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Social Paper 3

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CBSE Class X Social Science Set 3 (32/3/3)

Time Allowed :3 Hours Maximum Marks :80 Total Questions :11

General Instructions
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:

1. This question paper comprises 37 questions. All questions are compulsory.

2. This question paper is divided into FIVE sections viz. Section A, B, C, D and E.

3. In Section A question number 1 to 20 are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

carrying 1 mark each.

4. In Section B question number 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer (VSA) type

questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 40

5. In Section C question number 25 to 29 are Short Answer (SA) type questions

carrying 3 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 60 words.

6. In Section D question number 30 to 33 are Long Answer (LA) type questions

carrying 5 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 120 words.

7. In Section E question number 34 to 36 are of 3 source-based/case-based units of

assessment carrying 4 marks each with sub-parts.

8. In Section F - question number 37 is Map skill based question with two parts -
37(i) History (2 marks) and 37(ii) Geography (3 marks). This question carries
total 5 marks.

Section - A
(Multiple Choice Questions)

Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the
questions 1-20. There is no negative mark for the incorrect response.

1. Match Column-I with Column-II and choose the correct option from the following:

Column-I (Subject List) Column-II (Subject)

I. Union List b. Banking
II. State List c. Police
III. Concurrent List a. Trade Union
IV. Residuary List d. Internet

(A) d, a, c, b
(B) b, c, a, d
(C) a, b, d, c
(D) c, d, b, a
Correct Answer: (B) b, c, a, d
Explanation: - Union List includes subjects like banking, defense, and foreign affairs
managed solely by the Central Government. - State List includes subjects like police and
public order managed by state governments. - Concurrent List includes subjects like trade
unions and education, where both state and central governments can legislate. - Residuary
List covers emerging topics like the Internet, which are not mentioned in the other lists.

Quick Tip
Tip: Memorize key examples of Union, State, Concurrent, and Residuary Lists to dif-
ferentiate their governance scope.

2. Read the following information and identify the crop:

Information: - It is the staple food crop of the majority of people in India. - India is the
second-largest producer of this crop. - It is a Kharif crop. - It requires high humidity with
100 cm of annual rainfall.
(A) Ragi
(B) Bajra
(C) Wheat
(D) Rice
Correct Answer: (D) Rice
Explanation: Rice is the staple food crop for the majority of Indians and is predominantly
grown as a Kharif crop. India is the second-largest producer of rice globally, and its
cultivation requires high humidity and significant annual rainfall of approximately 100 cm.

Quick Tip
Tip: Differentiate crops based on their growing seasons (Kharif or Rabi), climatic re-
quirements, and global ranking in production.

3. Which one of the following is the irrigation system in Meghalaya?

(A) To irrigate land only during the rainy season.
(B) To use large volumes of water for irrigation.
(C) To remove water from soil.
(D) To use bamboo drip irrigation system.
Correct Answer: (D) To use bamboo drip irrigation system.
Explanation: The bamboo drip irrigation system is an ingenious traditional method used in
Meghalaya. It uses bamboo pipes to carry water from natural springs to fields, making it a
sustainable practice.

Quick Tip
Tip: Bamboo drip irrigation is a unique and eco-friendly technique specific to Megha-
laya and is often highlighted in exams.

4. Arrange the following events of the Indian National Movement in chronological
order and choose the correct option:
I. Formation of Swaraj Party
II. Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress
III. Gandhi-Irwin Pact
IV. Formation of Depressed Class Association
(A) II, III, I and IV
(B) I, II, IV and III
(C) I, III, II and IV
(D) IV, III, II and I
Correct Answer: (B) I, II, IV and III
Explanation: The correct chronological order is: 1. Formation of Swaraj Party (1923)
2. Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress (1929)
3. Formation of Depressed Class Association (1930)
4. Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931).

Quick Tip
Tip: Memorize significant events of the Indian National Movement with their respective
years for accurate chronological arrangement.

5. ‘Buddhism emerged from eastern India and spread in several directions.’ Read the
following reasons for its spread and choose the correct option.
I. Due to Cultural Exchange
II. Due to Silk Route
III. Due to Trade Travellers
IV. Due to European Efforts
(A) Only I, II and IV are correct.
(B) Only II, III and IV are correct.

