RITES Ltd., a Nav Ratna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India is a premier
multi-disciplinary consultancy organization in the fields of transport, infrastructure and related technologies.
No. of Vacancies
VC No. Post OBC
187/R1/E/24 Resident Engineer – Civil 2 - - - - 02
Age Limit
Maximum Age
40 Years
Note: Age, experience, and all other eligibility criteria shall be reckoned as on the last
date of submission of the application (cut-off date)
Minimum Post-qualification
VC No Position Minimum Qualification*
work experience
Full Time Diploma in Civil Engineering
187/R1/E/24 Resident Engineer - Civil 3 years
Minimum Post-qualification
VC No Position Minimum Qualification*
work experience
Full Time Diploma in Engineering in
Mechanical /Production/
Resident Engineer - Production & industrial/
188/R1/E/24 3 years
Mechanical Manufacturing/ Mechanical
& Automobile Discipline
Minimum Post-qualification
VC No Position Minimum Qualification*
work experience
Full Time Diploma in Engineering in
Resident Engineer- Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics
189/R1/E/24 3 years
*Candidates belonging to UR/EWS category (and candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PWD applying against
unreserved posts) should have minimum 50% marks in Minimum Qualification for consideration against
unreserved posts.
Reserved category candidates (SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PWD as applicable) should have at least 45% marks in Minimum
Qualification for consideration against reserved posts.
Reservation/ relaxation/ concessions to EWS/ SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PWD/ Ex-SM/ J&K Domicile would be provided
against reserved posts (where applicable) as per extant Govt. orders.
Relaxation in upper age limit to OBC (NCL)/ SC/ ST candidates shall be provided against reserved posts as per
extant Govt. orders.
PWD candidates suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability shall only be eligible for the benefit
of PWD. Such PWD candidates shall be eligible for relaxation of 10 years in upper age limit.
PWD candidates will have to meet the Physical Requirements and Functional Classifications which have been
identified for the post as under:
Persons with Disabilities belonging to the category/ categories for which the post is identified (as indicated in
Table above) can also apply even if no vacancies are specifically reserved for them. Such candidates will be
considered for selection for appointment to the post by general standard of merit.
Functional Classification:
Code Functions
OL One leg affected (R or L)
OA One arm affected
OAL One arm one leg affected
BL Both legs affected
HI Hearing Impaired
LV Low Vision
Physical Requirements:
Selection Process
Round 1
There will be 125 objective type questions carrying one mark each for a duration of 2.5 Hours. There
will be no negative marking system applicable and therefore, no marks will be deducted in case of
an incorrect answer. Candidates belonging to PwD Category are eligible for an additional
compensatory time of 50 minutes.
Round 2
Candidates qualifying in Round 1 will have to appear in competency test which will be conducted
by our client. Candidates need to qualify competency test by securing 95% qualifying marks for
consideration of their candidature for placement on panel.
Tentative syllabus in respect of Round 2 will be shared with the candidates, who would qualify in
Round 1.
Candidates need to qualify both rounds for being eligible for issuance of offer of engagement.
Additionally, appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in
the Medical Examination to be conducted as per RITES Rules and Standards of Medical Fitness for
the relevant post.
Selected candidates shall be liable for posting anywhere in India as per Company requirements.
The Consolidated monthly Gross Emoluments including PF contribution of Employer for posting in Non
– Metro city comes out to be INR 30,627/- with approximate CTC of INR 3.67 Lacs.
Remuneration mentioned above is only indicative. Actual remuneration shall depend upon place of
posting and other terms & conditions of appointment.
