News Writing

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News Writing:

Define the Role of journalism
Outline the process involved in our practice of campus journalism
Define NEWS
Enumerate and explain elements that make a news
Learn tips in writing good stories
Write a good news story

Use of Journalism
Theory of social responsibility:
Authoritarian theory (unity)
Libertarian theory (freedom)

Principal of media and morality

formation of social, civic, and moral space- a Mediapolis. Where media can be designated place for
civility, humanity, and responsibility
higher form of social consciousness- one that looks out for society’s common good

Advocacy of journalism:
“articles that provide context, analysis, evidence and testimony that frame nad drive public
-is fact based
-approaches a story from specific standpoint
-presents arguments
-address counter-arguments

Contemporary model
Present a social concern and why it matters
present the facts
interpret what the facts mean
enable empowerment

News writing:
the basics:

News-is any event idea/reaction that is presented factually and simply written form to give the
reader an idea of what is currently happening, particularly on matters of interest to the community

Proximity/nearness – is it close to the community?

Consequence / impact how many people- have been, are, and will be affected?
Revelation- Is there significant, formerly unknown information to the readers?
Entertainment- will it make a fun story?
Immediacy/timeliness- did it happen recently?
Oddity- is it something highly unusual?
Inverted Pyramid:
Lead and other main points
Body details of the initial information provided
Additional information

Kinds of news stories:

According to time relations:
Advance story
coverage story

According to treatment:
Straight news
News feature / interpretative News

According to topic/scope:
policy news
Event news
community news
Achievement news

it is the beginning of a news story which contains the most important information, helping the
reader decide whether or not to read the rest of the story
-5 W 1 H leads
-Grammatical beginning leads
-Unorthodox leads

5Ws Lead
-After getting all the information to answer the 5 Ws and H, decide which one is most important
and begin your lead with that.
-Avoid stressing the wrong things/persons in the lead
-Avoid using the “last, the, there, an, A” as much as possible as these could sound like a dull
-avoid overloading lead

Grammatical Beginning lead:

Gerund- garnering a passing percentage of 95%, 20 Juris Doctors are now licensed lawyers
Temporal Clause- while classrooms at PIES are being repainted, PIESan students attend classes at
the available classrooms beside the auditorium
Infinitive- to raise enough funds for the outreach program of the SHS Department, Grade 12
HUMSS students will be collecting goods from the Grade school and Junior High school
Conditional Clause- Unless the admin decide to increase the salary of its employees, the UNION
will pursue their planned rally outside the gates of the university
Unorthodox Lead:
Direct Quotation Lead- I am no savior, says DR. Ramos after having saved 1,200 lives after Bagyong
Biday hit Cagayan North two days ago
Contrast lead- from 48th to 71st PIES lost its status as the premier center of basic education
excellence in the Middle East after accreditors denied granting autonomous status to the
Question lead- would you spend 800 KD for you child’s Senior High education?

How to do it (Data Gathering):

Understand what the story is about
Understand why the story is important
Learn how to interview effectively
Contact key individuals for interview
Respect people, their time, and privacy
BE present during the event you are covering
Take down notes, and strive for accuracy
Use recorder if possible especially when you plan to include direct quotes
Cross-Check data given by your sources to ensure consistency
Gather as much information as you can before during and after the event

How to do it (writing and editing)

Think about the most interesting and importart of the news, create a good lead out of it and the
rest of the details into the body, according to degree of importance of the information
Don not fake your data
Use simple language and avoid jargon unless necessary
Edit your work and have others edit it too
When it doubt, consult the experts
Photojournalism- is the process of storytelling using the medium of photography as your main story
telling device. While a journalism will use their pen and paper to tell stories, a photojournalism will
use their camera to capture the visual representation of a story
-is important because it can add an emotional element to a news story. An imagine can connect with
an audience and evoke and emotional reaction from them, which may inspire them to act on the call
to action the news story may have accompanied with
5 common elements that great imagines typically have:
-Good use of light
-Captivating moment
-Correct composition for the given siutaion
-the photographers choice of distance to their subject

Exposure triangle aperture shutter speed ISO

Tips best iphone photography

Wipe up for more control
Change your perspective
Adjust your exposure
Get a grid
Add a blurry background with portrait mode
Go deeper in your editing process
Utilize photographic styles
Macro mode for micro subjects

White space
High ISO
Pov below
Pow above
Pov eye level
Rule of thirds
being a director
Editorial cartooning- are the graphical illustrations of certain political, social, economic and
satirical ideas that may convey a message r a deeper meaning

5 elements:

Different tools:

How to make an editorial cartoon

Sketch a draft
Apply different techniques: Perspective, Layering, Shading, Guidelines

the arrangement of graphic, text and other elements on the print virtual page
matter of creating and designing magazines articles and yearbook pages

Theme-elements that are suitable for the pic and texts used
overview- doing a draft and see how you can build a piece
Contracts- dark background = light text, light background = dark text
Make us of the canvas- do not make it crowded or don’t leave a big space

Canva, Adobe photo shop, Inshot, Pics art
Radio Broadcasting:
Radio is the transmission and reception and electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially
those carrying sound messages

Makes pictures
Speaks to the individual
Speaks to millions
Speed of radio
Mobile medium
No boundaries
Simple reach of illiterates and language
Transient nature
As background sound
has music
Can surprise

Radio setup:
Streaming applications

3 Tools:
Effective speakers
Sound and equipment/ functional facilities
Clear directional policies

News Gathering

Radio script- refers to the written material which indicates verbal and non verbal action that has to
go into the program
Ensure accuracy of info
Ensure continuity of program
Maximize airtime
Write as if you’re talking
reporters and speakers
Sound team
Sound board
Sound effects
Appropriate music

Each group will be creating their own radio broadcasting show

The leader director must delegate the roles of each member
A template script and radio sound effects will be provided
Use the template script to create 5 headlines to present

Sentinel workshop
PSSG/PSPG Election
Your 3 outputs from news writing
Record your show in a vacant room

1.) Sentinel
2.) Pssg
3.) Mc Arthur
4.) Davao
5.) Treaded Quezon
6.) Weather
Zach reminds me of de guy in campin who slept in de hotel

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