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1. The initial dialogue (proses awal) in conducting classroom action research is an activity that discusses
4 main activities ….
A. identify problems, formulate problems, identify possible causes of problems and determine alternative
B. formulate problems, identify problems, identify possible causes of problems and determine alternative
C. identify problems, identify possible causes of problems, formulate problems, and determine alternative
D. identify problems, formulate problems, determine alternative solutions, and identify possible causes of

2. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate title for a classroom action research for English
A. Word-chain games to improve vocabulary size of 7 graders of MTs Nawangan.
B. Enhancing motivation to learn English of students of SMP 3 Ngadiluhur through ICT- based Games.
C. Using PQRST to promote reading comprehension of Eight graders of SMPN Tanjung.
D. Effectiveness of think-pair-share in improving speaking skill on ‘Kite Making’ of grade VII students
of MTs Ili Galuh.

3. Pay attention to the following problem: “Based on a teacher’s observation, 80% of the students
have achieved the minimum criteria of success for reading comprehension less than the determined
score 75. The suitable title for an action research title is ……
A. The impact of board game on the students’ reading comprehension skill
B. Enhancing the students’ reading comprehension skill through interactive reading strategy
C. The description of inefficient students’ reading comprehension skills
D. Mapping out the students’ reading comprehension skill through discussion

4. The content validity of the observation in Classroom Action Research is intended to …

A. see the extent to which the instrument reflects the desired content
B. match the assessment indicators the grid with the assessed aspects.
C. get input and consideration with supervisor.
D. get the accuracy of the data collected.

5. The correct sequence of steps for Classroom Action Research includes …

A. Observation and Interpretation
Action Planning
Action Execution
Determination of Problem Focus
Analysis and Reflection
B. Action Planning
Determination of Problem Focus
Action Execution
Observation and Interpretation
Analysis and Reflection
C. Determination of Problem Focus
Action Planning
Action Execution
Observation and Interpretation
Analysis and Reflection
D. Observation and Interpretation
Action Planning
Action Execution
Determination of Problem Focus
Analysis and Reflection

No. 6 – 7
Dear Joanne,

I really want to thank you for all of the trouble you went to entertaining the entire family
over the past holiday season.

I know that you organized these holiday gatherings because you enjoyed doing it and you
loved to have everyone get together at your place. Nevertheless, I just want to make sure
that you understand how much the rest of us appreciate everything you did to make these
get-togethers happen.

Having helped Susan organize a few much smaller social gatherings over the years I know
how much work is involved. I realize how much planning and preparation you must have
to do each and every year so that the entire extended family and assorted friends and
acquaintances have a happy and fun holiday celebration. It's amazing really, that you are
able to do such a great job, year after year, in parallel with your other duties, both as a
mom and an active volunteer worker!

So Joanne, on behalf of everyone I want to express my sincere thanks to you for all that
you did to assemble and entertain us during the holiday season. You really are the glue
that holds our extended family together!
With love and admiration,

6. How did the writer begin the body of the letter?

A. By asking for help
B. By asking for apology
C. By complimenting
D. By greeting

7. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To invite to a social work
B. To ask for apology
C. To complain about an event
D. To express gratitude
No. 8 – 9
It is an honour for us to have a privilege to invite you at :
Home Style and Decor Exhibition

Venue : The Expo House

Date : September 15 to 20, 2017
Time : 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.

This exhibition will surely benefit the visitors who want a unique style and decor of their home.

We will be pleased to see your presence in the exhibition.


8. Who might be concerned with the exhibition?

A. A house owner
B. An architect
C. A home designer
D. A real estate agent

9. Why does HOME DECOR hold the exhibition?

A. They want to décor people’s houses.
B. They want to offer discounts.
C. They want to promote their products.
D. They want to please the visitors.

