Detailed System Design Booklet
Detailed System Design Booklet
Detailed System Design Booklet
Low level design covers the structure of code in a given component. However, a large scale
system will have multiple components / services. High level design is about the optimal design
of which components to have for a fast and efficient system. More on this later.
Let’s take a real story of a website that started on a single laptop in a dorm room (Exactly how
we write code today). Back in 2003, there was a website that went by the name of
Browsing the internet was completely based on bookmarks and you would lose bookmarks the
moment you changed browser / machine. So, delicious built a bookmarking website. You login,
and then bookmark websites using delicious tool. That way, when you go to any other
machine/browser, all you need to do is to login into delicious with your account to get access to
all your bookmarks. Basically, largely delicious implemented following 2 functions:
● addBookmark(userId, site_url)
● getAllBookmarks(userId)
If you were to code those 2 functions on your laptop, would you be able to? Assume you store
entries in MySQL database which is also on your laptop.
If yes, congratulations. Your version of delicious is almost ready.
Problem 1: How do I ensure that when people type in their browsers, they reach my
The internet world only understands IP Addresses. How do people know the IP address of my
laptop when they type
So, that means I should be able to associate my domain name to my laptop’s IP address. That
is exactly what happens. You can create “A” record in GoDaddy / Namecheap that is then
registered centrally.
● Further reading:
Ok, so now ICANN knows IP address of my laptop tied to delicious domain name that I bought.
Which means theoretically, when someone types delicious in their browser, they can get the IP
address they need to go to from ICANN. But is that a good design?
Not really. ICANN becomes the single point of failure for the entire internet.
Ok, then what do we do? Imagine if there were thousands of machines all around the internet
that had a copy of the information there on ICANN. Then my problem could have been solved.
Because now people typing delicious on their browser, could find out the IP address from these
Very simplistically, these machines are called DNS machines (Domain Name Servers). While
the DNS architecture is decently complicated (You can read if interested), in
simple words, DNS machines maintain a copy of information present centrally and they keep
pinging every few hours to get any recent updates from the central machines.
DNS Overview
DNS, or Domain Name System, is a critical component of the internet that translates
human-readable domain names (like into IP addresses (like,
which are used to locate and identify devices on a network. Here's a detailed step-by-step
explanation of how DNS works:
1. User Input: You start by typing a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) into your web
browser, such as "".
2. Local DNS Cache Lookup: Before making a request to a DNS server, your device
checks its local DNS cache to see if it has previously looked up the IP address for the
given domain. If the IP address is found in the cache and is still valid (not expired), the
device can use it directly without further queries. This cache helps to speed up the
process and reduce the load on DNS servers.
3. Local OS-Level DNS Cache Lookup: If your device has not found the information in its
local cache, it may also check the operating system's DNS cache. This cache is
maintained by the operating system and acts as an additional layer of caching to speed
up DNS resolution. If the IP address is found and still valid in the OS-level cache, your
device can use it without further queries.
4. Recursive DNS Server: If the IP address is not found in the local cache or has expired,
your device contacts a recursive DNS server, also known as a resolver. This resolver is
usually provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a public DNS service like
Google DNS ( or Cloudflare (
5. Root DNS Servers: If the recursive DNS server doesn't have the IP address information,
it starts the resolution process by querying the root DNS servers. These root servers
maintain information about the top-level domains like ".com", ".org", ".net", etc. There are
only a few hundred of these servers worldwide, operated by different organizations.
6. TLD (Top-Level Domain) DNS Servers: The root DNS server responds with a referral to
the appropriate Top-Level Domain (TLD) DNS server for the requested domain. In our
example, it would be the TLD server for ".com".
7. Authoritative DNS Servers: The TLD server then refers the recursive DNS server to the
authoritative DNS server for the specific domain, in this case, "". The
authoritative DNS server is responsible for storing and providing the accurate IP address
information for the domain.
8. DNS Query to Authoritative Server: The recursive DNS server sends a DNS query to the
authoritative DNS server for "", asking for the IP address associated with
9. Response from Authoritative Server: The authoritative DNS server responds with the
requested IP address for "" to the recursive DNS server.
10. Response to User: The recursive DNS server now has the IP address and sends it back
to your device.
11. Browser Initiates Connection: Armed with the IP address, your browser initiates a
connection to the web server at that IP address.
12. Web Server Response: The web server receives the connection request and sends back
the requested web page's data to your browser.
13. Rendering the Web Page: Your browser processes the data received from the web
server and renders the web page, displaying it for you to see and interact with.
It's important to note that DNS is a distributed and hierarchical system, involving multiple types
of DNS servers working together to resolve domain names into IP addresses. This process
happens incredibly quickly, allowing you to access websites with human-readable domain
names even though computers primarily communicate using IP addresses.
Anycast Routing
1. Root DNS Servers: Some of the root DNS servers are deployed using anycast. This
means that there are multiple instances of these root servers located at different
geographical locations, all sharing the same IP address. When a DNS query is sent to a
root DNS server, the routing infrastructure directs the query to the nearest instance of
the root server, reducing latency and distributing the load.
2. TLD (Top-Level Domain) DNS Servers: Similarly, many TLD DNS servers are deployed
using anycast. Each top-level domain has its own set of authoritative DNS servers, and
these servers are often spread across multiple locations. Anycast ensures that when a
recursive DNS server queries a TLD DNS server, the query is directed to the nearest
instance of that TLD server.
3. Authoritative DNS Servers: Some authoritative DNS servers for specific domains also
use anycast. This ensures that when a recursive DNS server queries an authoritative
DNS server for a particular domain, the query is directed to the closest or
best-performing instance of that authoritative server.
Anycast routing helps improve the speed and reliability of DNS resolution by automatically
directing DNS queries to the most optimal server based on factors such as network latency,
congestion, and server health. This approach enhances the overall performance of the DNS
system and contributes to a more robust and resilient internet infrastructure.
Beyond this, Anycast routing is also used for DNS resolver servers. DNS resolver servers are
the ones that users and client devices (like your computer or smartphone) connect to in order to
resolve domain names into IP addresses. Anycast routing is implemented for DNS resolvers to
improve their performance, increase availability, and distribute the load across multiple server
Here's how anycast routing is used for DNS resolver servers:
1. Anycast Addresses for DNS Resolvers: Organizations that provide DNS resolver
services, such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or public DNS providers like Google
DNS ( or Cloudflare (, often deploy multiple instances of their resolver
servers at different geographic locations. These resolver servers share the same
anycast IP address.
2. Routing to Nearest Resolver: When a user's device sends a DNS query to the anycast
IP address of a DNS resolver, the routing infrastructure directs the query to the nearest
instance of the resolver server based on network conditions. This helps reduce the
latency of DNS queries and improves the overall responsiveness of the DNS resolution
3. Load Distribution and Redundancy: Anycast routing also provides load distribution and
redundancy. If one instance of a DNS resolver server becomes unavailable due to
network issues or high traffic, the anycast routing system automatically directs queries to
other available instances of the resolver server. This ensures that DNS resolution
remains reliable and responsive even in the face of server failures or network
4. Dynamic Routing: Anycast routing is dynamic, meaning that the routing infrastructure
continually monitors network conditions and adjusts the routing paths to ensure that DNS
queries are sent to the optimal resolver instance. This dynamic nature of anycast
ensures that users are always directed to the fastest and most responsive resolver
By implementing anycast routing for DNS resolver servers, organizations can enhance the
performance and reliability of their DNS resolution services, leading to faster web page loading
times, improved user experiences, and better overall internet accessibility.
Vertical scaling and horizontal scaling are two approaches to increasing the capacity and
performance of a system, typically in the context of IT infrastructure or application deployment.
They involve adding resources to handle increased workloads, but they differ in how those
resources are added.
1. Adding Resources: Resources such as CPU, memory, storage, and network bandwidth
are increased by upgrading components within the existing server. For example, adding
more RAM, replacing the CPU with a faster one, or expanding storage capacity.
2. Single Point of Failure: Since all the workload is handled by a single server, there is a
higher risk of a single point of failure. If the server experiences a hardware failure, it can
lead to downtime.
4. Limited Scalability: There is a limit to how much a single server can be scaled vertically.
Eventually, hardware constraints may restrict further upgrades.
1. Adding Instances: More servers or instances are added to the system to share the
workload. Each instance is capable of handling a portion of the overall traffic.
3. Load Balancing: Load balancers are used to distribute incoming requests across multiple
instances, ensuring even distribution of the workload.
4. Better Scalability: Horizontal scaling can provide better scalability as new instances can
be added as needed, allowing for more flexible capacity expansion (elasticity).
5. Complexity: Managing multiple instances, load balancers, and distributing the workload
can introduce increased complexity compared to vertical scaling.
Vertical Scaling: Upgrading a single server's RAM, CPU, or storage capacity to handle
increased traffic to a database or web application.
Horizontal Scaling: Adding more web server instances to handle a sudden surge in website
visitors, with a load balancer distributing traffic among the instances.
In summary, vertical scaling involves increasing the capacity of a single server by upgrading its
hardware, while horizontal scaling involves adding more instances or servers to distribute the
workload across multiple machines. The choice between vertical and horizontal scaling depends
on factors such as the nature of the application, the scalability requirements, budget
considerations, and the desired level of redundancy and availability. Communication between
multiple machines over the network is another very important consideration that we will study
more about in the following sections.
Stateful and Stateless Load Balancing
Stateful and stateless load balancing are two different approaches to distributing incoming
network traffic across multiple servers or resources in order to improve performance, availability,
and reliability. These approaches are commonly used in various network and application
1. Session Affinity (Sticky Sessions): Stateful load balancers often use session affinity to
ensure that a client's requests are consistently directed to the same server throughout a
session. This can be important for applications that require consistent state, such as
online shopping carts.
2. Context-Aware Routing: Stateful load balancers consider factors beyond just server
availability, such as server health, CPU usage, and network latency, to make routing
3. Complexity: Stateful load balancing can be more complex to implement and manage, as
the load balancer needs to maintain and synchronize session data across multiple
1. An e-commerce website that ensures a user's shopping cart remains with the same
server for the duration of their session.
2. A chat application where the next replies are based on the entire context of the
1. Scalability: Stateless load balancing is generally more scalable since there is no need to
manage session state. New servers can be added to the pool without worrying about
maintaining session data.
2. Simplicity: Stateless load balancing is simpler to implement and manage since the load
balancer doesn't need to maintain session information or synchronize state between
3. Uniform Distribution: Stateless load balancers evenly distribute incoming traffic across
available servers without any preference for session continuity.
1. A web application that serves static content, like images or CSS files, where each
request is independent and can be directed to any available server.
In summary, stateful load balancing maintains awareness of ongoing connections and sessions,
while stateless load balancing treats each request as independent. The choice between these
approaches depends on the specific requirements of the application and the desired trade-offs
between complexity, scalability, and session continuity.
Now for, maybe instead of one laptop, I have multiple laptops with the same code
and same information [Horizontal Scaling]. However, when my code is being deployed to a
laptop X, how do I ensure no traffic is coming to X?
We need a Load Balancer which keeps track of laptops, which ones are running and is
responsible to split the load equally.
Imagine, becomes majorly popular. It starts getting massive traffic. It starts getting a
million new bookmarks every day.
Now, remember this is 2004. Best machines had 40GB hard disk. If you were getting 1 Million
new bookmarks every day, and every bookmark is 200 bytes roughly, then you are adding
200MB of new bookmarks every day. Which means you will run out of space in 6 months. What
do you do?
You will have to consider splitting the information you have between machines. This is called
Step 1: Choose a sharding key. Basically what information should not get split between
machines, and should reside in the same machine.
Show what happens if you choose site_url as the sharding key. getAllBookmarks has to go to all
We choose user_id to be the sharding key, which means a user and all their bookmarks go to
one shard.
Let’s look at the real approach used in most cases - Consistent Hashing.
Consistent Hashing
Imagine a circle with points from [0, 10^18]. Imagine there is a hash function H1, which maps
every machineId to a number in [0, 10^18], which you then mark on the circle. Similarly, there is
another hash function H which maps userId to [0, 10^18].
Let’s assume we assign a user to be present on the first machine in the cyclic order from the
hash of the user.
For example, in the diagram above, Deyan and Affrica are assigned to Node 2, Freddie and
Srushtika on Node 5 and so on.
In implementation, if you have a sorted array with hashes of nodes, then for every user, you
calculate the hash, and then binary search for the first number bigger than the given hash. That
machine is what the user will be assigned to.
However, this design suffers from an issue. What happens when you remove a shard. Let’s say
Node 2 is down. All load of Node 2 (Deyan + Africa) get assigned to Node 5 and Node5’s load
basically doubles. At such high load, there is a good probability that Node 5 dies which will triple
the load for Node 4. Node4 can also die and it will trigger cascading failure.
So, we modify the consistent hashing a little bit. Instead of one hash per machine, you use
multiple hashing functions per machine (the more, the better). So, Node 1 is present at multiple
places, Node 2 at multiple places and so forth.
In the above example, if node A dies, some range of users is assigned to B, some to D and
some to C. That is the ideal behavior.
System Design - Caching
1. AppsServer Layer
2. Caching
- Where?
- Invalidation?
- Eviction?
- Local caching case study
In the last class, we learned that when we type something on the browser( or search for a
website specifically), the first thing the browser has to do is talk to a DNS and figure out which
IP address the browser should be talking to, and it communicates with the machine at that
particular IP. And when you go from one machine to multiple machines, you need a load
balancer to distribute traffic uniformly, but after a point when the amount of information cannot fit
into a single machine, then the model needs to be shared. It can be done using consistent
However, the machines had both the code and storage in the previous model. Do you think it
is a good model?
