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A skilled and Ethical Society


Revised 2024

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

ISBN: 978-9914-43-097-4

Published and printed by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development

The Government of Kenya is committed to ensuring that policy objectives for Education, Training and Research meet the
aspirations of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the Kenya Vision 2030, the National Curriculum Policy 2019, the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the regional and global conventions to which Kenya is a signatory. Towards
achieving the mission of basic education, the Ministry of Education (MoE) has successfully and progressively rolled-out the
implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) at Pre-Primary, Primary and Junior School levels.
The implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum involves monitoring and evaluation to determine its success. After
the five-year implementation cycle, a summative evaluation of the primary education cycle was undertaken to establish the
achievement of learning outcomes as envisaged in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework. The Government of Kenya
constituted a Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER) in 2022 to address salient issues affecting the
education sector. PWPER made far reaching recommendations for basic education that necessitated curriculum review. The
recommendations of the PWPER, monitoring reports, summative evaluation of the primary cycle, feedback from curriculum
implementers, and other stakeholders led to rationalisation and review of the basic education curriculum.

The reviewed Pre-Primary One (PP1) curriculum design is the commencement of formal schooling in Pre-Primary Education. It
focuses on pre-literacy, pre-numeracy, motor and cognitive development, and social and emotional skills.
The curriculum designs present National Goals of Education, essence statements, general and specific expected learning
outcomes for the subjects as well as strands and sub strands. The designs also outline suggested learning experiences, key
inquiry questions, core competencies, Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs), values, and assessment rubrics.
It is my hope that all government agencies and other stakeholders in education will use the designs to plan for effective and
efficient implementation of the CBC.


The Ministry of Education (MoE) nationally implemented the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in 2019. Pre-Primary One
(PP1) is the foundation of learning in the reformed education structure as provided for in the Basic Education, Act, 2013.

The reviewed PP1 curriculum furthers the learning already acquired at home. The curriculum provides opportunities for learners
to acquire pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills as they enjoy living and learning through play and to develop
self-awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence. This is very critical in the realisation of the Vision and Mission of the on-going
curriculum reforms as enshrined in the Sessional Paper No. I of 2019 whose title is: Towards Realizing Quality, Relevant and
Inclusive Education and Training for Sustainable Development in Kenya. The Sessional Paper explains the shift from a
content-focused curriculum to a focus on nurturing every learner’s potential.

Therefore, the PP1 curriculum designs are intended to enhance the learners’ development in the CBC core competencies,
namely: Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Imagination, Citizenship,
Digital Literacy, Learning to Learn and Self-efficacy.

The curriculum designs provide suggestions for interactive and differentiated learning experiences linked to the various sub-
strands and the other aspects of the CBC. They also offer several suggested learning resources and a variety of assessment
techniques. It is expected that the designs will guide teachers to effectively facilitate learners to attain the expected learning
outcomes for PP1 and prepare them for a smooth transition to PP2. Furthermore, it is my hope that teachers will use the designs
to make learning interesting, exciting and enjoyable.


The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Act Number 4 of 2013 (Revised 2019) mandates the Institute to develop and review (SNE
adapt) curricula and curriculum support materials for basic and tertiary education and training. The curriculum development process for any level
of education involves thorough research, international benchmarking and robust stakeholder engagement. Through a systematic and consultative
process, the KICD conceptualised the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) as captured in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF)
2017. The curriculum responds to the demands of the 21st Century and the aspirations captured in the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the Kenya
Vision 2030, the East African Community Protocol, International Bureau of Education Guidelines and the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).

KICD receives its funding from the Government of Kenya to facilitate the achievement of its stipulated mandate and implementation of the
government and sector (Ministry of Education - MoE) plans. The Institute also receives support from development partners targeting specific
programmes. The PP1 curriculum designs were developed with the support of the World Bank through the Kenya Primary Education Equity in
Learning Programme (KPEELP); a project coordinated by the MoE. Therefore, the Institute is very grateful for the support of the Government of
Kenya, through the MoE and the development partners for policy, resource and logistical support. Specifically, special thanks go to the Cabinet
Secretary in the ministry-MoE and the Principal Secretary in State Department of Basic Education.

We also wish to acknowledge the KICD curriculum developers and other staff, all teachers and educators who took part as panelists; the Semi-
Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs), and representatives of various stakeholders for their roles in the development of the PP1 curriculum
designs. In relation to this, we acknowledge the support of the Chief Executive Officers of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and the Kenya
National Examinations Council (KNEC) for their support in the process of developing these designs. Finally, we are very grateful to the
Chairperson of the KICD Council and other members of the Council for the very consistent guidance in the process.

