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Question-What is Sentence? and what are the components of Sentence.
Ans: We use words to express our thoughts. A single word may not make the meaning clear.So,we use
words in a group which make sense called a sentence.In the field of lingusitics, a sentence is an expression
in natural language.A sentence can include words grouped meaningfully to express a
statement,question,exclamation,request,command or suggestion.
Meaning:A Sentence is a group of words arranged in a manner which makes a complete sense. It contains
at least one subject and one predicate,either explicit or implicit.
For example:1)Riti is very dear to me.
(I) Thank you.(I is implicit)
(It is) Shocking! (It is a implicit)
Components of Sentence
A Sentence is consist of many components such as subject,predicate,clauses,etc.
Subject and predicate
Subject: The Subject is the word or words about which something is said.
Predicate:The Predicate is the word or words which says or says something about the subject.
For Example:
Subjects predicate
1.The boys fly kites.
2.The horse runs fast.
3.We have won the criket match.
4.Rome was not built in a day.
5.He is a second Nepolean.
6.Shakespeare was a great dramatist.
7.Bread and butter is a wholesome food.
8.Tea is grass in Darjelling.
Question-What is a clauses?
Ans: Clauses are the building blocks of a sentence. A Clause is a group of words that contains at least a
subject (noun phrase) and a finite verb. There are two types of clauses:independent and subordinate
(dependent).An independent clause demonstrates a complete thought,it is a complete sentence:
For example,I am sad.
A Subrordinate clause is not a complete sentence:
For example,because I have no friends.
Question-Write the types of Sentences(Basis on the purpose
1)Declarative or an Assertive Sentence
These sentences (Subject +verb+object+...) make only a statement .It amy be a affirmative or Negative
For example: 1)There are trees on either side of the road.
2)She does not learn her lesson.
2:)Intrrogative Sentence:An Interrogative sentence ends with interrogative (verb+subject+..?) and ask
a question.
For example,
1) Will you help me?
2)Where is she going?

3) Imperative Sentence
3)An Imperative Sentence expresses some command,request or advice.(1st form of the verb/ do not +
1st from +...)
For examples,
1)Show me your home-work . (order)
2)Always speak the truth. (advice)
4)Exclamatory Sentence
4)An exclamatory sentence expresses some strong feeling of mind;
For example,
1)Alas! I am undone. (Sorrow)
2)Hurrah! We have won the match! (joy)
5)Optative Sentence
5)An Optative Sentence expresses a prayer,wish or desire.
For example
1)May you all pass!
2) Long live the king!
3)Would that he were here!
Question-Make Affirmative Sentences into Negative Sentence
Ans-Affirmative Negative
1.He was a theif. He was not a thief.
2.This dog barks at night. This dog does not bark at night.
3.The dogs fly kites. The boys don not fly kites.
4.I have a cow. I have no cow.
5.Somebody hit me on the head. Nobody hit me on the head.
6.She has to say something. She has to say nothing.
7.Lata is good Singer. Lata is not a good singer.
8.Somebody made off with my purse. Nobody made me off with my purse.
9.She wil invite you to her marriage. She will not invite you to her marriage.
10.He is pelting the frogs with stones. He is pelting the frogs with stones.
11.A cow lives on grass. A cow does not live on grass.
Diffrent ways of writing Negative Sentence
Changes into
1)Somebody Nobody
2) anybody Nobody
3) Some No
4) fit Unfit
5) Both ther,nor
6) Something ,anything Nothing
7) Always " Never
8) either,or " Neither , nor

Question-Write Assertive Sentences inot Interrogative Sentence.

AnsAssertive Interrogative
1.God is great. Is God great?

