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1.When did the Israelites say 'All that the Lord has spoken we will do?"

A. After Joshua’s farewell speech

B. At mount Sinai

C. When Moses spoke to them before his death

D. After the incident of the golden calf

2.Saul was rejected as king over Israel because he disobeyed God's command to utterly destroy

A. Assyrians

B. Philistines

C. Amalekites

D. Ammonites

3.God commanded man to eat of every tree of the garden but not of the tree of knowledge of good and
evil because of His____________

A. Love for man

B. Sympathy for man

C. Lordship and authority over man

D. Understanding of the nature of man

4."Hear this word, you cows of Bashan... who oppress the poor, who crush the needy..." cows of Bashan
in the statement above refer to the____________

A. wicked kings

B. false prophets

C. women of Samaria
D. judges in Israel

5.In Thessalonians, Paul advises believers awaiting the coming of the Lord to put on

A. armour of hope

B. helmet of righteousness

C. breast plate of faith

D. breast plate of salvation

6. A promise made by king Saul to anyone that could face and defeat Goliath was______________

A. making the person his second in command in Israel

B. giving his daughter in marriage to the person

C. giving the person part of his land

D. making the person captain of his army

7.In order that Benjamin might be brought to Egypt Joseph detained__________________

A. Reuben

B. Levi

C. Zebulun

D. Simeon

8.In answer to the Syrophenician woman's request to cast the demon out of her daughter, Jesus first

A. do not give dogs what is holy

B. It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs

C. truly, I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such faith

D. O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire

9.God's pardon of the people of Nineveh teaches a lesson on the benefits of____________

A. repentance

B. forgiveness
C. Justice

D. Tolerance

10.During the giving of the law at mount Sinai, the Israelites wanted Moses to speak to them instead of
God because_____________

A. they thought they will die

B. they did not consecrate themselves

C. the people were afraid and trembled

D. Moses was their spokesman

11.Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you..."
Where Was Abram when this command was given?

A. Ur

B. Haran

C. Bethel

D. Shechem

12.The conditions for justification according to Paul is_______________

A. merit and favour

B. ability to keep God's commandments

C. possession of spiritual gifts

D. faith in Christ crucified

13.When the glory of God appeared to Moses and Aaron in the wilderness of Zin, the Lord sad they

A. strike the rock with rod to bring out water

B. fetch water for the people

C. tell the people to round the rock

D. tell the rock before their eyes to yield its Water

14.The main reason why peter and John were arrested by the officers of the temple after they had cured
the lame man at the gate called beautiful was that they___________

A. proclaimed in Jesus the resurrection

B. disapproved of worship in the temple

C. incited the people to revolt

D. healed the sick

15.My father Chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpion. Who said this?

A. Rehoboam

B. Solomon

C. Absalom

D. Jeroboam

16.The disciples were for the first time called Christians in____________

A. Jerusalem

B. Judea

C. Tarsus

D. Antioch

17 ."I have no silver and gold, but I give you what I have; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk".
This was said by Peter to a lame man______________

A. carried by four friends

B. who was also blind

C. at the gate called Beautiful

D. at the pool called Bethesda

18.What did Zacchaeus do in order to see Jesus?

A. he invited Jesus to his house

B. He climbed up into a sycamore tree

C. He ran among the crowd

D. He stood on a table as Jesus preached

19.Abraham is portrayed in the Bible as____________?

A. The giver of the law

B. The father of the Faithful

C. The Mighty Prophet of Jehovah

D. The Lion of Judah

20.In the letter to the Galatians, Christians are encouraged to bear one another’s burden in order

A. fulfill the law of Christ

B. be rewarded in heaven

C. enter the kingdom of God

D. be the children of God

21.Rahab the harlot assisted the Israelites spies as they prepare to attack_______________

A. The five Kings of the Amorites

B. Gibeon

C. Jericho

D. Ai

22.When prophet Isaiah saw the Lord of hosts in the Temple he______________

A. condemned himself and his people

B. was ashamed of himself and his people

C. praised his glory

D. prayed fervently

23 Naaman's Leprosy was transferred to Gehazi because Gehazi was_________________

A. ambitious

B. anxious

C. contemptuous
D. covetous

24.The elders at Jerusalem advised Paul on his arrival in the city to____________

A. avoid the Jewish Christians

B. purify himself along the with the men under vows

C. join in the temple for prayer and fasting

D. preach the good news

25.Saul learnt from Samuel's spirit that the lord would_____________

A. become his enemy

B. afflict him with sickness

C. give the philistines into his hands

D. pardon his iniquity

26.What have you to do with us O son of God"? Have you come here to torment us before the time?
This statement reveals that the demoniacs in the country of Gadarenes_________

A. wanted to question Jesus's authority

B. were threatened by the power of Jesus

C. did not expect Jesus to come to them at that time

D. recognized the supreme power of Jesus

27... Do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children..." These words were addressed
by Jesus to the___________-

A. Men of Bethlehem

B. Sons of Jerusalem

C. Daughters of Jerusalem

D. Women of Bethlehem

28.According to Paul, he who loves his neighbour has________________-

A. fulfilled the law

B. eternal life
C. peace with God

D. overcome all evils

29 "I called to the Lord, out of my distress, and he answered me, out of the belly of shoel I cried and
thou didst hear my voice ..." Jonah's statement above implies that God_________

A. hears and answers prayers in times of distress

B. is happy when His servants are humble

C. expects total loyalty from His servants

D. expects conviction of sin from His servants

30.When the man with an unclean spirit in the region of the Gadarenes saw Jesus, he_______

A. pleaded to be cast into the abyss

B. requested to follow Him as a disciple

C. acknowledged Him as the Son of the Most High God

D. pleaded that a miracle be performed to cleanse him

31.The exiles returned to Jerusalem in the reign of________

A. Nebuchadnezzar

B. Cyrus

C. Zerubbabel

D. Huldah

32....... was the instrument used by God to destroy Babylon and in setting the children of Israel free from
the Babylonian exile

A. Cyrus the Persian

B. Moses

C. Prophet Jeremiah

D. Gedaliah
33 Why did the accusers of Jesus stay behind while he was led to the Praetorium?

A. It was forbidden to follow the accused

B. They were prevented from entering

C. It was a Sabbath

D. They did not want to be defiled

34.The angel of the Lord told Zachariah that a son be born to him and that the son

A. make the disobedient repent of their sins

B. turn the heart of their children to their fathers

C. turn many of the sons and daughters of Israel to God

D. go before God in the spirit and power of Elijah

35.Uriah did not wish to go down to his house because_______

A. his wife was pregnant

B. Joab would set him in the forefront of the battle

C. he Ark was in the battle field

D. David lay with his wife

36.The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few ...." Jesus made the statement above during

A. commissioning of the seventy others

B. mission of the twelve

C. sermon on the mount

D. triumphant entry

37.The punishment for Adam and Eve's sin was that they______

A. would be naked forever

B. would never fellowship with God

C. were driven out of the garden

D. would be enemies of crawling animals

38.According to the letter of Paul to the Romans, sin reigned in death, while grace reigned through
righteousness to_______________

A. Salvation

B. Eternal Life

C. Eternal Peace

D. Eternal Joy

39.With regards to giving, Paul admonishes the Romans to do so with_______________

A. Joy

B. Love

C. Liberality

D. Zeal

40."I called to the Lord, out of my distress, and he answered me, out of the belly of shoel I cried and
thou didst hear my voice ..." Jonah's statement above implies that God_____

A. hears and answers prayers in times of distress

B. is happy when His servants are humble

C. expects total loyalty from His servants

D. expects conviction of sin from His servants

41. According to the Book of Romans, they that are in the flesh cannot …………?

A. see God

B. worship God

C. please God

D. be forgiven

42.Who hid the two spies in Jericho?

A. Bathsheba

B. Deborah
C. Rahab

D. Zipporah

JAMB 2018

43.King ______reigned in Israel immediately after Saul’s death

A. Solomon

B. David

C. Ish-bosheth

D. Jeroboam

44.Upon Arrival at Mount Sinai, what did God tell Moses to say to the Israelites?

A. If you obey my voice and keep my commandment, you will be a special treasure to me above all
people for all the is mine………

B. Weep no more, behold the Lion of the Tribe of Judah

C. I shall reject you and your household………

D. Ye shall be conquered and thy enemies shall overthrow thee

45.What does justification in the bible mean?

A. Act of removing the guilt and penalty of sin while making a sinner righteous through Christ atoning

B. The crescendo of the symphony of Gods glory in a Christian life

C. Continual process of being made more holy

D. Work of grace through faith.

46. Who was Aaron to Moses in the bible?

A. His servant

B. His Prophet

C. His brother

D. His in-law
47.Who wrote the book of Genesis?

A. David

B. Moses

C. Samuel

D. Abraham

48 According to James, when we meet various trials in life we should_________

A. Rejoice because the Lord is good

B. Bless God's name

C. Count it all Joy

D. Call upon the name of the Lord

49.In Antioch, what were the disciples called?

A. Believers

B. Followers

C. Christians

D. Disciples

50.What have you to do with us O Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time?.
This statement reveals that they demoniacs in the country of gardarenes

A. Wanted to question Jesus Authority

B. Were threatened by the power of Jesus

C. Did not.expect Jesus to come to then at that time. 

D. Recognized the supreme power of Jesus

51.Why did God punish David and Bathsheba’s innocent child with Death?