(C) Only I, II and III are correct.
(D) Only I, III and IV are correct.
Correct Answer: (C) Only I, II and III are correct.
Solution: Buddhism spread across various regions through cultural exchanges, trade routes
like the Silk Route, and the movement of traders and travelers. European efforts are not
relevant to the spread of Buddhism during its early phases.

Quick Tip
Tip: Trade routes and cultural exchanges were crucial in spreading Buddhism. Exclude
irrelevant options like European efforts for early periods.

6. Which of the following is a key indicator used to measure a country’s development?

(A) Primary Production
(B) Secondary Production
(C) Gross Domestic Product
(D) Net Domestic Product
Correct Answer: (C) Gross Domestic Product
Solution: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a key economic indicator that measures the
total value of goods and services produced within a country in a specific period. It is widely
used to assess the economic health and development of a country.

Quick Tip
Tip: Focus on economic indicators like GDP, per capita income, and Human Develop-
ment Index (HDI) to understand development measurements.

7. Identify the primary objective of power-sharing arrangements in Belgium from the

following options:
(A) Establishing a unitary form of government.
(B) Centralized political control of government.
(C) Establishing cultural and educational matters of Dutch.

(D) Accommodating linguistic and regional interest.
Correct Answer: (D) Accommodating linguistic and regional interest.
Solution: Belgium adopted a power-sharing model to resolve conflicts between the
Dutch-speaking and French-speaking communities. It ensured fair representation in
governance and decision-making, addressing linguistic and regional interests to maintain
harmony and political stability.

Quick Tip
Tip: Focus on how power-sharing arrangements address cultural, linguistic, and re-
gional diversity to avoid conflicts in multi-ethnic societies.

8. Two statements are given below. They are Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read both
statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): On Prussian initiative ‘Zolleverin’ Custom Union was formed.
Reason (R): It was to create unified economic territory allowing the unhindered movement
of goods, people, and capital.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is wrong.
(D) (A) is wrong, but (R) is true.
Correct Answer: (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Solution: The Zolleverin Custom Union was formed under Prussian leadership in 1834 to
create a unified economic territory. It aimed to facilitate free trade by removing internal
tariffs and customs barriers, thereby promoting economic integration across
German-speaking regions.

Quick Tip
Tip: Always evaluate if the Reason provides direct support for the Assertion to deter-
mine if it is the correct explanation.

9. Match Column-I with Column-II and choose the correct option.

Column-I (Minerals) Column-II (Examples)

I. Ferrous Cobalt
II. Non-Ferrous Bauxite
III. Non-Metallic Granite
IV. Energy Coal

(A) I-b, II-d, III-c, IV-a

(B) I-d, II-c, III-b, IV-a
(C) I-a, II-b, III-b, IV-c
(D) I-c, II-d, III-d, IV-a
Correct Answer: (B) I-d, II-c, III-b, IV-a
Solution: - Ferrous minerals, such as cobalt, contain iron. - Non-ferrous minerals, like
bauxite, do not contain iron but are important for industrial purposes. - Non-metallic
minerals, such as granite, are used in construction. - Energy minerals, such as coal, are
essential for power generation.

Quick Tip
Tip: Classify minerals into ferrous, non-ferrous, non-metallic, and energy categories
with examples to enhance clarity and retention.

10. Who among the following published ‘Samvad Kaumudi’?

(A) Rashsundari Debi
(B) Tarabai Shinde
(C) Raja Rammohan Roy
(D) Ram Chaddha
Correct Answer: (C) Raja Rammohan Roy
Solution: Raja Rammohan Roy published Samvad Kaumudi in 1821 to promote social
reforms such as the abolition of Sati and advocate for women’s rights. It was a significant

medium for voicing progressive ideas during his time.

Quick Tip
Remember key reformers and their contributions to Indian society during the 19th cen-
tury as these are commonly asked in exams.

