Ijesat 2012 02 Si 01 05
Ijesat 2012 02 Si 01 05
Ijesat 2012 02 Si 01 05
ISSN: 22503676
Volume - 2, Special Issue - 1, 21 27
Anil kumar.talasila1, Shanmukha Babu.kotha2, Venkata Varaprasad.padyala 3, Venkateswarlu.S4
PG Scholar, CSE, K L University, A.P, India, [email protected] 2 PG Scholar, CSE, K L University, A.P, India, [email protected] 3 Asst. Professor, CSE, K L University, A.P, India, [email protected] 4 Professor, CSE, K L University, A.P, India, [email protected]
Wireless sensor networks consist of several sensor nodes. These networks have vast application in environment monitoring, failure management and security, etc. Wireless sensor nodes are extremely small in size and have partial processing capability with very low running power. This constraint of low running power makes the sensor network error prone. Data aggregation is possibly effective technique in this case because it lowers the number of packets to be sent to descend by aggregating the similar packets. In this paper we explore different data aggregation algorithms in wireless sensor network on the basis of network topology, and then we emphasize security issues in data aggregation. Finally we analyze a protocol [19] for secure data aggregation in wireless networks.
Index Terms: wireless sensor networks, network topology, Data aggregation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a computer network consisting of spatially scattered independent devices using sensors to considerately monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at different locations. The development of wireless sensor networks was originally motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance. However, wireless sensor networks are now used in many civilian application areas, including environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, home automation, and traffic control. In computer science, wireless sensor networks are an active research area with numerous workshops and conferences arranged each year. Typically WSNs have a large number of sensor nodes with the ability to communicate among them and also to an external sink or base-station [1, 2] .The sensors could be scattered randomly in harsh environments such as a battlefield or deterministically placed at specified locations. Limited power they can harvest or store Harsh environmental conditions Node failures Mobility of nodes Dynamic network topology Communication failures Heterogeneity of nodes Large scale of deployment and Unattended operation
1.1 Characteristics
Unique characteristics of a WSN are: Small-scale sensor nodes
Sensor nodes can be imagined as small computers, extremely basic in terms of their interfaces and their components. They usually consist of a processing unit with limited computational power and limited memory, sensors (including specific conditioning circuitry), a communication device (usually radio transceivers or alternatively optical), and a power source usually in the form of a battery. Other possible inclusions are energy harvesting modules, secondary ASICs, and possibly secondary communication devices (e.g. RS232 or USB). The base stations are one or more distinguished components of the WSN with much more computational, energy and communication resources. They act as a gateway between sensor nodes and the end user.
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Volume - 2, Special Issue - 1, 21 27
centric routing where the sink usually transmits a query message to the sensors, e.g, via flooding and sensors which have data matching the query send response messages back to the sink. The choice of a particular communication protocol depends on specific application at hand. In the rest of this subsection, we describe these protocols and highlight their advantages and limitations. Data Aggregation
Structure based
Structure free
Cluste r
Figure 1: Classification of Data Aggregation Flooding and gossiping Flooding and gossiping [5] are two conventional mechanisms to relay data in sensor networks without the need for any routing algorithms and topology maintenance. In flooding, each sensor receiving a data packet broadcasts it to all of its neighbors and this process continues until the packet arrives at the destination or the maximum number of hops for the packet is reached. On the other hand, gossiping is a slightly enhanced version of flooding where the receiving node sends the packet to a randomly selected neighbor, which picks another random neighbor to forward the packet to and so on. Directed diffusion Directed diffusion (DD) [6] is a popular data aggregation paradigm for wireless sensor networks. It is a data-centric and application aware paradigm, in the sense that all data generated by sensor nodes is named by attribute-value pairs. Such a scheme combines the data coming from different sources enroute to the sink by eliminating redundancy and minimizing the number of transmissions. In this way, it saves the energy consumption and increases the network lifetime of WSNs. In directed diffusion, the base station requests data by broadcasting interests, which describes are quired task to be implemented by the network. The interest is defined using a list of attribute value pairs such as name of objects, interval, duration and geographical area. Each node receiving the interest can cache it for later use. As the interest is broadcasted through the network hop-by-hop, gradients are setup to draw
ANIL KUMAR.TALASILA* et al. [IJESAT] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE & ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY data satisfying the query towards the requesting node. A gradient is a reply link to the neighbor from which the interest was received. It contains the information derived from the received interests fields, such as the data rate, duration and expiration time. Each sensor that receives the interest sets up a gradient toward the sensor nodes from which it received the interest. This process continues until gradients are setup from the sources all the way back to the base station. In this way, several paths can be established, so that one of them is selected by reinforcement. The sink resends the original interest message through the selected path with a smaller interval, hence reinforcing the source node on that path to send data more frequently. Gossip routing Gossip routing [7] is another variation of Directed Diffusion and is mainly intended for contexts in which geographic routing criteria are not applicable. Generally Directed Diffusion floods the query to the entire network when there is no geographic criterion to diffuse tasks. However, in some cases there is only a little amount of data requested from the nodes and thus the use of flooding is unnecessary. An alternative approach is to flood the events if number of events is small and number of queries is large. Rumor routing is between event flooding and query flooding. The idea is to route the queries to the nodes that have observed a particular event rather than flooding the entire network to retrieve information about the occurring events. In order to flood events through the network, the rumor routing algorithm employs long-lived packets, called agents. When a node detects an event, it adds such event to its local table and generates an agent. Agents travel the network in order to propagate information about local events to distant nodes. When a node generates a query for an event, the nodes that know the route, can respond to the query by referring its event table. Hence, the cost of flooding the whole network is avoided. Rumor routing maintains only one path between source and destination as opposed to Directed Diffusion where data can be sent through multiple paths at low rates.