A. David’s marriage to Bathsheba

B. David’s sin with Bathsheba

C. Uriah’s disobedience to David

D. Bathsheba’s disobedience to Uriah

52.What are we to put on after casting “off the works of darkness, because the night is far spent, and
the day is at hand”?

A. The Power of God

B. Light

C. Armour of Light

D. Breastplate of Armour

53.What are the names of the men who healed the lame man at the beautiful gate?

A. James and John

B. Andrew and John

C. John and Philip

D. Peter and John

54.How old was Joseph when he was taken to Egypt?

A. 18 years old

B. 17 years old

C. 16 years old

D. 15 years old

55.God’s slaying of Ananias and Sapphira was a result of them

A. Loving each other

B. Lying to the Holy Spirit

C. Selling land and houses

D. Giving profits to the apostles

56.What was the first Bird Noah sent out?

A. Dove

B. Falcon

C. Raven

D. Swallow
57.Who was Nathan in the Bible?

A. David’s servant

B. One of David’s soldiers

C. A prophet who lived during the reign of King David in Israel

D. David’s Butler

58.God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden?

A. Because it contained some beneficial fibre

B. For consumption of its sweet fruit

C. To give Adam and Eve a choice to obey him or disobey Him

D. To reveal to them their nakedness

59.According to the Bible, who was Zacchaeus?

A. A Fisherman

B. A Teacher

C. Money changer

D. Chief Tax Collector

60.When prophet Isaiah saw the lord of host in the temple he_______

A. Condemned himself and his people

B. Was ashamed of himself and his people

C. Praised His Glory

D. Prayer fervently

61.What is not listed as one of the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians?

A. Cheerfulness

B. Kindness

C. Longsuffering

D. Love
62.With regards to giving, Paul admonishes the Romans to do so with___________

A. Joy

B. Love

C. Liberality

D. Zeal

63.What did the demons in the region of the Gadarenes do when they saw Jesus?

A. They Pleaded for Jesus to send them to the herds of pigs

B. They Requested to follow him as a disciple

C. They Acknowledged him as the son of the Most High God D

D. They Pleaded that a miracle be performed to cleanse him

64.According to James, we must consider trials in our lives as what?

A. Joy

B. Testing

C. Blessing

D. Longsuffering

65.Who had leprosy in the bible?

A. Elisha

B. Naaman

C. Joab

D. Dan

66.According to Luke, when Moses and Elijah appeared during the Transfiguration, they spoke of Jesus'

A. departure

B. second coming

C. resurrection

D. trials
67.Following the death of Stephen, the only group of believers not scattered by the great persecution
was the

A. deacons

B. apostles

C. prophets

D. disciples

68"Can anyone forbid water for baptising these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we
have?" The statement above was made by Peter at the conversion of

A. Herod

B. Lydia

C. Saul

D. Cornelius

69.The disciple who replaced Judas Iscariot was

A. Justus

B. Stephen

C. Matthias

D. Luke

70.The sin of the sons of Eli was that they treated the offering of the Lord with

A. suspicion

B. contempt

C. disgust

D. jealousy

71.David's behaviour after Prophet Nathan accused him of murder and adultery showed his

A. justification

B. repentance

C. greed
D. righteousness

72 "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." This statement was uttered by Peter at the

A. Last Supper

B. garden of Gethsemane

C. call of the disciples

D. transfiguration

73 The sign of God's covenant with Abraham was

A. a change of name

B. circumcision

C. the rainbow

D. the appearance of the Holy Spirit

74."Behold, the days are coming... When I will send a famine on the land..." Famine in this statement

A. lack of food

B. unavailability of the word of God

C. failure of the farms to produce

D. lack of water

75.When the Babylonians captured king Zedekiah, they

A. killed him immediately

B. assaulted his wives in his presence

C. pulled out his eyes

D. took his sons to Babylon

76.What did Saul do after his defeat of the Amalekites?

A. He set up a monument for himself

B. He returned to Shiloh

C. He offered sacrifices to God

D. He repented of his sins

77."Is David not hiding himself on the hill of Hachilah, which is on the east of Jeshimon?" This report was
made to King Saul by the

A. Amalekites

B. Philistines

C. Hittites

D. Ziphites

78.According to John, the accusation the Jews levelled against Jesus before Pilate was that He was

A. a blasphemer

B. an evil doer

C. an impostor

D. perverted

79.What did God create on the fourth day?

A. The Firmament

B. Waters under the heavens

C. The two great lights

D. Sea creatures

80.Amaziah the priest of Bethel accused Amos, before Jeroboam the King of Israel of

A. rebellion

B. conspiracy

C. sabotage

D. libel

81.What did King Josiah do the idolatrous priests of Judah?

A. He killed all of them

B. He sent all of them on exile

C. He deposed all of them

D. He demoted all of them

82.When David's son died, his servants refused to tell him because they feared that he might

A. fall and die

B. harm himself

C. push them

D. curse God

83.The four people that left Ur of the Chaldeans for Canaan were

A. Nahor, Abram, Haran and Lot

B. Terah, Abram, Lot and Sarai

C. Abram, Sarai, Lot and Haran

D. Terah, Abram, Lot and Nabor

84.The scroll given to Ezekiel to eat at his call contained

A. words of lamentation and mourning

B. both praises and condemnation

C. the expected type of sacrifice

D. prescription for temple worship

85.According to Amos, what did the Israelites do after God smote them with blight and mildew?

A. They fasted and prayed for healing

B. They still did not return to Him

C. They repented of their sins

D. They cried unto the Lord

86.Angel Gabriel told Zachariah that he would become dumb until John was born because he

A. looked down on the angel

B. was advanced in age

C. disagreed with Elizabeth, his wife

D. did not believe God's words

87."Deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom."

David's statement exhibited his?

A. indulgent love for his son

B. willingness to forgive his competitors

C. desire to punish Absalom himself

D. high level of parental control

88.The man of God whose word was ignored by Kings Ahab and Jehoshaphat was

A. Elijah

B. Zedekiah

C. Malakiah

D. Micaiah

89 "Arise, be gone." This statement was made by Amnon when

A. he had captured Absalom

B. he had raped Tamar

C. Absalom invited him to a feast

D. he sent his servant to David

90.According to James, the prayer of a righteous man is

A. powerful and effective

B. important and powerful

C. effective and acceptable

D. valuable and effective

91.In Thessalonia, believers are taught that at the second coming, the dead in Christ will
A. rise first

B. rise last

C. be judged first

D. be judged last

92.According to james, judgment is without mercy to one who shows no mercy, yet mercy triumphs

A. tribulation

B. the law

C. judgement

D. punishment

93."As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace..." In
this statement, Peter teaches believers the virtue of

A. hospitality

B. giving

C. communion

D. fellowship

94.According to Paul in his letter to Philemon, forgiveness should not be by compulsion but by

A. justification

B. faith

C. free will

D. his grace

95.When Christians give freely, God will supply

A. only for those that give

B. their needs according to His riches in glory

C. their needs according to the measure they give

D. their needs day by day

96.The Last Supper took place during the passover on the first day of

A. the week

B. unleavened bread

C. abstinence from blood

D. the month

97.In Mark, Jesus said that the unclean spirit can only be cast out through

A. faith

B. fasting

C. prayer

D. The Holy Spirit

98"The Lord opened her heart to give heed to what was said by Paul."

The person who gave heed to the words of Paul was

A. Priscilla

B. Sapphira

C. Lydia

D. Dorcas

99.In his exhortation on interpersonal relationship, Peter commends that the elders should

A. have a cheerful spirit

B. have the willingness to give

C. live exemplary lives

D. give no room for wine

100.Two Christian virtues to be learned in the story of the good Samaritan are
A. justice and humility

B. compassion and mercy

C. kindness and fairness

D. compassion and humility

101."Take heart, it is I, fear not." This statement was made by Jesus when

A. He appeared to two disciples on the way to Emmaus

B. He was walking on the sea in the night

C. Mary Magdalene saw Him at the sepulchre

D. the woman saw Him after resurrection

102.According to Matthew, true wisdom is

A. to beware of false prophets and teachings

B. obeying fully the ten commandments

C. seeking God's kingdom and His righteousness

D. knowing the truth and doing it all the time

103.According to Peter, believers who are reproached for the name of Christ are blessed because the
spirit of

A. love of God rests upon them

B. Hope of God rests upon them

C. glory of God rests upon them

D. Patience of God rests upon them

104.Jesus said anyone who put his hand to the plough and look back would not be

A. rich on earth

B. a good teacher

C. fit for the kingdom of God

D. able to perform miracles

CRK 2019
1. The core of Saul's disobedience was that_____________

A. He freed the Kenites

B. He refused to carry out God's assignment on eliminating the Amalekites

C. He didn't perform the task of smiting Amalekites to the letter

D. He preserved the booty for himself

2. God instructed Saul to utterly destroy Amalek because___________

A. He abhors Idolatory and all forms of Unrighteousness

B. Its people opposed the Israelites on the way after departing Egypt

C. Its people encouraged Israel to disobey God

D. Samuel had prayed for it destruction

3. One of the most significant lessons from the emergence of Deborah as a leader is that_________

A. She not only prophesied but also advised Israel

B. Gender difference isn't a limitation to leadership

C. Honesty and Integrity are key to leadership

D. One needs to summon courage as a leader to solve problems

4.Jeremiah prophesied God's punishment of the Israelites because they had_______

A. Compromised his worship

B. Committed atrocities with their neighbors' wives

C. Trampled on the needy

D. No belief in his message

5.Jesus healed the lame man who had been sick for thirty-eight years at?

