peri implantitis
peri implantitis
peri implantitis
Jarno Hakkers , Tine E. Vangsted, Arie Jan van Winkelho", Yvonne C. M. de Waal
The aim of this retrospective long-term follow-up of a 3-month RCT was to
assess whether non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment with adjunctive systemic
antibiotics in#uenced the need for additional surgical treatment.
Forty-$ve patients (22 AB− group, 23 AB+ group) were included. The mean
follow-up time between T1 and T2 was 35.9 months (SD = 21.0). 73.9% of the AB+
group and 50.0% of the AB− group did not receive additional surgical therapy
(log-rank test, p = .110). The adjusted Cox regression model did not provide a
signi$cant result for antibiotics (β = .441, 95% CI = 0.159–1.220, p = .115).
Univariable regression analysis highlighted the in#uence of baseline peri-
implant pocket depth on the need for surgical treatment (β = 1.446, 95% CI =
1.035–2.020, p = .031).
Systemic amoxicillin and metronidazole administered during non-surgical peri-
implantitis treatment do not seem to prevent the need for additional surgical
therapy in the long term, during a structured aftercare programme.
Clinical Relevance
Peri-implantitis is a multifactorial pathological condition occurring in the tissues
that surround dental implants, characterized by mucosal in#ammation and
subsequent progressive peri-implant bone loss (Berglundh et al., 2018). Non-
surgical and surgical treatment interventions aim at reducing this in#ammatory
process, decreasing the probing pocket depth (PD) and halting peri-implant bone
reduction. It has been demonstrated that clinical parameters, such as bleeding
scores (BS), tend to improve after non-surgical sub-marginal instrumentation (NSI),
but treatment sites frequently show residual or recurrent signs of in#ammation
(Ramanauskaite et al., 2021). Therefore, additional therapeutic measures that aim
at improving the outcome of non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment are frequently
investigated. One such measure is the administration of adjunctive systemic
When NSI has not succeeded in reinstating peri-implant health (residual probing
depths ≤5 mm, no bleeding on probing ≥1 probing site and no suppuration on
probing), a surgical treatment approach is indicated. While the routine prescription
of antimicrobials is not recommended, speci$c cases exhibiting severe peri-
implantitis (e.g., initially deep pockets ≥7 mm, extensive suppuration) might bene$t
from systemic antibiotics during non-surgical peri-implantitis therapy (Herrera et
al., 2023). This could potentially reduce the need for additional peri-implantitis
surgery. It is desirable to prevent the burden of peri-implantitis surgery and/or the
possible necessity for implant removal if this is clinically feasible. The desired
bene$cial e"ects of a systemic antibiotic therapy should however be weighed
against the potential side e"ects of the drugs (Herrera et al., 2023).
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term e"ects of systemically
administered amoxicillin and metronidazole, administered in addition to non-
surgical sub-marginal instrumentation and focus on the need for additional surgical
therapy during the aftercare programme. It is hypothesized that there is no
signi$cant di"erence in need for additional surgical therapy between patients who
received non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment with or without adjunctive systemic
amoxicillin and metronidazole (null hypothesis).
2.2 Participants
Data were retrospectively collected from patient $les of the The Hague Clinic for
Periodontology, The Netherlands. Patients who had previously received NSI for peri-
implantitis (marginal bone loss ≥2 mm combined with bleeding and/or suppuration
on probing and peri-implant probing depth ≥5 mm) with (AB+) or without (AB−)
systemic antibiotics were included (De Waal et al., 2021). Clinical and radiographic
data had previously been collected prior to NSI (T0) and 3 months after NSI (T1).
After treatment evaluation, patients were invited to participate in an individually-
tailored supportive peri-implant care programme, including oral hygiene coaching
and professional mechanical plaque removal with an interval of 3–4 months. The
need for additional surgical peri-implantitis treatment was assessed during each
visit by an experienced periodontist (TV) based on the following criteria:
peri-implantitis PD > 5 mm;
The clinical e"ect of the additional treatment was monitored afterwards until the
last available follow-up visit (T2). Approval for this study was granted by the review
board of the University Medical Center Groningen (no. 20220007), and its
composition adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki. The formulation of the
manuscript followed the STROBE guidelines.