The candidates will have to deposit the under mentioned amount of fees during online application:
Category Fee
General/OBC Candidates Rs. 600/- plus Taxes as applicable
EWS/ SC/ST/ PWD Candidates Rs. 300/- plus Taxes as applicable
For any difficulty/ queries regarding fee payment, candidates may contact on following only:
Helpdesk No: 011 – 33557000, Extension Code - 13221
Helpdesk e-mail id: [email protected]
a) Candidates should note that the fee submitted through any other mode except the mode specified, will not be
accepted by RITES and such applications will be treated as without fee and will be summarily rejected.
b) Persons with disabilities are given concession in the fee provided they are otherwise eligible for appointment.
A PWDs candidate claiming age relaxation/fee concession will be required to submit along with their Detailed
Application Form, certified copy of the PWD certificate as per latest GOI format
How to Apply
1. Before applying candidates should ensure that they satisfy the necessary conditions and
requirements of the position.
2. Interested candidates fulfilling the above laid down eligibility criteria are required to apply online in the
registration format available in the Career Section of RITES website, http://www.rites.com.
3. While submitting the online application; the system would generate ‘Registration No.’ on top of online
form filled up by the candidate. Note down this “Registration No.” and quote it for all further
communication with RITES Ltd.
4. While filling up the required details, candidates are advised to carefully and correctly fill the details of
“Identity Proof”. Candidates are also advised to note the same and ensure the availability of the same
Identity Proof as it will be required to be produced in original at later stages of selection (if called).
5. After filling up the required details under the “Fill/ Modify Application Form”, candidate should
submit the application.
6. The candidates are also advised to keep a copy of Application Form submitted with them and to carry
the same at the time of the selection (if called).
7. A copy of this online APPLICATION FORM containing the registration number is to be printed, signed,
and retained. The same is to be submitted at the time of Scrutiny of Documents along with SELF-
ATTESTED SCANNED COPIES of the following documents strictly in the following order. (if called for
document scrutiny):2 recent passport size colour photographs
a. High School certificate for proof of Date of Birth
b. Certificates of Academic & Professional qualifications and statements of marks of all the
qualifications for all semesters/years (Xth, XIIth, Diploma/ Graduation/ Post-Graduation as
c. EWS/ SC/ST/OBC Certificate in the prescribed format by Govt. of India (if applicable)
d. Proof of Identity & Address (Passport, Voter ID, Driving Lisence, Aadhaar Card etc)
e. PAN Card
f. Proof of different periods of experience as claimed in the Application Form (if applicable)
g. Any other document in support of your candidature
h. PWD Certificate as per latest format (if applicable).
7. In respect of claims made by you in your application with regard to experience, copies of experience
certificates from your previous employer are to be submitted at the time document verification. In
respect of current employment, experience certificate/ joining letter along with last months’ salary slips,
or, Form 16 and other documents which clearly prove your continuity in the job are to be submitted. In
case your claim is not established from the proofs submitted by you; your candidature is liable to be
rejected at the time document scrutiny. Please check your claims vis-a-vis the certificates in support
thereof establishing your candidature. Incomplete application or insufficient proof at the time of
document verification would entail rejection of your candidature. No additional information other than
those furnished in the Application shall be allowed to be considered at a later stage.
8. For proof of CTC/ salary, candidates shall have to submit a copy of their last Form No. 16/ Earning Card/
salary slip/ Appraisal letter/ any other suitable document.
9. Community certificate (SC/ST/OBC) should be in the format prescribed by Government of India only.
OBC candidates included in the Central List with certificate not more than 12 months old (with clear
mention of candidate not belonging to “Creamy Layer”) in the GOI prescribed format only will be
considered for the posts reserved for OBC. EWS certificate should also be as per Gov. of India format.
10. Hard copies of documents are not to be sent to this office through post/ courier.
11. The original testimonials/documents along with one self-attested copy will have to be produced by the
candidate(s) at the time of selection (if called).
12. Mere applying for the post/ submission of documents/ appearing or qualifying in the selection does not
confer any right on the candidates for claiming selection. If it is found that a candidate does not fulfill
the advertised eligibility criteria, his/her candidature will be summarily rejected.