A. Capernaum

B. Samaria

C. Galilee

D. Bethsheba
6. St Paul's condition for the attainment of justification is by ______?

A. Total obedience to the law

B. Holiness in Christ Jesus

C. Faith in the Resurrected Jesus

D. Loving our Christian brethren

7. The model example for wives in Christian families according to St Peter is _____

A. Ruth

B. Deborah

C. Sarah

D. Rebecca

8 According to Luke, Jesus was standing by the......He thereafter entered into the boat preaching and
later 'calling' Simon Peter __________

A. Lake of Gennesaret

B. City of Caprenaum

C. Wall of Bethsaida

D. Sea of Galilee

9.One significance of St Paul's teaching on Resurrection is that__________

A. Christians must not underestimate the power of baptism by immersion

B. As Christ rose and ascended into glory, so as also must uphold the observance of law

C. The foundation of their hope of salvation is in Christ's resurrection

D. The second coming of Christ is near

10 Jesus charged Christians to express love just as________

A. He taught them the new commandment

B. They would do with their neighbours

C. He laid his life for the sake of mankind

D. They Love God

9. Elijah fed on _____ after declaring drought upon the land of Israel

A. Bread, Fish and Oil

B. Bread, Meat and Water

C. Oath, Barley and Water

D. Vine, Wheat and Water

12.A Christian can demonstrate that he is light of the world by___________

A. Advocating for the meek to inherit the earth

B. being committed to improving himself

C. being merciful to persons in need

D. Upholding good moral values

13.Peter healed Aeneas who had been bedridden for ____ years?

A. Four

B. Six

C. Eight

D. Twelve

14.St. Peter's teaching on Civic Responsibility centers upon_____

A. Good Neighbourliness

B. Social Advancement

C. Good Citizenship

D. Social Justice

15.St Paul, in 'Law and Grace', although man was condemned, he has been redeemed through the

A. Compliance to the laws of the God

B. Righteousness of his deeds

C. Grace of God

D. Faith in Christ Jesus

16.Summarily, St Paul in his teaching on 'New Life In Christ' advised Christains to ______

A. Endeavor to be baptized by immersion

B. Pray for the Grace of God

C. Forsake only adultery and murder

D. Dwell richly in the word of God

17.The core of St Paul's advice on dignity of Labour is that

A. Christians must work hard to actively support the Church and themselves

B. The lazy people must be made to learn in the hardest way possible

C. Everyone should actively contribute to social progress

D. Christians must be productive

18.Peter advised Christians to _______as they were sharing Christ's sufferings

A. Be Prayerful

B. Rejoice

C. Persevere

D. Be Steadfast

19.The accusation of blasphemy against Moses, the law and God was levied against _______

A. Stephen

B. Peter and John

C. Paul

D. Philip

20.St. James in the teaching on faith and work gave the analogy of ________

A. A man who looks himself in the mirror and appreciates God for that

B. A hungry man who approached his fellow Christian for help

C. A man of little faith encouraging others to work

D. A poor man with wretched clothing approaching the rich for help
21. One of the following is not a condition for effective prayer according to St James_____

A. Faith

B. Lowliness

C. Steadfastness

D. Perseverance

22.To St Paul, Christians can prepare for the second coming of Christ by______

A. Righteous living

B. Spreading the message of Christ's coming far and wide

C. Being prayerful and watchful

D. Relentlessly fasting and praying

23.The significance of the last supper is evident in all but one of the following-------

A. The Revelation of Judas Betrayal

B. Prediction of the suffering and death of Jesus

C. Re-establishment of the Lord's covenant with his Children

D. The prophecy of Peter's denial of Jesus

24 St. Paul showed commitment as a means upon which forgiveness can effectively thrive by_______

A. Appealing to Philemon to forgive Onesimus and accept him back as brother

B. Asking that Philemon to Charge to his account whatever Onesimus owed

C. Converting Onesimus

D. Instructing Philemon to write off all the debts of Onesimus, if any compassionately

25.The triumphal entry was in fulfilment of the prophecy of_______

A. Isaiah

B. Amos

C. Zechariah

D. Elijah
26. I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities". By this statement, God gave them ______

A. New set of teeth

B. No food to eat

C. No water to drink

D. No teeth at all

27.God instructed Saul to utterly destroy Amalek because_____

A. Its people encouraged Israel to disobey God

B. He abhors Idolatory and all forms of unrighteousness

C. Samuel had prayed for its destruction

D. Its people opposed the Israelites on the way, after departing Egypt

28. St. Paul had already boasted to the ______and for this reason he sent a reminder letter to the
______ on Christian giving

A. Macedonians, Corinthians

B. Thessalonians, Church in Achaia

C. Romans, Church in Antioch

D. Philippians, Corinthians

29."It shall be neither mine nor yours; divide it" what was to be divided?

A. Elijah's mantle

B. Jesus Garment

C. Live Baby

D. Solomon's Kingdom

30.St. Paul's teaching on forgiveness primarily shows that________

A. Subordinates must regard their superiors and vice-versa for forgiveness to thrive

B. Genuine forgiveness only comes from God

C. Christians must not institute a 'Master-Servant' relationship contract

D. Philemon had unilaterally decided not to accept Onesimus back

31. The model example in St. Paul teaching on humility is _______

A. Abraham

B. Prophet Elijah

C. None of the Above

D. Noah

32.The core of Saul's disobedience was that___________

A. He didn't perform the task of smiting the Amalekites to the letter

B. He preserved the booty for himself

C. He freed the Kenites

D. He refused to carry out God's assignment on eliminating the Amalekites

33.The Lord protected the Israelites with all but one of the following when the Egyptians chased them

A. Pillar of cloud

B. Pillar of darkness

C. Angels

D. Pillar of storm

34.One derivative lesson from the story of Gehazi'z greed is that_______

A. We can by ourselves, through materialism, cause the destruction of generations yet unborn

B. Dishonesty should not have been a ground for cursing Gehazi with leprosy

C. As servants of God we must endeavour not to readily demand gifts from those we help

D. We should be wary of accepting gifts from the unrighteous

35.Peter advised the young in his teaching on interpersonal relationship among Christains to ________

A. See themselves as strong and able-bodied servants of God

B. Subject themselves to the elders

C. Maintain good conduct among Non-Christians

D. Oppose unjust suffering

36. According to St James, 'He who keeps the whole law and fails in one is guilty of....'

A. Breaking the new commandment of Christ

B. Breaking that particular love and should pray for grace

C. Breaking the whole law

D. Breaking the ten commandments

37.On the ________day, the child was _______and named Jesus

A. Eight, anointed

B. Ninth, Circumcised

C. Ninth, Anointed

D. Eight, Circumcised

38.One of the most significant lessons from the healing of the Centurion's Servant is that ____________

A. Jesus has the power to forgive sins

B. The Level of faith of the servant made Jesus heal him

C. The Salvation of God is universal

D. Even the sons of the Kingdom are not worthy of God's Kingdom

39.Josiah sent _____the priest to inquire of the Lord from Huldah

A. Shallim

B. Huldah

C. Hilkiah

D. Shapham

40.St James teaching on impartiality centers on_________

A. Giving the place of the rich to the poor and in the church
B. Loving our neighbours as ourselves in all situation

C. The rich spending their wealth on the poor for social equity

D. Christians not being partial to idle people

41. The name "Jezreel" is a representation of ______

A. Hosea's discontent with his wife

B. Victory upon the enemies of Israel

C. The Punishment to come unto the royal house

D. The broken covenant between God and Israel

42.Moses named the place where the Israelites drank water from the rock "Mesah and Meribah'
particularly because---------

A. They wanted to put the lord to test

B. They made him strike the rock angrily

C. The people had enough water to drink

D. Of their fault finding attitude

43.Abraham's faith was reckoned to him as righteousness'. This underscores St Paul's admonition that

A. Redemption in Christ is possible through observance of the law

B. Faith without work is fruitless

C. Justification is by faith and nor the law

D. Obedience of the law is unnecessary as compared to God's grace

44.St Paul's epistle to the Philippians on "Christian Giving' indicated his reception of gifts from them

A. The Church In Corinth

B. St Peter

C. The Church in Achaia

D. Epaphroditus

45.The intent of the third temptation of Christ was to_____________

A. Make him focus on wordly possessions

B. Make him a political Messiah

C. Make him seem like a Magician

D. Make him see the riches of the world from a high mountain

46. According to St Paul, God sent the spirit of his son into men's heart-----

A. So that become and act like a God

B. For Purification

C. For the Redemption of their Sins

D. Crying,

47."For the men in the ship knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the Lord". The person
referred to in this statement is________

A. Jonah

B. Hosea

C. Amos

D. Elijah

48.St Paul's teaching on spiritual gifts was directed to _______

A. Corinthians

B. Thessalonians

C. Galatians

D. Macedonians

49.Cleopas' heart burnt within him on the road to Emmaus when Jesus ________

A. Appeared to them

B. Broke bread with them

C. Taught them the scriptures

D. Walked with them

50.For how long did the Lord supply the children of Israel with manna in the wilderness?
A. Forty Years

