Grade 2 CRE
Grade 2 CRE
Grade 2 CRE
GRADE 1, 2 & 3
First Published in 2017
Revised 2024
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ISBN: 978-9914-43-059-2
The Government of Kenya (GoK) is committed to ensuring that policy objectives for Education, Training and Research meet the
aspirations of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the Kenya Vision 2030, National Curriculum Policy 2018, the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the regional and global conventions to which Kenya is a signatory. Towards achieving
the mission of Basic Education, the Ministry of Education (MoE) has successfully and progressively rolled out the implementation
of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) at Pre-Primary, Primary and Junior School levels.
The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) reviewed the curriculum and rationalised the number of learning areas in
2024. The review and rationalisation process was informed by several factors, among them, the recommendations of the Presidential
Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER) and reports of the continuous curriculum monitoring and evaluation activities.
The reviewed curriculum designs build on competencies attained earlier by learners. The designs prepare the learner for smooth
transition to the next level. The designs will also afford the learner opportunities for developing requisite competencies and enable
them to interact with other people and the environment around them.
The key components of the curriculum designs include the National Goals of Education, the essence statement, general and specific
learning outcomes as well as the strands and sub strands. Suggested learning experiences, key inquiry questions, core competencies,
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs), values and assessment rubrics are also outlined in the curriculum designs.
It is expected that all Government agencies and other stakeholders in Education will use the designs to plan for the effective and
efficient implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum.
Thank you.
The Ministry of Education (MoE) rolled out the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), nationally in 2019, following a national
convention in 2017 where the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) was adopted by stakeholders and a national pilot of
the curriculum in the Early Years of Education (EYE) in 2018. According to the UNESCO IBE requirements, a curriculum should be
reviewed every five years. So, the review of CBC was due from 2023. In view of this, the reviewed curriculum designs will enhance
the implementation of CBC since it corporates the lessons learnt from the implementation of CBC so far.
Consistent periodical review of the curriculum is also critical in the realisation of the Vision and Mission of the on-going curriculum
reforms as enshrined in the Sessional Paper No. I of 2019 whose title is: Towards Realizing Quality, Relevant and Inclusive Education
and Training for Sustainable Development in Kenya. The Sessional Paper explains the shift from a content-focused curriculum to a
focus on producing an engaged, empowered and ethical citizen.
Therefore, the reviewed curriculum designs will facilitate the inculcation of core competencies in CBC, which are identified as:
communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and imagination, citizenship, digital literacy,
learning to learn and self-efficacy.
The curriculum designs provide suggestions for interactive and differentiated learning experiences linked to the various strands and
sub strands and other aspects of the CBC. The designs also outline suggested learning resources and varied assessment techniques. It
is expected that the use of these designs will lead to enhanced learning outcomes at various levels, prepare the learner for smooth
transition to subsequent grades and make learning enjoyable.
The MoE requests all stakeholders to keep giving feedback on the curriculum designs to inform the review during the next cycle.
Thank you.
The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Act Number 4 of 2013 (Revised 2019) mandates the Institute to develop and
review curricula and curriculum support materials for basic and tertiary education and training. The curriculum development process is
guided by research, international best practices as well as stakeholder engagement. The Institute conceptualised the Competency Based
Curriculum (CBC) in consultation with the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders. According to the Basic Education Curriculum
Framework (KICD, 2017) the conceptualisation of CBC was informed by 21st Century learning needs, the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the
Kenya Vision 2030, the East African Community Protocol, the International Bureau of Education (IBE) Guidelines and the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
KICD is funded by the Kenya Government to discharge its mandate. The institute also receives support from development partners targeting
specific programmes. The reviewed curriculum designs were developed with the support of the World Bank through the Kenya Primary
Education Equity in Learning Programme (KPEELP) - a project coordinated by MoE. KICD wishes to most sincerely thank the Government
of Kenya, through the MoE and other development partners. More specifically, KICD appreciates the Cabinet Secretary - MoE and the
Principal Secretary – State Department of Basic Education,
Additionally, the Institute expresses gratitude to all the KICD staff members, teachers, university lecturers, MoE staff, Semi-Autonomous
Government Agencies (SAGAs) and representatives of various stakeholders; among others, for their contributions to the development of
the reviewed curriculum designs. Finally, KICD acknowledges the Chief Executive Officers of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC)
and the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) as well as the KICD Council for supporting the curriculum review process.
May God bless all the individuals and respective institutions who in one way or another supported the curriculum review process. Indeed,
these designs will effectively guide the implementation of the CBC at Primary level, thereby preparing the learner to transition to the Junior
1. Foster nationalism, patriotism, and promote national unity
Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions and should be able to live and interact as one people.
Education should enable the learner acquire a sense of nationhood and patriotism. It should also promote peace and mutual
respect for harmonious co-existence.
2. Promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development
Education should prepare the learner to play an effective and productive role in the nation.
a) Social Needs
Education should instil social and adaptive skills in the learner for effective participation in community and national
b) Economic Needs
Education should prepare a learner with requisite competences that support a modern and independent growing economy.
This should translate into high standards of living for every individual.
4 Promote sound moral and religious values
Education should promote acquisition of national values as enshrined in the Constitution. It should be geared towards
developing a self-disciplined and ethical citizen with sound moral and religious values.
6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures
Education should instil in the learner appreciation of Kenya’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. The learner should value
own and respect other people’s culture as well as embrace positive cultural practices in a dynamic society.
