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Download ebooks file Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations of the First Kind A. S. Apartsyn all chapters
Download ebooks file Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations of the First Kind A. S. Apartsyn all chapters
Loving Out Loud The Power of a Kind Word 1st Edition Robyn
Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations of the First Kind
A. S. Apartsyn Digital Instant Download
Author(s): A. S. Apartsyn, Anatoly S. Apartsyn
ISBN(s): 9789067643757, 9067643750
Edition: Reprint 2010
File Details: PDF, 33.57 MB
Year: 2003
Language: english
Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations
of the First Kind
Also available in the Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series:
Poorly Visible Media in X-ray Tomography Identification Problems ofWave Phenomena -
D.S.Anikonov,V.G. Nazarov, and I.V. Prokhorov Theory and Numerics
Dynamical Inverse Problems of Distributed S.I. Kobonikh/n and A. Lorenzi
Systems Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic
V.l. Maksimov Geophysical Fields
Theory of Linear Ill-Posed Problems and its P.S. Martyshko
Applications Composite Type Equations and Inverse Problems
VK. lvanov,V.V.Vasin andV.RTanana A.I. Koznonov
Ill-Posed Internal Boundary Value Problems for Inverse Problems ofVibrational Spectroscopy
the Biharmonic Equation A.G.Yagola, I.V. Kochikov, G.M. Kuramshina andYuA
MA. Atakhodzhaev Pentin
Investigation Methods for Inverse Problems Elements of the Theory of Inverse Problems
V.G. Romanov AM Denisov
Operator Theory. Nonclassical Problems Volterra Equations and Inverse Problems
S.G. Pyotkoy A. L Bugngeim
Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Small Parameter Method in Multidimensional
Equations Inverse Problems
Yu.Yo. e/ov A.S. arashkov
Method of Spectral Mappings in the Inverse Regularization, Uniqueness and Existence of
Problem Theory Volterra Equations of the First Kind
V.Yurko A. Asanov
Theory of Linear Optimization Methods for Solution of Nonlinear Operator
/./. Eremin Equations
Integral Geometry and Inverse Problems for V.P.Tanana
Kinetic Equations Inverse and Ill-Posed Sources Problems
AKh.Amirov Yu.E.Anikonov, B.A. Bubnov and G.N. Erokhin
Computer Modelling in Tomography and Methods for Solving Operator Equations
Ill-Posed Problems ν.ΡΤαπαηα
MM. Lavrent'ev, SM. Zerkal and O.ETrofimov Nonclassical and Inverse Problems for
An Introduction to Identification Problems Pseudoparabolic Equations
via Functional Analysis A.Asanov and E.R.Atamanov
A. Lorenzi Formulas in Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
Coefficient Inverse Problems for Parabolic Type Yu.EAmkonoy
Equations and Their Application Inverse Logarithmic Potential Problem
P.G. Danilaev V.G. Cherednichenko
Inverse Problems for Kinetic and Other Multidimensional Inverse and Ill-Posed
Evolution Equations Problems for Differential Equations
Yu.E Anikonov YuEAn/konov
Inverse Problems of Wave Processes Ill-Posed Problems with A Priori Information
A.S. Blagoveshchenskii V.V.Vasin andA.LAgeev
Uniqueness Problems for Degenerating Integral Geometry ofTensor Fields
Equations and Nonclassical Problems V.A. Sharafutdinov
S.P. Shishatskii, A. Asanov and ER Atamanov Inverse Problems for Maxwell's Equations
Uniqueness Questions in Reconstruction of V.G. Romanov and S.I. Kabanikhin
Multidimensional Tomography-Type
Projection Data
V.P. Golubyatnikov
Monte Carlo Method for Solving Inverse
Problems of Radiation Transfer
Introduction to the Theory of Inverse Problems
A. L Bukhgeim
Nonclassical Linear
Vo I terra Equations
of the First Kind
A.S. Apartsyn
VSP Tel: +31306925790
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© VSP 2003
ISBN 90-6764-375-0
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Introduction 1
Bibliography 155
Index 167
subject to the corresponding smoothness of the input data, that is, the
kernel K(t,s) and the right-hand side f(t] and provided that K(t,t] ^
0 Vi € [iojT1]) can be represented in the form of an explicit inversion
formula containing a resolvent kernel.
Thousands of publications in the last century were devoted to the theory
and numerical methods for solving equation (0.1) and its generalizations.
An overview of the state of the art in this field and a survey of the related
articles is given by Brunner and van der Houwen (1986). We also note a
survey given by Tsaluk (1977) that contains a more complete list of works
by Russian mathematicians.