We assure all teachers, parents and other stakeholders that this curriculum design will effectively guide the implementation of the CBC at PP1 and
the preparation of learners for transition to PP2.



1. Foster nationalism, patriotism, and promote national unity

The people of Kenya belong to different communities, races and religions and should be able to live and interact as one
people. Education should enable the learner acquire a sense of nationhood and patriotism. It should also promote peace
and mutual respect for harmonious co-existence.

2. Promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development
Education should prepare the learner to play an effective and productive role in the nation.
a) Social Needs
Education should instil social and adaptive skills in the learner for effective participation in the community and
national development.
b) Economic Needs
Education should prepare a learner with requisite competencies that support a modern and independent growing
economy. This should translate into high standards of living for every individual.
c) Technological and Industrial Needs
Education should provide the learner with necessary competencies for the technological and industrial development in
tandem with changing global trends.

3. Promote individual development and self-fulfilment

Education should provide opportunities for the learner to develop to the fullest potential. This includes development of
one’s interests, talents and character for positive contribution to the society.

4. Promote sound moral and religious values

Education should promote acquisition of national values as enshrined in the Constitution. It should be geared towards
developing a self-disciplined and ethical citizen with sound moral and religious values.

5. Promote social equity and responsibility
Education should promote social equity and responsibility. It should provide inclusive and equitable access to quality and
differentiated education; including learners with special educational needs and disabilities. Education should also provide
the learner with opportunities for shared responsibility and accountability through service learning.

6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures
Education should instil in the learner appreciation of Kenya’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. The learner should value
own and respect other people’s culture as well as embrace positive cultural practices in a dynamic society.

7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations
Kenya is part of the interdependent network of diverse peoples and nations. Education should therefore enable the learner
to respect, appreciate and participate in the opportunities within the international community. Education should also
facilitate the learner to operate within the international community with full knowledge of the obligations,
responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.

8. Promote positive attitude towards good health and environmental protection

Education should inculcate in the learner the value of physical and psychological well-being for self and others. It should
promote environmental preservation and conservation; including animal welfare for sustainable development.

S/No Activity Area Number of Lessons per Week
1. Language Activities 5
2. Mathematical Activities 5
3. Creative Activities 6
4. Environmental Activities 5
5. Religious Activities 3
Pastoral Instruction Programme 1
Total 25

The time allocated for each activity area is 30 minutes.

By end of Pre-Primary Education, the learner should be able to;
1. demonstrate acquisition of literacy, numeracy and communication skills for continuous learning,
2. develop desirable social, moral and religious values for harmonious co-existence,
3. develop creative, innovative and critical thinking skills for problem solving,
4. develop awareness of the immediate environment for learning and enjoyment,
5. develop physically, emotionally and spiritually for self-personal growth,
6. demonstrate respect and value for own country and diverse cultures for national cohesion,
7. discover their interest and talent for self-fulfillment and contribution to the society.


S/No Activity Area Number of Lessons per Week
1. Language Activities 5
2. Mathematical Activities 5
3. Creative Activities 6
4. Environmental Activities 5
5. Christian Religious Activities 3
Programme of Pastoral Instruction 1
Total 25

By end of Pre-Primary Education, the learner should be able to:
a) Demonstrate basic literacy and numeracy skills for learning,
b) Apply creative and critical thinking skills in problem solving.
c) Practice appropriate etiquette for interpersonal relationships,
d) Explore the immediate environment for learning and enjoyment,
e) Demonstrate acquisition of physical, emotional, spiritual, aesthetic and moral development.
f) Demonstrate appreciation of the country and its rich, diverse cultural heritage for harmonious living.
g) Develop interests, talents and character for positive contribution to the society.

Essence Statement
Christian Religious Education (CRE) activity area at Pre-Primary level aims at teaching children about God. This is based on
Proverbs 22:6 which states: ‘Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.’ The key resource to
be used is the Holy Bible. This activity area emphasises on the acquisition of living values such as love, sharing, honesty,
respect, and responsibility. This aligns with the National Goal of Education No. (IV), which advocates for propagation of
sound moral and religious values.

The life approach is the primary methodology used in facilitating CRE activity area. Other methodologies such as, Play-based
and experiential learning are also appropriate for this age. The competencies acquired at Pre-primary 1, will lay a strong
foundation for learning CRE at Pre-primary 2.

