Academic (1)
Academic (1)
Academic (1)
Anticipated Month and Year of Graduation from Secondary School: June / 2022
THIS FORM SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY A SCHOOL OFFICIAL. Note: Please be sure that courses and grades from current and two previous years are included. If current
grades are not available, please list current courses.
School Information
School Name: Istituto scolastico Mazzolari
Email: [email protected]
Name of Principal:
Name of Exchange Coordinating Staff:
This school may be best described as the following (check all that apply) Public Private University preparatory Vocational Other:
Student Status
Student's current year in school: 11
Rank in class or other grouping: Not applicable for ITALY Current GPA/average grade: Not applicable for ITALY
If your school does not rank students numerically, indicate the student’s standing in relation to others in the class:
By end of current school year student will have had 5 years of primary and 6 years of secondary schooling.
Very Good: 8
Good: 6/7
Average/fair: 5
Poor: 4
Failing: 2/3
Language Proficiency
Foreign Language: Spanish
Reading X Reading X
Writing X Writing X
Speaking X Speaking X
Student Advancement/attendance
Has the student missed or repeated a year or semester? No
Attaching an official transcript is encouraged. In addition, please fill in the courses and grades below. A school official must certify that the grades below are correct by affixing a
school seal or stamp and signing here.
Name: Date:
Italian 7 philosophy 6
Italian 7 Italian 8
English 8 English 8
French 8 French 8
mathematics 8 mathematics 7
religion 9 religion 10
Students personality
Please comment on the student’s personality and motivation: