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International Review of Management and

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International Review of Management and Marketing, 2024, 14(4), 202-209.

Analysing the Art of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

of Digital Banking Services: A SEM Approach

C. M. Bhuvaneswari1*, K. Maruthamuthu2

Department of Commerce, Government Arts and Science College, Mettur, Tamil Nadu, India, 2Department of Commerce, Periyar

University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. *Email: [email protected]

Received: 15 February 2024 Accepted: 13 June 2024 DOI:

Given that India is among the countries with the fastest-growing digital banking service providers globally, the purpose of this research is to examine
the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction when using digital banking through the use of a structural equation model. An
organised set of survey questions was created in order to gather information from respondents in India. The study employed a stratified sampling
technique to choose possible participants. 232 completed and useable questionnaires were chosen from the distribution to be analysed using AMOS-
structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings demonstrated that consumer satisfaction with digital banking is positively and significantly impacted
by all of the components of service quality—tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Customer satisfaction is very strongly
impacted by response. Additionally, it has been determined that tangibility has less of an impact on consumer satisfaction. The findings also indicate
that digital banking service providers should focus on improving all facets of service quality, with a focus on timeliness and reliability, in order to
boost consumer satisfaction. When providing services to end users and clients of digital banking, researchers, banking authorities, legislators, and
financial organisations will need to consider a number of conclusions from this study. Additionally, this implication aids banks in comprehending and
creating policies and strategies to enhance India’s digital banking services.
Keywords: Digital Banking, SERVQUAL Model, Customer Satisfaction, Structural Equation Model, Service Quality, India
JEL Classifications: M3

1. INTRODUCTION majority of circumstances (Kumar et al., 2017). Customers always

desire ease, security, and complete control over the necessary
In recent decades, the financial industry has seen rapid financial services, which is why consumer self-service channels
modernization of information technology and increased like ATMs, Internet banking, and digital banking services are
competition (Koksal, 2016; Lee and Chung, 2009; Leung and becoming more and more popular with the general public (Thakur,
Matanda, 2013; Mortimer et al., 2015; Rajeswari et al., 2017). In 2014). Cutting edge technology-based services help financial
particular, customers are now more competitive when selecting institutions become more sustainable and cost-effective while also
banking goods and providers thanks to the technologies utilised in meeting client needs (Kumar et al., 2017).
digital banking (George and Kumar, 2013). These modifications
not only affected the conventional banking channel but also Modern technology provides rapid, simple, pleasant, and effective
compelled the sector to redesign its in-person interactions with services to customers through digital banking, or e-banking
clients and adjust the clientele’s expectations (Rask and Dholakia, (Nupur, 2010; Shankar and Datta, 2018). It has also been the
2001). Customers now have greater convenience and freedom than most popular choice among customers in recent years (Rahman
ever thanks to the financial industry’s use of new technology in the et al., 2021). The number of e-banking service subscriptions has

This Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

202 International Review of Management and Marketing | Vol 14 • Issue 4 • 2024

Bhuvaneswari and Maruthamuthu: Analysing the Art of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Digital Banking Services: A SEM Approach