7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations
Kenya is part of the interdependent network of diverse peoples and nations. Education should therefore enable the learner
to respect, appreciate and participate in the opportunities within the international community. Education should also
facilitate the learner to operate within the international community with full knowledge of the obligations,
responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
S/No Learning Area Number of Lessons Per Week
1. Indigenous Language Activities 2
2. Kiswahili Language Activities / Kenya Sign Language Activities 4
3. English Language Activities 5
4. Mathematical Activities 5
5. Religious Education Activities 3
6. Environmental Activities 4
7. Creative Activities 7
8. Pastoral/Religious Instruction Programme 1*
Total 31
Christian Religious Education is the study of God’s self-revelation to human beings through the Bible, the person of Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit. This learning area builds on the competencies introduced at Pre-Primary Level. Christian Religious Education
aims to equip the learner with moral values, life skills and attitudes that assist them to live peacefully with others. This is in line
with the National Goal of Education number (IV) which states that education should promote sound moral and religious values.
These values include obedience, sharing, responsibility, honesty and respect among others. The skills to be developed include,
praying, reciting scriptures/memorising, interpreting scriptures, leadership skills, self-esteem, self-awareness, assertiveness and
decision making.
The life approach method will be used to facilitate the learning of Christian Religious Education. This implies that the teacher
begins the lesson by exploring the experiences of the learner and guiding him or her to discover the religious significance of those
experiences in relation to the Christian faith. The concepts taught at this level will lay a strong moral, spiritual and intellectual
foundation for the learner as they transition to Upper Primary.
Strand Sub strands Suggested Number of lessons
1.0 Creation 1.1 Self awareness 4
1.2 My Family 4
4.0 Christian Values 4.1 Sharing 3
4.2 Obedience 3
4.3 Honesty 3
4.4 Thankfulness 3
4.5 Forgiveness 4
4.6 Responsibility 4
4.7 Work 3
5.0 The Church 5.1 Prayer 4
5.2 The Holy Spirit 4
Total 90
The suggested number of lessons per sub-strand may be less or more depending on the context.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
outcomes Key Inquiry
1.0 1.1 Self- By the end of the The learner is guided to: Why are you a
Creation Awareness sub-strand, the • recite Psalms 139:13, special
learner should be • in pairs mention what they like about themselves, creation?
(4 lessons) able to: • draw pictures of what they like about their physical
a) state what they features,
like about • in pairs observe and state in front of the class their
themselves, similarities and differences (Genesis 1:27),
b) list five different • be ordered from the shortest to the tallest and play
chores they do at games that give an advantage to both,
home, • in pairs list the chores they do at home,
c) appreciate their • role-play different chores they do at home,
physical • sing a song about their physical appearance, ’Mwili
appearance. wangu ni wa ajabu sana nani aliyeniumba mimi
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Self-efficacy: the skill of knowing self is exhibited as they mention what they like about themselves.
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of exploration is enhanced as learners play games that give an advantage to their
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Gender Awareness: knowing self and appreciating their gender either as a boy or girl.
Responsibility: hard work is portrayed as learners engage in assigned roles and duties.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Language Activities: they learn new words.
• Creative Activities: learners role-play different chores they do at home.
Strand Sub- Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested
Strand Key Inquiry
1.0 1.2 My By the end of the sub-strand, the The learner is guided to: Why is family
Creation Family learner should be able to: • in turns read Acts 10:2, unity
a) name family members to • name members of their extended family, important?
(4 lessons) promote a sense of belonging, • draw and colour members of their
b) state items shared at home to extended family,
foster family unity, • share experiences of how they relate
c) identify four items that should with members of the extended family,
not be shared at home for • mention items they share at home,
healthy living, • list items that should not be shared at
d) appreciate members of the home,
extended family for • say why they should not share the items
harmonious co-existence. listed.
Core Competencies to be developed:
Learning to Learn: the skill of working independently is enhanced as learners draw and colour members of their extended
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Health education: the learner lists items that should not be shared at home and gives reasons.
Unity is demonstrated as the learners share experiences of how they relate with members of the extended family.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Health and Nutrition: the learner lists items that should not be shared at home and gives reasons.
Language Activities: speaking skills are enhanced as they learn new vocabulary and express themselves confidently.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry Question(s)
1.0 Creation 1.3 Creation By the end of the The learner is guided to: Why is God’s creation
of the sky, sub-strand, the • observe pictures of the sun, moon, peculiar?
sun, moon, learner should be and stars (Genesis 1:14-19),
and stars able to: • observe the sky and tell what they
a) recognise God as see during the day and at night,
(5 lessons) the creator of the • draw and colour the sun, moon, and
sky, sun, moon, stars,
and stars, • cut and mount pictures of the sun,
b) draw the sun, moon, and stars on a chart,
moon, and stars • sing a song on creation, ‘Bwana
to appreciate Mungu nashangaa kabisa………..,
God’s creation, • in groups, write the verse in Genesis
c) respect God as 1:16 on flashcards and display it in
the creator of class.
Core Competencies to be developed:
Learning to Learn: the skill of speaking engagingly is exhibited as learners tell what they see during the day and at night.
Environmental Awareness: learners observe the sky and tell what they see during the day and at night.
Responsibility is portrayed as learners write Genesis 1:16 on flashcards and display it in class.
