110 A. G. Mamalis et al.
which has been carried out pertaining to the
Displacement, s (mm)
axial collapse and bending of thin-walled struc-
Fig. 1. Load-displacement curves for hourglass rail shells
tural components have demonstrated that there
subjected to static and dynamic loading for various col- are several variables which may control the
lapse modes [l]. energy absorption capability of composite
112 A. G. Mama& et al.
3000 0.40
I- 0.30 /
t 2000 0.
a* 0
: 0.20
n 1000 2 /
;; .*
m al
‘\ =
2 /
: 0.10 :
Ok _-- /
0” 5" 10" 15" 20"
Angle of rotation i
(a) Materials
The composite material components (fibres
and matrix), as well as the laminate design
For the analysis and finally the design of a
(fibre orientation), greatly affect the crashwor-
structure subjected to loading it is necessary to
thy capacity of structures made of composite
be done primarily the experimental characteris-
material. Fibre content, diameter and length,
ation of the material used. Experimental
matrix mechanical properties, as well as the
characterization refers to the determination of
fibre distribution in the laminate, have a signifi-
the material properties through tests conducted
cant influence on the energy absorption
on suitably designed specimens, Understanding
capability of thin-walled composite shells sub-
the material response over the entire range of
jected to axial loading. Moreover, the
loads is necessary, if advanced design pro-
temperature has an important effect on
cedures are employed for efficient material
material properties with an obvious affecting on
utilization. In the case of composite materials it
the material crashworthy response. The most
may be desirable to begin the design with con-
important remarks of the research work that
stitutent material properties and arrive at the
has been done in this topic are reported below.
composite macromechanical properties through
micromechanics analysis. Stress-strain curves as
obtained from quasi-static tension tests for two Fibre and matrix materials
different composite materials designated as The majority of previous studies have concen-
material A and B respectively, are shown in Fig. trated on composites involving fibres of carbon,
3; material A is a polyester/fibreglass composite glass or aramid in a thermosetting resin such as
material with random fibre orientation and epoxy. Thornton [7], Farley [8], Schmueser and
material B is a commercial vinylester/fibreglass Wickliffe [9] and Farley and Jones [lo-131 all
composite material with nine plies mainly ori- report that in tests conducted on comparable
ented in 0” and 90”, see Ref. [6] for more specimens, carbon-epoxy tubes generally absor-
details. High strain rate or impact loads may be bed more energy than glass-epoxy or
expected in many of the engineering applica- aramid-epoxy specimens. Hybrid composite
tions of composite materials. The suitability of a specimens have been investigated in an attempt
composite for such applications is, therefore, to combine the best energy absorption charac-
determined not only by the usual design param- teristics of different fibres into a single
eters, but by its impact or energy-absorbing composite material. For example, it might be
properties. desirable to combine the post-crushing integrity
Crashworthycapability of composite material structures: A review 113
of aramid with the high specific energy absorp- region. Farley [8] reports that energy absorption
tion of carbon. However, Farley [8] reports that capability tends to vary with ply orientation.
the energy absorption capabilities of a selection Considerable variations in energy absorption
of hybrid specimens were not significantly better capability were observed in quasi-static tests on
than those of single-fibre type with the same ply [OI+ e] carbon-epoxy circular tubes for
orientation. Furthermore, Thornton and 0” < 0 < 45” with energy absorption decreasing as
Edwards [14] reports that the presence of 0 increased. Smaller variations in energy
aramid in glass-aramid and carbon-aramid absorption capability were also observed in
hybrids leads to unstable collapse by folding [O/) 0] aramid-epoxy and [O/f e] glass-epoxy
which would not have otherwise occurred had circular tubes for 45” < 8 <90”, with specific
the samples been composed of glass or carbon energy absorption generally increasing with
fibres alone. Farley [15] reports that the energy increasing 8. These findings are broadly sup-
absorption capability of circular carbon-epoxy ported by Kindervater [20]. Schmueser and
tubes is greatly dependent on the strain at Wickliffe [9] also report variations in specific
failure of both the fibre and the matrix. Of the energy absorption with ply orientation, although
material systems tested, that with the higher the nature of the variation differs from that
strain at failure exhibited the superior energy described by Farley. They report that the
absorption capability. Furthermore, it is sug- specific energy absorption of carbon-epoxy,
gested that to obtain maximum energy glass-epoxy and aramid-epoxy [O,/ f 01 speci-
absorption from a particular fibre, the matrix mens all generally increase with increasing 8.