A new impulse to the study of Volterra equations of the first kind was
given by the development of the general theory of ill-posed problems. A great
contribution to this theory was made by such outstanding mathematicians
as A. N. Tikhonov, M. M. Lavrent'ev, V. K. Ivanov, and their pupils and
followers. The Fredholm equation of the first kind is a typical representative
of ill-posed problems in the classical Hadamard sense. Since equation (0.1)
is a particular case of the Fredholm equation of the first kind, the concepts of
regularization methods of ill-posed problems taking into account the specific
character of the Volterra operators are also applicable to (0.1). Among the
works devoted to this aspect, we point out Sergeev (1971), Apartsyn and
Bakushinsky (1972), Denisov (1975), and Magnitsky (1975). In the sequel,
2 A. S. Apartsyn. Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations ...
te[t0,T\, (0.2)
with to = 0? o-(t) = qt, Q < q < 1, and showed that (0.2) is equivalent to
some integro-functional equation of the second kind whose solution, in turn,
could be found using the results obtained in (Volterra, 1896).
The paper Brunner (1997) devoted to the hundredth anniversary of the
introduction of Volterra equations of the first kind contains a list of works
published in early 20th century that are related to (0.2).
In 1977, V.M. Glushkov (see Glushkov, 1977) proposed a two-sector
macroeconomic model described by integral relations with Volterra oper-
ators of the type (0.2). The function a(t) representing the dynamics of
extinction or substitution of the elements in a (developing) system, together
with <£>(£), was assumed to be sought as a control element optimizing some
quality criterion of the system operation. An important a priori property
of α(ί) in such models is its nondecreasing due to the irreversibility of the
process of extinction in the developing system.
In a series of publications by V. M. Glushkov and his colleagues, the ideas
of Glushkov (1977) were further developed in terms of both mathematical
methods and applications (in biology, ecology, medicine, engineering, etc.).
This subject is considered in greater detail in Glushkov, Ivanov, and Yanenko
(1983), and Yatsenko (1991).
Since the problem of identification of the functional parameters appear-
ing in the models of the Glushkov type is reduced to equations of the type
(0.2), these equations drew even greater attention of researchers. For exam-
ple, some numerical methods for solving (0.2) were considered by Yatsenko
(1991) (see also Naubetova and Yatsenko (1988)).
It should be noted that the generalization of results obtained for (0.1)
to the case of (0.2) turned out to be rather nontrivial. Moreover, the math-
ematical apparatus for investigating (0.2) depends to a great extent on the
following assumption (the same s in models of the Glushkov type):
a(t) <t W € [ f 0 , T ] , (0.3)
or, for the initial point t — to,
a(t0) = to. (0.4)
Introduction 3
Equations (0.2) with the condition (0.3) are analyzed in Chapter 2 and
those with the condition (0.4) are considered in Chapter 3.
We have restricted ourselves to the linear Volterra equations of the first
kind with variable lower limit in order to focus our attention on specific
problems arising in transition from (0.1) to (0.2), though the extension of
some results to the equation of the type
K(t, 5, φ(β}} as = /(i), t e [ίο,Τ] (0.2')
the domain of solutions and the domain of right-hand sides of the operator
equation Αφ = f . Since for any continuous function φ(ί] on [to,T] we have
(hence, the Fredholm operator with such a kernel plays the role of the iden-
tity E in (7), the Fredholm equation of the first kind
t <—t Γ·*[LQ, Τ !
J. J, (Λ 1 1\
\ oo, ι/ = 0
and oo
<S(i/)di/ = l. (1.1.5)
/ •oo
-K { , ,
^ 0, s>t
min \K(t,t)\=k^Q. (1.1.7)
If (1.1.6) is satisfied, then equation (1.1.1) turns into a classical Volterra
equation of the first kind
/'(*) 6 qto,T], (
/(*o)=0, (1.1.11)
then the inverse of the operator V considered as an operator that maps Ο^,Τ]
°(1) Δ fl)
into C[t0}T] = [f(t)/f(t) e C'LV]' /(*o) — 0} is bounded and therefore the
a4> (1-1-12)
to both sides of (1.1.8), we obtain the Volterra equation of the second kind
which is equivalent to (1.1.8) because the operator T> is linear and condition
(1.1.11) holds. Therefore, from (1.1.9) it follows that the (unique) solution
φ of (1.1.13) is continuous, and (1.1.10) is a solution of (1.1.8):
φ= (E-WrlVf. (1.1.14)
V~l = (E - W}~l-D. (1.1.15)
We need only show that
We have
<\\(E-Wrl\L\\V\\0(l} . (1.1.17)
, < C
II (E - W}' \\c_>c < IIw* \\c-+c< °°> i1·1·19)
the convergence in norm of the Neumann series being ensured by the prop-
erty of generalized contraction in C of the operator
Finally, (1.1.16) follows from (1.1.17) (1.1.19).
