CrAlON CAE-PVD coatings for oxidation and wear protection of TZM alloys in FAST sintering applications
CrAlON CAE-PVD coatings for oxidation and wear protection of TZM alloys in FAST sintering applications
CrAlON CAE-PVD coatings for oxidation and wear protection of TZM alloys in FAST sintering applications
CrAlON CAE-PVD coatings for oxidation and wear protection of TZM alloys in
FAST sintering applications Author names and affiliations
PII: S0254-0584(18)30054-3
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2018.01.056
Please cite this article as: Eluxka Almandoz, Jonathan Fernández de Ara, Javier Martínez de
Bujanda, José Fernández Palacio, Rafael José Rodríguez, Zhenxue Zhang, Hanshan Dong, Yi
Qin, Gonzalo García Fuentes, CrAlON CAE-PVD coatings for oxidation and wear protection of TZM
alloys in FAST sintering applications Author names and affiliations, Materials Chemistry and
Physics (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2018.01.056
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CrAlON CAE-PVD coatings for oxidation and wear protection of TZM alloys in FAST
sintering applications
Pamplona, Spain.
eSchool of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT,
fDepartment of Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management, Strathclyde
Yi Qin – [email protected]
evaporation are evaluated as protective films in metal and ceramic powder FAST
properties and thermal stability in air at high temperatures between 800 ºC and 1100 ºC;
in addition the tribological performance has been analysed at room temperature and at
400 ºC.
The crystalline structure and composition of the CrAlO based coatings are compatible
with the formation of a mixture of α-corundum and a cubic fcc (Cr,Al)2O3. The
crystalline structure of the multilayer is, on the other hand, dominated by the cubic fcc
The deposited specimens have high hardness, between 25 and 30 GPa, which are stable
even after annealing at 1000 ºC. Even more, the multilayer coating also exhibited good
mechanical stability at 1100 ºC. The multilayer coating also exhibited an excellent
Sintering trials using coated TZM dies have been carried out using Ti90Sn10 and Al2O3
high energy ball milled powders. The experimental results show that the oxide based
coating formulations are potentially able to protect the tools from wear, sticking and
oxidation of their surfaces. This may allow the use of TZM material as an alternative to
Main text
1. Introduction
material for tooling die in electric field sintering techniques (FAST). FAST is a recently
including the production of parts of small sizes and complex geometries [1]. Applying
heat by external electric current, the plasticity induced in the sintered material (also
called electroplasticity) paves the way [2], to enable the forming of difficult-to-process
materials such as titanium alloys and hard ceramics. FAST process is particularly
suitable for mass production of miniature or micro-parts due to its rapid heating nature
Today, graphite is the most used material for FAST tool dies, due to its mechanical
to 1300 ºC for ceramic powder sintering. However, graphite is brittle and difficult to
machine. Given that the FAST tool dies should withstand pressures of up to 150 MPa,
under high temperatures [3], TZM seems an appropriate alternative tool material for this
temperatures above 400 ºC [4]. In this case, when the size of the tools and components
is scaled down to millimetres, soldering due to severe adhesion between the mould and
the working material would occur and therefore, the demoulding may become a major
challenge. For this reason, and as a part of the EU research project FP7-MicroFast-
608720, this work focuses on the investigation of high oxidation protection coatings to
enable the use of this alloy in FAST processes, specifically those deposited by vacuum
High oxidation resistance coatings deposited by PVD or CVD techniques have been
Above these temperature ranges (i.e. 1000 ºC and higher) the coatings decompose under
Cr-Al-O coating systems deposited by PVD have been investigated in the last decade as
