Please note: Phrazor is under constant development, supported by a growing community: Dont hesitate to join and actively participate in the development process. Many thanks to all supporters and beta testers! The Laboratory shows planned features and those which are under current development: Bug reports, feature request and suggestions are always welcome. Please post in the forum or mail directly to me: or The file Release.txt (in Startmenu > Phrazor > Documents) contains a detailed version history of all releases. Holger Zwar // Sonicbytes
1. Quick Start
1.1. Installation
Unzip the downloaded file and execute Phrazor Setup.exe. While the installation you'll be asked to select directories and optional components: 1.1.1. Directory for the Standalone version You can select any directory on your hard disc.
1.1.2. Additional components You should not deactivate them if you install Phrazor the first time. The tutorials are based on the bundled GTG and Kjaerhus VST Plugins. They are installed into a subdirectory of the standalone version and thus will not have an effect on your existing setup.
You should select your main VST directory here. The VST version depends on the standalone version. Do not uninstall or manually delete the standalone version if you plan to use only the VST version! 1.1.4. Installing Phrazor on Muse Receptor 1. Install Phrazor on your PC 2. Copy the Phrazor directory to Receptor into the folder C:\Programs 3. Delete the content of the Receptor folder C:\Programs\Phrazor\Config 4. Copy the file Phrazor.dll to Receptor into the folder C:\VST 5. Create a new textfile in C:\VST\ Phrazor.ini which contains this: C:\Programs\Phrazor
At first you should control the audio and MIDI options. For that click on Options > Audio and select the preferred ASIO driver. This is explained detailed in Chapter Options.
Tutorial Preparation
1.2.2. Plugin Phrazor comes with two VST versions: Phrazor and Phrazor FX. The former is reported as an instrument, the FX version as an effect. Some host applications (e.g. Cubase) need this differentiation. The Phrazor VST plugin works like any other VST plugin. Refer to the documentation of your host for instructions.
1.2.3. Quick Help The About panel provides a set of pictures which describe the basic elements of the editor very well. At first you should take some time and study them.
1.2.4. Tutorials A mouse click on the welcome screen directly goes to Project > Notes. By default the Songlist 'Tutorials' is loaded. Going thru the these tutorials will make you familiar with the most important features in a few hours.
A click on the play buttons opens the corresponding projects. The button Tutorials let you load the tutorial songlist at any time. The Browse button opens the songlist browser menu.
Note: The buttons Apply and Cancel are disabled if no changes have been made.
Double click on the preferred plugin or drag it to a Slot on the left or drag it to a Track at the bottom
Drag to Slot load/replace Slot Doubleclick or Drag to Track load to next free Slot
Note: Phrazor stores the VST pluginlist between sessions. This prevents annoying rescanning. After new plugins have been installed you have to click Rescan to update the pluginlist.
2. Basics
Before you start working you should have a some knowledge about the structure, the signal flow and the terminology of Phrazor. At first the terminology is described:
2.1. Terminology
2.1.1. Songlist A songlist is simply a list of up to 128 projects. The list of tutorial projects is a songlist as well. The projects in a songlist can opened via MIDI or a mouseclick. Another usage is to setup your personal workspaces. 2.1.2. Project A Project reflects the complete state of Phrazor. All data is included. The Project is automatically saved when you save in your host. 2.1.3. Track A Track contains the 8 Slots, including all Mixer settings, the Programs and Scenes. Furthermore all Sequencer data (Playlist and Clips) is part of a Track. 2.1.4. Slot The Slots can be seen as Plugins combined with up to 128 Programs and additional settings. Internally the name of the Plugin dll is stored, so it doesn't matter if you move Plugin dll's into another folder. 2.1.5. Program Programs are very similar to VST presets. A Program holds the complete state of a Plugin - it doesn't matter how many Presets the Plugin provides. All Programs are treated equally for all Plugins. Once you have set up your Programs you don't have to deal with VST preset files (FXP/FXP's) or Plugin specific preset-managers anymore. 2.1.6. Clip The Clips are very similar to MIDI files. A Clip is a sequence of timed events and additional settings. The length of a Clip is unlimited. In Phrazor, Clips can be played in several ways: statically controlled by the Playlist or dynamically triggered by a range of keys or recallable Play Locks. 2.1.7. Groove Each Track has certain settings which affect the groove. These settings can be stored in so called Grooves. Beside the fact that you can easily reuse these Grooves, it's possible to recall them using Remote States.
2.1.8. Track State Phrazor has been designed for live use as well. Therefore several recall mechanisms are provided. One of them are Track States. A Track State reflects the state of one Track. It contains the state of the Mixer, the index of the currently selected Program and Clip and the Groove. A Track State can be recalled by a assignable MIDI note. Each Track has its own set of 128 Track States. 2.1.9. Global States Each Project can have up to 128 Global States. A Global States reflects the state of all Tracks. The information stored for each Track is equivalent to a Track State. This allows you to recall the complete Phrazor state with one mouse click or MIDI note. 2.1.10. Drummaps are mainly used for drum programming. A drummap is a list of notes with certain routing and control parameters. Each track has its own drummap. The drummap is found in SETUP > Drummap. 2.1.11. Clipmaps combine all clip remote parameters. The main usage is to simplify the live-setup. All what you can edit in REMOTE > Clip Control is stored in a clipmap.
Tutorial Terminology
2.2. Structure
The audio engine can be understood as a 2-dimensional matrix. There are 64 Tracks which you can see at the bottom. Each Track contains up to 8 Slots capable of hosting plugins. The 8 Slots of a Track are called Rack. Any time you select a Track by clicking on its label, the Rack gets updated. Plugins can be VST instruments and effects and dedicated Phrazor plugins.
8 Slots
64 Tracks
Empty, bypassed or pure MIDI Tracks and Slots are simply ignored in audio-processing. The detailed signal flow and routing capabilities of Racks are described later in this manual.
2.3.2. MIDI The signal flow of MIDI data is very similar to audio. The difference is that each Track has a MIDI Sequencer, which can act as a signal source. MIDI instrument and effect plugins are supported as well. Track1: MIDI-In > Sequencer > Slot1 > Slot2 > Slot3 > ... > Slot8 > MIDI-Out Track1: MIDI-In > Sequencer > Slot1 > Slot2 > Slot3 > ... > Slot8 > MIDI-Out
By default each Audio Plugin gets all MIDI input. Channels and/or keyzones can be defined to adjust the routing and define keyboard splits.