B. Thirty-eight years

C. Eleven months

D. Twenty two years

51. Only ...stated that the transfiguration took place eight days after Peter's confession of Jesus as the
son of God.

A. John

B. Matthew

C. Mark

D. Luke

52.The Egyptians encamped at ____ when they pursued the Israelites

A. Raphidim

B. The sea

C. Pi-ha-hi-roth

D. The wilderness of Sin

53."I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live". Jesus
directed this statement to

A. Peter

B. Martha

C. Mary

D. Lazarus

54."Do not be afraid; for I know what you seek, Jesus who was crucified..." This statement was

A. by Joseph of Arimathea

B. to Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James

C. to Mary Salome, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James

D. by Peter, James and John

55."What you sow does not come to life unless it dies". This was______

A. the message of St. Paul's teaching on the second coming of Christ

B. made by St. Paul to Elymas, the magician

C. the statement of Jesus to Martha

D. the response St. Paul instructed Christians to give to those who doubt the resurrection of Christ

56. In the Gospel according to St. Matthew, Jesus sent His disciples to_______

A. the Gentiles

B. the Samaritans

C. the Jews

D. the Greeks

57."Who do men say that the Son of man is?" Jesus asked this question

A. to show that popular opinion matters the most in His recognition as Messiah

B. to indicate that the Jews and Pharisees need to reckon with His Messiahship

C. at the scene of His Transfiguration

D. in the context of the Great Confession

58.God charged man to 'be fruitful, and multiply, and .... the earth, and subdue it'. (1st creation story)

A. Renew

B. Stock

C. Replenish

D. Fill

59.Since fervent prayers of the righteous has great power in its effects, Christians according to St. James

A. confess and forsake their sins

B. not ask wrongly

C. be steadfast in prayer

D. have faith while praying

60.... updated Nehemiah about the state of Jerusalem while he was ...

A. Ezra, a captive in Babylon

B. Ezekiah, an Emperor in Babylon

C. Hanai, a captive in Babylon

D. Zerubbabel, an Emperor in Babylon

61. When Jesus healed the paralytic, the anger of the scribes was aroused by His_______

A. refusal to show them signs of His divinity

B. nature of command to the paralytic

C. claim to forgive sins

D. healing of the man on a Sabbath

62."For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice..." this statement relates to the_______

A. response of God's love to the children of Israel

B. response of Israel to the genuineness of God's love

C. message of God's love to man

D. message of Hosea on faithfulness and social progress

63.The most significant lesson at the scene of the Israelites' blame of Moses in their struggle and escape
from Egypt is that___________

A. God hardened the heart of Pharaoh to pursue the Israelites

B. they would have perfered to stay back and die in Egypt

C. Moses' courage and confidence in God saved the entire situation

D. Moses' height of anger and intolerance was revealed

64.When Ezekiel was called, he was shown a scroll on which were written words of______

A. wisdom, understanding and right judgement

B. bitterness, right judgement and mourning

C. lamentations, mourning and woe

D. lamentations, bitterness and woe

65.The illustration of Satan, the adversary who prowls around seeking whom to devour, is particular

A. St. Peter's teaching on humility

B. St. Paul's teaching on the second coming of Christ

C. St. Peter's teaching on civic responsibility

D. St. Paul's teaching on humility

66.Herod Agrippa persecuted Peter primarily to______

A. contain the news about Jesus' resurrection

B. signal to the Apostles that he wouldn't tolerate them

C. obstruct the spread of the gospel

D. please the Jews

67."Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the
highest!" This was... account of the Triumphal Entry

A. Luke's

B. Mark's

C. Matthew's

D. John's

68.The essence of St. Paul's teaching on Law and Grace is that___________

A. observance of the law is necessary for redemption in Christ

B. what God truly rewards is the prayer for grace by Christians

C. observance of the law only isn't a guarantee of salvation

D. God's grace in Christians' lives shouldn't be a reason for continuing in sin

69.One of the following is not a quality of good discipleship_________

A. self-denial
B. total commitment

C. exuberance

D. prompt response

70.At about the ... hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice "Eli Eli lama sabach - thani".

A. Ninth

B. Eleventh

C. Seventh

D. Sixth

71. The Last Supper refers the last meal Jesus had with His disciples immediately before His_____

A. arrest and crucification

B. crucification and death

C. arrest and death

D. betrayal and arrest

72 Paul taught that spiritual gifts in all their varieties emanate from____________

A. man's cordial relationship with God

B. the one body of Christ

C. the one spirit of God

D. men's ability to interpret

73.To St. James, a doer of the word of God must learn to also__________

A. persevere in times of tribulation

B. combine his faith with work

C. be a listener of the word of God

D. control his tongue

74.St. Paul on 'Civic Responsibility' advised Christians not only to be law-abiding but also_________

A. to provide moral advice to those in authority

B. do what is expected of them

C. shun membership of unlawful societies

D. resist any illegitimate government

75.Which of the following was Pilate's question to Jesus at his trial?

A. Are you Jesus, the prophet from Galilee?

B. What evil have you done?

C. Are you the king of the Jews?

D. What is it that these men testify against you?

76 According to Jeremiah, the Lord's new covenant will be made with the house of ... and the house

A. Judah, Levi

B. Israel, Jacob

C. Israel, Judah

D. Elijah, Elisha

77 Joseph's leadership quality was so exceptional so much that__________

A. the Chief butler recommended him to Pharaoh

B. God rewarded his action of committing adultery with Potiphar's wife

C. Pharaoh had to appoint him as Emperor

D. other nations of the world benefited from it

78.Nebuchadnezzer king of Babylon invaded Jerusalem and carried away all the treasures of the temple
during the reign of_________

A. Jehoiakim

B. Mattaniah

C. Jehoiachin
D. Mannaseh

79.In Matthew's account, John the Baptist's immediate reaction when Jesus came to be baptized was

A. ask that Jesus should rather baptize him

B. ask why he should baptize a non-sinner

C. wait for the promise of the manifestation of God's glory

D. baptize Him immediately

80.Peter refuted the mockery of drunkenness of the disciples by referring to the prophecy of________

A. Ezekiel

B. Isaiah

C. Joel

D. Jeremiah

CRK 2020

1.The sin of the Israelites that led to the punishment by fiery serpents was

A. making the golden calf

B. speaking against God and Moses

C. planning to return to Egypt

D. trying to stone Caleb and Joshua.

2.In Jotham's parable of the trees, Abimelech is very much likened to the

A. fig

B. bramble

C. olive

D. vine

3.Go into the hills, lest the pursuers meet you; and hide yourselves three days, until the pursuers have
returned; then afterwards you may go your way' Who gave this advice?

A. Deborah
B. Rebekah

C. Rahab.

D. Sihon.

4.During the confirmation of the covenant, Moses was invited by the Lord along with

A. Aaron, Nadab and Abihu

B. Aaron, Eleazar and Nadab

C. Abihu, Eleazar and Nadab

D. Eleazar, Aaron and Abihu

5 'After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down
and untie who said this?

A. Jesus Christ

B. Mary Magdalene

C. Mark

D. John the Baptist

6. When Paul came to Rome, the first set of people to Whom he preached were the

A. Romans

B. Jews

C. Greeks

D. Samaritans

7.Who addressed Jesus at Jericho saying "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me'?

A. Bartimaeus the blind beggar

B. Simon the leper

C. Simon of Cyrene

D. James the son of Zebedee

8.By whom did the Lord heal the blindness of Paul?

A. Ananias

B. Cephas

C. John Mark

D. Silas

9.The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, therefore
the child, to be born will be called holy, the son of God' This was said by the angel Gabriel to

A. Elizabeth

B. Zechariah

C. Mary

D. Joseph

10 What did the Apostles do when complaints were made to them that some sections of the new
Christian community were not being supplied with their needs for sustenance? They

A. gave out more money for buying food

B. said that they had neither gold nor silver

C. appointed seven deacons to undertake the care of the new Christians

D. appointed the Apostles James, Peter and John to oversee the supply of provisions to the new

11.Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb'. This was said by

A. the angel Gabriel

B. Simon

C. Anna

D. Elizabeth

12.'Therefore in the resurrection, whose wife shall of the seven for they all had her'? This question was
put to Jesus by the

A. Pharisees

B. Scribes
C. Chief Priests

D. Sadducees

13.To whom was this addressed? 'Rule over us, you and your son and your grandson also; for you have
delivered us out of the hand of Midian

A. Deborah

B. Samson

C. Gideon

D. Jephthah

14.Who asked this question? Which is better for you that all seventy of the sons of Jerubbaal ruler over
you, or that one rule over you?"

A. Abimelech

B. Ahimelech

C. Jothan

D. Elimetech

15 'Cursed be the man who takes food before evening, before I am able to avenge myself on my
enemies This was said by Saul during the battle between Israel and the

A. Ammonites

B. Jebusites

C. Amalekites

D. Philistines

16.At childhood, the word of the Lord came to Samuel because he

A. was righteous

B. had the qualities of a prophet

C. was to announce the punishment for the house of Eli

D. slept near the altar

17.Who was the man who in an attempt to prevent a disaster, touched the Ark and died when David
was returning it to Jerusalem?