a coating material able to approach the mechanical performance -Al2O3 phases [13],
[14]. These coating can form solid solutions of the type -(Cr,Al)2O3 for certain
due to the fact that its precursors, α-Cr2O3 and α-Al2O3, crystallize in the same spatial
group R-3c. On the other hand it has been reported that solid solutions of cubic fcc-
(CrAl)2O3 lattice structure can also be formed and are mechanically valid for
applications on cutting tools. Various scientific papers [16]–[21] have reported the
Al-O-N coating systems. Hirai et al. [22] reported on Cr-Al-O synthesized by pulsed
laser deposition at a substrate temperature of 400 °C, obtaining fcc cubic structures and
a metal non-metal ratio of 1 and an oxygen content of 25 at.%. Pedersen et al [15] and
Khatibi et al [18] studied the system (AlxCr1-x)2+yO3-y for various deposition conditions
in cathodic arc evaporation. The corundum phase was favoured at high Cr content and
at high O2 flows, while the cubic phase was observed mostly for high Al content and
low O2 flow. Diechle et at [23] found that the sputtered coatings developed corundum
structures α-(Al1−x,Crx)2O3 in the form solid solutions. Najafi et al [24] found that the
coatings Cr-Al-O could dynamically evolve from a fcc cubic crystalline structure to a -
(CrAl)2O3 during the deposition process when the coating thickness exceeded 2
based on the pulsed electron emission P3e arc evaporation of Cr/Al cathodes in oxygen
atmospheres. They showed that the produced coatings developed corundum-like lattice
The thermal stability and oxidation resistance of Cr-Al-O coatings have also been
addressed in different studies. Khatibi et al [18] showed that the thermal annealing of
which initiates at 900 ºC and is totally completed at temperatures above 1000 ºC. In the
case of films with an original corundum structure in the as deposited state, the thermal
annealing did not lead to any structural modifications up to 1100 ºC. Similar results
Even if the composition of a coating defines its performance, it only does it partially. Its
structure or architecture design plays also an important role. Multilayered PVD coatings
toughness and thermal stability [27]. In this paper a CrAlO monolayer and a
modification solutions to enable the use of TZM alloy in high temperature, >1000 ºC,
FAST sintering. Most of the existing literature references reports on single coating
structures [18], [23], [24] and their properties. Only one recent, to the best of our
The “in service” performance of these substrate-coating systems was finally tested by
the realization of sintering trials, and the corresponding visual inspection of the sintered
2. Experimental
vertically aligned. The effective coating volume is about 400 mm × 400 mm × 500
mm. For the preparation of the coatings, cathodes of two types were used: cathodes of
Cr (99.8 % purity) for the bonding layer and of CrAl (50 at.% Cr - 50 at.% Al) for the
rest of the coating. All the relevant process parameters are depicted in Table 1.
For the coating deposition, high purity Ar, N2 and/or O2 gases were introduced in the
chamber. A continuous DC bias of -50 V was applied on the substrates during the
deposition process. During all the processes, the substrates were rotated around the
central vertical axis of the reactor chamber at a speed of 5 rpm. A Cr+CrN adhesion
layer was deposited for all the coatings. The deposition temperature of 470 °C for the
monolayer process and 500 ºC for the multilayer process was achieved by a combined
plasma and electrical resistance heating process. Process temperatures have been
hardened samples of this material in the vacuum chamber during all the processes as
Four different substrate materials were used for the study: 40 mm diameter discs of H13
hot work steel (53-54 HRc), with a chemical composition in weight of 0.40 % C, 1.2 %
Si, 0.30 % Mn, 5.5 % Cr, 1.2 % Mo and 0.86% V; 40 mm diameter discs of Inconel 718
with a chemical composition in weight of 51.7 % (Ni+Co), 19.7 % Cr, 4.8 % (Nb+Ta),
alloy with a chemical composition of 0.50 % Ti, 0.08 % Zr, 0.02 % C and Mo
(balance); and Boron doped Si wafers with a thickness of 525 ± 15 µm from Si-Mat.