Thus, if (1.1.7) and (1.1.9)-(1.1.11) hold, then the integral Volterra equa-
tion of the first kind (1.1.8) is well-posed on (C, C ), so that
ν-ι=ΒΤ>, (1.1.21)
0, s > ί;
ο(ρ+1) Λ
Then (1.1.1) is well-posed on the pair (C,C ), C[t^T] = {/(*)//(*) £
[t0+T}' / (l/) (*o) = 0, i/ = O^p}, so that (1.1.1) belongs to the type V(p + 1).
An important example of the kernel A"(i, s) satisfying (1.1.6'), (1.1.7') is
(t ~ s)P/p\, tQ<s<t<T-
'"' - - - '
0, 5 > t.
In this case, the derivative of order (p+ 1) in the right-hand side of (1.1.1) is
a solution of (1.1.1) (or the equivalent equation (1.1.8) with the right-hand
side /ω (ί)).
In particular, if ρ = 0, then (1.1.6'), (1.1.7') coincide with (1.1.6),
(1.1.7), and the kernel (1.1.22)
K(t,s) =
0, s >t
where Γ(·) is the gamma function, άι~α/ dtl~a is the operator of partial
differentiation of order 1 - a (Samko et al. (1987)). Equation (1.1.23) is
ο (λ) ο (λ)
well posed on the pair (C, Lip ), X = 1 — α + β, 0 < /9 < α, where Ιιίρ[ίθ)Γι
is the Banach space of functions satisfying the Holder condition with the
index λ and norm (see Kantorovich and Akilov, 1977)
/(ί) II ο (Λ) =|| /(ί) ||qto,T] 4- sup " ν , ~Λ, ; Αλ """, /(ίο) = 0.
LiP[t0,T] [ί,ί+Δί]<ΐ[ίο,Τ] ' *^
is such that
K<f>(t,8)\e=t =0
etc. The Gronwall-Bellman (G.-B.) inequality stands out among them and
is known as a fundamental result of the stability theory (Bellman and Beck-
enbach, 1965). G.-B. inequality and its modifications and generalizations
are used for studying the issues of existence, uniqueness and stability of
solutions of different classes of ordinary differential equations, differential
equations in partial derivatives as well as integral and integro-differential
A widely used simple version of G.-B. inequality and a proof obtained
by Bellman (1943) will be given below.
c +. f"Jtog(s)u(s)ds
Λ , , , ^ »(*)· (L2·3)
implies that
u(t) <cem(t-to\ t>tQ. (1.2.2')
12 A. S. Apartsyn. Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations ...
ί6[ί τ] (L2 6)
°' · '
We put
< (Fi/fc)e Klfc ^-^J. (1.2.11)
|| o(1 ) , (1.2.12)
Note that the estimate (1.1.17) was obtained in Section 1.1. We now show
that (1.2.13) follows from (1.1.7).
By virtue of (1.1.18) and (1.1.19), it suffices to estimate
i wl
where the operator W is determined by the formula (1.1.20).
Chapter 1. Classical Volterra equations of the first kind 13
<£(*-*<>) II <«>(«) l
\ rv /
II <*>(*) Hq to ,T]'
which implies
/ T,\ ΓΤ ^ ( (i ^ is)
(1 2 16)
(f i^· ··
By virtue of (1.1.19) and (1.2.16),
v \i Ιτ< 4 \i
^ °'
c[to,r]->qto,T] v /
Finally, substitution of (1.1.18) and (1.2.17) into (1.1.17) gives the result
equivalent to (1.2.13).
It is evident that, on one hand, the use of the G.-B. inequality is the
shortest way to obtain the estimate of solution stability for equation (1.1.8);
on the other hand, the method based on representing the operator V~l in
the form (1.1.5) is more universal. In what follows, we shall use it to obtain
(in a certain sense) unimprovable estimates of solutions of Volterra equations
of the first kind that are more general than (1.1.18).
