This is to certify that the project work entitled LOCAL ADMINISTRATION AND CITIZEN
CORDINATION SYSTEM is the original work done by SULAIMANI CAMARADE and
UMUTESI FURAHA FLORENCE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
Advanced Diploma A1 in ICT during academic year 2018-2019.
Signature: ………………………..
This book is dedicated to almighty GOD the helper and protector of our lives to our beloved
parents, brothers and sisters, to our friends and colleagues, to ICT staff and who helped us in
both moral and knowledge means. This is the shine of sparks you created. We also dedicate this
research project to our supervisor Mr. KAZUNGU JEAN EMILE who guided us in all we have
done to accomplish the significance of LOCAL ADMINISTRATION AND CITIZEN
We take this opportunity to thank the Almighty GOD the provider of knowledge and wisdom for
guiding us throughout our studies and for enabling us to undertake our project
successfully, and all people who supported us in different ways during the hard period and
whoever stays with us. It would have been so difficult for us without their highly kind support.
We would like also to thank the IPRC KARONGI Administration and the hole IPRC community
especially ICT staff for their uncountable supports during our studies. We would like to express
our gratitude towards our parents, our brothers and sisters for their considerably encouragement
and many others necessary support for the whole period in spite of the little time we gave them.
Our thanks and appreciations also go to our colleagues of the College of IPRC KARONGI who
held faith to us and pushed us to succeed and for their kind co-operation in the class, and many
people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities. We extend our deep appreciation
and thanks to all staffs and lecturers of College of IPRC Kigali to the time and effort they spent
in furnishing considerably necessary duties.
My God bless you all!
Rwanda is a country that has a development based on good governance, as the population of
Rwanda continues to grow, so too does the need for good services from their sector leaders, local
administration and citizen coordination system that will help sector leaders to perform their
works well and on time by scheduling their activities and as the way of being monitored by
Secretary Executive of the sector, this system will allow only the sector leaders and the Cell
leaders to perform their planned activities for sector people. This system also will help the
Secretary Executive of the sector to monitor the planned activities by the sector leaders, the
people will be able to raise up their comments to the owner of the activities to the sector through
system, and the Secretary Executive of the sector will see that comments.
LACCS: Local Administration and Citizen Coordination System
ERD: Entity Relation Diagram
DFD: Data Flow Diagram
DB: Database
MIS: Management Information System
MS: Microsoft
OS: Operating System
DBMS: database management system
GLA: Greater London Authority
CEC: Cell Executive Committee
CC: Cell Council
SC: Sector Council
PAC: Political and Administrative Committee
CDC:Community Development Committee
PCC: Provincial Coordination Committee
Table of content
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................................................................................vii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY............................................1
THE SECTOR ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE...................................................................................................5
THE PROVINCIAL ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE..........................................................................................5
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM........................................................................................................................6
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY........................................................................................................................7
1.3.1 General Objective..................................................................................................................................7
1.3.2 Specific Objectives.................................................................................................................................7
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS................................................................................................................................7
1.4.2 Personal interest....................................................................................................................................7
1.4.3 TO THE PEOPLE............................................................................................................................................8
1.6 .1 Minimum Hardware Requirements.............................................................................................9
1.6.2 Minimum Software Requirements..........................................................................................................9
1.7 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY...................................................................................................................9
2.0.4 PHP......................................................................................................................................................10
2. 0.5 PHPMY ADMIN..................................................................................................................................10
2. 0.6 HTML5................................................................................................................................................11
2. 0.7 JavaScript............................................................................................................................................11
2. 0.8 Query...................................................................................................................................................11
2. 0.9 Sublime text.........................................................................................................................................11
2. 0.10 System................................................................................................................................................11
2. 0.11 Data...................................................................................................................................................12
2. 0.12 Information........................................................................................................................................12
2. 0.13 Information system............................................................................................................................12
2. 0.14 Management Information System......................................................................................................12
2. 0.15 Online System....................................................................................................................................12
2. 0.16 Information Technology....................................................................................................................13
2. 0.17 Database...........................................................................................................................................13
2. 0.18 Database Management System.........................................................................................................13
2. 0.19 Record...............................................................................................................................................13
2. 0.20 Relational Database..........................................................................................................................13
2. 0.21 Relational Database Management System........................................................................................14
2. 0.22 Barcode.............................................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER THREE: RESEACH METHODOLOGY......................................................................................16
3.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................................16
3.3.3 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF CURRENT SYSTEM..........................................................................................19
FIGURE 1. STEPS OF PROTOTYPE MODEL...........................................................................................................20
3.4.2 TESTING.....................................................................................................................................................21
3.5 ILLUSTRATION OF DFD AND USE CASE DIAGRAM.......................................................................................22