LEVEL Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
INDICATOR Expectations
Ability to state what Learner states what they Learner states what Learner makes efforts to Learner states what
they like about like about themselves they like about state what they like they like about
themselves. with ease. themselves. about themselves. themselves with
Ability to list five Learner lists five chores Learner lists five Learner lists four to three Learner lists two to
chores they do at they do at home citing chores they do at chores they do at home. one chore they do at
home. relevant examples. home. home.
Ability to name family Learner exhaustively Learner names family Learner names some Learner names family
members to promote a names family members members to promote family members to members to promote
sense of belonging. to promote a sense of a sense of belonging. promote a sense of a sense of belonging
belonging. belonging. with prompts.
Ability to identify four Learner identifies four Learner identifies Learner identifies three Learner identifies one
items that should not items that should not be four items that should to two items that should item that should not
be shared at home for shared at home for not be shared at home not be shared at home be shared at home for
healthy living. healthy living and cites for healthy living. for healthy living. healthy living.
relevant examples.
Ability to recognise Learner recognises God Learner recognises Learner makes efforts to Learner with support
God as the creator of as the creator of the sky, God as the creator of recognise God as the recognises God as the
the sky, sun, moon, sun, moon and stars, the sky, sun, moon creator of the sky, sun, creator of the sky,
and stars and reveres reveres Him and and, stars and reveres moon, and stars and sun, moon, and stars
Him. encourages peers to do Him. reveres Him. and reveres Him.
Ability to draw the Learner skilfully draws Learner draws the Learner attempt to draw Learner with
sun, moon, and stars to the sun, moon, and stars sun, moon, and stars the sun, moon, and stars assistance draws the
appreciate God’s to appreciate God’s to appreciate God’s to appreciate God’s sun, moon, and stars
creation. creation. creation. creation. to appreciate God’s
Stran Sub- Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
d Strand outcomes Inquiry Question(s)
2.0 2.1 The By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: Why should you read
The Bible as a strand, the learner should • in groups, list the importance of reading the the Bible?
Holy Guide be able to: Bible,
Bible (3 lessons) • list the importance of • list the number of times they read the Bible as
reading the Bible a family,
• state how often they • watch a video clip of children reading the
read the Bible Bible,
• appreciate the Bible • in groups sing a song about the Bible, ‘My
as a guide in daily Bible and I, ooh……….’,
life • read and recite Psalms 119:105.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
2.0 The 2.2 Divisions of By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: Why is it
Holy the Bible strand, the learner • state the number of books in the Old important to
Bible should be able to: Testament, know the Books
(4 lessons) a) state the number of • use flashcards and write the first two books in of the Bible?
books in the Old the Old Testament,
Testament, • compose songs using different languages on
b) identify the first two the first two books in the Old Testament,
books in the Old • in groups read and sing a common Psalms
Testament, e.g. Psalms 100:4, ‘I will enter His gates with
c) appreciate the Bible thanksgiving in my heart……..”,
as the word of God • in pairs play a game on the number of books
by reading it always. in the Old Testament.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Learning to Learn: the skill of learning independently is developed as learners use flashcards to write the first two books in
the Old Testament.
• Communication and Collaboration: the skill of teamwork is enhanced as learners in pairs play the game on ‘number of
books’ in the Old Testament.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social Cohesion: our diversity is enhanced as learners compose songs in different languages.
Patriotism is exhibited as learners compose songs using different languages.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Creative Activities: learners compose songs and play a game on the number of books in the Old Testament.
• Language Activities: learners read the Bible and express ideas fluently.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
2.0 The 2.3 Bible By the end of the The learner is guided to; How did Samuel
Holy Story: sub-strand, the • in pairs picture-read 1Samuel 3:3-10, respond to the
Bible The Call of learners should be • sing a simple song about the call of Samuel, call of God?
Samuel able to: ‘Alisikia sauti ikimwita Samueli
a) retell the call of Samueli………..’,
(5 lessons) Samuel as guided • watch a video on the call of Samuel,
by the scriptures, • say how they respond to their parents when
b) mention the called,
lesson learnt from • mention the number of times Samuel was called
the call of by God,
Samuel, • role-play in small groups the call of Samuel,
c) desire to obey • mention the lesson learnt from the call of
God’s Samuel,
commandments. • use flashcards and a pocket board to sort and
arrange the verse in 1 Samuel 3:10 sequentially.
Core competencies:
• Communication and Collaboration: the skill of teamwork is displayed as learners role-play and sing songs.
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of exploration is exhibited as learners sing about the call of Samuel.
Link to PCIs:
Social Cohesion: guiding values in life are developed as learners read the story on the call of Samuel and the virtues he
exemplified at a young age.
Link to Values:
Responsibility is enhanced as learners offer leadership and guidance to others during classroom activities.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Language Activities: learners read the Bible and communicate fluently and confidently.
• Creative Activities: learners sing and role-play the call of Samuel.
• Mathematical Activities: learners mention the number of times Samuel was called by God.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
outcomes Key Inquiry
2.0 The 2.4 Bible Story: By the end of the The learner is guided to: Why was
Holy Daniel in the den sub-strand, the • picture-read the story of Daniel in the den of Daniel thrown
Bible of lions learner should be lions, Daniel 6:6-12, 19-22, in the den of
able to: • watch a video on the story of Daniel in the den lions?