been steadily rising due to the rapidly growing number of active 1. Tangibility alludes to physical facilities, equipment,
users—nearly 20 million—since the service’s launch in India representatives and specialized instruments.
in 2011 (Indian Bank, 2018). Digital banking, also known as 2. Reliability alludes to the capacity to satisfy the promises
e-banking, is a cutting-edge technology that offers consumers effectively and without a doubt.
quick, easy, comfortable, and efficient services (Nupur, 2010; 3. Responsiveness alludes to the specialist co-op’s aim and
Shankar and Datta, 2018). It has also been the most popular choice eagerness to help the clients and to diagram the prompt
among customers in recent years (Rahman et al., 2017). Modern administrations.
technology provides rapid, simple, pleasant, and effective services 4. Assurance alludes to the workers’ learning and humbleness
to customers through digital banking, or e-banking (Nupur, 2010; and capacity to pass on trust and earnestness.
Shankar and Datta, 2018). Additionally, in recent years, customers 5. Empathy alludes to accommodating individual care and
have made this the most preferred choice (Rahman et al., 2017). thoughtfulness regarding the client.
Since the service’s inception in India in 2011, the number of
e-banking service subscriptions has been continuously increasing, 2.1. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
owing to the rapidly expanding number of active users—nearly Financial service providers are primarily concerned with service
20 million—(India Bank, 2018). quality because they often supply homogenous products, according
to Royne Stafford et al. (1998). Customer satisfaction is the feeling
Customers and businesses transact online in the context of e-retailing that consumers get when they obtain a benefit that either meets
(Kassim and Abdullah, 2010; Barnes and Vidgen, 2001). or beyond their expectations. Mainly in the marketing context,
Because e-retailers do not interact directly with their customers, satisfaction is defined as the state that is greatly impacted by the
personalisation is a hallmark of the industry. As a result, only superior evaluation of the company’s working relationship (Farrelly and
e-service quality can draw in and keep customers. The quality of Quester, 2005; Gaski and Nevin, 1985) or as the global appraisal
the e-services greatly influences the consumers’ propensity to stick of relationship fulfilment by a company (Dwyer and Oh, 1987).
with the e-retailers over the long run and to keep making purchases Furthermore, contentment is a critical component in understanding
online. As a result, online businesses must evaluate the quality of any type of interaction between members and a buyer’s pleasure
the e-services they offer to clients (Farooq et al., 2018). The degree reaction (Oliver et al., 1997). Customer satisfaction is positively
to which an online retailer meets the needs of their customers and connected with the type of goods or services that are offered to
ensures a seamless shopping experience is known as e-service quality them, since it is a function of service quality (Yeo et al., 2015,
(Rowley, 2016; Parasuraman et al., 1988). Customers’ thorough p. 439). Amiri Aghdaie and Faghani (2012) used the SERVQUAL
evaluation and assessment of the goods or services provided by methodology to measure Iranian consumers’ satisfaction with
an online merchant is a component of the quality of the e-service m-banking services. The results showed a strong relationship
(Santos, 2003). Customer happiness and loyalty are preceded by the between the four factors—responsiveness, empathy, tangibility, and
quality of e-services, which is largely dependent on the customers’ reliability—and satisfaction. But there would be no relationship at
experience with e-retailers in an interactive virtual environment. all between the assurance aspect and customer satisfaction.

This empirical study has two goals in mind. Initially, the purpose An extensive correlation between customer satisfaction and
of this study was to investigate the connection between the m-banking services was found by the study’s ANOVA test.
service quality components and overall customer satisfaction with Customers in India who use digital financial services (MFS) are
e-banking in India. Second, the purpose of this study was to offer typically satisfied, according to Hai and Rahman (2016). The
some outstanding recommendations for improving the e-banking findings also indicate that the MFS client groups’ satisfaction
industry’s service quality. levels differ significantly when it comes to the dedication,
responsiveness, and honesty of specialised organisations; however,
1.1. Research Questions these distinctions are minimal when it comes to the administration
1. How do service attributes impact the level of satisfaction of clients’ comfort and compensation (Hair et al., 1995).
among Indian consumers using e-banking services?
2. How may the quality of the services be enhanced? In 2005, Laforet and Li conducted a research to determine the
current status of the Chinese digital banking and internet industries.
2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE The results demonstrated that most web and digital bank users in
China were men who were not very young or educated, in contrast
One of the most often used instruments for assessing service to e-banking clients in the west. The advantages of controlling
quality is the SERVQUAL model. SERVQUAL assesses service the impediments to m-banking account appropriation offered by
quality using ten metrics: Tangibility, customer comprehension, carrying cash on one’s person were not recognised or applied. An
security, trustworthiness, responsiveness, competence, access, empirical investigation of the elements influencing a consumer’s
politeness, and communication. These ten criteria were reduced to inclination to utilise digital banking was the goal of a study led
five later in 1988: Tangibility, assurance, responsiveness, empathy, by Mortimer et al. (2015). The results indicate that the primary
and consistency. Tangibility, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, determinants of Australian customers’ adoption of digital banking
and empathy are the five main qualities that customers use to assess were perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived
the quality of a service, according to Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and risk. For Thai purchasers, social impact, PR, and PU were the three
Berry (1985, 1988, p. 23) as follows: primary determining criteria. It has been shown that choosing an