3.5.1 Context diagram...................................................................................................................................22
3.5.2. Context diagram..................................................................................................................................22
FIGURE 2. SYMBOL USED FOR CONTEXT DIAGRAM...........................................................................................22
FIGURE 3. CONTEXT DIAGRAM...........................................................................................................................23
3.5.3 Design of the Data Flows Diagram.....................................................................................................23
FIGURE 4. LEVEL 1 DFD....................................................................................................................................24
3.5.3 Level 2 DFD.........................................................................................................................................24
FIGURE 5. LEVEL 2 DFD....................................................................................................................................25
3.5.4 Level 3 DFD.........................................................................................................................................25
FIGURE 6. LEVEL 3 DFD....................................................................................................................................25
3.6 USE CASE DIAGRAM.....................................................................................................................................26
FIGURE 7. : USE CASE DIAGRAM.........................................................................................................................27
CHAPTER 4: SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN........................................................................................27
4.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................................27
4.3.1. Customer requirement.........................................................................................................................28
4.3.2. Minimum system requirement.............................................................................................................29
4.4. DATA DICTIONARY......................................................................................................................................29
4.4.1. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)...................................................................................................30
FIGURE 8. . SYMBOL USED FOR ERD..................................................................................................................30
FIGURE 9. ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM......................................................................................................31
4.4.2 Concepts...............................................................................................................................................31
Cardinality notation......................................................................................................................................31
4.4.3 LOGICAL MODEL OF DATA (LMD)...........................................................................................................31
4.4.5 Definition.............................................................................................................................................31
4.4.6 Concepts...............................................................................................................................................31
4.4.8 NORMALIZATION OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................32
4.5 Representation of Data Dictionary.........................................................................................................33
CHAPTER 5 IMPLIMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM...................................................................................37
5.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................37
5.2 SOME WEB PAGES OF THE SYSTEM....................................................................................................37
FIGURE10: HOME PAGE......................................................................................................................................37
FIGURE 11: LOGIN PAGE FOR ADMIN..................................................................................................................38
FIGURE 13:REPLY FORM.....................................................................................................................................39
1.0. Introduction
Local administration and citizens coordination system is an Institutions which are subunits of a
government or regional administration and authorized as defining limited number of public
policies in relatively small area and implicating these policies are defined as public institutions
and local administrations. The existence reasons of local administrations enforce some services
which will be presented to public not by the government center but by the public entities which
are not included in centralized administration hierarchy and in centralized management
organizations. There are two types of the term? decentralization? which are governmental
decentralization and political decentralization. If the authority transferred by centralized
management is limited with legislation and to a certain degree with jurisdiction it is Political
decentralization which is special to federal states, if the authorities transferred by centralized
management is limited only with enforcement it is governmental decentralization. The first target
to be reached in democracies is to make the public have rights in administration. The prior
purpose in countries which has the tradition of democratic administration is to include the public
in each step of administration and decision making. Publics participation in administration
process and publics having rights in administration are easy is local administrations. In this
direction, this study’s main subject will be local administration systems and the relation of
systems with democratic
1.1 Background of the study
Local government or administration in England On the face of it, the territorial administration of
England seems extremely complex; but in reality it is fairly simple compared to that of many
countries. Where a country like Germany has four levels of administration - State, "Lander",
district, and municipality, in Britain there are only one or two levels of local government -
called Local Authorities. Apart from this, some minor and strictly local functions are delegated
to parish councils , most often in the hands of volunteers.
London, with its Greater London Authority (GLA) , chaired by the Mayor, is a unique case. It
is the only large urban area with two tiers of administration. In London, the administration of
public services is split between the GLA and borough councils . London is the only large city in
England to have two tiers of local government.
The other six major urban areas of England, around the cities of Newcastle , Leeds, Manchester ,
Liverpool (Merseyside), Sheffield and Birmingham, are known as metropolitan counties. Here
there is only one single layer of local administration. However the metropolitan counties
themselves are largely empty shells: they do not have any territorial administrative function.
All local administration is ensured by the individual boroughs within these metropolitan
counties. It is the boroughs, not the metropolitan counties, that are unitary authorities, i.e.
the only tier of local government for their area.
Nevertheless, for certain services, such as police, fire and public transport, the boroughs within
metropolitan county areas work together in the framework of joint boards. Source: (Government
annual report July 2010 – June 2011)
In china The People's Republic of China (PRC) consists of 22 provinces ( sheng ) (the PRC
claims Taiwan as its 23rd province), five autonomous regions ( zizhiqu ), and four centrally
administered municipalities ( zhixiashi ). Provinces and autonomous regions, in turn, are divided
into "special districts," counties ( xian ), and cities ( shi ) under provincial jurisdiction, as well as
into autonomous minor regions ( zhou ) and autonomous counties ( zizhixian ), where non-Han
Chinese minority groups reside. Counties, autonomous counties, and autonomous zhou are
divided into townships ( xiang ), autonomous townships (for small minority groups), towns, and
rural communes. Hong Kong and Macau are designated as Special Administrative Regions
From 1958 to 1982, local administrative authority formerly held by the xiang was transferred to
the communes and their local people's councils. In 1988, Hainan Island, formerly part of
Guangdong, was made China's newest province. The 1982 constitution returned local
administrative control to the xiangs as the communes began to be disbanded.