11. Which one of the following banks in India controls the issuance of currency and
regulates the credit system in the country?
(A) Punjab National Bank
(B) Indian Bank
(C) Reserve Bank of India
(D) State Bank of India
Correct Answer: (C) Reserve Bank of India
Explanation: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India’s central bank. It is responsible for
issuing currency, controlling monetary policy, and regulating the credit system in the
country. Commercial banks like Punjab National Bank and State Bank of India operate under
the regulations set by the RBI.

Quick Tip
Tip: Remember, the Reserve Bank of India is the apex bank and plays a pivotal role in
maintaining financial stability in the country.

12. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sectors are divided on which one of the following
(A) Nature of employment
(B) Nature of activities
(C) Nature of ownership
(D) Nature of income
Correct Answer: (B) Nature of activities

Explanation: The division of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary sectors is based on the nature
of economic activities.
- Primary Sector: Involves activities that directly use natural resources (e.g., farming,
- Secondary Sector: Involves manufacturing and industrial activities.
- Tertiary Sector: Involves services such as education, healthcare, and banking.

Quick Tip
Tip: To identify economic sectors, always focus on the type of activity performed –
natural resources, manufacturing, or services.

13. Read the image of the cheque and identify the cheque number from the given

(A) 362255
(B) 110002078
(C) 000313
(D) 16137926023
Correct Answer: (A) 362255
Explanation: The cheque number is typically located in the top right corner or the bottom
left corner of the cheque, printed as a unique six-digit code. In this case, the number
”362255” corresponds to the cheque number, as per the image.

Quick Tip
Tip: When identifying cheque numbers, always look for the distinct six-digit code
printed on the cheque, usually separate from account and routing numbers.

14. Study the table given below carefully and answer the question that follows:

Country Gross National Income (GNI) per capita (2011 PPP $) HDI Rank (2018)
A 12,707 73
B 6,681 130
C 4,961 148
D 5,005 154
E 3,457 143
F 4,976 134

Which of the following country has the highest Human Development Index Rank in the
(A) Country ‘A’
(B) Country ‘C’
(C) Country ‘D’
(D) Country ‘E’
Correct Answer: (A) Country ‘A’
Explanation: The Human Development Index (HDI) ranks countries based on indicators
like health, education, and income. According to the table, Country ’A’ has the highest HDI
rank (73), making it the country with the best development indicators among the listed

Quick Tip
Tip: For HDI ranking questions, focus on the numerical ranks provided—lower ranks
indicate higher development levels.

15. Which one of the following definitions is most suitable for the ‘Literacy Rate’?
(A) The literate population at the global level
(B) The proportion of literate population in the seven years and above
(C) The total number of children attending school in a region
(D) The average number of schools in a region

Correct Answer: (B) The proportion of literate population in the seven years and above
Explanation: The literacy rate is defined as the percentage of people aged seven years and
above who can read and write with understanding. This metric is used to evaluate the
educational development of a population.

Quick Tip
Tip: Literacy rate always refers to a specific age group, often seven years and above, for
consistent statistical analysis.

16. Which one of the following is a significant aspect of globalisation?

(A) Uniform Culture
(B) Environmental Support
(C) Support to Domestic Market
(D) Access to New Markets
Correct Answer: (D) Access to New Markets
Explanation: Globalisation connects economies worldwide, allowing countries to access
new markets for trade and investment. This significantly impacts economic growth and
enhances opportunities for businesses.

Quick Tip
Tip: Think of globalisation as a process that breaks down barriers to trade, investment,
and cultural exchange.

17. Which of the following is responsible for resolving disputes between Centre and
(A) Finance Commission of India
(B) Supreme Court of India
(C) President of India
(D) Prime Minister of India

Correct Answer: (B) Supreme Court of India
Explanation: The Supreme Court of India serves as the apex judicial authority and has the
jurisdiction to resolve disputes between the Centre and States under Article 131 of the
Constitution of India.

Quick Tip
Tip: Remember, the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in disputes between the
Centre and States.

18. Read the following statements regarding democracy and choose the correct option:
I. Promotes equality among citizens
II. Government by few individuals
III. Protection of human rights
IV. Ensures checks and balance system
(A) I, II and III
(B) II, III and IV
(C) I, III and IV
(D) I, II and IV
Correct Answer: (C) I, III and IV
Explanation: Democracy promotes equality among citizens, protects human rights, and
ensures a system of checks and balances. However, democracy is characterized by
government by the people, not by a few individuals, which makes Statement II incorrect.