A. Obed-edom

B. Abinadab

C. Uzzah

D. Ahio

18.It was wrong for King Solomon to have married foreign women because

A. they would entice him to worship idols

B. the women of Israel were more beautiful

C. they were very jealous

D. a king should not have too many children

19.The suggestion made by Prophet Nathan to Bathsheba to foil Adonijah's attempt to usurp the throne
of David was to

A. have Adonijah banished

B. remind David of his promise that Solomon would succeed him

C. have Solomon secretly anointed by Zadok

D. plead with Adonijah to abandon the attempt

20 'The jar of meal shall not be spent and the cruse of oil shall not fail, until the day that the Lord sends
rain upon the earth. From the context, which of these statements is UNTRUE?

A. The meal in the jar and the oil in the cruse were continually replenished thereafter

B. The widow of Zarephath prepared food for Elijah

C. The widow and her son ate the food and waited for their death

D. The woman was gathering sticks to prepare her last meal

21.How many months were the Israelites on forced labour in Lebanon allowed to spend at home for
every month at the labour camp?

A. Two

B. Three
C. Four

D. Five

22.Which of the following kings said, 'Behold your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of

A. Rehoboam

B. Ahab

C. Jeroboam

D. Zedekiah

23.Which of these kings did not assassinate his predecessor but was assassinated by his successor?

A. Shallum

B. Pekah

C. Hoshea

D. Pekahiah

24.To whom does this refer? He burned his son as an offering, practised soothsaying and augury, and
dealt with mediums and with wizards. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger

A. Hezekiah

B. Manasseh

C. Josiah

D. Jehoiakim

25.Hosea said that the children of Israel shall dwell many days without king or prince, without sacrifice
or pillar, without.…

A. ephod or teraphim

B. prophet or seer

C. dream or vision

D. Tummim or Urin
26.Then the spirit of the Lord will come mightily upon you, and you shall prophesy with them 'The above
was addressed to

A. Samuel

B. Saul

C. David

D. Jonathan

27.The evil spirit that tormented Saul left him whenever he

A. was asleep

B. was at prayer

C. drank wine

D. heard David's music

28.Saul was made king publicly before the Lord and all the people of Israel at

A. Mizpah

B. Gilgal

C. Bethel

D. Dan

29.When the Queen of Sheba heard of Solomon's fame concerning the name of the Lord, she came to
test him with her

A. questions

B. beauty

C. army

D. wealth

30.The greatest of David's domestic problems that seemed to break his heart was the

A. rape of Tamar by Amnon

B. killing of Amnon by Absalom

C. conspiracy of Absalom against him

D. murder of Absalom by Joab

31 .Besides the gifts of wisdom, what other gift did the Lord promise to Solomon but with a condition?

A. Riches

B. Honour

C. Long life

D. Victory in warfare

32.When Joseph discovered that his betrothed, Mary, was with child, he decided to divorce her quietly

A. Mary was too tender and lovely

B. the angel warned Joseph not to be harsh on Mary

C. Joseph was disappointed with Mary

D. he was a just man

33.Though Herod wanted to put John the Baptist to death, he feared the people, because they held him
to be a

A. priest

B. preacher

C. prophet

D. fore- runner of Christ

34.Which of these is NOT included in the instructions given to the disciples during their mission?

A. Heal the sick

B. Judge the people

C. Cleanse lepers

D. Raise the dead

35.Jesus asked his disciples not to disclose their vision of the transfiguration until the

A. Crucifixion

B. Resurrection
C. Ascension

D. Pentecost

36.'I have sinned this time; the Lord is in the right and I and my people are in the wrong'. Pharaoh said
this after the plague of the

A. hailstorm

B. death of the first born

C. locusts

D. darkness

37.'Mahanaic is so called because Jacob saw the angels of God as God's

A. Priest

B. Servants

C. Messengers

D. Army

38.The request of Moses that Israel should be allowed to go and worship God was interpreted by
Pharaoh to mean

A. disobedience

B. idleness

C. lawlessness

D. disloyalty

39.Which of the following BEST describes Abraham's reaction to God's promise of a son by Sarah?

A. Humility

B. Optimism

C. Generosity
D. Faithlessness

40.Pharoah's horsemen and his army overtook the fleeing Hebrews, encamped by the sea, at

A. Migdol

B. Etham

C. Succoth

D. Pihahiroth

CRK 2021

1."Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's". The
quotation teaches

A. rejection of civil authority

B. obedience to civil authority.

C. indifference to civil authority

D. disobedience to civil authority.

2.Who requested for the body of Jesus after his death?

A. Nicodemus the Pharisee

B. Simon of Cyrene

C. Simon the disciple

D. Joseph of Arimathea

3."Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us..." This expresses the regret of

A. Peter's audience at Pentecost

B. the twelve after His audience arrest.

C. Cleopas and one other disciple

D. Cornelius and his friends.

4.Paul was accused of apparently being a preacher of foreign divinities in Athens because he preached
Jesus and the

A. cross

B. law

C. resurrection

D. second coming

5.When Paul and Barnabas healed a cripple at Lystra, the people named them

A. Zeus and Hermes

B. Zeus and Apollo

C. Jupiter and Mercury

D. Zeus and Mars

6.Paul told the Athenians that they were very religious because

A. some of their poets said that men are the offsprings

B. they dedicated an alter to the unknown God

C. their Epicurean and Stoic philosophers always discussed religious issues

D. the city was full of idols and symbols of religious devotion.

7.The elders at Jerusalem advised Paul on his arrival to the city to

A. avoid Jewish Christians

B. purify himself along with men under vows

C. join those in the temple for prayer and fasting

D. preach the good news

8"Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent for I am with you, and no man shall attack you to
harm you; for I have many people in this city". The city referred to was

A. Corinth

B. Ephesus

C. Athens
D. Troas

9.To the question of the Philippians jailer, "Men, what must I do to be save?" Paul replied

A. confess your sins and give alms

B. believe in the Lord Jesus

C. release us and wash our wounds.

D. trust in God and pray always

10"Let it be known to you then that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, they will listen".
This implies that

A. the Gentiles will be more receptive to Christianity than the Jews.

B. the Jews have lost the opportunity of salvation forever

C. the Gentiles are very understanding

D. Paul has completely lost hope in the Jews

11.Where did Jesus go after His triumphant entry into Jerusalem?

A. Bethphage

B. Bethany

C. Jerusalem

D. Nazareth

12.Pilate delivered Jesus to be crucified because he

A. wished to satisfy the crowd

B. feared Caesar

C. found Him guilty

D. was afraid of the chief priest

13.The two disciples on the way to Emmaus recognized Jesus

A. while he was teaching

B. before they got to the village

C. when they got to Jerusalem

D. at the breaking of bread while at the table.

14 "Then after fasting and praying, they laid their hands on them and sent them off". The significance of
the laying of hands in this passage is that

A. the church under the guidance of the Holy spirit initiated the missionary works of Paul and Barnabas

B. the teachers' and prophets' hands conferred authority on Paul and Barnabas

C. the apostles, Paul and Barnabas were ordained

D. Paul and Barnabas were here confirmed Christians and the first apostles

15.The reason for the first Apostolic Council in Jerusalem was that

A. Paul's apostleship was in dispute

B. circumcision was enjoined on the Gentile converts as necessary for salvation

C. the Gentiles were discriminated against at the fellowship meals

D. the widows of the Hellenistic Jews were discriminated against in the daily ministration.

16.Before the Areopagus, Paul declared that the "Unknown God" was

A. indeed the creator of all

B. truly a fake deity

C. spiritually Jesus Christ

D. a manifestation of the human mind

17.Owing to the uproar in Jerusalem, the tribune ordered Paul to be examined by scourging, but
changed his mind when he discovered that Paul was

A. an innocent man

B. a Roman citizen

C. a Pharisee

D. a Jew

18.When Paul and his companions were shipwrecked, the soldiers planned to kill the prisoner but the
centurion prevented them because

A. they were Roman citizens

B. they would have to account for them

C. he wanted save Paul's life

D. it was not lawful to kill

19 "...You shall indeed hear but never understand and you shall indeed see but never perceive". To
which prophet did Paul attribute this saying?

A. Isaiah

B. Jeremiah

C. Joel

D. Ezekiel

20.On arrival in Rome, Paul first addressed

A. Caesar's household

B. the Gentiles

C. the Roman Council

D. the Jewish Council

21.The Jews asked Jesus whether they should pay tax or not because they wanted to

A. entrap him in his talk

B. praise his teaching

C. help him and his disciples to pay their taxes

D. evade paying taxes

22.Jesus began to teach his disciples about his suffering, rejection, crucifixion and resurrection after

A. the Transfiguration

B. the healing of blind Bartimaeus

C. Peter's confession

D. the encounter of Gethsemane

23"...Gor the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for
many," This statement was made by Jesus

A. after healing two blind men near Jericho

B. immediately before he told the parable of the householder

C. during the discussion that followed the request of the sons of Zebedee

D. as he was foretelling his crucifixion and resurrection

24.Herod was very glad to see Jesus at the trial because

A. John the Baptist spoke to him about Jesus

B. he believed that Jesus was the Messiah

C. he hoped to see Jesus perform some miracles

D. the quarrel between Herod and Pilate was settled on account of Jesus

25 "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!".
This verse is connected with

A. the birth of Jesus

B. Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem

C. the resurrection of Jesus Christ

D. the song of the disciples after the last supper

26.According to Mark, the people who saw where Jesus was laid were Mary Magdalene and

A. Mary the mother of Joses

B. Mary the mother of James

C. Joanna

D. Salome

JAMB 2021

27.The message of the risen Christ to the woman who came early to the tomb was to be relayed to the
disciples and to

A. the Jews

B. the Sadducees
C. Thomas

D. Peter

28 "I have no silver and gold, but I give you what I have; In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk".
This was said by Peter to a lame man

A. at the pool called Bethsaida

B. carried by four friends

C. at the gate called beautiful

D. who was also blind

29.The immediate cause of the stoning of Stephen was his

A. condemnation of the Jews

B. declaration of Jesus as the Righteous One

C. condemnation of the Jewish rite of circumcision

D. claiming to see Jesus at the right hand of God

30 "But when they recognised that he was a Jew, for about two hours they all with one voice cried out,
"Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" Who was the Jew alluded to here?

