MLMUN Brochure (1)

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Sector - 87, Tigaon Road, Greater Faridabad, Haryana

12th & 13th October’23

~ Honneur en Verite ~
“We must dare, dare again, and
keep daring.”
Working their way through the trajectory of triumph, the team
of Modern Leaders’ Model United Nations 2023 is pleased to
extend a warm invitation to your esteemed institution to the
maiden edition of Modern Delhi International School’s very
own Model United Nations conference taking place on 12th
and 13th of October’23.
The secretariat truly believes that our young delegates today
will surely be the leaders of tomorrow and with this belief we
wish to provide all of our new as well as experienced delegates
with a platform to have vigorous debates, to deliberate,
analyze and think of the best possible solutions to tackle the
problems that people face around the world
every day.

“Discretion is the perfection of reason, and a guide to us in all the

duties of life.”
Dear delegates,

We at Modern Delhi International School take pride in creating a culture of promoting and nurturing
world vision and skills to prepare the leaders of tomorrow. I am delighted to extend my warmest greetings
to all of you to MLMUN 23, the inaugural session of Modern Leaders‘ Model United Nations at Modern
Delhi International School.
In the face of complex changes ranging from climatic catastrophes, political upheavals to rampant social
inequality, the ideals of Model UN and our prestigious institution not only navigate the same paths but
also uphold similar ideologies. It is with great dedication that we at MDIS understand these challenges
and craft innovative solutions that kindle our hope for a better tomorrow.
With this novel idea in mind it is my immense pleasure and great pride to declare the first edition of the
MLMUN scheduled for 12th and 13th October. With regards to the motto, ‘Honneur en Verite‘, this MUN
experience is a unique opportunity for young minds to engage in diplomacy, critical thinking and global
problem solving. It serves as a platform for you, the future leaders of our world, to deliberate, negotiate
and forge solutions to the pressing issues of our times.. This MUN experience is a unique opportunity for
young minds to engage in diplomacy, critical thinking and global problem solving. It serves as a platform
for you, the future leaders of our world, to deliberate, negotiate and forge solutions to the pressing issues
of our times.
I encourage all of you to approach this conference with an open mind, a spirit of collaboration and a
dedication to make a positive impact. The obstacles we face today require the kind of forward thinking
and teamwork that MUNs foster. MLMUN this is not only an opportunity to deliberate, but the opening
of myriad doors for understanding different voices, accepting divergent perspectives and coming to a
common ground with honour and respect.
I earnestly hope that this event serves as an opportunity for all of you to connect with each other. I look
forward to witnessing thoughtful debates, resolutions, and camaraderie that will emerge during these
days. Our supportive team awaits with anticipation to take you on an extraordinary journey. Together, let
us embark on a path towards a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Good wishes!I look forward to
witnessing thoughtful debates, resolutions, and camaraderie that will emerge during these days. Our
supportive team awaits with anticipation to take you on an extraordinary journey. Together, let us embark
on a path towards a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Good wishes!I look forward to witnessing
thoughtful debates, resolutions, and camaraderie that will emerge during these days. Our supportive team
awaits with anticipation to take you on an extraordinary journey. Together, let us embark on a path
towards a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Good wishes!I look forward to witnessing thoughtful
debates, resolutions, and camaraderie that will emerge during these days. Our supportive team awaits with
anticipation to take you on an extraordinary journey. Together, let us embark on a path towards a more
peaceful, just and sustainable world. Explore new perspectives and deepen your understanding of the
issues that affect us all. Good wishes!
Dr. US Verma