Discs of H13 steel and of Inconel 718 were mirror polished (Ra < 15 nm) and cleaned in
ultrasonic bath using de-oiling agents and de-ionised water. All the substrates were
Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES) was used to obtain the
chemical composition depth profiles of the films. The GDOES analyses were done in a
0.22897 nm) at an incidence angle of 1º. The coating thickness was measured with the
help of the Calotest (CSM instruments, ball diameter 30 mm). The surface roughness
was measured before and after coating deposition with a WYCO-RST 500 white light
profilometer using the vertical scanning interferometry mode (VSI). For the wear
resistance analysis, CSM HT tribometer under ball-on-disc configuration was used. The
sliding tests were made using alumina counterballs of 6 mm in diameter at normal loads
of 5 N when carried out at room temperature and at 2 N when carried out at high
temperature (200 ºC and 400 ºC). The wear rates were calculated after measuring the
volume losses of the specimens by white light profilometry. A Field Emission Scanning
X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) detector for elemental analysis, was used to inspect the
Triboindenter© 950 fitted with a Berkovich indenter with a tip end radius of around 150
nm. Forty indentations, separated enough between them not to influence each other,
were made on the samples at 5 mN of maximum load. The load function consisted on 5
The Oliver and Pharr method [30] was used to extract the hardness and Young’s
modulus values from the curves. At 5 mN, the maximum penetration of the indenter in
the surface was around 120 nm for a 1.8 µm thick for the monolayer coating, and
around 105 nm for a 2.4 µm thick multilayer coating. Those penetrations are well below
the 10 % of the total thickness of the coating, value widely accepted for the measuring
High temperature annealing tests in ambient air were carried out in a Nabertherm LT
24/11/B180 muffle oven from 800 ºC up to 1100 ºC in steps of 100 ºC. A heating rate of
20 ºC·min-1, a holding time of 2 hours was used for each step sample and natural oven
cooling. Nanoindentation tests and SEM-EDX analyses were carried out after the high
A Gleeble-3800 thermal simulation machine was used for the Micro-FAST sintering
tests of Al2O3 (99.9% purity) and Ti90Sn10 (99.9%) powders with averaged particle
size of 0.18 µm and 10-45 µm respectively were used for the sintering experiments. The
powders were synthesized by high energy ball milling at MBN nanomaterialia S.r.l. The
tooling rig consists of a TZM punch / graphite die couple, as shown in Figure 5. Two
TZM punches, coated with a commercial PVD CrAlSiN and PVD AlCrO/AlCrN
multilayer respectively were prepared for the sintering of a cylindrical sample of Φ4.0
mm × 4.0mm aiming to examine the feasibility of the PVD coating on TZM punch.
The deposition conditions and properties of the CrAlSiN PVD coating are described by
R. Ji [31] and dimensions of the die and punches by Hijji et al. [2]. The pre-determined
amount of powders were poured into the graphite die and then closed by the pre-coated
TZM punch. A heating rate of 50 °C/s and a holding time of 240 s were used to sinter
the powders under a pressure of 75 MPa in vacuum (45 Pa). Two sintering temperatures
of 900 °C and 1100 °C were used for Ti90Sn10 powders and of 1200 °C and 1300 °C
Figure 1 shows the chemical in-depth profiles of both coatings obtained by GD-OES.
80 Al
70 Cr
Atomic %
O Fe
50 O
20 Cr
10 N
0 1 2 3 4
Depth (microns)
70 C
Atomic %
60 Cr
50 O N
40 O
20 Cr
10 N
0 1 2 3 4
Depth (microns)
Both coatings present a Cr/Al atomic ratio close to 1/1, in agreement with the nominal
composition of the cathodes. In the case of the monolayer, the overall chemical
multilayer the alternation of the oxide and the nitride coatings hinders a totally reliable
quantification of the composition for the individual sub-layers. In any case, it can be
seen that the nitrogen composition of the nitride sublayers is smaller than the sum of the
Cr plus Al. On the other hand, the oxide sublayers seem to retain the chemical
both cases. The total thicknesses of the monolayer and the multilayer coatings on H13
were 1.8 microns and 2.4 microns respectively. The difference in thickness is due to a
higher coating growth speed of the nitride sublayers than that of the oxides, as reported
by Khatibi et al [32]. The bilayer period of the multilayer (λ) is of 250 nm on silicon
Figure 2 show the cross-section images of the coatings as deposited on Si substrates (the
silicon substrate appears darker than the coating). The Cr+CrN bonding layer, of around
The monolayer presents a compact structure in which some columnar growth can be
distinguished. On the other hand the multilayer exhibits a dense columnar structure in
the nitride layer (bright), which is barely replicated in the oxide sublayers (dark). The
monolayer coatings in general exhibit a higher number of internal droplets than the
multilayer. This excess of droplets is caused by the poisoning of the Cr/Al in the
presence of oxygen.
