course of action among several alternative pressibilities. Decision-making is integral to ones life
for it is evident from deciding whether what food to eat. What to do,where to go, up to
deciding whether one will go to School or not, how to do a task, moreover, choosing their
strand as they reach Senior High School in the recently implemented K-12 program, the said
program serves as the preparatory level for all of the students before stepping into college, It is
consisted of different subjects according to their chosen Strand that is under different tracks.
When Students reach the 12th Grade. they are expected the have chosen the path that they are
going to take in college. college is an institution of higher learning, it mostly consists of different
programs, assessments and job training in the higher level, Tertiary level of education is the
Students. Chapter up life where in they will pursue their desired goals in the future that's why
they must be prepared enough before entering it. with the help of k-12, Students were already
exposed in broad subjects that may have prepared them for the college environment, in the
perspective of a 12th grader. Specifically those who chose to proceed to college as exit from
primary concerns that Students face throughout their Senior Year of High School, It requires
planning and forward movement, choosing a course may take a lot of time yet it is very
essential, it could be your deciding factor whether you will continue your career or not, it could
Due to the importance of choosing a course for the career path of Students, decisions making
Selection of Future Course
plays an important role in the situation, it is a process that explains or characterizes the
•Financial Goals
considerations an individual makes when deciding on a Career, Course has may different
•Personal Interest
choices that students have but they still need to decide to the best career they can pursue,
According to sharf(2015) course decision making Is a process that describes or explains the
choices that a person makes when selecting a particular course, It also helps to identify
different Factors involved in the decision making of a persen and provides an understanding of
the way these factors have an impact to their course decision and choices.
this study intends the determine the Factors Effecting The Selecticon of Future Course of Gl2
students at Magna School of Mindanao Inc. For the school Year 2024. The factors which serve
as a preference of students in choosing a course includes the preferred course of the personal
factor,and financial status, the researchers also aim to know how to dimnish these incidents.
In figure 1shows that the factors in skills, financial goals,and personal interest is independent
variable because it stand for it's own and it does not dependent on others.
This study generally aimed to determine the Factors that affect the Senior High School
1.1. Sex
1.2. Age
The study focuses on the factors that effects the course preference of Senior High School
Students and specifically, the Study delimits to 30 respondents that the researchers selected
about the factors in choosing courses, characteristics of decisions made by students to enter
particular colleges or Universities were not well understood, the Study might increase
These Studies have Significance to several areas, first the result of this study will be beneficial
to students and their parent in providing insights into college Selection process, the outcome of
this study should support the students in choosing the correct and suitable degree for them.
STUDENTS —The Findings of His research will help the students to decide in choosing courses
in college.
PARENTS —This study will help them to get involve in their children's plan in college, may this
study help them identify the level of readness of their children in taking up college.
TEACHERS —Since teachers Serve as the Second Darents of Students in school they. are able to
get some insights about their students struggles in choosing Courses Informativen that
obtained in this study will help them to provide lessons that may help their Students in
choosing course.
GUIDANCE COUNSELOR —The output of this research will help the guidance Counselor
become more proficient in guiding the students to choose their preferred courses
FUTURE RESEARCHERS — The findings of the study may Serve as a reference to those who may
There are many factors that could influence Student's course preference in College, this is
relevant, especially fier student's, it can help them, mostly of Filipinos rely on their Financial
stability and parent's decision, Most of the Students would consider what their parents wart
before their own choice. while some would consider their Courses in College is the availability
of the jub after graduation. They prefer to take the popular courses that are not related to their
strand regardless of their skills and intellectual Capacity: which lead to schools producing misfit