1. Code and database are tightly coupled, and code deployments cause unavailability.
2. Fewer resources are available for the code since the database will also use some of the
So it is better to decouple code and storage. However, the only downside of decoupling is the
additional latency of going from one machine to another (code to the database).
So it can be concluded that it is not ideal for storing code and database on the same machine.
The approach is to separate the code and storage parts to increase efficiency.
Different machines storing the same code running simultaneously are called Application
Server Machines or App Servers. Since they don't store data and only have code parts, they
are stateless and easily scalable machines.
The process of storing things closer to you or in a faster storage system so that you can get
them very fast can be termed caching.
Caching happens at different places. The first place we start caching is the browser. Browser
stores/caches things that you need to access frequently. Now let’s look at different levels of
1: In-Browser caching
We can cache some IPs so that browser doesn't need to communicate with the DNS server
every time to get the same IP address. This caching is done of smaller entries that are likely not
to change very often and is called in-browser hashing. Browser caches DNS and static
information like images, videos, and JavaScript files. This is why a website takes time to load for
the first time but loads quickly because the browser caches the information.
From the website perspective, users worldwide should have a good experience, and these
separate regions act as a hindrance. So what’s the solution?
The solution for the problem is CDN, Continent Delivery Network. Examples of CDN are
companies like
- Akamai
- Cloudflare
- CloudFront by Amazon
- Fastly
These companies' primary job is to have machines worldwide, in every region. They store your
data, distribute it to all the regions, and provide different CDN links to access data in a particular
region. Suppose you are requesting data from the US region. Obviously, you can receive the
HTML part/ code part quickly since it is much smaller than the multimedia images. For
multimedia, you will get CDN links to files of your nearest region. Accessing these files from the
nearest region happens at a much larger pace. Also, you pay per use for using these CDN
One question you might think is how your machine talks to the nearest region only(gets its
IP, not of some machine located in another region), when CDN has links for all the regions. Well,
this happens in two ways:
1. A lot of ISP have CDN integrations. Tight coupling with them helps in giving access to
the nearest IP address. For example, Netflix’s CDN does that.
2. Anycast (
This CDN process to get information from the nearest machine is also a form of caching.
3: Local Caching
It is caching done on the application server so that we don't have to hit the database repeatedly
to access data.
4: Global Caching
(This will be discussed in more detail in the next class)
This is also termed In-memory caching. In practice, systems like Redis and Memcache help to
fetch actual or derived kinds of data quickly.
We will look at more cache invalidation strategies in this doc through case studies.
Keeping cache and DB in sync
This can be done by the strategies like Write through cache, Write back cache, or Write around
the cache.
Write through cache: Anything to be written is database passes from cache first(there can be
multiple cache machines), storing it (updating cache), and then updating it to the database and
returning success. If failed, changes will be reverted in the cache.
It makes the writing slower but reads much faster. For a read-heavy system, this could be a
great approach.
Write back cache: First, the write is written in the cache. The moment write in the cache
succeeds, you return success to the client. Data is then synced to the database asynchronously
(without blocking current ongoing request).. The method is preferred where you don't care about
the data loss immediately, like in an analytic system where exact data in the DB doesn't matter,
and analytical trends analysis won't be affected if we lose data or two. It is inconsistent, but it
will give very high throughput and very low latency.
Write around cache: Here, the writes are done directly in the database, and the cache might
be out of sync with the database. Hence we can use TTL or any similar mechanism to fetch the
data from the database to cache to sync with it.
Now let’s talk about the second question: How can you add entries if the cache is full?
1. It is not a good idea to have application code and database on the same machine;
hence we separated them.
2. Next, you learned caching and why it is necessary to get back to the user as soon as
possible. Caching can happen at multiple levels. It can happen within the browser, on
the CDN layer, or inside our systems, where you can cache data locally in app servers
or have a global cache like central in-memory storage.
3. However, you still need to look at how you will invalidate the cache so that data should
not be stale and the cache doesn't run out of space. For this TTL, write back, write
through and write around can be used.
4. Lastly, you learned how to evict data so that you can store the most relevant
information in the cache.
5. For the next class: Assignment to invalidate the cache when the test data changes.
System Design - Caching Continued
● Local Cache Case Study
● Global Cache → why?
● Global Cache Case Study
In the last class, we discussed how caching could be done at multiple layers: in-browser, using
CDN for larger resources, in the application layer, or in the database layer. We initially started
with the local caches and ended the class on the case study. The problem statement was:
Consider the case of submitting DSA problems on Scaler; when you submit a problem on
Scaler, the browser talks to Scaler's load balancer. And the submission goes to one of the app
servers out of many. The app server machine gets the user id, problem id, code, and language.
To execute the code, the machine will need the input file and the expected output file for the
given problem. The files can be large in size, and it takes time (assumption: around 2 seconds)
to fetch files from the file storage. This makes code submissions slow.
1. If the file is present on the machine itself, on the hard disk, then reading the file from the
hard disk takes 40ms.
2. Reading from a DB machine (MySQL machine), reading a table or a column (not a file)
takes around 50ms.
It can be noted that input files and the expected output file can be changed. The modified
changes should be immediately reflected in the code submissions.
Different approaches to solve the problem can be
TTL Low: If TTL is very low (say for 1 min), then cache files become invalid on the app server
machines after every minute. Hence most of the time, test data won't be available on the
machine and is to be fetched from file storage. The number of cache misses will be high for TTL
very low.
TTL High: If TTL is very high, then case invalidation happens too late. Say you keep TTL 60
min, and in between the time you change the input & expected files, the changes will not be
reflected instantly.
So TTL can be one of the approaches, but it is not a good one. You can choose TTL based on
the cache miss rate or cache invalidation rate.
Global Cache
Storing the data in a single machine can also be an option, but there are two problems with this:
1. If storing in memory, the remote machine has limited space and can run out of space
quickly because the size of the input-output files is very large.
2. The eviction rate will be very high, and the number of cache misses will be more.
If instead you store it in the hard disk, then there is the issue of transferring huge amount of data
on network.
File Metadata
The best approach would be we identify whether the file has changed or not using the metadata
for the files.
Let's assume in the MySQL database, there exists table problems_test_data. It contains details
problem_id, input_filepath, input_file_updated_at, input_file_created_at for input files, and
similar details for the output files as well. If a file is updated on the file storage, its metadata will
also be updated in the SQL database.
Now all the files can be cached in the app server with a better approach to constructing file
names. The file can be (problem_id)_(updated_at)_input.txt
When a submission comes for a problem, we can go to the database (MySQL dB) and get the
file path and its last updated time. If a file with problem_id_updated_at_input.txt exists in a
machine cache, it is guaranteed that the existing file is the correct one. If the file doesn't exist,
then the path can be used to fetch it from the file storage (along with now storing it locally on the
machine for the future). Similar things can be done for the output files as well. Here the
metadata about the file is used to check whether the file has been changed/updated or not, and
this gives us a very clean cache invalidation.
Updating a file,
All cache servers have some files stored if an update is to be done for a file stored in S3. The
process looks like this:
For a problem (say for problem_id 200) if an update request comes to modify an input file to a
newly uploaded file.
● Upload new input file to file storage (S3). It will give a path (say new_path) for the file
stored location.
● Next, MySQL DB has to be updated. The query for it looks like
UPDATE problem_test data WHERE problem_id = 200 SET inputfile_path = new_path
AND inputfile_updated_at = NOW()
● Now, if submission comes and the metadata in DB does not match that of the file
existing in the cache, the new file needs to be fetched from the file storage at the
location new_path. The returned file will be stored in the HDD of the app server. For the
next requests, it will be present on the hard disk already (if not evicted).
It can be noted that every time a submission is made, we have to go to the MySQL DB to fetch
all the related information of the problem/user. The information like whether it's already solved,
problem score, and user score. It's a better option to fetch the file's metadata simultaneously
while we fetch other details. If solutions pass, the related details have to be updated on DB
A separate cache for all machines is better than one single-layer cache.
Here( is why.
The solution can be computing the rank list periodically and caching it somewhere for a
particular period. Copy of static rank list gets generated after a fixed time (say one minute) and
cached. It reduces the load on DB significantly.
Storing the rank list in the local server will be less effective since there will be many servers, and
every minute cache miss may occur for every server. A much better approach is to store the
rank list in the global cache shared by all app servers. Therefore there will be only one cache
miss every minute. Here global caching performs better than local caching. Redis can be
used for the purpose.
Redis: Redis is one of the most popular caching mechanisms used everywhere. It is a
single-threaded key-value store. The values which Redis supports are:
● String
● Integer
● List
● Set
● Sorted_set
To get a sense of Redis and have some hands-on you can visit:
You can also check the following:
● Set in Radis
● Sorted set in Radis:
1. CAP Theorem
2. PACELC Theorem
3. Master Slave Theorem
3.1 Types of Master-Slave Systems
3.2 Drawbacks of Master-Slave Systems
CAP Theorem:
The CAP theorem states that a distributed system can only provide two of three properties
simultaneously: Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance.
Let’s take a real-life example; say a person named Rohit decides to start a company, “reminder”,
where people can call him and ask him to put the reminder, and whenever they call him back to
get the reminder, he will tell them their reminders.
For this, Rohit has taken an easy phone number as well, 123456.
Now his business has started flourishing, and he gets a lot of requests, and he notes reminders
in the diary.
After a while, this process becomes hectic for Rohit alone, because he can only take one call at
a time, and there are multiple calls waiting. Now, Rohit hires someone called “Raj”, and both
manage the business.
One day, Rohit gets a call from a person named “X” asking him the time of his flight, But Rohit
was not able to get any entry for X. So, he says that he doesn't have a flight, but unfortunately,
that person has that flight, and he missed it because of Rohit.
The problem is when person “X” called for the first time, the call went to “Raj”, so Raj had the
entry, but Rohit didn’t. They have two different stores, and they are not in sync.
Problem 1: Inconsistency
It’s a situation where different data is present at two different machines.
Solution 1:
Whenever a write request comes, both of them write the entry and then return success. In this
case, both are consistent.
Problem 2: Availability problem.
Now one day, Raj is not there in the office, and a request comes. So because of the previous
rule, only when both of them write the entry then only they will return success. Therefore the
question is How to return the success now.
Solution 2:
When the other person is not there to take the entry, then also we will take the entries, but the
next day, before resuming, the other person has to ensure they catch up on all entries before
marking themselves as active (before starting to take calls).
Hence, if there are 2 machines storing the same information but if a network partition happens
between them then there is no choice but to choose between Consistency and Availability.
PACELC Theorem:
In the case of network partitioning (P) in a distributed computer system, one has to choose
between availability (A) and consistency (C).
But else (E), even when the system is running normally in the absence of partitions, one has to
choose between latency (L) and consistency (C).
Latency is the time taken to process the request and return a response.
So If there is no network partition, we have to choose between extremely low Latency or High
consistency. They both compete with each other.
In Master-Slave systems, Exactly one machine is marked as Master, and the rest are called
1. Master Slave systems are Highly Available and not eventually consistent.
1. Master system takes the write.
If the write is successful, return success.
1. The Master system takes the write, and if one slave writes, then success is
2. All slaves sync.
Example: Computing news feed and storing posts, there we don’t want the post to be lost; they
could be delayed but eventually sync up.
1. Master and all slave take the writes, if all have written, then only return success.
Example: The banking system.
In Master-Slave systems,
● All writes first come to Master only.
● Reads can go to any of the machines.
● Whenever the Master system dies, a new election of the master will take place based on
a different elections algorithm.
2. In highly consistent systems, slaves increase which increases the rate of failure
and latency also increases.
For example, For highly consistent systems, if there are 1000 slaves, the
Master-slave system will not work. We have to do more sharding.
System Design - SQL vs NoSQL
SQL Database
SQL databases are relational databases which consist of tables related to each other and every
table has a fixed set of columns. You can query across tables to retrieve related information.
One of the requirements of SQL databases is to store the data in normalized form to avoid data
redundancy and achieve consistency across tables. For example, let’s assume two tables are
storing a particular score and one of the scores gets changed due to an update operation. Now,
there will be two different scores at two different tables leading to confusion as to which score
should be used.
Hence, the data should be normalized to avoid this data redundancy and trust issue.
ACID Transactions
Let’s say Rohit wants to withdraw Rs 1000 from his bank account. This operation depends on
the condition that Rohit’s bank balance is greater than or equal to 1000 INR. Hence the
withdrawal essentially consists of two operations:
● Check if the bank balance is greater than or equal to 1000 INR.
● If yes, perform a set operation: Balance = Balance - 1000 and disperse cash.
Now, imagine these operations are done separately in an app server. Let’s assume that Rohit’s
bank balance is 1500 INR. And the first operation was completed successfully with a yes. Now,
when the second operation is performed, there are chances that some other withdrawal request
of 1000 INR has already changed Rohit’s bank balance to 500 INR.
Now, if the second operation is performed, it would set Rohit’s bank balance to -500 which does
not make sense. Hence, if the database does not guarantee atomicity and isolation, these kinds
of problems can happen when multiple requests attempt to access (and modify) the same node.
Now, when Rohit makes a request to withdraw 1000 INR from his account, both these
operations represent a single transaction. The transaction either succeeds completely or fails.
There won’t be any race conditions between two transactions. This is guaranteed by a SQL
Defined Schema
Each table has a fixed set of columns and the size and type of each column is well-known.
However, there are a few features that are not supported by a SQL database.
Let’s design the schema for an ecommerce website and just focus on the Product table. There
are a couple of pointers here:
● Every product has a different set of attributes. For example, a t-shirt has a collar type,
size, color, neck-type, etc.. However, a MacBook Air has RAM size, HDD size, HDD
type, screen size, etc.