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Volume - 2, Special Issue - 1, 21 27
A flat network can result in excessive communication and computation burdens at the sink node, resulting in a faster depletion of its running power. In order to deal with this issue, hierarchical network topology has been proposed. In involves data fusion at special nodes, which reduces the number of messages transmitted to the sink. This improves the energy efficiency of the network. Cluster, tree and grid networks come under hierarchical topology, which we discuss in the following section.
ANIL KUMAR.TALASILA* et al. [IJESAT] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE & ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY transmitted to the root node as shown in the Figure 2. Treebased data aggregation is suitable for applications which involve in-network data aggregation. An example application is radiation level monitoring in a nuclear plant where the maximum value provides the most useful Information for the safety of the plant. One of the main aspects of tree-based networks is the construction of an energy efficient data aggregation tree. Various tree data aggregation algorithms have been proposed in the literature. An Energy-Aware Data Aggregation Tree (EADAT) algorithm is proposed in [11]. The base station (root) sends a broadcast control message periodically. Upon receiving this message for the first time, each node will start a timer. The expiration time is inversely proportional to them nodes residual energy. The timer is refreshed when a node receives this message during the timer count down. E-Span, [12] is an energy-aware spanning tree algorithm. In E-span, the source node which has the highest residual energy is chosen as the root. Other source nodes choose their corresponding Parent node among their neighbors based on the information of the residual energy and distance to the root. If there are multiple neighbors with equal distance, the node which has most remaining energy is selected as parent. As E-span protocol considers distance as main parameter and remaining energy as second, the network coverage is not high; because in some cases the nodes with low remaining energy are selected as parent. After local aggregation and data transmission, the remaining energy of these nodes is finished quickly. This causes the node failure and network cannot coverage region completely.
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Volume - 2, Special Issue - 1, 21 27
aggregator of that grid. Hence, the sensors within a grid do not communicate with each other. In-network aggregation is similar to grid-based data aggregation with two major differences, namely, each sensor within a grid communicates with its neighboring sensors. Any sensor node within a grid can assume the role of a data aggregator in terms of rounds until the last node dies.
ANIL KUMAR.TALASILA* et al. [IJESAT] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE & ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY data aggregation problem and also discuss some of the main issues involved in implementing security in sensor networks. In the data aggregation of WSN, two security requirements, confidentiality and integrity, should be fulfilled. Specifically, the fundamental security issue is data confidentiality, which protects the sensitive transmitted data from passive attacks, such as eavesdropping. Data confidentiality is especially vital in a hostile environment, where the wireless channel is vulnerable to eavesdropping. Though there are plenty of methods provided by cryptography, the complicated encryption and decryption operations, such as modular multiplications of large numbers in public key based cryptosystems, can use up the sensors power quickly [15]. The other security issue is data integrity, which prevents the compromised source nodes or aggregator nodes from significantly altering the final aggregation value [16]. Sensor nodes are easy to be compromised because they lack expensive tampering-resistant hardware, and even that tampering-resistant hardware might not always be reliable. A compromised node can modify, forge or discard messages. Generally, two methods can be used for secure data aggregation in WSN: hop-by-hop encrypted data aggregation and end-to-end encrypted data aggregation. In the former, data is encrypted by the sensing nodes and decrypted by the aggregator nodes. The aggregator nodes then aggregate the data and encrypt the aggregation result again. At last the sink node gets the final encrypted aggregation result and decrypts it. In the latter, the intermediate aggregator nodes havent decryption keys and can only do aggregations on the encrypted data. Girao et al. [17] have analyzed the two main practical issues involved in implementing data encryption at the sensors, namely, the size of the encrypted message and the execution time for encryption at the sensors. Privacy homeomorphisms (PHs) are encryption functions which allow a set of operations to be performed on encrypted data without the knowledge of decryption functions. In [17], a PH has been used to analyze the feasibility of security implementation in sensors. PHs use a positive integer d >2 for computing the secret key. The size of the encrypted data increases by a factor of d compared to the original data. Hence, in light of minimizing packet overhead, d should be chosen in the range between two and four, as suggested in [17].Execution times for encryption operation at the sensors increase with d. For instance, when d =2, the execution time for encryption of one byte of data is 3481 clock cycles on a MICA2 mote which increases to 4277 clock cycles when d = 4 as reported in [17]. MICA2 motes cannot handle the computation for d > 4. Hence, the trade-off between security and computation complexity should be considered when implementing data encryption schemes on sensors. Other main aspect of security in sensor networks is the establishment of secret keys between the sensor and the base station. Perrig et al. [18] have proposed security protocols for
