The Qualitative Research That We Chose is Titled (1)

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​ The qualitative research that we chose is titled “A phenomenological research on the role of
emotional orientation in academics’ professional lives” by Ayşen Bakioğlu ET. Al which is based on the
title, has a Phenomenological research design. The second one is titled “A Qualitative Study of the
Impact of Experiences of Students with Parents as their Principal, Teacher, or Coach” written by Lori Lynn
Brownlee-Brewton of Gardner-Webb University. While both phenomenological research design and case
study research design are qualitative research methods that delve into complex phenomena in great
detail, they have distinct differences. Phenomenological research design concentrates on the personal
experiences of individuals concerning a specific phenomenon, whereas case study research design
emphasizes comprehending the broader setting and variables that affect the phenomena under
examination. Additionally, phenomenological research design gathers information through
semi-structured interviews with a limited group of participants, while case study research design
employs various techniques to collect data from numerous sources.​

​ Additionally, Both research follows their respective designs accurately. The first qualitative
research which have a phenomenological design effectively employs suitable terminology to depict the
emotional and experiential aspects of Turkish academics, whereas the second qualitative research which
have a case study design portrays children's encounters with a parent who serves as their teacher, coach,
or administrator. Both designs exhibit proper grammar and offer comprehensive explanations of their
approaches and outcomes. Phenomenological research is well-suited for exploring emotional
experiences in depth by interviewing informed participants, while case studies can help to understand
complex phenomena within their context, particularly through intrinsic case studies. These research
designs offer detailed and comprehensive information and insights into the subject matter. Nonetheless,
they have some drawbacks, such as small sample sizes and the risk of bias from the researcher's
interpretation, which can undermine the validity and generalizability of the findings. Therefore, it is
crucial to acknowledge these limitations while conducting research to guarantee the relevance and
credibility of the results.

​ On the on the Hand, the difference of " A phenomenological research on the role of emotional
orientation in academics’ professional lives. " and " A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Experiences of
Students With Parents as their Principal, Teacher, or Coach. " when it comes to the participants, both
articles used a similar method to select their participants. However, the process of selecting the
participants was different for each study. In the first study, the researchers selected participants solely
based on their ability to meet the criteria of being academic staff with at least 3 years of experience. On
the other hand, in the second study, the researchers used a more complex process, which involved
emailing the superintendent of the study school district to request permission to contact potential
participants. The superintendent approved the request, and the researchers then contacted contacts in
their professional network to find eligible participants. Lastly, the participants were asked to fill out a
brief demographic survey via email to help the researcher select participants and document the number
of viable participants. All the participants in the second study were at least 21 years old and had a parent
who was an administrator, teacher, or coach while they were in school. Despite their differences, both
studies used a criteria-based selection process to ensure diversity in their participants and conduct an
in-depth analysis.
Additionally, the first article describes a larger sample size 26 participants from different
universities in Turkey, while the second article describes a smaller sample size 8 participants from a
single school district. In addition, the first article uses criterion sampling, a type of purposive sampling
that involves selecting participants who meet a specific set of criteria, whereas in the second article does
not specify a specific sampling method and instead describes how participants were chosen from a
defined population according to specific criteria.
​ Furthermore, In terms of data collection, the two publications share some fundamental
commonalities that any research has, which is that they both followed the procedure for giving a consent
form to the participants to get their approval before interviewing them. Moreover, they both performed
their interviews face-to-face with the participants, and they both employed an audio recorder to capture
the interview. On the other hand, there are three important discrepancies between the two pieces. First,
the article titled "A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Experiences of Students With Parents as Their
Principal, Teacher, or Coach" uses a specific type of method called the Lawshe method to calculate the
Content Validity Record of their questionnaire, whereas in the other article titled "A Phenomenological
Research on the Role of Emotional Orientation in Academics' Professional Lives," the researchers did not
include what method they use to test the validity and reliability of their questionnaire. Second, the first
article, which employs a case study as its research design, employs an open-ended question to elicit
information from its participants. While the second article employs semi-structured interview questions
that allow researchers to adjust the sub-questions based on the responses of the participants, the
researcher also extensively describes how they build their questionnaire, making it superior to the first.
Lastly, in terms of who validated the questions, the researchers in the first article asked assistance from
school employees who were not chosen as participants to examine the survey for validity, whereas the
researchers in the second article asked assistance from their colleagues to examine the interview
questions based on the scope of the study.
Both study publications offer all relevant details in the data collecting part. They also both make
good use of the research design in their studies, which aids the researchers in gathering data. However,
both pieces have drawbacks. The researchers did not specify if the individual who validated their
question is credible, which might make their study inaccurate. As a result, it is critical to explicitly
describe who and how trustworthy the validators are while performing a research in order to eliminate
flaws and ensure a dependable outcome.
​ Following, The study's description of the data analysis seems to be well-detailed, but there are
certain places where it may be strengthened. For instance, the lack of a thorough explanation of the
software used in the study to analyze and transcribe the data may cast doubt on the accuracy and
validity of the analysis. Also, The study also discusses the use of descriptors to assist the researcher in
data analysis, however it is not apparent how these descriptors were created or whether they through a
rigorous process of validation. Furthermore, the study might require a more thorough explanation of the
coding procedure and how it was utilized to locate and examine the data. Lastly, The study's participant
count is also unknown, which could limit how far the results can be applied.