3.2. Rack
The Rack contains a title bar and the 8 Slots:
3.2.1. Track Title bar The functions of the Track Menu affect the complete Track: Quick Open Rename Info Open Save Save As Reset Unload Slots Bypass Chain The top items let you quickly find and open a Track. Shows a dialog where you can name the Track. Let you edit additional information, which is displayed in the Manager Shows the Track Open dialog. Another way to open a Track is the Browser. Saves the Track Shows the Track Save As dialog. Resets the Track completely. Unloads all Slots but keeps the settings. Switches Track bypass on and off Chains the Track with the subsequent Track
Tips A click on the Track name cycles through the Browser panels: Track, Slot and Plugin. The Track Selector let you easily select the previous/next Track, which is quite useful when youre working in fullscreen-mode. A right click on the Track Selector let you directly jump to a selectable Track. Tutorial The Rack
3.2.2. Slots Slots are selected by clicking on the label. The Slot label shows the name of the Slot and the name of the currently selected Program. The editor button shows/hides the plugin editor. If the plugin does not provide an editor, the internal editor is opened - the Main Menu button Plugin is automatically selected. There you can adjust the parameters. The Slot Menu has effect on a Slot. You can: Quick Open Rename Info Open Load VST Save Save As Reset The top items let you quickly find and open a Slot. Shows a dialog where you can name the Slot. Let you edit additional information, which is displayed in the Manager Shows the Slot Open dialog. Another way to load a Slot is the Browser. Shows the Load VST dialog. You can use it to load a Plugin which is not located in any of the assigned VST folders. Saves the selected Slot. Shows the Slot Save As dialog. Resets the Slot completely.
Tips A double click on a Slot opens Browser > Programs if a Plugin is loaded, otherwise it goes to Browser > Plugins. A right click on the Slot opens the Slot menu. A right click on the editor button opens the internal editor for Plugins. A right click on the menu button turns a Slots on and off (bypass). Slots can be dragged to other locations both Slots get swapped.
3.2.3. Instruments and Effects Each Rack can contain instruments and effects in any order. Later well learn how to setup the routing within a Rack. Instruments are displayed in yellow, effects in green:
3.3. Programs
Each Plugin Slot contains up to 128 Programs. Programs can be created automatically from VST presets. Single Programs can be saved and loaded for building up 'banks'.
The context menus for all and single Programs Storing a Program by clicking on the arrow. Recalling a Program by clicking on its name. Locking Programs with a right click on the arrow
Locking Programs
Overwriting a preset by mistake is something we don't like. Therefore Phrazor provides an easy way to lock certain (or all) programs:
Right click on the store-button (arrow) to lock it Another right click removes the lock
If a program is locked, the a rectangle appears. Of course a program cannot be stored if it's locked. Thus the left click on the arrow does not work. You'll find the locking feature in states as well.
3.3.1. Program handling A powerful program handling mechanism is essential for a smooth workflow when dealing with many plugins.
Phrazors way Phrazor's extended program handling mechanism handles all Plugins equally and provides features to come around the mentioned limitations!
Unlike other hosts, Phrazor actually manages the presets. A real copy of the preset is stored. This copy is called Program - in order to distinguish to preset. By this approach the following goals are obtained: Phrazor keeps exactly 128 Programs for each Plugin. Program change messages can be treated correctly. All Programs can be recalled without opening the GUI. Single-Preset plugins can be treated as normal ones, multiple Programs can be recalled. All 128 Programs are part of the Slot
What about glitches and annoying FXP/B handling? Of course no host can overcome badly programmed plugins. But very often it is sufficient to change only a few parameters within a song. And normally changing a few parameters doesnt introduce those unwanted clicks. Phrazor provides up to 8 Control Sliders per Program. Later we will see that its possible to recall only these control-parameters instead of all. Program changes perform much smoother.
The term for this way of program handling is Extended Mode. The Extended Mode can be turned off at any time, only the recall-process changes the stored data is not affected. This is necessary for very few plugins which understand a preset in a different way. So if Program recall doesnt work, simply turn the Extended Mode off. Youll find this option when you click on the menu button in the title bar: Prog. Changes Thru If set, the MIDI Program Change message does not select the Program it's send to the Plugin Save all Programs Reset all Programs Get all Presets Extended Mode Saves all used Programs into a new folder Resets all Programs Automatically stores the first 128 presets as Programs. This operation make take some seconds. Toggles between Phrazors Extended Mode and the traditional indexbased program handling mode
Click on the title of the Program list or click Plugin in the Main Menu to activate the internal plugin editor, which shows the VST Preset list by default.
To build up the Program list based on the existing preset, the following steps are recommended: 1. Select the preset of your choice. 2. Click on the arrow in the Program list to store the preset as a Program. 3. Go to step 1 until you have selected and stored your favorite sounds. 4. To get import preset-banks (FXB) click on Import Bank. 5. A right click on a preset shows a menu where you can load presets (FXP). 6. When youre finished, save the Slot for reuse!
Note Youll probably notice that the selection in the preset list is not affected by recalling a Program when Extended Mode in on. This is intended and demonstrates the mentioned behavior:
Extended Mode On - Recall by data Extended Mode Off - Recall by index and therefore updates selection in preset list
Tips You can drag Programs up and down to organize the list. A click on the title bar directly jumps to the internal plugin editor, which shows the preset list by default. A right click on the title bar jumps to the Remote configuration for Programs. The two upper arrow icons select and recall the previous/next Program. Copy a Program by selecting (recalling) the source Program and afterwards storing it to another item. Use the locking feature. Unlock Programs before modifying them, afterwards locks them.
The context menu, which can also be opened with a right click on the Track label let you quickly open previously saved Tracks. The difference between Reset and Unload is that Unload keeps all Track settings. This is useful for creating Track templates which contain everything but not the plugins. Note: Empty Tracks can only be saved if they are named.
Tips A right click on the menu button turns the Track on and off (bypass) Drag the sliders with right mouse button for fine adjustment. Control + mouse click sets the slider to the default (100%=0db, center) position. The Mute/Solo buttons supports an exclusive mode as well. Click them with the right mouse button. A double-click on the Track label directly jumps and cycles to the Pianoroll/Playlist
3.4.2. Track Menu Each Track in the Mixer is like a view on a Rack, therefore the Track Menu which can be opened with a click on the menu-button provides the same functions as the mentioned Track Menu of the Rack: Rename Info Open Save Save As Reset Unload Bypass Chain Shows a dialog where you can name the Track. Let you edit additional information, which is displayed in the Manager. Shows the Track Open dialog. Another way to open a Track is the Browser. Saves the selected Track. Shows the Track Save As dialog. Resets the Track completely. Unloads all Slots but keeps the settings. Deactivates the Track (no processing) Chains the Track with the next active Track. The signal is routed to the Input B Bus of the target Track.
Tip The menu can also be opened with a right click on the Track label. Empty Tracks are not saved unless they have are named. This fact is important in order to create template Tracks which contain nothing but settings.