Local revolutionary committees, which replaced the local people's councils during the Cultural
Revolution and under the 1975 constitution, were abolished in 1980. The restored local people's
councils have the power to formulate local laws and regulations. The local people's governments
are administrative organs of the state and report to the State Council.
In the 1980s an emphasis was placed on recruiting and promoting younger and better educated
officials in local party and government posts. Many provinces along the coastal regions have
adopted more decentralized forms of administration while interior provinces remain highly
beholden to the central party. Local elections involving multiple candidates have taken place,
especially in the more urbanized coastal areas. Elections began on a trial basis in 1987, and in
over 730,000 villages, peasants are scheduled to go to the polls every three years to elect local
committees(George, 2000:23).
In kenya Kenya is located around the major Rift valley in East Africa and covers a land mass of
less than 4000square kilometres by approximation (John, 1991). The great majority of Kenya’s
population is less than 35 million and comprises an average of more than 75% as blacks. The
country has also a small number of Asians, Europeans and Arabs. The blacks are divided into
more than 30 ethnic configurations belonging to four linguistic families – Bantu, Nilotic,
Paranilotic, and Cushitic (George, 2000:23). The largest ethnic groups are the Bantu – speaking
Kikugu, Luhya and Kamba; the Nilotic – speaking Luo and the paranilotic – speaking Kalajin.
However, the population of Kenya as at 1990 was peaked at 29,872,00. The overall density was
about 43 persons per square kilometre (about 111 per square miles). Most persons, about 80% of
the people live in shanty towns and rural areas with negligible number having the basic
education for societal growth and development. Of late, the tempo of politics has being very high
given the political tussle between Mwai Kibaki, incumbent president and Raila Odinga, the
opposition leader. It is interesting to not however, that, like Zimbabwe, Kenya is a centre of
global attraction as the whole world is watching very closely to see the outcome of the power-
sharing deal and the fate of the local people at large.
Joseph (1999) noted that Local Government system in Kenya is enshrined in the Local
Government Act Cap 265 of the Laws of Kenya. The Act creates the various categories of Local
Authorities. There are currently one hundred and seventy five (175) Local Authorities in Kenya.
Previously, they included urban councils and in the years preceding 1980 the area councils.
Changes that have hitherto taken place did away with both area and urban councils and the
present local authority system recognizes the 3 above. However the system also recognizes the
existence of the City Council of Nairobi which under the Law (Cap 265) remains within the
realms of a Municipal Council.
The Government of Kenya has since created the Metropolitan Ministry in charge of Nairobi and
its envisaged that there would be a change of statutory provisions to accommodate the same,
whose effect would be the removal of the City of Nairobi from it's current status under the law,
as a municipality (Ursula, 1961).
In rwanda The Republic of Rwanda is divided into Provinces, Districts, Sectors and Cells. The
District is the basic political-administrative unit of the country.
The Village is the smallest politico-administrative entity of the Country and hence closest to the
people. Therefore, this is the entity through which the problems, priorities and needs of the
people at a grassroots level will be identified and addressed.
Leaders at the Village level are volunteers who are elected, to serve their country, through a
direct and universal suffrage by all the residents of the village aged above 18. They don't handle
any technical issues.
Above the Village is the Cell, which is managed by competent technicians, with another political
team that serve as decision makers and advisors to those technicians.
Technical and key political matters are handled and addressed at the Cell level. The key
organizational bodies of the Cell are:
All citizens resident in the Cell who are aged 18 and above are members of the Cell Council. The
Cell Council mobilizes the residents of the Cell, identifies, discusses and prioritizes the problems
of the cell and takes decisions for their resolution.
The Cell Council elects the Cell Executive Committee composed of ten members. The CEC
executes functions related to administration and community development including the policy
orientation and technical advisory for the the implementation of the decisions taken by the Cell
The Cell Executive Committee works through its technical committee (the Community
Development Committee) to identify and prioritize needs, design development plans, mobilize
development resources and implement the plans.
The Sector is the third level of administration where people participate through their elected
representatives. The following is the administrative structure at the Sector level.
There is a political organ for policy-making decisions called the Sector Council. The number of
Sector Council members is determined by the number of Cells forming the Sector. The Sector
Council’s functions include approval of Sector action plans and programmers and ensuring the
follow-up of their implementation.
The Sector Council (SC) elects the Sector Executive Committee (SEC) to support the preparation
and implementation of its policies, plans, and decisions.
The SEC is composed of 10 members and monitors the day-to-day administration of the Sector
and the implementation of the decisions and plans of the Sector Council.
The Sector Executive Committee works with the technical support of its two sub-committees:
The Political and Administrative Committee(PAC)The Community Development Committee
The Provincial organizational structure
The Province serves as a coordinating organ to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of Central
Government planning, execution and supervision of the decentralized services. It serves mainly
as advisor to the decentralized entities and coordinates development activities.