* *
(024) (116)
The diffractogram of the monolayer coating shows peaks centered at 51.8º, 55.8º, 65.9º,
79.3º and 88.4º, which are all located in between the theoretical positions of the planes
(104), (110), (113), (024) and (116) respectively, of the phases α-Cr2O3 eskolaite and α-
Al2O3 corundum, (lower and upper limits in 2θ indicated as green dotted lines). This
group of peaks exhibits large widths, indicating the presence of small size crystalline
domains. No double peaks are observed in this set of diffractions, which may indicate
the formation of a lattice structure of the ‘solid solution’ type. At the 2 range where the
plane (113) of eskolaite-corundum diffracts, there are also other possible contributions
giving rise to reflections such as AlCr intermetallics. Therefore, the peak at 65.9º cannot
The peak at 69.1º, marked with an asterisk, can be attributed to a diffraction of a lattice
GDOES. This is compatible with Khatibi et al [18] and more recently by different
authors [24], who observed the presence of cubic fcc lattice structures in arc deposited
coatings of stoichiometry close to (Cr,Al)2O3. This phase has been described as a cubic
fcc lattice with a 33% cation vacancies. The corresponding lattice parameter obtained
using the Bragg equation and the miller indexes (200) is 0.402 nm, close to that found
by Khatibi et al. [33] for the cubic fcc lattice phases (0.404 nm) of stoichiometry
(CrxAl1-x)2O3 with 0.6 < x < 0.7. On the other hand, the peak at 107.3º is compatible
with the reflections of the planes (022) of the same cubic structure. In fact, the estimated
lattice parameter using the miller indexes (022) is also of 0.402 nm.
The diffraction pattern of the CrAlO/CrAlN multilayer exhibits mainly the reflections of
the planes (111), (200) and (022) of the fcc CrAlN at 57.8º, 67.7º and 104.8º, which
appear in Figure 3 marked with a black circle. This is in agreement with the larger
volume fraction of nitride sub-layers with respect to the total film volume, as observed
by SEM cross sections. On the other hand the diffraction pattern of the multilayer
sample also exhibits diffraction peaks at 65.9º, from the (113) planes of the α-
(Cr,Al)2O3 phase and at 107.3º attributed to the (022) planes of the cubic fcc-
(Cr,Al)2O3, in the form of shoulders of the (200) and (022) fcc-CrAlN peaks
respectively. These peaks stem from the oxide sublayers of the multilayer. None of the
other peaks present in the monolayer coating could be observed in the multilayer
Table 2 shows the roughness (Ra: arithmetic average height in the profile and Rq:
geometric average height in the profile) and thickness of the coatings. The roughness
values of the monolayer are higher than these typically obtained for transition metal
[35] where they obtained Ra roughness values in the range of the 30 to 100 nm.
Table 2: Roughness (Ra and Rq) and thickness of the monolayer and multilayer
This is due to the presence of oxygen in the chamber during the deposition. This fact
was also reported by Khatibi et al. [32] and Sjölén et al. [36], who found that the
introduction of O2 in the chamber as a reactive gas results in the extension of arcs over
the target surface compared to the locally dense arcs formed in a pure nitrogen
atmosphere. On the contrary, the roughness values of the multilayer coating are
significantly smaller than these of the monolayer (cf. Table 2), due to the absence of
oxygen gas during the nitride deposition cycles. During these cycles, the oxide layer of
Table 3 shows the indentation hardness and modulus of the coatings, as deposited and
after a thermal annealing in air at 1000 ºC for the monolayer; and 1000 ºC and 1100 ºC
in the case of the multilayer. The multilayer coating exhibits an indentation hardness of
29.8 GPa and a modulus of 219 GPa; whereas these for the monolayer are 25.2 GPa and
193 GPa respectively. Different values of indentation hardness are reported in the
literature for Cr-Al-N, Cr-Al-O and a multilayer CrAlO/CrAlN [28]. Arc evaporated
CrAlN and CrAlSiN hardness as high as 35-40 GPa has been reported by Endrino et al
[37] and Polcar et al [38]. Khatibi et al [18] reported values from 24 to 30 GPa for arc
deposited CrAlO films depending on the Cr/Al ration, and Najafi et al [21] in the range
between 24–27 GPa [15]. Raab et. al [28] found that the indentation hardness of
H3/E’2 has also been calculated for the two coatings, as an indicator of the resistance to
plastic deformation [38]. In this case, the H3/E’2 of the multilayer coating is higher than
Table 3: Hardness, Young Modulus and H3/E’2 values of the CrAlO monolayer coating
and of the CrAlO/CrAlN multialyer coating in the untreated state and after the high
Table 4: Wear rate (in units of m3/Nm) at room temperature, 200 ºC and 400 ºC.