● These products have starkly different properties and hence couldn’t be stored in a single
table. If you store attributes in the form of a string, filtering/searching becomes inefficient.
● However, there are almost 100,000 types of products, hence maintaining a separate
table for each type of product is a nightmare to handle.
SQL is designed to handle millions of records within a single table and not millions of
tables itself.
As a result, most SQL databases such as postgresql and sqlite do not support sharding at all.
Given these two problems, you might need to think of some other ways of data storage. And
that’s where NoSQL databases come into the scenario.
NoSQL Databases
Let’s pick the second problem where data needs to be sharded. First step to Sharding is
choosing the Sharding Key. Second step is to perform Denormalization.
Imagine a community which exchanges messages through a messenger application. Now, the
data needs to be sharded and let’s choose UserID as the sharding key. So, there will be a
single machine holding all information about the conversations of a particular user. For example,
M1 stores data of U1 and M2 for U2 and so on.
Now, let’s say U1 sends a message to U2. This message needs to be stored at both M1 (sent
box) and M2 (received box). This is actually denormalization and it leads to data redundancy. To
avoid such problems and inefficiencies, we need to choose the sharding key carefully.
Examples of Choosing a Good Sharding Key
Banking System
● Users can have active bank accounts across cities.
● Most Frequent operations:
○ Balance Query
○ Fetch Transaction History
○ Fetch list of accounts of a user
○ Create new transactions
Note: Hierarchical Sharding might not be a great design as if one machine crashes, all
machines under its tree also become inaccessible.
Uber-like System
● Most frequent use case is to search for nearby drivers.
Also sharding by PIN CODE is not good as a cab frequently travels across regions of different
pin codes.
Note: Even for inter-city rides, it makes sense to search drivers which are in your city.
Slack Sharding Key (Groups-heavy system)
● A group in Slack may even consist of 100,000 users.
● Primary problem of IRCTC is to avoid double-booked tickets.
● Load Balancing, major problem in case of tatkal system.
Document DBs
● Document DB structures data in the form of JSON format.
● Every record is like a JSON object and all records can have different attributes.
● You can search the records by any attribute.
● Examples include: MongoDB and AWS ElasticSearch, etc.
● Document DBs give some kind of tabular structure and it is mostly used for ecommerce
applications where we have too many product categories.
Link to play with one of the popular Document DBs, MongoDB: MongoDB Shell. It has clear
directions regarding how to:
● Insert data
● Use find() function, filter data
● Aggregate data, etc.
You can try this as well: MongoDB Playground. It shows the query results and allows you to add
data in the form of dictionaries or JSON format.
Column-Family Storage
● The sharding key constitutes the RowID. Within the RowID, there are a bunch of column
families similar to tables in SQL databases.
● In every column family, you can store multiple strings like a record of that column family.
These records have a timestamp at the beginning and they are sorted by timestamp in
descending order.
● Every column family in a CF DB is like a table which consists of only two columns:
timestamp and a string.
● It allows prefix searching and fetching top or latest X entries efficiently. For example, the
last 20 entries you have checked-in, latest tweets corresponding to a hashtag, posts that
you have made, etc.
● It can be used at any such application where there are countable (practical) schemas
instead of completely schema less.
● The Column-Family Storage system is very helpful when you want to implement
Pagination. That too if you desire to implement pagination on multiple attributes, CF DBs
is the NoSQL database to implement.
● Examples include Cassandra, HBase, etc.
Points to remember
● Facebook manually manages sharding in its UserDB which is a MySQL database
● Manual Sharding involves adding a machine, data migration when a new machine is
added, consistent hashing while adding a new shard, and if a machine goes down, it has
to be handled manually.
● JavaScript developers generally deal with Document DBs pretty easily. JS developers
work with JSON objects quite often. Since records in Document DBs are pretty similar to
JSON objects, JS Developers find it easy to start with.
● SQL databases are enough to handle small to medium sized companies. If you start a
company, design the database using SQL databases. Scaler still runs on (free) MySQL
DB and it works perfectly fine. NoSQL is only needed beyond a certain scale.
● ACID is not built-in in NoSQL DBs. It is possible to build ACID on top of NoSQL,
however consistency should not be confused with ACID.
● ACID features can be implemented on top of NoSQL by maintaining a central shard
machine and channeling all write operations through it. Write operations can be
performed only after acquiring the write lock from the central shard machine. Hence,
atomicity and isolation can be ensured through this system.
● Atomicity and Isolation are different from Consistency.
How a transaction is carried out between two bank accounts and how actually it is rolled
back in case of failure?
Ans: Such a transaction between two bank accounts has states. For example, let A transfers
1000 INR to B. When money has been deducted from A’s account, the transaction goes to
send_initiated state (just a term). In case of successful transfer, the state of the A’s transaction
is changed to send_completed.
However, let’s say due to some internal problem, money did not get deposited into B’s account.
In such a case, the transaction on A's side is rolled back and 1000 INR is again added to A’s
bank balance. This is how it is rolled back. You may have seen that money comes back after 1-2
days. This is because the bank re-attempts the money transfer. However, if there is a
permanent failure, the transaction on A’s side is rolled back.
Problem Statement 1
● Storing data in SQL DBs is easy as we know the maximum size of a record.
● Problem with NoSQL DBs is that the size of value can become exceedingly large. There
is no upper limit practically. It can grow as big as you want.
○ Value in Key-Value DB can grow as big as you want.
○ Attributes in Document DB can be as many in number as you want.
○ In Column Family, any single entry can be as large as you want.
● This poses a problem in how to store such data structure in the memory like in HDD, etc.
Update Problem
Problem Statement 2
Design a Manual Sharding system which supports:
● Adding new shard + data migration
● When a machine dies inside a shard, necessary actions are performed to restore the
replication level.
● The system will keep scaling as new machines will be added.
Problem Discussion
Till this point, we discussed a problem statement to design a manual sharding system which
● Addition and removal of machines
● Ensures even distribution of load and storage
● Maintain configuration settings such as replication level
You can assume that the system accepts the Sharding Key and Replication level as a config
How to create a system which maintains the replication level (let’s say 3) automatically without
you having to intervene?
Possible Solution
If the load on a machine goes beyond a certain threshold, add a new machine and transfer
some part of the data to it.
Normal Drawbacks:
● Letting the sharding happen at any point in time is not desirable. What if the sharding
happens at peak time? It will further degrade the response time.
● Typically, for any application, there is a traffic pattern that shows the frequency of user
visits against time. It is generally seen that at a particular time, the amount of traffic is
maximum, and this time is called peak time.
● In the system speculated above, it is highly likely that the data segregation to another
shard will happen at peak time when the load exceeds the threshold.
● If you are segregating the machine, then you are further adding to the load. Because
not only now do you need to handle the peak traffic, but you also migrate data at
the peak traffic time.
Now, let’s add a new shard S4. As per the outputs of hashing functions, let’s place S4 in the
circle as shown below.
● The addition of S4 shard helps us achieve a more uniform distribution of storage and
● S4 has taken up some users from each of the S1, S2 and S3 shards and hence the load
on existing shards has gone down.
● Though the illustration has used a circle, it is actually a sorted array. In this sorted array,
you will find the first number larger than the hashed value of UserID to identify the shard
to be assigned.
● In the example above, UserID is used as the sharding key. In general, it can be replaced
with any sharding key.
Manual Sharding
Let’s consider/create a system TrialDB which has following properties:
● It is initially entirely empty and consists of three shards S1, S2 and S3.
● Each shard consists of one master and two slaves as shown in the image below.
● Take any sharding key which will be used to route to the right shard. This routing is
performed by DB Clients running Consistent Hashing code.
● Let’s assume Sulochana is directed to shard S1. Now, she can use any of the three
machines if only data read is required.
● However, the write behavior is dependent on what kind of system you want to create: a
highly-available or highly-consistent system.
Open Questions
● How to implement the ability of adding or removing machines? Like how should the
system change when new instances are added?
● What happens when a machine dies? What about the replication level?
Consider the following situation: You have two machines Mx and My which are to be added to
Now that we have got an idea of where to use additional machines, let’s answer two questions:
● How are shards created?
● What is the exact potential number of reserve machines needed based on the number of
Staging Phase
● Nobody in the upper layer such as DB clients knows that there is going to be a new
● Hence, the new shard does not show up in the Consistent Hashing circle and the system
works as if the new shard does not exist at all.
● Now, a Simulation is executed to determine the UserIDs which will be directed to the
new shard once it comes online.
● This basically determines the hash ranges that would get allocated to the new shard.
Along with this, the shards which store those hashes are also determined.
● Now, let’s say Staging phase starts at T1 = 10:00:00 PM and you start copying the
allocated hash ranges. Assume at T2 = 10:15:00 PM the copying process is complete
and the new shard is warmed up.
● However, notice it still may not have the writes which were performed between T1 and
○ For example, if Manmeet had sent a write request at 10:01:00 PM then it would
have gone for shard S1.
○ Let’s assume Bx and By bookmarks were added by Manmeet at 10:01:00 PM.
Now, there is no guarantee that these bookmarks have made their way to the
new shard.
Real Phase
In this phase, the new shard is made live(with incomplete information).
● Hence you have to catch up with such relevant entries (made between T1 and T2). This
catch up is really quick like a few seconds. Let’s say at T3 = 10:15:15 PM, the catch up
is complete.
● However, at T2 you made S4 live. Now, if Manmeet again asks for her bookmarks
between T2 and T3, there are two choices:
○ Being Highly Available: Return whatever the new shard has, even if it is stale
○ Being Highly Consistent: For 15 seconds, the system would be unavailable.
However, this is a very small duration (15 mins to 15 seconds downtime).
T1: Staging Phase starts.
T2: New shard went live.
T3: Delta updates complete. Missing information retrieved.
After T3, S4 sends signals to relevant shards to delete the hash ranges which are now served
by itself (S4). This removes redundant data.
Note: Existing reserved shards are better tied to shards where it came from. Hence, these
existing reserved machines could be utilized to create new shards. And the new machines can
take up the reserve spot.
Consider a system of multi-master machines i.e. every machine in the system is a master. There
is no slave. In the Multi-Master system, there is no need for reserved machines. Every single
machine is a master and it is brought to the consistent hashing circle as and when it is live.
Master machines M1, M2, M3, etc. are shown in the Consistent Hashing circle.
● Now, let’s say replication level = 3. Imagine a user U1 as shown below. Since you want
to maintain three replicas, what are the optimal two machines where you should put
bookmarks of U1?
● If M1 dies and U1 makes a request, which machine gets U1’s request? M2 right. Hence,
it would be better if M2 already had the second replica of U1’s bookmarks.
● Finally, the third replica of U1 should be in M3 so that even when both M1 and M2 die,
there is no struggle to find U1 data, it’s already in M3.
● Remember, M2 should have a replica of only U1's bookmarks and not a complete replica
of M1. Similarly for M3.
● To complete, U1’s second replica should be in M2 and third replica should be in M3.
● Similarly, U2’s second replica should be in M4 and third replica should be in M5.
● So, it makes sense that for a user, the three replicas should be in the next three unique
machines in cyclic order.
Read, Write Operations
● In Multi-Master, you can have tunable consistency. You can configure two variables: R
and W.
● R represents the minimum number of read operations required before a read request is
● W represents the minimum number of write operations required before a write request is
● Let X be the replication level. Then R <= X and W <= X.
● When R = 1 and W = 3, it is a highly consistent system.
○ Till all the machines are not updated, a write operation is not considered
successful. Hence, highly consistent.
○ Even if one of these machines is taking time to respond or not available, writes
will start failing.
● If R = 1 and W = 1, it is a highly available system.
○ If a read request arrives, you can read from any of the machines and if you get
any information, the read operation is successful.
○ Similarly, if a write request arrives, if any of the machines are updated, the write
operation is considered successful.
○ After the successful update of any one machine, other machines can catch up
using the Gossip protocol.
○ This system may be inconsistent if a read request goes to a non-updated
machine, you may get non-consistent information.
● In general,
○ As you increase R + W, Consistency increases.
○ Lower R + W => Lower Consistency, Higher R + W => Higher Consistency.
○ If R + W > X, you have a highly consistent system.
○ Because by just changing R and W it is possible to build a highly consistent or
available system, it is also called tunable consistency.
The value of R and W depends on the type of application you are building. One of the frequent
uses of DynamoDB is the Shopping Cart checkout system. Here:
Response 1:
Lux Soap 10:00 PM
Oil: 10:15 PM
Response 2:
Lux Soap: 10:00 PM
Mask: 10: 20 PM
Lux Soap
So, the question is how to design the data storage structure of NoSQL databases given
the variable sizes of its records?
● Delete operations do not overwrite all the bits involved. They simply remove the
reference which protects the bits from getting overwritten.
○ That’s why deleted files can be recovered.
● However, write (or overwrite) operation involves changing each of the bits involved,
hence costlier.
System Design - Case study 2 (Typeahead)
Before you jump into design you should know what you are designing for. The design solution
also depends on the scale of implementation. Before moving to the design, ponder over the
following points in mind:
Typeaheads refers to the suggestions that come up automatically as we search for something.
You may have observed this while searching on Google, Bing, Amazon Shopping App, etc.
Design Problem
Consider Anshuman as the CEO of Google and he comes to Swaroop asking for building a
typeahead system. Questions from the Engineering Architect (Swaroop):
● MVP refers to the functional requirements. Requirements such as latency, etc. are
non-functional requirements that will be discussed in the Design Goal section.
● The algorithm to rank suggestions should also consider recency as a factor.
○ For example, Roger Binny has the highest search frequency: 1 million searches
over the last 5 years. On a daily basis, it receives 1000 searches.
