TEACHING PLAN benefits of breastfeeding (1)
TEACHING PLAN benefits of breastfeeding (1)
TEACHING PLAN benefits of breastfeeding (1)
TARGET GROUP: Pregnant women at Antenatal Clinic of Deigo Martin Health Centre
RATIONALE: To inform expecting mother about the benefits of breast feeding for herself and
the baby
Lecture Discussion
Colostrum is the yellowish translucent fluid breast secrete during the first few days of
breastfeeding. It provides all the nutrients and fluid that your new-born needs in the early days,
as well as antibodies to help protect your baby against infections. Its colour and thickness are due
to the fact that it is higher in protective factors, when compared to more mature breast milk,
colostrum is higher in protein (help your baby to grow faster) , slightly lower in sugar, and
significantly lower in fat. While your breasts will not feel full the day that you give birth, you
already have enough colostrum to nourish your baby. Your body will produce colostrum for
several days after delivery until your milk increases in amount and becomes more creamy or
white in colour (a time that mothers frequently refer to as the milk “coming in.”)
o Breastmilk is free
o Baby seldom gets sick (Less doctor visits)
o Your breast makes milk 24/7 which limits breast cells ability to misbehave
o Most women have fewer menstrual cycles when they’re breastfeeding resulting in lower
estrogen levels.
o Many women tend to eat more nutritious foods and follow healthier lifestyles while
breastfeeding. Example: limit smoking and alcohol use.
o Research have shown that women who breastfeed lose their weight faster than those who
do not
o Uterus contracts to pre-pregnancy size faster (it releases the hormone oxytocin which
help your uterus return to pre-pregnancy size)
o Breastfed infants receive passive immunity against diseases through colostrum which is
rich antibodies .For example: It reduced ear infections, asthma, respiratory and
gastrointestinal disease.
o Mother’s milk is uniquely designed to constantly change to meet the complete nutritional
need of each growing infant.
o There are special factors in mother’s milk that help in the development of baby’s brain
o A child who receives security at the breast grows up with self- confidence and trust.
Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition and protection from illness for your baby. As baby
grows breastmilk actually changes to keep up with baby’s nutritional needs. It provides the baby
with the right balance of nutrients to help your infant grow into a strong and healthy toddler.
Breastmilk is the best complete meal for a baby 6months and younger.
1. Did this information help answer some concerns and provided a better understanding of breast