3.4.3. Sends Phrazors audio engine supports sends. This means that the audio signal of each Track can be routed to one or more other Tracks. These target Tracks get this signal on their input.
To toggle to the Sends view you have to click on the button at the left bottom. Setting up the sends is just one step: Click on one of the three empty buttons at the top and select the desired target Track. You can adjust the send level with the sliders below, which work exactly like the mentioned Track level slider. Each Track has two inputs called A and B. This provides more routing capabilities. The sends signal is routed to the Input A. If the Chain button is On (highlighted), the Track signal is routed to Input B of the subsequent used Track. Used means: the Track contains at least one active (non-bypassed) Slot. You can see Chaining as an easy way to increase the number of Slots per Track. 3.4.4. Pre/Post Fader The switch at the bottom (center) controls if the signal is sent before or after the track level/pan fader.
The switch at the right bottom let you: MUTE : No audio output - only sends THRU : Audio is passed to the master If a track has at least one send and this switch is set to MUTE, the meter on the level strip is displayed less intense. This indicates that this track does not send audio to the output port.
Turns the loop-mode On and Off. The loop points can be set in the Playlist. Turns the Clip mode On and Off. The Clip mode provides powerful live capabilities. Basically it forces Phrazor to play the selected Clips. The green start button starts the sequencer. The white stop button stops the sequencer. Turns recording On and Off. Displays the current song position. Sets the song pointer to 1:1:000 Decrements the song pointer by one bar. Increments the song pointer by one bar. Displays the tempo in BPM (Beats per minute) and let you adjust it by dragging up and down. Turns host synchronization On and Off.
The Clip mode and the recording instructions will be explained later in this manual.
Note If the SYNC button is activated (default), the *marked buttons are disabled. This is intended and shows clearly that the host controls them.
3.5.1. The Clip Mode In addition to the traditional Playlist, Phrazor provides a powerful live-mode which is called Clip mode. If CLIP is active, Phrazor continuously plays the currently selected and Play-Locked Clips of all Tracks. Since Clip selection and Play-Lock state is recallable as well, this features allows you to recall multiple rhythmical contexts by MIDI.
Tutorial Playmodes
3.6. Clips
Phrazors sequencer is pattern/loop based in a very flexible way. This means you can work both linear and pattern-orientated. The patterns in Phrazor are called Clips. The Clips are very similar to MIDI files. A Clip is a sequence of timed events and additional settings. The length of a Clip is unlimited. The resolution of Clips is 960 PPQ (pulses per quarter). This means that the position and length of a quarter note can be adjusted in 960 steps!
The handling of the Clip list is similar to the Program list. The main difference is that the Clip list does not have the store button. Instead we find the audition button.
Tips A double-click on a Clip directly jumps into the Clipedit view (Pianoroll) A click on the title (Track name) switches between Browser Clips and MIDIs A right click on the title directly jumps to the Clip Remote view. You can drag Clips to other locations. The Clips get swapped. Holding Control when you start dragging duplicates the Clip.
Later well learn how the Clip list works in connection with the Clipedit- and Playlist views. Furthermore the live capabilities like transposed, simultaneous and remote Clip playback are explained.
3.6.1. Play Lock Normally the selected Clip is played when CLIP mode is active. Play Locks enhance this feature: Phrazor is able to play multiple Clips at the same time: A right click on the audition-button activates Play Lock the Clip plays continuously until Play Lock is deactivated. Control with right click on the audition-button sets Play Lock exclusively.
Play Locks can be set for multiple Clips! This allows you to setup new sequences consisting of several Clips all in realtime. The complete Play Lock state can be stored and recalled by Track and Global States. This is explained in the next chapter.
Global States represent the state of Phrazor Track States represent the state of a single Track
The Global State can be seen as a collection of the States for all Tracks. The usage of States has no limits. You can simply control the Track Mixer with one mouse click or recall a completely different ensemble. The handling of the States is similar to Programs. The most important functions are:
The buttons Global and Track toggle between the corresponding lists Storing a State by clicking on the arrow. Recalling a State by clicking on its name.
Tips You can drag States up and down to organize the list. A right click on the title bar jumps to the Remote configuration for Global/Track States The two upper arrow icons select and recall the previous/next State Copy a State by selecting (recalling) the source Program and afterwards storing it to another item. A right click on the arrow locks/unlocks the state
In the following chapters well learn how to setup and use the States.
The handling of the Browser is easy: 1. Select the filetype 2. Select the group (optionally) 3. Locate the file and double-click or drag it
There are some differences in handling between the different categories:
cannot be dragged, open them with a double-click.
depend on the currently selected Slot. The display shows only the corresponding Programs. Programs can be dragged to Slots and to an item in the Program list at the left bottom. A double click on a Program loads it.
Track 1 is already used. Track 2 is free. A double-click on a Track in the Browser will load it into Track 2. This prevents inadvertent overwriting and allows you to quickly load series of files:
To overwrite this behavior, hold the control key on double-click in order to replace the currently selected item. Or simply drag to the position:
For MIDI files the shift key has a special meaning. If you hold the shift key, the MIDI-data will be merged into the target Clip instead of replacing it! 4.1.1. Additional Functions In the submenu youll find additional buttons. These depend on the category: Project, Tracks, Slots, Programs, Clips, Grooves Open, Save, Save As, Reset, Refresh, Explorer Plugins Load, Rescan, Explorer
shows the standard open dialog for the selected category. You can use it if you want to open files which are not placed in any of the assigned Browser directory groups.
saves the selected object if it has already been saved before. Otherwise Save As is performed.
Save As
shows the standard save dialog for the selected filetype. If a file has already been saved before, you only have to apply, because the correct directory and filename is set as default. If the object has not been saved before, the currently selected group directory is used as default and you only have to enter a name.
Resets the currently selected object of the category.
Refreshes the display and collapses all open folders.
Opens the Explorer using the directory of the currently selected directory group. Don't forget to Refresh after organizing your files in the Explorer!
Phrazor provides a clever plugin scan technic which saves a lot of time. Instead of scanning for new plugins on each startup, Phrazor scans on demand. That means that after the first pluginscan, the result is stored so that a rescan is not necessary when you restart Phrazor. The Rescan button has to be clicked when new plugins have been installed.
4.1.2. Drag and Drop from other Applications is supported for Phrazor and MIDI files. The mentioned control and shift key behavior applies for drag and drop as well!
4.2. Manager
The Manager is a database driven management system for the important Phrazor filetypes. It is not essential for working with Phrazor. You can skip this chapter on the first read and come back later if you are familiar with the other functions. The Manager let you organize Projects, Tracks, Slots, Programs and Clips. The main goals are: Efficiency. Easily find and open files. Safety. Keywords are stored in files so that the database can be rebuild at any time. Flexibility. The user has its own idea of keywords. You decide how to classify.
