Unit One Media & Advertising

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1.1 Warming-up: Lets talk about media and advertising! 1. How popular is newspaper reading in Romania? 2. What types of newspapers are in Romania? 3. Has TV had any influence on reading habits? 4. What is advertising? 5. What methods of advertising do you know? 6. As consumers get more used to advertising, companies have come up with better ways of ensuring that people pay attention to their ads. Say what you think of these recent experiments in advertising. 7. Can you think of any new and innovative ways to advertise? 8. Choose a product/ service to prepare a scenario for. 9. Discuss your ideas and a agree on a slogan for a TV commercial. 10. Write down five popular slogans in Romanian and try to translate them into English. Report to the class and see if your colleagues can guess which products your translated slogans refer to. 1.2 Specific Vocabulary A. Match the words with the definitions: 1 readership a) act of changing or suppressing 2 circulation speech or writing that is considered 3 coverage subversive of the common good; 4 classified b) available to authorized persons 5 newscaster only, as for reasons of national 6 slogan security; 7 censorship c) the climactic phrase or statement 8 commentator of a joke, producing a sudden 9 punch line humorous effect; 10 gimmick d) the readers of a publication considered as a group; e) an innovative stratagem or scheme employed especially to promote a product or project; f) the extent or degree to which something is observed, analyzed, and reported; g) the number of copies of a publication sold or distributed;

h) individual employed in a professional capacity by a broadcast or cable network or station to announce the news; i) a phrase used repeatedly, as in advertising or promotion; j) a broadcaster or writer who reports and analyzes events in the news. B. Match the definitions with the appropriate words and phrases: 1 a newspaper of small format a) assertiveness giving the news in condensed form, training usually with illustrated, often b) soap opera c) distortion sensational material; 2 a drawing depicting a humorous d) bias situation, often accompanied by a e) cartoon f) channel caption; 3 a specified frequency band for the g) tabloid transmission and reception of h)body electromagnetic signals, as for language television signals; i) logo 4 a useful asset to people whose self- j) broadsheet esteem is low and who are reluctant to speak for themselves; 5 a drama, typically performed as a serial on daytime television or radio, characterized by stock characters and situations, sentimentality, and melodrama; 6 alteration of the original shape/ other characteristic of an object, image or other form of information or representation; 7 a preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgement; 8 an advertisement or public notice, that is printed on a broadside in a newspaper; 9 the gestures, postures, and facial expressions by which a person manifests various physical, mental,

or emotional states and communicates nonverbally with others; 10 a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. C. Match the two halves of the sentence: 1. An advertiser a) is to increase sales by making a 2. A simple poduct or service known to a wider change of audience and by emphasizing its headline positive qualities. 3. The aim of b) include television, radio, product newspapers, magazines, the Internet advertising and direct mail. 4. Corporate c) specialise in organising activities advertising and events which generate positive 5. Public publicity for companies. relations experts d) generally uses the services of an advertising agency. 6. A jingle 7. The different e) is a short musical theme. media for f) is usually the job of an advertising agency. advertising 8. Unusual g) can increase the sales 15 times. h) generally consists of a short film advertising sequence of between 30 and 60 campaigns 9. A TV seconds with an accompanying soundtrack which includes a commercial 10. The design mixture of lie recordings, a voiceand over as well as music and sound organisation of effects. i) sometimes get extra publicity for advertsing the company by way of media campaigns reports about the campaign. j) is not directly concerned with increasing sales of a particular product or service, but more with the brand image a company wants to present to the public. D. Fill in the gaps with the given words and phrases:

