F labsheet_3
F labsheet_3
F labsheet_3
The Pelton turbine has a runner mounted over the main shaft. The runner consists of buckets fitted to the disc.
The buckets have the shape of double ellipsoidal cups. A casting made of Perspex allows visualization of flow
around the buckets. A nozzle fitted in the side casting directs the water jet over the ‘Splitter’ or center ridge of
the buckets. A spear operates inside the nozzle to control the water flow. On the other side of the shaft, a rope
brake is mounted for loading in the turbine.
1) Before putting ‘ON’ the pump must see that the nozzle is closed by the spear and load on the brake
drum is released.
2) Use clean water to fill the tank.
3) Operate all the controls and switches gently.
4) Lubricate the bearings, before the experiment.
5) Drain the water after completion of the experiment.
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Run Unit Discharge, Torque, Power output, Unit Power Power input, Efficiency,
No. Qu = T = F×g× Pout = Pu = Pin = ρgQH η= ×100%
(Nm) (Watt) (Watt)
1 5.196 5.488 574.70 4.096 1815.156 31.661
Presentation of Results:-
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