Database Assignment
Database Assignment
Database Assignment
Internal Verifier
Programme Leader
signature (if required)
LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design
Pass, Merit & Distinction P2 P3 M2 M3 D2
Resubmission Feedback:
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Action Plan
Summative feedback
Assessor Date
Student Date
1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.
1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and
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5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your
Important Points:
1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the
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3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness,
you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will
then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation
and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be
reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present
it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means
to copy another’s work.
[email protected] 02/05/2022
Unit Tutor
Issue Date
Submission Date
Submission format
Part 1: The submission should be in the form of an individual written report written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please also provide in-text citation
and bibliography using Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 3,000–
3,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Part 2: The submission should be in the form of a fully functional relational database system
demonstrated to the Tutor; and an individual written report (please see details in Part 1 above).
Part 3: The submission should be in the form of a witness statement of the testing completed
by the Tutor; technical documentation; and a written report (please see details in Part 1
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial
LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design.
LO3 Test the system against user and system requirements.
LO4 Produce technical and user documentation.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Polly Pipe is a water sports provider and installer based in Braintree, England. They need you
to design and implement a database that meets the data requirements. These necessities are
defined in this scenario and below are samples of the paper records that the Polly Pipe
Polly Pipe is focused in placing aquariums at business customers. Customers can request
several installations, but each installation is tailor-made for a specific customer. Facilities are
classified by type. One or more employees are assigned to each facility. Because these
facilities are often very large, they can include carpenters and masons as well as water
installers. The facilities use equipment such as aquariums, air pumps and thermostats. There
can be multiple computers in a facility.
Below are examples of paper records that Polly Pipe currently maintains.
(Note:-It is allowed to have your own assumptions and related attributes within the scope of the case study
1.2. Design set of simple interfaces to input and output for the above scenario using
Wireframe or any interface-designing tool. Evaluate the effectiveness of the given design
(ERD and Logical design) in terms of the identified user and system requirements .
Activity 2
Activity 2.1
a. Develop a relational database system according to the ER diagram you have created
(Use SQL DDL statements). Provide evidence of the use of a suitable IDE to create a
simple interface to insert, update and delete data in the database. Implement proper
security mechanisms in the developed database.
Evaluate the database solution developed and its effectiveness with relevant to the
user and system requirements identified, system security mechanisms (EX: -User
groups, access permissions) and the maintenance of the database.
Activity 2.2
a. Explain the usage of DML with below mentioned queries by giving at least one single
example per each case from the developed database. Assess the usage of the below
SQL statements with the examples from the developed database to prove that the
data extracted through them are meaningful and relevant to the given scenario.
Select/ Where / Update / Between / In / Group by / Order by / Having
Activity 3.2
Get independent feedback on your database solution from the non-technical users and
some developers (use surveys, questioners, interviews or any other feedback collecting
method) and make recommendations and suggestions for improvements in a separate
conclusion/recommendations section.
Activity 4
Produce a technical documentation and a user guide for the developed database system.
Suitable diagrams diagrams (Use case diagram, class diagram, flow charts, DFD level 0 and
1) should be included in the technical documentation to show data movement in the system.
Assess the developed database by suggesting future enhancements to ensure the
effectiveness of the system.
The timely and effective completion of the book would not have been possible without the
assistance and support of many people. I'd want to use this occasion to express my gratitude
to everyone who assisted me in some way throughout this crucial project, whether directly or
indirectly. First of all, I wish to express my sincere gratitude and due respect to my
Mr. Dileepa Mihiranga lectures in department of Computing Esoft Metro Campus Matara. I
give him a great heartfelt thanks for his invaluable advice, constant encouragement, and
positive support, all of which greatly aided me during my time at work. I'd want to thank him
for always taking an active interest in my questions and making useful advice.
Information about all the employees and equipment of this institution is kept on paper. This is
a bit difficult so the company is ready to create a database. Below is all the information related
to creating it.
This company has 5 main roes. That is, it has an internal roles 3 and an external roles 2.this is
described separately below.(Assignment Brief)
⚫ Installations manager
Chief of the company who supervise everything happen within the company.
