Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns Exercises (1)
Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns Exercises (1)
Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns Exercises (1)
I my mine
ai mai main
You your yours
iu iur iurz
She her hers
shi jer jerz
He his his
ji jiz jiz
It its ----
it its
We our ours
wi auâr auârz
You your yours
iu iur iurz
They their theirs
dei deir deirz
- Is that your book on the desk? + No, that’s not ________book. (my / mine)
- Whose book is that? + That book is _______. (her / hers) That is _____book. (her / hers)
- Whose pens are those? + Those pens are ____ (his / his). Those are _____pens. (his / his)
- And whose money is that? + That money is _______. (my / mine) That is ____money! (my /