Biliary Tract Disease_2022
Biliary Tract Disease_2022
Biliary Tract Disease_2022
Biliary Disturbance *
Organic disordes of billiary system on
children of the late age*
Pancreatitis in Children*
* ethyology, clinic, diagnostic, treatment
and prophylaxis.
• Biliary Disturbance (BD) is a
disorder of the sphincters’
tonus and kinetics of the
gallbladder and the bile ducts
2. Hormonal dysbalance
- Gastrin, cholecystokinin, secretin hyperkinetic
of GB, hypotonic of sphincters’ Oddy
- Glucagon, calcitonin, anticholecystokinin
hypokinetic of GB, hypertonic of sphincters’Oddy
Predisposition factors
Bad diet (as to regularity and quality of feeding-
fatty, spicy food)
Hereditary load
Infected diseases of GIT
Allergic diathesis is a state of readiness to
appearance of sensibilization, allergic reaction and
diseases because of hereditary , congenital or
acquired peculiarities of immunity, metabolism and
neuro-vegetative system.
of Biliary Disturbance
Etiology Primary (Vegetative neurosis,
Hormonal dysbalance)
Secondary ( viscero-visceral reflex,
accompanying diseases of GIT
Food intakes are more frequent (5-6
Ultrasonography discloses an
enlarged, thick-walled gallbladder,
without calculi.
Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
activity and direct-reacting
bilirubin levels are elevated.
Leukocytosis is usual.
Cholelithiasis (Gallstones)
Cholelithiasis is relatively rare in otherwise healthy children,
occurring more commonly in patients with various predisposing
Cholelithiasis (Gallstones)
I. Anamnestic:
typical complaints
cholecystography and
Ultrasound investigation
Endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) or more
often magnetic resonance
cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
are essential in the investigation of
recurrent pancreatitis, and disease
associated with gallbladder pathology.
Prophylactic antibiotics
(imipenem/cilastatin) are controversial but
are used in severe cases to prevent infected
pancreatic necrosis or to treat infected
necrosis. Recovery is usually complete
within 4–5 days.
Refeeding can commence when vomiting
has resolved, the serum amylase is falling,
and clinical symptoms are resolving.
The treatment of severe acute
pancreatitis can gastric acid
suppression, and peritoneal lavage to
reduce the risk of secondary infection.
Enteral alimentation is superior to
parenteral nutrition.
Surgical therapy of acute pancreatitis is
rarely required, but may include
drainage of necrotic material or