14 A. S. Apartsyn. Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations ...
Lemma 1.3.1. If
Ui < c + m^Piij, z' = 2, 3, . . . , MI < c, (1.3.1)
where c and m are nonnegative constants, then
3=1 3=1
n-1 Ti-2
^(l+m) - ) = c(l + m) (l + m ^ ( l + m)J
J 1 2
3=1 3=1
··· = c(l + m) n ~ 1 (l +m) =c(l + m) n . G
A more general case is proved similarly: if (1.3.1) is satisfied, but u\ < ci,
1 + τη)^2, < = 2,3, . . . . (1.3.2')
In inequalities of the type (1.3.1) which appear in the study of numerical
methods, c, ra and i are usually interrelated. To be more precise,
where h is the mesh size and ci, α,, τηχ, d are constants independent of h.
By virtue of (1.3.2),
/ K(tits)<p(s)ds
, i = l^. (1.3.4)
By virtue of the condition (1.1.7), the system (1.3.4) has a unique solu-
tion for any right-hand side, which will be denoted by <ph = (φ^, ...,</?£).
According to Gavurin (1971), <f>h will be called the carcass of the approxi-
mate solution of integral equation (1.1.8), and the vector (ψ(ί\), . . . ,v?(f n ))
will be called the carcass of the exact solution φ(ί] of (1.1.8). Let Ch and
be the spaces of mesh functions with the norms
·**»·»" . 1 J II ϊ
l<i<n h
where VhtC(Ch,Ch ).
We introduce the vector of errors
- V?}, i -
It is evident that
Vhe = -τ(φ], (1.3.6)
16 A. S. Apartsyn. Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations ...
τ}(φ)= (1.3.7)
i = 2,n.
First, we need to estimate \τ^(φ) — Γ^_ί . By virtue of (1.3.7),
+ (1.3.9)
Applying the estimate for the standard error of the quadrature formula of
right-hand rectangles (see Mysovskikh, 1962), from (1.3.9) we obtain
Η max
2 t,
(here we assume that the corresponding derivatives are continuous).
Returning to (1.3.8) and using the previous notation, we have
Chapter 1. Classical Volterra equations of the first kind 17
So far it has been assumed that the input data in (1.1.8) are known exactly.
However, in practice, they always have noises. For example, suppose that
the right-hand side f(t] is replaced by a function f ( t ) such that
\\f(t)-f(t}\\C[to,T]<o, (1Α1)
18 A. S. Apartsyn. Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations ...
the system (1.3.4) still has a unique solution. We denote it by (ph = {φ%},
i = l,n, and introduce the error vector εΛ = {έ^} = {<p(ti) — $}, i = l,n.
We now estimate its norm in Ch> Since eh satisfies the system (SLAB)
Vheh = -f h (Y>), (1.4.3)
ci = Rek~lK^T~^\ c2 = 2Ar 1 eT 1Jfl < r - to >.
Assume that the mesh size h is chosen to be a function of δ determined by
the formula
h(8) = c357; c3 = const > 0, 0 < 7 < 1. (1.4.5)
Then from (1.4.4) if follows that ψ(δ,ίι(δ)) -> 0 with δ -» 0 and, moreover,
II £h llcfc— >· 0 as 5 -> 0. It means that the problem of reconstructing
the carcass of the approximate solution of (1.1.8) considered on the pair
(Cfi,Ch] is stable with respect to disturbances in the right-hand side of
(1.1.8) that are measured in the metric of C^^.
It is natural to choose the parameter 7 in (1.4.5) so that the rate of
convergence of the function ψ(δ, h(S)) to zero is maximized. This value
of 7 will be referred to as quasi-optimal (q.o.). It is easy to see that
7q.0. = 1/2. In this case hq.0(S) = ο3δ^·°· χ δτ and || eh«·0· ||cfcq.0 .= O(S*).
A majorant estimate of the type (1.4.4) for the quadrature of middle
rectangles has the form
\\eh\\Ch<c1h2+c2S-=^l(6,h) (1.4.4')
Chapter 1. Classical Volterra equations of the first kind 19
and therefore
t-t n
has a solution ψα(ί) = 1 — e <* such that for fixed t* = to + ε, ε > 0, we
have \\<p(t) - </?a(i)||qt.,r]a30 0, but \\ψ(ί) - ψα(ί)\\ο^η = 1.