SERVICE TECHNIQUES ADVERTISED PRODUCT VALUE COMMERCIAL CHARACTERS STORY SEQUENCES SERIES Various (1) ... are used in commercials to convince the viewer of the (2) ... of the product or (3) that is (4) ... . One of the most frequently used devices is dramatisation where a short (5) is developed around the (6) or service. The original ideas behind a commercial of this type are developed from a scenario, a written document that summarises the action, the atmosphere, the (7) and the scene where the (8) of the commercial will be filmed. Then, an artist produces a storyboard, or (9) of pictures, to show how the (10) will look. E. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate words and phrases: 1. Advertising tries . a) to make people laugh b) to make people feel like buying c) to make people learn 2. A target is . a) an objective to be achieved b) a kind of sugared almond c) a costly gadget 3. specialists work in the creative department. a) outlet b) outlay c) lay-out 4. Their slogan clearly to young people. a) appoints b) appeals c) approaches 5. In advertising to sponsor means . a) to pay the expenses of b) to answer c) to absorb 1.3 Grammar A. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate given item. 1. The new promotional campaign has succeeded our product known to a wider audience. a) to make b) in making c) for to make 2. the latest information about our products is now possible directly from our web page. a) to obtain

b) for to obtain c) obtaining 3. prices of some goods have risen, this has not affected the overall performance. a) although b) in spite of c) despite 4. The latest series of advertisements are much the original ones. a) appealing than b) more appealing than c) as appealing as 5. Are you working for the same company? a) still b) already c) yet B. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech. Make any other necessary changes. 1. You are the people who will decide the future of the organization. She said . 2. Last year we encountered a number of unexpected problems. She said . 3. We have already started to work on improvements. She said . 4. We must improve customer satisfaction. She said . 5. We will have to innovate in advertising. She said . C. Just as newspaper headlines use special vocabulary, they also use particular grammatical forms. Look at the headlines below, paying special attention to the verbs (underlined). When do the events take place, in the past, present or future? 1. RADICAL FEMINIST GROUP READY TO FIGHT FOR MORE WRONGED WOMEN 2. POPE MEETS ABUSE VICTIMS AND EXPRESSES DEEP SORROW 3. AFGHAN ELECTIONS MARRED BY VIOLENCE 4. FUEL BILLS TO RISE BY 150 MORE A YEAR 5. BLITZ BOMB KILLED 600 IN SCHOOL, DETAILS KEPT SECRET FOR 70 YEARS 6. RAF GROUNDS TYPHOONS AFTER DEATH 7. POPE TO BEATIFY BRITISH CARDINAL 8. AL PACINO AND ROBERT DE NIRO REUNITE FOR NEW FILM 9. LAST TEST NEEDED BEFORE DECLARING BP OIL WELL DEAD 10. TORY TYCOON ASHCROFT TO QUIT TOP JOB What three grammatical forms are used in the examples? When is it appropriate to use each form? Now explain the meaning of the headlines.

D. Look at the following examples of news headlines and predict what you think is the likely story. 1. AFGHAN OBSERVERS QUESTION AS TALLY STARTS 2. LAST TEST TO SEAL BP OIL WELL 3. BUILDERS STILL BUOYANT 4. OKTOBERFEST BRINGS OUT BAVARIAN BEAUTIES 5. POPE VISITS THE UK 1.4 Translation A. Translate into Romanian: 1. The development of global markets, global media, global advertising agencies, and global marketers has led to a push toward globalization in marketing: the treatment of the entire planet as one market. 2. Unlike multinational advertising, where the marketer shapes individual campaigns for individual cultures, global advertising attempts to create one universal ad that would work in all cultures. 3. Media provide models of identity and lifestyle through various commercials or several TV shows. 4. When we watch TV, we are actually in an emotional journey. Our reality becomes whatever we are looking at on the TV. For instance, when we are watching a talk-show, or a movie, we find ourselves as participants. We are concentrating on the screen like in a hypnotic state. We tend to concentrate and exclude outside stimulus, which is quite similar to what occurs in hypnosis. That is why TV is a fantastic medium for suggestion and for sales, because people are almost in a state of hypnosis. 5. Modern advertising makes the consumer the focus of the marketing process, where products are designed according to consumers desires. 6. Several strategies are used in advertising not only to gain the trust of the audience, but to influence its decisions. 7. Language in advertising serves a process whereby the common currency of consumption plays a key role most evidently through its visual and auditive forms. 8. Commercials induce the feeling that people need a certain product, and owning it, would make them happier or complete. 9. Subliminal messages are defined as hidden messages that are made to act on the subconscious mind. They are an attempt to make you think or want something without you even realizing it. These hidden messages can be transmitted by images flashing extremely fast on a screen, in pictures within pictures, in themes, or even in slogans. 10. Advertisers have taken a firm hold on our daily lives. Half of their dominating influence can be attributed to their use of subliminal advertising. They take advantage of the vulnerabilities in our subconscious minds. Using the latest computer technology, they have unparalleled resources to manipulate each image to target a specific weakness in us.