or build-up or build-up
Table 4 shows the wear rates of the coatings measured at RT, 200 ºC and 400 ºC. At RT
the monolayer coating shows a wear rate of 1.85 10-16 m3/Nm, and the multilayer of
3.45 × 10-17 m3/Nm, which is one order of magnitude smaller than that of the
monolayer. At 200 ºC, the wear resistance of the monolayer coating decreases down to
7.39 × 10-15 m3/Nm (cf. Table 4), and is strongly worsened at 400 ºC. The multilayer
coating shows better wear resistance at 200 ºC and 400 ºC than at room temperature.
Instead of revealing a wear track during the wear tests, a slight material growth could be
observed in the tracks. Polcar et al [38] showed values of wear rate for arc deposited
AlCrN, and AlCrSiN films of around 510-16 m3/Nm, well stable between RT and
The morphology of the films after the annealing is shown in Figure 4 in plain view.
As deposited
Figure 4: SEM images of the samples’ surface untreated and after high temperature
annealing tests.
In the range of 800 ºC to 1000 ºC, the samples showed features similar to those in the
untreated state, and no major degradation signs could be observed in this temperature
both coatings. The surface of the monolayer shows a large number of patches indicating
a partial degradation of its integrity. In the case of the multilayered coating, the signs of
EDX semi-quantitative analyses have been done in different zones, and shown in Table
5, to confirm the coating detachment from the observed patches of Fig. 4 after
annealing. In the insert of Table 5, the SEM plain view pictures of the patches for the
monolayer and the multilayer is shown. Zones 1, correspond to the areas where the
coating integrity is preserved, and Zones 2 where the bare substrate is visible. The Ni,
Fe and other element signals, from the substrate, increases in Zones 2 with respect to
these measured on Zones 1, whereas the signal of the coating constituents, such as Cr,
Table 5: Semi-quantitative elemental analysis on the surface of the monolayer and the
N - -
O 63.83 57.75
Al 4.26 1.50
Ti 2.25 1.80
Cr 28.74 11.78
Mn 0.31 0.08
Fe 0.31 3.84
Ni 0.00 9.83
Nb 0.30 13.41
N - -
O 52.59 69.32
Al 5.03 4.21
Ti 1.47 0.43
Cr 37.32 15.51
Mn - -
Fe 1.10 0.94
Ni 2.49 6.62
Nb 0.00 2.96
With regards to the mechanical properties after annealing, the hardness of the annealed
monolayer coating (cf. Table 3) remains at the same value at 1000 ºC as this measured
at RT, whereas the hardness of the multilayer slightly decreases to 27.9 GPa. After the
annealing at 1100 ºC the monolayer coating is not stable anymore and the
multilayer coating shows a high stable hardness value of 21.3 GPa even after an
annealing at 1100 ºC. The mechanical stability of Cr-Al-O coatings has also been
reported by only few authors. For example, Khatibi et al. [18] reported that the
annealing at 1100 °C compared with the untreated in the fcc cubic state. Tien et al [39],
reported on the decrease of CrAlSiN arc deposited coatings from 30.2GPa to 28.3 GPa
after 1 h thermal annealing at 900ºC. At 1100ºC, the degradation of the coating hindered
For the FAST sintering trials, the multilayer coating performance has been qualitatively
noteworthy to highlight that, with the bare TZM punch uncoated, the sintering trials
were unsuccessful because the powders stuck on the tool, making the part ejection not
Figure 5 shows the graphite die and the TZM punch after sintering of a) Ti90Sn10
powders at 1100 ºC and b) Al2O3 powders at 1300 ºC. After sintering Ti90Sn10
powders at temperature of 900 °C and 1100 °C, the TZM punch coated with the
CrAlSiN benchmark coating can be easily withdrawn from the graphite die without
sticking. The TZM punch coated with CrAlO/CrAlN coating can be also slipped out of
the die and the sintered Ti90Sn10 part, with a relative density of 95 %, could be easily
a) b)
Figure 5: PVD coated TZM punches and graphite die assembly after sintering a)
Ti90Sn10 powders at 1100 ºC and b) Al2O3 powders at 1300 ºC. The punch on the left
of both photos is CrAlO/CrAlN coated and the one in the right CrAlSiN coated.