A. Paul

B. Alexander

C. Gaius

D. Aristarchus

31.Very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, three women went to the tomb of Jesus to

A. see whether he had risen

B. decorate it

C. anoint the body of Jesus

D. see whether the soldiers had carried the body away

32"... Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God had made him both Lord and Christ,
this Jesus whom you crucified.." As a reaction to this declaration, the Jews

A. decided to kill Peter and the apostles

B. went back to their houses in anger

C. were deeply troubled and asked what they should do

D. ridiculed Peter and the apostles

33"... You have not lied to man but to God". The immediate effect of this effect of this statement of
Peter on the liar was that he

A. became afraid

B. became ill

C. fell down dead

D. repented and was forgiven

34.The apostles created a new office in the ministry besides prayers and preaching, in order to address
the problem of

A. injustice

B. false prophecy

C. incest

D. adultery

35.Saul's encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus convinced him that

A. he needed salvation

B. Jesus is the Son of God

C. the faith of his fathers was right

D. he should have gone to Damascus with more armed escort

36.When Saul escaped from Damascus to Jerusalem after his conversion, the disciples in Jerusalem

A. welcomed him

B. were afraid of him

C. were indifferent towards him

D. were full of sympathy for him

37.Paul and Barnabas were referred to as "gods" in Lystra because they

A. were agents of the unknown God

B. silenced Elymas the magician

C. healed a crippled man

D. proclaimed the gospel with power

38"...Abstain from what has been sacrificed to idol and from blood and from what is strangled and from
unchastity..." To which issue was the above a response?

A. Immoral behavior

B. Circumcision controversy

C. Idol worship

D. Demon possession

39"... I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees, respect to the hope and resurrection of the dead am on trial".
This was part of the address of Paul

A. the Jerusalem crowd

B. king Agrippa and Festus

C. the Sanhedrin

D. the tribune

40.According to Paul, which of the following is the greatest?

A. Truth

B. Love

C. Faith

D. Hope

CRK 2022
1.With Moses still at Mount Sinai, the Israelites asked Aaron to

A. build an alter

B. replace Moses

C. sacrifice to baal

D. produce another god for them

2.To test Abraham's faith, God asked him to sacrifice Isaac at ____.

A. Sinai

B. Moriah

C. Bethel

D. Tabor

3.Why did Abraham circumcise Isaac eight days after he was born?

A. It was the custom of his tribe to do so

B. Isaac was the son of promise

C. He wanted to distinguish Isaac from Ishmael

D. God commanded him to do so

4.The fifth plague inflicted upon the Egyptians was

A. the invasion of flies

B. the killing of livestocks

C. the covering of the land of Egypt with water

D. the changing of all the rivers into blood

5.Where did Joseph's brothers conspire to kill him?

A. Dothan

B. Bethel

C. Gilead

D. Shechem
6.Joshua was buried at Timnath-serah, which is in the hill country of the Tribe of

A. Moab

B. Ephraim

C. Naphtali

D. Judah

7.The first Miracle attributed to Jesus in the gospel of John was

A. Stilling the storm

B. walking on water

C. healing the woman with the issue of blood

D. turning water to wine

8_______________ is the only miracle performed by Jesus which is recorded in all four gospels.

A. Stilling the storm

B. Walking on water

C. Feeding of Five thousand

D. Turning water to wine

9.The law books used for the great reformation of Israel's social and religious institution were found in
the temple in ____ BC during the reign of _____.

A. 621, Josiah

B. 621, Jeroboam

C. 619, Hezekiah

D. 619, Josiah

10."The soul that sins shall die" was a prophesy by Prophet

A. Hosea

B. Ezekiel

C. Jonah

D. Amos
11.Who was the prophet of Hope in Babylon?

A. Amos

B. Ezekiel

C. Hosea

D. Joel

12.What was Ezekiel ordered to eat before he went to speak to the House of Israel?

A. Honey

B. Locust

C. Bread

D. A Scroll

13.What was the sign of God's covenant with Abraham?

A. Smoke

B. Fire

C. Circumcision

D. Children

14.The mountain where Moses saw the bush burning was called

A. Sinai

B. Nebo

C. Camel

D. Horeb

15.Where was the first place the disciples were called Christians?

A. Jerusalem

B. Joppa

C. Antioch

D. Damascus
16.The complaints of the ______ led to the appointment of the deacons in the early church.

A. Hellenists

B. Gentiles

C. Pharisees

D. Saducees

17.The laws given by Moses to the children of Israel in Sinai have striking similarities with the

A. Rosetta

B. Code of Hammurabi

C. Septuagint

D. Roman Laws

18."Walk before me, and be blameless." This statement was addressed to Abraham at the age of _____

A. 75

B. 99

C. 100

D. 80

19'But I will be with you and you will smite the Midianites as one man...' This statement was addressed
by God to

A. Moses

B. Deborah

C. Joshua

D. Gideon

20'Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?' Whose accounts recorded these as Jesus' words at the ninth hour?

A. John and Matthew

B. Luke and Mark

C. Mark and Matthew

D. Luke and John

21.How many visions did Jeremiah see?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

22.Before the disciples casted the lot and chos Matthias to replace Judas Iscariot, the other candidate
they had was?

A. Paul

B. Barnabas

C. Joseph

D. Matthew

23.When Paul was arrested in Jerusalem, which group of people supported him?

A. The Sadducees

B. The Pharisees

C. The Hellenists

D. The Women

24.In Paul's letter to the ________, Paul explains that everyone, both the living and the dead, will share
in Christ's Resurrection at the time of his Second Coming.

A. Corinthians

B. Galatians

C. Philippians

D. Thessalonians

25.The disciplines speaking in tongues was a fulfilment of a prophecy by

A. Jeremiah

B. Joel
C. Micah

D. Amos

26 ' I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and
whoever lives and believes in me shall never die....'' Who did Jesus address this to?

A. Mary

B. Martha

C. Jairus daughter

D. Thomas

27.In being unfaithful to her husband, _____ represented Israel whilst being unfaithful to God

A. Rahab

B. Jezebel

C. Gomer

D. Rebecca

28 ''And the King (Artaxerxes) said to me, ''why is your face sad, seeing you are not sick? This is nothing
else but sadness of the heart''. Who was the king addressing

A. Jeremiah

B. Nehemiah

C. Amos

D. Joel

29.According to Mark, what was the only thing the disciples wasn't forbidden to take for their journey?

A. Bread

B. Bag

C. Staff

D. Money

30.Which of the following parable is peculiar to Matthew?

A. the Parable of the Sower

B. Parables of the Good Samaritan

C. the Barren Fig Tree

D. the parable of the Weeds Among the Wheat

31.Believers today are partakers of the New Covenant through

A. partaking in baptism by immersion

B. obedience to church leadership

C. the gift of the spirit

D. adherence to all the sacraments

32 ''But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a custodian...'' Paul made this statement i n his
letter to the

A. Thessalonians

B. Galatians

C. Philippians

D. None of the above

33.The secon temptation according to the gospel of Luke was

A. worship Satan to receive great power.

B. to turn stones into bread to satisfy his physical hunger.

C. to leap from the temple pinnacle to show his divine nature.

D. to invoke God's presence

34.Hophni and Phinehas were the sons of

A. Samuel

B. Eli

C. Jeroboam

D. Asa

35.At the Transfiguration of Jesus, Moses and Elijah appeared to represent the ______ and ______.

A. Israelites and their leaders

B. law and the prophets

C. the book and the gods

D. none of the above

36.Under King _______, Daniel was thrown into the lion's den.

A. Nebuchadnezzar

B. Asa

C. Darius

D. Ahab

37 'Hear now, you rebels' shall we bring forth water for you out of this rock? This statement was made
by _____ to the Israelites.

A. Abram

B. Joshua

C. Caleb

D. Moses

38 ".....Tend the flock of God...not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the
flock..." Who made this statement?

A. Paul

B. Peter

C. John

D. Mark

39.According to the epistle of James, what was the royal law?

A. praying for one's enemies

B. leaving vengeance to God

C. submitting to authority always

D. loving one's neighbor as oneself

40.God passed his message to the people of Nineveh through Prophet

A. Ezekiel

B. Jonah

C. Jeremiah

D. Hosea

41.After the Israelites complained to Moses and Aaron, what did the Lord promise to feed the Israelites
with in the morning?

A. Meat

B. Fish

C. Bread

D. Nothing

42.When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, who was the King of Judea?

A. Herod Agrippa

B. Herod the Great

C. Pontius Pilate

D. Herod Antipas

43.Jesus' prophecy of Peter's denial was made during

A. his temptation of Jesus

B. the last supper

C. Mount Olives

D. Gethsemane

44__________ had Christ's body placed in his own tomb.