Quick Tip
Tip: Eliminate incorrect options by checking if the statements align with the core prin-
ciples of democracy, such as equality and accountability.

19. How do Political Parties ensure accountability to the public? Choose the most
suitable option from the following:
(A) Through Press Conferences

(B) Through Social Media Campaigns
(C) Through encouraging Partisanship
(D) Through Elections and Voter Support
Correct Answer: (D) Through Elections and Voter Support
Explanation: Political parties are accountable to the public through elections, where citizens
vote based on the party’s performance and policies. This process ensures that parties act in
the public’s interest and remain answerable to the electorate.

Quick Tip
Tip: Accountability in democracy is primarily ensured through free and fair elections,
making voters a critical part of the process.

20. Which one of the following statements best describes women empowerment?
(A) Encouraging men to take leadership roles.
(B) Promoting superiority of women over men.
(C) Ensuring equal opportunities and rights for women.
(D) Limiting the rights of men in all spheres.
Correct Answer: (C) Ensuring equal opportunities and rights for women.
Explanation: Women empowerment is about creating an environment where women have
equal rights, opportunities, and access to resources as men. It ensures gender equality and
encourages women to participate equally in all aspects of life, including social, political, and
economic spheres.

Quick Tip
Focus on keywords like equality, opportunities, and rights to identify the correct answer
when discussing empowerment.

Section - B

(Very Short Answer)

21. How did Europeans help in the expansion of trade, knowledge, and customs across
European countries during the mid-sixteenth century? Explain.

1. Expansion of Trade: European traders established trade routes, connecting different

parts of Europe and the world. For example, the Portuguese and Dutch expanded trade
networks, bringing goods like spices and textiles to Europe.

2. Spread of Knowledge: The Renaissance period facilitated the exchange of ideas and
scientific advancements. Printing presses allowed the dissemination of knowledge
across European countries.

3. Cultural Exchange: Explorations led to the adoption of new customs, art forms, and
traditions among European societies.

4. Economic Integration: The establishment of merchant guilds and markets promoted

regional cooperation and economic growth.

Quick Tip
The mid-sixteenth century saw a blend of trade, cultural exchange, and knowledge trans-
fer driven by European explorations and Renaissance ideas.

22. How does the United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP’s) developmental
criterion differ from the World Bank? Explain.

1. UNDP’s Human Development Index (HDI):

• Focuses on indicators like life expectancy, education, and per capita income.

• Aims to measure overall human well-being and quality of life.

2. World Bank’s Criterion:

• Uses Gross National Income (GNI) per capita as a primary indicator.

• Focuses on economic growth and wealth generation, often ignoring social aspects.

Quick Tip
UNDP emphasizes human development and quality of life, while the World Bank pri-
oritizes economic growth and financial metrics.

23. “Role of women is gradually enhancing in the politics of the country.” Examine the

1. Increased Representation: Women now hold significant positions in state assemblies,

parliament, and Panchayati Raj Institutions due to reservation policies.

2. Leadership Roles: Women leaders like Indira Gandhi, Sushma Swaraj, and Mamata
Banerjee have played key roles in Indian politics.

3. Policy Focus: Increased participation has resulted in gender-sensitive policies

addressing issues like education, healthcare, and safety.

4. Social Awareness: Campaigns and movements have raised awareness about women’s
political rights and encouraged active involvement.

Quick Tip
Greater representation, leadership, and gender-focused policies highlight the growing
role of women in politics.

24. (a) Suggest any two ways to solve the problem of land degradation.

1. Afforestation: Planting trees helps reduce soil erosion and restore fertility.

2. Soil Conservation Techniques: Practices like contour plowing and terracing prevent
water runoff and soil loss.


24. (b) Suggest any two ways for the conservation of resources.

1. Promoting Renewable Energy: Utilizing solar, wind, and hydroelectric power reduces
dependency on non-renewable resources.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Encouraging efficient use and recycling minimizes wastage
of materials and conserves resources.