The Governor of the Province is the custodian of the authority of the State and the Government’s
delegate in the Province. The main functions of the Governor of Province are: to ensure the
execution of and adherence to existing laws and regulations; to ensure the implementation of
Government programs; and to take, within its competence and on the basis of instructions from
the Government, all measures and initiatives to promote the general development of the
The Provincial Coordination Committee is composed of :The Governor of Province who is also
the ChairpersonthePermanent Secretary, Secretary
The Chairpersons of Councils of District that make up the Province, members
The Coordinators of Departments in Province, members
The Heads of decentralized services at Province, members.
The mains functions of the Coordination Committee of the Province are to examine and
coordinate all matters concerning the administration and the development of the Province.
The Provincial Permanent Secretary ensures the coordination of the administrative and technical
services of the Province. (Rwanda leading daily)
1.2 Statement of the Problem
After making our research from Niboye sector we have seen that when a person need a service
from a sector office he/she doesn’t know if the leader is available or not he/she has to go there or
can first call the leader before going there(wasting time and money).And also we have seen that
when the sector leaders plans the activities to be done to the people at the field, they use to end
up activities where sometime the people needs to comment to the activities done for them
without waiting for the public meeting for giving their comments, sometime also because of time
some of the people miss the time for giving their comments and asking question not only that we
have found that there is problem of informing people the activities af sector and where it should
take place where same they use UMUMOTSI in this time all the people are not ye be informed,
and problem of knowing people who are dead ,who are married ,who are single
1.3 Objectives of the Study
How the project will help the lead of Niboye sector leaders
1.4 Interest of the project
1.4.2 Personal interest
In the development of this project is where we learned how to use different tools mixed with the
knowledge acquired in the class (we learned and used the skills from web development tools,
system analysis, project management, time management).
1.5.1Geographical scope
Local administration and citizen coordination system will focus only on Niboye sector in
Kicukiro District where every officers and Niboye sector leaders will be able to use this system
in their everyday work according to their offices.
The system also designed to be only used by Niboye sector officers and their leader according to
their functions in Niboye sector. The researchers are limited at sector level ()
1.5.2 Content Scope
According to our system this project is focusing on local administration and citizen coordination
system the following features:, to help the people to show their reactions to the leaders about the
activities planned for them by giving the comments, to help people to know the availability of
leaders without going to the offices, To inform the citizens new event and where it will take
place by sending message through their telephone, To help the sector to know what the citizens
are thinking
1.5.3 Time scope
Local administration and citizen coordination system is wide and needs a lot of effort to
accomplish it according to the features to be implemented the time for it to be completed is from
February up to July.
1.6 System Platforms
1.6 .1 Minimum Hardware Requirements
Same hardware are required are: desktop computer and laptop, RAM: 2 GB, CPU
: 2x Intel Core 2(1.8 Ghz, 128kcashe)
1.7 Organization of the Study
2.0.4 PHP
PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext pre-processor) is a widely-used open sources
embedded into HTML (w3schools n.d.)
PhpMyAdmin is free and open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration
of MYSQL with the use of a web browser. It can perform various tasks such as creating.
Modifying or deleting databases, tables fields arrows; executing SQL statements; or managing
users and permission (CC MARIADB support for “Maria DB Crash course”). (w3schools n.d.)
2. 0.6 HTML5
HTML5 is a mark-up language structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web and a
core technology of the internet. (w3schools n.d.)
2. 0.7 JavaScript
JavaScript is a programming language use to make web pages interactive. It runs in your visitor’s
computers and doesn’t require constant downloads your website. (w3schools n.d.)
2. 0.8 Query
Query is a library that makes quicker and easier to build JavaScript Web pages and Web Apps.
Often with Query you can write a single line of code to achieve what you would have taken 10-
20 lines of regular JavaScript code. Query is itself written in java script, and comes in the form
of single is file that you link to your form your Web page. (w3schools n.d.)
Sublime text is a versatile editor for programmers, but you don’t need to be one in order to use it,
and you don’t need to configure it extensively to be productive it’s a n efficient tool out of the
box. (google, n.d.)
2. 0.10 System
A system is a set of connected thing or devices which operate together. The component of the
system influence one another directly or indirectly to maintain their activity and the existence of
the system in order to achieve the common goal. System has three basic functions: Input,
Processing and Output. (w3schools n.d.)
2. 0.11 Data
2. 0.12 Information
Information refers to the data that has been converted into meaningful and useful context in such
a way as to increase the knowledge of end users. It can be shown as the result of query, either
displayed on screen or on printed report. It is also a result of processing, manipulation and
organization data in suitable form for human interpretations. (wikipedia n.d.)
Information system abbreviation as IS a set of components that are organized in a way that
support the execution of some function. The information system could be a combination of
people, hardware, software, communication networks, policies and procedures that stores,
retrieves, transform and disseminates information in an organization. (wikipedia n.d.)
2. 0.14 Management Information System
MIS can be defined as a system to convert data from internal and external resource into
information and to communicate the information, in an appropriate form, to managers at all
levels in all function to enable them make timely effective decisions for planning, directing and
controlling the activities for which they are responsible. (wikipedia n.d.)
2. 0.15 Online System
Online System is an electronic system that delivers information to the users via telephone lines,
to personal computers or using network cable to terminals. In common usage, the online system
often refers to the system accessible to the internet or the World Wide Web. (wikipedia n.d.)