(5 lessons) a) retell the story of lions,
of Daniel as • in groups role-play the story of Daniel in the
guided by the den of lions,
Bible text, • mention the number of times Daniel prayed to
b) list four lessons God,
learnt from the • mention lessons learnt from the story of Daniel,
story of Daniel, • share experiences of when they said No! to
c) apply lessons things that do not please God,
learnt in day-to- • in pairs, share instances they pray at home,
day life, school, or church,
d) desire to • say and write a simple prayer to God for His
depend on protection and guidance,
God’s • sing the song, ‘Trust and obey for there is no
protection. other way………..’
Core Competencies to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration: learners speak clearly and effectively as they read the story of Daniel in the den of lions.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Child rights and responsibility is nurtured as learners share experiences of when they said No! to things that do not please
Responsibility is enhanced as learners share instances they pray at home, school, or church.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Mathematical Activities: learners record the number of times Daniel prayed,
• Language Activities: learners read the Bible and write a simple prayer to God for His protection and guidance.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
2.0 The 2.5 The Bible By the end of the sub-strand, the The learner is guided to: 1. Why did
Holy Story: learner should be able to: • picture-read 1Kings 17:7-16, Elijah go to
Bible The Widow of a) retell the story of the widow • watch a video clip on the miracle; 1 Zarephath?
Zarephath of Zarephath, Kings 17:7-16, 2. How did the
b) identify lessons learnt from • mention in groups two lessons widow get
(5 lessons) the miracle, learnt from the miracle, enough flour
c) desire to depend on God’s • in pairs draw and colour bread, and oil?
provision. • sing a song on trusting God.
Core competencies to be developed:
Learning to learn: the skill of coming up with new ideas is nurtured as learners draw and colour bread.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
• Health Education: nutrition and hygiene is reinforced as learners watch a video clip on the multiplication of flour.
• Social Cohesion: the importance of living together is enhanced as learners mention in groups two lessons learnt from the
Love: compassion is nurtured as learners mention lessons learnt from the miracle.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Creative Activities: learners sing, draw and colour the bread.
LEVEL Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
INDICATOR Expectations Expectations
Ability to list the Learner lists the Learner identifies the Learner identifies some Learner identifies the
importance of reading importance of importance of importance of reading importance of
the Bible. reading the Bible and reading the Bible. the Bible. reading the Bible
cites relevant with constant
examples. guidance.
Ability to state the Learner with ease Learner states the Learner partially states Learner states the
number of books in the states the number of number of books in the number of books in number of books in
Old Testament. books in the Old the Old Testament. the Old Testament. the Old Testament
Testament. with constant
Ability to identify the Learner explicitly Learner identifies the Learner identifies the Learner identifies the
first two books in the identifies the first first two books in the first book in the Old first book in the Old
Old Testament. two books in the Old Old Testament. Testament. Testament with
Testament. assistance.
Ability to retell the Learner retells the Learner retells the Learner retells the Bible Learner retells the
Bible stories as guided Bible stories as Bible stories as stories as guided by the Bible stories as
by the scriptures. guided by the guided by the scriptures but omits guided by the
scriptures in details. scriptures. minor details. scriptures but omits
major details.
Ability to list lessons Learner lists lessons Learner lists lessons Learner lists lessons Learner lists lessons
learnt from the Bible learnt from the Bible learnt from the Bible learnt from the Bible learnt from the Bible
stories. stories in details. stories. stories but omits minor stories but omits
information. major information.
Ability to apply lessons Learner applies Learner applies Learner makes an effort Learner applies
learnt from the Bible lessons learnt from lessons learnt from to apply lessons learnt lessons learnt from
stories. the Bible stories in the Bible stories in from the Bible stories the Bible stories in
day-to-day life and day-to-day life. in day-to-day life. day-to-day life when
encourages peers to prompted.
do so.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question(s)
3.0 The 3.1 The By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why is the birth of
Early Life Birth of the learner should be able to: • in turns picture-read Luke 2:15-20, Jesus Christ
of Jesus Jesus a) relate the joy of the • watch a video clip about the shepherds, important to all
Christ Christ shepherds as guided by • observe pictures of shepherds humankind?
the scriptures, worshipping baby Jesus,
(5 lessons) b) describe the dedication of • sing songs related to the birth of Jesus
baby Jesus, Christ,
c) appreciate the birth of • picture-read Luke 2:22-24,
Jesus Christ our Saviour • draw and colour pictures of a dove and
by obeying Him. a pigeon (Luke2:24),
• in groups, role-play the dedication of
baby Jesus (Luke 2:22-24).
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Communication and Collaboration: the skill of teamwork and recognising the ideas of others is portrayed as learners work
in groups.
• Learning to Learn: the skills of self-discipline and motivation to learn is shown as learners role-play and sing songs related
to the birth of Jesus Christ.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
• Animal welfare education: introduction to animal welfare; learners draw and colour a dove and a pigeon.
• Patriotism: devotion is enhanced as they role-play the dedication of baby Jesus.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Creative Activities are reinforced through singing and role-play.
• Language Activities: speaking skills are nurtured as learners read the Bible.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
3.0 The 3.2 Kindness By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: How did the
Early of the Wise strand, the learner • in turns, read Matthew 2:11, wise men show
Life of Men should be able to: • name gifts that were brought to baby Jesus by the kindness?