○ But, yesterday Roger Federer won Wimbledon and he has received 10000
queries since then. So, the algorithm should ideally rank Roger Federer higher.
○ However, for now let’s move forward with frequency only.
Estimate Scale
● Search terms or Search queries refers to the final query generated after pressing Enter
or the search button.
● Google receives 10 billion search queries in a day.
● The above figure translates to 60 billion typeahead queries in a day if we assume each
search query triggers six typeahead queries on average.
Need of Sharding?
Next task is to decide whether sharding is needed or not. For this we have to get an estimate of
how much data we need to store to make the system work.
● 10% of the queries received by Google every day contain new search terms.
○ This translates to 1 billion new search terms every day.
○ Means 365 billion new search terms every year.
● Next, assuming the system is working past 10 years:
○ Total search terms collected so far: 10 * 365 Billion
● Assuming one search term to be of 32 characters (on average), it will be of 32 bytes.
● Let’s say the frequency is stored in 8 bytes. Hence, total size of a row = 40 bytes.
Total data storage size (in 10 years): 365 * 10 * 40 billion bytes = 146 TB (Sharding is needed).
Note: Read-heavy systems have an order of magnitude higher than writes, so that the writes
don’t matter at all.
Design Goals
● getSuggestion(prefix_term, limit = 5)
● updateFrequency(search_term)
○ Asynchronous Job performed via an internal call
○ The Google service which provides search results to a user’s query makes an
internal call to Google’s Typeahead service to update the frequency of the search
Trie Approach
● Construct a trie where each node is an English alphabet (or alphanumeric if digits are
also considered)
● Each node has utmost 26 children i.e. 26 letters of the English alphabet system
● Each terminal node represents a search query (alphabets along root -> terminal node).
getSuggestions API
Consider “mic” as the search query against which you have to show typeahead suggestions.
Consider the diagram below: The subtree can be huge, and as such if you go through the entire
subtree to find top 5 suggestions, it will take time and our design goal of low latency will be
updateFrequency API
With the trie design suggested above where we are storing top five suggestions in every node,
how will updateFrequency API work?
● In case of updateFrequency API call, let T be the terminal node which represents the
● Observe that only the nodes lying in the path from the root to T can have changes. So
you only need to check the nodes which are ancestors of the terminal node T lying the
path from root to T.
Summarizing, a single node stores:
● The frequency of the search query. [This will happen if the node is a terminal node]
● Top five suggestions with string “root -> this node” as prefix
HashMap Approach
Reads and writes compete with each other. In the design above, a single frequency update is
leading to multiple writes in the trie (on the ancestral nodes) / hashmap. If writes are very large
in number, it will impact the performance of reads and eventually getSuggestions API will be
Threshold Approach
How about you buffer the writes in a secondary store. But with buffer, you risk not updating the
trending search queries. Something that just became popular. How do we address that? How
about a threshold approach (detailed below):
● Maintain a separate HashMap of additional frequency of search terms. This is to say,
updateFrequency does not go directly to the trie or the main hashmap. But this
secondary storage.
● Define a threshold and when this threshold is crossed for any search term, update the
terminal trie node representation of the search term with frequency = frequency +
○ Why? You don’t really care about additional frequency of 1 or 2. That is the long
tail of new search terms. The search terms become interesting when their
frequency is reasonably high. This is your way of filtering writes to only happen
for popular search term.
○ If you set the threshold to 50 for example, you are indicating that something that
doesn’t even get searched 50 times in a day is not as interesting to me.
● As soon as one search item frequency is updated in the trie, it goes back to zero in the
● Concerned with the size of the HashMap?
○ Let’s estimate how big can this HashMap grow.
■ We have 10 billion search in a day. Each search term of 40 bytes.
■ Worst case, that amounts to 400GB. In reality, this would be much lower
as new key gets created only for a new search term. A single machine
can store this.
○ If you are concerned about memory even then, flush the HashMap at the end of
the day
● So basically we are creating a write buffer to reduce the write traffic and since you do not
want to lose on the recency, a threshold for popularity is also maintained.
Sampling Approach
Think of exit polls. When you have to figure out trends, you can sample a set of people and
figure out trends of popular parties/politicians based on the results in the sample. Very similarily,
even here you don’t care about the exact frequency, but the trend of who the most popular
search terms are. Can we hence sample?
● Let’s not update the trie/hashmap on every occurrence of a search term. We can
assume that every 100th occurrence of a search term is recorded.
● This approach works better with high frequency counts as in our case. Since you are
only interested in the pattern of frequency of search items and not in the exact numbers,
Sampling can be a good choice.
● The splitting or sharding should be on the basis of prefixes of possible search terms.
● Let’s say someone has typed 3 characters. What are the possible subtrees at the third
○ The third level consists of 26 * 26 * 26 subtrees or branches. These branches
contain prefix terms “aaa”, “aab”, “aac”, and so on.
○ If we consider numbers as well, there will be 36 * 36 * 36 branches equivalent to
around 50k subtrees.
○ Hence, the possible number of shards required will be around 50000.
● The problem with the design above is that some shards or branches have high traffic
while others are idle.
○ For example, the shard representing “mic” or “the” will have high traffic.
However, the “aaa” shard will have low traffic.
● To solve this issue, we can group some prefixes together to balance load across shards.
○ For example, we can direct search terms starting with “aaa” and “mic” to the
same shard. In this way we can better utilize the shard assigned to “aaa”
somewhere else.
● So, we are sharding on the first three characters combined.
● Let’s say the search query is “mich”, you find the right shard based on the hash
generated for the first three characters “mic” and direct the request there.
Consistent Hashing code will map to the correct shard by using the first three characters of the
search term.
Recency Factor
How to take recency of search queries into consideration? How to reduce the weightage of
search queries performed earlier as we move ahead?
For example, “Shania Twain” might have been a very popular search term 5 years back. But if
no one searches for it today, then it’s unfair to keep surfacing it as the most popular search term
in suggestions (Less likelihood of people selecting that suggestion).
● One idea is to decrease a fixed number (absolute decrement) from each search term
every passing day.
○ This idea is unfair to search terms with lower frequency. If you decide to
decrease 10 from each search term:
■ Search term with frequency two is already on the lower side and further
decreasing will remove it from the suggestions system.
■ Search terms with higher frequency such as 1000 will have relatively no
effect at all.
● To achieve this, we can apply the concept Time Decay.
○ Think in terms of percentage.
○ You can decay the frequency of search terms by a constant factor which is called
the Time Decay Factor.
○ The more quickly you want to decay the frequencies, the higher the TDF.
○ Every day, Freq = Freq/TDF and when updateFrequency is called, Freq++.
■ New frequency has a weight of one.
■ Frequency from yesterday has a weight of half.
■ Frequency from the day before yesterday has a weight of one-fourth and
so on.
○ According to this approach, if a search term becomes less popular, it eventually
gets kicked out of the system.
● Using the concept of Time Decay, every frequency is getting decreased by the same
Most NOSQL systems have 2 forms of storage :
1. WAL (Write ahead Log): This is an append only log of every write (new write / update)
happening on the DB. Theoretically, even if you start from zero, you can replay all of
these logs to arrive at the final state of the DB.
a. Think of this as a really large file. You only append to this file and in most cases,
never read from this file.
b. Reads if done are mostly asking for a tail of this file (entries after timestamp X
which are the last Y number of entries in this file).
2. The current state of data.
We will discuss how to store the current state of data effectively.
If we had fixed size entries, we know we could use B-Trees to store entries.
For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume we are only talking about a key-value store for now.
Now, imagine, there is a request to update the value of “ID 002” to “Ram”. Brute force would be
to go find “ID 002” in the file and update the value corresponding to it. If there is a read request
for “ID 002”, I again will have to scan the entire file to find the key “ID 002”.
This seems very slow. Both reads and writes will be very slow. Also, note that the value is not of
fixed size. Also, note that when there are multiple threads trying to update the value of ID 002,
they will have to take write lock (which will make things even slower). Can we do something
This will cause duplicate keys, but if you notice my write will become super fast. For reads, I can
search for keys from the end of the file, and stop at the first matching key I find. That will be the
latest entry. So, reads continue to be slow, but I have made my writes much faster.
One downside is that now I have duplicate entries and I might require more storage. Essentially,
in this approach, we are indicating that every entry is immutable. You don’t edit an entry once
written. Hence, writes don’t require locks anymore.
Reads are still super slow. O(N) in the worst case. Can we do something better?
What if we somehow index where the keys are. Imagine if there was an in-memory index
(hashmap) which stored where the keys were in the file (offset bytes to seek to, to read the
latest entry about the key).
But there is a big flaw here. We are assuming all keys and offset will fit in-memory. In reality, a
key value store might have billions of keys. And hence, storing such a map in memory might not
even be feasible. So, how do we address that? Also, note that we still need a lot of memory to
store duplicate older entries that are lying around.
Let’s solve both one by one. How do we make the storage more efficient?
One simple answer is that we can have a background process which reads this file, removes
the duplicates and creates another file (and updates the in-memory hashmap with new offsets).
However, while the idea is correct, the implementation is easier said than done. Note that these
are really large files. How do you even find duplicates quickly? Also, you cannot read the entire
file at once. So, how do you do that in chunks that you can read all at once?
If I were to read the file in chunks of 100MB, then why have the entire thing as one single file.
Why not have different files for these chunks. This will enable me to have the latest file (latest
chunk) in memory, which I can write to disk when it is about to be full [Let’s call this file as the
“memTable”]. The latest chunk gets all the writes and is most likely to have the most recent
entries for frequently asked items. Also, I can avoid appending to MemTable, as it is in-memory
HashMap and I can directly update the value corresponding to the key [memTable will not have
In parallel, we can merge the existing chunks [chunkX, chunkY - immutable files as new entries
only affect memTable] into new chunks [chunkZ]. Delete after removing duplicate entries
[Easier to find the latest entry from the in-memory hashmap which tells you whether the entry
you have is duplicate or not]. Note that chunkX and chunkY are deleted, once chunkZ is created
and in-memory hashmap updated. Let’s call this process “compaction”.
So, while storage might temporarily have duplicates across older chunks, compaction time to
time will ensure the duplicate entries are compacted. Compaction process can run during
off-peak traffic hours so that it does not affect the performance during peak times.
Ok, this is great! However, we still have not addressed the fact that our in-memory hashmap
storing the offset for keys might not fit in memory.
Question: Given now new writes are coming to memTable, is storing keys in random order
really optimal? How do we optimize searching in file without a hashmap which stores entries for
all keys? Hint: Sorting?
What if memTable had all entries sorted ? [What data structure should we use then - TreeMap?
Internally implemented through Balanced binary trees]. What if memTable had all entries stored
in a balanced binary tree (like Red Black Tree or AVL trees or Binary Search Tree with rotations
for balancing).
That way, whenever memTable is full, when flushing content to disk, I can flush in sorted order
of keys (Just like in TreeMap, you can iterate in sorted order). Let’s call these files SSTables
[Sorted String Table]. With sorted order, I can do some form of binary search in the file.
But, how do I do binary search because I can land on some random byte in the file in binary
search and I would have no way of finding which key/value this byte is from.
So, how about I split the file into blocks of 64Kb each. So, a 1GB file will have ~16k blocks. I
store one entry per block in my index which is the first key in the block (So, index also has
sorted entries - TreeMap again?).
In the above diagram, imagine if a request comes for ID-1234, then you would binary search for
the last entry / highest entry which has block_key <= current_key I am looking for [The block
before index.upper_bound(current_key)]. In that case, I know which block my key lies in and I
only have to scan 64Kb of data to find what I need. Note that this index is guaranteed to fit in
Read: If the entry is found in MemTable, great! Return that. If not, go to the newest SSTable, try
to find the entry there (Find relevant block using upper_bound - 1 on index TreeMap and then
scan the block). If found, return. Else go to the next SSTable and repeat. If the entry not found in
any SSTable, then return “Key does not exist”.
Further questions:
● What happens if the machine storing this entry reboots / restarts? Everything in
the memTable will be lost since it was RAM only. How do we recover?
WAL comes to our rescue here. Before this machine resumes, it has to replay logs made
after the last disk flush to reconstruct the right state of memTable. Since all operations
are done in memory, you can replay logs really fast (slowest step being reading WAL
logs from the disk).
● How does this structure extend to column family stores where updates are
appended to a particular CF and reads ask for last X entries (last X versions).
What if delete is also another (key, value) entry where we assign a unique value
denoting a tombstone. If the latest value you read is a tombstone, you return “key does
not exist”.
● As you would have noticed, read for a key not found is very expensive. You look it
up in every sorted set, which means you scan multiple 64Kb blocks before
figuring out the key does not exist. That is a lot of work for no return (literally).
How do we optimize that?
Additional Resources
System Design Case Study: Design Messenger
Again, We follow the same structure and broadly we divide it into 4 sections,
1. Defining the MVP
2. Estimation of Scale: Primarily to determine 2 things,
2.1 Whether we need Sharding.
2.2 Whether it’s a read heavy system, or write heavy system or both.
3. Design goals.
4. API+Design.
● Send a message to the recipient.
● Realtime chat.
● Message history.
● Most recent conversations.
Estimation of Scale:
Let’s say starting with 20 billion messages/day.
Every single message is 200 bytes or less.
That means 4TB/day.
If we want to let’s say save our messages for 1 year. So for 1 year, it will be greater than PB. In
reality, if we are building for the next 5 years, we need multiple PB of storage.
Design Goals:
System should be Highly Consistent because inconsistency in communications can lead to
Latency should be low.