Information Technology IT is a studying the use of computers and other technology in finding
the solution by using technologies such as networking, hardware, software, the internet, or the
people that work with these technologies. (wikipedia n.d.)
2. 0.17 Database
A database is a collection of data that is organized so that its contents can easily be manipulated,
accessed, managed and updated. (w3schools n.d.)
A record is the collection of values for all the fields pertaining to one entity. Multiple records are
contained in file or data set. (wikipedia n.d.)
Relational database is a computer database in which data is stored in relations which are tables
with rows and columns. Each relation is composed of records (called tuples) and each record is
identifying by a field (attribute) containing unique value. Every table shares at least one field
with other tables in ‘one-to-one’, ‘one-to-many’, or ‘many-to-many’ relationship. These
relationships allow the database user to access the data in almost an unlimited message of ways,
and to combine the tables as buildings blocks to create complex and very large databases.
(w3schools n.d.)
RDBMS is a database management system (DBMS) that is based on relational model. RDBMS
are common choice for the storage of information in new databases used in financial records,
manufacturing, and logistical information, personal data, and others applications. Examples of
RDBMSs include DB2, SAP Sybase and Informix. (wikipedia, 2018)
2. 0.22 Barcode
A barcode is a row of thick and thin vertical bars, often with 14 numbers, that can be read by a
computer. Barcodes appear on most supermarket products, on books, on library cards and many
other items. A barcode reader is an automatic input device which is used to scan or 'read'
the barcode by using a visible red light. The reflected light is translated into digital data that is
interpreted by the computer to identify the product and price from the database. Almost every
item that you purchase in a shop has a barcode on it. These look like a series of thick and thin
black lines with a series of numbers.
One of the key advantages of a barcode system is that it doesn’t contain price information. Prices
change all the time, often every day as bargains come and go. What the barcode provides is the
location of the record for that item within the stock database. So if a price changes, only the
database record need change. (wikipedia n.d.)
In the modern United States, four types of groups, known as "linkage" institutions, play a vital
role in connecting citizens to the government. They are not officially a part of the government,
but without them, a democracy would be very difficult to maintain. These groups in American
politics include the following:
Political parties represent broad points of view — or ideologies — that present people with
alternative approaches to how the government should be run. Each party seeks political power by
electing people to office so that its positions and philosophy become public policy. For example,
both the Republican and Democratic candidates for President present competing plans for
solving a wide array of public issues. People, then, link to their government by identifying
themselves as "Democrats," "Republicans," or "Reform" party members, for example
Citizens get the vast majority of their political and governmental information from the media,
which includes television, print journalism, radio, and now the Internet. Here, former
Independent Prosecutor Kenneth Starr faces the media upon exiting his office.
The media play an important role in connecting people to government. Most of us find out about
candidates for office, public officials' activities, and the burning issues of the day through
television, newspapers, radio, and the Internet. The media's power to shape the American mind
has often been criticized, but it also allows people to give feedback to the government.
The United States is far too large a country to operate effectively as a direct democracy. Even
with elected representatives in Washington and in state capitals, it is still difficult for modern
Americans to participate in their government in meaningful ways. Democracy still works though,
partly because linkage institutions make important connections that allow the government to hear
what its people are saying . (Martin, 1991)
Over 80 per cent of the population live in rural areas and directly survive off the environment
and natural resource base.
Population: Uganda’s population has continued to grow rapidly over time. It increased from 9.5
million in 1969 to 24.2 million in 2002. Between 1991 and 2002, the population growth rate was
3.2 percent. The population is projected to have increased to 32.9 million by mid 2011 that is
why citizen of Uganda are not yet able to be connected to their lead there is no any system that
will connect these citizens to their leader (Mwaikusa, 1995)
2.2 research gaps
Our projects have been by local administration means our system is already working but there
are more obstacles that we found in other system which similarity to ours reason why we made
research to resolve those problem where we designed a system which will connect citizens to
their leader where people will be able to give her/his suggestion or idear to his leader and also
leaders will be able to inform the citizens what activity are planning
This section describes briefly the existing system and clarifies the problem caused by this
system. In chapter, researcher studies and analyzes the existing system focusing on the process
used and also discusses the method to be used for designing the proposed system l
LACCS (local administration and citizen cordination System). To develop this system, we spent
some time studying the existing system, talking to users and finding out how the existing system
works and what is required on it by identifying and collecting necessary documentation relating
to the system. To achieve this, different data collection techniques have been used and are going
to be discussed in this chapter. Further, the Software Engineering Model to be used when
developing the proposed system will be also discussed.
3.1 System Methodology
The existing system used by government in providing its services is the traditional manner of
scheduling services by setting a time table of availability of civil status and registrar officer
(leader). This study merely focused on developing a local administration and citizen cordination
System and this will be used in the accessing process of the citizens and providing records to
them (solution). The gathered data shall be critical components in developing the proposed
system. The computerized system will develop their existing website where prospective people
or citizens can view government related information of different services within the leader who
Is engaged to that service offered. It will handle online process regarding the accessing service.
