TI/ED 1107 e
September 1993 (PW)
LuwipalT 066
File cover “Coatings Raw Materials”, 19
Hexamethoxymethylmelamine resin for acid-curing and baking
Luwipal 066
Product specification Non-volatile matter (ISO 3251/DIN V 53216) % 93 – 96
(2 g sample; 2 h at 125 °C)
Viscosity at 23 °C (ISO 3219, DIN 53019) Pa·s 2.0 – 6.0
shear rate D = 41.3 s -1
Platinum-cobalt colour (ISO 6271) < 100
Acid value (ISO 3682/DIN 53402) mg KOH/g <1
Miscibility In the proportions that are of technical interest, Luwipal 066 forms homo-
geneous mixtures with most short-oil to medium-oil, nondrying alkyd re-
sins, thermosetting acrylic resins, cellulose nitrate, polyvinyl alcohol, and
brittle urea and melamine resins.
Since Luwipal 066 cures to produce brittle coatings, the formulations must
include some form of plasticizer. The following properties of Luwipal 066
are exploited in the production of acid-curing and baking finishes:
– Because of its low viscosity, Luwipal 066 is especially suitable for high-
solids paints. For instance, the solids content of a clear finish formu-
lated with Luwipal 066 and low-viscosity alkyd or acrylic resins may be
as much as 15 % higher than that of a finish of the same viscosity
formulated with conventional butanol-etherified melamine resins.
Luwipal 066 has low reactivity in baking finishes and has to be cured at
temperatures higher than 150 °C. The temperature can be lowered by
adding p-toluenesulfonic acid in proportions of 1 – 2 %, expressed in terms
of the Luwipal 066, but this measure shortens the shelf life. Luwipal 066
can be included in coil-coating and can coatings, particularly as a cross-
linking component.
General Attention must be paid to the normal precautions for handling chemicals
and to the measures prescribed in the local health regulations. The work-
place must be well ventilated, skin care measures should be adopted and
safety goggles should be worn.
Safety Data Sheet The Safety Data Sheet for Luwipal 066 provides information on all the
known safety data.
Foodstuffs legislation Luwipal 066 conforms to FDA 21 CFR 175.300 “Resinous and polymeric
coatings” and 21 CFR 176.170 “Components of paper and paperboard in
contact with aqueous and fatty foods”.
If Luwipal 066 is kept in tightly closed drums or in storage tanks in a cool
place but protected from frost, its shelf life is 12 months.
The information submitted in this publication is based on our current
knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect
processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the
responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do
they imply any legally binding assurance of certain properties or of suitabil-
ity for a specific purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we sup-
ply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws
and legislation are observed.
BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Marketing Dispersionen
Printed in Germany
67056 Ludwigshafen