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Bhuvaneswari and Maruthamuthu: Analysing the Art of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Digital Banking Services: A SEM Approach

m-banking account is influenced by significant antecedents that 2.4. Reliability: Customer Overall Satisfaction
are influenced by country culture. Rahman et al. conducted a study Reliability is the capacity of a service provider to supply pledged
in 2017 on SERVQUAL elements and their effect on m-banking service precisely and consistently. The ability of an organisation
customer satisfaction in India. Four factors—tangibility, to meet its obligations about price, delivery, issue solving, and
dependability, responsiveness, and empathy—significantly service provision is the broad definition of reliability (Prinsloo and
increase consumer satisfaction, according to the data (Hair et al., Jordaan, 2014; Lee and Johnson, 1997; Wilson et al., 2016). The
2016). Furthermore, the guarantee has no appreciable effect on calibre of services rendered has some bearing on client satisfaction.
consumer happiness. Therefore, these studies also suggested that
companies improve tangibility, dependability, responsiveness, 2.5. Responsiveness: Customer Overall Satisfaction
and empathy in order to increase customer satisfaction with Reactivity is the willingness of service providers to help clients
digital banking. Social impact, PR, and PU were the three primary and offer timely assistance. This assessment places a strong focus
determinants for Thai customers. National culture has been on being alert and timely when responding to client requests,
found to have an impact on significant antecedents that affect questions, issues, and objections (Lee and Johnson, 1997; Wilson
the decision to choose an m-banking account. Rahman et al. et al., 2016). The time it takes a client to receive assistance,
conducted a research in 2017 on SERVQUAL elements and how have their questions answered, or have their complaints taken
they affect customer satisfaction with mobile banking in India. The into consideration can all be indicators of a service provider’s
results show that four characteristics—tangibility, dependability, responsiveness. Put another way, promptness may improve the
responsiveness, and empathy—significantly increase consumer grade of this service (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003).
happiness. Furthermore, there is no indication that the guarantee
has affected consumer happiness in any way. These results so 2.6. Assurance: Customer Overall Satisfaction
suggested that companies improve tangibility, dependability, Assurance pertains to staff members’ knowledge, friendliness, and
responsiveness, and empathy in order to increase customer ability to communicate confidence and certainty. When donors
satisfaction with mobile banking (Bangladesh bank, 2018). have doubts regarding the managerial contributions of a certain
restaurant, this measurement becomes crucial (Wilson et al., 2016).
2.2. Theoretical Framework If customers can grow confident in m-banking services and
Quality is now considered to be a strategic tool for developing gain trust without worrying about being unpleasant or facing
company execution and operational efficiency (Jain and Gupta, consequences, it is a guarantee for the service provider. These
2004). This holds true for both the service and the commodities assurance dimensions can also satisfy customers (Hulland 1999).
industries simultaneously. The service providers were compelled
to look for market gaps in order to improve service provision as 2.7. Empathy: Customer Overall Satisfaction
well as customer retention due to competitors’ re-evaluation of Empathy is the concern for creating customised care for its
the current framework for delivering services and their growing clients. According to Wilson et al. (2016), the core of empathy is
market share (Coulthard, 2004). Various academicians and communicating through personalised service to make clients feel
managers in the service business use different methods to assess special and different. Customers should feel valued and understood
the quality of services. by the organisations providing them with services. Workers in the
mobile banking sector can demonstrate empathy for clients by
The SERVQUAL model is the most extensively used, appropriate, acting responsibly, sympathetically, and courteously.
and well-recognized methodology for evaluating service quality
in the service industry (Lam and Woo, 1997; Morrison Coulthard, Lastly, Figure 1 shows the SERVQUAL model’s dimensions.
2004). Academics and professionals in the industry utilise the The five construct hypotheses are based on a synthesis of review
SERVQUAL scale all over the world to evaluate the operational literature (Amin and Isa, 2008). The SERVQUAL dimensions
efficacy and efficiency of a variety of enterprises, but especially in determined by Parasuraman et al. (1988) are defined in Table 1.
the service sector (Lam and Woo, 1997; Monica and Ramanaiah,
2018). In order to optimise expectations and perceptions score, 2.8. Conceptual Framework
the SERVQUAL model and methods were developed in the 1980s H1 Tangibility of the digital services has positive relationship with
by Parasuraman et al. (1985) (Monica and Ramanaiah, 2018; customer satisfaction
Morrison Coulthard, 2004). When service quality is high, customer
satisfaction increases. H2 Reliability of the digital services has positive relationship with
customer satisfaction
2.3. Tangibility: Customer Overall Satisfaction
Tangible characteristics include appearance in relation to H3 Responsiveness of the digital services has positive relationship
institutions, physical facilities, equipment, and staff (Lee et al., with customer satisfaction
1997; Wilson et al., 2016). Therefore, in addition to providing
the best services, service providers use tangibles to communicate H4 Assurance of the digital services has positive relationship with
with clients through their personnel, tools, and other facilities. customer satisfaction
Quantifying the intangible components of mobile banking services
is a more difficult task. Finally, it can determine the degree of H5 Empathy of the digital services has positive relationship with
customer happiness (Henseler et al., 2009). customer satisfaction

