Dipolar magnetostirring
Dipolar magnetostirring
Dipolar magnetostirring
atomtronic circuits
arXiv:2501.05301v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 9 Jan 2025
1. Introduction
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the triple well system (in the x-y plane, left
panel) and the movement of the dipole orientation µ during the protocol (right panel).
2. Theoretical Framework
where âj (â†j ) are the bosonic annihilation (creation) operators for the j-th site, n̂j = â†j âj
is the particle number operator, J is the nearest neighbors tunneling strength, U is the
on-site interaction strength, and Vjk is the strength of the dipolar interaction between
sites j and k. The dipolar interaction term is anisotropic and depends on the relative
orientation of the dipoles [1]. In this work, we consider that all individual dipoles are
aligned in the same direction at any given time, which is achieved by polarizing them
Dipolar magnetostirring protocol for three-well atomtronic circuits 4
with an external electromagnetic field. Under this assumption, the dipolar interaction
has the form
" #2
Ud µ · (rj − rk )
Vjk = 1−3 , (2)
|rj − rk |3 |rj − rk |
where Ud is the dipolar coupling constant, µ is the unitary dipole orientation, and rj −rk
is the vector that points from the k-th to the j-th site. Due to the geometry of the fully
connected three-well system, the term |rj − rk |3 is constant for all pairs of sites and
can be absorbed into Ud . Therefore, in the following, we will not explicitly write such
dependence, as it will be included in the constant Ud .
The Hamiltonian (1) commutes with the number operator N̂ = 3j=1 n̂j , i.e. the
system is number conserving, and thus we can subtract a factor (U/2)N̂ (N̂ − 1) to the
Hamiltonian when working in sectors of well defined N . This enables us to rewrite it in
the following convenient form
3 3 X
Vjk −U
ĤI′ (â†j+1 âj â†j âj+1 )
Ĥ = ĤJ + = −J + + n̂j n̂k . (3)
j=1 j=1 k̸=j 2
This transformation explicitly shows the competition between the inter-site (dipolar)
and on-site local interaction terms. This competition is highlighted when the dipole
orientation µ is aligned perpendicular to the plane in which the triple well is contained,
µ = µ ez , with ez the normalized vector along the z direction. In this configuration,
µ · (rj − rk ) = 0 ∀j, k, which simplifies the interaction term of Hamiltonian (3) to the
following expression:
3 X 3
ĤI′ = (Ud − U ) n̂j n̂k . (4)
µ=µ ez 2 j=1 k̸=j
Tuning the on-site interaction strength U via Feshbach resonances [41] to match Ud
can nullify the interaction term in Eq. (4). This results in a non-interacting Hamiltonian,
and thus the system is described by free particles in a three-well ring potential.
To study the onset of persistent currents we examine the behavior of the current
operator. For a real tunneling parameter J, the total azimuthal current operator [7, 42],
also called the azimuthal circulation operator, is defined in a triple-well circuit as
2π JmR2 X
L̂z = i â†j+1 âj − â†j âj+1 ,
3 h̄ j=1
where m is the atomic mass of the bosons and R is the radius of the atomtronic circuit.
This operator commutes with the tunneling term of the Hamiltonian, sharing a common
eigenbasis. The eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the N -boson system can be constructed
as tensor products or sums, respectively, of the single-particle eigenstates and energies.
These single-particle eigenstates and energies are given by
λJ (k) = −2J cos ,
4π JmR2
λL (k) = sin ,
3 h̄ 3
Dipolar magnetostirring protocol for three-well atomtronic circuits 5
1 T
vk = √ 1, wk , w2k ,
where w = e2πi/3 and k = 0, 1, 2. The eigenvalues λJ (k) and λL (k) correspond
to the tunneling term of the hamiltonian, ĤJ and the circulation operator, L̂z ,
respectively. The eigenstates are Bloch waves written in the single-particle Fock basis
{|1, 0, 0⟩, |0, 1, 0⟩, |0, 0, 1⟩}; where the Fock vectors are noted as, |n1 , n2 , n3 ⟩.