material in the composite must have a higher However, Schmueser and Wickliffe’s tests
strain at failure than the fibre. appear to differ from those of Farley’s in that
New fibre and matrix materials continued to they were dynamic tests conducted in a drop
be employed in attempts to obtain ever higher tower and, unlike Farley, they did not appear to
values for specific energy absorption. Reference have used a collapsed trigger mechanism (see
[16] reports on a Dyneema PE fibre/carbon later) to initiate stable high energy collapse.
fibre hybrid composite tube which showed a Mamalis et al. [5,6] in extensive experimental
high specific energy absorption. Even more work on the axial collapse of thin-walled circu-
impressively, Hamada et al. [17] describe the lar and square tubes made of two different
use of a thermoplastic polyetheretherketone materials, report that specimens made of a
(PEEK) matrix with a carbon fibre which gave commercial glass fibre and vinylester composite
an exceptionally high specific energy absorption material which consisted of nine plies that were
value of 180 kJ/kg (at least double the value of laid up in the sequence [(90/O/2&)/(2&/
carbon-epoxy). This is attributed to the PEEK 0~9w~c.751, show better energy absorbing
matrix offering a high resistance to crack characteristics than those made of a fibreglass
growth between the fibres, preventing failure by composite material in which the glass fibres
this mode until the onset of stable progressive were in the form of chopped-strand mat with
crushing. However, according to Gosnell [18], random fibre orientation in the plane of the
the cost of thermoplastic resins and prepregs is mat. Furthermore, Mamalis et al. [l] report that
relatively high in comparison to thermosets and the existence of extra ( - + -45”) plies in the
Nilson [19] notes that, in processing PEEK one central regions of the hourglass cross-section
can encounter high pressures and temperatures shells with the sequence [(90/0/2I?,)/(2&/
and difficulty with fibre wet-out. Nilson also 0/90)/R,.,,] has a great affect on their energy
reports there are still many aspects of PEEK to absorbing behaviour causing a decrease on the
be fully investigated including notch sensitivity, specific energy absorbed.
the strength of bonded and botled joints, the
effect of temperature on stiffness and aspects of Temperature
fatigue. [ 191 Elevated temperatures affect the crush charac-
teristics of composites primarily through
Laminate design changes in resin properties. Thornton [7]
Thornton and Edwards [14] report that cohere reports that the specific energy absorption of
tubes with a (45/45), lay-up developed consist- carbon and glass composite tubes generally
ently lower values of specific energy than tubes decreases quite substantially with increasing
with (O/90), lay-ups, in the stable collapse temperature above -0°C see Fig. 4.
114 A. G. Mamaliset al.
lower specific energy absorption of square and supports the findings of an earlier paper con-
rectangular sections is generally attributed to cerning circular frusta, Mamalis et al. [26,27], in
the fact that the corners act as stress concentra- which a transition point between stable and
tions leading to the formation of splitting unstable collapse due to the effect of semi-
cracks. This tends to result in unstable collapse apical angle is identified as laying between 15
with low energy absorption. Furthermore, and 20 degrees. Furthermore, they make the
Mamalis et al. [5] report that the axial length of observation that, contrary to what is commonly
square tubes subjected to axial loading and col- experienced with the collapse of cylindrical
lapsing in a stable manner does not affect their tubes, conical specimens do not require a col-
crashworthy capability. lapse trigger mechanism to avoid initial
Czaplicki et al. [23] report that the energy catastrophic failure. Mamalis et al. [25] also
absorbed by tulip triggered specimens was signi- report that the crashworthy characteristics of
ficantly higher than for bevel triggered ones of square frusta axially loaded underestimate the
the same geometry and material. In addition, corresponded ones concerning circular frusta
the crushing was more controlled and predict- due to the same reason mentioned above
able with the tulip trigger. explaining the less crashworthy capability of
square tubes than circular ones.
Conical shells
Mamalis et al. [24,25] report the general trend Other geometries
that specific energy absorption decreases as the A non-conventional hourglass cross-section
semi-apical angle of the frusta increases. This automotive frame rail, see Fig. 6(a), made of a
+32---d k-204
4 138p_1
15 cm
Section A-A
Fig. 6. (a) Cross-section of a rail beam [28]; (b) Cross-section of a ‘near-elliptical’ shell [13].