Jesus a) list three gifts given three wise men,
Christ (4 lessons) to baby Jesus by the • draw and colour gifts given to baby Jesus,
wise men, • use flashcards to role-play the exchange of gifts,
b) demonstrate • role-play saying, ‘thank you’ after receiving gifts
assertiveness by from friends and family members,
refusing gifts from • avoid receiving gifts from strangers,
strangers, • list in groups the negative results of receiving gifts
c) appreciate Jesus from strangers,
Christ as a gift from • sing a gratitude song about Jesus’ love, ‘Jesus
God. love is very very wonderful……………’.
Core competencies to be developed:
Learning to Learn: the skill of self-discipline is developed as learners are guided to avoid receiving gifts from strangers.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Safety and Security is enhanced as learners ensure safety inside and outside the school environment by not accepting gifts
from strangers.
Link to Values:
Integrity is developed as learners are guided to avoid confidentiality and security breaches by not accepting gifts from
Link to other learning activity areas:
Creative Activities: learners draw and colour gifts given to baby Jesus.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
3.0 The life 3.3 Jesus calms By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: How did Jesus
of Jesus the Storm strand, the learner should • in turns picture-read Matthew 8:23-27, calm the storm?
Christ be able to: • watch a video clip on the miracle of calming
(4 lessons) a) narrate the miracle of the storm,
calming the storm, • in pairs mention challenges that a person can
b) list lessons learnt face, for example, sickness, lack of food,
from the miracle of clothes,
calming the storm, • in groups say what they do when faced with
c) desire to trust God difficulties,
when faced with • tell two lessons learnt from the miracle,
challenging • draw and colour a boat,
situations. • in groups sing a song about calming the storm.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of developing new ideas is enhanced as learners draw and colour the boat.
• Communication and Collaboration: the skill of reasoning is enhanced as learners in groups say what they do when faced
with difficulties.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Environmental Awareness is enhanced as they learn about calming the storm.
Unity is exhibited as learners in groups sing a song about calming the storm.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Environmental Activities: calming the storm (weather).
• Creative Activities: learners, sing, draw and colour a boat.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
3.0 The 3.4 By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: How did Jesus
life of Miraculous strand, the learner • in turns picture-read Luke 5:3-9, help the
Jesus Catch of should be able to: • watch a video clip on the miraculous catch of fishermen?
Christ Fish a) retell the story of the fish,
miraculous catch of • list ways Jesus solved the problem of the
(4 lessons) fish, fishermen,
b) mention three • in pairs tell how the fishermen were able to
lessons learnt from catch a large number of fish,
the miraculous catch • tell how they exercise faith in God,
of fish, • mention three lessons learnt from the miracle,
c) desire to trust in God • sing the song ‘I will make you fishers of
as portrayed by the men………………….”,
fishermen. • draw and colour a fish.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Digital Literacy: the skill of observing safety precautions when using digital gadgets is portrayed as learners watch a video
clip on the miraculous catch of fish.
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of generating ideas is enhanced as learners draw and colour the fish.
Link to PCIs:
Social Cohesion is enhanced as learners sing using different languages.
Link to Values:
Unity is nurtured as learners picture-read in turns Luke 5:3-9.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Creative Activities: learners sing and draw a fish.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
3.0 The 3.5 Healing the By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: How was the
life of Man with a strand, the learner should • in groups picture-read Matthew 12:9- man with a
Jesus Withered Hand be able to: 11,13, withered hand
Christ a) retell the healing of the • in pairs draw a withered hand, healed?
(4 lessons) man with a withered • watch a video clip on healing the man
hand, with a withered hand,
b) mention occasions they • role-play how we care for those abled
prayed to God for differently,
healing, • in pairs share experiences on when they
c) desire to show prayed to God for healing,
compassion to others. • write Mathew 12:13 on flashcards and
recite it aloud in class.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Communication and Collaboration: the skill of communication and self-expression is exhibited as learners picture-read
Matthew 12:9-11,13,
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of originality is expressed as learners role-play how to care for those abled
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Non-communicable diseases: learners learn about paralysis and that it is non-communicable.
Love is nurtured as learners role-play caring for those abled differently.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Creative Activities: creative skills are nurtured as learners role-play.
• Language Activities: speaking skills are applied as learners write Matthew 12:13 on flashcards and recite it aloud in class.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
3.0 The 3.6 Easter By the end of the sub-strand, the The learner is guided to: Why is Jesus’
life of learner should be able to: • write 1Corinthians 15:3-4 on flashcards death and
Jesus (3 lessons) a) recognise the death of Jesus and recite the verse in turns, resurrection
Christ as a sign of total love for • in pairs mention what happened on Good important to
humankind, Friday, Christians
b) list four activities they do in • view a picture of Jesus nailed on the today?
church during Easter cross,
celebrations, • mention activities they do in church
c) appreciate Jesus Christ’s during Easter celebrations,
death and resurrection as the • mention what took place on Easter
way to salvation. Sunday (Mark 16:5-6),
• in groups view a picture of the three
women who visited an empty grave,
• draw an empty cross.
Core Competencies to be developed:
Communication: learners actively listen and communicate effectively as they work in groups.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social cohesion is enhanced as learners perform different activities in groups.
Love is nurtured as they learn about the selfless love of Christ.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Language Activities: learners recite Bible verses.
• Creative Activities: learners draw an empty cross.