Quick Tip
Sustainable practices like afforestation and renewable energy usage are essential for
solving land degradation and conserving resources.

Section - C
(Short Answer)

25. “The development process of India has experienced transformation due to the
significant influence of Information Technology (I.T.) and Electronic Industry.” Explain
the statement with examples.

1. Boost to Employment: The I.T. sector has created millions of jobs in areas such as
software development, BPOs, and data analytics. Bengaluru is famously known as the
“Silicon Valley of India.”

2. Exports and Revenue: India has become a major exporter of I.T. services and
electronic goods, contributing significantly to GDP and foreign exchange reserves.

3. Digital Transformation: Initiatives like Digital India have accelerated e-governance,

online education, and e-commerce, transforming the economy and society.

4. Global Connectivity: The I.T. and electronics industries have integrated India with the
global market, fostering innovation and competitiveness.

Quick Tip
The I.T. and electronics sectors have driven India’s development by creating jobs, boost-
ing exports, and enabling digital transformation.

26. (a) Analyse the process of German Unification.


1. Role of Prussia: Under Otto von Bismarck’s leadership, Prussia led the unification

2. Wars of Unification: Key wars included:

• Danish War (1864): Prussia and Austria defeated Denmark.

• Austro-Prussian War (1866): Prussia asserted dominance in northern Germany.

• Franco-Prussian War (1870-71): Prussia defeated France, uniting southern and

northern states.

3. Proclamation of German Empire: In 1871, the German Empire was declared at

Versailles, with Wilhelm I as emperor.

Quick Tip
German unification was driven by Prussian leadership, military victories, and Otto von
Bismarck’s diplomacy.


26. (b) Analyse the process of Italian Unification.


1. Role of Sardinia-Piedmont: Led by Victor Emmanuel II and Cavour, it became the

center of unification efforts.

2. Alliance and War: Cavour allied with France to defeat Austria in 1859, liberating

3. Role of Garibaldi: Revolutionary leader Garibaldi captured southern territories,
including Naples and Sicily, in 1860.

4. Completion of Unification: In 1870, Rome was annexed, and Italy was declared a
unified kingdom.

Quick Tip
Italian unification combined diplomacy by Cavour and revolutionary action by Garibaldi
to unite diverse regions.

27. Describe any three functions of the Political Parties.


1. Contesting Elections: Political parties nominate candidates to contest elections and

form governments.

2. Policy Formation: They create policies and programs reflecting public interests and
national priorities.

3. Public Opinion Building: Through debates and campaigns, parties educate and
influence public opinion on key issues.

Quick Tip
Political parties contest elections, form policies, and build public opinion to strengthen

28. Explain the role of ‘Self-Help Groups’ in the rural society.


1. Financial Inclusion: SHGs provide easy access to credit for rural women and
marginalized groups, fostering self-reliance.

2. Skill Development: They train members in income-generating activities like

handicrafts, dairy farming, and small-scale businesses.

3. Empowerment of Women: SHGs improve women’s social and economic status by
involving them in decision-making and financial activities.

4. Poverty Alleviation: By promoting savings and micro-enterprises, SHGs reduce rural


Quick Tip
Self-Help Groups empower women, promote financial inclusion, and reduce rural
poverty through collective efforts.

29. Examine the role of Public Sector in the development of the country.

1. Infrastructure Development: Public sector investments in roads, railways, and power

contribute to economic growth.

2. Employment Generation: Public enterprises provide jobs in sectors like transport,

banking, and education.

3. Social Welfare: Public sector programs ensure access to healthcare, education, and
essential services for all citizens.

4. Reducing Regional Disparities: By establishing industries in backward areas, the

public sector promotes balanced regional development.

5. Economic Stability: Public enterprises play a stabilizing role during economic crises
by ensuring continuous production and employment.

Quick Tip
The public sector drives national development by building infrastructure, creating jobs,
and reducing regional disparities.

Section - D

(Long Answer)

30. (a) “Accommodation of social diversity is the key feature of democracy.” Explain
the statement in the Indian context.

