English Year 2: (2G6.3) Formation of adjectives using suffixes such as –ful, –less (A fuller list of suffixes can be found in the year 2 spelling
section in English Appendix 1)
English Year 3 and Year 4: Use further prefixes and suffixes and understand how to add them - see English appendix 1
Beginner Children to add the suffix, the noun does not change in any way, e.g. care + ful = careful and wind + y = windy.
Easy Children to add the suffix. The ending of the noun changes when the suffix is added to make an adjective, e.g. centre = central, fury =
furious and misery = miserable
Tricky Children to add the suffix with challenging vocabulary and spelling, e.g. benefit = beneficial and mischief = mischievous.
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
care favour
mess cloud
danger rest
accident wonder
delight guilt
cost pain
use person
rain sun
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
self comfort
order fault
success fun
magic fool
luck power
week poison
colour dirt
wind worth
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
nature beauty
anger universe
penny ice
science nerve
caution tribe
response fury
ease misery
fame history
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
centre expense
sense rebellion
juice brute
base day
mystery energy
violence fortune
haste victory
muscle noise
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
craziness athlete
adventure economy
industry skill
benefit difference
hygiene victory
glory fire
infect happiness
offence giant
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.
vigour charity
crime luxury
plenty decision
strength envy
palace humour
volcano intelligence
anxiety creation
miracle youth
Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.