Project Report
Organization: GoodSpace
Submitted by:
I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide Mr Mukul
Pandey for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the
course of this thesis. The blessing, help and guidance given by him time to time shall carry me a
long way in the journey of life on which I am about to embark.
I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to Mr Raj Chhadva, Marketing
Executive, at GoodSpace, New Delhi for his cordial support, valuable information and guidance,
which helped me in completing this task through various stages.
Lastly, I thank almighty, my parents, brother, sisters and friends for their constant
encouragement without which this assignment would not be possible.
School of Commerce and Management
I, KUMARI MANISHA BHARATI, hereby declare that the Project titled, “DIGITAL
MARKETING”, has been carried out by me during my „Corporate Internship Project Training‟
at GoodSpace during 23rd October to 4th December and is hereby submitted for the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration. To
the best of my knowledge, the project undertaken, has been carried out by me, and is my own
work. The contents of this report are original and this report has been submitted to the said
organization and to the „ARKA JAIN University‟, Jharkhand and it has not been submitted
elsewhere, for the award of any Certificate/Diploma/Degree etc.
Roll No: 32
1. Introduction
3. Company Profile 6
5. Analysis 8
7. Conclusion 10
1.1 Background
Internship program has become the bridge for those who want to enter to corporate level from
the college life, through internship I got to know the real working environment that was very
much different from my course study. During my internship, I got a chance to work in the
department to know about how a software company develops the product as applications used by
various financial institutions. The term I spent at F1Soft was more engaged with learning part
through assignments. All my experience helped me realize parts like grouping work, work
environment, peering support, carried out in the organization. Thus, the internship duration
provided me with the opportunity to broaden my knowledge, acknowledge my
strengths/weakness that would be more helpful to shape up my career in the future.
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Digital marketing is the new method of marketing commodities using-digital technology, mostly
through internet. Digital marketing is built on the internet that can create and convert brand value
from producer to the potential customer by various digital networks. The development of digital
marketing has altered the method companies use technology for promotion, as digital podiums
are progressively changed into advertising plans, as individuals use digit campaigns like mobile,
computer/laptop and tablet instead of visiting physical market. Digital-marketing elements like
search engine-optimizing is also called as organic method of ranking the website, pay per click
or SEM, content-marketing, email-marketing, social media, social-media optimization, show
promotion besides e-commerce marketing are becoming more common in advertising
Website: The website is often the home to your digital marketing efforts. Brands and
organizations use websites to host content while using other mediums to distribute it. Most of
your digital marketing activities will link back to your website, where an action is expected to
take place, and the conversions are tracked.
Content Marketing: Content creation is the spine of your entire digital marketing strategy.
Whether you‟ve got a documented content marketing strategy or not, you‟re creating content to
inform, entertain, inspire, or persuade your buyers through other channels. Some of the most
common formats of content include text (blog posts), videos, images, infographics, podcasts,
slide decks, and ebooks.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO acts as a jetpack for your content marketing efforts.
SEO consists of on-page and off-page activities to boost your website‟s visibility in search
engine result pages (SERPs) for your preferred keywords. Earlier, SEO was primarily text-based,
but in recent years voice search has gained prominence as well, which is why your SEO
activities need to have a conversational approach.
Digital Advertising: Digital advertising is an umbrella term for various online advertising
strategies. The typical pricing/bidding strategies for digital advertising are cost-per-click (CPC)
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and cost-per-mille (CPM), i.e., per thousand impressions. Common formats of digital advertising
are search engine marketing (SEM), display advertising, native advertising, social media
advertising, and programmatic advertising.
Email Marketing: Email marketing is the process of maintaining a database of cold and warm
contacts and sending them email alerts about your brand, products and services. It is an effective
channel to communicate with your audience on an ongoing basis. Email marketing is useful to
build your subscriber base, onboard new customers, retain existing ones, promote discounts and
offers, and distribute content.
Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing ensure you are present on the platforms your
users are spending the most time on. These include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and
Instagram, where you can distribute content through both – organic and paid channels. Social
media has also played a vital role in propagating video marketing and the ephemeral content
wave. It enables two-way communication and your fans and followers can interact with you on
your content through likes, comments, direct messages, or by posting on your official pages.
Mobile Marketing: The number of smartphone users across the world is expected to grow to 3.5
billion in 2020. To bank on this opportunity, brands connect with their users on their
smartphones through mobile apps, emails, mobile-friendly websites, and social media. By
connecting with users on the go, brands have been able to optimize their marketing strategies and
send timely messages.