Research methodology is a collective term for the structured process of conducting a research.
There are many different methodologies used in various type of research and the term is usually
considered to include research design, data gathering and data analysis.
3.2.1 Documentation
Documentation is the process based on reading books, journals and various documents and
browsing internet for searching necessary information related to the topic. This techniques
exposes the researcher to have a deep knowledge about the existing systems and what is required
in the system to be developed. Different documents have been used and contributed to collecting
information about the subject of the project topic and what to include in this book.
3.2.2 Research Approach
We used “face to face method” as a strategy known as “interview” and questionnaire where the
researchers gathered reliable facts directly from the assigned person within the Sector
employees. By personal communication it is possible not only to obtain more information but
also to encourage response. A face-to-face interview does not bore a respondent hence ensures
full and accurate data.
Not only had this method had we also used questionnaire where by employees got opportunity to
be freely in responding. So our questionnaire was made the following questions:
Direction: please answer the following questions with honesty. Rest assured that information will
kept confidential
1. Who is in charge of your sector administration?
2. What is your existing system?
3. What are the common problems encountered in using the existing system?
3.2.4. Observation
Observation is the gathering of primary data by investigator’s own direct observation of relevant
people, action and situations without asking from the respondent. This method requires to the
investigator to get into about any event. In observation, the researcher goes to place where the
events are taking place and records finding. For this case, we visited different sectors where the
people have to go to ask the service including NIBOYE Sector in KICUKIRO and visited the
current system offered where we visited the administrator of sector and he explain more about
their service and we were able to observe the sector executive and the civil state who are on the
head of sector and how service is delivered.
3..2. 5 Interview
Interview is a data collection method done by face to face conversation or over the telephone
between the telephone between the interviewer and interviewee conducted for obtaining
information; this method assumes that the interviewee has the required information. The main
task in interviewing is to understand the meaning of what the interviewees says. For this project,
only face to face interviews was been conducted. During the interview, the interviewees were
civil status and registry officer and citizens.
3.3 Description of existing system
3.3.1 The Working Principles
3.3.2 Existing system of Niboye
before we think to do a system of local administration and citizens coordination system there
was the system used by sector in fact in that system it is difficult to find the lead on his or her
office same time you find him or not and there are few time of asking question not only that the
use system of informing people the event by using UMUMOTSI system
Diagram of current system
1. Shared meaning: A leader ensures the group shares a common sense of meaning and purpose
and that people can see a connection to their individual meaning and purpose.
2. Shared Direction: A leader ensure the group shares a common sense of direction born of
shared meaning and purpose and that people can see a connection to their individual direction.
3. Commitment: leader ensure the establishment and dynamics of the interconnected web of
commitments necessary to achieve the shared goals and maintain willing followers
4. Achievement: A leader shares a common sense of achievement that people can see is relevant
to the groups and individual’s meaning and purpose.
There are different types of SDLC such as Waterfall, Spiral, Agile software development, Rapid,
Prototyping, Incremental etc…
The interaction between a researcher and supervisor lead the use prototyping model since this
help a student to better understand the requirements. (wikipedia, n.d.)
3.4.1 Prototyping
Prototyping Model is an evolutional model of system development where the client can get an
“actual feel” of the system since the interaction with prototype can enable the client to better
understanding the requirements of the desired system.
Prototyping is comprised of the following steps:
Requirement Definition/Collection Similar to the conceptualization phase of the waterfall model,
but not as comprehensive. The information collected is usefully limited to a subset of the
complete system requirements.
Design. Once the initial layer of requirements information is collected, or new
information is gathered, it is rapidly integrated into a new or existing design so that it
may be folded into the prototype.
Prototype Creation/Modification. The information from the design is rapidly rolled into a
prototype. This may mean the creation/ modification of paper information, new coding
or modification to existing coding.
Assessment. The prototype is presented to the citizen for review. Comments and
suggestions are collected from the citizens.
Prototype refinement. Information collected from the citizens is digested and the
prototype is refined. The developer revises the prototype to make it more effective and
System implementation. In most cases, the system is written once requirements are
Figure 1. Steps of Prototype Model
Advantages of prototyping
Reduce development time.
Reduce development cost.
Require user involvement.
Developers receive quantifiable user feedback.
Facilitate system implementation since users know what to expect.
Results in higher user satisfaction.
Exposes developers to potential future system enhancements.
Disadvantages of prototyping
Can lead to insufficient analysis.
Developers can become too attached to their prototype.
Can cause systems to be left unfinished and/or implemented before they are ready.
Sometimes leads to incomplete documentation.
3.4.2 Testing
3.5 Illustration of DFD and Use case Diagram
A context diagram represents the actors, or users outside a system that could interact with that
system. This is the highest level view of a system, similar to block diagram, showing a possibly
software-based, system as a whole and its inputs and outputs from/to external factors.