At zero temperature and in the absence of interactions, all the bosons populate
the same single-particle state. However, interactions or excitations can remove particles
from such a single-particle ground state, promoting them into excited ones. This depletes
a fraction of the condensate, or may even cause its fragmentation for sufficiently strong
interactions. The condensed fraction fc of the system described by the many-body wave
function Ψ is given by the largest eigenvalue of the one-body density matrix operator
(OBDM) [43]
ρ̂j,k = ⟨Ψ|â†j âk |Ψ⟩, (5)
while its associated eigenvector is the so-called natural orbit of the system, the most
populated eigenstate. For a singly condensed system, the largest eigenvalue is close to
unity (fc ≃ 1), while the others are roughly zero. On the other hand, if the system is
fragmented, two or more eigenvalues will have a comparable magnitude [44].
To numerically study the time evolution of our extended Bose-Hubbard model,
we construct a Fock basis of N bosons over three sites, using exact diagonalization
techniques. The size of this basis grows exponentially with the number of bosons,
which limits the systems that are computationally affordable to a few tenths of particles
[45]. For the system with three sites, we are able to study up to 40 particles within
reasonable computing times, performing time evolution using the fourth-order Runge-
Kutta method.
The proposed protocol for the creation of circulation in the three-well system consists
of a dynamic change of the dipole alignment µ, which breaks the reflection symmetry
of the system. Initially, at t = 0, the dipoles are polarized in the y-axis direction [see
Fig. 1]. The initial state is chosen as the ground state of such configuration, in which
sites 2 and 3 concentrate most bosons [32, 33]. Then, the polarization direction changes
over time with a spherical spiral motion parametrized by
µ · ex = sin(ωxy t) cos (ωz t) ,
µ · ey = cos(ωxy t) cos (ωz t) ,
µ · ez = sin(ωz t) ,
where ωxy and ωz , correspond to the rotation frequencies that define the spherical
movement. This time dependence only affects the dipolar interaction term [equation
Dipolar magnetostirring protocol for three-well atomtronic circuits 6
(2)]. The polarization is then frozen at time tf = π/(2ωz ) when the dipoles are aligned
in the z-direction, that is, perpendicular to the circuit’s plane [see Fig. (1)].
The hopping, on-site interaction, and dipolar interaction strengths are constant
throughout the protocol. Also, the on-site interaction strength is chosen such that
U = Ud , thus at the end of the protocol the system evolves under a free-particle
Hamiltonian due to the vanishing of the interaction term in equation (4).
This protocol relies on two main ideas. Firstly, the circulation will be generated by
the exchange of bosons between the occupied and empty sites when the dipole orientation
starts to rotate. Secondly, the azimuthal circulation generated is preserved at the end
of the protocol due to the cancellation of the interactions.
It should be stated that the protocol parameters ωxy and ωz can be tuned to regulate
the system’s state at tf . In this work, we focus on the creation of the maximum
circulation in the most predictable way, and thus do not analyze other potentially
interesting final states.
Throughout this paper, the energy is provided in units of the hopping parameter
J and the time in units of h̄/J. The circulation is normalized to the maximum possible
2π JmR2
circulation of a free boson in a three-site ring, namely L0 = √ 3 h̄
4. Numerical results
lying ones. At the end of the protocol the state of the system is a combination of highly
excited Hamiltonian eigenstates, far from the ground state of the system. Furthermore,
the final state is a superposition of multiple circulation states.
The initial value of the azimuthal circulation is, as expected, zero. This value
starts increasing around half-time of the protocol when the system’s state is no longer
the instantaneous ground state. The growth stops before the end of the protocol
without oscillations, as the system’s Hamiltonian at the end of the protocol preserves the
circulation. This change in the expected value of the azimuthal circulation during the
protocol is shown in Fig. 2 b). Therefore, the protocol successfully creates a persistent
circulation for t > tf .
At the beginning of the protocol, due to the anisotropic character of the dipolar
Dipolar magnetostirring protocol for three-well atomtronic circuits 8
Figure 3. Expected value of the azimuthal circulation at the end of the protocol
of a system with N = 8 bosons and interactions U/J = Ud /J = 5.0 for different
combinations of ωxy and ωz .
interaction, only two sites are populated (sites 2 and 3). However, as the system evolves
with time, the occupation changes, decreasing the population in sites 2 and 3, while
increasing it in the initially unpopulated one (site 1). This population evolution is
shown in Fig. 2 c). It must be noted that at the end of the protocol, the populations
in the three sites are not equal, which is what one would expect for a pure circulation
state. Therefore, one can consider this imbalance as a signature of the superposition of
circulation eigenstates in the system.