2.I had already reached now. Had I already reached there?
3.She always reaches late. Does she always reach late?
4.She taught us English. Did she teach us English?
5.I am learning my lesson Am I learning my lesson?
6.I pray to God Do I pray to God?
7.You will succeed now Will you Succeed now?
Question-Write types of Sentence.
Ans-1)Simple Sentence .A simple sentence also called an independent clause,contains a subject and a verb
and it expresses a complete thought.
For example.
1.Some students like to study in the mornings.
2.rohit and rajesh paly football every afternoon.
2)_Compound Sentence
A compund sentence contains two independent clause joined by a coordinator.The coordinators are as
follows ,for,nor,but,or ,yet.
For example
1) I tried to speak Spanish,and my friend tried to speak English.
2)Rohit played football,so Maria went shopping.
3.Complex sentence
A complex sentence has an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clause.A complex sentence
always has a subordinate such as because,since,after,although,or a relative pronoun such as that, who,or
For example
1)When he handed in his homework,he forgot to give the teacher the last page.
2.The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error.
3.krishan and rahul went to the movies after they finished studying.
Question: Combine each of the following sets of Simple Sentences into Complex ones.
1) You can not mend your ways.This is a fact.This fact pains me.
Ans: you can not mend your ways and this is a fact which pains me.
2) He was still in the high school.He was married to Kasturba.She was of the same age.
Ans:Althoughhe was still in the high school when he was married to Kasturba yet from the same age.
3) He was sturdy youngman.He was from Scotland.He was a fine shot.It was soon discovered.
Ans: He was a sturdy young man who was from Scotland and he was a fine shot which was dioscovered
4) It was at a crowded meeting in the great hall.The old man was too full of feeling.He could not
Ans: The old man was full of feeling but could not speak because there was at a crowded meeting in the
great hall.
5) In the center of the great hall the Emperor sat.A golden perch had been fixed there.The
nightingale was to sit on it.
Ans: I A golden perch had been fixed there where the Emperor and nightingale was to sit on it which was
in the center of the great.
Compound-complex Sentence
A Compound-complex sentence is a combination of two or more indḲependent clauses and one (or more)
dependent clauses.Many combinations are possible ,and their punctuation requires careful attention.
For Example

1) I wanted to travel after I graduated from college,however,I had to go to work immediately.
2) After I graduated from college,I wanted to travel,but I had to go to work immediately.
3) I wanted to travel after I graduated from college,but I had to go to go to work immediately because I
had to support my family.
Agreement of the verb with the subject
We use ‘s’ and ‘was’ when the subject is ‘he’,’she’or ‘it’,’am’ and ‘was’ when the subjects is ‘I’ while
‘are’ and ‘were’ when the subject is ‘we’ ‘you’ or ‘they’.In all other tenses we use a Plural Verb with
‘I’ and ‘you’.
For example:
It was very hot yesterday.
I am also ready to go.
You too are mistaken.
1.When two or more Singular Subjects are joined by ‘and’ they take a Plural verb,as-
Shashi and Indu are sisters.
2.When two Subjects are joined by ‘as well as’ the Verb agrees with the first Subject,as-
I as well as you am in the wrong.
His parents as well as he are illiterate.
3.When two or more Singular Subjects are connected by ‘or’ , ‘nor’, ‘either-or’,’neither-nor’,they
take a verb in Singular,as-
Either you or he has stolen the watch.
Neither he nor his friend is guiltly.
4.When two singular Nounds refer to the same person or thing,the verb must be Singular.The Article
is then not repeated.
The poet and philosopher is dead.
My friend and colleague has come.
2.If two Subjects together express one idea,the verb may be in the Singular.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Rice and Curry is my favourite dish.
3.Some nouns which are Plural in form but Singular in meaning,take a Singular Verb.
Mathematics is my favourite subject.
Economics has no charm for him.
This news is false.
The wages of sin is death.
4.A Plural Noun which is the name of the country of province or the title of a book,is followed by a
Singular Verb.
The United States has a fine navy.
The Arbian Nights,contains interesting stories.
5.A collective Noun generally takes a Singular Verb when the subject stands for the collection as a
whole and Plural Verb when the subjects stands for the individuals of which It is composed.
The whole class is absent.
The mob has dispersed.
The jury has four members.
6.A Relative Pronoun must agree with its antecedent in Gender,Number and Person.
It is he who is to blame.
It is they who are to blame.
It is you who are to blame.

Question Write Common errors in the Use of verbs.
Incrorrect Correct
1.Two thousands rupees are a good sum. Two thusand rupees is a good sum.
2.The king and poet are here. The king and poet is here.
3.The father with his sons were present there.The father with his sons was present there.
4.Either you or your brother have done this…Either you and your brother has done this.
5.The jury were of one mind. The jury was of one mind.
6.A large number of people was present there. A large number of people were present there.
7.None of them were right. None of them is right.
Transformation and Synthesis of Sentence
Question-Write Transformation of Sentence.
Removing verb "too"
1.He is too honest to accept bribe.
He is so honest that he cannot accept bribe.
2.You are too young to travel alone.
you are so young that you cannot travel alone.
Using Too
1.She is so young that she cannot travel a0lone.
She is too young to travel alone.
2.He is so sensible that he will understand it.
He is too sensible not to understand it.
3.He is over ager for praise.
He is too eager for praise.
Question-Write the following Interchange of Degreee of Comparison.
1.Comparative: Ram is taller than Shyam.
Positive Sham is not so tall as Ram.
Positive She is as fair as a rose.
Camparative A rose is not fairer than she.
from positive to Superlative or camparative Degree and vice versa
1.Positive I have ever seen so dreadful a scene as this.
Comparative This scene is more dreadful than any other scene I have ever seen.
2.Superlative Kolkata kis one of the largest sea portsin India.
Camparative Kolkata is larger than many other sea ports in India.
Positive Very few sea ports in India are as large as Kolkata.
Question-Write Active and Passive Voice.
Voice is that branch of grammer which studies the form that the verb takes in a sentence to determine the
status of the subject and the object.
1.Active voice: A verb is said to be in the Active Voice when its subject acts or when the emphasis is
n the doer or the subject.
Example: Mohan sang a song.
here, the subject Mohan is acting.
2.Passive voice: A verb is in the Passive Voice when the subject is being acted upon or when the
emphasis is on the object or the work done.The passive voice is so called because the person or thing
denoted by the subject is not active but passive,that is suffers or receives some action.
A song was sung by Mohan.