A. Simon of Cyrene

B. Joseph of Judea

C. Pontius Pilate

D. Joseph of Arimathea
45"Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned." When Jonah passed this message to the people of
Nineveh, what did they do?

A. They turned deaf ears.

B. They declared a feast

C. They declared a fast and put on sack clothes

D. They threw Jonah into the river

46. King Saul disobeyed God by

A. trying to kill David

B. by not killing Goliath

C. by not destroying the Philistines completely

D. By not destroying the Amalekites completely

47 The first commandment with an attached promise is

A. Love your neighbour as yourself

B. Honor your father and your mother

C. Thou shall not call the name of the Lord in vain

D. none of the above

48In Paul's letter to the Romans, he who loves his neighbour has

A. gained eternal life

B. fulfilled all law

C. overcomed sin

D. overcomed evil

49'The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart...' Paul in his letter to the Romans was referring
to the word of

A. Faith

B. Grace

C. Law
D. Power

50.Christians should keep away from any brother __________ according to Paul.

A. living in idleness

B. living in fantasy

C. living alone

D. frugal in spending

51._______ deceitfully took 150 pounds of silver in two bags and two changes of clothes against the
wish of his master.

A. Naboth

B. Judas

C. Gehazi

D. Naaman

52In God's message to Nineveh, He was going to overthrow them in ______ days.

A. Twenty

B. Thirty

C. Forty

D. Forty-one

53 Those who keep all the laws but fail at one are ________.

A. punished a little

B. to ask for forgiveness

C. guilty of all

D. will be forgiven in heaven

54.According to Paul, those who rebel against the authority will _______.

A. be exiled.
B. bring judgement on themselves

C. die

D. be forgiven

JAMB 2022

55.The penultimate plague God put in Egypt before the Israelites were set free was

A. Plague of locust

B. Plague of flies

C. Plague of lice or gnats

D. Plague of darkness

56.Pharaoh's horsemen and his army overtook the fleeing Hebrews, encamped by the sea, at

A. Pihahirot

B. Succot

C. Etham

D. Migdol

JAMB 2022

57______,_____ and ______ were with Jesus during the transfiguration.

A. Matthew, Peter and James

B. Matthew, Mark and Luke

C. Peter, James and John

D. Peter, Thomas and John

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58 In the bible, _____ depicted good parenting.

A. King Asa

B. King Abisham

C. Eli
D. King Rehoboam

59.The gospel of ______ began with the baptism of Jesus

A. John

B. Mark

C. Matthew

D. Luke

60''.....If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace.......'' Who
ordered that the men be thrown into the furnace?

A. King Rehoboam

B. King David

C. King Nebuchadnezzar

D. None

61.In Paul's letter to the Romans, all who were baptized into Christ were also baptized into His

A. Resurrection

B. Death

C. Salvation

D. Suffering

62.Paul encouraged Philemon to receive Onesimus as ______.

A. repentant slave

B. fellow worker

C. Child

D. Brother

63.Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall ___________.

A. Inherit the earth

B. See God
C. Have the kingdom of God

D. Receive mercy

64.Paul says that anyone who does acts of mercy should do so with

A. Zeal

B. Faith

C. Generously

D. Liberality

65.In Paul's arrangement of spiritual gifts, _________ was the last item.

A. Apostles

B. Teachers

C. Diversity of tongues

D. Prophets

66. According to Paul's letter to the Philippians, Christ demonstrated His humility by

A. washing the feet of his disciples

B. dying on the cross

C. coming to earth as a servant

D. praying for his enemies

67.Naboth refused to give up his vineyard to King Ahab because

A. it was expensive

B. Ahab was a terrible king

C. it was his family's inheritance

D. it was his only source of income

68."Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son"
The son here refers to

A. Jesus
B. John the Baptist

C. Peter

D. James

69.In Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, as long as an heir is a child, he is under

A. Teachers

B. Guardians

C. Protectors

D. Custodians

70.After his resurrection,Jesus first appeared to

A. Mary the mother of Jesus

B. Mary the mother of James

C. Mary Magdalene

D. Peter

71.But let justice roll down like waters and _______like an overflowing stream'

A. Faith

B. Righteousness

C. Hope

D. Salvation

72.According to James, the man who prays to God and at the same time doubts is

A. ignorant of God's purpose

B. double-minded

C. deceptive

D. controlled by the devil

73.Paul counseled the Corinthian Saints to resolve disputes among themselves with

A. civil courts
B. righteous judgement

C. casting lots

D. debating it

74 The promise of sending the Holy Spirit(Pentecost) was fulfilled in

A. Bethany

B. Bethlehem

C. Jerusalem

D. Rome

75.Who was responsible for the death of Uriah?

A. Solomon

B. David

C. Saul

D. Abijah

76.''He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me .....'' This was addressed to

A. the 12 whom He sent out to preach

B. the disciples, just before the Ascension

C. the 70 whom He sent out to preach

D. the disciples during the Sermon on the Mount

77.Jesus asked his disciples not to disclose their vision of the transfiguration until his

A. cruxification

B. ascension

C. resurrection

D. arrest

78."Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"

When was this statement made?

A. the birth of Jesus

B. The transfiguration of Jesus

C. The triumphant entry of Jesus

D. the baptism of Jesus

79.Who accompanied Paul on his First Missionary journey?

A. Barnabas

B. Lucius

C. Silas

D. Peter

80.The Lord told Solomon his kingdom would be divided after his death because

A. married foreign women

B. followed other gods

C. built the temple

D. killed Uriah

CRK 2023

1.The Babylonian Exile was a consequence of

A. The division of the kingdom into Israel and Judah

B. The Israelites' disobedience to God and their social injustices

C. The Israelites' refusal to pay tribute to Babylon

D. The Assyrian invasion and destruction of Jerusalem

2.Which prophet confronted King Ahab and challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?

A. Isaiah

B. Elijah

C. Ezekiel

D. Jeremiah
3.Which prophet warned the people of Nineveh about God's impending judgment?

A. Micah

B. Jonah

C. Amos

D. Nahum

4.The downfall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel was mainly due to

A. Invasion by the Philistines

B. Division and infighting among tribes

C. The rise of powerful neighboring kingdoms

D. Rejection of the Mosaic Law

5.The Book of Lamentations is traditionally attributed to which prophet and describes the sorrow and
mourning over the fall of Jerusalem?

A. Ezekiel

B. Amos

C. Daniel

D. Jeremiah

6.According to the Apostle Peter, what will happen to the heavens and the earth on the day of the Lord's

A. They will merge into a new dimension

B. They will be destroyed by fire

C. They will be transformed into paradise

D. They will disappear completely

7.Which prophet confronted the people with the challenge of rebuilding the temple after the exile?

A. Micah

B. Haggai
C. Zechariah

D. Ezekiel

8.In which book of the New Testament do we find the account of the Apostle Paul's conversion and
subsequent missionary journeys?

A. Luke

B. Matthew

C. John

D. Acts of the Apostles

9.The story of Gideon showcases leadership qualities like humility and reliance on divine guidance

A. The Period of Judges

B. The Conquest of Canaan

C. The Reign of David

D. The Babylonian Exile

10.Which Gospel gives the most detailed account of Jesus' temptation?

A. Luke

B. Mark

C. John

D. Matthew

11.In the book of Acts, which event symbolizes the inclusion of the Gentiles into the new covenant?

A. The Pentecost experience

B. The stoning of Stephen

C. The conversion of Saul (Paul)

D. The baptism of Cornelius

12.In which epistle does the apostle Paul extensively discuss the concept of "New Life in Christ"?

A. Acts of the Apostles

B. Revelation

C. Ephesians

D. Corinthians

13.Which city served as a central hub for the Early Church's fellowship and growth?

A. Athens

B. Rome

C. Antioch

D. Jerusalem

14.According to the Gospel accounts, what was the first miracle performed by Jesus?

A. Feeding the five thousand

B. Calming a storm

C. Turning water into wine

D. Healing a blind man

15.Which Gospel emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit as the Comforter or Advocate?

A. John

B. Matthew

C. Luke

D. Mark

16.Which prophet warned the Israelites about the consequences of their disobedience?

A. Jonah

B. Isaiah

C. Hosea

D. Ezekiel

17.How did the early Christian community in Acts make decisions about the distribution of resources to
the needy?

A. They left it to chance and luck

B. They appointed deacons to oversee the process

C. They gave everything to the apostles for distribution

D. They relied on the guidance of local rulers

18.Jesus often referred to Himself as the "Good Shepherd." Which Gospel contains this metaphor?

A. Matthew

B. Luke

C. Mark

D. John

19.Which prophet is associated with the "valley of dry bones" vision, symbolizing the restoration of
Israel from exile?

A. Ezekiel

B. Daniel

C. Jeremiah

D. Zechariah

20.What decision did Pilate's wife make when she had a dream about Jesus?

A. She kept the dream to herself

B. She warned Pilate not to get involved

C. She sought advice from the chief priests

D. She urged Pilate to release Jesus immediately

21.During the trial before Pontius Pilate, which Roman custom allowed the release of one prisoner
during Passover?

A. Barabbas

B. Pax Romana

C. Prima Nocte

D. Quinquennium

22.In a diverse and multicultural society, civic responsibility includes

A. Promoting stereotypes and prejudice

B. Isolating oneself from people of different backgrounds

C. Disrespecting other cultures and beliefs

D. Embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity

23.The prophet who emphasized the concept of "the day of the Lord" as a time of judgment and
salvation was

A. Amos

B. Habakkuk

C. Joel

D. Zephaniah

24.In the Gospel of Matthew, which group of religious leaders were particularly hostile towards Jesus?

