class 1
class 1
class 1
Summer vacation is finally here, and it's time to celebrate! No more fixed schedules, rules, or
classroom routines. But with freedom comes responsibility, right?
Don't worry, we've got you covered! We've lined up a bunch of awesome activities to keep you busy
Dear Parents, and your energy flowing in the right direction. And guess what? Your amazing guardian angels at
Homework is a valuable aid in helping a student make the most of his or her learning in school. We home, your dear parents, are here to make sure you're taken care of in every way emotionally,
assign homework because it is useful in reinforcing what has been learned in class, prepares for socially, physically, and academically.
So, get ready to dive into summer with a smile! Let's make sure your homework is on point and your
upcoming lessons, teaches responsibility, and helps students develop positive study habits.
activities are super fun and well-presented. Together, let's make this vacation one for the books!
Additionally, summer vacations provide an ideal opportunity for students to enhance their skills
independently. Please avail this opportunity to check the progress and weaknesses of your child so as to
be able to make up their deficiencies during the long holidays.
English (1)
"Reading is the foundation, and writing is the expression; together, they create a symphony of a) To develop handwriting skills:
Do pages (16 - 20) in your handwriting book “Handwriting Skills Builder”.
So spare some time for these fun activities. Do all written work in the best handwriting.
1. Surprise your kids with little notes of encouragement. It's a simple way to brighten their day. b) To improve your language skills:
2. Have some family reading time together. Let's share the joy of storytelling. Read a story book of your own choice.
3. Control screen time. Let's balance it out with some reading and writing adventures. It's all Read the story “Grandma's Glasses” from Oxford International Primary
about finding that sweet spot! English (Lesson: 1B). Practice reading it fluently.
4. Surround children with a variety of good books. Let's make reading irresistible! Find five (5) naming words and five (5) doing words from the lesson and use
5. Encourage your kids to jot down their thoughts and feelings about what they're reading. It's a them in sentences.
great way to spark creativity. Read Unit:2 “Show me, tell me”. Draw and colour any three signs that show us
6. Take a trip to the library as a family. Explore the library and bookshops together. what to do and what not to do.
7. Get the whole family involved in word games and puzzles.
8. Stay informed together by discussing current events as a family. It's a great way to encourage c) Fun Activities:
critical thinking and spark interesting conversations. All About Me… (details attached)
Summer Time… (details attached)
All assignments have been planned so that the students continue the learning process. You should guide
your child, where required. However, all creative work and assignment should be the original work of Have fun singing poems “Diggedy-Do” and “Today I'm a drummer” with your
the child. siblings in your free time.
th th
Homework should be submitted in the school on 12 and 13 August from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Homework not submitted on these dates will not be accepted/ checked; neither will it be included in the d) To improve your speaking skills:
homework competition. Watch Dora the explorer (in English) on Nick Channel. Try to write all new
Note: Loose sheets/scrapbooks are to be used for holidays' home assignments.
words she talks about and speak out the words when she says “speak with me”.
Note: Activities related to watching T.V to be done under the supervision of your parents.
Class 1
*Discuss with your family, friends and relatives the disadvantages of littering the city and
how/ what can be done to keep it clean. If possible make a short video or take
Let`s revise ! photographs of your discussion. Share these and the discussion you had with your family,
Following video links are for a quick review of some concepts covered before with your classmates when you come back to school.
the summer holidays. Be a responsible citizen!
Topic: Comparison Tie all items to be thrown in a plastic bag
Topic: Zero (sub) properly and ensure the bag is thrown in the bin and NOT OUTSIDE!!
Class 1 Class 1