B. Translate into English: 1. Sistemul mass-media asigur circula ia informa iilor, opiniilor i atitudinilor considerate a avea semnifica ie social reprezentnd o adevrat legtur informa ional ntre diverse pr i i segmente sociale. 2. Mass-media contribuie la cristalizarea i rspndirea opiniei publice. 3. Puterea enorm a mass mediei provine din rolul pe care l ndeplinete acela de a organiza pentru societate informa iile, de a uura, dar i de a orienta percep ia social a diverselor fenomene. 4. Fiecare ziar este rezultatul unei suite de selec ii privitoare la ce fapte se dau publicit ii, n ce form, sub ce dimensiuni, toate ghidate nu de standarde obiective, ci de evalurile fiecrei publica ii. 5. Ascensiunea mass mediei poate fi i o dovad a slbiciunii anumitor institu ii, a eecului lor de a organiza o adevrat mainrie a cunoaterii. 6. Ac ionnd asupra fiecrui om timp de 30 de minute, n fiecare zi, mass-media ctig teren strategic i creeaz o for mistic, numit Opinia Public, o for care va profita de slbiciunea institu iilor publice. 7. n cazul presei scrise, textul este fixat pe un suport solid pe hrtie i n cazul presei audiovizuale, textul este fixat pe unde hertziene. 8. Presa scris include publica ii cu periodicitate zilnic, sptmnal, lunar, trimestrial, semestrial i anual. 9. Publica iile sunt diferite i dup tirajul lor: unele au tiraje de milioane de exemplare zilnic, iar altele doar de cteva mii. n func ie de formatul publica iei, se pot distinge formatele de tip revist, variind n jurul dimensiunii unei coli de hrtie A4, i formatele de tip ziar. 10. Din perspectiva ariei de circula ie, publica iile pot fi: na ionale, avnd o difuzare ce acoper ntregul teritoriu al unui stat, regionale i locale. Con inutul ziarelor i al revistelor poate fi generalist sau specializat. 11. Marile cotidiane tratez teme politice, economice, sociale, sportive, culturale, ale vie ii casnice, probleme interna ionale etc.; ele ncearc s nu ignore nici un subiect de interes i nici o arie a vie ii, deoarece publicul lor este eterogen, rspndit pe o arie geografic foarte vast. 12. Publica iile specializate se pot clasifica dup publicul- int: pentru copii, tineret, femei, brba i, pentru locuitorii zonelor rurale, pentru diverse profesii etc. i dup con inutul specific: publica ii pe teme economice, pe teme casnice, pe teme politice, religioase etc., majoritatea publica iilor specializate fiind sptmnale sau lunare. 13. Presa audiovizual include, dup aria de difuzare, posturi locale, regionale i na ionale. n televiziune, n special, posturile locale i na ionale sunt concurate de un adevrat fluviu de imagini oferite de institu ii aflate n locuri ndeprtate ale planetei. n radio, ns, datorit miniaturizrii care caracterizeaz echipamentele moderne, se impun tot mai mult posturile locale. 14. Din punct de vedere al con inuturilor, posturile pot fi generaliste sau specializate. i unele i altele pot avea difuzare na ional ori interna ional. Posturi de televiziune