4.2.1. First Start The Manager is empty unless you feed it with information. It looks like that:
The five buttons in the menu select the filetype. Actually you think of five separated Managers. The buttons in the submenu select the job: Search and open files by keywords Classify the selected object by assigning keywords to it Setup keywords and columns, rebuild the database
4.2.2. Setup For each filetype the manager provides 4 keyword columns. Each column can have a title and a list of keywords. Title and keywords can be changed at any time. Keywords are not bound to a column! You can delete them or move them around (right-click on keyword). Adding keywords can be done in a loop or simply by separating the words by semicolon. Before you begin to setup the Manager, you should take some time to think about the way you'd like to organize your files. For each filetype you can use up to 4 key-columns. It is not necessary to use the Manager for all types. May be you want to organize only your Clips.
4.2.3. Classify After you have entered some keywords, you can begin to classify existing files. If you switch to Classify you'll probably see this:
The keywords are grayed out - what's wrong? If the selected object has not been saved, it cannot be classified! This is logical because the Manager would have no chance to find an object which doesn't exist.
The process is: 1. Click on Classify 2. Open the file or select the object you want to classify 3. Assign keywords and edit an infotext (optional) 4. Save! If you do not save, the information is not written to the database and to the file itself! 4.2.4. Search The search function is the most important for daily use. It's very simply: 1. Select keyword(s) 2. Look at the result 3. Doubleclick or drag from the result (like in browser)
A click on a result item shows the infotext. Doubleclick on the item or drag it to a target.
Select keyword(s)
4.2.5. Rebuild Because the keywords are stored in the files as well, it's possible to rebuild the database for each filetype from the scratch. This can be useful if you move all your files to another computer or you are going to check-in files from other computers. The Rebuild button is enabled in Setup. The rebuild is performed only for the selected filetype. The rebuild-process is quite complex because each file has to be opened partially. Therefore Phrazor resets itself completely. You are asked whether to save the current Project or not. Rebuilding the database can take some minutes or even longer if you have hundreds or more files!
4.3. Mixer
The Mixer displays the audio-mixing parameters of a Rack (all 8 Slots) in one view:
Mute and Solo Level and Pan Input level A, Input level B, Output switch B Tutorials MIXER (and foll.)
4.3.1. Rack Signal Flow It is very important to understand how Phrazor processes a Rack: All Slots are processed in stereo mono signals are automatically converted. By default the output-signal is simply the sum of all Slots they are working parallel. In order to use effects and/or to create more complex routings, two virtual busses (called A and B) are provided:
The Level and Pan sliders control the audible signal which goes to the Track Mixer.
The A bus signal is a mix of the Sends and the signal which is fed into Phrazor from the host. This means the A bus is a pure input bus - its signal can be routed into each Slot, the input level can be adjusted with the Input A slider. The default value (middle = 100%) of Input A means: The plugin gets the full signal as input. The B bus can be seen as a serial or chain bus. The main use is to connect the Slots in a serial way, especially for effects. The B bus signal can be adjusted at the input side with the Input B slider. The default value (middle = 100%) of Input B means: The plugin gets the full B signal at its input. Each Slot can send a certain amount of its output to the B bus. The switch Output B has to be activated! The level can be adjusted with the Output B slider. The default value (middle = 100%) of Output B means: Send the full output of the B bus. The first Slot has a signal on the B bus if a preceding Track has an active Chain (see Track Mixer).
The Output B signal is not influenced by Level/Pan it is pre-master processed. This is quite useful because you can route a certain dry level to the mixer. Even Mute has no influence to the B bus, because an active Mute or a not Solo state is equivalent to Level = 0%. Furthermore its worth to know that instruments do not block the signal of the B bus. They let it through even if they have not inputs. If you dont want to let the signal go through, simply set the Input B level to 0.
This function make the routing very convenient. It automatically sets the Mute and Output B switches in order to create a serial routing. You can turn auto-connect on and off with the checkbox Auto. The automatic update of the switches is performed every time you modify the Rack regarding the Slots, that is on loading plugins and dragging Slots. To disable auto-connect for certain procedures hold the control-key.
Now simply load the preferred effect plugins into the Rack thats it. Remember: Tracks contain the Rack and can be saved and reused! You can easily build up a set of pure effect racks:
The picture shows a pure serial effect Rack. The input signal of the effect rack is controlled with the Input A slider.
The Input B level has bee set to 0 for JP 7A. Otherwise the Delays output would go through the JP 7A chain. You control it.
4.4. MIDI
The MIDI panel displays the most important MIDI relevant parameters of the Rack on one view:
Channel (default All, means channel defined in Track settings) Direct/Chain switch (first Routing button) Thru/FX switch (second Routing button) Keyrange (low, high and rootkey) Keytrack switch (<-> button, turns off transposing when Off) Tutorials MIDI (and foll.)
The MIDI routing in Phrazor is quite simple. Normally each Plugin receives the MIDI data from the Sequencer and Host. The events are filtered according the MIDI channel (Chn.) and the Keyrange, visualized by the keyboard. If multiple Slots are loaded and the keyranges overlap, all Plugins receive data and will play simultaneously. If you separate the Slots by defining discrete keyranges, the Plugins will only play notes in their range. The rootkey sets the middle C for each range and can thus be used to transpose. More MIDI parameters can be adjusted in the Setup view. 4.4.1. Setting the keyrange and rootkey the graphical keyboard
Click and/or drag in the upper area to adjust the keyrange, the left mouse button sets the lower key the right button the higher Click and/or drag at the bottom area to adjust the rootkey By default the control snaps to octaves, the Snap checkbox controls that Hold Alt to turn the octave snap off Hold Control and drag to move the keyrange left/right Hold Shift to set a one-note keyrange
4.4.2. MIDI Plugins Using MIDI effect and instrument plugins is quite easy. If you load a MIDI capable plugin, the FX switch (->-) gets active automatically. If FX is active, the MIDI-out stream of the plugins is routed to the subsequent Slots. To force a Plugin to get the MIDI out stream from a preceding MIDI Plugin instead of the MIDI input directly from Sequencer/Host, the Direct (|>) switch has to be turned On. The Slot gets MIDI directly from host/sequencer The Slot gets MIDI from a subsequent MIDI plugin MIDI processing if Off MIDI processing if On The following picture illustrates that:
The Slot loaded with the built-in MIDI Plugin Chorder gets all MIDI input on all channels. It processes MIDI because the FX button (->-) is active. The second Slot (Sputnik) gets all MIDI input from Chorder because the chain button |> is on.