2.3 Intervention
The non-surgical intervention is described in detail by De Waal et al. (2021). In brief,
patients underwent thorough mechanical cleaning of both implants and teeth in up
to $ve sessions administered by skilled dental hygienists. Implants were cleansed
supra- and submucosally using an air polisher with a sub-gingival tip (EMS Air-#ow®
with erythritol-based powder containing chlorhexidine) and ultrasonic instruments
(PL1 and PL2 instruments, EMS Piezon®), focusing solely on exposed screw threads.
Teeth were cleansed supra- and subgingivally utilizing ultrasonic instruments (EMS
Piezon®) and hand instruments (Hu-friedy). Throughout each session, patients
received personalized oral hygiene instructions, including electric toothbrush
usage, interdental brush application with 1% chlorhexidine gel (Corsodyl®,
GlaxoSmithKline) at implants, and implant-speci$c #ossing with either Oral-B®
super#oss (Proctor & Gamble Company) or Meridol® #oss (Colgate-Palmolive
Company). After NSI, patients were randomly allocated to receive additional
systemic antibiotics (systemic amoxicillin and metronidazole) (500/500 mg, three
times daily for 7 days, AB+) or not (AB−).
2.4 Outcomes
The primary outcome variable was de$ned as ‘the need for additional surgical
therapy after NSI (yes/no)’. Surgical treatment was de$ned as either surgical peri-
implantitis treatment or implant removal.
Secondary outcome variables were changes between T0, T1 and T2 in mean peri-
implant and periodontal full-mouth probing pocket depths (PDs), BS, suppuration
scores (SS) and plaque scores (PS). Furthermore, the clinical treatment success
(yes/no) on T2 was evaluated on patient and implant level and was de$ned as a
composite treatment outcome based on the end points of the non-surgical step of
peri-implantitis treatment as stated by Herrera et al. (2023):
residual probing depths ≤5 mm;
no suppuration on probing.
The clinical parameters were scored at six sites per tooth or implant by one
experienced periodontist (TV). The presence of plaque was visually analysed using a
dental probe and scored as either present or absent. The PD was assessed in mm
using a Hu-Friedy® PCPUNC156 periodontal probe. Subsequent bleeding and/or
suppuration was scored as either present or absent.
Figure 1 displays the #ow chart outlining the study's follow-up. Among the initial 57
patients, 12 individuals did not partake in the aftercare programme at The Hague
Clinic for Periodontology. Consequently, there are no available data from these
patients, resulting in a $nal dataset of 45 patients. Patient characteristics are
detailed in Table 1. The $ndings with regard to the attrition bias analysis are
presented in Table 2. No signi$cant di"erences were observed between the
patients who participated in the aftercare programme and the patients who were
lost to follow-up.
Yes 5 4
No 17 19
Gender; F (female)/M 29/16 4/8 .097
Age (years; mean [SD]) 57.20 (11.29) 54.58 (10.55) .880
PD (mean; mm [SD]) 5.73 (1.38) 5.71 (1.18) b
BS (mean; % [SD]) 89.28 (16.68) 94.56 (10.13) .060
SS (mean; % [SD]) 10.41 (13.67) 14.85 (14.58) .904
PS (mean; % [SD]) 44.36 (28.67) 34.22 (31.30) .667
Abbreviations: BS, bleeding scores; PD, pocket depth; PS, plaque scores; SS, suppuration scores.
Chi-square test.
Independent samples t-test.