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Bhuvaneswari and Maruthamuthu: Analysing the Art of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Digital Banking Services: A SEM Approach

Table 1: Descriptive data

Demographic data Frequency Percentage Valid (%) Cumulative (%)
Mid school level 16 6.9 6.9 6.9
High school level 58 25 25 31.9
UG 78 33.6 33.6 65.5
PG 80 34.5 34.5 100.0
Total 232 100.0 100.0
Male 72 31 31 31
Female 160 69 69 100.0
Total 232 100.0 100.0
How many times do you use e‑banking services once in a month
<4 times 62 26.7 26.7 26.7
5‑10 times 115 49.6 49.6 76.3
>20 times 55 23.7 23.7 100.0
Total 232 100.0 100.0
30,000‑50,000 31 13.4 13.4 13.4
51,000‑70,000 109 47.0 47.0 60.3
71,000‑90,000 64 27.6 27.6 87.9
Above 91,000 28 12.1 12.1 100.0
Total 232 100.0 100.0
Age (years) s
18‑29 4 1.7 1.7 1.7
30‑39 16 6.9 6.9 8.6
40‑49 70 30.2 30.2 38.8
50‑59 83 35.8 35.8 74.6
60+ 59 25.4 25.4 100.0
Total 232 100.0 100.0

Figure 1: Conceptual framework 3.1. Questionnaire Design and Data Collection

The structured survey questionnaire technique was used to collect
the necessary data for evaluating the latent constructs in the
developed model. The questionnaire was divided into two pieces.
Part A contains the demographic information, which was meant to
represent the characteristics of the respondents. It was requested
to find out the respondents’ gender, age, income, education level,
number of transactions, and frequency of service use. Part B of the
proposed study model comprises questions on five independent
SERVQUAL dimensions and one dependent variable. Five
points make up the Likert scale, which goes from (1) “strongly
disagree” to (5) “strongly agree.” For ease of comprehension, the
original version of the questionnaire was prepared in English.
Following that, a pilot study was conducted to assess the final
questionnaire’s effectiveness in the opinion of experts. A total of
Source: Author 300 self-administered questionnaires were issued; 240 of these
were returned, yielding an 84% response rate. Eight incomplete
3. METHODOLOGY surveys were not included in the study. Ultimately, 232 surveys
were chosen for comprehensive examination.
In India, the majority of m-banking’s services extended from
urban to rural areas. These days, the majority of m-banking users 3.2. Statistical Analysis
are company owners and residents in rural areas. The Indian The purpose of the study of “AMOS structural equation modelling
m-banking customers provided the data used in this investigation. (SEM)” with SPSS-20 and AMOS 24 software was to assess
Since Dhaka, the capital city of India, is home to the majority the validity and hypotheses, as well as frequency analysis and
of corporate organisations, most m-banking customers reside reliability.
in Dhaka and its surrounding regions. Convenience sampling
was chosen as the method of choice for selecting potential study 4. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
participants since it was economical. Two districts—Dhaka and
Tangail—were chosen at random for this study in order to gather Table 1 displays the demographic features. Of the respondents
information from possible responders. in the poll that was evaluated, 31% were men and 69% were