Symbols Name Description
External Entity Where data goes or comes
from which is outide the
scope of study
Shows the flow of
Data flow information from its source
to destination
Shows the manipulation of
Process data flows within the system
Figure 3. Context diagram Concepts
Actor: Actor: An actor is an element material or immaterial that can act in the system to be
It can be internal or external according to its location inside or outside the organization which
needs the system.
External Internal
actor actor
Data Flow
A data flow is a communication of data from an actor to another one.
An operation is the reaction of the system processed by an internal actor after a flow or
collection of flows
OPx Internal Actor
Data store
A data store is a document that can be obtained after an operation is processed.
Dx Data Store
Cell exectif having Account
Login to access request and
update event
Process of Donating
View all answer,view
event,view worker
Give request
Be informed through his
3.6 Use case Diagram
Describe the interaction between a primary actor and the system itself, represented as a sequence
of simple steps. As the name implies, use case diagram has been developed to describe the use
case of the system from the user’s viewpoint, and hence is suited for use case components: actor,
use case, and association.
Figure 2. Symbol used for use case Diagram
Actors: roles played by people or things that use the system;
Action: Things that the actors can do with the system;
Connector: Meaningful relationships between actors and the use cases;
Start -End
* *
Between actors and use case (communicates): this relationship shows participation of an actor in
a use case, and is the only relationship between actors and use cases.
Use cases diagram: are behavior diagrams used to describe a set of actions that the system should
perform in collaboration with one or more external users of the system (actors).
Use Case Diagram of local administration and citizen coordination system
Figure 7. : use case diagram
4.0 Introduction
This section aims to provide a look at how each element of the system was constructed,
Implementing local administration and citizens coordination system is started with creating the
database, after the database the next step is the design and coding of different forms needed to
store information in database and other interfaces of the system such as Login and Main Menu,
the following step is designing different reports using fetching these are really the results
required by the users, reports are manipulated queries according to the expected results. The final
stage in implementation of Project local administration will be creating the Setup for the whole
project in order to run independently in any other given environment.
4.1 Description of Proposed System
4.2. System Analysis( new system)
In our days online services are being in demand due to the development of new technology.
Business who provides online is the one who takes the lead in the markets.
This study is developed for local government and citizens coordination system and citizens in
response to their need of enhancing their making appointment process; detailed serving when it
comes to their online access and to redevelop their existing system and to make it more enticing
on the web. Based on the information we gathered we were able to come up with the common
ways of making local government access system to be developed online and find solutions to the
existing problems being encountered by the citizens. The system would be based on the service
of asking question and availability of leaders at the work.
The system requirement is those that are necessary for the implementation of the project. They
include the software and the hardware requirements. Thus these are optimum requirements to
implement the system in an efficient manner. The output of the system will be efficient only with
these optimum requirements.
Functional requirement
Citizen (people)
Request and get answer to their question
View availabity of their leader
Give idear to their leader
Being informed by new event
Login into system
View asked question
View citizen idea
Peply asked question
Register new leader
Make report
Reply the request
View schedule
Make schedule
Check status
4.3.2. Minimum system requirement
An entity relationship diagram ERD is a specialized graphic that the relationships between
entities in a database.
Figure 8. . Symbol used for ERD
Figure 9. Entity Relationship Diagram
4.4.2 Concepts
Developing an ERD requires a strong understanding of the system and its components, its
developments starts with defining entities and relationships, adding attributes and cardinalities
and at last the representation of that information using symbols.
The minimum cardinality that is the minimum number of times that an occurrence participates to
a relationship
The maximum cardinality that is the maximum number of times that an occurrence participates
to a relationship
Cardinality notation
1: n: One to Many
i. 1 n
1:1: One to One
1 1
4.4.5 Definition
As defined by, Logical model of data is a principle representation of an
organization's data, organized in terms of entities and relationships and is independent of any
particular data management technology. Logical data models represent the abstract structure of
some domain of information
4.4.6 Concepts
Table: In a relation database a table, formally known as relation is a collection of
Primary key: a primary key of a relational database uniquely identifies each record in
the table.
Foreign key: In a relational database a foreign key is a field (or fields) that points or
matches to the primary key column of another table. The purpose of the foreign key is
used to establish and enforce a link between two tables and even the entire database.
4.4.7 Representation of Logical Model of Data
Admin (uname, pass, email)
Annually (activity, date, objective, place, coordinator)
Company (date, event1, theme, place, coordinator)
Evaluation (dt, post, one, two, three, four, report, behavior, achieve, percentage, commitment
Output (id, activity, date, task, percentage)
Std_register (fname, lname, dob, sex, addr, cno, email, pass, sector name, post, office no, id, dt,
status )
Week (id, date, activity, objective, place, coordinator)
which is not in First normal form. Tables that cause redundancies in the database are
Stakeholders table and Orphans table.
Second Normal Form (2NF)
A table to be normalized to Second Normal Form should meet all the needs of First Normal
Form and there must not be any partial dependency of any column on primary key. It means that
for a table that has concatenated primary key, each column in the table that is not part of the
primary key must depend upon the entire concatenated key for its existence. If any column
depends on one part of the concatenated key, then table fails Second normal form.