Subject General Learning Outcomes
By the end of Pre-Primary Education, the learner should be able to:
a) Demonstrate an awareness of the love of God as the sole creator and the heavenly father.
b) Acquire Christian moral values and principles to foster responsible living.
c) Practise the teachings of the Holy Bible at home, school, and in the community.
d) Portray good manners in church and respect it as the house of God

Summary of Strands and Sub-Strands
Strand Sub-Strands Suggested Number of Lessons
1.0 Creation 1.1 Our God 7
1.2 God Our Creator 8
1.3 God our Loving Father 8
2.0 The Bible 2.1 A Holy Book 7
2.2 David and Goliath 6
3.0 The Life of Jesus Christ 3.1 The Birth of Jesus Christ 8
3.2 The Wise Men 7
4.0 Christian Values 4.1 Love for God 7
4.2 Love for Neighbour 9
4.3 Sharing with Others 8
5.0 The Church 5.1 A house of God 7
5.2 Church Activities 8
Total Number of lessons 90

The suggested number of lessons per sub-strand may be less or more depending on the context.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
1.0 1.1 By the end of the The learner is guided to: How do you
Creation Our God sub-strand, the • say the name of God in their mother tongue or describe God?
learner should be language of catchment area,
(7 lessons) able to: • use gestures to describe God; Mungu ni mkuu na
a) identify three wa ajabu sana kwamba hawezi kuonekana kwa
qualities of macho ya duniani. (God is so great and so wonderful
God, that He cannot be seen by earthly eyes),
b) practice saying • sing songs about God in groups,
short prayers, • in turns, say what they know about God ( loving,
creator, and provider),
c) appreciate God
• listen to a recorded clip of a short prayer,
as a loving
• say a short prayer to God in groups,
heavenly father.
• sing songs in groups.
Core competences to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration: Speaking skills are developed as learners say the name of God in their mother tongue or
language of catchment area.

Unity: Learners collaborate with each other as they sing songs about God.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Self-esteem is enhanced as learners become aware of Gods’ love for them.
Link to other activity areas:
Environmental Activities: The concept of God as a provider relates to the concept in Environmental Activities on things
provided to him or her at home.

Strand Sub- Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested
Strand Outcomes Key Inquiry
1.0 Creation 1.2 By the end of the The learner is guided to: Who created
God our sub-strand, the learner should • take a nature walk to observe things you?
Creator be able to: created by God in their environment,
a) mention three things • observe safety measures as they take the
(8 lessons) created by God, nature walk,
b) name the first human • talk about things created by God,
beings created by God, • sing a song about things created by God,
c) tell the story of Adam and • mention the names of the first human
Eve, beings,
d) appreciate self as God’s • observe pictures of Adam and Eve,
creation. • colour drawn pictures of Adam and Eve,
• in groups, sing songs about self.
Core competencies to be developed:
Learning to learn: Learners develop listening skills as they listen to the story of Adam and Eve.
Respect: Learners take turns to share materials as they colour drawn pictures of Adam and Eve.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Safety measures: Learners are guided to observe safety measures as they take a nature walk.
Link to other activity areas:
Environmental Activities: The concept of God as our creator relates to the concept of ‘Myself’ in Environmental Activities.

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
1.0 1.3 By the end of the The learner is guided to: How does God
Creation God our sub-strand, the • listen to a song about God’s love for children, show His love to
Loving learner should be able • sing a short song about God’s love for little us?
Father to: children,
a) tell three ways • say what God has given them; for example ,
(8 lessons) God shows His family, good health and food,
love to us, • colour drawn pictures of Jesus blessing little
b) dramatize God’s children,
love through a • observe pictures of Jesus blessing little
simple play children,
c) appreciate God as • perform a simple roleplay on God’s love for
a loving heavenly little children,
father. • watch or listen to the Bible story in; Mark
Core competencies to be developed:
Self-efficacy: Learners develop self-esteem as they sing a song about God as a loving father.
Respect is acquired as learners take turns to talk about God’s love.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Self-esteem: Learners develop the skill of belonging as they learn that God is a loving heavenly father.
Link to other activity areas:
Environmental Activities: The concept of God as a loving Father relates to the concept of family members in Environmental

Suggested Assessment Rubric s
Level Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify three Identifies more than Identifies three Identifies two qualities of Identifies one quality
qualities of God. three qualities of qualities of God. God. of God.

