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Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

National Curriculum Objectives:

English Year 2: (2G6.3) Formation of adjectives using suffixes such as –ful, –less (A fuller list of suffixes can be found in the year 2 spelling
section in English Appendix 1)
English Year 3 and Year 4: Use further prefixes and suffixes and understand how to add them - see English appendix 1


Beginner Children to add the suffix, the noun does not change in any way, e.g. care + ful = careful and wind + y = windy.
Easy Children to add the suffix. The ending of the noun changes when the suffix is added to make an adjective, e.g. centre = central, fury =
furious and misery = miserable
Tricky Children to add the suffix with challenging vocabulary and spelling, e.g. benefit = beneficial and mischief = mischievous.

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Teaching Information
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

care favour

mess cloud

danger rest

accident wonder

delight guilt

cost pain

use person

rain sun

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 1 – Beginner
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

care careful/careless favour favourite

mess messy cloud cloudy

danger dangerous rest restful/restless

accident accidental wonder wonderful

delight delightful guilt guilty

cost costly pain painful/painless

use useful/useless person personal

rain rainy sun sunny

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 1 – Beginner ANSWERS
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

self comfort

order fault

success fun

magic fool

luck power

week poison

colour dirt

wind worth

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 2 – Beginner
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

self selfish/selfless comfort comfortable

order orderly fault faulty

success successful fun funny

magic magical fool foolish

luck lucky power powerful/powerless

week weekly poison poisonous

colour colourful dirt dirty

wind windy worth worthless

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 2 – Beginner ANSWERS
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

nature beauty

anger universe

penny ice

science nerve

caution tribe

response fury

ease misery

fame history

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 1 – Easy
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

nature natural beauty beautiful

anger angry universe universal

penny penniless ice icy

science scientific nerve nervous

caution cautious tribe tribal

response responsible fury furious

ease easy misery miserable

fame famous history historical

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 1 – Easy ANSWERS
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

centre expense

sense rebellion

juice brute

base day

mystery energy

violence fortune

haste victory

muscle noise

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 2 – Easy
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

centre central expense expensive

sense sensible/senseless rebellion rebellious

juice juicy brute brutal

base basic day daily

mystery mysterious energy energetic

violence violent fortune fortunate

haste hasty victory victorious

muscle muscular noise noisy

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 2 – Easy ANSWERS
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

craziness athlete

adventure economy

industry skill

benefit difference

hygiene victory

glory fire

infect happiness

offence giant

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 1 – Tricky
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

craziness crazy athlete athletic

adventure adventurous economy economical

industry industrial/industrious skill skilful

benefit beneficial difference different

hygiene hygienic victory victorious

glory glorious fire fiery

infect infectious happiness happy

offence offensive giant gigantic

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 1 – Tricky ANSWERS
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

vigour charity

crime luxury

plenty decision

strength envy

palace humour

volcano intelligence

anxiety creation

miracle youth

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 2 – Tricky
Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

vigour vigorous charity charitable

crime criminal luxury luxurious

plenty plentiful decision decisive

strength strong envy enviable/envious

palace palatial humour humorous

volcano volcanic intelligence intelligent

anxiety anxious creation creative

miracle miraculous youth young/youthful

Adding a Suffix to Make an Adjective from a Noun

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2016
Worksheet 2 – Tricky ANSWERS

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