Reading & Writing - HandoutLecture10 (1)
Reading & Writing - HandoutLecture10 (1)
Reading & Writing - HandoutLecture10 (1)
uses plants and vegetables from Arizona, where slighted gems and treasured clay, / Of precious
she lives. For example, she achieved the deep stores not laid away, / Of fields unreaped.”
reds and browns featured in her 2003 rug In the
Path of the Four Seasons by using Arizona dock
Participants’ Evaluation of the Likelihood That
roots, drying and grinding them before mixing
Robots Can Work Effectively in Different
the powder with water to create a dye bath. To
intensify the appearance of certain colors,
Taylor also sometimes mixes in clay obtained
from nearby soil.
4. As used in the text, what does the word A) It presents the study by O’Brien and Ahmed
“quality” most nearly mean? to critique the methods and results reported in
previous studies of the effects of posture on
A) Characteristic
B) Standard
B) It argues that research findings about the
C) Prestige effects of posture on cognition are often
misunderstood, as in the case of O’Brien and
D) Accomplishment Ahmed’s study.
The work of molecular biophysicist Enrique M. C) It explains a significant problem in the
De La Cruz is known for ______ traditional emerging understanding of posture’s effects on
boundaries between academic disciplines. The cognition and how O’Brien and Ahmed tried to
university laboratory that De La Cruz runs solve that problem.
includes engineers, biologists, chemists, and
physicists, and the research the lab produces D) It discusses the study by O’Brien and Ahmed
makes use of insights and techniques from all to illustrate why caution is needed when
those fields. making claims about the effects of posture on
5. Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase?
Rabinal Achí is a precolonial Maya dance drama
A) reinforcing performed annually in Rabinal, a town in the
B) anticipating Guatemalan highlands. Based on events that
occurred when Rabinal was a city-state ruled by
a king, ______ had once been an ally of the king D) Theories about life on other planets have not
but was later captured while leading an considered the practicality of finding it.
invading force against him.
Studies have shown that a single, sub-
7. Which choice completes the text so that it anesthetic dose (a lower dose than would cause
conforms to the conventions of Standard anesthesia) ketamine infusion can often rapidly
English? relieve depressive symptoms within hours in
people who have not responded to
A) Rabinal Achí tells the story of K’iche’ Achí, a
conventional antidepressants, which typically
military leader who
take weeks or months to work. However,
B) K’iche’ Achí, the military leader in the story of widespread off–label use of intravenous sub-
Rabinal Achí, anesthetic dose ketamine for treatment–
resistant depression has raised concerns about
C) there was a military leader, K’iche’ Achí, who side effects, especially given its history as a drug
in Rabinal Achí of abuse.
D) the military leader whose story is told in 9. According to the text, why is ketamine a
Rabinal Achí, K’iche’ Achí, preferred drug for treating serious depressive
Our observations suggest increasingly that A) Because it acts faster than traditional
Earth–size planets orbiting within the habitable medications for depression
zone may be common in the galaxy—current
estimates suggest that more than 40 percent of B) Because it has fewer side effects that most
stars have at least one. But are any of them other depression medications do
inhabited? With no ability to send probes there
C) Because there is no apparent risk of
to sample, we will have to derive the answer
addiction when administered long–term
from the light and other radiation that come to
us from these faraway systems. If we manage to D) Because it can be administered to the patient
separate out a clean signal from the planet and in multiple different ways
find some features in the light spectrum that
While life is a special _____ of complex
might be indicative of life, we will need to work
chemistry, the elements involved are nothing
hard to think of any non-biological process that
special: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc., are
might account for them. We also might not be
among the most abundant elements in the
able to detect biospheres even if they exist.
universe. Complex organic chemistry is
8. Which is most likely true according to surprisingly common. Amino acids, just like
information suggested in the text? those that makeup every protein in our bodies,
have been found in the tails of comets. There
A) Even if life is present on other planets, we
are other organic compounds in Martian soil.
may not be able to recognize it.
And 6,500 light years away, a giant cloud of
B) Life probably exists on about 40 percent of all space alcohol floats among the stars.
the planets in the galaxy.
10. Which choice completes the text with the
C) It is impossible to find life on other planets most logical and precise word or phrase?
using currently available technology.
A) model
B) kind It also incorporates parent involvement so
parents gain tools for supporting their
C) unit
adolescent children.
D) design
12. Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) rank C) balance
B) degree D) administer
C) standard
• A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La When researching a topic, a student has taken
Grande Jatte is the most famous painting by the following notes:
French artist Georges Seurat and is one of the •Rathcroghan is an archaeological site in county
archetypal pictures in the neo–impressionist Roscommon, Ireland, that contains burial
style. mounds, forts, standing stones, and other
•Sunday Afternoon was painted between 1884 structures.
and 1886 from a series of oil sketches that •Rathcroghan covers over two square miles and
Seurat made in the park and it now hangs in the contains at least 240 sites that are about 5,500
Art Institute of Chicago. years old, but none have been excavated.
•Seurat used a type of painting called pointillist, •There are no urban centers, so Rathcroghan
though he preferred the term divisionism at the was not a town, but instead the residence of
time, which involved putting small dots of color nobility or a gathering place for festivals.
next to each other that optically blend into an
image. •There is a cave which is said to be the entrance
to the underworld.
•Sunday Afternoon is about 6.6 by 9.9 feet (2 ×
3 meters) and was painted with many •The holiday of Samhain, which over time
extremely bright colors including the new zinc turned into Halloween, is thought to have
yellow, which started oxidizing and becoming originated at Rathcroghan.
darker even during Seurat’s lifetime.
16. The student wants to explain the
15. The student wants to explain the present archaeological significance of Rathcroghan.
condition of Sunday Afternoon. Which choice Which choice most effectively uses relevant
most effectively uses relevant information from information from the notes to accomplish this
the notes to accomplish this goal? goal?
A) The most famous painting by Georges Seurat, A) Rathcroghan is an area of 240 unexcavated
Sunday Afternoon, is a classic of the neo– sites in Ireland with 5,500–year–old structures
impressionist style and uses tiny dots of bright such as mounds, forts, and standing stones that
colors to create a whole image. may be associated with a noble’s residence or a
gathering place for festivals.
B) Rathcroghan in Roscommon, Ireland, has a
cave which people believed was the entrance to
the underworld, and this place is possibly the
origin of the holiday Samhain, which evolved
into Halloween.
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. A