Here,the subject (mohan) is being acted upon.
1.First of all, the arrangement of the words in a sentence in the active voice is changed.
Active voice Subject + Verb + object
Mohan + read + a book.
Passive Object + helping verb + main verb +by + subject
A book was read by mohan
Active Passive
1.Mohan has burnt the shop. The shop has been burnt by Mohan.
2.The boy beat the Child. The child was beaten by the boy.
3.They built the bridge last year. The bridge was built last year.
4.The boys makes toys. Toys are made by the boy.
5.She annoys him. He is annoyed by her.
6.I am eating an egg. An egg is being eaten by me.
7.Sita has eaten the fruit. The fruit has been eaten by Sita.
8.Who has written this letter? By whom has this letter been written?
9.Have you seen the play? Has the play been seen by you?
10.I read the book. The book was read by me.
11.I was reading the book. The book was being read by me.
12.I had read the book. The book had been read by me.
13.I will write a book? A book be written by me.
14.I will have written a book. A book will have been written by me.
15)She laughed at the child. The child was laughed at by her.
16.We have not heard of this play. This play has not been heard of.
17.They do not approve of this plan. This plan is not approved of by them.
18.They should help the child. The child should be helped by them.
19.The child can throw the book. The book can be thrown by the child.
20.You might help him. He might be helped by you.
21.I want them to help you. I want you to be helped.
22.The child expected his mother to praise him..The child expected to be praised by his mother.
23.I saw him turning the key. I saw the key being turned by him.
24.I heard her shouting at the child. I heard the child being shouted at by her.
25.Open the door. Let the door be opened.
26.Drive away the cattle. Let the cattle be drive away.
27.Help the poor. The poor should be helped.
28.Don't laugh at the lame. The lame should not be laughed at.
29.Go there. You are requested to go there.
30.Please sign. You are requested to sign.
(31People say that she is a liar. It is said that she is a liar.
32.Everyone knowns that he is a rich man. It is known that he is a rich man.
33.THis cup contains tea. Tea is contained in this cup.
34.His performance surprised her. She was surprised at his performance.
35Your schemes are Practicable. Your schemes are not impracticable.
36.You are an an intelligent girl. You are not a dull girl.
37.This knife is sharp. This knife is not blunt.
38.I tried every plan. I left no plan untried.
39.I was hopeful. I was not without hope.

40.He is too clever to be taken in. He is so clever that he can not be taken in.
41.As soon as the theif saw the policeman,he took to his heels.
No sooner did the theif see the policemen than he took to his heels.
42.Only the brave deserve the fair. None but the brave deserve the fair.
43.Sohrab was as brave as Rustam. Rustam wan not braver than Sohrab.
44.Raman is the strongest athlete in the school.
No other athlete in the school is so strong as Raman.
45He stood surety for me. He did not fail to stand surety for me.
46.Everybody denies that he is a fool. Nobody denies that he is a fool.
47.How can I punish either of you? I cannot punish either of you.
Question-Change Active and passive voice in Interrogative and Exclamatory.
1.Interrogative : When can their glory fade?
Assertive Their glory can never fade.
2.Interrogative Who wastes time?
Assertive It is foolish to waste time?
3.Assertive We cannot please everybody.
Interrogative Can we please everybody.
4.Assertive Man cannot die better than facing fearful odds.
Interrogative How can man die bettr than facing fearful odds?
5.Exclamatory What a terrible shock!
Assertive It is very terrible shock.
6.Exclamatory how charming the sight is!
Assertive THe sight is very charming.
7.Assertive It was a very nasty fall.
Exclamatory What a nasty fall!
8.Assertive I earnestly desire to go abroad.
Exclamatory If I could only go abroad.
9. Exclamatory How beautiful is the sight.
Assertive It is very beautiful sight.
Question Write Subsititution of One part of Speech for another.
1 Verb I shall help you.
Noun I shall come to your help.