To transfer the boundary value into the right-hand side of (1.5.1), it is
necessary to add the term αφ(ίο). Thus, unlike (1.5.5), the equation
αφ(ί)+ I (p(s)ds = t-t0 + a, t e [i0,T], (1.5.6)
ri ~l
(φ)= i) (1-5.9)
•Σ 3=1
22 A. S. Apartsyn. Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations ...
1_ i = 2,n. (1.5.11)
Φι = max |y'(t)|,
' x /(
from (1.5.11) it follows that
» = 2,n. (1.5.12)
In addition, for i = 1, from (1.5.10) it immediately follows that
|< r . v(1-5.13)
I '- α 4-
If tp(to) = 0, then
f '~ α
· *=
Chapter 1. Classical Volterra equations of the first kind 23
j-α,/ΐι ^ ρ , α + h KI . ,,
ε3 < Γ 0 + — ΓΙ. (1.5.15)
2 α + ηκι
α + h?Ki α+ __ „ .
- , i = 2,n, μι = Γ 0 . (1.5.16)
α +, nk\
It is evident that
Ι3*Λ I < W , i = M- (1-5.17)
Λ2 , α+ ^ a
λ2 - 1 + -ττ^ λ + -ΓΓ- = °>
V ot + hki ) a + hki
^ _ μιΛ 2 -μι ^ _ μι - \\μ\
λ —Α λ —λ
24 A. S. Aparisyn. Nonclassical Linear VbJterra Equations ...
is valid if
h(6) X I, α(ί) χ ί § (1.5.29)
in the case φ(ίο) = 0, and
h(S) χ ii, a(J) x<5 (1.5.30)
in the case φ(ίο) / 0.
j_!<^_!=/z, ^' (1.5.32)
is also preserved under the condition that (1.5.29), (1.5.30) hold and there
exists ho > 0 such that
min \K(t,t-h)\ = ~k\ > 0.
However, in general, for fixed δ, kernel disturbances have stronger effect on
the carcass errors than disturbances in the right-hand side because of larger
values of the corresponding constants.
26 A. S. Apartsyn. Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations ...
Remark 1.5.3. The estimates (1.5.29), (1.5.30) show that the param-
eters α and h are not equivalent because, regardless of the value of <£(io)>
α(δ) = o(h(6)) and the introduction of additional parameter o; into a self-
regularization difference scheme does not improve the asymptotics of the car-
cass error (but can degrade it if, for example, we assume that h(o) = ο(α(δ}).
Therefore, the parameter h can naturally be interpreted as the basic regu-
larization parameter, whereas α as an auxiliary one.
Let us now show that the obtained estimates and conclusions based on
them are not due to imperfection of the technique applied but reflect the
essence of the matter. For this purpose following Apartsyn (1982), (1985)
we construct examples from which the unimprovability of these estimates
follows since they are achieved as strict equalities.
Let us go back to the example (1.5.4), for which the discrete analog of
(1.5.5) given by
has a solution
and therefore
a +h
Hence, the condition α = o(h) is necessary for the α-regularized carcass to
converge in the norm of Ch·
We illustrate the possibility of improving (1.5.28) and (1.5.29) by the
following example.
Chapter 1. Classical Volterra equations of the first kind 27
whose exact solution is the function φ(ί) = t2 (the second power guarantees
a nonzero error of the quadrature formula of middle rectangles, which is
important for our purpose). We introduce a saw-type disturbance of the
right-hand side:
Then equation (1.5.10) for the error of the regularized carcass can be written
,' » = 2,n,
' ' (1.5.35)
V /
- -,
Next, we obtain the explicit formula ε0' i = ip(6,a,h,i) from (1.5.35),
(1.5.36) and make sure that the optimization of the function ψ with re-
spect to the parameters α(δ) and h(6) results in the estimates of (1.5.28),
a (-1Y2S-&
α+η α ...ι.
+h '
From (1.5.35) it follows that
, it is easy to verify that
j=0 12
We need only calculate Applying the rule of summation by
parts, we have
and therefore
2ahi-2a(a Ι-
12 a +h a +h
i — 3,n. (1.5.38)
We need only maximize the rate of convergence of -φ to zero as δ —ϊ Ο
using α(ί) and /ι(<5). Let α(5) χ <J", Λ(ί) χ <Γ, 0 < /9,7 < 1. Since * < 1/Λ
Chapter 1. Classical Volterra equations of the first kind 29
= t+-, i € [0,1], (1.5.39)
with it's exact solution (p(i) = 1 -4- £2 and the same disturbance of the right-
hand side.