116 A. G. Mamalis et al.
apron location of a car body to provide a high difference being largest at high angles of inclin-
degree of crashworthiness. The effect on energy ation and that the energy absorbed generally is
absorption of plug inserts at both clamped and less in off-axis than in angled loading.
free ends of the tube was examined and, in
contrast to the case for the circular tubes
Failure mechanisms/mechanical response
described above, the plugs were found to have a
positive effect in lengthening the post-buckling
(a) Macroscopic collapse modes
region and were not found to affect the peak
bending moment. Just as for the rectangular
tubes described in Ref. [32], bending over the Axial loading
strong axis of the beam resulted in better Thin-walled structural components of various
energy absorption capability. simple geometries made of composite materials
Mahmood et al. [37] report on the bending of and subjected to axial loading were found to
composite shells with hourglass and rectangular collapse in modes considerably different than
cross-sections with the purpose of characterising those observed in metallic and thermoplastic
their crush strengths. Two types of test arrange- structures. The brittle nature of both fibres and
ment were used, i.e. three and four point resin ensures that composite materials do not
loading. The observations showed that in the undergo the plastic deformation characteristic
mode of collapse, the beams suffers more for ductile metals and PVC; see Mamalis et al.
damage in the compression zone than that in [39] for more details about the crashworthy
the tension zone. At the maximum strength the behaviour of metallic and PVC thin-walled
applied compressive stress is mainly resisted by structural components. However, the dominant
the edge of the sub-element or the corners of mechanism in the present case is that of frac-
the component. However, if the corners suffer ture and fragmentation. The failure modes
material separation, this leads to a sudden loss observed are, in general, greatly affected by the
of bending resistance in deep collapse and poor shell geometry, the arrangement of fibres, the
energy management. properties of the matrix and fibres of the com-
posite material and the stacking sequences.
Combined loading The macroscopic collapse modes of thin-
In a head-on collision the various structural walled composite shells subjected to low speed
components do not collapse in a simple, ideal axial loading may be classified as stable progres-
form but in a non-axial manner. Non-axial crush sive collapse modes associated with controlled
means that components are subject to combined crushing process, and unstable ones associated
axial and bending loads. Czaplicki et al. [38] with extensive brittle fracture. Note that, the
report an investigation of two types of non-axial whole crushing process and, therefore, the mac-
crushing, i.e. off-axis crushing and angled crush- roscopic collapse modes of the axially loaded
ing. Angle loading occurs when a vehicle composite shells greatly affect the energy
moving forward along its longitudinal axis absorbing capability of the structural compo-
impacts an object tilted away from being per- nents. Based on the experimental observations
pendicular to the vehicle’s longitudinal axis, from a very extensive experimental treatment of
whilst off-axis loading occurs when a spinning axisymmetric tubes of various geometries made
vehicle impacts an object from a direction not of fibre-reinforced polymer matrix composite
along its longitudinal axis. The disparity in materials by Mamalis et al. [1,2,5,25,26], the fol-
behaviour between angled and off-axis loading lowing main modes of failure may be identified
results from differences in the friction between and classified:
the tube and the crushing plate. Off-axis loading
involves a dynamic type of friction, whilst (i) Progressive crushing with microfragmen-
angled loading involves a static one. Further- tation of the composite material,
more, they report that significant differences associated with large amounts of crush
appeared between the E-glass/polyester pultru- energy, is designated as Mode I. Three
ded tubes crushed in these different different modes of failure were
configurations. The energy absorption for the observed: Mode Ia of failure, similar to
two types of crushing is also found to vary signi- a ‘mushrooming’ failure, is mainly
ficantly with the angle of inclination, with the characterized by progressive collapse
Crashworthycapability of composite material structures: A review 119
5 cm
Fig. 7. Microscopic views of the various collapse modes of axially crushed conical shells [26,25]. (a) Mode Ia; (b) Mode
Ib; (c) Mode Ic; (d) Mode II; (e) Mode III; (f) Mode IV.
120 A. G. Mumafis et al.
and relatively small wall-thicknesses concentrations; fracture occurs only when the
undergo Mode 111fracture. fibres in the loading direction are sufficiently
(iii) Progressive folding and hinging similar overstressed to reach their fracture strength.
to the crushing behaviour of thin-walled Note, that, due to the failure mechanism
metal and plastic tubes, see Ref. [39], described above, significant strains perpendicu-
showing a very low energy absorbing lar to the fibres are attained, causing transverse
capacity is designated as Mode IV, see cracking. Note, also, that the main features of
Fig. 7(f). This mode of collapse is associ- this fracture are greatly affected by the fixture
ated with the axial loading of very thin conditions at the clamped end of the tube. If a
tubes and frusta not exceeding 15” semi- plug is inserted into the inside of the tube, full
apical angles. separation of the shell into two parts is
obtained. In cases of simple clamping, the
Furthermore, the experimentally obtained upper region bends inwards, showing deforma-
deformation modes of all specimens tested are tion characteristics similar to those observed
classified in respect to the geometry factors, when steel tubes were bent [40]; note, however,
wall-thickness/mean circumference, t/C, and that no tube separation occurs.