2.Adverb Our soliders fought bravely.

Noun We are proud of our country.
3.Noun Your scheme can be put into practice.
Adjective Your scheme is practicable.
4.Noun Indira Gandhi enjoys a great popularity.
Adjective Indira Gandhi is very popular.
5.Noun I have no intention of going to Agra.
Verb I do not intend to go to Agra.
6.Noun The king treated him with kindness.
Adverb The king treated him kindly.
7.Noun Let him depart in peace.
Adverb Let him depart peacefully.
8.Separate The sun set.The train did not arrive.

combined The sun set before the arrival of the train.
9. Separate My son succeeded.I heard the news.I was beside myself with joy.
Combined On hearing the news of my son's success,I was beside myself with joy.
10.Separate It was a holiday.We went out for a picnic.
Combined It being a holiday.we went out for a picnic.
11. Separate The war broke outThings disappeared from the market.The prices rose
Combined The war having broken out and the things having disappered from the
market, the price rose sky -high.

12.Separate He switched off the light.He went to bed.

combined Switching off the light,he went to bed.
13.Separate This pitcher is broken.It cannot hold water.
Combined This broken pitcher cannnot hold water.
14.separate She heard the news of my success.She was glad.
Combined She was glad to hear the news of my success.
15.Separate She is my sister.Her name is Kamla.
Combined She is my sister,kamla.
16.Separate Banaras is a City of temples.It stands on the bank of the river
Gangas, The Gangas is a secred river in India.
Combined Banaras,the city of temple,stands on the bank fo the Ganges,a sacred
River in India.
17.Separate Kalidas wrote Shakuntla.It is a play in Sanskrit.
Combined Kalidas wrote Shankuntla,a play in sanskrit.
18. Separate The sun rose.They had dug a deep channel.
Combined They had dug a deep channel by sun rise.
19. Separate He will come here .
Combined He will surely come here.
20. Separate She spoke the truth.She did not fear at all.
Combined She spoke the truth without any fear.
21. Separate The theif was caught.He was handed over to the police.
Combined The theif was caught and handed over to the police.
22.Separate Tagore was a philosopher.Tagor was a poet.
Combined Tagore was both a philosopher and a poet.
23.Separate He is not happy with.He is not happy with his friends too.
Combined He is neither happy with his relatives nor friends.
24.Separate The book was very useful.My father had sent it from shimla.
Combined The book was very useful that my father had sent it from Shimla.
25.Separate you may go anywhere.You are bound to remember me.
Combined you may go wherever you are bound to remember me.
26.Some relatives are very troublesome.They always think of their own ends.
Combined : Some relatives are very troublesome who always think their own ends.Robin was to see me
this morning.He did not se me,but saw my father.
Combined: Robin was to see me this morning who saw my father.
27.Separate She is a mother.She is also a mother-in-law.
Combined. She is not only a mother but also a mother-in-law.

28.Separate . He is not a friend.He is not a foe.
Combined He is neither a friend nor a foe.
29.Separate He was guilty.The court did not punish him.
Combined Although he was guilty.The court did not punish him.
30.Separate He is a docter.He is a social worker.
Combined He is not only a docter but also a social worker.
31Separate- He is not a French.He is not a german.
Combined He is neither a French nor a German.
32Separate .The bell rang.All the students left the school.
Combined As soon as the bell rang.All the students left the school.
33.Separate- In the afternoon it was raining very heavily.At that time I was swimming.
Combined In the afternoon it was raining very heavily while I was swimming.
34.Separate He was intelligent.He won a prize.
Combined He was intelligent,therefore he won a prize.
35.Separate He will come on saturday.If not,he will come on Monday.
Combined He will come either on Saturday or on Monday.
36.Separate He worked-hard.He got through the examination.
Combined He worked hard so he got through the examination.
37.Separate I would like to be an engineer.
I would not like to be a docter.
Combined I would like to be an engineer,But i would not like to be a docter.
38.Separate He hates me.I love him.
Combined He hates me still I love him.
39.Separate Do not be a lender.Do not be a borrower.
Combined Neither be a lender nor a borrower.
40.I was late.I missed the train (join with because)
Ans:I missed the train because I was late.
41.Separate The king was dead.This was a rumour.This rumour was false.
Combined The romour that the king was dead was false.
42.Separate Who is at the bottom of this mischeif ?We must find out.
Combined We must find out who is at the bottom of this mischeif.
43.Separate This silent pledge of the rough looking young man was to shape the history of the
country.Nobody knew this.
Combined Nobody knew that this silent pledge of the rough looking youngman was to
shape the history of the country.
44.Separate My uncle sent me a lovely birthday present.He likes me very much.
Combined My uncle who likes me very much sent me a lovely birthday present.
45.Separate It is his name.By this name the world knows him today.
Combined it is by this name that the world knows him today.
46. Separate I reached the school.The bell was ringing then.
Combined When I reached the school,the bell was ringing.
47.Separate He died.He wanted the nation to live.
Combined He died so that the nation might live.
48.Separate Fleming had a very great appetite for knowledge.He learned very fast.
Combined Fleming had such an appetite for knowledge that he learned very fast.
49.Separate He is very old.He has not lost any of his powers of sight or hearing.