13. Candidates should submit only one application for one vacancy and application once submitted cannot
be altered. A valid e-mail ID is essential for submission of the online application. RITES will not be
responsible for bouncing of any e-mail sent to the candidates. However, candidates can apply for any
number of vacancies.
14. The candidates must submit all the details pertaining to his candidature viz. personal details,
educational qualification details, experience details, category etc. Suppression, in this regard, if any,
detected on a future date shall render the candidature liable for forfeiture.
15. If any claim made by a candidate is found to be incorrect, his/her candidature shall be summarily
16. Candidate has to bring duly filled two copies of Annexure A, documents in chronological order and
submit at a time of Document verification/Selection process.
General Instructions
1. Management reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/ enlarge/ modify/ alter the selection/ recruitment
process at any stage, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereafter.
3. Candidates working in any organization shall be allowed to join RITES only after being properly relieved
from their parent organization.
4. Before applying, the Candidates must satisfy themselves about their eligibility for the post applied for.
5. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms
and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact
(s), his/her candidature s liable for cancellation. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after
appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated.
6. Any corrigendum/addendum to this advertisement will be displayed only on the Company’s website
www.rites.com.Therefore, applicants are advised to keep checking the Company’s website for any
7. The period of training/internship shall not be counted towards post qualification experience.
10. Age, experience, and all other eligibility criteria shall be reckoned as on the last
date of submission of application (cut-off date).
11. Date of acquiring the qualification will be earliest of the following:
i. Last day of month in which final examination of qualifying degree has been held. In cases where
exact date of written examination is stated, the same will treated as date of acquiring the
ii. Date of declaration of result
iii. Date of issuance of marksheet
iv. Date of issuance of degree
There shall be no relaxation on this account. No further relaxation shall be provided in this regard.
12. Where a specialization is required in the qualifying degree in the educational qualification, candidate is
required to submit a certificate from the University/ Institution clearly specifying the specialization in
the qualifying degree.
Network graph, KCL, KVL, node and mesh analysis, transient response of Ac and Dc networks, sinusoidal steady-
state analysis, resonance, basic filter concept, ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenin’s Norton’s and
Superposition and Maximum Power Transfer theorems, two-port networks, three phase circuits, Gauss Theorem,
electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions, Ampere’s and Biot-Savart’s
laws, inductance, dielectrics, capacitance.
Representation of continuous and discrete-time signals, shifting and scaling operation, linear, time-invariant and
causal systems, Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals, sampling theorem, Fourier, Laplace
and Z transforms.
Single phase transformer – equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency, three phase
transformers – connections, parallel operation, auto-transformer, energy conversion principles; DC machines –
types, windings, generator characteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting and speed control of
motors, three phase induction motors – principles, types performance characteristics, starting and speed control,
single phase induction motors, synchronous machines – performance, regulation and parallel operation of
generators, motor starting characteristics and applications; servo and stepper motors.
Basic power generation concepts; transmission line models and performance, cable performance, insulation,
corona and radio interference, distribution systems, per–unit quantities, bus impedance and admittance
matrices, load flow, voltage control, power factor correction, economic operation, symmetrical components,
fault analysis, principles of over-current, differential and distance protection, solid state relays and digital
protection, circuit breakers, system stability concepts, swing curves and equal area criterion, HVDC transmission
and FACTS concepts.
Principles of feedback, transfer function, block diagrams; steady-state errors, Routh and Niquist techniques, Bode
plots, root loci, lag, lead and lead-lag compensation, state space model, state transition matrix, controllability
and observability.
Semiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs – static characteristics and
principles of operation, triggering circuits, phase control rectifiers, bridge converters – fully controlled and half
controlled, principles of choppers and inverters, basis concepts of adjustable speed Dc and Ac drives.