axial length/mean circumference, L/C. Distinct Bending of square and rectangular cross-sec-
regions, characteristic for the various deforma- tion thin-walled tubes is reported in Ref. [32].
tion modes developed, and the transition Three distinct regions with different macro- and
boundaries from stable to unstable modes of microscopic characteristics are observed; the
collapse, are indicated thus providing useful top wall of the tube subjected to compression,
information about the collapse of the various the bottom wall subjected to tensile straining
geometries and their behaviour as an energy whilst the side walls of the tube show combined
absorber. compression/tension features. Note that the
Axial loading of various shell geometries at four corners of the rectangular tubes greatly
elevated strain-rates has been also undertaken influence the above mentioned mechanisms.
by Mamalis et al. [5,24,25]. The modes of col- The predominant failure mode is extensive
lapse observed can be classified as stable and microfracturing of the tube adjacent to the edge
unstable collapse modes; stable collapse modes of the clamping device in the compression zone;
show similar features to those obtained during this may be attributed to the maximum bending
the static loading of same geometries. moment attained there. Fracture initiates on
the top wall of the tube. Following a typical
Bending progressive failure mechanism as the hinge
The collapse modes at macroscopic scale of develops, the fracture region spreads quickly
various cross-section composite thin-walled from the axis of symmetry of the top wall
shells, such as, circular, square and rectangular towards the corners, see Fig. 8(b). As the hinge
tubes and hourglass cross-sectioned shells, sub- rotation continues, the tube sustains higher
jected to bending under certain end-clamping loads as the corners begin to crush, whilst the
conditions are reported by Mamalis et al. compressive top wall and the side walls begin to
[3,28,32]. buckle. After the maximum strength is attained
In Ref. [3] the collapse behaviour of bent the compressive top wall and the side walls fail;
circular tubes is examined; two distinct regions this finally leads to separation of the tube along
with different macroscopic characteristics were the compressive region and the side walls. Tube
observed, an upper zone subjected to compres- separation is influenced by the wall thickness,
sive loading and a lower one under tensile being more profound for thinner specimens.
straining. Note, also, that a narrow transition Similar remarks concerning the macroscopic
zone between the compression-tension regions collapse modes are also reported in Ref. [28]
with combined features was also observed. In where the bending of hourglass cross-sectioned
general, collapse initiates in the compressive shells is examined. Moreover, they report that
zone, close to the clamping device, see Fig. for bending about the major axis, failure occurs
S(a). In this region the material strength is at the top compression zone, with the bottom
mainly dominated by local fibre buckling tension zone experiencing no failure even after
stability. In the tensile region, however, damage the contact region at the loading zone is col-
initiates and propagates in zones of high stress lapsed entirely. Cracking along the middle
Crashworthycapability of composite material structures: A review 121
surface is also observed. For bending about the that the failure occurs at the top compression
minor axis, failure again occurs at the top com- zone under loading.
pression zone and the top corners are sheared,
whilst the tensile zone remains intact. No crack- (b) Microfracturing
ing is observed along the middle surface. In a very broad sense, failure of a structural
Mahmood et al. (1994), also examined the element can be stated to have taken place when
bending characteristics of various thin-walled it ceases to perform satisfactorily. Therefore,
shells, i.e. square and rectangular cross-sec- the definition of failure will change from one
tioned tubes and rail beams (hourglass application to another. In some applications a
cross-sectioned shells). Although they used very small deformation may be considered as a
three and four point loading, they report similar failure, whereas in others only total fracture or
remarks with Mamalis et al., as far as the col- separation constitutes failure. In the case of
lapse modes is concerned; the only difference is composite materials, internal material failure
4 cm
6 4
Side wall
Support v_J
Fig. 8. (a) Macroscopic side view of a bent square tube [4]. (b) Configuration of bending failure mechanism of a cantilever
thin-walled tube [4].