Combined Although he is very old,yet he has not lost any of his powers of sight or hearing.
Unit -2
Direct and Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)
In our speech,we oftern speak to other person of some thing that was said to us by somebody.In other
words,we often report a speech whether ours of someone else's.We do this in two ways.We either
report the speech exactly as we had heard or said it without making any change.This is called Direct
The girl siad to her mother,"My plate is empty."
Or may change the sentence that we had heard or said without changing its meaning and then report it.This
is called Indirect Speech.
The girl said to her mother that her plate was empty.
1.Direct Speech or Direct Narration.
2.Indirect Speech or Indirect Narration.
1.Direct Speechcontains the actual words of the speaker as.
Sarla said,"My father has a roaring business in Mumbai."
2.Indirect Speech gives the substance of the speaker's actual words and not the exact words spoken by
him or her,as:
Sarla said that her father had a roaring business in Mumbai.
Reporting Verb and Reported Speech
The actual words of the speaker are called Reported speech and the Verb which introduces the Reported
Speech is called the Reporting Verb.
In the sentence above said is the Reporting Verb and "My father has a roaring business in Mumbai" is the
Reported speech.
Here are some distinctive points regarding the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.
In the direct speech: Indirect Speech
1)The reported speech is put within1) Inverted
Inverted commas are not used.
commas. 2) The comma separting the Reporting Verb from the
2) The reporting Verb is separated from the
Reported speech is removed.
Speech by a comma. 3) The reported speech is introduced by some conjuction
3) The first word of the reported Speech begins
with etc.)
a capital letter. 4) The reporting verb changes according to the sense.
4) In the reported speech we may use 5) any
tense of the reporting verb is never changed.
required by the sense and any kind of sentence.
6) All kinds of sentence change into
Assertive ones

Change of verbs

1 Is or am Changes into was
Are " "” were
Has or have “ “ had

2 present indefinite " " Past Indefinite

tell or tells (ist form)
" " told(2nd form)
Do or Does " " die
3 Present Continous" " Past continous
Is,am,are telling " " Was or Were telling
4 Present Perfect " " Past perfect
Has or Have told " " Had told
5 Present Perfect Continous " " Past Perfect Continous
Has or Have been telling " " Had been telling
6 Past Indefinite " " Past Perfect
Told (did tell) " " Had told
7 Past Continous " " Past Perfect Continous
Was or Were telling " " Had been telling
8 Will " " Would
Shall " " Should
9 May " " Might
Can " " Could
10 Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continous Tenses remain unchanged.

(A) Rules for the Change of tenses

Rule (1)If the Reporting verb is in the Present or Future Tense,the tense of the Verb in the reported speech
does not change.
Question-Change the Following direct speech into indirect speech.
1)Direct Rajesh says,"She has brought a fair naem to her family."
Indirect Rajesh says that she has brought a fair name to her family.
2) Direct I say," I spoiled all my books"
Indirect I say that I spoiled all my books.
3)Direct I said,"I am speaking the truth."
Indirect I said that I was speaking the truth.
4)Direct The teacher said,"Boys fail because they do not study regularly."
Indirect The teacher said that boys failed because they did not study regularly.
5)Direct You said,"He is very good athlete."
Indirect You said that he was a very good athlete.
6)Direct I said,"I have finished my work."
Indirect I said that I had finished my work.
7)Direct The docter said ,"If the patient does not take medicine ,he will not recover."
Indirect The docter said that if the patient did not take medicine he would not recover.
8) Direct You said,"They were busy the whole day."
Indirect You said that they had been busy the whole day.