⚫ System user
This person maintain the system and performs operations such as collecting , updating and
deleting data. The person who enter information such as customer, equipment, suppliers
and ECT.
⚫ Staff members
That is, this is the company working staff. Assignment employs a wide variety of
employees.Plumbers, installation managers, bricklayers, aquarium installers, carpenters
and masonry work for this company.
⚫ Supplier
These are the people who supply the materials relevant to the company. (Tanks, Filters and
Although the company used manual data storage to store data, the company was later ready to
create a database.
⚫ Data redundancy
Here the data is repeated again and again. This led to unnecessary data collection.
⚫ Data inconsistency
The same data was deposited in different places. It also takes up more space to store data.
⚫ Data not shareable
It is difficult to share data with others.
⚫ Difficult to limit access
Data access cannot be restricted. Anyone can view the data.
⚫ Less data security
Data security is compromised because duplicates are difficult to obtain.
This method has many disadvantages in depositing data and people are tempted to replace this
method electronically. The above disadvantages could be avoided when storing data
Database ( electronically storage data )
In this method, computer assisted data storage took place. This method also allows you to create
a new file ,remove file, data insert, data delete, data update and data search.
Advantages Disadvantages
Data modal is the storage of all data in tables so that it can be organize, manage and stored.
The division of data into tables consists of four parts.
➢ Flat data model
Flat data model is the storage of all data in a single table. This is a simple database that
represents all the data in a single data.
a) Customer can buy equipment only and decline staff services based on their preference.
b) Must be able to obtain information related to the required equipment.
c) Customer should be able to request several installation
d) Customer can select or deselect staff services.
Insert option
⚫ When recruiting a new employee to the company.
⚫ To include customer information.
⚫ When entering information on equipment.
⚫ When entering other information of the company.
⚫ Insert order details.
Update option
⚫ When updating employee information.
⚫ When updating an order.
⚫ When changing a customers information.
⚫ Update details of staff
⚫ Update equipment
Search option
⚫ When retrieving employee information.
⚫ To obtain customer information.
⚫ To get information on equipment’s.
⚫ Search existing staff members details
⚫ Search invoices.
Delete option
⚫ When an employee leaves the company.
⚫ When deleting customer information.
⚫ Delete existing supplier details.
⚫ Delete existing equipment.
1.5.3 Non-Functional Requirements
This is not mandatory for system activation and should have these features for the convenience
of the setting these properties in a system, the efficiency of the system can be increased.
These characteristics are explained separately below.
➢ Security
You need to pay more attention to the security of the data save in the system. That is,
hackers have the ability to enter the system and steal data. There for , more care should
be taken about security when designing a system. Anti virus software , firewall software
can be used to protect a system.
➢ Backup
Must be able to get system backup. If the system crashes and all data is erased, the
company may shut down. Because it can take a long time to recover that data. You must
be able to obtaina backup to avoid it. (backup cloud storage can be stored on memory
such as USB or CD and hard disk.)
➢ Ability to maintain
Must be able to run a system. Running a system for a loan time can cause various
problems. The system may potentially crash as a result of a problem.. That is ,when a
system is created, it must be able to maintain it for a loran time.
➢ Error handling
Errors detection in a system can be done by manipulating the error. That is ,if the system
shows an errors during data input, processing and output , the errors can be avoided by
displaying the relevant details. Error handling means that if there is a system error, the
user can fix the error by providing the user with a description of where the error
occurred along with the error code.
EX-windows 11 error/ Try again and if that doesn’t work, contact Microsoft support for help
Error code 0*8007007f ( extraction=google .com/search?q=Erroe+handline/Appual 2014)
➢ Data Availability
The system user should be able to log in to the system and retrieve the required data at
any time. Must be able to access information at any time without error.
➢ Environmental requirement
➢ Maintainability
➢ Interoperability
Hardware specification is the technical specifications that a hardware must meet in order for
software to function properly. The hardware specification vary from software to software. The
hardware specification are as follows.