In a case of an app like messenger where consistency is super important, one thing to consider
should be that your write APIs are idempotent. You need to consider this because your primary
caller is a mobile app which could have an intermittent network. As such, if the API is called
multiple times, due to application level retries, or if data reaches multiple times due to network
level retries, you should not create duplicate messages for it.
Let’s say we have a client that is trying to talk to your backend.
Imagine I send a message “Hello” to the backend. The backend gets the message, successfully
stores the message, but the connection breaks before it could return me a success message.
Now, it’s possible I do a retry to ensure this “Hello” message actually gets sent. If this adds 2
messages “Hello”, followed by another “Hello”, then the system we have is not idempotent. If the
system is able to deduplicate the message, and understand it’s the same message being retried
and hence can be ignored, then the system is idempotent.
Before thinking of the APIs, think of the usecases we would need to support. What kind of views
do we have?
First view is the view when I open the app. Which is a list of conversations (not messages) with
people I recently interacted with (has name of friend/group, along with a snippet of messages.
Let’s call that getConversations.
If I click into a conversation, then I get the list of most recent messages. Let’s call that
And finally, in that conversation, I can send a message.
So, corresponding APIs:
1. SendMessage(sender, recipient, text, messageId)
2. getMessages(userId, conversationId, offset, limit)
System Design:
2. getMessages:
Same, We can go to a machine corresponding to Sachin and for that we can get the
messages for a particular conversation.
3. sendMessage:
Imagine if Sachin sends a message “hello” to Anshuman, Now this means we have 2
different writes, in Sachin’s machine and in Anshuman’s machine as well and they both
have to succeed at the same time.
So, for sendMessage in this type of sharding, there should be 2 writes that need to
happen and somehow they still need to be consistent which is a difficult task.
For example,
1. getMessages:
Say, We want to get the last 100 messages of conversation b/w Sachin and Anshuman.
So we will go to the corresponding machine which has Sachin/Anshuman messages and
fetch the messages inside.
2. sendMessage:
This is also fairly simple. If Sachin wants to send a message to Anshuman, we go to the
machine corresponding to Sachin/Anshuman, and add a message there.
3. getConversations:
For example, we want to get the latest 10 conversations that Sachin was part of.
Now in this case, we need to go to each and every machine and fetch if there is a
conversation which has the name Sachin in it. That is very inefficient.
3. sendMessage:
If let’s say Sachin sends the message in the conversation b/w Sachin and Anshuman, In
this case, we have to add the message to SachinAnshuman Database and then in the
secondary database we have to change the ordering of conversations in both Sachin
and Anshuman’s list of conversations.
Therefore a single send message has 3 writes.
For systems like, Slack, MS Team, Telegram that can have large groups, userID based sharding
will be ridiculously expensive as every single sendMessage will leads to 1000 writes in a 1000
member group. Hence, they relax on the ordering of threads in getConversations (best effort)
and instead use conversationId based sharding.
For 1:1 messages-> UserId seems to be a better choice (2 writes vs 3). That being said, you
can’t go terribly wrong with conversationID either. For the purpose of this doc, we will use
In sharding based on userId, 2 operations are working perfectly fine: getMessage,
But the problem is with sendMessage, when we send a message hello, it was written to 2
different machines and if one of those writes fails then probably both the machines become
If user1 sends a message to user2, how should we sequence the write between user1 DB and
user2 DB to ensure the above consistency?
Out of these 2 cases, case2 is much better because the sender sends the message and the
recipient gets the message. The only problem is when the sender refreshes he cannot see the
message. Not the good behavior but better of the two behaviors.
Because case1 is very dangerous, Sender sends the message and when he refreshes the
message is still there but the recipient never got it.
Choosing the right DB here is very tricky as this system is both read heavy and write heavy. As
we have discussed in the past, both compete with each other, and it’s best to reduce this system
to either read heavy or write heavy on the storage side to be able to choose one DB.
Also, this requires massive amount of sharding. So, we are probably looking for a
NoSQL storage system that can support high consistency.
Reduction to read vs write heavy
If we were building a loosely consistent system where we cared about trends, we could have
looked to sample writes / batch writes. But here, we need immediate consistency. So, absorbing
writes isn’t feasible. You’d need all writes to be immediately persisted to remain highly
That means, the only read option is to somehow absorb the number of reads through heavy
caching. But remember that you’d need to cache a lot for it to absorb almost all of reads (so
much that it won’t fit on a single machine) and this cache has to be very consistent with the DB.
Not just that, you’d need to somehow handle concurrent writes for the same user to not create
any race condition.
A simple way to do this might be to use appservers as cache, and have them be tied to a set of
users (consistent hashing of users -> appservers). This would also let you take a write lock per
userID when writes happen, so that writes happen sequentially and do not create race condition
in the cache.
Since you cannot cache all the users, you can look at doing some form of LRU for users.
● Can scale horizontally. Throw more appservers and you can cache more information.
● Race conditions and consistency requirements handled gracefully.
● If the server goes down, things are unavailable till reassignment of the user happens to
another app server. Since, this might take a few seconds, this causes unavailability of a
few seconds every time the appserver is down.
● When the app server restarts, there is a cold cache start problem. The initial few
requests are slower as the information for the user needs to be read from the DB.
The problem is, If the master might die, and in that case we want to select a new master and all
the machines should be aware of it, they should be in sync.
If you were to think of this as a problem statement, how would you solve it?
A naive approach might be to say that we will have a Dedicated machine and the only job of this
machine is to keep track of who the master is. Anytime an appserver wants to know who the
master is, they go and ask this dedicated machine.
To solve the issue #1, maybe instead of 1 machine we can use a bunch of machines or clusters
of machines.
- How do these machines find out who the master is?
- How do we make sure that all these machines have the same information about the
- How do we enable appservers to directly go to master without the additional hop to
these machines?
Solution: Zookeeper:
Zookeeper is a generic system that tracks data in strongly consistent form. More on this later.
ZK Nodes:
Every file in zookeeper is of one of two kinds:
1. Ephemeral : Ephemeral nodes (do not confuse node to mean a machine. Nodes are
files in the context of Zookeeper) are files where the data written is only valid till the
machine/session which wrote the data is alive/active. This is a fancier way of saying that
the machine which wrote on this node has to keep sending heartbeat to ensure the data
on this node is not deleted.
a. Once an ephemeral node is written, other machines / sessions cannot write any
data on it. An ephemeral node has exactly one session/machine as the owner.
Only the owner can modify the data.
b. When the owner does not send a heartbeat, the session dies and the ephemeral
node is deleted. This means any other machine can then create the same
node/file with different data.
c. These are the nodes which are used to track machine status, master of a cluster,
taking a distributed lock, etc. More on this later.
2. Persistent : Persistent nodes are nodes where the node is not deleted unless
specifically requested to be deleted. These nodes are used to store configuration
Note that only one node will be able to write to this ephemeral node and all other writes will fail.
So, let’s say M2 was able to write M2’s ip address on /clusterx/master_ip.
Now, as long as M2 is alive and keeps sending heartbeat, /clusterx/master_ip will have M2’s ip
address. When any machine tries to read data on /clusterx/master_ip, they will get M2’s ip
address in return.
Zookeeper does a similar thing. It solves that using a “subscribe to updates on this ZK node”
On any ZK node, you can set a watch (subscribe to updates). In ZooKeeper, all of the read
operations have the option of setting a watch as a side effect.
If I am an appserver, and I set a watch on /clusterx/master_ip, then when this node data
changes or this node gets deleted, I (and all other clients who had set a watch on that node) will
be notified. This means when clients set a watch, zookeeper maintains a list of subscribers (per
ZK: Architecture:
All of this is great. But we were assuming ZK is a single machine. But ZK cannot be a single
machine. How does this work across multiple machines?
Now the problem is Zookeeper is a single machine and if it’s a single machine it becomes a
single point of failure.
Hence zookeeper is actually a bunch of machines (odd number of machines).
Zookeeper machines also select a leader/master among themselves. When you setup the set of
machines (or when the existing leader dies in case of running cluster), the first step is electing
the leader. [How is a leader elected in Apache ZooKeeper? - Quora / ZK Leader Election Code
for the curious ones to explore how leader election happens in Zookeeper].
Now, let's say Z3 is elected as leader, whenever any write is done, for Eg, change /master ip
address to ip,x then it is first written to the leader and leader broadcasts that change to all other
machines. If at least the majority of the machines (including the leader) acknowledge the
change, then the write is considered successful, otherwise it is rolled back.
So, in a cluster of 5 machines, 3 machines need to acknowledge for the write to succeed (in a
cluster of 7, 4 machines need to acknowledge and so forth). Note that even if a machine dies,
the total number of machines still stays 5, and hence even then 3 machines need to
Hence, if 10 machines were trying to become the master and they all sent requests to write to
/clusterx/master simultaneously, all those requests would come to a single machine - the
leader, first. The leader can implement a lock to ensure only one of those requests goes
through first, and the data is written if majority ZK machines acknowledge. Else data is rolled
back, lock released and then the next request gets the lock.
Now when we try to read (/clusterx/master_ip) then half of the machines would suggest ip1 is
master, and the other half would return ip2 as master. This is called split brain.
Hence we need Quorum / Majority so that we don’t end up having 2 sets of machines saying x
is the answer or y is the answer, there should be consistency.
So till the write is not successful on majority of the machines we can’t return success, now in
this case both ip1 and ip2 try to write in Z3 and whoever succeeds the master will have that
address and the other one fails.
To solve these types of problems where we have to do a few things asynchronously we use
something known as Persistent Queue.
Persistent Queue is durable which means we are actually writing it in a hard disk so that
we won’t lose it.
There could be multiple types of events being published, and each event could have multiple
kind of subscriber consuming these events.
Now within a queue also we need some segregation of topics because the system doesn't want
to subscribe to the whole queue, they need to subscribe to some particular type of event and
each of these events is called topic.
These are the two events, now after that, we want certain things to happen,
Here both the events are very different.
If we publish both of the events in a single persistent queue, and let’s say invoice generation
has subscribed to the queue then it will get a lot of garbage.
Hence we say all the events are not the same, and we classify them in different topics.
Now the invoice generation has only subscribed to Topic1 and would only get messages from
One such high throughput system that implements persistent queue and supports Topics is
In general, persistent queues help handle systems where producers consume at a different rate
and there are multiple consumers who consume at a different pace asynchronously. Persistent
Queues take guarantee of not loosing the event (within a retention period) and let consumers
work asynchronously without blocking the producers for their core job.
● Producer: Systems that publish events (to a topic) are called producers. There could be
multiple producers.
● Consumer: Systems that consume events from subscribed topic (/topics) are called
● Broker: All machines within the Kafka cluster are called brokers. Just a fancy name for
machines storing published events for a topic.
● Partition: Within a single topic, you can configure multiple partitions. Multiple partitions
enables Kafka to internally shard / distribute load effectively. It also helps consumers
consume faster. More on this later.
● Event retention period: Kafka or any persistent queue is designed to store events
transiently and not forever. Hence, you specify event retention period, which is the period
till which the event is stored. All events older than retention period are periodically
cleaned up.
Problem statements:
● What if a topic is so large (so there are so many producers for the topic), that the
entire topic (even for the retention period) might not fit in a single machine. How
do you shard?
Kafka lets you specify number of partitions for every topic. A single partition cannot be broken
down between machines, but different partitions can reside on different machines.
Adding enough partitions would let Kafka internally assign topic+partition to different machines.
Adding ways for you to know ordering of messages between partitions is an additional overhead
and not good for the throughput. It is possible you don’t even care about the strict ordering of
Let’s take an example. Take the case of Flipkart. Imagine we have a topic Messages where
every message from customer to vendor gets published. Imagine we have a consumer which
notifies the vendors.
Now, I don’t really care about the ordering of messages for 2 different users, but I might care
about the ordering of messages for the messages from the same user. If not in order, the
messages might not make sense.
What if there was a way of making sure all messages from the same user ends up in the same
partition. Kafka allows that.
Producers can optionally specify a key along with the message being sent to the topic.
And then Kafka simply does hash(key) % num_partitions to send this message to one of the
partition. If 2 messages have the same key, they end up on the same partition. So, if we use
sender_id as the key with all messages published, it would guarantee that all messages with the
same sender end up on the same partition. Within the same partition, it’s easier to maintain
● What if a topic is super big. And hence it would take ages for a single consumer to
consume all events. What do you do then?
In such a case, the only way is to have multiple consumers working in parallel working on
different set of events.
Kafka enables that through consumer groups.
A consumer group is a collection of consumer machines, which would consume from the same
topic. Internally, every consumer in the consumer groups gets tagged to one or more partition
exclusively (this means it's useless to have more consumer machines than the number of
partition) and every consumer then only gets messages from the relevant partition. This helps
process events from topics in parallel across various consumers in consumer group.
● If one or more machines(broker) within Kafka die, how do I ensure I never lose
Example: See below image, when Kafka has 3 machines, 2 topics and each topic has 2
partitions. Replication configured to be 2.
Kafka says it does not matter. Talk to any machine/broker in Kafka cluster and it will redirect to
the right machines internally. Super simple.
● If I am a consumer group, and I have already consumed all events in a topic, then
when new events arrive, how do I ensure I only pull the new events in the topic?
If you think about it, you would need to track an offset (how much have I already read) so that
you can fetch only events post the offset.
More reading:
1. Full-text search
2. Elastic Search
3. Sharding keys
Imagine you are working for LinkedIn. And you are supposed to build a search feature
which helps you search through all matching posts on LinkedIn.
Someone might search for “job posting” which means that you are looking for all posts
that contain “job posting” or “job post” in their body. This would require you to write a
query like the following:
The above query will end up doing the entire table scan. It will go to every row and do a
string search in every post content. If there are N rows and M characters, the time
complexity is O(N*M^2). Not good. Will bring LinkedIn down.