Figure 4. Maximum circulation generated in the system after the protocol for different
interaction strengths (indicated in the labels) as a function of the number of bosons
N . The lines are a guide for the eye.
frequencies, values ωxy h̄/J > 11, no circulation is produced. The rapid variation of the
polarization direction cannot be followed by the bosons, and thus the evolution of the
system approaches to one under a static antidipolar interaction, which is just a time-
averaged interaction for dipolar gases with large dipole rotation frequencies [38]. Hence,
the useful regime for the protocol is that of intermediate frequencies at the center of the
figure, where a large lobe of positive circulation (red region) appears.
Therefore, we conclude that the protocol has a parameter range where circulation is
produced consistently. This lobe is not always located in the same region as it depends
on the number of particles and the strength of the interactions. As a result, the specific
optimal parameters of the system vary with the number of bosons and the strength of
the interaction. Interestingly, we show in Appendix A that the values of the optimal
parameters can be predicted for large systems.
Figure 5. Condensed fraction fc at the end of the protocol for different interaction
strengths (indicated in the labels) as a function of the number of bosons. The lines
are a guide for the eye.
starts from a different number of bosons because we do not show results for which the
optimal parameters are outside the lobes. Finding more circulation for a combination
of frequencies outside the lobe only happens for smaller numbers of particles, where
the protocol is not easy to optimize. This also allows us to argue that the protocol’s
usefulness increases with the number of bosons in the system.
We also note that the circulation produced for a small number of particles N < 10
is usually larger for stronger interactions. However, the increase of the maximum
circulation as a function of N is slower with larger U . This means that for a large
number of particles, there will be more circulation in systems in which the interaction
parameters are closer to the hopping strength.
Figure 6. The final value of the circulation as a function of the on-site interaction
deviation ∆U/J for fixed values of Ud and multiple numbers of particles (indicated in
the labels), where the protocol parameters are the ones that optimize final circulation
at ∆U/J = 0.
strengths, we now examine its robustness under a change in the number of particles.
In Fig. 7 we show the final circulation as a function of N , having chosen the optimal
parameters for N0 = 15 particles and maintaining U/J (purple markers and lines) and
(N − 1)U/J (green markers and lines) constant.
For constant interactions U/J = Ud /J = U0 /J (purple markers), the circulation
shows a significant decrease after varying N . This means that, in general, the chosen
protocol frequencies do not remain optimal under a change in the number of particles.
On the other hand, by maintaining the value of (N − 1)U/J = (N − 1)Ud /J =
(N0 − 1)U0 /J constant (green markers), the circulation fraction increases with N . This
means that to maintain and even increase the circulation for a larger number of particles,
it is necessary to have a constant ratio between the interaction strengths U = Ud and
(N − 1)/J. More importantly, this enables one method to predict optimal protocol
frequencies for large N . Indeed, one can find the optimal frequencies for a small number
of particles, and then choose the interaction that maintains (N − 1)U/J constant for a
larger N .
5. Conclusions
Figure A1. Optimal protocol frequencies ωxy (left panel) and ωz (right panel) as a
function of (N − 1)U/J for the interaction strengths indicated in the labels. The area
shaded in red is the confidence interval of the fitting.
In this evolution, the condensed fraction remains one throughout the evolution.
We stress that these equations provide only an approximation for our model. This is
because time-dependent Hamiltonians and interactions usually deplete a fraction of the
Dipolar magnetostirring protocol for three-well atomtronic circuits 15
Figure B1. Expected value of the azimuthal circulation at the end of the protocol of a
system with N = 8 and U/J = Ud /J = 5, leading to (N −1)U/J = (N −1)Ud /J = 35.0,
for multiple combinations of ωxy and ωz . Computations are done using the mean-field
condensate, as shown in the main text. However, previous studies [33] have shown that
dipolar interactions prevent the system’s fragmentation for contact interaction strengths
of the same order, and thus these mean-field equations can provide a good approximation
for certain parameters.
This mean-field model represents the state of the system with only three parameters,
and its computational cost is independent of the number of bosons N in the system.
Therefore, we can use this approximation to extract results for large number of particles.
Figure B2. Condensed fraction fc obtained with exact Bose-Hubbard model at the
end of the protocol. The threshold of fc = 0.75 is highlighted with the black line.
Figure B3. Comparison between the final circulation obtained at the end of the
protocol using exact Bose-Hubbard (left panel), and coherent mean-field model (right
panel). The shadowed region marks those protocol parameters for which the final
condensed fraction is less than 0.75. The yellow star shows the position of the optimal
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