CEI implements water and sanitation programmes directly in partnership with the local
community at the grassroot. It is a condition for CEI to implement any water and
sanitation programme, the needy community must participate in the project through
material contribution, manual labour and joint planning and for CEI we participate by
providing resource personel such as sanitation promoters, social workers, technicians,
masons and community development workers, these resources personel help in
construction of shallow well, training community on good practice of hygiene and
sanitation at household level.
In western Uganda where CEI operates, there is a general problem of lack of safe water
and proper sanitation. Most of the water sources needs to be protected and community
trained on good practice of proper hygiene and CEI is addressing the problem with the
small resources it has in terms of funds.
CEI has a problem of funds, the funds we have are not sufficient to address the problems.
In water supply and sanitation services, CEI is looking for development partners also to
participate in addressing the problems through funding of CEI projects, development
partners could intervene through CEI website at
Before implementation of any programme for water and sanitation in the area of
operation, CEI co-ordinates with the local government to get the general data of the
District, it goes a head to carry out the base line survey at the grassroot, an example
where CEI has implemented the project is Bugaki Sub-County funded by Fort Portal
Catholic Diocese.
The baseline was carried out in that area called Bugaki Sub-County and it was found out
that sanitation and hygiene was very poor in all the villages of that area about 60% of the
population had no pit latrine and 98% had no hand washing facilities and water was not
safe. The common hygiene behavior were sharing with animals (pigs and goats) in
utensils, washing clothes at water sources, defecating around the compound and the bush,
drinking un boiled which was collected from un protected water sources, urinating near
water sources, and low income in families which contributed to the problem of poverty
among the community and this was generated from lack of awareness about health living
conditions. Generally the standard of living was very poor.
Stakeholders participation
This stakeholders in the project participated fully through:-
• Community: - Local material contribution (stones, sand, aggregates, clay and
bricks) in construction of shallow wells, springs, rainwater tanks and water jars, in
this process the community would bring local materials to CEI technical staff.
• Community Empowerment Initiative (CEI):- As an implementing organization,
CEI brought in materials like: hand pumps, technical staff to provide skilled
labour to community, cement, transport of materials, facilitators of the trainings.
i.e. social workers/hygiene educators and mobilization.
• The government officers (extension staff): - These were also involved in
mobilization of community training and these represented the government of
The general community would be trained on O and M, the same applies to formed
committees like village health committees (VHC’S), water source committees
(WATSAN) since the community was involved from the beginning of the project up
to the end there is sustainability of the project.