SAP FI – Organization Structure, Financial Accounting Global Settings, General Ledger, Accounts Payable,
Accounts Receivable, Bank Accounting, Asset Accounting, Profit Center Accounting, Controlling, Cost Element
Accounting, Cost Centre Accounting, Internal Order Accounting, Profitability Analysis.
Engineering Mechanics: Free-body diagrams and equilibrium; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics and
dynamics of particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion; impulse and momentum (linear and angular) and
energy formulations, collisions.
Mechanics of Materials: Stress and strain, elastic constants, Poisson's ratio; Mohr’s circle for plane
stress and plane strain; thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear
stresses; deflection of beams; torsion of circular shafts; Euler’s theory of columns; energy methods; thermal
stresses; strain gauges and rosettes; testing of materials with universal testing machine; testing of hardness
and impact strength.
Theory of Machines: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic
analysis of linkages; cams; gears and gear trains; flywheels and governors; balancing of reciprocating
and rotating masses; gyroscope.
Vibrations: Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems, effect of damping; vibration
isolation; resonance; critical speeds of shafts.
Machine Design: Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N
diagram; principles of the design of machine elements such as bolted, riveted and welded joints; shafts,
gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, brakes and clutches, springs.
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties; fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy, forces on submerged bodies, stability
of floating bodies; control-volume analysis of mass, momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential
equations of continuity and momentum; Bernoulli’s equation; dimensional analysis; viscous flow of
incompressible fluids, boundary layer, elementary turbulent flow, flow through pipes, head losses in pipes,
bends and fittings.
Heat-Transfer: Modes of heat transfer; one dimensional heat conduction, resistance concept and
electrical analogy, heat transfer through fins; unsteady heat conduction, lumped parameter system,
Heisler's charts; thermal boundary layer, dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat
transfer, heat transfer correlations for flow over flat plates and through pipes, effect of turbulence; heat
exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU methods; radiative
heat transfer, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Wien's displacement law, black and grey surfaces, view factors,
radiation network analysis.
Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of pure substances, behaviour of ideal
and real gases; zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics, calculation of work and heat in various
processes; second law of thermodynamics; thermodynamic property charts and tables, availability and
irreversibility; thermodynamic relations.
Applications: Power Engineering: Air and gas compressors; vapour and gas power cycles, concepts of
regeneration and reheat. I.C. Engines: Air-standard Otto, Diesel and dual cycles. Refrigeration and air-
conditioning: Vapour and gas refrigeration and heat pump cycles; properties of moist air, psychrometric
chart, basic psychrometric processes. Turbomachinery: Impulse and reaction principles, velocity diagrams,
Pelton-wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines.
Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials, phase diagrams, heat treatment,
stress-strain diagrams for engineering materials.
Elasticity, plasticity, fracture and fracture toughness, fatigue, solid solutions, equilibrium diagram, thermal
treatment, isothermal transformation of austenite, TTT and CCT diagrams Cooling, curves, austempering,
martempering, factors affecting hardenability, function of allying elements in steel (ferrite former, austenite
former, carbide former, stabilizer)
Casting, Forming and Joining Processes: Different types of castings, design of patterns, moulds and cores;
solidification and cooling; riser and gating design. Plastic deformation and yield criteria; fundamentals of hot
and cold working processes; load estimation for bulk (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing) and sheet
(shearing, deep drawing, bending) metal forming processes; principles of powder metallurgy. Principles of
welding, brazing, soldering and adhesive bonding.
Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Mechanics of machining; basic machine tools; single and multi-
point cutting tools, tool geometry and materials, tool life and wear; economics of machining; principles of
non-traditional machining processes; principles of work holding, design of jigs and fixtures.
Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and angular measurements; comparators; gauge
design; interferometry; form and finish measurement; alignment and testing methods; tolerance analysis in
manufacturing and assembly.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools.
Production Planning and Control: Forecasting models, aggregate production planning, scheduling, materials
requirement planning.
Operations Research: Linear programming, simplex method, transportation, assignment, network flow
models, simple queuing models, PERT and CPM.