10. Most states require that principals or other designated supervisors formally evaluate your teaching by
sitting in on your classes. Typically, a form such as the one shown before ... to collect data. Such forms
usually include a question on classroom management. It is clear from the categories of questions included
in such a teacher evaluation form that both content expertise and pedagogical expertise will be evaluated.
A. is used
B. have been used
C. had to use
D. to use

11. Seorang guru memberikan materi tentang barang produksi dalam negeri. Tidak lupa ia memberikan
arti penting nya bangsa yang unggul demi kemakmuran pada rakyatnya. Kegiatan guru yang
mengarahkan peserta didik dalam hal tersebut adalah...
A. Menyajikan sejarah nasional perusahaan
B. Menampilkan hasil tambang di Indonesia
C. Memaparkan penemuan lokasi minyak bumi
D. Menganalisis keindahan alam Indonesia
E. Membandingkan berbagai motif batik Indonesia

12. 1: Pin, Bean

2: cheek, gear
3: grief, cliff
4: threat, throat
5: doubt, drought
Group which has a minimal pairs is...
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

13. It is necessary to the happiness of man that he.....mentally faithful to himself.

B. Will be.
C. were
D. was

14. Different from our previous fun trips, this exploration would be a.... Journey
A. Surprise difficulty
B. Surprised difficulty
C. Surprising difficult
D. Surprising difficulty
E. Surprised difficult

15. The assessment scenarios of a teacher gives the assignment that must be completed within a certain
periode/time. The assignments include: planning, data collection, data analysis, data presentation, to
In this scenario the technique of assesment the teacher uses is....
A. Portofolio
B. Project
C. journal
D. Inventory
E. Product

16. Ms. Siti has been teaching in her class of ninth graders for years. In the middle of the first semester
this year she has found out that her students have difficulties in expressing themselves orally. She is then
planning to cunduct an action research study.
The possible solution might be as follow EXCEPT …
A. teaching speaking through memorizing basic functions like greeting and leavetaking
B. teaching public speaking like MCing and speeches
C. teaching speaking through communication games
D. teaching using role plays
E. teaching speaking through smaller group works

17. The sharp smell of …… alcohol hung in the air.

The word that best complete in the blank space is …
A. mediated
B. medicate
C. medicinal
D. medicine
E. medicating

18. In the learning process a teacher wants to conduct an assessment of the students’ behavior. The
appropriate instrument used in the learning process is....
A. Written test
B. Summative test
C. Interview
D. Questionnaire
E. Observation

19. To provide the students with the skills how to pronoun the English words,
phrase or sentences, an English teacher can use the following teaching media, EXCEPT….
A. Natural Reader
B. Reading Aloud
C. Google Translate device
D. Google Classroom

20. In a speaking class, the students learn the expressions of asking and giving direction. Examples are
then given in the form of some videos depicting situations where a person asks for directions and another
person shows how to get to the place using a wall map. Then at the assessment stage, the teacher tries to
design an assessment procedures that can maximize positive washback is …..
A. memorizing dialogs and performing them in front of class
B. filing in the blank spaces in the conversation about direction
C. writing the text about a dialog asking for directions
D. speaking spontaneously based on the given situation
E. doing multiple choice test items about useful expressions

1. C. identify problems, identify possible causes of problems, formulate problems, and determine
alternative solutions.
Kata kunci pada soal : The initial dialogue in conducting classroom action research = Proses awal dalam
hal melakukan Classroom Action Research.
Keempat hal diatas masuk dalam tahap PLANNING.

2. A. Word-chain games to improve vocabulary size of 7 graders of MTs Nawangan.

Option A kurang lengkap, bisa menjadi judul yang baik jika ada penambahan kata seperti, Using atau

3. B. Enhancing the students’ reading comprehension skill through interactive reading strategy.
Tujuan dilaksanakannya CAR adalah untuk perbaikan, option selain B tidak terkandung kata perbaikan.’

4. A. see the extent to which the instrument reflects the desired content
melihat sejauh mana instrumen mencerminkan konten yang diinginkan
Validitas isi observasi dalam Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dimaksudkan untuk melihat sejauh mana
instrumen mencerminkan konten yang diinginkan.

5. C. Determination of Problem Focus

Action Planning
Action Execution
Observation and Interpretation
Analysis and Reflection
Perlu diketahui bahwa sebelum Action Planning/ Rencana Tindakan hal pertama yang dilakukan adalah
penetapan masalah yang dihadapi oleh karena itulah pilihan A, B dan D salah.

