6-ci sinif ingilis dili BSQ 1 AB
6-ci sinif ingilis dili BSQ 1 AB
6-ci sinif ingilis dili BSQ 1 AB
Təlim-tərbiyə işləri üzrə d/m: N.Eyyubova
Metodbirləşmə rəhbəri: C.Əliyeva
5-ci sinif İngilis dili
Böyük summativ qiymətləndirmə 1. VARİANT A
Name,surname: __________________________ Date: _______
3.1.3 Demonstrate the ability of understanding the content of the text read answering the questions
Read the text and answer the questions 1-5. (20 points)
Christopher Colombus was born in Italy in 1451. First, he sailed to the Atlantic Ocean in 1476. He
nearly lost his life, because pirates attacked his ship and burned his ship. Colombus swam to Portugal
and began to live there. Colombus wanted to find a way to India. Unluckily, he had no money. The
King of Portugal didn’t give him the money, so he asked The King of Spain. He gave him the money
for the trip in 1492. He had 3 ships. The trip was hard, men wanted to go back. Finally, he found the
land. But it wasn’t India, it was North America.
14. 1.Find True/ False ideas.
1. Christopher Colombus was born in Portugal. T F
2. Colombus wanted to find a way to America. T F
3. The King of Portugal gave him the money. T F
14. 2 What is the text mainly about?
The Atlantic Ocean b) Christopher Colombus c)King of Portugal d)King of Spain
15.1 Which word does the underlined pronoun it replace?
money b) land c) trip d) men
15.2 Complete the sentences according to the text.
Pirates attacked the ship and___________________________________________________
3.1.3 Demonstrate the ability of understanding the content of the text read answering the questions