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Volume - 2, Special Issue - 1, 21 27
sensor networks which address the key establishment problem. In the approach proposed in [18], all nodes trust the base station at the network creation time and each node is given a master key which is shared with the base station. To achieve authentication between a sensor and base station, a message authentication code (MAC) is used. The keys for encrypting the data and computing the MAC are derived from the master key using a pseudo random function. All keys derived using this procedure, are computationally independent. Hence, if an attacker hacks the key, it would not help in determining the master key or any other key. In scenarios where a key is compromised, a new key can be derived without transmitting confidential information. Cam et al. [19] have developed an energy efficient and secure pattern-based data-aggregation protocol (ESPDA) for sensor networks. They have demonstrated the advantages of ESPDA compared to conventional data-aggregation techniques with respect to energy, bandwidth efficiency and security. In ESPDA, the sensor nodes send the pattern codes to the cluster head for data aggregation. The sensor data is transmitted to the sink in an encrypted form without being decrypted anywhere in the transmission path. ESPDA aims at achieving energy efficient data aggregation with secure data communication. Each sensor node executes the pattern generation (PG) algorithm to generate the pattern code. The cluster head uses a pattern comparison algorithm to analyze the patterns.
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Volume - 2, Special Issue - 1, 21 27
Before deployment, each node can establish shared secrets with the base station.
This protocol is designed to ensure that a single compromised node can only mislead the network about its own reading. It should not be able to make false claims about other nodes readings, or produce aggregate values that improperly represent the state of the network. This protocol offers a new tradeoff resistance to single node compromises with in-network data aggregation. Since many sensor network applications will operate in hostile environments, providing a way to increase confidence in the integrity in the sensor readings without giving up the opportunity to aggregate intermediate results in the network is a valuable design option.
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In this paper, we explored data-aggregation algorithms in wireless sensor networks. Here we first present the classification of data aggregation based on network topology. Then we present the study of various data aggregation algorithm based on the network topology. All of them hub on optimizing important performance measures, such as network lifetime, data latency, data accuracy, and energy consumption. Efficient organization, routing, and data-aggregation tree construction are the three main focus areas of data-aggregation algorithms. We have described the main features, the advantages and disadvantages of various data aggregation algorithm. Next we put stress on security issues in data aggregation and in the end we analyzed a secure aggregation protocol. Although, many of the data-aggregation techniques discussed look capable, there is considerable scope for future research. Combining aspects such as security, data latency, and system lifetime in the environment of data aggregation is worth exploring.
We like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility to carry out the paper. We would like to thank Mr.K.Satyanarayana, chancellor of K.L.University, Dr.K.Raja Sekhara Rao, Dean, and K.L.University for stimulating suggestions and encouragement. We have further more to thank Prof.S.Venkateswarlu, Dr.K.Subrahmanyam, who encouraged us to go ahead with this paper. REFERENCES [1] C. Shen, C. Srisathapornphat, and C. Jaikaeo,Sensor information networking architecture and applications, IEEE Personnel Communications,Aug. 2001, pp.52-59.
ANIL KUMAR.TALASILA* et al. [IJESAT] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE & ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY International Conference on Mobile Computing Networking (MobiCom), Rome, Italy, 189-199. and
ISSN: 22503676
Volume - 2, Special Issue - 1, 21 27
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Anilkumar.talasila presently I am doing M tech in department computer science and engineering in K L University.
Shanmukababu.kotha, presently doing M tech in department computer science and engineering in K L University.
Venkata varaprasad.padyala, presently working as a assist professor in department computer science and engineering in K L University.