generaliste din rile dezvoltate, precum BBC, RAI sau TVE, sunt receptate n numeroase ri ale lumii, ca i unele posturi foarte specializate - HBO i TNT (filme), Euronews i CNN (tiri), Discovery i Animal Planet (tiin ), MTV i MCM (muzic) etc. 15. Cel mai important criteriu de clasificare n audiovizual este cel bazat pe corelarea a dou axe: modul de finan are i rolul asumat. Din aceast perspectiv, distingem posturi de serviciu public finan ate ndeosebi din bugetul statului i posturi comerciale finan ate din venituri publicitare. Primele i declar o voca ie n primul rnd cultural-educativ, celelalte i propun s rspund nevoii de relaxare i ofer mai ales programe de divertisment. 1.5 Writing Write an essay of about 250-300 words. Choose one of the following quotations and comment upon it: 1. If I want to succeed in guiding a human being towards a given goal, I must find him where he is, and start right there ... To help a person, I must, of course, understand more than he does, but above all I must understand what he understands. (Soren Kierkegaard) 2. We must ensure that the global market is embedded in broadly shared values and practices that reflect global social needs, and that all the world's people share the benefits of globalization. (Kofi Annan) 3. As the world grows smaller, you might think it would be easier for human beings to recognize how similar we are; to understand that we're all basically seeking the same things; that we all hope for the chance to live out our lives with some measure of happiness and fulfillment for ourselves and our families. (Barack Obama) 4. We read advertisements ... to discover and enlarge our desires. We are always ready - even eager - to discover, from the announcement of a new product, what we have all along wanted without really knowing it. (Daniel J. Boorstin) 5. We are looking to brands for poetry and for spirituality, because we're not getting those things from our communities or from each other. (Naomi Klein) 1.6 Glossary of Media Terms ad man = agent de publicitate advertisement = anun publicitar advertising compaign = campanie publicitar advertising media = suporturi publicitare advertising lineage = spa iu publicitar atribuit advertising space = spa iu rezervat publicit ii bill board = panou de afiaj broadcast news = tiri radio-transmise circulation of a newspaper = tirajul unui ziar (to) curtail the advertising expenses = a restrnge cheltuielile

deceptive advertising = publicitate neloial editor (U.K.) = redactor ef, director de ziar editor (U.S.A.) = titularul unei rubrici flack (slang U.S.A.) = agent de pres (to) get front page treatment = a beneficia de privilegiile primei pagini high pressure advertising = publicitate exagerat (to) insert an ad = a insera un anun news = tiri news agent/ news dealer (U.S.A.) = distribuitor de ziare news items = fapte diverse newsmen = jurnaliti news of the day = actualit ile zilei newspaper kiosk/ news-stand (U.S.A.) = chioc de ziare newspaper clippings (U.S.A.) = tieturi din pres newsprint = hrtie de ziar opinion poll = sondaj de opinie out of print = edi ie epuizat piece of news = tire pollster = specialist n sondaje poster = afi press agent = agent de publicitate (de ex, ntr-un teatru) pentru un artist press agency = agen ie de tiri press release = comunicat de pres publisher = editor publishing house = editur readership of a newspaper = cititorii unui ziar (to) subscribe to a newspaper = a se abona la un ziar television news = tiri televizate


2.1 Warming-up: Answer the questions. Give pros and cons. Build a debate with the class. 1. Do you think children and teenagers should get pocket money from their parents? Should they work hard to earn money? 2. When should people cease to be financially dependent on their parents? 3. What is your attitude to money?

4. Young people find credit tempting for a variety of reasons. Why? 5. What are spendaholics? 6. What, do you think, are the most common ways of saving and investing money? 7. What are the risks and the rewards of different types of investment? 8. What do you know about the Stock Exchange? 9. What ways are in Romania for people to get rich? 10. Is there a moral difference between getting rich by chance, inheritance or personal effort? 2.2 Specific Vocabulary A. Match the words with the definitions: 1 loan sharks a) a promise to pay a debt, 2 standing order especially a signed paper 3 statement stating the specific amount 4 I.O.U. owed; 5 hire purchase b) purchase of a commodity on 6 currency an installment plan; 7 mortgage c) legally valid currency that 8 installments may be offered in payment of a 9 bounce debt and that a creditor must 10 legal tender accept; d) a person who lends money in exchange for its repayment at an interest rate that exceeds the percentage approved by law; e) credit-sales technique that divides the amount due into individual segments billed over time; f) instruction to a bank to pay a set amount at regular intervals from one account to another; g) return of a check by a bank because it is not payable, usually due to insufficient funds; h) a monthly report sent to a debtor or bank depositor; i) a temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of