LEVEL Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
INDICATOR Expectations Expectations
Ability to relate the joy Learner illustratively Learner relates the Learner partly relates the Learner relates the
of the shepherds as relates the joy of the joy of the shepherds joy of the shepherds as joy of the shepherds
guided by the scriptures. shepherds as guided as guided by the guided by the scriptures. as guided by the
by the scriptures. scriptures. scriptures when
Ability to describe the Learner describes the Learner describes the Learner describes the Learner describes the
dedication of baby Jesus. dedication of baby dedication of baby dedication of baby Jesus dedication of baby
Jesus in details. Jesus. but omits minor details. Jesus but omits
major details.
Ability to list three gifts Learner lists three Learner lists three Learner lists two of the Learner lists only
given to baby Jesus by gifts given to baby gifts given to baby gifts given to baby Jesus one gift given to
the wise men. Jesus by the wise Jesus by the wise by the wise men. baby Jesus by the
men using men wise men.
Ability to demonstrate Learner constantly Learner demonstrates Learner sometimes Learner demonstrates
assertiveness by refusing demonstrates assertiveness by demonstrates assertiveness by
gifts from strangers. assertiveness by refusing gifts from assertiveness by refusing refusing gifts from
refusing gifts from strangers. gifts from strangers. strangers but requires
strangers. consistent support.
Ability to narrate the Learner narrates the Learner narrates the Learner narrates the Learner narrates the
miracles performed by miracles performed miracles performed miracles performed by miracles performed
Jesus Christ. by Jesus Christ in by Jesus Christ Jesus Christ but omits by Jesus Christ but
details minor details omits major details.
Ability to list lessons Learner lists lessons Learner lists lessons Learner lists some Learner lists some
learnt from the miracles learnt from the learnt from the lessons learnt from the lessons learnt from
of Jesus Christ. miracles of Jesus miracles of Jesus miracles of Jesus Christ. the miracles of Jesus
Christ in details. Christ. Christ but with
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
4.0 4.1 Sharing By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: Why is it
Christian strand, the learner • in pairs list various items that can be important to
Values (3 lessons) should be able to: shared at school, share with
a) identify five items • in groups draw and colour items they share others?
shared at school, at school,
b) demonstrate • in pairs talk about instances they have
kindness by sharing shared items with those in need,
items with others, • list the importance of sharing with others,
c) desire to share items • role-play sharing items in class,
to promote • sing a song on sharing,
harmonious living. • write Hebrews 13:16 on flashcards and
read aloud.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Collaboration: the skill of teamwork is portrayed as learners role-play sharing in class,
• Learning to Learn: the skill of developing relations is enhanced as learners carry out activities with peers.
Link to PCIs:
Social Cohesion: the importance of living together is exhibited as learners role-play sharing items in class.
Unity is portrayed as learners work in pairs and talk about instances they shared items with those in need.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Environmental Activities: learners list various items that can be shared at school.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
4.0 4.2 By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why should you
Christian Obedience the learner should be able to: • write Hebrews 13:17 on flashcards obey teachers and
Values a) list five ways they obey and read aloud, other leaders at
teachers and the • share experiences of how they obey school?
(3 lessons) children’s government, teachers,
b) discuss reasons for • tell why they should obey teachers
obeying teachers and the and the children’s government,
children’s government, • compose a poem on obedience,
c) practise obedience in • discuss how disobedience affects
their day-to-day lives. them negatively,
• sing a song on obedience “trust and
obey for there’s no other
Core Competencies to be developed:
Citizenship: the skill of information and communication is enhanced as learners tell why they should obey teachers and the
children’s government.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Peace Education is nurtured as learners obey rules and regulations.
Patriotism is enhanced as learners obey teachers and the children’s government.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Environmental Education: learners share experiences of how they obey their teachers and the importance of obedience in day-
to-day life.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
4.0 4.3 Honesty By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Christian the learner should be able to: • read in groups Proverbs 12:17,19, you tell the
Values (3 lessons) a) tell reasons for telling the • say why they should tell the truth always, truth always?
truth in their interaction • in groups tell why they should complete 2. Why is it
with others, their homework on time, wrong to
b) demonstrate responsibility • list the negative results of copying other copy other
by completing their pupils’ work, pupils’ work?
homework on time, • tell why they should not take other
c) practise honesty by taking people’s property without permission,
lost and found items to the • role-play taking lost and found items to
teacher or parent, the teacher,
d) desire to be honest by not • write Proverbs 12:19 on flashcards and
copying other pupils’ read aloud,
work. • sing a song on telling the truth.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Learning to Learn: the skill of learning independently is nurtured as learners tell why they should complete their
homework on time,
• Self-efficacy: is nurtured as learners avoid taking other people’s property without permission.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social cohesion is nurtured as they learn ways of showing integrity by telling the truth always.
Integrity: learners display honesty by taking lost and found items to the teacher.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Environmental Activities learners practise honesty by not taking other people’s items.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
4.0 4.4 By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: Why should you
Christian Thankfulness strand, the learner • mention why they should thank other people, be thankful?
Values should be able to: • role-play situations that require thankfulness,
(3 lessons) a) list the importance • in pairs exchange gifts and practise saying,
of thanking others, ‘Thank you’,
b) demonstrate • in groups write 1Thessalonians 5:18 on
thankfulness in flashcards and read aloud,
day-to-day life, • compose poems to thank parents for taking
c) appreciate God by good care of them,
thanking Him • sing a song on thanksgiving.