Using a NoSQL DB would have a similar issue. In key value store or column family store,
you would have to go through every row and search for matching values/columns which
would take forever. Same for document store.
If we use a hashmap, the key-value pair can be as follows. The key will be the word to be
searched, and the value will be the list of IDs of the document (or the review) where the
queried word is present.
APACHE LUCENE performs a similar thing. Every entry (the entire post for example) is
called as a document. The following are the steps performed in this:
1. Character elimination
In this phase, we remove characters such as “a”, “an”, “the”, etc. Although the
name is character elimination, but it also includes word elimination.
2. Tokenization
The entire post is broken down into words.
3. Token Index
All of the tokens are broken down into their root word.
Consider the following sentences for example,
→ When I ran the app, the app crashed.
→ While running the app, the app crashes.
Here the pair of words
→ "ran" and "running"
→ "crashed" and "crashes"
Carry the same meaning but in a different form of sentence. So this is what
reduction to root word means. This process is also called stemming.
So the words "running" and "ran" are converted to the root word "run"
The words "crashes" and "crashed" are converted to the root word "crash"
4. Reverse Indexing
In this phase, we store the (document id, position) pair for each word.
For example,
If for document 5, the indexed words after 3rd phase look as follows
– decent - 1
– product - 2
– wrote - 3
– money - 4
Then in the reverse indexing phase, the word "decent" will be mapped to a list that
will look as
Where each element of the list is a pair of the (document id, position id)
Full-Text Search
Use cases of full-text search:
1. Log processing
2. Index text input from the user
3. Index text files / documents (for example, resume indexing to search using
resume text).
4. Site indexing
Elastic Search
Apache Lucene is great. But it’s just a software built to run on one single machine.
Single machine could however:
● Become single point of failure
● Might run out of space to store all documents.
● Might not be able to handle a lot of traffic.
So, ElasticSearch was built on top of Lucene to help it scale.
● Document: An entity which has text to be indexed. For example, an entire
LinkedIn post is a document.
● Index: An index is a collection of documents indexed. For example, LinkedIN
posts could be one index. Whereas Resumes would be a different index.
● Node: A node refers to a physical / virtual machine.
How would you shard if there are so many documents that the entire thing does not fit in
a single machine?
Replication in ElasticSearch:
Just like number of shards, you can also configure number of replicas at the time of
You need replicas because:
● Machines die. Replicas ensure that even if machines die, the shard is still alive
and data is not lost.
● More replicas help in sharing the load of reads. A read can go to any of the
Just like in master-slave model, one of the replicas in the shard is marked as
primary/master and the remaining replicas are followers/slaves.
So, imagine if num_nodes = 3, num_shards = 2(0 and 1), num_replicas = 3, then it could
look like the following:
Given there are less number of nodes, hence, multiple shards reside on the same node.
You can reduce that by adding more nodes into the cluster. With more nodes in the
cluster, you can also configure and control the number of shards per node. Further
reading at
Read (Given a phrase, find matching documents along with matching positions): Given
documents are spread across shards, and any document can match, read in
ElasticSearch is read in every shard.
When a read request is received by a node, that node is responsible for forwarding it to
the nodes that hold the relevant shards, collating the responses, and responding to the
client. We call that node the coordinating node for that request. The basic flow is as
To ensure fast responses, some ElasticSearch APIs respond with partial results if one
or more shards fail.
Elasticsearch is a highly scalable and distributed search and analytics engine built on
top of Apache Lucene. It is designed to handle and process large volumes of data in
near real-time and provide fast search capabilities.
8. RESTful API: Elasticsearch exposes a RESTful API that allows you to interact
with the cluster. You can perform operations such as indexing documents,
searching, aggregating data, updating, and deleting documents using HTTP
Overall, Elasticsearch's distributed and scalable architecture, combined with its powerful
search and analytics capabilities, make it a popular choice for various use cases,
including log analysis, application monitoring, e-commerce search, and more.
Sharding details
In Elasticsearch, sharding is the process of dividing an index into smaller parts called
shards. Each shard is an independent index that can be stored on a separate node
within a cluster. Sharding is a crucial aspect of Elasticsearch's distributed architecture,
enabling horizontal scalability, parallel processing, and improved performance.
2. Sharding Process:
a. When a document is indexed, Elasticsearch determines which shard it
should be stored in using a hashing algorithm.
b. Elasticsearch calculates a shard ID for each document based on a
sharding key, which is typically the document's ID or a specific field value.
c. The shard ID is a numeric value that determines the shard to which the
document will be assigned.
d. Elasticsearch uses a consistent hashing algorithm to distribute the
documents evenly across the available shards.
e. The hashing algorithm generates a hash value from the shard ID, and
then the shard assignment is determined based on this value and the total
number of shards.
3. Shard Allocation:
a. Elasticsearch automatically manages the allocation of shards across
nodes in the cluster.
b. When a new node joins the cluster, it receives a copy of some existing
shards to balance the data distribution.
c. Elasticsearch uses a shard allocation algorithm to determine the best
location for each shard, considering factors like node availability, shard
size, and data rebalancing.
5. Benefits of Sharding:
a. Horizontal Scalability: Sharding allows Elasticsearch to distribute the data
and workload across multiple nodes, enabling the cluster to handle large
volumes of data and scale horizontally by adding more nodes.
b. Parallel Processing: Shards can be processed in parallel, allowing
Elasticsearch to handle concurrent queries and operations efficiently.
c. Improved Performance: By distributing data and queries across multiple
shards, Elasticsearch can distribute the computational load and reduce
response times.
d. It's important to note that the sharding key used in Elasticsearch is
typically the document's ID or a specific field value. The choice of sharding
key depends on your data and access patterns. If you have a natural
unique identifier for your documents, such as a product SKU or a user ID,
using that as the sharding key can lead to an even distribution of data
across shards. However, it's essential to consider potential data skew and
access patterns to avoid hotspots where a particular shard receives a
disproportionate amount of requests.
Elasticsearch's search queries can be multi-shard queries. When you execute a search
query in Elasticsearch, it automatically routes the query to the relevant shards that
contain the indexed data. This process is transparent to the user, and Elasticsearch
handles it internally.
When a query is executed across multiple shards, Elasticsearch parallelizes the search
operation, distributing the workload across the shards. Each shard performs the search
operation independently on its local data and returns the results to the coordinating
The coordinating node receives the results from all the shards, merges them, and
returns a unified response to the user. The merging process includes sorting,
aggregating, and ranking the results as specified in the query.
By parallelizing the search operation across multiple shards, Elasticsearch can achieve
faster response times and handle larger datasets. This distributed approach allows
Elasticsearch to scale horizontally by adding more nodes to the cluster and balancing
the search workload across them.
It's worth noting that while multi-shard queries can provide improved performance, they
may also introduce additional complexity and network overhead, especially when the
query involves aggregations or sorting across a large number of shards. Therefore, it's
important to design your Elasticsearch cluster and index settings appropriately,
considering factors such as shard size, query complexity, and data distribution, to
ensure efficient search operations.
When executing a search query, Elasticsearch determines the relevant shards for the
query through a process called query routing. It uses the following steps to determine
the shards to which the query should be sent:
1. Shard Allocation:
a. Elasticsearch automatically distributes shards across the nodes in the
cluster during shard allocation.
b. Each shard is assigned to a specific node, and the node becomes the
primary holder of that shard.
c. The allocation process considers factors such as node availability, shard
size, and data rebalancing to ensure an even distribution of shards across
the cluster.
2. Shard Mapping:
a. Elasticsearch maintains a cluster state, which includes the mapping of
shards to nodes.
b. This mapping information is used to route queries to the appropriate
c. The cluster state is continuously updated as nodes join or leave the
cluster, or as shards are allocated or moved.
3. Shard Metadata:
a. Each shard contains metadata that describes its index and shard ID,
including information about the range of document IDs or values it holds.
b. This metadata allows Elasticsearch to quickly identify the relevant shards
for a given search query.
4. Query Parsing:
a. When a search query is received, Elasticsearch parses the query to
understand its components, such as the search terms, filters,
aggregations, sorting criteria, and other parameters.
b. Based on the query structure, Elasticsearch determines the necessary
shards to be involved in the search operation.
5. Shard Filtering:
a. Elasticsearch uses the shard metadata and the parsed query to filter out
shards that are irrelevant to the query.
b. For example, if the query specifies a filter on a specific field value,
Elasticsearch can exclude shards that don't contain documents matching
that value.
6. Query Routing:
a. After filtering the relevant shards, Elasticsearch routes the search query to
those shards for execution.
b. The query is sent to each relevant shard independently, and each shard
processes the query on its local data.
7. Coordinating Node:
a. The coordinating node receives the results from all the shards involved in
the query execution.
b. It merges the results, performs sorting, aggregations, and other
post-processing steps specified in the query, and returns the final result
set to the user.
By following these steps, Elasticsearch efficiently determines the shards that hold the
relevant data for a given search query. This process ensures that the query is executed
in parallel across the appropriate shards, allowing for scalable and distributed search
MongoDB vs Elasticsearch
MongoDB and Elasticsearch have different strengths and use cases, but MongoDB
does offer some features that can provide search functionality similar to Elasticsearch.
MongoDB has a built-in text search feature called "text indexes." With text indexes, you
can perform full-text search queries on specific fields or across multiple fields within
your documents. MongoDB's text search supports various query operators, such as
exact phrase matching, fuzzy matching, and language-specific stemming.
While MongoDB's text search is capable of handling basic search requirements, it may
not provide the same level of advanced search capabilities, relevance scoring, and
scalability as Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch is designed specifically for search and excels
at handling large volumes of data and complex search queries.
If your search requirements are relatively simple and your application already uses
MongoDB as the primary database, you can leverage MongoDB's text search
capabilities to provide basic search functionality. However, if search is a critical
component of your application and you require more advanced search features,
scalability, and performance, Elasticsearch is generally a more suitable choice.
Nearest Neighbors
Finding Locations Inside a Square
Grid Approach
Finding Grid ID
Add a new Place
Delete an existing place
We discussed that for a post made by the user on Facebook with images(or some other media),
we don't store the image in the database. We only store the metadata for the post (user_id,
post_id, timestamp, etc.). The images/media are stored on different storage systems; from that
particular storage system, we get a URL to access the media file. This URL is stored in the
database file.
In this class, our main discussion is how to store these large files (not only images but very large
files, say a 50 TB file). A large file can be a large video file or a log file containing the actions of
the users (login, logout, and other interactions and responses), and it can keep increasing in
One way to store a large file is to divide it into chunks and store the chunks on different
machines. So suppose a 50 TB file is divided into chunks. What will be the size of the chunks? If
you divide a 50 TB file into chunks of 1 MB, the number of parts will be
50TB/1MB = (50 * 106) MB / 1 MB = 5 * 107 parts.
From this, we can conclude that if we keep the size of the chunk very small, then the number of
parts of the file will be very high. It can result in issues like
1. Collation of the parts: concatenating too many files and returning them to the client will
be overhead.
2. Cost of entries: We must keep metadata for the chunks,i.e., for a given chunk of a file,
it is present on which machine. If we store metadata for every file, this is also an
HDFS stands for Hadoop Distributed File System. Below are certain terminologies related to
● The default chunk size is 128 MB in HDFS 2.0. However, in HDFS 1.0, it was 64 MB.
● The metadata table we maintain to store chunk information is known as the ‘NameNode
server'. It keeps mapping that chunks are present on which machine(data node) for a
certain file. Say, for File 1, chunk 1 is present on machine 3.
● In HDFS, there will be only one name node server, and it will be replicated.
You may wonder why the chunk size is 128 MB.
The reason is that large file systems are built for certain operations like storing, downloading
large files, or doing some analytics. And based on the types of operations, benchmarking is
done to choose a proper chunk size. It is like ‘what is the normal file size for which most people
are using the system’ and keeping chunk size accordingly so that system's performance is best.
For example,
chunk size of X1 performance is P1
chunk size of X2 performance is P2,
Similarly, doing benchmarking for different chunk sizes.
And then choosing the chunk size that gives the best performance.
In a nutshell, we can say benchmarking is done for the most common operations which people
will be doing while using their system, and HDFS comes up with a value of default chunk size.
Making System reliable: We know that to make the distributed system reliable, we never store
data on a single machine; we replicate it. Here also, a chunk cannot be stored on a single
machine to make the system reliable. It needs to be saved on multiple machines. We will keep
chunks on different data nodes and replicate them on other data nodes so that even if a
machine goes down, we do not lose a particular chunk.
Rack Aware Algorithm: For more reliability, keep data on different racks so that we do not lose
our data even if a rack goes down. We avoid replicating the chunks on the machines of the
same rack. This is because if there comes an issue with the power supply, the rack will go
down, and data won't be available anywhere else.
So this was about chunk divisions and storing them on HDD. Now comes the question of who
does this division part.
● Suppose there is a client who wants to upload a large file. The client requests the app
server and starts sending the stream of data. The app server on the other side has a
client (HDFS client) running on it.
● HDFS also has a NamNode server to store metadata and data nodes to keep the actual
● The app server will call the name node server to get the default chunk size, NameNode
server will respond to it ( say, the default chunk size is 128 MB).
● Now, the app server knows that it needs to make chunks of 128 MB. As soon as the app
server collects 128 MB of data (equal to the chunk size) from the data stream, it sends
the data to a data node after storing metadata about the chunk. Metadata about the
chunk is stored in the name node server. For example, for a given file F1, nth chunk - Cn
is stored in 3rd data node - D3.
● The client keeps on sending a stream of data, and again when the data received by the
app server becomes equal to chunk size 128 MB (or the app server receives the end of
the file), metadata about the chunk is stored in the name node server first and then
chunk it send to the data node.