4.5. Control
Phrazor allows the assignment of up to 8 plugin parameters to so called Control Sliders. The assignment has to done in the Plugin view. As soon as Control Sliders are assigned, the Control view displays them and let you adjust these parameters in a common way:
The assignment is stored in the Slot. This means that you have to assign only once! Beside the homogenous parameters access without opening the plugin editor the Control Sliders have another advantage: The parameter values are stored in Programs as well. You can setup the Programs in a way that only the Control Slider values are recalled instead of the complete Program. This allows the creation of Program variations, speeds up loading time and avoids glitches. Handling is very easy:
Click and drag the sliders to adjust the value The right button let you fine adjust A mouse click on the parameter name opens a rename dialog
In the next chapter youll learn how to assign the Control Sliders.
4.6. Plugin
The Plugin view displays the plugin editor for the currently selected Slot. If a VST plugin is loaded, the internal VST editor is displayed. If a Phrazor plugin is loaded, the according Phrazor plugin specific editor is displayed. The Phrazor plugins provide individual editors they are explained separately. Here well describe the internal VST editor. The display is separated in two panels: Presets and Parameters. 4.6.1. Presets The preset panel simply displays the preset list which is read from the plugin:
Click on a preset to activate it The triangle button on the left automatically stores the preset to the next free Program A right click on an item opens the preset context menu (load/save fxp, rename) Use the previous/next buttons on top of the scrollbar to quickly browse through the list The Import/Export Bank buttons let you import/export all presets in the standard VST bank format (FXB). The Save Programs function automatically creates Programs for all Presets and saves them into a directory. You will be asked for the name.
It is very important to understand the difference of VST presets and Phrazor Programs, which has been explained in chapter Programs. Normally you will browse through the presets and store the preferred ones as Programs with a click on the triangle button. This way you can build up easy to use banks for your favorite plugins.
if the plugin doesnt provide a graphical editor and you want to adjust parameters or if you want to assign Control Sliders or MIDI Controllers to certain parameters. Table layout
The first column shows the parameter name followed by the value-slider which can be clicked and dragged. The third column shows the value. The two assignment columns Control and MIDI CC let you:
Click on the according row/column to selected the preferred control source. Sliders can control exactly one parameter, since they are visualized in the Control display. The MIDI Controllers can adjust multiple parameters at the same time. A left click in the MIDI CC column enters/leaves the learn mode. Adjust an external MIDI controller to learn its number. The last two columns let you specify a certain parameter range.
Assignment procedure
Phrazor let you assign parameters very easy even if the plugin provides hundreds of parameters: 1. Open the plugin editor (click on the E icon of the Slot) 2. Touch (drag) the desired parameter in the Plugin editor, release the mouse button 3. The parameter is now visible and selected and the assigned can be done Optionally you can adjust the parameter range. Adjust the parameter to the preferred min/max positions and afterwards click on the min/max item in the parameter list. The new min/max value is displayed and activated. You can even set an inverse range, especially useful for Aftertouch (AT).
Parameter randomization
The submenu buttons and the Rnd. checkbox let you add a certain amount of random to the selected parameters. The 3 first buttons help you selecting parameters. The % dragger sets the amount of alteration. The Random button performs the action.
4.6.3. Outputs The output panel is used to setup the routing for multi-out plugins. By default Phrazor routes all outputs to the Track (Local).
The table displays all output-channels, which are reported by the plugin. The channels are resolved and displayed as stereo-ports. This means that Phrazor automatically converts monochannels to stereo-ports. Each port can be assigned to Local or any subsequent Track. Local routes the signal to the Track where the Plugin is loaded. Routing to Local let you use multi-out plugins as if they were single-out plugins. Local is default, which means that you can use multi-out plugins at once. If you set the Output Track to Off, the port is not processed at all. This is reported to the plugin, which can lead to less cpu- consumption. Setting Output Track to any other Track, routes the signal to the Input A of the target Track, without affecting level/pan at all. This should be adjusted in the target Track.
You can route each Slot to other Tracks this is not restricted to multi-out plugins! This allows you to route the signal of any Slot to any subsequent Track.
4.7. Setup
The Setup view is used to adjust the Track dependent parameters. They are separated into these Groups: 4.7.1. Audio/MIDI controls important Audio/MIDI parameters:
Input Port Selects the logical input stereo-port for the selected Track. In the standalone version there are 16 ports available. The port channels can be assigned in Options > Audio. In the plugin version there are up to 16 ports available. The number of used input ports can be adjusted in Options > Audio. Selects the logical output stereo-port for the selected Track. In the standalone version there are 16 ports available. The port channels can be assigned in Options > Audio. In the plugin version there are up to 16 ports available. The number of used output ports can be adjusted in Options > Audio. Controls the fading time for the Track Mixer sliders Level, Pan and Sends.
Output Port
Fade Inertia
Input Port Selects one of the 16 logical MIDI input ports, which can be configured in Options > MIDI. Set this parameter to 'Internal' in order to receive input only from another Track (see Merge with Input from Track). In the VST version the ports are named Host. This means that MIDI input comes from the host application. All incoming MIDI events are pre-filtered regarding this. Set it to 'Selected' to force the Track to receive MIDI events on the channel 1-16 if the track is selected.
Input Channel
Clipmode/Playlist Automatic: Play only non-remote Clips in CLIP mode Standard: Play Clips in CLIP mode Playlist: Play only Clips triggered by Playlist Always: Play selected Clips in any case Play only selected clip Normally all Clips which are triggered regarding the keyrange are played at the same time the currently selected Clip doesnt play a role. If this option is turned on (default), the selected Clip gets a higher priority the velocity for notselected Clips can be adjusted with the Rest parameter in the Remote Clip panel. This way you can emphasize the selected Clip. Normally all Tracks are affected by recalling a Global State. Turn this option on to suppress that for certain Tracks. Prevents overwriting the current remote settings when loading a Clip.
4.7.2. Groove These parameters control the runtime alteration of MIDI events generated by the sequencer.
These parameters are used for controlling the build-in Arpeggiator, which has to activated by setting the Arp mode in Remote > Clips. In Arp mode, pressed chords are analyzed and combined with the Clip. Traditional Arpeggiators don't provide a Clip as a carrier sequence. They only process the pressed keys. In Phrazor any Clip can be used as a basic sequence. Therefore the Quantize parameter has been introduced. Mode Reverse Keys Octaves before Keys Octave Range Semitone Range Velocity Sens Number of Steps Selects the algorithm which controls how chords and Clip are processed. Reverses the pressed keys - changes the algorithm. Normally the Keys are processed before the octave range. This reverses that behavior. Adjusts the octave range. The calculated sequence is played and transposed for each octave. Sets the number of semitones of an octave. Adjusts the effect of note velocity to the sequence. Forces the Arp to fix the length of the sequence to a certain number of steps. If the held keys would produce a shorter sequence, the missing steps are padded. If the sequencer is longer, only the last keys are used. Controls the algorithm used to pad the missing steps (see Number of Steps). Breaks down the Clip in 'steps'. Usually it applies to the used resolution of the Clip. Setting it to lower values creates repetitions. The generated sequence has the same length as the Clip instead of the generation of a progressing sequence.