Conversational AI: The rise of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML) have paved the way for more evolved marketing strategies such as conversational
AI. As the adoption of voice search, chatbots, and digital assistants becomes prevalent,
conversational AI becomes vital to digital marketing.
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About GoodSpace:
GoodSpace is a platform to find Fulltime, Work from Home or Freelance work opportunities
with thousands of employers worldwide. With GoodSpace you can Recruit with Confidence and
Hire instantly. We have completely reimagined the hiring/finding work process to bring in line
with current day requirements of speed & transparency.
The dynamics of the workplace have totally changed in the last decade and more so after the
pandemic, global teams that are flexible and agile have become the norm. Most of the current job
search/freelancing platforms were conceived a few decades ago when the situation was different.
These are too cumbersome, slow, and inefficient to effectively meet current-day requirements
not only of the employers/ hirers but also of those who wish to find work painlessly.
Advanced Way of Hiring & Finding Work - Build trust & Credibility
The post pandemic world offers several unique advantages to those who wish to find work.
Companies are now more comfortable than ever before with Work from Home, Remote &
Freelance workers from anywhere in the world, this has given rise to a Global Skills
Marketplace. The boundaries of fulltime and freelance work, in country and international work
have blurred considerably
The GoodSpace platform has been created to help people access the worldwide market for their
skills. On GoodSpace you can simultaneously and seamlessly access opportunities for fulltime,
part time, freelance, work from home, remote, consulting & business opportunities anywhere.
At GoodSpace we have designed a completely new and more efficient way of finding work by
adopting the marketplace approach. You can list your skills, strengths, qualifications, work
experience & expected compensation. However, like in any other market you need to build trust
and credibility with your customers, GoodSpace as designed a unique way of doing this by
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enabling community feedback. The GoodSpace platform allows you to receive feedback from
your peers on your personal strengths & other attributes. The GoodSpace algorithm converts this
feedback into a goodness score. Think of your goodness score as a social credit score. This helps
employers from anywhere in the world shortlist you for their work requirements with confidence.
Goodness Score
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GoodSpace is a digital recruitment platform and a growing community of trusted professionals,
freelancers, recruiters and service providers. The purpose behind this initiative is to help
employers find suitable talent and job seekers to get a fulfilling career.
If you are a job seeker, build your profile on GoodSpace, showcase your current skills
and personal values
If you are an employer, create your account on GoodSpace and instantly hire people.
Feature Highlights
The Feedback feature helps you cultivate a Goodness Score by quantifying your trustworthiness
and increases your chances of getting high-quality work opportunities.
- Give and receive feedback from your friends and colleagues anonymously.
- Receiving positive feedback will help you develop a high Goodness score.
Join GoodSpace community to find professional opportunities, and hire qualified people
instantly for free.
Website: http://www.ourgoodspace.com
Founded: 2019
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The internship program provides students with real life experience of work environment.
Students can implement their academic skills gained from the educational institution.
The objective of the study is to promote brand awareness through digital marketing.
The scope behind this study is to help employers find suitable talent and job seekers to
get a fulfilling career.
The objective of the study is promotion of company application.
This report has been prepared on the basis of experience gathered during the period of internship
and my own learn and understanding. The entire process has been made by collecting primary
data which played a vital role and easy to write down the report.
Primary data has been gathered from my own contacts as my internship was all about sharing
the link of the app with my contacts and get them registered to the app and make them aware
about the app benefit.
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The company GoodSpace should keep on investing to improve its awareness in the market in
order to create brand equity: without awareness it is impossible for a business to succeed and
gain profit. The purpose of this study was to create brand awareness among the consumers from
the perspective of employment providing companies. The aim was to determine what kind of
image consumers have and how aware they are of. Specifically, the goal was to find out the
brand awareness of the company.
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As this is new company, so it is found that many of them are not aware about the app.
This app deals with the people who are finding job and for the organization who are
hiring candidates.
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On the whole, this internship was a useful experience. I have gained new knowledge and skills. I
got insight into professional practice. Related to my study I learned more about digital marketing
and there is still a lot to discover and to improve. The internship was also good to find out what
my strengths and weaknesses are. This helped me to define what skills and knowledge I have to
improve in the coming time. It would also be better if I can present and express myself more
confidently. At last this internship has given me new insights and motivation to pursue a career
in digital marketing.
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