Rule (2)
If there is a Universal Truth or Habitual Fact in the Reported Speech,the tense of the Verb is
never changed.
1 Direct He said,"Face is the index of mind."
Indirect He said that face is the index of mind.
2.Direct The teacher said," The earth rotates round its axis."
Indirect The teacher said that the earth rotates round its axis.
3.Direct I said," I am an early bird."
Indirect I said that I am an early bird.
1.The teacher said,"He had better pay his dues."
AnsThe teacher said that he had better pay his dues.
2.The mother said,"He ought to have obeyed the teacher.”
Ans.The mother said that he ought to have the teacher teacher.
3.He said," Her father lived at Lahore for ten years."
Ans.He said that her father lived at Lahore for ten years.
4) He said,” I am not feeling well.”
Ans: He said that He is not feeling well.
5) Grandmother said to me,” How are you?”
Ans: Grandmother told me that how am I?
6) My teacher asked ,” Where are you going?”
Ans: My teacher asked that where were you going?
7) Rahul said,” I went home.”
Ans: Rahul said that He had gone home.
8) He shouted,” It’s time to leave.”
Ans: He shouted that it was time to leave.
9) I said,” I believe in you.
Ans: I said that I believe in you.
10) It would rain today,said the weather report.
Ans: It would be rain that day,”said the weather report.”
11) His father informed that he is still sleeping.
Ans: His father said,”He was still sleeping.
12) I asked her at what time we should start.
Ans I said to her,” what time we should be start.”
1 Direct I said to her," I shall being my camera with me."
Indirect I told her that I should bring my camera with me.
2.Direct You said to him,"I did not give Sham my book."
Indirect You told him that you had not given Sham your book.
3.Direct They said,"We helped our neighbours as much as we could."
Indirect They said that they had helped their neighbours as much as they could.
1.Direct I said to him,"You have taken your turn."
Indirect I told him that he had taken his turn.
2)Direct We said to them,"You cannot get the posts you aspire for."
Indirect We told them that they could not get the posts they aspired for.
1.Direct I said,"He cannot contain himself for joy."
Indirect I said that he could not contain himself for joy.
While changing Direct Speech into indirect one words showing nearness are replaces by the
correspoding words showing distance.

We change
1 Now Change into then
9 Thus into so
2. Come " " 10
Go Ago " before
3 Here " " there
11 Just " then
4 This " " that
12 Hither " thither
5 These " " those
13 Hence " thence

6 Today " " that day14 Yesterday " the previousday

7 To-night " " that night

15 Last night " The previous night

8 Tomorrow " " the next day

16 Next day " the following week
The day before yesterday into the day before the previous day.
The day before tomorrow into the day after the next day.

1) I said to her," I shall see you here tomorrow."

I told her that I should see her there the next day.
2) He said to me," I saw your brother two years agp."
He told me that he had seen my brother two years before.
Direct 1) She says," I shall settle accounts just now."
Indirect She says that she will settle accounts just now.
Direct 2) I said to her yesterday," I shall wait for you here tomorrow."
Indirect I told her yesterday that I should wait for her today.
Rules : 1) The reporting verb generally changes into tell.But in order to give clarity of
meaning'answer',reply,inform,remark etc.may also used instead to say and tell.
2) If the Reporting Verb has no object,It does not change.
3) The Conjuction 'that' introduces the Reported speech.
4) All nouns in the Vocative case in the reported speech become objects of the reporting verb.
5) The inverted commas and the the comma after the reporting verb are removed.
1) Direct I said," I care not a fig for him."
Indirect I said that I cared not a fig for him.
2) Direct "Today it is clear",said the teacher to the class,"but it will rain heavily tomorrow."
Indirect The teacher told the class that that day it was clear,but it would rain heavily the next day.
Question-Change Indirect Speech to Direct Speech.
1)Indirect I told her that she ahd not returned my book even that day.
Direct I said to her," You have not returned my book even to-day."
2) Indirect I told my friend,Lal,that he was tired and that I would take him home.
Direct "Lal",said I to my friend,"You are tired.I will take you home."
1) Sham said to rani." Are you not my sister ?"
Sham asked rani if she was not his sister.
2) The teacher said to me," Do you Intend to England."
The teacher enquired of me if I go to intened to go to England
3) He said to her," Did you enjoy the trip to Chandigarh"?
He enquired if her if she had enjoyed the trip to Chandigarh.
1) "Are there any more files"? He asked."Yes,sir," said the peon.
He asked the peon if there were any more files.The peon replied respectfully that there were.