Note: The algorithm is influenced by the Clip too! The Arpeggiator distinguishes between empty and non-empty steps. Mute certain notes to consider them as non-empty steps!
Quantize First Interval Delay Velocity Length Sets the quantize value of the swing module. Adjusts the first swing-affected step, according the Quantize value. Sets the swing interval in steps, according the Quantize value. Sets the delay amount of swing-affected events. Sets the velocity modulation of swing-affected events. Sets the length modulation of swing-affected notes.
Velocity Delay Length Introduces a random velocity modulation for notes. Sets a random delay for note-events. Adjusts a random length modulation for notes.
Phrazor provides a build in accent mechanism for individual notes. You can mark notes as accentuated in the Clipeditor. Since the Groove can be recalled by Remote States, you can create different variations for one Clip and recall them with a mouse click or a MIDI note. Velocity Length Delay Transpose Sets the velocity alteration for accent notes. Sets the length alteration for accent notes. Sets the delay alteration for accent notes. Allows transposition for accent notes.
4.7.3. Drummap The drummap will be primarily used for drum-programming in the Drum mode of the Clipeditor. It controls which notes are displayed and optionally reroutes certain notes and adjusts velocity and MIDI output channel:
The table is sorted by Key In the input note. Key Out let you specify an the according output key. This is useful for certain drum plugins, which expect the triggers on certain notes. The Show flag let you optionally hide certain notes at all. This leads to a clearly arranged drum editing:
Only the notes with an active Show flag are displayed and can be edited! The Mute flag simply prevents the according notes from being sent. Velocity let you specify a in percent velocity adjustment. The Channel parameter allows setting an optional MIDI output channel for certain notes. A mouse click on the Name let you enter another name, which is also displayed in the Drum editor. 53
The buttons at the bottom allows loading/saving of the complete map. This way you can setup drummaps for certain plugins. The Reset buttons reset the map to an empty state (Reset) or General MIDI Drum state (Reset GM). The Reduce button is very useful. It automatically sets the Show flag according all Clips of the Track. If you have imported some MIDI files and you click on Reduce, only the actually used notes are displays in the Drum editor.
It can be quite convenient to setup drummaps for melodic composing as well!
4.8. Remote
4.8.1. Programs The Program panel contains exactly the same items as the Programs list at the left bottom. They are synchronized as well. In Remote Programs you can individually specify what exactly is recalled when a Program is recalled. The columns Store and Name work as in the fixed Program list. Renaming and dragging Programs is provided as well. The option Slot covers the parameters of the Mixer view: Mute/Solo, Level, Pan, Input A, Input B and Output B. By default this option is turned off. The Parameters flag covers the parameter values. If it is on, all parameter values are recalled*. In off state only the Control Slider values are recalled. This can be quite useful if you want to create variations for one Program. Certain plugins do not handle program changes very well (glitches, delay). Using Control Sliders in addition with a turned off Parameters option can come around this problem very well.
*If the Extended Mode is off, the VST Preset is recalled by index (see Overview - Program Handling). In this case the index of the VST Preset is displayed in the VST Index column.
4.8.2. Clips One of Phrazor's strength is the ability to play Clips live or triggered by the host. The Clips panel is used to setup Clips for live playing. The list look similar to the Cliplist on the right actually the contain the same items and are synchronized. You activate live playing by setting the Mode parameter to Legato or Poly. These modes and the logic are described later.
Mode Sync Hold KT Keyrange Sens Rest Selects the playmode: Off, Poly, Legato and Arp. Activates synchronization with Phrazor's main clock, which can also be synchronized to the host (SYNC button). Forces the sequencer to play the complete Clip even if no more trigger keys are held. Keytrack, transposes according input (turn off for drums). Adjusts the keyrange that activates a Clip. Only notes within this range actually trigger the Clip. Adjusts the velocity sensitivity. The velocity of Clips when they are not selected. This parameter becomes very interesting if multiple Clips share one Keyrange, which actually means they play simultaneously. This option is only available if Selective Clip Playback is activated in the Remote Options.
The Keyrange control works like that: The upper area is for keyrange, the bottom for the rootkey By default the control snaps to octaves Hold Alt to turn the octave snap off Hold Control and drag to move the range Hold Shift to set a one-note keyrange, very useful for drum Clips
Playback stops as soon as all notes are released (exception Hold) Remote Clips behave like voices on synthesizers Multiple Clips can play simultaneously Clips can be played even if the Sequencer is not started If multiple Clips share a Keyrange, the currently selected Clip is played regarding the trigger velocity, the others are played according the Rest value Remote Clips can be used for drumpatterns as well (disable KT here!) You can even change the active Clip at runtime via MIDI notes while playback! For that you have to setup States to control the selected Clip.
4.8.3. Track States A Track State reflects the state of one Track. It contains the state of the Mixer, the indices of the currently selected Program/Clip and all Groove parameters. A Track State can be recalled by an assignable MIDI note. Each Track has its own set of 128 Track States.
The arrow button stores the current state of the Track, no matter which recall flags are set. Used states are visualized by a highlighted background. The Name column displays the editable name. So the basic usage is exactly the same as for Programs:
Storing a State by clicking on the arrow. Recalling a State by clicking on its name. If a state is recalled and pending (because of the change moment), the arrow disappears until the state has become active.
If the Change On is set to Bar or Beat and the sequencer is not running, the recall-action will be applied immediately!
The Store recall settings as default stores the recall settings of the according State internally. The next store action will automatically use these defaults. This makes it easier to setup multiple States with identical recall options.
Hotkey Change on Tracks Slots Program Clip Sets the MIDI note which recalls the state. Let you specify the moment when the state should become active: Bar, Beat or Instant. Controls if the Track Mixer state is recalled. This includes Track Mute/Solo, Level/Pan and all 3 send Levels. Specifies if the Mixer state of all 8 Slots is recalled. This includes Mute/Solo, Level/Pan, Input A/B and the Output B Level of each Slot. Defines if the Slots Programs are recalled as well. The method of recalling the Programs is defined in the Remote Program panel. At the moment of storing a State, the selected Clip and the Play Lock state of all Clips is stored as well. Turning on the Clip flag forces Phrazor to recover this state. Turn this on in order to recall the stored Groove settings as well.
4.8.4. Global States A Global States reflects the state of all Tracks. The information stored for each Track is equivalent to a Track State. This allows you to recall the complete Phrazor state with one mouse click or MIDI note.