⚫ Processor intel i3 or higher
⚫ 2GB of RAM
⚫ 500 MB of hard drive space
⚫ Windows operating system
⚫ 1280 X 800 display
Below are the entities and attributes of the database created for the Polly pipe company.
1.7 Normalization
Normalisation is the technology used to prevent duplication of database data. It also enhances
the integrity of the database. Here Edgar F. Codd proposes a there-stage process. Completing
the third normal format And BCNF (3NF/BCNF) of the database can also be referred to as
It consists of five parts 1NF , 2NF ,3NF and BCNF. The meanings of each general model are
as follows. This is explained separately below
1.8 ER Diagram
This is the design part of the database development process. Before a database is create, it is
represented by a diagram. For then, an ER note will be drawn. Special symbols for drawing
an ER note have also been introduced. Below are the relevant symbols.
In data processing, analysis, data verification, and data processing, data validation is critical.
Any data should be double-checked before being used. It's dangerous to make judgement based
on faulty data. As a result, every company has its own set of standards for preserving and
managing its business data. Validation rules for data examples,
• Data type
• Range check
• Uniqueness
• Consistent expressions
• No null values
Data validation
• Insert data
The process of entering rows into a table is known as data insertion. The following are data
insertion techniques and an example of SQL query specification. Methods for inserting
data. To insert rows, use the INSERT command.
• Delete data
Use the DELETE command to remove one or more data sets or elements of a partitioned
data set from the system. When the system deletes a whole data set, the catalogue entry is
also deleted.
Creates and completes the ER diagram and relational schema diagram of the Polly pipe
company system. Next ,applications should be designed for Polly pipe company. To do this,
your must first created interfaces.
An interface is a front interface that is designed to be user-friendly. When creating an interface
it should be designed in a way that is easy for the user to navigate.
Below are some of the interface that are being created related to Polly pipe company.
Massage box
Enter the wrong email and password will give the user a message box indicating that it is
Here the user can enter, delete ,update and search staff ,customer ,order, payment, supplier,
installations and equipment. You can enter information and view the entered information.
SQL consists of many sub-languages that provide different capabilities for SQL. The
capabilities provided by SQL sub-languages are design, data handling, querying and control.
SQL (Structured Query Language) statements are divided into sub-languages, which include
the data query language (DQL), the data definition language (DDL), the data control language
(DCL), and the data manipulation language (DML) (DML). The following are the sub-
language of the SQL Language.
• Alter
ALTER TABLE table name
ADD column name datatype; (w3 school)
• Truncate
TRUNCATE TABLE table_name; (w3 school)
• Drop
DROP TABLE table_name; (w3 school)
• Insert
2. VALUES (value1, value2, value3, .... valueN); (w3 school)
• Update
UPDATE table_name SET [column_name1= value1,...column_nameN = valueN]
[WHERE CONDITION] (w3 school)
• Delete
DELETE FROM table _name [WHERE condition]; (w3 school)
• Select
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name; (w3 school)
Advantages Disadvantage
Data retrieval does not necessitate a huge SQL has a challenging interface that makes
number of lines of code, hence no coding some users feel uneasy when working with
skills are necessary. the database.
Standardized Language
‘Where’ statement
When adding data from a single table or merging multiple tables, the SQL WHERE clause is
used to set a condition.
‘Between’ statement
Values can be in the form of numbers, text, or dates. The BETWEEN operator takes into
consideration both the start and finish values.
Login page
Installation page
Installation information entry, deletion and updates are done on this page.
Supplies page
Supplies information entry, deletion and updates are done on this page.
The above is the software developed for polly pipe company. Namely the company login page,
dashboard page and related other pages are created above. In addition, a database has been
created for this company. Example codes are shown above and below is the database created
by visual studio software.
A query is a request for data results as well as data action. A query can be used to find out the
answer to a simple question., conduct computations, aggregate data from many databases, or
even add, edit, or delete data from a table.
2. Encryption of data
The process of transforming plain text (unencrypted) data into cipher text is known as
data encryption (encrypted). Data that has been encrypted can be accessed with an
encryption key, whereas data that has been decrypted may be accessed with a
decryption key. Maintaining the security of your data.