6. C. By complimenting
To begin the body of the letter terdapat pada paragraph awal, by complimenting = dengan memuji

7. D. To express gratitude
To express gratitude = mengucapkan terima kasih/ rasa syukur, tertulis pada awal dan akhir paragraph.

8. A. A house owner
Tertulis/ tersirat pada kalimat ; This exhibition will surely benefit the visitors who want a unique style and
decor of their home.

9. C. They want to promote their products.

10. A. is used
Perhatikan pada awal kalimat tersebut menggunakan kata “typically” yang sama maknanya dengan
adverb usually mengindikasikan bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat Present Tense, dalam hal ini
Passive Voice, that’s why the right answer is A. is used
11. E. Membandingkan berbagai motif batik Indonesia
Kata kunci pada soal adalah barang produksi dalam negeri/ Indonesia

12. E. 5 (doubt, drought)

In phonology, minimal pairs are pairs of words in a particular language, spoken or signed, that differ in
only one phonological element,
Option yang lain mempunyai lebih dari satu perbedaan fonem/bunyi.

13. D. be
What Is the Subjunctive Mood? (with Examples)
The subjunctive mood is the verb form used to explore a hypothetical situation (e.g., "If I were you") or
to express a wish, a demand, or a suggestion (e.g., "I demand he be present").

Verbs That Attract the Subjunctive Mood

The following verbs often attract the subjunctive mood:

"to command," "to order," "to wish," "to suggest," "to recommend," "to ask," "to insist," and
"to demand."
(These can be remembered with the mnemonic COWS-RAID.)

Her mother requested that Annie join our baseball team.

Adjectives That Attract the Subjunctive Mood

The following adjectives – especially when used with the word "that" – often attract the subjunctive
mood: "crucial," "essential," "important," "imperative," and "necessary"

It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. (Political activist
Thomas Paine)
When unseen forces come together to provide a man with the strength and capacity to achieve
something great, it is essential that he use the time responsibly and timely. (Author Eyler Robert Coates)

VERBNYA menggunakan bare infinitive

TOBE nya menggunakan be

Set Phrases Featuring the Subjunctive Mood

The subjunctive mood also features in some well-known terms.

God bless you.

(I wish that "God bless you".)
God save the Queen.
(I wish that "God save the Queen".)
May The Force be with you. (Star Wars)

Generally speaking, we use the subjunctive mood to:

Describe hypothetical situations or alternate realities

Express wishes
Make suggestions
Make requests
Make demands
Declare statements of importance

14. C. Surprising difficult

Yang perlu kita cari adalah adjective yaitu difficult dan antara surprising and surprised lebih tepat
surprising karena hal ini berhubungan dengan journey.

15. B. Project
Kata kunci pada sial, The assignments include: planning, data collection, data analysis, data presentation,
to reporting. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan proses dinilai, sedangkan Product lebih condong
hanya kepada hasil akhir.

16. B. teaching public speaking like MCing and speeches

Kata kunci pada soal : difficulties in expressing themselves orally.
Option B adalah mengajarkan menjadi MC / berpidato

17. C. medicinal
Perhatikan setelah titik-titik adalah kata benda …… alcohol.
Maka yang dibutuhkan mengisi titik-titik adalah modifier/ kata sifat yaitu obtion C.
A. mediated = dimediasi
B. medicate = mengobati / verb
C. medicinal = obat/ adjective
D. medicine = obat / noun
E. medicating = verb ing

18. E. Observation
students’ behavior paling tepat dinilai dengan Observation

19. D. Google Classroom

Kata kunci EXCEPT : Google Classroom tidak ada hubungannya dengan pronunciation

20. A. memorizing dialogs and performing them in front of class

that can maximize positive washback bermakna hasil yang diharapkan dari assessment adalah hasil yang
terbaik. Dengan mengingat dan memperaktekkan akan menghasilkan pemahaman yang terbaik
dibandingkan dengan piihan yang lain.

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