an obligation or repayment of a debt; j) money in any form when in actual use as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money. B. Match the two halves of the sentence: 1. To a billionaire a) when I write out a 2. John held the note up to light cheque. 3. I always fill in the counterfoil b) 200 is 4. I got my car on hire purchase chickenfeed. 5. Currency can be changed c) at any bank or 6. Scottish banknotes are legal large hotel. tender d) in England, too. 7. If you are paid by the hour e) you get a salary. 8. If you are paid on an annual f) you get a fee. basis, g) to make sure it 9. If you are paid for a wasnt counterfeit. particular service, h) you will find 10. If your expenditure exceeds yourself in debt. your income, i) paying monthly installments. j) you get wages. C. Match the synonyms: 1 affluent 2 earnings 3 broke 4 wealth 5 revenue 6 poverty 7 stock 8 cash 9 stock exchange 10 quid

a) bankrupt b) riches c) income d) paucity; lack; privation e) currency f) prosperous g) stock market h) a pound sterling i) shares j) gains (from investments)

D. Match the definitions with the appropriate words and phrases: 1 the maximum amount of credit a) bonus extended to a customer; b) account 2 an unpaid, overdue debt or an c) overdraft unfulfilled obligation; d) arrears 3 a payment made or an entitlement e) benefit

available in accordance with a wage agreement, an insurance policy, or a public assistance program; 4 money deposited for checking, savings, or brokerage use; 5 a sum of money or an equivalent given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation; 6 an arrangement for deferred payment of a loan or purchase; 7 a charge for professional services; 8 one that acts as an agent in the buying and selling of stocks or other securities; 9 the total sum of money allocated for a particular purpose or period of time; 10 a fee or percentage allowed to a sales representative or an agent for services rendered. E. Fill in the gaps with the given words:

f) commission g) budget h) stockbroker i) fee j) credit


1. People use to buy things. 2. Children receive from their parents. 3. stand for money paid by a divorced father to his former wife to upkeep his children. 4. Gold is a good as it is bound to increase in value. 5. For day to day living you need . 6. You also need a bit for rainy days. 7. The is the extra percentage paid on a loan. 8. The major creditor of the company could not pay the bills and it had such high debts that it was forced to go into . 9. A person can change money according to a certain . 10. can be a very helpful way of handling unexpected expenses. F. Match the antonyms: 1 boom 2 the private sector 3 skilled labour 4 take on new staff 5 net

a) gross b) recession c) the public sector d) unskilled labour e) make staff redundant

6 in the red 7 wholesale 8 supply 9 revenue 10 profit

f) loss g) expenditure h) in the black i) demand j) retail

G. Give the names for the defined money items 1 the amount paid or payable, a p_ _ _ _ _ _ often in installments, for an insurance policy; 2 a share of profits received by a a d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ stockholder or by a policyholder in a mutual insurance society; 3 something, such as money, an a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose; 4 a sum of money lent at interest; a l_ _ _ 5 a tax charged by a government, d_ _ _ especially on imports; 6 paid at a restaurant after a b_ _ _ eating; 7 a transportation charge, as for a f_ _ _ buses, trains, etc. 8 a sum of money required to be a f_ _ _ paid as a penalty for an offense; 9 a giving of funds for a specific a g_ _ _ _ purpose; 10 a share paid to a writer or r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ composer out of the proceeds resulting from the sale or performance of his or her work. 2.3 Grammar A. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 1. Our profits this month are higher than they have ever been. Never ... 2. You can stay in that house for free if you pay the bills. So long as 3. I would prefer you pay in cash. Id rather . 4. Jennifers advice to me was to sell the shares immediately.