Additionally the Global States have a Master and a Indirect option. Activating the Master flag forces Phrazor to recall the Master Levels and the Tempo as well. An activated Indirect option recalls the selected Track States of all Tracks when the Global State was stored. That means you can recall a set of already stored Track States. Therefore all options besides Master are disabled in Indirect mode.
4.9. Clipedit
The Clipeditor allows convenient editing of Clips. Clips are very similar to MIDI files. A Clip is a sequence of timed events and additional settings. The length of a Clip is unlimited. These Clips can be played in several ways: statically controlled by the Playlist or dynamically triggered by a range of keys. The display depends on the selected Track (Track Mixer) and the selected Clip (Cliplist). The editor is separated in: the menu bar at the top the submenu below the zoom and timeline the keyboard and pianoroll in the center the velocity/automation area below and (optional) a toolbar at the bottom.
Menu bar
The menu bar contains the important display and edit options: Pianoroll/Drumgrid Undo/Redo Chn. Switches between both views Unlimited action history. Selects the edit/display MIDI channel. Since Phrazor Clips are actually enhanced MIDI files, they can contain up to 16 MIDI channels. The value is automatically updated either on selecting a Slot with a specific MIDI channel (other than All) or by clicking on ghost notes in the Pianoroll. These ghost notes have a different MIDI channel than Chn. and are displayed as white rectangles. Channel-Lock, if turned on the edit/selection-functions affect only the selected MIDI Channel. Otherwise all channels are affected. Sets the snap, which affects the event position for inserting new notes and moving notes. Adjusts the default length for new notes. Sets the default velocity for new notes.
Edit Mode Map Notes Events None Invert Cut Copy Paste Quantize Length Mute Accent Menu containing additional selection and editing functions. Several options Opens the Drummap selection menu. Phrazor automatically switches to the Drumgrid view after selecting a map. Selects all notes. Selects all controller events. Deselects all events. Inverts the selection. Cuts the selected events on the clipboard. Copy the selected events on the clipboard. Pastes the clipboard events. Quantizes event times regarding the current Snap. (Selection) Quantizes note lengths regarding the current Snap. (Selection) Mutes the selected notes. Accents the selected notes. The action on accented notes is defined by the Groove settings.
The Tools
You can activate Toolbar in the Mode menu. The menu appears at the bottom and provides a set of functions which all apply to the selection: < > Stretch (drag left/right) Cycle (drag left/right) Shrink to half length. Expand to double length. Stretches the events. The length of note events is also affected unless the drumgrid is active of you hold the shift key. Rotates events within bars. This is useful if the first note of the first beat should be moved to the start. Changes the length of note events relatively. Changes the velocity of note events relatively. Exchanges certain properties (time, length, note, velocity) by random. Randomizes times preventing doubles. Randomizes note values according the drummap. Only notmuted note values are possible.
The Keyboard
The keyboard is primarily used as an orientation aid for editing and playing. Furthermore its velocity sensitive audition function let you try out how the Slot sounds with different notes. Depending on the horizontal position the velocity changes, increasing to right. If Recording is active, you can even record by clicking on the Keyboard. If certain notes are not within the keyrange defined by the Slot or are Muted by the Drummap the keys are displayed with less contrast.
Editing Velocities
The lower area displays the velocity values and length of the notes. To change the velocity of a note, click on the bar and drag the mouse up and down. If you want to adjust the velocity of a single chord note, you should first select the note in the pianoroll.
Tip Adjusting the velocity can be done directly on the note in the Pianoroll. Hold Alt key and drag the mouse up and down. The right mouse button allows sweeping over the velocity-bars.
You can also select notes regarding their velocities. Hold the Shift key and drag a selection rectangle:
Controller Editing
A mouse click in the area left of the velocity area opens the controller menu:
You select the typical controllers Pitchwheel, Aftertouch, Prog. Sel. and all 128 common controllers. The Prog. Sel. is directly routed to the Phrazor Programs! Controllers are displayed to visualize their audible meaning correctly:
The controller-event is displayed as a bar. The value remains unchanged until the next controller event occurs. Editing works similar to Pianoroll editing:
Left mouse button inserts a controller event. Right mouse button removes controller events. Selection (Shift key) and duplicating (Control key) are supported as well.
The drumgrid is just another way of displaying/editing the notes. The differences are: Note-names according Drummap are displayed instead of the keyboard Only the notes having the Drummap Show option set are displayed The background does not have the black/white note shades The note velocity is displayed within each note
4.10. Playlist
The Playlist is used to control and adjust playback of Clips at a certain time. The panel is quite similar to the Pianoroll.
Tutorial Playlist
One difference is that the timeline is used to set the loop markers. A left click sets loop start, a right click sets the loop end:
You can insert and remove Clips with the left/right mouse button. Normally the currently selected Clip will be inserted. If you want to insert different Clips repetitiously, simply drag them from the Cliplist into the Playlist:
A double click selects the Clips and opens the Pianoroll Left click inserts currently selected Clip Right click removes a Clip or more selected Clips Holding Shift selects multiple Clips Holding Control duplicates selection Mouse wheel replaced selected Parts with previous/next Clips
4.11. Project
4.11.1. Notes The Project Notes allow you to embed text information in Project files, which are displayed when the Project is opened. Furthermore the songlist is displayed on the right. The Tutorial Projects use it.
Although the dialog which opens when you click on the edit button supports only plain text, certain text formats are provided. For this purpose the following tokens can be used: 1# 2# 3# b# u# Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Bold Unordered list
The tokens have to be the first two characters in a line. A more convenient text editor for the Project Notes is planned.
This list is very similar to the one displayed in Options > Songlist. It provides a very fast way of loading Projects. Simply click on the arrow button to open a project. The Browse button opens the songlist browser menu, the button Tutorials let you load the tutorial songlist at any time. The songlist can be edited in Options > Songlist.
The Project > Notes are automatically activated when you click on the About panel and the songlist is not empty! This makes the start procedure very convenient - 2 clicks to open the preferred Project!
4.12. Options
4.12.1. Audio The Audio panel differs between the plugin and standalone version.
Inputs Outputs Sets the number of stereo input ports. Sets the number of stereo output ports.
These settings are system wide, this means that Phrazor has to be reloaded in order to apply changes.
The standalone version supports ASIO soundcards, which allow very low latencies. The ASIO drivers are listed on the left. In most cases its enough to simply select the driver, since the preferred settings reported by the hardware are used by default.
If Phrazor crashes after selecting a driver or you get no sound at all, please send the logfile 'standalone.log' which is located in the Phrazor directory to and describe the problem as detailed as possible.