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Bhuvaneswari and Maruthamuthu: Analysing the Art of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Digital Banking Services: A SEM Approach

women. The majority of respondents (34.8%) were between the Table 2: Reliability and validity
ages of 50 and 59, and the majority (34.5%) had postgraduate Constructs Items Cronbach Factor matrix
degrees as their highest level of study. Conversely, 47% of the alpha loading
respondents had incomes between 51000 and 70000 rupees. The Reliability REL1 0.775 0.830
bulk of transactions and service use occurred 5-10 times each REL2 0.826
month (49.6%). Responsiveness RES1 0.816 0.859
RES2 0.871
RES3 0.834
4.1. Reliability and Validity Analysis Tangibility TAN1 0.809 0.798
Table 2 explains the values of reliability and factor loadings. TAN2 0.871
The alpha value for the construct reliability is 0.775 and for Empathy EMP1 0.844 0.850
responsiveness is 0.816, tangibility is 0.809 and for empathy is EMP2 0.902
0.844 and finally for assurance is 0.800. The factor loadings for EMP3 0.857
Assurance ASS1 0.800 0.840
all the items are above 0.750 and thus the items are valid and data ASS2 0.853
collected is reliable. ASS3 0.779
Customer overall OS 1.00 1.00
Chi-square analysis (Table 3) shows that the established SEM satisfaction
model for the planned research (Figure 2) obtained the minimum
acceptable values, with Chi-square (X2) = 458.226; df = 64; Table 3: Model fit of the study
P = 0.000. The developed SEM model obtained 458.226 as the
minimum discrepancy function (CMIN), 64 as the DF, 0.058
4.124 0.901 0.908 0.898 0.845 0.058 0.000
as the root-mean-square error (RMSEA) approximation, 0.039
GFI: Goodness‑of‑fit, CFI: Comparative fit‑index, RMSEA: Root‑mean‑square error
as the standardised root-mean-square residual (SRMR), 0.845 as
the comparative fit-index (CFI), and 0.000 as the PClose values,
according to the values obtained through the regression analysis Table 4: Hypothesis results
and confirmatory factor analysis. Based on the analysis and Hypothesis Paths Results
findings, the model created fits the study perfectly. The model H1 Customer satisfaction ‑ tangibility Supported
H2 Customer satisfaction ‑ responsiveness Supported
fit analysis values are displayed in the CMIN analysis (Table 3). H3 Customer satisfaction ‑ reliability Supported
H4 Customer satisfaction ‑ assurance Supported
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the model’s RMR (root-mean- H5 Customer satisfaction ‑ empathy Supported
square residual) value is <0.10 (0.025), and its GFI (goodness-of-
fit) value is closer to 0.90 (0.901), indicating that it is a good fit
Figure 2: SEM model
for the study objectives that were defined. With values of 0.934,
0.958, and 0.964, respectively, the adjustment measures of the
SEM model under analysis are the normalised fit index (NFI),
the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), and the incremental fit index (IFI)
(Table 3). The model’s RMSEA scores (Table 3) fall within the
permissible range, with the model achieving 0.58 in relation to
df 64. As a result, the RMSEA shows that the variables in the
generated model have a close fit with the degree of freedom. From
all the tools used, the hypothesis results are given in below Table 4.

4.2. Hypothesis Results

This study looked at the relationship between customer satisfaction
with m-banking and service quality in India using the SERVQUAL
technique. The degree of customer satisfaction and service quality
related to m-banking in India may be clarified by our empirical
data. The finding is different when utilising the structural equation
model since it displays and validates the measurement and
structural model. Researchers, government organisations, and bank
officials should theoretically benefit from this approach, as the
study indicates that all facets of service quality have a significant happiness and all areas of service quality, except for TAN, which
impact on overall customer services. To be more specific, TAN has a 99% confidence level.
(β = 0.007) has the least influence on the quality of service offered
by m-banking in India, whereas RES and EMP have the highest Moreover, TAN has a 95% confidence level on a significant
significant impact on customer satisfaction. Additionally, REL and association. Practically speaking, these results will benefit
ASS have a notable positive impact on service quality. Most clients government organisations that develop business strategies for
expect to receive the greatest care available in RES, EMP, REL, interconnected sectors and the introduction and development of
and ASS. A significant link has been shown between customer mobile banking services, as well as banks, namely their marketing

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Bhuvaneswari and Maruthamuthu: Analysing the Art of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Digital Banking Services: A SEM Approach