Jennifer suggested . 5. He will have to spend at least 600 to buy that sort of video camera. He wont . 6. My friend pays 80 a day for bed and breakfast. Bed and breakfast .. 7. I did not remove the money from the safe, said Mary. Mary denied ... 8. It was more of a business arrangement than a marriage. It was not 9. No one could explain why the money had disappeared. No one could account .. 10. I am sure the exchange rate will not change. In my opinion . B. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way. 1. When estimating the cost of a vacation, it is important to remember all the extra things that add to the cost. account ....... 2. No special payments have been received by my client. receipt ... 3. There is not much my boss does not know about banking. gaps ... 4. What would happen if she refused to pay the fine? supposing ... 5. Poverty is only part of the problem. whole ... 6. He insisted that the shop gave him his money back. refund ... 7. 900 is too much to pay for that camera. worth ... 8. Be careful not to waste money. economical .................. 9. If we tried to force her to repay the debt, we would be wasting our time.

point ... 10. The manager suggested not appointing any new staff. freeze ... 3.4 Translation A. Translate into Romanian: 1 a) Money is the root of all evils. b) Neither a borrower nor a lender be for loan oft loses itself and friend. c) Dont send good money after bad. d) Short reckonings make long friends. e) Money begets money. f) In for a penny, in for a pound. g) Measure for measure. h) Much coin, much care. i) Waste not, want not. j) Dont be penny wise and pound foolish. 2 a) Many of the worlds biggest banks have recently launched interesting pilot projects. b) The most obvious way for large banks to get into microfinance is through handling remittances. c) When representatives of the worlds largest banks were asked what single event would most encourage their institutions to become more involved with microfinance, they all came up with the same answer: the presence of credit-rating agencies. d) Banks tend to see the agencies as a form of competition, providing information that outside investors use to purchase debt, to the detriment of the banks own lending business. e) Central and eastern Europe might be known for cheap beer and holidays. However, the prices being paid for the regions banks suggest that not everything there is a bargain. f) Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR) has the biggest share of loans and deposits in the local market, putting it in a prime position to capitalize on demand for products, such as mortgages and credit cards, that few Romanians could previously afford. B. Translate into English: 1 a) Pentru a cunoate valoarea banului, un om trebuie s i mprumute. b) A lua pu in cu mprumut i a da mult cu mprumut pot prevesti un dezastru. c) Srcia i dragostea nu fac cas bun. d) Este mai bine s provoci invidie dect mil. e) Exist i lucruri mai rele dect pierderea de bani. f) Unirea face puterea. g) Fericit e cel care se mul umete cu pu in.

h) F- i datoria, fie ce-o fi! i) Ctigul uor se duce repede. j) Cumptul ine sntatea omului i hrnicia ine averea. 2 a) Companiile cred c i vor ncasa mai greu facturile n perioada urmtoare, n condi iile n care o treime dintre acestea au avut deja probleme cu lichidit ile. b) Agen ia Na ional de Administrare Fiscal (ANAF) avea de returnat la sfritul lunii trecute agen ilor economici TVA n valoare de 4,000 miliarde de lei. c) Pre urile alimentelor din Romnia sunt aproape de media european. d) Un romn ctig n medie cam 20% din salariul mediu european. e) Produsul Intern Brut al Romniei a fost n trimestrul al doilea din 2010, de 114,7 miliarde de lei. f) Studiile Fondului Monetar Interna ional arat c pia a muncii este ntr-o situa ie nfricotoare. g) Institu ia financiar ndeamn guvernele s ia msuri pentru crearea de locuri de munc i pentru extinderea ajutoarelor de omaj. h) Noua legisla ie privind contractele de credit a provocat un conflict deschis ntre bnci i clien ii acestora. i) n pofida beneficiilor ob inute de persoanele cu credite, se pare c sistemul bancar va iei n cele din urm nvingtor, deoarece nu a redus costurile mprumuturilor. 2.5 Writing Write an essay of about 250-300 words. Choose one of the following quotations and comment upon it: 1. I cannot afford to waste my time making money. (Louis Agassiz) 2. I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money. (Pablo Picasso) 3. Waste your money and you're only out of money, but waste your time and you've lost a part of your life. (Michael Leboeuf) 4. There are people who have money and people who are rich. (Coco Chanel) 5. Women prefer men who have something tender about them - especially the legal kind. (Kay Ingram) 6. Money often costs too much. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) 7. If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning. (Aristotle Onassis) 8. Money may be the husk of many things but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintance, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace or happiness. (Henrik Ibsen) 9. Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust. (Oliver Wendell Holmes) 10. If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability. (Henry Ford) 11. Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that. (Norman Vincent Peale) 12. A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money. (W.C. Fields)