Briefly, the app server keeps receiving data; as soon as it reaches the threshold, it asks the
name node server, 'where to persist it?', then it stores the data on the hard disk on a particular
data node received from the name node server.
Downloading a file
Similar to upload, the client requests the app server to download a file.
● Suppose the app server receives a request for downloading file F1. It will ask the name
node server about the related information of the file, how many chunks are present, and
from which data nodes to get those chunks.
● The name node server returns the metadata, say for File 1, goto data node 2 for chunk
1, to data node 3 for chunk 2, and so on. The application server will go to the particular
data nodes and will fetch the data.
● As soon as the app server receives the first chunk, it sends the data to the client in a
data stream. It is similar to what happened during the upload. Next, we receive the
subsequent chunks and do the same.
(More about data streaming will be discussed in the Hotstar case study)
Torrent example: Do you know how a file is downloaded very quickly from the torrent?
What is happening in the background is very similar to what we have discussed. The file is
broken into multiple parts. If a movie of 1000MB is broken into 100 parts, we have 100 parts of
10 MB each.
If 100 people on torrent have this movie, then I can do 100 downloads in parallel. I can go to the
first person and ask for part 1, the second person for part 2, and so forth. Whoever is done first,
I can ask the person for the next part, which I haven't asked anybody yet. If a person is really
fast and I have gotten a lot of parts, then I can even ask him for the remaining part, which I am
receiving from someone, but the download rate is very slow.
Nearest Neighbors
There are a lot of systems that are built on locations, and location-based systems are unique
kinds of systems that require different kinds of approaches to design. Conventional database
systems don't work for location-based systems.
Well, the brute-force approach can simply get all restaurants along with their locations (latitude
and longitude) and then find the distance from our current location (latitude and longitude).
Simply euclidian distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in 2D space can be
calculated with the formula d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2.
This will calculate the distance around all points around the globe to get our X (say 10) nearest
neighbors. The approach will take a lot of time.
Another approach is to draw a square from our current location and then consider all the
points/restaurants lying inside it to calculate X nearest ones. We can use the query:
SELECT * FROM places WHERE lat < x + k AND lat > x -k AND long < y + k AND long > y-k
Here ‘x’ and ‘y’ are the coordinates of our current location, ‘lat’ is latitude, ‘long’ is longitude,
and ‘k’ is the distance from the point (x,y).
Dividing the entire world into variable-size grids so that every grid has approximately 100
So our problem statement reduces to preprocess all the places in the world so that we can get
variable-size grids containing 100 points. We also need to have some algorithm to add or delete
a point (a location such as a restaurant).
This can be achieved using quadtrees.
Imagine the entire world with billions of points (think of a world map, a rectangle with points all
● We can say that the entire world is a root of a tree and has all of the places of the world.
We create a tree; if the current node has more than 100 points, then we need to create
its four children (four because we need to create the same shape as a rectangle by
splitting the bigger grid into four parts).
● We recursively repeat the process for the four parts as well. If any children have more
than 100 points, it further divides itself into four children. Every child has the same shape
as the parent, a rectangle.
● All the leaf nodes in the tree will have less than 100 points/places. And the tree's height
will be ~log(N), N being the number of places in the world.
Finding Grid ID
Now, suppose I give you my location (x,y) and ask you which grid/leaf I belong to. How will you
do that? You can assume the whole world extends between coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
What I can do is calculate the middle point for the x and y coordinates, Xmid= (x1+x2) / 2, Ymid=
(y1 + y2) / 2. And then, I can check if the x is bigger than Xmid. If yes, then the point will be
present in either part 2 or 4, and if smaller than Xmid, the point will be in part 1 or 3. After that, I
can compare y with Ymid to get the exact quadrant.
This process will be used to get the exact grid/leaf if I start from the root node, every time
choosing one part out of 4 by the above-described process as I know exactly which child we
need to go to. Writing the process recursively:
findgrid(x, y, root):
X1, Y1 = root.left.corner
X2, Y2 = root.right.corner
If root.children.empty(): // root is already a leaf node
Return root.gridno // returning grid number
If x > (X1 + X2) / 2:
If y > (Y1 + Y2) / 2:
findgrid(x, y, root.children[1])
findgrid(x, y, root.children[3])
What is the time complexity of finding the grid to which I belong by above-mentioned method?
It will be equal to the height of the tree: log(N).
Once we find the grid, it becomes easy to calculate the nearby points. Every place in the world
has been assigned a grid number and it is stored in MySQL DB. We can easily get all the
required neighboring points. If neighbors are not enough, we also have to consider neighboring
● Next pointer Sibling: While creating the tree, if we also maintain the next pointer for the
leaves, then we can easily get the neighbors. It becomes easy to find siblings. We can
travel to the left or right of the leaf to get the siblings.
● Another way is by picking a point very close to the grid in all eight directions. For a point
(X, Y) at the boundary, we can move X slightly, say X + 0.1, and check in which grid
point ( X+ 0.1, Y) lies. It will be a log(N) search for all 8 directions, and we will get all the
grid ids.
So what do you think, whether it's possible to store data, i.e., 100 million places in a single
machine or not?
Well, to store a quadtree, we have to store the top-left and bottom-right coordinates for each
node. Apart from that, we will store four pointers to child nodes. The 100 million places will be
stored in leaves only; every time a node contains more than X(say 100) places, we will split it
into four children. In the end, all leaves will contain less than equal to 100 places, and every
place will be present in exactly one leaf node.
Let's do some math for the number of nodes and space required.
Say every leaf stores one place (for 100 million places); there will be 100 million leaf nodes in
the quadtree.
If we assume every leaf node has an average of 20 places, the number of nodes will be equal to
(1.33 * 108) / (average number of places in a leaf) = (1.33 * 108) / 20
To store 100 million places, the storage required (say latitude and longitude each is 16 bytes )
= 108 * 32
Total space required = space required for nodes + space required for places
= 6.5 million * 80 bytes + 100 million * 32 bytes
= 520 * 108 bytes + 3200 * 108 bytes
= ~ 4000 million bytes = 4GB
So the total space required is 4GB to store a quadtree, and it can easily fit inside the main
memory. All we need is to make sure that there are copies of this data is multiple machines so
that even if a machine goes down, we have access to data.
A lot of production systems have 64GB RAM, and 4GB is not a problem to store.
We discussed nearest neighbors and quadtrees in the last class and left our discussion with a
problem statements:
1. How to design for Uber? (earlier nearest-neighbor problem worked well with static
neighbors, here taxis/cabs can move)
Use case: I am a user at location X(latitude, longitude); match me with the nearest available
cabs. (The notification goes to all nearby cabs for a rider in a round-robin fashion, and a driver
can accept or reject). How will you design this?
Let's start our discussion with a question: Suppose there are 10 million cabs worldwide, and I
am standing in Mumbai then do I need to care about all the cabs? What is the best sharding key
for uber?
You might have guessed that the best sharding key is the city of the cab it belongs to. Cities can
be a wider boundary (including more than one region). Every city is a hub and independent from
the others. By sharding cabs by city, the scope of the problem will be reduced to a few hundred
thousand cabs. Even the busiest cities in India will have around 50 thousand cabs.
Now suppose I am in Mumbai and requesting a cab. If the whole Mumbai region is already
broken into grids of equal size, then that would not work well for finding the nearest cabs.
In the Mumbai region, only some areas can be dense (high traffic) while others have less traffic.
So breaking Mumbai into equal size grids is not optimal.
● If I am in a heavy traffic area, then I want to avoid matching with cabs that are far( 5km)
away, but it's fine for sparse traffic areas because cabs will be available very soon.
● So we can say a uniform grid approach of quadtree will not work because different areas
have different traffic. It's a function of time and location.
We can use the fact that cabs can ping their current location after every fixed time period (60
seconds), cab_id → (x,y), and we can maintain this mapping.
Bruteforce: We go through all the drivers/cabs in the city (since there will only be a few
thousand) and then match with the nearest ones.
For an optimized approach, consider this: If cabs are moving all the time, do we need to update
the quadtree every time?
Initially, we created a quadtree on the traffic pattern with some large and some small grids.
When cabs move and change their grids (we get notified by the current location), then we have
to update the quadtree (the previous grid and the new grid). There will be a lot of write queries
for the update. How can we optimize it?
Note: Cabs will only send updates when their location has been changed at the last 1 minute.
We can track this on the client side only.
The driver app tells when the location changes and is aware of grid boundaries.
The optimization can be: cabs already knew the grid they are part of and the boundary. If the
cab is moving within the boundary, then there is no need to update the quadtree. When the cab
goes into a new grid, the cab_id and corresponding grid can be updated at the backend. We
know we can maintain a memory map of cabs and the most recent know locations inside Redis.
We can modify the quadtree by using the above knowledge. However, one problem can occur if
we start creating the grids instantaneously: If the number of cabs in a grid is fixed (say 50) and
we create four children or merge four children if cabs move in/out of the grid. This will become
an expensive operation and will cause more writes. We can also optimize the creation and
merging of grids by not changing the grid dimensions instantly.
For example, the threshold for a cab is 50, and the moment we have more the 50 cabs in the
grid, we split it into four parts (this was the usual rule).
● What we can do is, instead of fixing the threshold, we can have a range (like 50 to 75). If
cabs exceed the range, then we can change the dimensions.
● Another approach could be running a job after every fixed time ( 3 hours or more) and
checking for the number of cabs in leaf nodes. And we can consolidate or split the nodes
accordingly. This would work because the traffic pattern doesn't change quickly.
To conclude the design of uber, we can say we need to follow the following steps:
Step 1: For a city, create a quadtree based on current cab locations. ( At t = 0, dynamic grids will
be created based on the density of cabs).
Step 2: Maintain cab → (last known location) and quadtree backend for nearest cabs.
Step 3: Don’t bombard quadtree and cab location updates. You can use optimizations:
- Driver app only sends location if cab location is changed in last 1 minute, handling this at
client side only
- While sending a new location driver app also checks whether the grid has changed by
checking the boundary. For a grid with boundaries (a,b) and (c,d), we can check location
(x,y) is inside or not simply by a<=x<=c && d<=y<=b.
- If the grid Id changes, then delete it from the old grid and update it in the new grid.
- Another optimization is, in a quadtree, don't update grids' dimensions immediately.
Instead, do it periodically.
Ques1: Why can't we directly use IDs as 1,2,3,... i.e., the auto-increment feature in SQL
to generate the IDs?
Sequential IDs work well on local systems but not in distributed systems. Two different
systems might assign the same ID to two different requests in distributed systems. So
the uniqueness property will be violated here.
If we assign IDs using this technique, the uniqueness problem will be solved. But it
might violate the incremental property of IDs in a distributed system.
For example, let us suppose that request keeps coming consecutively on M1. In this
case, it would assign the IDs as 99,102,105,... . Now, after some time, the request comes
on some other machine (e.g., M2), then the ID assigned would have a numeric value
lower than what was assigned previously.
1 bit Sign
41 bits Timestamp
5 bits Machine ID
1. Sign Bit:
The sign bit is never used. Its value is always zero. This bit is just taken as a backup that
will be used at some time in the future.
2. Timestamp bits:
This time is the epoch time. Previously the benchmark time for calculating the time
elapsed was from 1st Jan 1970. But Twitter changed this benchmark time to 4th
November 2010.
4. Machine ID bits:
5 bits are reserved for this, which implies that there can be 32 (2^5) machines per data
5. Sequence no bits:
These bits are reserved for generating sequence numbers for IDs that are generated at
the same timestamp. The sequence number is reset to zero every millisecond. Since we
have reserved 12 bits for this, we can have 4096 (2^12) sequence numbers which are
certainly more than the IDs that are generated every millisecond by a machine.
Throttling: It is the process of controlling the usage of the APIs by customers during a
given period.
Rate limiting algorithms are used to control the rate at which a system or application
can handle incoming requests or data. They are essential for managing resources and
preventing overload or abuse. Here's a detailed explanation of each of the rate limiting
algorithms you mentioned:
The token bucket has a maximum capacity (maximum number of tokens it can hold)
and a token refill rate (tokens added per unit of time).
At regular intervals (e.g., every second), a certain number of tokens (defined by the refill
rate) are added to the bucket until it reaches its maximum capacity.
When a request or data unit arrives, the algorithm checks if there are enough tokens in
the bucket to process it. If there are enough tokens, the request is allowed, and the
required number of tokens is removed from the bucket. If there aren't enough tokens,
the request is delayed or rejected.
The token bucket can have a burst mode where the number of tokens in the bucket can
briefly exceed the maximum capacity. However, sustained requests beyond the bucket's
capacity will eventually be limited.
The Token Bucket Algorithm provides a smooth and controlled rate limiting mechanism,
as it allows for bursts of requests while still maintaining the overall rate.
The leaking bucket has a fixed capacity and a constant leak rate (tokens removed per
unit of time).
Whenever a request arrives, the algorithm checks if there are enough tokens in the
bucket to process it. If there are enough tokens, the request is allowed, and the required
number of tokens is removed from the bucket. If there aren't enough tokens, the request
is delayed or rejected.
Unlike the Token Bucket Algorithm, where tokens are added at regular intervals, the
Leaking Bucket continuously removes tokens at the specified leak rate, even if there are
no incoming requests.
The Leaking Bucket Algorithm is effective at maintaining a steady output rate, even if
requests arrive in bursts.
The rate limiter divides time into fixed intervals (e.g., 1 minute, 1 hour, etc.).
Each time window has a maximum allowed number of requests or data units that can
be processed.
When a request arrives, the algorithm checks if the current time window is full. If it is not
full, the request is allowed, and the counter for that window is incremented. If the
window is already full, the request is delayed or rejected.