Manufacturing Processes
Metal casting – patterns and moulds including mould design involving feeding, gating and risering, melting,
casting practices in sand casting, permanent mould casting, investment casting and shell moulding, casting
defects and repair; Hot, warm and cold working of metals; Metal forming – fundamentals of metal forming
processes of rolling, forging, extrusion, wire drawing and sheet metal forming, defects in forming; Metal
joining – soldering, brazing and welding, common welding processes of shielded metal arc welding, gas
metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding and submerged arc welding; Welding metallurgy, problems
associated with welding of steels and aluminium alloys, defects in welded joints; Powder metallurgy –
production of powders, compaction and sintering; NDT using dye-penetrant, ultrasonic, radiography, eddy
current, acoustic emission and magnetic particle methods.
Testing of material:
Nondestructive testing: Ultrasonic testing, radiography, magnetic particle testing, eddy current testing, dye
penetration testing.
Physical testing: Tensile test, % elongation, % reduction in area, hardness (Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers), impact
test (Izod, charpy), bend test, shear test, fatigue test, creep test.
Stress strain curve for mild steel, rolled steel section, loads, permissible stresses,
working stresses, factor of safety minimum thickness of structural members, Design
Compression Members-Effective length, Slenderness ratio, Column design , Types of
sections, assumptions, Design of Axially loaded compression members
Tension Members-Net sectional area, Permissible stress, Design of axially loaded
tension member
Design of Plate girder – bending, shear, economical depth.
Welded joints, types of welds, design of fillet weld, design of butt weld.
Classification of highways, types of surveys, cross-section and profiles, soil
Elements of right of way and standards, gradient, speed, sight distances, curves.
Testing of aggregate, bitumen and cement, Field quality test for earthwork, concrete
work, brick & stone masonry, Road work.
California bearing ratio method for design of flexible pavement
Design of concrete pavement, pavement joints, preparation of the sub-grade and sub-
Types of alignment survey, parameters of speed, loading and permanent way for
various classes of railway line, schedule of dimensions.
Curves, gradient, earthwork and permanent way-rails, sleepers, ballast, fastenings and
fixtures, points and crossings, level crossing.
Daily maintenance, periodical maintenance, maintenance of track alignment,
maintenance of drainage, maintenance of track components, maintenance of points and
crossings, maintenance of level crossing.
Airport Site Selection, Estimation of Future Air Traffic Needs, Runway Orientation,
Runway Configuration, Basic Runway Length, Correction for Elevation, Temperature and
Gradient, Airport Classification, Airport Capacity, Runway Capacity, Gate Capacity,
Taxiway Capacity, Airport layout.
Any information regarding this recruitment process would be made available on the email address provided by
the candidate at the time of registration and/or shall be uploaded on RITES website. Candidates are advised to
periodically check the site for further updates.
Candidates are encouraged to go through the detailed advertisement and read the “Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs)” uploaded on RITES website under Career section to solve their queries.
Queries if remaining should be sent to [email protected] only and contain the following particulars:
i. VC No.
iv. Valid email address as given in the application Communications not containing above
particulars shall NOT BE ATTENDED TO.
Communications not containing above particulars shall NOT BE ATTENDED TO. Any query/ issue should be
brought to notice of RITES well in advance of the due date.
RITES will not be responsible for non-submission of application due to issues brought to notice at the last
moment. Queries related to information already provided in the advertisement may not be attended to.
Important Dates
I also certify that the above documents are authentic, valid and true to the best of my knowledge. If any of
the above document(s) or any information contained therein is found to be false, my candidature/
employment may be summarily rejected/ cancelled.
Signature of candidate
Name of candidate
Date of Documents Submission
Post Name
VC No against which Documents Submission
For official use only
I have verified the above documents submitted by the candidate and found them to be / not to be (strike
out one of these) in order as per company requirement(s)