122 A. G. Mamalis et al.
generally initiates before any change in its mac- matrix, (ii) the matrix has a higher failure strain
roscopic appearance or behaviour is observed. than the fibre, and (iii) the matrix exhibits plas-
The internal material failure may be observed tic deformation under high stress. The
in many forms, separately or jointly, such as mechanisms that control these different crush-
breaking of the fibres, microcracking of the ing modes are a function of the mechanical
matrix, separation of fibres from the matrix in properties of the constituent materials and the
the form of debonding and/or pull-out, and structure of the specimen. In the case of trans-
separation of laminae from each other in a verse shearing, interlaminar crack growth and
laminated composite (called delamitation). The lamina bundle fracture are the crushing mech-
effect of internal damage on macroscopic anisms, whilst inter/intralaminar crack growth
material response is observed only when the and friction are the mechanisms in the lamina
frequency of internal damage is sufficiently bending crushing mode. The mechanisms that
high. control the crushing process in the local buck-
ling crushing process are plastic yielding of the
Axial loading fibre or/and the matrix. Crushing response of
Farley and Jones [lo] report that the crushing composite tubes can be a function of crushing
response of composite tubes can be classified speed provided the mechanical properties of the
into three basic modes: transverse shearing, mechanisms that control the crushing process
lamina bending and local buckling. The trans- are strain-rate sensitive.
verse shearing and lamina bending crushing Fairfull and Hull [41] report a conceptual
modes are exhibited exclusively by brittle fibre- model of the crush-zone configuration based on
reinforced composites, whilst ductile (such as an analysis concerning the microfracture mech-
Kevlar) and in some cases brittle fibre-rein- anism of thin-walled circular tubes subjected to
forced composite materials can exhibit the local static axial loading and following the progres-
buckling crushing mode similar to that exhibited sive collapse mode (Mode Ia). Similar remarks
by ductile metals. Moreover, they report that are reported by Mamalis et al. [2,6], see also
when a load is applied to the edge of the crush- Fig. 9. Furthermore, Mamalis et al. [1,5] report
ing initiator, local failure of material occurs and an extensive description of the microfracture
small inter/intralaminar cracks are formed, mechanism of square tubes and hour-glass sec-
where their length determines whether the tions axially loaded, which is similar to that
resulting crushing mode is transverse shearing, obtained for circular tubes. The main features
lamina bending or a combination of these of this microfracture mechanism are:
modes (brittle fracture). In the case of the
transverse shearing crushing mode, the lengths (1) an annular wedge of highly fragmented
material, forced down axially through the
of the interlaminar and longitudinal cracks are
shell wall;
typically less than the thickness of the laminate,
whilst the lamina bending crushing mode is (2) an intrawall microcrack which develops
ahead of the crush-zone at the apex (tip)
characterized by very long interlaminar, intra-
of the annular wedge and propagates at a
laminar and parallel-to-fibre cracks; their
rate approximating the compression rate;
lengths are greater than ten laminate thicknes-
ses. No fracturing of lamina bundles occurs. In (3) two continuous fronds (internal and/or
external) as a result of the plies delami-
the case of brittle fracturing crushing mode, the
nation in the crush zone, mainly caused
lengths of the interlaminar cracks are between
by the central bundle wedge which
one and ten laminate thicknesses.
spreads radially inwards and outwards
The local buckling crushing mode consists of
from the wall of the frustum, and
the formation of local buckles by means of
plastic deformation of the material. The post- (4) a severely strained zone (compressive-
tensile zone) which extends between the
crushing integrity of ductile fibre-reinforced
central crack and the shell wall edges
composites is a result of fibre and matrix plasti-
showing a combined tensile-compressive
city, i.e. significant deformation without
type of deformation.
fracture, and fibre splitting. Brittle fibre-rein-
forced composites exhibit the local buckling In general, the behaviour of the reinforcing
crushing mode when, (i) the interlaminar stres- fibres depends upon their orientation. Axially
ses are small relative to the strength of the aligned fibres (0”) are bent inwards or outwards,
Crashworthycapability of composite material structures: A review 123
with or without fracturing, according to their material. Fibres aligned in the hoop direction
flexibility and the constraints induced by other (90”) can only expand outwards by fracturing
fibres; their effective flexibility depends upon and inwards by either fracturing or buckling.
the fibre arrangement in the composite Delamination occurs as a result of shear and
I Internal frond
Fig. 9. (a) Micrograph showing microfailures of the crushed zone of an axially loaded circular tube. (b) Configuration of
internal fracture mechanism in the crush zone of (a) [6].