Core Competencies to be developed:
Imagination and Creativity: the skill of originality is enhanced as learners role-play and compose a poem.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social Cohesion is enhanced as they learn the importance of thanking those who show them kindness.
Social Justice is nurtured as learners live harmoniously with others.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Language Activities: speaking skills are applied as learners use polite language (etiquette) like, ‘thank you’.
• Creative Activities: learners role-play and compose poems.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question(s)
4.0 4.5 By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why should you
Christian Forgiveness the learner should be able to: • watch a video clip about the forgive others?
Values a) practise forgiveness to prodigal son (Luke 15:11-22,
(4 lessons) foster harmonious living, • role-play the story of the
b) dramatise the story of the prodigal son,
prodigal son, • write Matthew 18:21-22 on
c) desire to forgive others in flashcards and read aloud,
their day-to-day lives. • tell a friend how to avoid
hurting others,
• sing a song on forgiveness.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Learning to Learn: the skill of developing healthy relationships is nurtured as learners forgive each other.
• Digital Literacy: the skill of observing safety precautions is enhanced as learners interact with digital devices.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Safety and Security: learners exercise precaution in an environment where they are interacting with digital devices.
Love: learners learn to forgive each other just as the prodigal son was forgiven by his father.
Link to Other Activity Areas:
• Creative Activities: learners role-play the story of the prodigal son,
• Mathematical Activities: the skill of multiplication is applied as they learn to forgive 70 x 7 times.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
4.0 4.6 By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: How do you take
Christian Responsibility strand, the learner • read Colossians 3:23, care of your
Values should be able to: • display and count the items they carry to school items?
(4 lessons) a) mention items they school,
carry to school, • in pairs list the use of each item,
b) take care of the items • say and show others how they take care of
they use in school, items they use at school,
c) desire to be • sing a song about items they carry to
responsible by school,
taking care of their • draw and colour items they carry to school,
items. • say why they should not forget school
items at home.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Self-efficacy: the skill of using resources responsibly is exhibited as learners take care of their items,
• Learning to Learn: the skill of self-reflection is nurtured as learners say why they should not forget school items at home.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social cohesion: learners show integrity by being responsible as they take care of their personal property.
Link to Values:
Responsibility is nurtured as learners care for their own property.
Link to Other Activity Areas:
Creative Activities: learners sing songs, draw, and colour items.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
4.0 4.7 Work By the end of the sub-strand, the The learner is guided to: Why is it important
Christian learner should be able to: • in pairs say how they help to work?
Values (3 lessons) a) mention how they help parents at home,
parents at home, • list the simple chores they do at
b) take part in doing simple home,
chores at school and in • write a poem on “hard work’’,
Church, • keep their home, class, and
c) appreciate work by doing compound clean.
simple chores.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Learning to Learn: is enhanced as learners exercise self-discipline and help their parents with simple chores at home.
• Communication and Collaboration: the skill of speaking clearly and effectively is nurtured as learners say how they help
their parents at home.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Environmental Awareness: is portrayed as learners show responsibility by keeping the compound clean.
Patriotism learners assist with chores at home, in class and keep the compound clean.
Link to other learning activity areas:
• Environmental Activities: learners keep the compound clean.
• Language Activities: writing skills are applied as learners write a poem about work.
LEVEL Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
INDICATOR Expectations Expectations
Ability to identify five Learner illustratively Learner identifies Learner identifies three Learner identifies one to
items shared at school. identifies five items five items shared at to four items shared at two items shared at
shared at school. school. school. school.
Ability to demonstrate Learner constantly Learner demonstrates Learner sometimes Learner demonstrates
kindness by sharing demonstrates kindness by sharing demonstrates kindness kindness by sharing
items with others. kindness by sharing items with others. by sharing items with items with others when
items with others. others. prompted.
Ability to list five ways Learner lists five Learner lists five Learner lists three to four Learner lists one to two
they obey teachers and ways they obey ways they obey ways they obey teachers ways they obey teachers
the children’s teachers and the teachers and the and the children’s and the children’s
government. children’s children’s government. government.
government and cites government.
relevant examples.
Ability to mention Learner citing Learner mentions Learner makes an effort Learner mentions
reasons for telling the relevant examples, reasons for telling to mention reasons for reasons for telling the
truth in their interaction mentions reasons for the truth in their telling the truth in their truth in their interaction
with others. telling the truth in interaction with interaction with others. with others with
their interaction with others. constant guidance.
Ability to take part in Learner constantly Learner takes part in Learner sometimes takes Learner with consistent
doing simple chores at takes part in doing doing simple chores part in doing simple guidance takes part in
home, school, and in simple chores at at home, school, and chores at home, school, doing simple chores at
Church. home, school, and in in Church. and in Church. home, school, and in
Church. Church.
Ability to demonstrate Learner demonstrates Learner demonstrates Learner sometimes Learner demonstrates
thankfulness in day-to- thankfulness in day- thankfulness in day- demonstrates thankfulness in day-to-
day life. to-day life and to-day life. thankfulness in day-to- day life only with
encourages peers to day life. prompts.
do so.
Ability to practise Learner constantly Learner practises Learner sometimes Learner practises
forgiveness to foster practises forgiveness forgiveness to foster practises forgiveness to forgiveness to foster
harmonious living. to foster harmonious harmonious living. foster harmonious living. harmonious living when
living. prompted.