Ability to name three Names three things Names three things Names two things created Names one thing
things created by God. created by God created by God. by God. created by God.
Ability to name the Names the first two Names the first two Names the first one human Names the first
first two human beings human beings God human beings God being God created. human being created
created by God. created created. by God with
illustratively. continued support.
Ability to tell three Tells more than Tells three ways God Tells two ways God shows Tells one way God
ways God shows His three ways God shows His love to His love to them. shows His love to
love to them. shows His love to them. them.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
2.0 The 2.1 A Holy By the end of the The learner is guided to: Why is the Holy
Holy Bible Book sub-strand, the learner • observe the actual Bible or drawn picture Bible different from
should be able to: of a Holy Bible, other books?
(7 lessons) a) identify the Holy • colour a drawn picture of the Holy Bible,
Bible from other • select the Holy Bible from other books,
books, • in pairs or groups, role-play ways of
b) demonstrate three handling the holy Bible with respect,
ways of handling • tell why they should respect the Holy
the Bible, Bible,
c) respect the Bible • sing songs related to the Holy Bible in
as a Holy book. groups.
Core competencies to be developed:
Critical thinking and Problem solving: The learners develop the skill of following simple instructions as they select the Holy
Bible from other books.
Responsibility: Learners display accountability as they practice how to handle the Holy Bible.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Citizenship: Learners develop responsibility as they acquire knowledge of how to respect the Holy Bible.
Link to other activity areas:
Language Activities: The concept of handling the Bible relates to the concept of book handling in Language Activities.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
2.0 The 2.2 Bible By the end of the The learner is guided to: How did David
Holy Bible Story: sub-strand, the learner • observe pictures of David and Goliath, show his trust in
David and should be able to: • share materials to colour drawn pictures God?
Goliath a) retell the story of of David and Goliath,
David and Goliath , • listen to the story of David and Goliath;
(6 lessons) b) observe drawn 1Samuel 17:41-49,
pictures of David and • watch a video clip about the story of
Goliath, David and Goliath,
c) desire to trust in God • retell the story of David and Goliath,
always. • sing simple songs about David and
Core competencies to be developed:
Self-efficacy: Learners confidently expresses self as they retell the Bible story about David and Goliath.
Unity: Learners cooperate with others as they sing songs about the story of David and Goliath.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Citizenship: Learners portray integrity skills as they share materials with others to colour drawn pictures of David and Goliath.
Link to other activity areas:
Language Activities: The concept of listening to Bible stories relates to the concept of storytelling in Language Activities.

Suggested Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeding Meeting Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations Expectations
Identify the Holy Identifies the Holy Identifies the Holy Identifies the Holy Bible Identifies the Holy
Bible from other Bible from other Bible from other from other books when Bible from other
books. books with ease. books. prompted. books with guidance.

Ability to demonstrate Demonstrates more Demonstrates three Demonstrates two ways of Demonstrates one
three ways of than three ways of ways of handling the handling the holy Bible. way of handling the
handling the holy handling the holy holy Bible. holy Bible.
Bible. Bible.

Ability to narrate the Narrates the story of Narrates the story of Partly narrates the story of Narrates the story
story of David and David and Goliath David and Goliath. David and Goliath. of David and Goliath
Goliath. with actions. with prompts.

Ability to colour a Colours a drawn Colours a drawn Partly colours a drawn Colours a drawn
drawn picture of picture of David and picture of David and picture of David and Goliath. picture of David and
David and Goliath. Goliath creatively. Goliath. Goliath with
continued assistance.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
3.0 The 3.1 The Birth of By the end of the The learner is guided to: Why is the birth
Life of Jesus Christ sub-strand, the • observe drawn pictures of the parents of Jesus important
Jesus learner should be Jesus Christ, to us?
Christ (8 lessons) able to: • identify the parents of Jesus from
a) identify the parents pictures or charts provided,
of Jesus Christ from • observe drawn pictures about the birth of
a chart, Jesus Christ; Luke 2:4-7,
b) tell the story of the • watch a video clip on the birth of Jesus
birth of Jesus Christ, Christ,
c) recognise that Jesus • take a gallery walk at the CRE learning
is the Son of God, corner, to observe pictures about the birth
of Jesus Christ,
• in groups, sing songs about the birth of
Jesus Christ.
Core competencies to be developed:
Learning to learn: The skill of putting ideas together is nurtured as learners sing songs about the birth of Jesus Christ.
Responsibility: Learners take a gallery walk at the CRE learning corner, to observe pictures about the birth of Jesus Christ.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Safety and Security: Learners follow safety precautions as they take a gallery walk to observe pictures about the birth of Jesus
Link to other activity areas:
Environmental Activities: The concept of the family of Jesus relates to the concept of family in Environmental Activities.
Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
3.0 3.2 The By the end of the The learner is guided to: How is the birth
The Life Wise men sub-strand, the learner • share stories about how he or she of Jesus
of Jesus should be able to: celebrates birthdays, celebrated today?
Christ (7 lessons) a) identify two ways the • listen to the Bible verse in Matthew 2:11,
wise men celebrated • watch a video clip of the wise men,
the birth of Jesus, • observe drawn pictures about the wise men,
b) observe drawn pictures • colour drawn pictures of the the gifts
about the wise men, given to Baby Jesus,
c) appreciate the birth of • role-play the visit of the wise men,
Jesus Christ our • sing songs about the birth of Jesus Christ.
Core competence to be developed:
Learning to learn: Learners acquire social skills as they role-play the visit of the wise men.
Respect is nurtured as learners take turns to say how the wise men celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Self-esteem: Learners demonstrate positive interaction skills with peers, as they share stories about how they celebrate their
Link to other activity areas:
Environmental Activities: The concept of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ relates to the concept of family in
Environmental Activities.