124 A. G. Mamalis et al.
tensile separation between plies. The axial lam- (2) fronds bending due to delamination
inae split into progressively thinner layers, thus between plies;
forming translaminar cracks normal to the axial splitting between fronds;
fibres direction, mainly due to fibre buckling;
finally resulting in either fibre fracture or in
Ii,’flexural damage of individual plies due to
small radius of curvature at the delami-
intralaminar shear cracking splitting the lami- nation limits;
nate into a number of thin layers without fibre (5) frictional resistance to axial sliding
fracture. Cracks propagate preferably through between adjacent laminates;
the weakest regions of the structure of the com- (6) frictional resistance to the penetration of
posite material, i.e. through resin-rich regions the debris wedge, and
or boundaries between hoop fibres, resulting in (7) frictional resistance to fronds sliding
their debonding, or through the interface across the platen.
between hoop and axial plies causing delamina-
tion. Note that, resistance to crack propagation
along the central region of the wall is obtained
Mamalis et al. [2,3] report a detailed descrip-
by the compressive stiffness of intact internal
tion of the micromechanism failure of circular
material and by the tensile strength of the outer
plies and the interply bonding. tubes subjected to bending. Two distinct
Regarding the microfracture mechanism of regions, i.e. a top compressive zone and a bot-
the circular and square frusta subjected to axial tom tensile zone, with different microscopic
loading, as far as the Mode Ia of collapse is characteristics are developed during the bend-
concerned, Mamalis et al. [27,25] reported that ing process. The main features of the regions
the experimental observations made are similar under compressive loading can be classified as:
to those obtained during the axial collapse of (i) cracking at an angle of about 45” to the tube
tubes but with some characteristic differences. axis; (ii) fracture across the fibres resulting in a
Since the circumference of the shell increases as considerably smoother surface than that under
the crushing of the frusta progresses, it is tensile loading, caused by microbuckling of
evident that the size of the wedge increases fibres in the form of a shear band across the
during crushing. With an increasing semi-apical fibres; (iii) characteristic cracking of fibres and
angle of the frustum, the position of the intra- resin as well as bending and/or buckling of lon-
wall crack moves towards the outside edge of gitudinal fibres without fracture; (iv) slipping of
the shell wall increasing, in this manner, the fibre groups of different orientation with simul-
thickness of the inner frond and simultaneously taneous microfragmentation of the region
resulting in a positioning of the annular wedge between; (v) splitting parallel to the fibres
mainly above it, see Fig. 10. On the contrary, corresponding to a low energy fracture path. On
the crack length decreases with an increasing the contrary, tube regions loaded in tension
semi-apical angle. Furthermore, Mamalis et al. exhibit complex heterogeneous damage and
[24,25] report that the microfracture mechan- failure modes including: (i) matrix cracking; (ii)
ism for the progressive collapse of circular and extensive fibre/matrix interface debonding,
square frusta subjected to dynamic loading is, in mainly for transverse fibres; (iii) delamination
general, similar to that obtained during the axial and fibre breakage, mainly of longitudinal
static collapse; the only differences encountered fibres.
are related to the shape and the position of the Mamalis et al. [28,32] describe the micro-
wedge and the microcracking development. scopic failure of bent non-circular components,
Based on the above mentioned micromechan- such as square and rectangular tubes in the first
ism, as well as on secondary failure mechanisms paper and hourglass cross-section shells in the
contributing to the overall energy absorption second one. They report that in both cases the
during collapse as suggested by Fair-full and cracking characteristics may be classified into
Hull [41] and also supported by Mamalis et al. three failure modes, i.e. flexural, delamination
[6], from the energy aborption point of view, buckling and shear mode, depending on loading
the following principal sources of energy dissi- conditions, the strained region and the cracking
pation at microscopic scale may be listed: development. In the case of the flexural mode,
the typical damage is fibre and matrix breakage
(1) Intrawall crack propagation; on either side of the laminate. Delamination
Crashworthycapability of composite material structures: A review 125
buckling, which is the dominant failure mode, is that, for regions which buckle with no delami-
characterized by a delamination crack usually nation, the damage is primarily limited to a
developed in the middle of the laminate, see small region consisting of shear bands at an
Fig. 11, whilst in failure by shear the typical angle of 45” to the beam axis.
damage is fibre and matrix breakage through Furthermore, they report that four crash
the thickness of the shell. It must be noticed regions, i.e. a top compression zone, a bottom
(d) @i
Fig. 10. (a) Configuration of failure mechanism (Mode Ia) of axially loaded circular frustum; (b)-(d) Configurations of the
crush zone (Mode Ia) through the wall thickness in frusta with semi-apical angles of 5”, lo”, 15”, respectively (cross-section
AA’ of (a)); (e) Configuration of the crush zone through the wall thickness of a 1.5”specimen following Mode Ib [29].
126 A. G. Mamalis et al.
Fig. 11. Micrograph showing microfailures observed in the compressive zone of a bent specimen (section AA’ of
Fig. 8(a)) [6].