Third Normal Form (3NF)
Third Normal form applies that every non-prime attribute of table must be dependent on primary
key. The transitive functional dependency should be removed from the table. The table must be
in Second Normal form. Normalization is used for mainly two purposes: Eliminating redundant
(useless) data and Ensuring data dependencies make sense. Tables that make redundancy are
Student Table and Marks Table as follows:
Activity VARCHAR Activity Not Null
Date VARCHAR Date Not Null
Objective VARCHAR Objective Not Null
Place VARCHAR Place Not Null
Coordinator VARCHAR Co-ordinator Not Null
Date VARCHAR Date of event Not Null
Event1 VARCHAR Event Not Null
Theme VARCHAR Theme of event Not Null
Place VARCHAR Place Not Null
Coordinator VARCHAR Coordinator Not Null
Table5: view
Dt VARCHAR Date Not Null
Post VARCHAR Post Not Null
One VARCHAR Task1 Not Null
Two VARCHAR Task2 Not Null
Three VARCHAR Task3 Not Null
Four VARCHAR Task4 Not Null
Report VARCHAR Report Not Null
Behaviour VARCHAR Behaviour Not Null
Percentage INT Percentage Not Null
Achieve VARCHAR Achievement Not Null
Commitment VARCHAR Commitment Not Null
Office_no VARCHAR Office number Not Null
Id INT Officer ID Not Null
Status VARCHAR Status Not Null
Id INT Id Primary Key
Activity VARCHAR Activity output Not Null
Date VARCHAR Date Not Null
Task VARCHAR Main task Not Null
Percentage INT Percentage Not Null
Id INT Id Primary Key
Id INT Id Primary Key
Task VARCHAR Main task Not Null
Schedule VARCHAR Timing Not Null
Dt VARCHAR Date of activity Not Null
Activity VARCHAR Activity reported Not Null
Objective VARCHAR Objective Not Null
R1 VARCHAR Activity completion Not Null
Percentage INT Percentage Not Null
Comment VARCHAR Comment Not Null
Day VARCHAR Date of report Not Null
Reports VARCHAR Kind of report Not Null
Table10: registered office
Fname VARCHAR First name Not Null
Lname VARCHAR Last name Not Null
Dob VARCHAR Date of birth Not Null
Sex VARCHAR Gender Not Null
Addr VARCHAR Address Not Null
Cno VARCHAR Contact number Not Null
Email VARCHAR Email Not Null
Pass VARCHAR Password Not Null
Sectorname VARCHAR Sector name Not Null
Post VARCHAR Post Not Null
Office_no VARCHAR Office number Not Null
Id INT Id Not Null
Dt INT Date of registration Not Null
Status VARCHAR Status Not Null
Id INT Id Primary key
Date VARCHAR Date Not Null
Activity VARCHAR Activity Not Null
Objective VARCHAR Objective Not Null
Place VARCHAR Place Not Null
Coordinator VARCHAR Coordinator Not Null
This chapter will explain the technologies and methodology used in implementing the proposed
system. It will give detailed on the programming language and other tools used in implementing
the sector activities monitoring system.
This is the first page in the project that contain the login place for the Niboye sector officers.
After loging in the system,you get the following page.
Figure 11: login page for admin
This is the page of Sector executive obtained after logging as Admin of the system.
Figure12: form shows all question
Figure 13:Reply form
sector executive as an admin of the system is only the one who is in charge of replying all
question asked by citizens must be seen by the Sector executive
Figure 14:This form determine the availabity of work must be seen by citizens
Figure 16:This form determine all the things requested by people must be seen by the
Sector executive
All of the schedules made by Niboye workers must be seen by the Sector executive as an admin
of the system only in order to know if there are available in the office or they work on the field
The development and the implementation of Local administration and citizen coordination
system have been a great occasion for us to widen our knowledge and skills in programming and
web development.
During the preparation of this research project, in third year based on the instruction and
guidelines provided by the project coordinator in the faculty of information technology, the
researchers thought it would be easy to accomplish the final project before the provided deadline
but the researchers met with some difficulties due to some conditions such as lacking of enough
information, getting later from Niboye sector staff that were supposed to provide it, low internet
connection around the instruction, these difficulties prevented us from meeting with our
Supervisor at time.
This project has been successful achieved but because of we were lacking where to get more
books to help us in our project, it was not completed in time as we had planned, so we would
like to recommend IPRC Karongi administration to provide a good and equipped library for
Students to help them during their final year projects.
We would like also to recommend sector to use this system so that they can reduce problems
related with leader’s activities and their public feedback about their activities, secretary
executive and facilitate all works into the sector to make good activity.
The system would be better if it is improved in future so that it can be used on the mobile
phone in the process of receiving the information created from laptop to the mobile directly.
The information recorded into the system would be better if it is encrypted and decrypted
using mobile based application in Niboye sector.
Because of limited time this application misses some information and advanced functionality to
be provided so it needs further enhancements therefore we recommend that upcoming graduates
in IT departement under take the project to ameliorate this system in order to achieve its
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