1. Representation of Diverse Groups: Indian democracy ensures representation for

different castes, religions, and linguistic groups in legislatures and local governments.

2. Secularism: The Indian Constitution provides equal respect and freedom for all
religions, accommodating religious diversity.

3. Affirmative Actions: Policies like reservation in education and jobs promote

inclusivity for marginalized groups.

4. Conflict Resolution: Democratic principles encourage peaceful negotiation and

dialogue to resolve differences.

Quick Tip
Indian democracy’s inclusivity and conflict resolution mechanisms showcase the ac-
commodation of social diversity.


30. (b) “Democracy is an accountable, responsive, and legitimate government.” Explain

the statement.

1. Accountability: Democratic governments are accountable to the people through

elections, ensuring transparency in decision-making.

2. Responsiveness: Governments address the needs of citizens by implementing welfare

policies, such as healthcare and education schemes.

3. Legitimacy: Democracies derive legitimacy from public participation, as leaders are

elected by the people.

4. Conflict Management: Democracy resolves conflicts through dialogue and respect for
the rule of law.

Quick Tip
Democracy’s accountability and responsiveness make it legitimate and trusted by the

31. (a) Explain the initiative taken by the government to ensure the increase in
agricultural production.

1. Green Revolution: Introduced high-yield variety (HYV) seeds, irrigation, and

fertilizers to boost production.

2. Support Prices: The government ensures minimum support prices (MSP) for crops to
protect farmers’ incomes.

3. Irrigation Projects: Development of canals and dams, such as Bhakra Nangal, has
enhanced water availability for agriculture.

4. Subsidies and Loans: Financial assistance for seeds, fertilizers, and equipment has
made farming more sustainable.

Quick Tip
Government initiatives like the Green Revolution and irrigation projects have signifi-
cantly boosted agricultural productivity.


31. (b) Explain the geographical conditions required for the growth of tea.

1. Climate: Tea requires warm and humid climates with temperatures between 20°C to
30°C and high rainfall (150-300 cm annually).

2. Soil: Well-drained, fertile soils rich in organic matter are ideal for tea cultivation.

3. Altitude: Tea grows well in hilly areas at elevations between 1000 to 2000 meters, such
as Assam and Darjeeling.

4. Labor Intensive: The process requires skilled labor for plucking and processing tea

Quick Tip
Tea thrives in warm, humid climates with well-drained soil, making Assam and Dar-
jeeling prominent tea-growing regions.

32. (a) “There were a variety of cultural processes through which Indian Nationalism
captured people’s imagination.” Explain the statement with examples.

1. National Symbols: The use of the tricolor flag and the singing of Vande Mataram
united people.

2. Rediscovery of History: Leaders highlighted India’s cultural heritage to instill pride in

the nation.

3. Role of Literature: Writings of Tagore and Bankim Chandra Chatterjee inspired

nationalist feelings.

4. Mass Participation: Cultural events and folk traditions spread nationalist ideas among
the masses.

Quick Tip
Cultural symbols, literature, and folk traditions played a vital role in mobilizing people
for Indian nationalism.


32. (b) How were the various social groups involved in the Civil Disobedience
Movement? Explain with examples.

1. Peasants: Demanded reduced land revenue and taxes.

2. Businessmen: Supported the movement to protect Indian industries from British


3. Workers: Participated in strikes and protests against low wages and poor working

4. Women: Actively boycotted foreign goods and picketed liquor shops.

Quick Tip
The Civil Disobedience Movement unified peasants, workers, and women under the
common cause of independence.

33. (a) Examine the transformations observed in India’s trade since 1991.

1. Liberalization of Trade: Reduced tariffs and trade barriers increased imports and

2. Diversification: Shift from agricultural products to industrial and service-based exports

like software.

3. Global Integration: India became an integral part of global trade networks, with
markets opening to FDI.

4. Export-Oriented Growth: Emphasis on exports of IT services, pharmaceuticals, and


Quick Tip
Post-1991 reforms diversified India’s trade, emphasizing exports and global market in-


33. (b) Examine the factors that have enabled globalization in India.

1. Liberalization Policies: Removal of trade barriers and economic reforms post-1991

facilitated global integration.

