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(A Statutory body under Ministry of Power, Govt. of India)

4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R. K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066


Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) intends to hire 16* Senior Sector Experts / Sector Experts/ for
identified sectors / domains purely on contract basis to provide technical support for Energy Conservation

The contract will be initially for a period of one year extendable by another one year subject to satisfactory
performance of the individual and future requirement of the BEE activities.

Interested applicants may download the details of Educational Qualification, Age, Experience, etc.,
from the website of BEE-www.beeindia.gov.in. The interested applicants fulfilling the eligibility
criteria may forward their curriculum vitae (CV) in prescribed format within 30 days of publication
of advertisement in Employment News to the office of Secretary, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE),
4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram, Sector-1, New Delhi-110066.

*Actual numbers may vary at the time of selection as per actual requirements.

Secretary, BEE
(Ministry of Power, Government of India)

Hiring of Technical Professionals

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Power,
Government of India) established under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act 2001,
to promote efficient use of energy and its conservation. It has its office at New Delhi.

Applications are invited from Indian nationals for engagement of Senior Sector Experts /
Sector Experts fulfilling the eligibility criteria on contract basis initially for a period of one
year extendable by another one year subject to satisfactory performance. The individual having
minimum 05 years of post-qualification experience will be considered for selection as Sector
Expert on consolidated remuneration of Rs. 1.00 Lakh per month. Those having minimum 08
years of post-qualification experience will be considered for selection as Senior Sector Experts
on consolidated remuneration of Rs. 1.25 Lakh per month.

The sector wise details of positions are as under:

S.No. Sector Educational Qualification Experience

1. S&L • Bachelor’s degree in Experience in Energy

i. Voluntary Engineering / Technology Management/ Operations &
Appliances from a recognized University / Maintenance/ technical
ii. Market
Institution. evaluation of Energy
iii. Check Savings/ Standard for
testing/SDA • Conversant with energy appliances and equipment,
efficiency technologies for promotion and development
equipment/ appliance. etc.

• BEE Certified Energy Auditor/

Manager will be given
2. DSM (Ag & Mu) • Bachelor’s degree in Experience in Demand Side
Engineering/ Technology from Management Activities in
a recognized University Electricity Distribution
Companies or ULBs or State
• Postgraduate or Master’s
degree in Engineering /
Technology/ Energy Planning
/ Energy Management /
Sustainable Energy /
Environmental Studies /
Environment Science will
have an added advantage.

BEE Certified Energy Auditor/

Manager will be given preference.
3. National Exam • Bachelor’s degree in Experience in conducting
Coordinator Engineering/ Technology from examinations & in Energy
a recognized University management, auditing, etc.

• Postgraduate or Master’s
degree in Engineering /
Technology/ Energy Planning
/ Energy Management /
Sustainable Energy /
Environmental Studies /
Environment Science will
have an added advantage.

BEE Certified Energy Auditor/

Manager will be given preference.
4. Chlor Alkali/Soda • Bachelor’s degree in Domain experience in the
Ash Engineering/ Technology from sector in relation to energy
5. Fertilizer a recognized University management, plant process
6. Biomass and evaluation of techno-
7. economics of energy
Petroleum Refinery
efficiency measures etc.
8. Petrochemical • Postgraduate or Master’s
9. degree in Engineering /
Technology/ Energy Planning
10. Foundry / Energy Management /
11. Ceramic Sustainable Energy /
Environmental Studies /
12. Glass Environment Science will
13. DISCOM have an added advantage.

BEE Certified Energy Auditor/

Manager will be given preference.

14. Carbon Market • Bachelor’s degree in Experience in Developing

Engineering/ Economics/ forward looking projections
Science/ from a recognized and views on issues
pertaining to carbon
University /Institution.
markets. Supporting
delivery of reports and
• Master’s degree in Business
Administration/ Finance or
M.Sc. or MA in Economics/ Prior Experience of working
Engineering/ Climate Change/ in Carbon Market or
Sustainability/ Environment Climate change or related
area will be preferred.
will have an added advantage.

• Familiarity with Cap-and-

Trade markets/Clean Fuels
Markets/Global Voluntary
Carbon Markets etc.
Maintaining and adding data-
pipes on information that
impact carbon markets.