4. Data integrity
Data integrity is an important part of information security. "Data integrity" refers to the
quality and consistency of data recorded in a database, data warehouse, data mart, or
other structure in its widest sense.
Below is the database created for the user name and password.
You must type this user name and password correctly to login to the system.
Database link
The database created by visual studio should be linked to the software of the polly pipe
company. The database should be linked. Below is a screen shot of the link to the database.
Above is a screen short of the polly pipe company database. Here are the codes for entering
data, creating table and linked to the database. The author used the SQL language to created
the database and visual studio to created the system
Test case – 01
Enter incorrect user name and correct password
Correct user name - mandara
Test name - Pasindu
Message box
Login page Close button Login page Login page did Fail
exit click close not close.
A test method is a written description of the test cases that will be run on one or more target
software modules. Test processes can be run. The VERIFIER process runs a test procedure on
its target modules and generates an exception report that shows which test cases, if any, failed.
⚫ Road Map to the Testing Process.
⚫ Communication Methods
⚫ Test Environment Requirements.
⚫ Improved Functional Coverage.
⚫ Prevents Unnecessary Testing.
We can cover the following database activities during the database testing:
o Testing data integrity
o Checking data validity
o Performance check relate
o Triggers and Functions in the database
o Testing various procedures
Database testing
06 In Mandara 31/04/2022
1. Access speed
2. Ease of handling
Date 01/05/2022
Signature [email protected]
Date 01/05/2022
Signature [email protected]
Date 01/05/2022
Signature [email protected]
Date 01/05/2022
Signature [email protected]
Date 01/05/2022
Signature [email protected]
Date 01/05/2022
Signature [email protected]
Feedback was received from six user. Accordingly no user has said anything bad. Five people
have commented on the speed of the software. Only two have commented on the ease of
operating the software. Four people have said good things about the logging system. Three
people said good to the data insert , data delete and data update. Three people said good things
about the dashboard and five people said good things about the exit button. Here is a table with
all the relevant information.
According to this login from you can insert correct user name you have and
Insert your correct password correctly you can login to Polly pipe system
If you don't want to login system you can click close button.
Here the user has created an easy interface. Coming to this after logging in
CLICKING on the file here will show you the revelation page
Here you have a page is ,
You can add your data above customer from add click insert button. You want to
Update your data before you fill your can click update button after insert.
If you want to delete some data before you filled in above from text
Box delete button, click properly.
You can add your data above staff from add click insert button. You want to
Update your data before you fill your can click update button after insert.
If you want to delete some data before you filled in above from text
Box delete button, click properly.
You can add your data above ORDER from add click insert button. You want to
Update your data before you fill your can click update button after insert.
If you want to delete some data before you filled in above from text
Box delete button, click properly.
Processor: Core i5 TH GRN or above
HARD DISK – 500GB minimums
DVD writer
In terms of inputs and outputs, a data flow diagram (DFD) depicts how data is handled by a
system. The concentration, as its name suggests, is on the flow of information, including
where it originates from, where it flows, and how it is kept.
SQL databases may be phased out in favor of more distributed models in the future, with
NoSQL and Hadoop vying for first place. For years, SQL has had a stranglehold over
databases. The relational database concept first appeared in the 1970s and soon became
• Database archiving might be used to minimize storage space and limit the quantity of
data saved that isn't needed.
• The database system does not yet include automated error handling, but it may be
introduced in the future to give customers with quick answers to failures.
• The database system now only allows administrators access, however it might be
enhanced to provide other levels of user access.
• The system might employ notifications for particular activities, such as when a work is
ready to be sent, and so on.
1. 2021. SQL Commands: DDL, DML, DCL, TCL, DQL - javatpoint.
[online] Available at: [Accessed 17 APIRL
2. 2021. What is a database?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 APIRAL 2022].
4 Your Bibliography: Guru99. 2022. What is Normalization in DBMS (SQL)? 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF
5 Your Bibliography: 2022. MySQL :: MySQL Workbench. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1
MAY 2022].
7 Your Bibliography: 2022. Before you continue to Google Search. [online] Available