The PVD coated TZM punches / graphite die assemblies were further tested by sintering
Al2O3 powders at 1200 °C and 1300 °C (Figure 5b). After the sintering, the TZM punch
with the CrAlO/CrAlN coating can be easily pulled out of the graphite die without
sticking. The sintered Al2O3 sample has a relative density over 90 % and it could be
ejected out of the graphite die by standard procedures. After four Al2O3 powder
sintering tests, the punches were sectioned to inspect the integrity of the coatings. The
TZM punch coated with CrAlSiN coating can be taken off the die but the punch surface
became rougher indicating that the CrAlSiN coating was degraded at such high
temperatures. As observed in Figure 6a, some Al2O3 and graphite debris remained stuck
on the surface of the CrAlSiN coated TZM punch, which could be confirmed by the
EDX analysis, and the coating was partially damaged after sintering Al2O3 powders at
1300 °C.
substrate substrate
a) b)
Figure 6: Cutaway views of the TZM punches after 4 sinterings a) CrAlSiN coated and
b) CrAlO/CrAlN coated.
On the other hand, the amount of adhered Al2O3 sintered powders on the punch coated
with the multilayer is much smaller, as shown in Figure 6b; in addition the integrity of
the CrAlO/CrAlN multilayer coating on the TZM punch is mostly preserved after 4
sintering cycles.
All the observed results indicate that the multilayering structure of the CrAlO/CrAlN
coating system produces a superior mechanical and tribological performance over the
CrAlO at room and at high temperatures. In fact the benefit of multilayering has been
well reported in the literature [40-43]. The presence of various dissimilar material
interfaces in a coating system can block the propagation of cracks at the interface of the
tougher part [40]. The alternation of two different layer also forces the re-nucleation
during the film growth allowing to obtain more dense and compact growth [42]. The
the substrate [43], thus hindering the oxidation kinetics and the consequent degradation
4. Conclusions
stoichiometry close to (Cr,Al)2O3. The multilayer showed the prevalence of the cubic
structure of the CrAlN and some volume fractions of the cubic and corundum oxide
phases from the oxide sublayers. The structural, mechanical and tribological results
coating exhibited higher mechanical stability after thermal annealing at 1000ºC and
1100ºC than these of the monolayer. The multilayer retained the high hardness up to
1100ºC of annealing, whereas it did not show hints of structural degradation until
1100ºC. In addition, the multilayer has been also shown to enhance wear resistance
In the sintering trials, both CrAlSiN monolayer and CrAlO/CrAlN multilayer coating
have been proved to be adequate to coat punches used for the sintering of Ti90Sn10
allowed powders. On the other hand, the CrAlO/CrAlN multilayer coating qualitatively
showed protection properties to the TZM punch tool during the sintering of Al2O3, with
We acknowledge the financial support of the European Commission through the FP7
Grant Agreement 608720 (Micro-FAST), and the MINECO (Spain) in the frame of the
and Prof. P. Matteazzi from MBN nanomaterialia S.r.l. for the supply of the Ti90Sn10
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Figure captions
CrAlO/CrAlN coating.
Figure 4: SEM images of the samples’ surface untreated and after high temperature
annealing tests.
Figure 5: PVD coated TZM punches and graphite die assembly after sintering a)
Ti90Sn10 powders at 1100 ºC and b) Al2O3 powders at 1300 ºC. The punch on the left
of both photos is the CrAlO/CrAlN coated and the one in the right the CrAlSiN coated.
Figure 6: Cutaway views of the TZM punches after 4 sinterings a) CrAlSiN coated and
b) CrAlO/CrAlN coated.
Table captions
Table 2: Roughness (Ra and Rq) and thickness of the monolayer and multilayer
Table 3: Hardness, Young Modulus and H3/E’2 values of the CrAlO monolayer coating
and of the CrAlO/CrAlN multilayer coating in the untreated state and after the high
Table 4: Wear rate (in m3/Nm) at room temperature, 200 ºC and 400 ºC.
Table 5: EDX results on the surface of Inconel samples coated with the monolayer and
the multilayer coatings affter the high temperature resistance tests at 1100 ºC.