15. Buildings • Bachelor’s degree in Domain experience in the

Engineering/ sector in relation to Energy
Technology/Architecture from Management/technical
evaluation of Energy
a recognized University
Saving/ Compliance with
/Institution. Energy Efficiency Building
Postgraduate or Master’s Codes & standards/
degree in Engineering / Building Energy Simulation
Technology/Architecture/ Software/Green Building
Energy Planning / Energy Ratings (LEED, IGBC,
Management / Sustainable GRIHA, etc.).
Building Simulation
Energy / Environmental experience will be given
Studies / Environment Science preference.
will have an added advantage.

• BEE Certified Energy

Auditor/ Manager ECBC
Master Trainers, CMVP,
professionals will be

• Should be conversant with

existing building energy
efficiency technologies.

Other expenses admissible to Sector Experts / Sr. Sector Experts: Since the engagement
will be purely on contract basis, they will not be eligible for any perks/benefits (admissible to
regular employees of BEE) except the following: -
1. EPF contribution: The statutory contribution of employer’s share towards EPF shall be
paid on fixed pay.
2. Medical Allowance: They shall be eligible for reimbursement towards Health and
Accidental Insurance subject to production of proof of securing insurance policy with
amount not exceeding Rs. 6,000/- per annum.
3. TA/DA on tour: as per BEE’s existing norms.

Age Limit: The maximum age limit for Senior Sector Experts/ Sector Experts will be 45 years
and 40 years respectively as on last date of receipt of the applications.

How to apply: The interested applicants may submit their CV as per the attached Annexure
along with two passport size photographs and self-attested copies of certificates/mark sheets,
giving complete details of their qualifications and experience with two references, within 30
days of publication of advertisement in Employment News to the office of Secretary, Bureau
of Energy Efficiency (BEE), 4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram, Sector-1, New Delhi-

Candidates must mention the sector(s) and position(s) for which CV is being submitted to BEE.
However, suitability shall be assessed by the Selection Committee based on the qualification
and experience possessed by the candidate in relevant domain at the time of personal

The Bureau reserves the right to relax the eligibility and other criteria in case of exceptionally
outstanding candidates.

Other General information & instructions

Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process if any information
provided by the candidate is found to be incorrect.

Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.

Candidate meeting the eligibility criteria would be shortlisted in order of merit. Selection will
be done based on written test; if required; followed by personal interaction with the shortlisted

In case of otherwise suitable candidates the requirements of Age, Qualifications and

Experience could be relaxed at the discretion of competent authority to meet the immediate
project requirements of the organisation.

The number of positions is tentative and may vary depending upon the requirement of BEE.

Candidate selected will be offered engagement purely on contract basis with no claim for
regular employment in BEE.

The hiring process may be cancelled at any stage at the discretion of BEE without giving any
reason thereof.
SECTOR EXPERT FOR ____________________________________________ SECTOR.

1. Name and Address (in Block Letters)

Mobile No.
2. Date of Birth

3. Educational and other qualifications (1)

(Attach photocopies of marksheets,
degrees, etc.)


4. Please state clearly whether in the light

of entries made by you above, you meet
the requirement of the post

5. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by

your signature, if the space below is insufficient. (Attach photocopies of experience

Office/Institution Post held From To Scale of pay Nature of duties (in

and Basic Pay details)
6. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-
hoc or temporary or Quasi-Permanent
or Permanent

7. Additional details about present

Please state whether working under:
(indicate the name of your employer
against the relevant column)
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Autonomous organisation
(d) Government undertaking
(e) Universities
(f) Others
8. Total emoluments per month now

9. Additional information, if any, which

you would like to mention in support of
your suitability for the post
(This among other things may provide
information with regard to
(i) Additional academic
(ii) Professional training and
(iii) Work experience over and
above prescribed in the
vacancy circular/
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the
space is insufficient)

10. Remarks (The candidate may indicate

information with regard to
(i) Research publications and
reports and special projects
(ii) Wards/ scholarship/
official appreciation
(iii) Affiliation with the
professional bodies/
institutions/ societies and
(iv) Any other information
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the
space is insufficient)

I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/ advertisement and I am well aware
that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed
by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post.


Signature of the candidate

Ph. No. ___________________
E-mail: ___________________

*Strike whichever is not applicable


i. Copy of Xth pass certificate/Marksheet as age proof

ii. Copy of XIIth pass certificate and Marksheet
iii. Copy of Degree/Marksheet
iv. Copy of all experience certificates
v. Copy of Identity Proof (Aadhar Card/ Voter-ID, Driving License/ Passport etc)

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