Phrazor allows the individual routing of inputs and outputs to Tracks. This is very useful if you are working with soundcards which provide more than 2 channels (stereo). In order to keep the standalone and plugin version consistent and to make Projects and Tracks independent from the environment, a logical layer called Ports has been introduced. A port is simply a number between 1 and 16 which can be assigned to any of the actual channels. Because Phrazor Tracks work always in stereo mode, there are 32 possible targets (16 ports multiplied by the 2 stereo channels). Example (M-Audio Firewire Audiophile): Input Channels FW AP Analog In 1 FW AP Analog In 2 FW AP SPDIF In 1 FW AP SPDIF In 2 Port 1L 1R --Output Channels FW AP Analog Out 1/2 L FW AP Analog Out 1/2 R FW AP Analog Out 3/4 L FW AP Analog Out 3/4 R FW AP SPDIF Out L FW AP SPDIF Out R Port 1L 1R 2L 2R ---
The soundcard provides 4 input and 6 output channels. The input channels are: FW AP Analog In (1 and 2) FW AP SPDIF In (1 and 2) FW AP Analog Out 1/2 (L and R) FW AP Analog Out 3/4 (L and R) FW AP SPDIF Out (L and R)
The analog input has been connected to port 1. The left channel of port 1 (1 L) processes FW AP Analog In 1, the right channel (1 R) processes FW AP Analog In 2. The output port 1 is routed to the channel pair FW AP Analog Out 1/2, output port 2 is routed to FW AP Analog Out 3/4.
Usage in Tracks
As soon you have assigned the ports, you can use them as input and output ports in Setup > Audio/MIDI. There you only have to select the preferred port. Since the standalone and the plugin version of Phrazor use the same logic for ports, you can simply use Projects and any other file types in both versions. Even working in different environments is no problem, since only the logical port numbers are saved.
Driver Configuration
After selecting a driver you can adjust the sample rate and the size of the buffers. Low buffer sizes reduce latency but need more cpu. If the sound is distorted you have to increase the buffer size. 4.12.2. MIDI This panel is only visible in the standalone version, since the plugin version gets all MIDI data from the host.
The connection of real MIDI devices and Phrazor Tracks works with ports, comparable with the audio configuration. Each MIDI device can be assigned to one of the 16 provided logical ports. These ports can be selected as inputs and outputs in Setup > Audio/MIDI.
4.12.3. Global This view let you set several global options:
Some useful default values.
Graphics Fonts Highlight Triggers according velocity Selects the GUI. By default two GUIs are provided. Phrazor has to be reloaded in order to activate the selection. Selects the font set. The Pianoroll and Drumgrid supports alphablended drawing. Turn this option on to highlight intensity regarding velocity.
Plugin Editors
Show Editor when loading VST automatically opens the plugin editor when a plugin is loaded from the Plugin Browser Restore Editor when loading restores the editor states (opened or closed) when loading Slots, Tracks and Projects. If it is turned off, no Editor will be opened.
Transport Control
Rewind on Stop Start on first note MIDI Sync Master MIDI Transport Slave Semisync Sets the song pointer to start when the sequencer stops Starts the sequencer when the first note-event has been received Phrazor sends MIDI sync commands Phrazor handles MIDI sync transport commands SYNC only synchronizes the tempo.
PC Keyboard
Turn this option on to generate MIDI events with the PC Keyboard. The PC Keyboard (Keyboard to MIDI) can be used if you dont have a MIDI keyboard with you. The lower 2 rows of your PC keyboard starting at (z or y) apply to the lower octave. The upper 2 rows (starting at q) to the higher octave. This function is host dependent. 4.12.4. Folders This view allows the configuration of Phrazor's working directories. The list on the left selects the file type. This selection has to be done before assigning the directories! In the filetree you can locate a directory. A double click adds it to the list of assigned ones.
1. Select the file type (VST, Projects, Tracks etc.) first 2. Locate a directory 3. Double click to add it to the assigned list 4. A right click on an assigned directory opens a menu (rename, delete) 5. Click on Apply or Cancel to apply or discard the changes
Immediately after you applied with Apply, the browsers are updated. By default Phrazor assigns directories in Your VST folder\Phrazor\Userdata. Never move this folder into another directory or delete, since it is part of the Phrazor installation! The correct way is to assign new working directories at the preferred locations. If you dont want to use the default directories, simply delete them from the list (right click delete).
5. Keyboard Support
Phrazor can be partially played and controlled with the PC keyboard. Unfortunately this does not work for all hosts in the VST version, since Phrazor can only process the keyboard events which are transmitted from the host. In any case Phrazor needs to have the focus you have to do a mouse click somewhere in the Phrazor GUI.
Main Menu
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 About Fullscreen on/off Browser Manager Mixer MIDI Control Plugin Setup Remote Clipedit Playlist
Track/Slot Navigation
Left Right Up Down Previous Track Next Track Previous Slot Next Slot
Keyboard to MIDI
Numpad / Numpad * Numpad Numpad + Octave Octave + Decrease velocity by 10 Increase velocity by 10
Return/Enter Esc O Sequence Start/Stop Close plugin editor Project > Notes
Control + A Control + X Control + C Control + V Control + Z Control + Y 1 A L F 0 (zero) Selects all events Cut Copy Paste Undo Redo Toggle Clip individual view Audition on/off Highlight playing notes on/off Follow song position on/off Toolbar on/off
6. Software License
Please read this document carefully, it contains warranty and liability disclaimers. By installing or using this software you accept the terms of this license with SONICBYTES. If do not agree to the terms of this agreement, please remove this software now. Copyright law as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties protect this software. LIMITATION ON REVERSE ENGINEERING, DECOMPILATION AND DISASSEMBLY You may not disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse engineer this software. You may not make changes, modify, or prepare derivate works of the software. RENTAL AND SOFTWARE TRANSFER You may not transmit, redistribute or otherwise made available to any third party this software except as necessary to install the software or if expressly permitted by SONICBYTES. You may not rent, lease, or lend this product to ant party. You are not allowed to transfer, license or sublicense your rights as Licensee of SONICBYTES software, as licensed to you under this agreement. UPGRADES The product labelled or otherwise identified as upgrade by SONICBYTES replaces and/or supplements the product that formed the basis for your eligibility for such upgrade. You must be properly licensed to use a product identified as being eligible for the upgrade. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER AND INDEMNFICATION DISCLAIMER This software and media is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind .any use of the software and output is at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, SONICBYTES disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement with respect to the software, its output, and media. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event shall SONICBYTES and/or its licensors be liable to you or third party for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profit, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use the software or its output even if SONICBYTES has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. Not for use in high-risk environments. BUNDLED GTG AND KJAERHUS PLUGINS These plugins are freeware. They are bundled with Phrazor for demonstration purposes. Sonicbytes does not charge money for the GTG and KJAERHUS plugins. The price for Phrazor does not include a fee for the GTG and KJAERHUS plugins. Sonicbytes does not adopt support for these plugins.