The average follow-up duration between T1 and T2 for the study population was
35.9 months (standard deviation [SD] = 21.0; range = 6.0–80.0). Figure 2 depicts the
Kaplan–Meier analysis, evaluating the necessity for additional peri-implantitis
surgery for both the AB+ and AB− groups. Overall, 62.2% of the study participants
did not receive additional surgical therapy, comprising 50.0% of AB− group patients
and 73.9% of AB+ group patients. Observation of the Kaplan–Meier curves indicates
a di"erence in the number of indicated surgeries during the initial 36 months. In the
AB+ group, there is an increase in the number of surgeries happening after this
timeframe, suggesting a potential period of approximately 3 years during which
antibiotics, within a robust postoperative care protocol, seem to exhibit an e"ect in
this patient cohort. However, the overall outcome did not reach statistical
signi$cance (log-rank test, p = .110). Table 3 shows the output of the Cox regression
models. The covariates did not seem to be time-dependent (proportional hazards
assumption based on raw analysis of the survival curves and by introducing a
dichotomous time indicator; p > .05 in all models). Adjusting the crude analysis did
not signi$cantly alter the hazard ratio for future surgery with regard to adjunctive
antibiotic treatment during NSI (β = .441, 95% CI = 0.159–1.220, p = .115). Univariable
analyses highlighted a signi$cant result with regard to the baseline peri-implant PD.
However, this did not substantially alter the result for antibiotics after incorporation
into the multiple regression model (β = .464, 95% CI = 0.169–1.269, p = .135).
Mean full-mouth plaque scores at T0 (%).
Mean peri-implant radiographic bone loss at T0 (mm).
Mean peri-implant pocket depth at T0 (mm).
Peri-implant suppuration at T0 (y/n).
Treatment success at T1 (y/n).
f Frequency of peri-implant supportive care after T1 (months).
T0 T1 T2 T0 T1 T2
Peri-implantitis parameters
PD (mean; mm 5.9 (1.5) 4.5 (1.4) 3.3 (1.4) 5.6 (1.3) 3.9 (1.3) 3.3 (0.7)
SS (median; % 4.2 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 6.7 0.0 (5.6) 0.0 (0.0)
[IQR]) (16.7) (16.7)
Periodontal parameters
PD (mean; mm 3.1 (0.5) 2.4 (0.4) 2.5 (0.4) 3.1 (0.6) 2.3 (0.4) 2.4 (0.3)
SS (median; % 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0)
AB− group AB+ group AB− group (n = 22) AB+ group (n = 23)
(n = 22) (n = 23)
T0 ➔
➔ T0 ➔
➔ T1 ➔
➔ T0 ➔
➔ T0 ➔
➔ T1 ➔
T1 T2 T2 T1 T2 T2
Peri-implantitis parameters
PD <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 .013 <.001 <.001 0.153
BS <.001 <.001 .007 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 .144
SS <.001 <.001 .005 .040 .715 .015 .003 .125
PS <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 .033 <.001 <.001 .550
Periodontal parameters
PD <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 1.000 <.001 <.001 .279
BS <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 1.000 <.001 <.001 .928
SS .068 .174 NA NA NA NA NA NA
PS <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 .715 <.001 <.001 .709
Abbreviations: BS, bleeding scores; NA, not applicable; PD, pocket depth; PS, plaque scores; SS,
suppuration scores.
Repeated measures ANOVA, post hoc Bonferroni corrections.
Friedman test, post hoc Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.
The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the di"erence in need for
additional peri-implantitis surgery after NSI with or without adjunctive amoxicillin
and metronidazole. The data show that there is no signi$cant di"erence in need for
additional surgical peri-implantitis treatment between the AB+ and AB− group, and
therefore, the null hypothesis should be accepted. It is worth noting that this
$nding might be in#uenced by the broad range in follow-up time. In this sense,
despite retaining the null hypothesis, it is important to underline the trend that the
systemic antimicrobial therapy with amoxicillin and metronidazole reduced the
indication for peri-implantitis surgery for 36 months after NSI in this study. There is
a 23.9% di"erence in indicated surgeries in favour of the antibiotics group
throughout the entire follow-up period. Furthermore, the adjusted Cox regression
model also did not provide a signi$cant result regarding the in#uence of systemic
amoxicillin and metronidazole to the need for additional surgical peri-implantitis
during the follow-up. In addition, irrespective of the systemic antibiotics, univariable
regression showed that baseline peri-implant PD signi$cantly increased the hazard
of having to undergo surgery during the follow-up after NSI in this cohort (β = 1.422,
95% CI 1.027–1.969, p = .034). This could be attributed to the fact that non-surgical
treatment alone typically leads to a reduction in PD of approximately 0.5–1.0 mm
(Renvert et al., 2019), indicating that initially deep pockets are unlikely to decrease
to a level where surgical intervention is deemed to be unnecessary.