13. He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has. (Henry Ward Beecher) 14. Ordinary riches can be stolen; real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you. (Oscar Wilde) 2.6 Glossary of Financial Terms accommodation allowance = indemniza ie pentru cazare accruals = sume de bani ce se acumuleaz periodic (de exemplu, dobnda) accrued interests = dobnd acumulat (to) allow interests on deposits = a aloca dobnzi la depuneri arrears of interest = dobnda scadent i nepltit assets = active auction sale = vnzare pe baz de licita ie back pay = salariu restant bank crash = crah bancar banking regulations = reglementri bancare bankruptcy = faliment (to) barter = a face troc basic salary = salariu de baz (to) bid for = a licita pentru black marketers = trafican i pe pia a neagr bouncer cheque = cec fr acoperire (to) chase after stocks = a alerga dup ac iuni (to) coin money = a bate moned (to) collect rates and taxes = a percepe taxe i impozite consumer purchasing power = putere de cumprare a consumatorului counterfeit money = bani fali counterfoil = cotor credit report = raport asupra solvabilit ii customers = clientel deficiency payment = subven ie discount = scontare/ rabat dividend share = ac iune cu dividend dumping = export realizat la pre uri sczute n mod artificial due date = scaden estate agent = agent de vnzri estate/ legacy duties = taxe de succesiune excess-profits duty/ tax = impozit pe supraprofit/ pe ctiguri excep ionale (to) fall due = a fi scadent financial juggle = jonglerie financiar financial straits = probleme financiare flat commission = comision fix

flea market = pia de vechituri (to) freeze salaries = a nghe a salariile fringe benefits = ctiguri suplimentare frozen credits = credite blocate gold reserves = rezerve de aur (to) gorge the market = a satura pia a gross national income = venit na ional brut gross national product = produs na ional brut hire purchase = vnzare/ sistem de plat n rate incentive bonus = prim stimulatoare income tax return = declara ie de impozit (to) indemnify = a despgubi interest to date = dobnda la zi (to) issue a loan by installments = a emite un mprumut n rate itinerant dealer = comerciant ambulant joint account = cont comun (to) keep the books = a ine contabilitatea (to) lend = a da cu mprumut loan = mprumut (to) merchandise = a comercializa money market = pia financiar mortgage bond = obliga iune ipotecar net asset per share = active nete per ac iune overdraft = cont descoperit overhead expenses = cheltuieli generale payee = beneficiar pay increase according to seniority = cretere de salariu n func ie de vechime (to) pay in installments = a plti n rate payroll = stat de plat petty expenses = cheltuieli minore pocket money = bani de buzunar property tax = impozit funciar quick assets = active disponibile (cu grad nalt de lichiditate) quid (slang) = lir sterlin quoted securities = titluri de valoare cotate la burs real estate = bunuri imobiliare redundancy payment = indemniza ie de concediere remittance = expediere de bani reserve for taxation = rezerve pentru impozitare retailer = detail-ist revenue = venit running account = cont curent salesman = agent de vnzri

sample/ specimen signature = specimen de semntur secured loan = mprumut garantat settlement day = ziua de efectuare a pl ii shortfall = deficit skilled labour = mn de lucru calificat sound business= afacere sigur stamp tax = tax de timbru (to) stand as surety for = a fi garant pentru statement of account = extras de cont Stock Exchange/ market = bursa de valori subsidiary = filial supply and demand = ofert i cerere take over bid = ofert public de cumprare (to) take up shares = a subscrie ac iuni taxable income = venit impozabil tax evasion = evaziune fiscal tax exemption = scutire de impozit tax payer = contribuabil Treasury bills = bonuri de tezaur unemployment benefit = ajutor de omaj unofficial market = pia nebursier unsecured debtor = debitor fr garan ie value added tax = tax pe valoarea adugat white collar workers = personal de birou wholesaler = en-gros-ist withdrawal of bank deposits = retragerea depozitelor bancare working capital = fond de rulment/ capital de exploatare (to) write out a cheque = a elibera un cec

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