhile, her parents called at exactly 10:00pm.
________42. Joe was eager to have a nap after work; finally, he laid his aching back on the couch and closed his tired eyes.
________43. I am equally good as other athletes out there.
V. Directions: The following are steps to synthesize information from different sources. Arrange these in chronological order. Write
1-4 on the blanks provided before the numbers.
____44. Outline your structure.
____ 45. Revise, edit, and proofread.
____ 46. Organize your sources.
____ 47. Write a paragraph with a topic sentence.
Directions: Identify which paragraph is an example of descriptive, narrative, explanatory, persuasive, factual and personal
National Book Development Board also known as the book Publishing
Industry Development Act, was a clear demonstration of the government’s
attention to the important role of books in nation building. The law created
the NBDB which is tasked primarily to formulate and implement a National
Book Policy with a corresponding National Book Development Plan geared
towards the development of the book publishing industry.
Going back to NBDB matters, we shall keep you posted when there
______49. are developments. For now, stay safe everyone.
______50. This is one my favorite literary works. Perhaps you can share what
you like, including poems about reading written in Filipino,
Cebuano, or in other Philippines languages. It may be fun to pick
some of the submissions and post them in this space.
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