2) The teacher said to lila," Did you break the window pane?" No,sir," said lila,"I did not.
The teacher asked lila if she had broken the window pane. Lila replied respectfully that she had not.
1)"What is the greatest in the world? said the Yaksha to Yudhishthra.
The Yokesha asked Yudhishthra what the greatest wonder in the world was.
2) The patient said to the docter,"How often should I take the medicine?"
The patient asked the docter how often he should take the medicine.
3) "Boys", said the teacher,"why don't you attend to the lesson?You will repent if you are not careful now."
The teacher asked the boys why they did not attend to the lesson and warned them that they would repent
if they were not careful then.
4) Auster said,"Who is not ready to die for his Motherland,my countrymen?Will you follow me if I lead
the way?
Auster asked his countrymen who was not ready to die for his Motherland and if they would follow him if
he led the way.
2)Do not forget to mark the sign of interrogative at the end of a question.
1) He asked her what he could do for her a and if he might send for the docter.
He said to her,"What can I do for you?May I send for the docter?"
2)He asked his customer if there was any woman in his family,might be even a distant relative,who was
not well-disposed towards him and further told him that most of his trubles were due to his nature.
"Is there any woman in your family,may be even a distant relative,who is not well-disposed towards you?
Most of your troubles are due to your nature," he said to his customer.
1) The voice said," Sehdeva,answer my questions and then drink water."
The voice ordered Sehdeva to answer his questions and then drink water.
2) "Avoid bad company,sarla," said the mother.
The mother asked sarla to avoid bad company.
3) He said to Bhima," Please seek him them out and he quick about it."
He requested Bhima to seek out and be quick about it.
1) She said,"let us enjoy boating in the river,friends."
She suggested to her friends that they should enjoy boating in the river.
2) The Headmaster said," Ram Krishan,let the boy come in."
The Headmaster ordered Ram Krishan to let the boy come in.
3) I said," Let him work ever so hard,he cannot win a scholarship."
I said that he could not win a scholarship however hard he might work.
4) The Devil said to the imp." If the peasants and their wives do that kind of things,we shall be lost.Go back
at once nad make things right."
The devil told the imp that if the peasants and their wives did that kind of things,they would be lost and
ordered him to go back at once and make things right.
1) The preacher advised the people to do good and forget.
The preacher said to the people "Do good and forget."
2) I said that she could not pass how-ever hard she might study.
I said," Let her study ever so hard,she cannot pass."
1) Pinki said,"Hurrah ! I have passed.
Pinki exclaimed with joy that she had passed.
2) I said to her," What You have lost your bridal ring."
I exclaimed with surprise that she had lost her bridal ring.

1) Aha! Ha ! Hurrah! etc.Express joy.
2) Alas! Oh! etc. express, sorrow, grief or pain.
3) Oh! What ! etc. express surprise.
4) Bravo! Hear! approval.
5) Lo! Hush ! Hark! Behold! attention
6) Pooh! Pshaw! contempt.
7) Good God! Well done ! are also interjectional pharas.

1) She said," How lovely the child is!"

She exclaimed that the child was very lovely.
2) The old woman said to," May you be happy and prosperous!"
The old woman prayed that I might be happy and prosperous.
3) The people said," Long live the President!"
The people prayed that the President might live long.
4) The leader said," Farewell,my country men !"
The leader bade his countrymen farewell.
1) He exclaimed painfully that he he had run a thron into his foot.
He said," Oh! I have run a thorn into my foot."
2) I prayed that God might grant peace to the departed soul.
I said ," May God grant peace to the departed soul!"
1) The patient said," Thank you ,docter."
The patient thanked the docter.
2)He said to me,"Rest assured I shall not leave you in the Church.
He assured me that he would not leave me in the church.
3) "Course It" said to the teacher ," Who could have fore-seen your failure?"
The teacher exclaimed with oath that no one could have fore-seen his failure.
4) "Yes,I say, I did it," said rani.
Rani emphatically declared (confessed) that she had done it.
1) Mary said,” I like Turkish pop music.
Ans: Mary said that she liked Turkish pop music.
2) The woman said,” It’s not my umbrella ,mine is red.”
Ans: The woman said that It was not her umbrella ,mine was red.
3) Tom said,” I have a sports car.It is red.
Ans: Tom said that he had a sports car.It was red.
4) Mr.brown said,” I don’t drive a car in the rush hour.”
Ans: Mr brown said that He did not drive a car in the rush hour.
5) Terry said,” I eat toasts for breakfast.They are made by my mother.
Ans: Terry said that He ate toasts for breakfast.They were made by his mother.
6) Sue said,” The boy is looking at us.I don’t know him.”
Ans: Sue said that the boy was looking at us.He did not know him.
7) John said, “ I can swim well but I don’t have enough time to swim.
Ans: John said that He could swim well but He did not had eonough time to swim.
8) My brother said to me,” I don’t want to carry yours books.”
Ans My brother told me that He did not want to carry his books.
9) The teacher said,” If you don’t study regularly,you ‘ill fail.”