Ability to demonstrate Learner constantly Learner demonstrates Learner sometimes Learner demonstrates
responsibility by demonstrates responsibility by demonstrates responsibility by
completing their responsibility by completing their responsibility by completing their
homework on time. completing their homework on time. completing their homework on time with
homework on time. homework on time. support.
Ability to take part in Learner constantly Learner takes part in Learner sometimes takes Learner takes part in
doing simple chores at takes part in doing doing simple chores part in doing simple doing simple chores at
home, school, and in simple chores at at home, school, and chores at home, school, home, school, and in
Church. home, school, and in in Church. and in Church. Church with prompts.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
5.0 The 5.1 Prayer By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why should you
Church the learner should be able to: • recite the first four lines of the pray always?
(4 Lessons) a) recite the first four lines of Lord’s prayer; Mathew (6:9-10),
the Lord’s prayer, • sing a song on the Lord’s prayer,
b) retell the story of a friend • picture-read Luke 11:5-10,
at midnight, • role-play the story of a friend at
c) desire to develop a midnight,
relationship with God • in groups, say the importance of
through prayers. prayer.
Core Competencies to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration: the skill of speaking clearly and effectively is exhibited as learners recite the Lord’s
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Peace Education: good neighbourhood is nurtured as learners role-play the story of a friend at midnight.
Social Justice: is enhanced as they learn about the value of sharing from the story of a friend at midnight.
Link to Other Activity Areas:
• Creative Activities: learners sing, dance, and role play.
• Mathematical Activities: learners count and record the number of times they recite the Lord’s Prayer.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
5.0 The 5.2 The Holy By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: 1. What did
Church Spirit strand, the learner should • mention examples of good promises given by Jesus
be able to: their parents, promise His
(4 lessons) a) state the promise • say whether the promises were fulfilled, disciples?
Jesus gave to His • in turns read Acts 1:4 and 2:3-4, 2. What is the
disciples, • mention the work of the Holy Spirit (He work of the
b) mention three roles of strengthens-Luke 24:49, guides- Romans 8:14, Holy Spirit?
the Holy Spirit in the and unites Christians- Ephesians- 4:3-4),
life of a Christian, • in groups write the work of the Holy Spirit on
c) appreciate the work of flashcards and read aloud,
the Holy Spirit in • sing a song about the work of the Holy Spirit.
their day-to-day lives.
Core Competencies to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration: the skill of communication and self-expression is portrayed as learners mention examples
of good promises they have been given by their parents.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social Cohesion is developed as they learn about the work of the Holy Spirit in uniting Christians.
Unity is nurtured as learners work in groups to write the work of the Holy Spirit on flashcards.
Link to Other Activity Areas:
• Language Activities: learners learn new words and express themselves confidently.
• Creative Activities: learners sing a song about the work of the Holy Spirit.
LEVEL Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below
Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to recite the first Learner recites the Learner recites the first Learner recites two to Learner recites only
four lines of the Lord’s first four lines of the four lines of the Lord’s three lines of the Lord’s the first line of the
prayer. Lord’s prayer with prayer. prayer. Lord’s prayer.
Ability to retell the Learner retells the Learner retells the story Learner retells the story Learner retells the
story of a friend at story of a friend at of a friend at midnight. of a friend at midnight story of a friend at
midnight. midnight in details. but omits minor details. midnight but omits
major details.
Ability to state the Learner states the Learner states the Learner makes an effort Learner states the
promise given to the promise given to the promise given to the to state the promise promise given to the
disciples by Jesus disciples by Jesus disciples by Jesus given to the disciples by disciples by Jesus
Christ. Christ with ease. Christ. Jesus Christ. Christ with
Ability to mention three Learner mentions Learner mentions three Learner mentions two Learner mentions
roles of the Holy Spirit three roles of the roles of the Holy Spirit roles of the Holy Spirit one role of the Holy
in the life of a Christian. Holy Spirit in the life in the life of a Christian. in the life of a Christian. Spirit in the life of a
of a Christian with Christian.
Strand Suggested Assessment Methods Suggested Learning Resources Suggested Non –Formal
1.0 Creation Observation Schedules, The Children’s Bible, Good Take a nature walk in the
• Written Quizzes News Bible, Flash cards, school neighbourhood to
• Checklists, Pictures, Songs, Digital appreciate God’s creation
• Oral questions devices Charts, poems
The Holy Bible • Word search/ puzzle, The Children’s Bible, Good News Participate in Bible Trivia
• Checklists, Bible ,Flash cards, hymn books, competitions and quizzes
• Oral questions resource persons, digital devices
• Written questions
The Early Life of • Oral Questions, The Children’s Bible, Good News Role play the miracles of Jesus
Jesus Christ • Portfolio Bible, hymn books, resource Christ in clubs and societies
• Observation schedules persons, digital devices, poems
• Written Quizzes
• Question and Answer
Christian Values • Anecdotal Notes The Children’s Bible, Good News Visit the sick or the elderly in
• Authentic Tests Bible, hymn books, resource the company of parents or
• Word Search/ Puzzle persons, digital devices, poems guardians
• Projects
The Church • Oral Questions, The Children’s Bible, Good News Participate in Sunday
• Portfolio Bible, hymn books, resource School/Sabbath School
• Observation schedules persons, digital devices, poems activities and share their
• Written Quizzes experiences with others