A. Zealots

B. Sadducees

C. Pharisees

D. Essenes

25.The prophet who spoke extensively about the restoration of Israel and the coming of the Messiah

A. Zephaniah

B. Micah

C. Malachi

D. Obadiah

26.Which prophet had a vision of a "wheel within a wheel," symbolizing God's divine presence and

A. Daniel
B. Ezekiel

C. Amos

D. Joel

27.In which Gospel do we find the Parable of the Good Samaritan?

A. Luke

B. Matthew

C. John

D. Mark

28.The new covenant is based on

A. Keeping the Ten Commandments

B. Human efforts and good deeds

C. Faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice

D. Strict adherence to religious rituals

29.What significant event led to the division of languages among humankind?

A. The Exodus

B. The Flood

C. The Tower of Babel

D. The Crucifixion

30.Nahum's prophecy mainly focused on the impending doom of

A. Egypt

B. Israel

C. Nineveh

D. Babylon

31.The Apostle Paul's life in Acts exemplifies God's sovereignty through

A. His unwavering devotion to Jewish traditions

B. His escape from imprisonment through supernatural means

C. His transformation from a persecutor to a proclaimer of the Gospel

D. His ability to convert everyone he encountered

32.Setting boundaries and rules for children helps them

A. Develop a sense of discipline and responsibility

B. Become isolated from their peers

C. Rebel against authority figures

D. Develop a fear of their parents

33.According to the Gospels, what was the profession of Peter and Andrew before becoming disciples of

A. Tentmakers

B. Tax collectors

C. Shepherds

D. Fishermen

34.Which event marked the beginning of the Early Church's fellowship?

A. The crucifixion of Jesus

B. Pentecost

C. The resurrection of Jesus

D. The Last Supper

35.How do the Gospels portray God's sovereignty concerning human salvation?

A. It is only accessible to a select few

B. It is exclusively determined by human choices

C. It is based on God's grace and mercy

D. It depends on human effort and achievements

36.Who were the three disciples who witnessed the Transfiguration with Jesus?

A. Matthew, Mark, and Luke

B. Andrew, Simon, and Philip

C. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus

D. Peter, James, and John

37.Leadership qualities such as integrity and honesty are illustrated in the life of

A. Judas Iscariot

B. Joseph

C. Jezebel

D. Jacob

38.The law was given to humanity primarily to

A. Bring condemnation

B. Guide them in righteous living

C. Establish a covenant with God

D. Save them from sin

39.In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus walks on water to meet His disciples in a boat. Which disciple
attempts to walk on water but begins to sink?

A. Peter

B. James

C. Andrew

D. John

40.What event in the Old Testament marked the beginning of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt,
eventually leading to the Ten Commandments?

A. Passover

B. The Last Supper

C. Crossing of the Jordan River

D. Building of the Ark of the Covenant

42.Which Gospel includes the account of Jesus washing the disciples' feet during the Last Supper?
A. Matthew

B. Luke

C. John

D. Mark

42.Divine love in Christianity is primarily expressed through

A. Rituals and ceremonies

B. Church attendance

C. God's grace and mercy

D. The Ten Commandments

43.Which prophet from the Old Testament strongly condemned the greed of the wealthy and powerful?

A. Ezekiel

B. Isaiah

C. Amos

D. Jeremiah

44.What was the name of the high priest who played a prominent role in opposing the early Christian

A. Annas

B. Caiaphas

C. Gamaliel

D. Nicodemus

45.According to the Bible, how many days after his resurrection did Jesus ascend into heaven?

A. 40 days

B. 60 days

C. 30 days

D. 50 days
46.Who was the first Gentile to receive the Holy Spirit and be baptized, as mentioned in Acts?

A. Philip

B. Timothy

C. Cornelius

D. Barnabas

47.In which Gospel does Jesus say, "Before Abraham was, I am"?

A. Luke

B. Matthew

C. John

D. Mark

48.Which epistle encourages believers to "eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy"?

A. 1 Corinthians

B. Ephesians

C. Romans

D. 1 Timothy

49.Which virtue is often mentioned alongside impartiality in the selected epistles?

A. Prejudice

B. Greed

C. Arrogance

D. Humility

JAMB 2023


In the context of prayer, what does "intercession" mean?

A. Personal requests

B. Praying for others

C. Thanksgiving

D. Silent meditation

51. David's skill in playing the harp made him a favorite musician in the court of which king?

A. King Herod

B. Pharaoh of Egypt

C. King Saul

D. King Nebuchadnezzar

52.True religion in Christianity emphasizes the importance of

A. Material wealth and prosperity

B. Rigid adherence to traditions

C. Isolation from the world

D. Unity among believers

53.In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul compares the Church to what metaphorical body?

A. A tree

B. A human body

C. A flock of sheep

D. A building

54.What is a prominent theme in St. James' Epistles?

A. Faith and works

B. Love and forgiveness

C. The Trinity and divinity

D. End times and prophecy

55.Who was the prophet that warned Israel about the impending Babylonian exile?

A. Hosea

B. Micah

C. Jeremiah

D. Amos

In the Gospel of Mark, which group of people did Jesus specifically mention that we should love with all
our hearts?

A. The poor and needy

B. Family members

C. Our enemies

D. Fellow believers

57.In the epistles, corruption is often linked to which of the following vices?

A. Generosity and benevolence

B. Austerity and frugality

C. Greed and selfishness

D. Tolerance and acceptance

58.David was known for his musical talents and was credited for composing many

A. Prophecies

B. Sermons

C. Psalms

D. Hymns

59.Where did Peter make the "Great Confession"?

A. Near the Sea of Galilee

B. At the Last Supper

C. At the foot of the Cross

D. In the Garden of Gethsemane

60.What significant event led to the division of the kingdom of Israel into the northern and southern

A. The Assyrian invasion

B. The reign of King Solomon

C. The Exodus from Egypt

D. The Babylonian exile

61.In which Gospel(s) do we find an account of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem?

A. Matthew, Mark, John and Luke

B. Luke and John

C. Matthew and Luke

D. Mark and John

62..What is the key to effective prayer according to the selected epistles?

A. Persistence

B. Impressive language

C. Lengthy prayers

D. Faith

63According to the epistles, what is the root cause of showing partiality to others?

A. Ignorance and lack of knowledge

B. Fear of being judged by others

C. Lack of self-confidence

D. Favoring those who can offer personal benefits

64.In which epistle does the apostle Peter remind believers that they are part of a "chosen race, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation" while facing persecution?

A. 1 Peter
B. 1 Corinthians

C. Colossians

D. Galatians

65. What was the central theme of Ezekiel's prophecies during the exile?

A. God's judgment and the hope of restoration

B. The promise of a new messianic king

C. The punishment of Babylon

D. The restoration of the temple in Jerusalem

66. How many books are there in the New Testament of the Bible?

A. 66

B. 12

C. 39

D. 27

67.How many recorded appearances did Jesus make after his resurrection?

A. 7

B. 10

C. 12

D. 40

68.Who was the first king of the divided kingdom of Israel?

A. Jeroboam

B. Rehoboam

C. David

D. Solomon

69.The Epistle of Romans is significant in discussing the contrast between law and grace. Who is the
author of the Epistle to the Romans?
A. James

B. John

C. Paul

D. Peter

70.Why did the Pharisees criticize Jesus during the triumphal entry?

A. They were jealous of Jesus' popularity

B. They thought Jesus was a Roman sympathizer

C. They believed Jesus was claiming to be the Messiah

D. They were upset about the disruption caused by the crowd

71.In Acts, what event caused the dispersion of Christians and led to the spread of the Gospel among

A. The resurrection of Jesus

B. The stoning of Stephen

C. The conversion of Saul

D. The crucifixion of Jesus

72.Which epistle addresses the issue of moral purity and living a sanctified life within the Christian

A. 1 Peter

B. 1 Timothy

C. Titus

D. 2 Corinthians

73.In which Gospel do we find the story of the "Good Samaritan" who showed love and compassion to a
wounded man?

A. Luke

B. Matthew
C. John

D. Mark

74.Which epistle emphasizes the importance of love and unity among believers in the Christian

A. Colossians

B. Philippians

C. Galatians

D. Ephesians

75.Which apostle famously doubted Jesus' resurrection until he saw the wounds in His hands and side?

A. John

B. Thomas

C. James

D. Peter

76.The period of the "Return from Exile" is associated with which Persian King's decree?

A. King Cyrus

B. King Artaxerxes

C. King Darius

D. King Xerxes

77.Which epistle contains the famous analogy of the Church as the "body of Christ" and the members as
individual parts?

A. 1 Corinthians

B. Romans

C. Galatians

D. Colossians

78.Which biblical passage is known as the "Lord's Prayer" and contains a model of prayer and guidance?

A. John 3:16
B. Psalm 23

C. Romans 8:28

D. Matthew 6:9-13

79.The message of repentance and forgiveness was a central theme in the prophecies directed to which

A. Jerusalem

B. Nineveh

C. Babylon

D. Rome

80.The southern kingdom of Judah experienced a significant religious reform under the leadership of
which righteous king?

A. King Hezekiah

B. King Ahab

C. King Nebuchadnezzar

D. King Jeroboam

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