Suggested Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies the parents of Identifies the parents of Identifies one parent Identifies one parent of
the parents of Jesus Christ from Jesus Christ from of Jesus from drawn Jesus from drawn
Jesus Christ from pictures with ease. drawn pictures. pictures. pictures when prompted.
Ability to tell the Tells the story of the Tells the story of the Partly tells the story of Tells the story of the
story of the birth of birth of Jesus Christ birth of Jesus Christ. the birth of Jesus birth of Jesus Christ with
Jesus Christ. illustratively. Christ. continuous guidance.
Ability to identify Identifies two ways the Identifies two ways the Identifies one way the Identifies one way the
two ways the wise wise men celebrated the wise men celebrated the wise men celebrated wise men celebrated the
men celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ birth of Jesus Christ. the birth of Jesus birth of Jesus Christ with
birth of Jesus illustratively. Christ. guidance.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
4.0 4.1 By the end of the The learner is guided to: How do you
Christian Love for God sub-strand, the learner • perform a simple role play about, three ways show love for
Values should be able to: of loving God, God?
(7 lessons) a) identify three ways • listen to the Bible verse in Matthew 22:37-
of loving God, 38,
b) practice saying the • use gestures to show how to love God
first commandment, according Matthew 22:37-38,
c) desire to love God • listen and repeat the words in Exodus 20:3,
as guided by the • participate in singing games about loving
Bible. God our heavenly father.
Core competencies to be developed:
Communication: Learners develop communication skills as they listen to and repeat the Bible verses aloud.
Love: is developed as learners sing simple short songs about love for God.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Social cohesion: is enhanced as learners participate in singing games and as they perform a roleplay in groups.
Link to other activity areas:
Creative Activities: The skill of singing is applied as learners participate in singing games about loving God our heavenly

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested
Outcomes Key Inquiry
4.0 Christian 4.2 By the end of the The learner is guided to: Why should
Values Love for sub-strand, the learner • say the names of their deskmates, you love your
Neighbour should be able to: • tell stories about the neighbours they interact or neighbour?
a) tell three ways of play with at home,
(9 lessons) showing love to • listen to a pre-recorded verse from Matthew
his or her 22:39B,
classmates, • repeat saying ‘Matthew 22:39 B’ aloud,
b) mention a simple • take turns to say how they treat their classmates,
Bible verse on • say how they treat their neighbours (age-mates) at
love for home,
neighbour, • perform singing games about love for neighbour,
c) appreciate their • observe pictures of children showing kindness to
neighbours. others.
Core competence to be developed:
Citizenship: Learners develop compassion and empathy skills as they say how they treat their neighbours (age-mates) at school and
Love: Learners portray a caring attitude as they take turns to talk about ways they treat their classmates at school.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Citizenship: Learners portray social skills as they perform singing games about love for their neighbour.
Link to other activity areas:
Environmental Activities: The concept of love for God and neighbour relates to the concept of good neigbourhood in
Environmental Activities.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
4.0 4.3 Sharing By the end of the The learner is guided to: Why should you
Christian with Others sub-strand, the learner • mention items that can be shared at home, share items with
Values should be able to: • talk about items that can be shared at school, others?
(8 lessons) a) list items they share • say why they should share items with others,
with others at home • listen to the Bible verse in Hebrews 13:16 A,
and school, • repeat saying Hebrews 13:16 A aloud,
b) tell two importance • observe pictures of children sharing items
of sharing with with others,
others , • stick cut-out pictures of things he or she can
c) share items with the share with others on plain pieces of paper,
needy. • role-play sharing with others,
• sing simple songs about sharing with others.
Core competencies to be developed:
Creativity and Imagination: Learners develop new ideas as they learn how to stick cut-out pictures of things that can be
Unity: Learners collaborate with others to sing songs on sharing.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Citizenship: Learners show willingness to share with others as they mention items they share at home and school.
Link to other activity areas:
Environmental Activities: The concept of sharing with others relates to the concept of responsibility in Environmental