Quantitive data
lhble 1. Comparison of material energy absorption capabilities. In most cases, the numerical data quoted in the table has been
estimated from graphical data presented in the appropriate reference
Material Specific energy absorption
Thornton Thornton Thornton Farley Farley Farley Farley Farley and Hamada Mamalis
and Magee [7] and Edwards [8] [21] (151 I311 Jones et al. et al.
[451 u41 [I31 [I71 133,341
[O/k 151 99
(f/D = 0.033) ;t;D = 0.045)
[O/&451 46 55 65
(t/D = 0.032) (l/D = 0.051) (t/D= 0.020)
[+451 55 55 58 50 60 53
(t/D -0.062) (t/D = 0.036) (t/D = 0.048) (r/D = 0.021) (tiDzO.031) (t/D= 0.05)
[Ol 180
(t/D= 0.050)
[&301 127
(t/D = 0.05)
[O/k 151 31 9
(t/D = 0.036) (t/D = 0.020)
[o/+45] 30 21
(t/D = 0.033) (t/D = 0.022)
[5451 60 31 33 23 22
(t/D = 0.066) (t/D z 0.042) (t/D = 0.035) (r/D = 0.022) (r/D ~0.030)
[O/ + 901 50
(t/D = 0.033)
[O/k 151 30
(t/D = 0.060)
[o/+45] 30 31
(t/D ~0.028) (t/D = 0.059)
[Oi + 751 53
(r/D = 0.070)
[90/0/2Rc/2Rcl 54
0/0/9O/Rc.7S] (t/n = 0.05)
WI,, 54
(t/D = 0.162)
6061 75 72
(t/D = 0.060) (f/D = 0.060) ;r!D = 0.057)
Mild 33 33
(t/D = 0.060) (t/D = 0.060)
130 A. G. Mamalis et al.
bined load of 800 kN, but in the tests crushing of course other factors which should be taken
actually commenced at 5% above this value. into account when seriously considering the
Furthermore, the subsequent failure of the large scale use of composite materials. Tong
tubes did not meet the specified requirements, [49] and Johnson [50] both highlight the import-
with the absorbed energy being less than half ance of fire hazard and toxication in the event
that required. This was attributed to gross shear of a serious crash and Noton [51] lists the
failure of the matrix causing the tubes to break necessity for fire-retardant additives as a poten-
into large pieces rather than delaminate. tial disadvantage of the use of glass-reinforced
Scholes and Lewis also report on full-scale plastics for rail transportation applications.
dynamic collision tests conducted by the Office However, Ref. [52] describes railway rolling
for Research and Experiments (ORE), the stocks increasingly widespread use of glass fibre
research arm of the International Union of reinforced phenolic mouldings, which possess
Railways (UIC). These tests also included GRP excellent fire resistance, smoke emission and
tubes mounted in the buffer positions, although toxicity characteristics. Furthermore, Suzuki and
again they failed to work properly. They also Satoh [53] discuss the potential of lightweight
actually failed at a force in excess of their rail vehicle body shell panels made from a car-
design value by which time other elements of bon fibre reinforced plastic with a phenol resin.
the cab structure had already collapsed. Scholes This material, certified as non flammable, was
and Lewis make the obvious point that it is shown to out-perform aluminium at high tem-
clearly undesirable for the cab structure to fail peratures in bending stress-deformation tests.
before the sacrificial energy absorbers which are As well as enviromental damage due to the
there to protect it. effect of high temperature, Thornton and
Lin and Mase [47] discuss some of the practi- Jeryan [54] note that a reduction in perform-
cal aspects of introducing energy absorption ance can also arise from water absorption. The
devices into vehicles. They conclude that simple combination of high temperature and high
devices such as honeycombs or axially crushed humidity is known to be particularly detri-
tubes are more effective as add-on energy mental in reducing tensile stress and fatigue
absorption devices than more complicated strength, although little information appears to
methods, such as inversion tubes and the foam be known about their effect on energy absorp-
filling of primary structural members. Further- tion capability.
more, using a vehicle impact simulation, they Finally, the issue of cost should not be
show that it is theoretically possible to absorb avoided. However, the fabrication of composites
extra crush energy without increasing the crush allows for many variants and so it is extremely
distance and passenger car deformation by difficult to obtain easily comparable, up-to-date
inserting such energy absorption devices in unu- information. On a basic material property level,
tilized space along existing load paths. However, Ref. [55] gives approximate order of magnitude
they do acknowledge that other design aspects, cost data for a wide range of material types.