Thus, we have proved that the introduction of an additional regular-
ization parameter α into a discrete analog of the integral equation does
not improve the asymptotics of the carcass error and does not change the
asymptotics of the quasi-optimal mesh size, as compared to the pure self-
regularization method. But despite that the parameter α is "asymptotically
useless", the availability of an additional regularization parameter for fixed
5 can considerably improve the accuracy of numerical solution, the effect
of introducing α being greater with larger values of δ. We shall verify the
above statement using the test equation
Table 1.5.1.
δ /i0pt
llt "Chovt
ΙΟ-2 0,60238 0,02215
ίο- 0,28026 0,00408
10~4 0,13226 0,00081
10~5 0,06092 0,00017
10~6 0,02875 0,00003
30 A. S. Apartsyn. Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations ...
Table 1.5.2 presents the results for the (a, /i)-algorithm. For fixed δ
and hopi, a one-parametric optimization of the carcass error with respect
to α was also performed using the Fibonacci method by virtue of unimodal
nature of He^Hch as a function of a.
Table 1.5.2.
δ ^opt «opt
\\jrOiopt, hopt \\
H fc nc>ioDt
ίο-2 0,60238 0,02424 0,00907
io-3 0,28026 0,003548 0,00225
ΗΓ4 0,13226 0,00063 0,00048
10~5 0,06092 0,00027 0,00011
10~6 0,02875 0,00002 0,00002
The availability of the second parameter would allow one to reduce the
error of the numerical solution almost to one third with δ = 10~2, and only
by a factor of 1.5 with δ = 10~6. The validity of the same asymptotics
as those theoretically obtained for ftq.o.c., q.o.c., and ||£Qi-°'c'»Vo.c. ||Cfc ^ is
To illustrate the effect of the kernel disturbance on the carcass error, we
consider another test example borrowed from Keech (1977):
was introduced for fixed 5, and optimization with respect to α was performed
using the Fibonacci method for fixed hi = l/(i + 1), i — 1,2,
Chapter 1. Classical Volterra equations of the first kind 31
Table 1.5.3.
δ ^opt «opt
minimum α such that (1.5.43) is still solvable for η is denoted by ares. and the
corresponding η is called nres.· Table 1.5.4 gives the results of calculations
for the model equation
I ei [0,1] (1.5.44)
with the exact solution φ(ί) = 1.
Table 1.5.4
The relation < (less or equal) is used along with the relation >. The
inequality y < χ for x, y e A means that χ — y € /C.
TTn = {o>i < ti < Tj, i = l,n}, with continuous nonnegative kernel in the
domain Ωη = {αϊ < Si < ti < Ti, i = l,n} is isotone with respect to the
cone C+πη ; the same operator with nonpositive kernel in the domain Ωη
is antitone.
/ g(s)wi-i(s)ds, » = 1,2,...; w0(t) = c; te[t0,T].
, » = 1,2,...,
w(t) = c ^ — '— = ci
which coincides with the G.-B. estimate (1.2.2).
Thus, the classical G.-B. inequality is unimprovable. This conclusion is
naturally valid for (1.2.1'), (1.2.2'). The solution of (1.6.7) and, moreover,
of the equation
can also be found using some other techniques due to the simplicity of both
equations. We demonstrate these techniques using (1.6.10) as an example.
Differentiation of (1.6.10) reduces it to an equivalent Cauchy problem
*>)*. (L6·13)
Substituting (1.6.13) into (1.6.10) and equating the coefficients of the same
powers of t — ίο, we obtain the recursion formulas
which implies
is isotone with respect to the cone C+n2 (see Example 1.6.2), according to
Lemma 1.6.1, the solution of the equation
ti rti
I w(si,S2)dsids2, * ι , < 2 € π 2 , (1.6.18)
/ ./ο
is an unimprovable estimate of solutions of inequality (1.6.15).
Since oo
w(t1,t2) = ^Vic, ί ι , ί 2 € π 2 , (1.6.19)
where V is the operator (1.6.17) and
Vc-c ( ., )2 , i-1,2,...,
i=o ·
we have
<ce m i l i 2
which is a natural consequence of the fact that (1.6.20) is unimprovable.
According to the method of undetermined coefficients, the same formula
(1.6.20) can be obtained by substituting the series
-, ι = ι, ζ , . . . , CQ = c,
T^c, (1.6.22)
0. / , . .
2tVmtlt2\ = ^ -2 2 *(fc!l 2- ' (1.6.28)
/ V
Jfc=0 ''
Assume that the operators Vi, i = l, n commute with one another. Then,
using the combinatorial formula of Vilenkin (1969)
k_ y> fe! ^ in _
ι 4 ί ι 1 · · . 7_ 1
k=0 i=0
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