Suggested Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies more than Identifies three ways Identifies two ways of Identifies one way of
three ways loving three ways of loving of loving God. loving God. loving God.
God. God.

Ability to practice Practices saying the Practices saying the Practice saying the first Practices saying the
saying the first first commandment first commandment. commandment but misses first commandment
commandment. fluently. out on a few words. but misses out on
many words.
Ability to identify Identifies more than Identifies three ways Identifies two ways of Identifies one way of
three ways of three ways of showing of showing love for showing love for his or her showing love for his
showing love for his love for his or her his or her neighbour. neighbour. or her neighbour.
or her neighbour. neighbour.

Ability to mention Mentions more than Mentions three ways Mentions two ways of Mentions one way of
three ways of three ways of sharing of sharing with others sharing with others at home sharing with others at
sharing with others with others at home at home and school. and school. home and school.
at home and school. and school.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested
Outcomes Key Inquiry
5.0 5.1 By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: What is a
The Church A House of the learner should be able to: • take a nature walk in the school church?
God a) state one difference neighbourhood,
between the church and • tell the difference between the church
(7 lessons) other buildings, and other buildings in the neighbourhood,
b) observe church name two items found in the church,
buildings in the school • in turns, role-play how they behave in
neigbbourhood, church,
c) respect the Church as a • colour a drawn picture of a church,
house of God. • in groups, sing songs familiar to them.
Core competencies to be developed:
Self-efficacy: Learners display self-esteem as they demonstrate how they behave in church.
• Unity: is enhanced as learners work together in pairs and groups.
• Patriotism: Learners are aware of their responsibilities and behave well in Church.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Safety and Security: Learners are accompanied by their teachers as they take a nature walk around the school to observe church
Link to other activity areas:
Environmental Activities: The concept of the church as a house of God relates to the concept of structures/buildings at home and
school in Environmental Activities.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question(s)
5.0 5.2 By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why should you
The Church Church the learner should be able to: • in turns, mention the activities participate in church
Activities a) mention four activities they they do in Church, activities?
do in church, • observe charts of children
( 8 lessons) b) dramatize the activities participating in various church
they do in church, activities,
c) desire to participate in • in groups, dramatize activities
church activities. they do in church,
Core competencies to be developed:
• Learning to learn: Learners learn new ideas as they dramatize the activities they do in church.
• Communication and Collaboration: Learners develop communication skills as they get involved in Church activities.
Responsibility: is nurtured as learners dramatize activities they do in church.
Link to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs):
Group dynamics: Learners take turns to participate in different tasks or activities.
Link to other activity areas:
Creative Activities: The concept of activities done in church such as singing and dancing relate to the concept of singing and
dancing in Creative Activities.

Suggested Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to tell three Tells more than three Tells three Tells two differences Tells one difference
differences between differences between the differences between between the church and between the church
the church and other church and other the church and other other buildings. and other buildings.
buildings. buildings. buildings.

Ability to tell four Identifies more than four Identifies four Identifies three activities Identifies one to two
activities they do in activities they do in activities they do in that they do in church. activities they do in
church. church. church. church.

Suggested Resources, Assessment Methods, Assessment Tools and Non-Formal Programmes
Suggested Resources Suggested Assessment Suggested Assessment Non-Formal Programmes
Methods Tools to Support Learning
• Good News Bible • Oral questions • Checklists Pastoral Programmes of
• The Children’s Bible • Observations • Observation Instruction (PPI).
• ICT devices • Portfolios schedules
• Flashcards • Checklists • Anecdotal records
• Picture cut-outs • Portfolio
• Picture books • Questions and
• Modelling materials (clay, answers
dough, and plasticine)
• Colouring materials
• Wallcharts
• Musical instruments (e.g. shakers,
drums, etc)
• Improvised costumes and
materials for role-play


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