such as interference with vehicle function, The relevant information has been extracted
vehicle servicing and, of special importance, and is presented in Table 2. Reference [55]
directionality of the devices must be taken into does not contain cost data for aramid-epoxy
O’Rourke [48] and Savage [36] both describe Table 2. Cost per unit weight of composite and other
the enormously successful use of composites,
particularly from the point of view of crashwor- Material cost
thiness, in Formula One racing cars. Whilst it
should be realized that cost is a much less pro- Carbon fibre-epoxy, 60-13.5
hibitive factor in such vehicles than in more Carbon fibre-epoxy, 52-120
conventional vehicle development, this should laminate
not mean there will not be a transfer of tech- Glass fibre-epoxy, 5.3-10.5
nology and experience from this arena to more unidirectional
Glass fibre-epoxy, 2-4.5
cost-sensitive vehicle applications. laminate
Whilst crash energy management is one of Aluminium alloys 1.4-1.7
the primary design requirements that the front- Carbon steel 0.4-0.9
Stainless steel 2.7-3.2
end structure of a vehicle must meet, there are
Crashworthycapability of composite material structures: A review 131
composites. However, Ashby [56] includes ticularly the use of these components as energy
material property data presented in the same absorbing devices has led many researchers to
way as in Ref. [55], places its cost somewhere deal with the crashworthy ability of composite
between that of carbon-epoxy and glass-epoxy material structures. Many parameters which
composites. An estimated cost of lo-70 USD/kg affect the energy absorption capability of thin-
may not be unreasonable. However, the follow- walled shells with simple cross-sectioned
ing point must be emphasized when the geometry were examined by extensive experi-
parameter cost is considered. There is a funda- mental work in laboratories using various
mental difference in the strategy of application testing methods, such as axial loading, bending
of composites between the aerospace industry and combined loading. Furthermore, an effort
and the automobile industry; this is primarily was made in the theoretical estimation of the
due to the volume requirements of the two energy dissipated for the deformation of the
businesses. In aerospace and defence, the shells during the crushing process. The follow-
design of the structure is optimized to provide ing concluding remarks may be drawn:
the required functionality and performance, and
the manufacturing process (and the associated (4 Carbon-epoxy shells generally absorb
cost) is subsequently selected on the basis that more energy than glass-epoq or aramid
the process is capable of achieving the desired epoxy specimens. The specific energy of
design. In direct contrast, in high-volume pro- polyester fibreglass composite materials
duction industries such as the automotive underestimate the corresponding one of
industry, the rate of manufacture is critical in glass-epoxy materials. Composite
satisfying the economics of this consumer materials made of new matrix (PEEK)
industry. Thus, manufacturing processes which and carbon fibres give a very high value
are capable of satisfying production output are of specific energy (double that of car-
the primary consideration, and design of a com- bon-epoxy).
ponent or structure must be within the (b) Specific energy tends to vary with ply
boundary constraints of the selected fabrication orientation. An angle of 45” seems to be
process. a critical ply orientation in the construc-
However, care should be exercised when tion of a laminate as far as the energy
comparing the costs of different materials for a absorbing capability is concerned.
certain application. For example, although the (c) In general, specific energy absorption of
cost in USD/kg of aluminium and composites various composite materials decreases
exceeds that of the carbon steels, the lower with increasing temperature above about
density of the former means that less material 0°C.
may be needed in a given instance. Further- w Specimen geometry has a strong effect
more, these figures are given for the material in on the energy absorbing capability of
an unfinished state. Additional processing will composite shells; corners have a negative
add to the price of the final product. Indeed, influence on it. In general, circular tubes
McCarty [57] suggests (in the context of the and conical shells with small semi-apical
commercial aircraft industry) that the difference angles appear to show better crash-
between ‘in the door’ and ‘out the door’ costs of worthiness than the other ones. The
composites in a given application may well be hourglass cross-sectioned shells also
considerably less than those of aluminium. As allow for a high specific energy absorp-
an alternative comparison, Frame [58] estimates tion.
that aircraft specification carbon composites 69 The energy absorbed by tulip triggered
cost about 15 times more than conventional alu- specimens show significantly higher
minium alloys. crashworthy behaviour than the bevel
triggered ones of same geometry and
CONCLUDING REMARKS (f) Crushing speed affects the energy
absorption capability of axialy loaded
The use of thin-walled structural components shells but the increase or the decrease of
made of composite materials in a wide range of the specific energy depends on the
applications in vehicle industries and more par- material properties.
132 A. G. Mamalis et al.
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