The majority of the surgeries in the AB− group were performed early during the
follow-up phase compared with the AB+ group, indicating that several cases were
deemed to be treated non-successfully on, or shortly after, 3 months. This is
supported by Renvert et al. (2019), who concluded that conventional non-surgical
mechanical debridement as a monotherapy (i.e., not supplemented with additional
decontamination protocols) generally does not su%ce. However, both groups in the
present study showed a reduction in clinical parameters during the follow-up
period and the clinical parameters seemed to reduce to a similar level for both the
AB− and the AB+ group. This $nding emphasizes the need to prospectively explore
the extent to which a thorough post-treatment protocol can e"ectively manage
peri-implantitis over the long term. Similar observations were made by Hentenaar
et al. (2021) who analysed the non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment using either
an air polishing device or piezoelectric ultrasonic scaling. Although the e"ects of
both therapies were limited after 3 months, a gradual improvement of peri-implant
parameters was observed in successfully treated patients after 12 months when
supportive treatment and oral self-care reinforcement was performed after 6 and 9
In the initially performed randomized controlled trial, De Waal et al. (2021) did not
observe signi$cant bene$ts in the group that received systemic antibiotics with
regard to the clinical and microbiological outcomes. Despite this, both groups
displayed notable clinical improvements 3 months after non-surgical treatment. The
observed e"ect seems to persist in the remaining cohort. This observation is
corroborated by analogous clinical studies, which failed to demonstrate a
noteworthy advantage of systemic antibiotics as an adjunct to non-surgical peri-
implantitis treatment (Almohareb et al., 2020; Polymeri et al., 2022; Shibli et
al., 2019). In contrast, Blanco et al. (2022) evaluated the bene$cial e"ects of
metronidazole as an adjunct to non-surgical mechanical debridement and observed
signi$cant additional improvements in radiographic, clinical and microbiological
parameters after 12 months of follow-up. Still, in that study, only 56.3% of the test
group met the success criteria as opposed to 25% in the control group. The
justi$cation for routinely prescribing systemic antibiotics as a complement to non-
surgical peri-implantitis treatment could therefore be questioned, in light of the
general principles of antibiotic stewardship and the public health goal to curtail the
unnecessary utilization of antibiotics in dentistry (Herrera et al., 2023).
Several limitations to the study must be addressed. For one, the results should be
interpreted with caution given that the data presented were retrieved
retrospectively. This means that there was no uniform policy regarding the data
storage in the patient $les. As the aftercare programme was individually tailored,
no clear duration of the follow-up was determined. This resulted in a wide range of
follow-up frequencies and total span of the follow-up period. Furthermore,
treatment success was based on clinical parameters alone, due to the absence of
radiographic recordings. Therefore, it was not possible to monitor the extent of any
peri-implant bone loss that could have occurred during the follow-up. The number
of patients included in this study could be considered limited. This was caused by
the fact that several patients did not adhere to the aftercare programme and could
therefore not provide reliable data, resulting in a convenience sample of 45
patients. However, when evaluating Table 2, it seems that the group that was lost to
follow-up shows overall similarities with the evaluated patient cohort, indicating
that the in#uence of attrition bias could be considered minimal.
Within the limitations of this study, it seems that the use of amoxicillin and
metronidazole as an adjunct to NSI did not prevent the need for additional surgical
peri-implantitis treatment in this patient cohort on the long term, but might have a
bene$cial e"ect during the $rst 3 years after NSI if supportive peri-implant aftercare
is also provided. Therefore, the e"ect of systemic antibiotics seems to be
temporary in nature, delaying the moment that peri-implantitis surgery is indicated.
Furthermore, deeper baseline PDs seemingly increased the need for surgery after
NSI in this patient cohort.
JH drafted the article, interpreted the data and initiated the project. TEV performed
clinical examinations and surgical procedures, and contributed to the article
revision. AJVW was involved in substantial contribution to article revision. YCMDW
was involved in project initiation, data interpretation, study design and article
The authors did not receive any external funding.
The data that support the $ndings of this study are available from the corresponding
author upon reasonable request.
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