2. Technological Advancements: Improvements in IT and communication technologies

connected India to the global market.

3. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Policies encouraging FDI attracted global

companies to invest in India.

4. Infrastructure Development: Enhanced transportation and logistics systems supported

global trade.

5. Cultural Exchange: Increased exposure to global culture and ideas through media and

Quick Tip
Globalization in India is driven by liberalization, technology, FDI, and improved infras-

Section - E
(Case-based Source-based Question)

34. Read the following source and answer the questions that follow:

Sacred Groves – A Wealth of Diverse and Rare Species

Nature worship is an age-old tribal belief based on the premise that all creations of
nature have to be protected. Such beliefs have preserved several virgin forests in
pristine form called Sacred Groves (the forests of God and Goddesses). These patches

of forest or parts of large forests have been left untouched by the local people and any
interference with them is banned.
Certain societies revere a particular tree which they have preserved from time
immemorial. The Mundas and the Santhal of Chota Nagpur region worship mahua
(Bassia latifolia) and kadamba (Anthocaphalus cadamba) trees, and the tribals of
Odisha and Bihar worship the tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and mango (Mangifera
indica) trees during weddings. To many of us, peepal and banyan trees are considered
Indian society comprises several cultures, each with its own set of traditional methods
of conserving nature and its creations. Sacred qualities are often ascribed to springs,
mountain peaks, plants, and animals which are closely protected. Troops of macaques
and langurs are often found around temples where they are fed daily and treated as
part of temple devotees. In and around Bishnoi villages in Rajasthan, herds of
blackbuck, nilgai, and peacocks are treated as an integral part of the community and
nobody harms them.

34.1 How does sacred groves relate to the belief in nature worship?
Answer: Sacred groves reflect the tribal belief that all creations of nature must be protected.
These patches of virgin forests are left untouched by local communities as they are
considered sacred. This belief helps preserve biodiversity and maintain pristine ecosystems.

Quick Tip
Sacred groves serve as natural reserves, preserving ecosystems and emphasizing the
cultural significance of nature worship in tribal communities.

34.2 How do communities incorporate trees into their cultural practices? Explain with
Answer: Communities incorporate trees into their cultural practices by assigning sacred or
ritualistic importance to them. For instance:

• The Mundas and the Santhal worship mahua and kadamba trees.

• The tribals of Odisha and Bihar consider tamarind and mango trees sacred, especially
during weddings.

• Many Hindus revere peepal and banyan trees, associating them with religious

Quick Tip
Cultural practices like tree worship not only preserve biodiversity but also strengthen
the relationship between humans and nature.

34.3 Explain the cultural values that contribute to the coexistence of nature.
Answer: Cultural values that contribute to coexistence include:

• Reverence for animals: In Bishnoi villages of Rajasthan, blackbuck, nilgai, and

peacocks are considered integral to the community.

• Feeding practices: Troops of macaques and langurs are fed regularly at temples,
emphasizing coexistence.

• Sacredness of ecosystems: Springs, peaks, and forests are often revered, ensuring their
protection from exploitation.

Quick Tip
Cultural values like respect for sacred groves and animals play a pivotal role in sustain-
able living and conservation.

35. Read the following source and answer the questions that follow:

Panchayati Raj

”We need to give more power to the panchayats to realise the dream of Mahatma
Gandhi and the hopes of the makers of our Constitution. Panchayati Raj establishes

true democracy. It restores power to the only place where power belongs in a
democracy – in the hands of the people.
Giving power to Panchayats is also a way to reduce corruption and increase
administrative efficiency. When people participate in the planning and implementation
of developmental schemes, they would naturally exercise greater control over these
schemes. This would eliminate the corrupt middlemen. Thus, Panchayati Raj will
strengthen the foundations of our democracy.”

35.1 How does giving power to Panchayats relate to the vision of Mahatma Gandhi?
Answer: Giving power to Panchayats aligns with Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of empowering
local self-governance, where the power is truly vested in the hands of the people. He
believed that decentralization of power to villages would ensure participatory democracy and
improve decision-making at the grassroots level.