“The point of diplomacy is not to curtail the State’s power of waging

War; it is the license of the State to get what it wants without wholesale
Greetings delegates and faculty members,
As Secretary General for Modern Leaders’ Model United Nations Conference 2023, I find it my
privilege to invite you, the leaders of tomorrow, to this bastion of learning, discourse and debate: One
that has been built on a foundation of enthusiasm, professionalism and great daring. As a
representative of the entire Organizing Committee, I can testify that MLMUN 2023 will stand as a
pillar of excellence, staying true to the aspirations of its stakeholders and that the Secretariat will
serve to the best of its ability. Our breath-taking campus will serve as a befitting citadel for the
delegates to profoundly express their views and move towards sustainable solutions for some of the
world’s most pressing issues. Spanning across problems like the Fall of Afghanistan to the Berlin Wall,
the conference is composed of six stimulating committees with breath-taking agendas which will not
only test a delegate but will also ensure holistic development and learning. Having been given an
opportunity to affect this conference, the in Afghanistan to the of the Berlin Wall, the conference is
composed of six stimulating committees with breath-taking agendas which will not only test the
prowess of a delegate but will also ensure holistic development and learning. Having been given an
opportunity to affect this conference, the hardworking Secretariat and I bear witness to the fact that
this conference will not just be about articulation: It will be an environment that will constitute
differing opinions from differing backgrounds with their respective research and analysis vis-à-vis their
positions as representatives.

With regard to our objectives and our motto, “Honneur en Vérité” (Honour in Truth), we look forward
to constructive, logical arguments which would propel our aim of mentoring delegates in leadership,
responsibility and negotiation. This would also allow our institution to further its educational mission
of creating globally-aware citizens who would take the cause of Humanity to new heights. Humanity,
being a superstructure based upon the foundation of virtue brought about by accountability, is what is
expected out of every delegate present in this congress of diplomacy.
With that being said, I await your participation this 12th and 13th of October.

Yours sincerely
Aditya P.S. Phogat,
Secretary General

Agenda: Discussion upon the Gaza

Strip Dispute

Geopolitical, social, and humanitarian complexity

are converging on many fronts as a result of the
long-running and complicated unrest in the Gaza
Strip. Its prominent position on the United Nations
General Assembly agenda reflects the body's
status as a dynamic diplomatic forum where the
international community works to find a solution
while simultaneously addressing issues that press
down the citizenry. The UNGA is a platform where
the world community works to find a clear route
and planning the best course of action, combatting
situations in downtrodden countries

Agenda: Deliberation upon the Taliban

insurrection in Afghanistan, 2021

The power struggle of Afghanistan, a complex

tapestry of tribal aspirations, divided loyalty,
regional power dynamics, and superpower
intervention, remains a remarkable theme.
The dissolution of the Afghan government
shook nations, the tremors of which reached
the halls of the United Nations as well. With an
aspect of crisis and critical thinking, the
committee will move to deliberate upon
recognition, aid and the scope of intervention.

Agenda: Deliberation upon potential

human rights violations with specific
reference to technological development

The escalating realm of technological

advancement has engendered a milieu wherein
the intricate interplay between burgeoning
innovation and the pervasive specter of human
rights transgressions necessitates profound
contemplation, a discourse in which the United
Nations Human Rights Council finds itself
intricately enmeshed, diligently seeking a
calibrated equilibrium between technological
progress and the imperative preservation of
individual rights and dignities.

Agenda: The Cabinet of

Nikita Khrushchev, 1961

Revisiting history to immerse oneself in the

deliberations of the Soviet Politburo's Central
Committee regarding "The Cabinet of Nikita
Khrushchev" in 1961 unveils a captivating
interplay. Here, intricate ideological currents meld
seamlessly with pragmatic considerations, serving
as architects of leadership dynamics during a
pivotal juncture within the transformative tapestry
of Soviet politics.

Agenda: Deliberation upon legal initiatives

like the Digital Personal Data Protection
Bill, 2023 and its potential threats to
freedom of speech and expression.

At the convening of the All India Political Parties

Meet (AIPPM), prominent segments of the political
spectrum engage in an intellectual assembly,
analyzing the inherent implications of the Digital
Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023. A central point
of discussion revolves around the delicate balance
sought between this legislative initiative and the
revered pillars of constitutional freedoms, notably
the unbridled realm of speech and expression.

Awaiting esteemed Journalists, Photographers and


The role of International Press is to simulate the

activities of real-world journalists and media
organizations within the context of the simulated
UN environment. The international press plays a
crucial role in enhancing the overall MUN
experience by providing a unique perspective and
adding an additional layer of realism to the
Kindly find all the details
regarding conference attached in
the cover letter and brochure for
your perusal. We hope to receive
your delegation with warm
hospitality and invigorating

Fee Structure

Shireen Mendiratta -
+91 7982420463
(USG Delegate Affairs)

Vimudha Aggarwal -
+91 8130179950
(USG Delegate Affairs)

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