and IT departments. Furthermore, it is suggested that the service the quality of e-services affects customer loyalty and happiness.
provider give precedence to initiatives related to environmental This study focuses on India’s environment as a developing nation,
conservation and corporate social responsibility to improve the particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic. The significance of
standing of mobile banking. In addition to these mobile banking e-service quality, which has increased dramatically over the past
options, bank authorities can enact risk-reduction strategies like 30 years, is highlighted by this study. Scholars have persistently
money-back guarantees that help to ease client worry. These pursued an understanding of the aspects of e-service quality
services may bring financial benefits to both users and m-banking and their impact on consumer loyalty and satisfaction. Despite
service providers. being one of the most studied topics in service marketing, there
is disagreement over SERVQUAL dimensions, and academics
5. CONCLUSION AND use different methodologies. Future academics will continue to
focus on comprehending the primary SERVQUAL dimensions
RECOMMENDATIONS and customers’ views of these dimensions. The post-pandemic
period has brought about a paradigm shift in consumer behaviour,
Over the course of the study period, there has been a noticeable which necessitates a re-examination of e-service quality and the
increase in SQCS research publications related to tourism and identification of any new characteristics that customers believe
hospitality. There was a bias towards positivistic epistemology in have a substantial impact on satisfaction.
the great majority of SQCS research in the tourist and hospitality
sectors, which used a quantitative research approach (Levers, The study offers several important insights with real-world
2013). During the study period, the majority of papers on SQCS applications. The tourist sector has already been impacted by the
(699 out of 740) used quantitative methodologies. The research pandemic in 2020, and a recovery will only be possible with the
showcased the most influential articles that aided in building the appropriate business planning. The following suggestions are made
SQCS knowledge base in HLST. Themes that have developed by the study, with the primary priority for companies in the tourist
over time show how technical tools have advanced to better sector being to ensure service quality. First, it is recommended
understand consumer behaviour in terms of psychological and that managers and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry focus on
cognitive aspects. The study also provided an overview of the the following critical areas that have been identified as emerging
social and intellectual framework of SQCS research. The current study themes: The physical setting of the service setting, the
study adds to our understanding of certain important aspects of quality of the staff-customer connection, and ongoing customer
the m-banking industry’s service quality in India. To determine involvement. Second, since reviews posted on social media and
SERVQUAL dimensions that are pertinent to consumers in India, other communication networks are highly regarded by consumers
the structural equation model is employed. Important factors and serve as a window into perceptions and the decision-making
influencing total consumer satisfaction with m-banking service process, consistent customer interaction on social media is
quality include respondents’ perceptions of tangibility, reliability, essential to bolstering satisfaction and loyalty. Third, in order
responsiveness, empathy, and assurance. In summary, this study to succeed in the cutthroat business world, managers can also
shows that there are substantial positive correlations between leverage the cutting-edge information technology tools to evaluate
customer satisfaction and all of the m-banking service quality client emotions, service efficiency, and value communication. In
factors. Furthermore, it has demonstrated that all save tangibility of order to have a sustained competitive edge, every organisation
the variables have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. In must improve customer happiness and service quality. Fourth,
this instance, client pleasure is marginally impacted by tangibility. managers need to understand that the supply chain includes the
Furthermore, since tangibility requires technology and other provision of services.
infrastructure items, buyers do not find it vital (i.e., physical
facilities and equipment, etc.). According to the study, timeliness In order to prevent service failure, it is crucial to address any
and dependability are crucial aspects of service quality that shortcomings by examining the individuals and procedures
would primarily influence how Indian clients perceive it. As a involved in the provision of the service. The current study will
result, service providers must pay closer attention to improving aid in the understanding of the new paradigms in academic
the trustworthiness of their m-banking offerings (Rashid and research on customer satisfaction and service quality by
Hassan, 2009). As a result, the service provider is responsible researchers and the academic community. Using bibliometric
for guaranteeing service security and timeliness. However, techniques, the most talked-about topics and influential papers
the excessive costs are causing problems for all of the clients. over the previous 20 years were identified. When designing
Additionally, the service supplier needs to make an effort to arrive study in the mentioned field and determining their priorities,
at a fair price. The majority of the male, low-income respondents, this could be very helpful to novice researchers. The present
aged 20-30, who used these services, was also discovered by the study’s findings will aid readers in comprehending the breadth of
results. Therefore, raising customer happiness may be influenced the research area addressed by studies on customer satisfaction
by improving service quality. and service quality in the travel and hospitality industries. The
current study offers a thorough understanding of the evolution
Additionally, this report makes some recommendations for Indian of research themes, investigator techniques, and current
m-banking service providers. Therefore, this study offers some advancements. Researchers will be able to choose the best
recommendations for future research in these areas. This study is a techniques and methodologies thanks to the cluster of research
meagre attempt to look into consumer e-buying behaviour and how themes and the cited reference list (Siddiqi, 2011).

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