The Fixed Window Counter can lead to uneven request distribution if requests arrive in
bursts near the beginning of each time window.
Now consider the following scenario. Suppose we receive 100 requests in the interval
40-50 seconds and again 100 requests in the interval 51-60 seconds. So this would lead
to 200 requests in 40-60 seconds, which is twice the threshold value we have set. This
is a common challenge that is faced when using this solution.
Like the Fixed Window Counter, time is divided into intervals, but these intervals form a
sliding window that moves over time.
Each interval within the sliding window has a maximum allowed number of requests or
data units that can be processed.
As time progresses, intervals outside the sliding window are discarded, and new
intervals are added at the end of the window.
When a request arrives, the algorithm checks if the current interval is full. If it is not full,
the request is allowed, and the counter for that interval is incremented. If the interval is
already full, the request is delayed or rejected.
The Sliding Window Counter provides a more even distribution of requests and can
handle bursts more effectively than the Fixed Window Counter.
Let us suppose that we have again divided the timeline into buckets of size 50, i.e., the
first interval is from t = 1 to 50, the second interval is from 51- 100, and the next is from
101 - 150, and so on.
Suppose we receive 60 requests in the interval t = 51 to 100 and 40 requests in the first
half of the third interval ranging from t = 101 to 120.
Calculate what percentage of the interval (101,150) does the sub-range (101,120)
● Length of (101,120) is 20
● Length of (101,150) is 50
● So the percentage coverage would be (20/50)*100% = 40%
So we have data for the 40% interval. Now to obtain data for the remaining 60% interval,
we will use the last interval data and estimate it.
Q1: Given that different clients have different internet speeds, how do you ensure
a good experience for all?
Answer: If clients have different speeds, and they all had to download the same heavy video,
then obviously the slower clients will have no option but to keep buffering till they have some part
of the video to show. In general, the rate at which video plays is always going to be higher than
the rate at which those bits can be downloaded and hence, the client for slow internet will lag.
So, what do we do? Can we play with the resolution of the video? A smaller resolution video
would be low on quality, but would require much less number of bits to be downloaded to show
the same scenes. That way, even the slower connections can show video without lag.
You would however want to give the best resolution possible at the speed of the internet
available. For example, if you know 1080p cannot be loaded at the current speed, but 720p can
be loaded, then you would not want to degrade the experience by loading 240p. Note that the
internet speed can be changing as well. So, you’d need to do detection continuously and adapt
to the best resolution possible at the current internet speed available.
Most OTTs do exactly the above by using Adaptive bitrate streaming (ABS). ABS works by
detecting the user's device and internet connection speed and adjusting the video quality and bit
rate accordingly.
The Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABS) technology of Hotstar detects Internet speed by sending
data packets to the user's device and measuring the time it takes to respond. For example, if the
response time is low, the internet connection speed is good; hence, Hotstar servers can stream
a higher video quality. On the other hand, if the response time is high, it indicates a slow internet
connection; hence, Hotstar servers can stream a lower video quality. This way, Hotstar ensures
that all its viewers have an uninterrupted streaming experience, regardless of device or internet
But is the internet speed alone enough? For example, if I am on a good internet connection
but on mobile, does it make sense to stream in 1080p resolution? At such a small screen size, I
might not even be able to decipher the difference between 480p, 720p and 1080p resolution.
And if so, streaming 1 080p is bad for my data packs :P
Hotstar can detect a user's client device to provide an optimal streaming experience. Hotstar
uses various methods, such as user-agent detection and device fingerprinting.
User-agent detection involves analyzing the string sent by a user's browser when they visit a
website. This string contains information about the browser version and operating system, which
Hotstar can use to identify the device type.
Using these two methods, Hotstar is able to accurately identify the user's device and provide an
optimal streaming experience. This ensures that users are able to enjoy uninterrupted viewing,
no matter which device they are using.
Q2: For non-live/recorded content, what optimizations would you do on the client
to ensure smoother loading?
Observation #1: It does not make sense to load the entire file on the client. If I decide to view 5
movies, watch their first 5 mins and end up closing them, I would end up spending a lot of time
and data downloading 5 entire movies.
So, we do what Torrent does. We break the file into small chunks (remember HDFS?). This way,
a client can only request for a specific chunk (imagine 10:00 - 11:00 min chunk).
Observation #2: But how does the client know which chunk to request? Or if you notice, as you
try to scroll to the future/past timestamp on the video, it shows a preview. How would it do that?
When you first click on a video, the metadata of these chunks (timestamp boundaries, chunk_id,
a low res thumbnail per chunk) can be brought to the client (and the client caches it). This could
enable the jumping from one timestamp to another.
Observation #3: Ok, but what happens when I am done with the current chunk? If I would have
to wait for the next chunk to be downloaded, then it would lead to a buffering screen at the end
of every chunk. That’s not a good experience, is it? How do we solve that?
What if we pre-load the next chunk (or next multiple chunks) as we near the end of the current
chunk. For example, if the current chunk is 60 seconds, then we might start to preload the next
chunk when I am at 30 seconds / 40 seconds. It happens in the background, and hence you’d
never see buffering.
Obviously, I cannot cache too many chunks as it takes up my RAM space. So, I keep evicting
from cache chunks I have seen in the past (or just simple LRU on chunks).
Note that the chunk downloaded is of the right bitrate, depending on the adaptive bit rate we
talked about above. So, it is possible I download chunk 1 of very high quality, but if my internet
speed has degraded, the next downloaded chunk is of lower quality.
Chunks make it easier to upload files (easier to retry on failure, easier to parallelise uploads)
and make it easier to download (2 chunks can be downloaded in parallel).
And obviously, it's better to fetch these chunks from CDN for the right resolution of the file
instead of directly from S3/HDFS.
More to think about here(Homework): Is there a better way of creating chunks other than just
timestamps? For example, think of the initial cast introduction scenes which most people skip. If
most people skip that, how would you break that down into chunks for most optimal data
bandwidth utilization? Also, what future chunks to load then? Or could you create chunks by
scenes or shot selection?
Observation #4: If you notice, if Netflix has 10,000 TV shows, most people are watching the
most popular ones at a time. There is a long tail that does not get watched often. For most
popular shows, can we do optimisations to ensure their load time is better?
What if we did server side caching of their metadata, so that it can be returned much faster. In
general, LRU caching for movies/TV show metadata does the job.
Summary: Hotstar uses various technologies and techniques to ensure that viewers can
access high-quality video streams quickly, reliably, and without interruption. To further optimize
the user experience for non-live content, Hotstar could employ the following optimizations:
● Chunking: Dividing video content into small sections or "chunks" allows for improved
streaming and delivery of video files.
● Pre-emptive loading of the future chunks.
● Browser Caching of relevant metadata and chunks to enable a smoother viewing
● Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN can help distribute the load of delivering
video files to users by caching content closer to the users. It can significantly reduce the
distance data needs to travel, thereby reducing load times. The browser can download
resources faster as they are served from a server closer to the user.
● Server-side Caching: By caching frequently-accessed video files and metadata, the
system can reduce the number of times it has to retrieve data from a slower storage
system like disk or network storage.
● Encoding optimization: Using video encoding, Hotstar reduces the size of the video
files without affecting the perceived quality.
● Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: This technique allows the video player to adjust the video
quality based on the user's network conditions.
● Minimizing HTTP requests: By reducing the number of resources that need to be
loaded, the browser can load the page faster. It can be done by consolidating files, using
CSS sprites, and lazy loading resources.
Now that recorded videos are done, let's think about how this should work for a live streaming
use case.
For the recorded case, we had the entire file with us upfront. Hence, we could create chunks,
transform to different resolutions as an offline task at our convenience. Publish chunk metadata.
And then make the video live once all of it was ready.
For live use cases, we are getting video on the fly. While a delay of a minute is fine, you
wouldn't want the delay to be higher than that.
Problem statement: How does a client tell CDN/Hotstar where does it need to get the next
sequence of bytes from?
Imagine if we do create chunks. If chunks are large (1-2 mins), then that means, our clients will
have large lag. They will have to wait for the 2 min chunk to be created (which is only after
events in those 2 mins have occurred) and then that chunk goes to the client via CDN.
Imagine we create 15-30 second chunks. This is also called stream segmentation.
Steps involved:
● From the source, the video gets to the Hotstar backend using RTMP.
● For every 15-30 second chunk, immediately, jobs are scheduled to transform these
chunks to different resolutions. Metadata for these chunks is updated in primary DB (In
memory cache and MySQL?).
● Via another job, these chunks are uploaded to CDNs.
Do note that there are clients like Scaler class streaming / Zoom / Meet where delay has to be
less than 2-3 seconds. However, you don't need to support lagging clients there. You cannot
scroll to a history of the meeting. You might not even be recording the meeting.
The number of clients would be limited. That is a very different architecture.
Homework: Think about how Google Meet streaming would work if you were building it.
Size of a segment: It's essential to balance the number of segments you create and the size of
each segment. Too many segments will mean a lot of metadata, while too few segments will
make every segment larger and hence increase the delay.
In addition, Hotstar also utilized AI and data mining techniques to identify trends in the
streaming behavior of its users to improve the user experience. For example, they scale the
number of machines up and down based on certain events (since autoscaling can be slow).
Dhoni coming to bat increases the number of concurrent viewers, so ML systems can detect that
pattern and scale to a larger number of machines beforehand.
Do note that CDN delivers the chunks of video fast as it's at the heart of the design.
To sum it up, Hotstar's system design uses techniques like chunking, encoding, dynamic buffer
management, CDN, ABS, and AI-powered platforms; it ensures users have an enjoyable
streaming experience regardless of their device or internet connection speed.
Q4: How do you scale from 100 clients to 50 million clients streaming
Let’s look at what are the common queries that scale as the number of users concurrently live
streaming increases.
2 and 3 scales with the number of concurrent users. [Note that we have assumed a MVP here,
so no chat/messaging feature assumed].
For 2, you’d need to scale the number of appservers and number of caching machines which
store these metadata. However, the maximum amount of load is generated due to 3. As it is a
massive amount of data being sent across to all the concurrent users.
CDN infrastructure plays a major role here. Akamai (Hotstar’s CDN provider) has done a lot of
heavy lifting to let Hotstar scale to the number of concurrent users that they have. A CDN stores
copies of web assets (videos, images, etc.) on servers worldwide so that users can quickly
access them no matter where. As the number of users of Hotstar increases, the CDN will have
to scale accordingly.
If most of the users are expected to be from India, then for edge servers (CDN machines closer
to the user) that are close to India region, more capacity is added there (more number of
machines). Clients do an ANYCAST to connect to the nearest available edge server.
Designing the architecture for a system like Hotstar or Netflix requires various
components and their interactions. High-level overview of the architecture for such a
streaming platform:
1. User Interface:
a. Web Interface: A responsive web application allowing users to access the
platform using a web browser.
b. Mobile Applications: Native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms.
c. Smart TV and Set-top Box Applications: Applications designed for smart
TVs and set-top boxes.
d. Other Devices: Applications for gaming consoles, streaming devices, and
other platforms.
3. Content Delivery:
a. Content Delivery Network (CDN): A distributed network of edge servers
strategically placed across different regions to deliver content efficiently.
b. Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: The ability to dynamically adjust the quality of
the video stream based on the user's network conditions, using
technologies like MPEG-DASH or HLS.
c. Caching and Load Balancing: Caching frequently accessed content at
edge servers and load balancing the incoming traffic across multiple
servers to handle scalability and improve performance.
8. Backend Infrastructure:
a. Microservices Architecture: Decomposing the system into smaller, loosely
coupled services for scalability, maintainability, and independent
b. Containerization: Utilizing containerization technologies like Docker to
package and deploy services consistently across different environments.
c. Orchestration: Employing container orchestration platforms like
Kubernetes to manage and scale the containerized services effectively.
d. Database Management: Utilizing databases for storing user data, content
metadata, session information, and system configurations.
Additional Resources
Scaling for 25 million concurrent viewers
Building a scalable data platform at Hotstar
Microservices vs Monoliths
Microservices and monoliths are two different architectural approaches for building
applications. Each approach comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of Microservices:
1. Modularity and Scalability: Microservices break an application into small,
independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently.
This modularity allows teams to work on different services simultaneously and
scale individual services based on demand.
2. Flexibility and Technology Diversity: Each microservice can use the most
appropriate technology stack for its specific functionality. This enables
developers to choose the best-suited technology for each service without being
tied to a single technology stack across the entire application.
3. Continuous Delivery and Deployment: Microservices enable continuous delivery
and deployment practices. Since services are independent, updates and changes
to one service do not affect others. This allows for faster release cycles and the
ability to respond quickly to user feedback.
4. Fault Isolation: If a microservice fails, the rest of the application can continue to
function independently. This fault isolation ensures that failures in one part of the
system do not bring down the entire application.
5. Scalability: Microservices architecture enables horizontal scaling by allowing the
addition of more instances of a specific service as needed, making it easier to
handle varying loads.
Disadvantages of Microservices:
Advantages of Monoliths:
Disadvantages of Monoliths:
Choosing between microservices and monoliths depends on the specific needs and
characteristics of the project. Microservices are well-suited for large and complex
systems with independent, cross-functional teams, and a need for scalability and
continuous deployment. Monoliths may be more appropriate for smaller applications,
simple projects, or teams with limited resources and expertise in managing distributed
c. The main drawback is that it introduces blocking, as all services must wait
for the coordinator's decision, which can impact system responsiveness
and scalability.
b. If any part of the transaction fails, a rollback message is sent to undo the
changes made by the services - This is called "compensatory event" or
"compensatory transaction"