​ In addition, the study employed content analysis approaches to extract codes, categories, and
themes from field notes, analytic memoranda, and transcriptions. They did an excellent job of providing
a short yet accurate description of the process they used for analyzing the data gathered. However, the
content analysis approach requires lots of effort and may result in difficulty automating the coding due
to the large quantities of content, which is extremely time-consuming. They use analyzing cycle of coding
data that helps them strengthen the understanding of the initial codes and also helps them to categorize
it to different theme. In the end they came up with three themes: "Emotion Orientations' Precursors,"
"Emotion Orientations in the Professional Organizational Context," and "Results of Emotion

Thus, The two qualitative studies analyzed in this text have similar approaches to selecting
participants based on certain criteria. However, the process of participant selection differs between the
two studies. One of the studies used a complex process of contacting potential participants through
professional networks and receiving approval from the superintendent to contact them. Both studies
followed their respective research designs accurately, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.
Additionally, the two studies shared commonalities in data collection processes, but they also had
significant differences in how they validated their questionnaires and collected data. The studies
employed content analysis approaches to extract codes, categories, and themes from the data collected,
resulting in insightful findings. Overall, both studies provide comprehensive and reliable data through
their research processes, ultimately contributing to a better understanding of their respective subjects.

This context portrays a person who have a parent who works as a teacher, principal, or coach are
frequently under pressure to achieve at specific standards, which can lead to them being hesitant to
attend the school where their parent works. Pressures to fit in with classmates, perform academically, be
accepted into specific social circles, or feel normal in a situation where predefined notions about who
they should be or how they should act are constantly present .The role of emotional orientation in
academics refers to the ways in which emotions can impact a student's academic performance and
experience. Emotional orientation can influence motivation, cognitive processes, and learning outcomes.

Furthermore, emotional orientation can influence the development of self-regulation skills, such
as emotion regulation and goal setting. These skills are critical for academic success and can lead to
improved academic performance, better time management, and increased resilience.

In summary, emotional orientation plays a vital role in academic success, affecting motivation,
cognitive processes, interpersonal relationships, and self-regulation. It is important for educators to
understand the impact of emotions on academic performance and to support students in developing
healthy emotional orientations.

Bakioğlu, A., Keser, S., Korumaz, M., & Didin Ala, Ş. (2022). A phenomenological research on the
role of emotional orientation in academics‟ professional lives.

Brownlee-Brewton, Lori Lynn, "A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Experiences of Students With
Parents as their Principal, Teacher, or Coach" (2020). Doctor of Education Dissertations.

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