Quick Tip
Mahatma Gandhi envisioned villages as self-sufficient units of governance, emphasiz-
ing the importance of local democracy and people’s participation.

35.2 Explain the primary objective of giving power to the Panchayats.

Answer: The primary objective of empowering Panchayats is to enable participatory
democracy by involving people directly in planning and implementing developmental
schemes. It helps reduce corruption by eliminating middlemen and ensures transparency and
accountability in governance.

Quick Tip
Empowered Panchayats lead to effective grassroots governance, enhancing transparency
and reducing corruption through people’s direct involvement.

35.3 How does the establishment of Panchayati Raj contribute to democracy? Explain.
Answer: The Panchayati Raj system strengthens democracy by:

• Decentralizing power and ensuring decision-making at the grassroots level.

• Encouraging people’s participation in governance, thereby fostering accountability and


• Promoting equitable development through local-level planning and implementation.

Quick Tip
Panchayati Raj enhances democracy by involving people in decision-making and ensur-
ing that governance is more participatory and responsive.

36. Read the following source and answer the questions that follow:

Why Newspapers?

‘Krishnaji Trimbuck Ranade, inhabitant of Poona, intends to publish a Newspaper in

the Marathi Language with a view of affording useful information on every topic of
local interest. It will be open for free discussion on subjects of general utility, scientific
investigation, and the speculations connected with the antiquities, statistics, curiosities,
history, and geography of the country and of the Deccan especially... the patronage and
support of all interested in the diffusion of knowledge and welfare of the people is
earnestly solicited.’ – Bombay Telegraph and Courier, 6 January, 1849
‘The task of the native newspapers and political associations is identical to the role of
the Opposition in the House of Commons in Parliament in England. That is of critically
examining government policy to suggest improvements, by removing those parts that
will not be to the benefit of the people, and also by ensuring speedy implementation.
These associations ought to carefully study the particular issues, gather diverse relevant
information on the nation as well as on what are the possible and desirable
improvements, and this will surely earn it considerable influence.’ – Native Opinion, 3
April, 1870

36.1 Analyse the primary objective proposed by Ranade for publishing Marathi
Language newspaper.

Answer: The primary objective proposed by Ranade was to provide useful information on
topics of local interest, such as history, geography, and the antiquities of the Deccan region.
The newspaper aimed to encourage free discussion on subjects of general utility and promote
scientific investigation for the welfare and knowledge of the people.

Quick Tip
Highlight how the newspaper served as a medium to educate people and stimulate in-
tellectual discussions on relevant issues.

36.2 Why did the Bombay Telegraph emphasize the role of newspapers in promoting
the welfare of the Deccan region?
Answer: The Bombay Telegraph emphasized that newspapers could play a significant role in
promoting the welfare of the Deccan region by acting as a platform for the exchange of
ideas, dissemination of knowledge, and addressing local concerns. It sought to involve
people in discussions about scientific progress, history, and geography to foster regional
development and awareness.

Quick Tip
Focus on how newspapers bridged the gap between government policies and public
welfare in specific regions.

36.3 What were the key responsibilities attributed to native newspapers? Mention any
1. Critically examine government policies and suggest improvements that would benefit the
2. Ensure the speedy implementation of beneficial policies by creating public awareness and
holding the government accountable.

Quick Tip
Discuss the dual role of newspapers as watchdogs and educators to emphasize their
importance in societal progress.

Section - F

37. (a) Identify the two places marked (A) and (B) on the given political outline map of
India and write their correct names based on the following information:

1. (i) The place where Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place:

Amritsar (Punjab).

2. (ii) The place where the session of the Indian National Congress was held in 1927:

Madras (now Chennai, Tamil Nadu).

(b) Locate and label any three of the following on the same political outline map of

1. Bhakra Nangal – Dam:

Located in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab border.

2. Noida – Software Technology Park:

Located in Uttar Pradesh, near Delhi.

3. Tarapur – Nuclear Power Plant:

Located in Maharashtra.

4. Haldia – Sea Port:

Located in West Bengal.

Quick Tip
While marking on the map, use suitable symbols for dams, software technology parks,
nuclear power plants, and sea ports. Ensure proper labeling for clarity.


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