Ans The teacher said that If he did not study regularly,you would fail.
10) Mr.Green said,” I have to water my flowers twice a week.
Ans: Mr.Green said that he had to water his flowers twice the following week.

UNIT - 3
Common Errors.
Question-Find Errors in the following sentences.
1) I must help him .After all,we are brothers of the same profession.
I must help him.After all,we are bretheren of the same profession.
2) He does everything for conscience's sake.
He does everything for conscience sake.
3) Good night! How do you do?
Good evening! How do you do?
4) My father is in the teaching line.
My father is in the teaching profession.NOte (Teaching line is slang word).
5) I may spend these summer vacations with one of my friends in Mumbai.
I may spend this summer vacation with one of my friends in Mumbai.Note(Summer vacations is a
wrong use.This term is always used in the singular verb)
6) The magistrate has passed order for his release.
The magistrate has passed orders for his release.
7) The police has arrested the theif.
The police have arrested the theif.
8) I have learnt these poetries by memory.
I have learnt these poems by memory.
9) He does not know even alphabets of English
He does not know even alphabet of English.Note
(10) What is your date of Birth?
What is the date of your Birth?
11)Mr.Bhatia,our english teacher.takes great pains in his work.
Mr.Bhatia,our teacher of English,takes great pains in his work.
12) Such phenomena has never been seen before.
Such phenomena have never been seen before
13) My cousin sister is a lecturer in Dayal singh College.
My cousin is a lecturer in Dayal Singh College.
14) There is no place for you on this bench.
There is i no room for you on this bench.
1) Shankar is one of the greatest philosophers that has ever lived.
Shankar is one of the greatest philosophers that have ever lived.
2) My father does not like me going to pictures everyday.
My father does not like my going to pictures everyday.
3) Both did not go.
neither went
4) They invited my friend and I go to tea.
They invited my friend and me go to tea.
5) I hate him taking too much.
I hate his taking too much.

6) NOne of we accepted his invitation.
None of us accepted his invitation.
7)That is the first time that I have seen you.
This is the first time that I have seen you.
8) I,him and you must help that poor man.
You,he and I must help the poor man.
9) We went to Batkal lake and enjoyed myself.
We went to Batkal lake and enjoyed oursleves.
10) The jury was divided on the issue.
The jury were divided on the issue.
11)Divide this apple between he and myself.
Divide this apple between him and me.
12) Who are you referring to?
Whom are you referring to?
13) I shall take your leave now.
I shall take leave of you now.
14) Is this book your's or mine?
Is this book yours or mine?
15) Mohini's looks are more charming than sudha's.
Mohini's looks are more charming than that of sudha.
1) India is more beautiful than any country of the world.
India is more beautiful than any other country of the world.
2) The whole India mourned the death of Mrs.Indira Gandhi.
The whole of India mourned the death of Mrs.Indira Gandhi.
3)She wrote a best book.
She wrote a very good book.
4) He had only the few rupees left.
He had only a few rupees left.
5) Amritsar is further from Delhi than Ambala.
Amritsar is farther from Delhi than Ambala.
6) He is only a peon and gets a less salary.
He is only a peon and gets a small salary.
7) No other man of the town is more wiser than Mr.Sethi.
No other man of the town is as wise as Mr.Sethi.,
8) He got only passing marks in English.
He got only pass marks in English.
9) He gave a few coins he had in his pocket to the beggar.
He gave the few coins he had in his pocket to the beggar
10) The teacher will give the students a verbal.
The teacher will give the students an oral test.
11) Radha is the older of the two sisters.
Radha is the elder of the two sisters.
12) Death is more preferable than dishonour.
Death is preferable to dishonour.
14) Both the brothers have not passed.
Neither brother has passed.

15) I do not like this kinds of jokes.
I do not like these kinds of jokes.
16) My father has been sick for a very long time.
My father has been ill for a very long time.
17)Please open your book at twenty page.
Please open your book at page twenty.
1) Had you been to Kolkata,I has also gone there.
Had you been to Kolkata.I would have aslo gone.
2) The pick-pocked was arrested and his pockets searched.
The pick pocket was arrested and his pockets were searched.
3) Ten were killed and one taken prisoners.
Ten were killed and one was taken prisoners.
4) I asked him why he walked forward in the open field like that.
I asked him why he had failed walked forward in the open field like that.
5) You mistake in thinking that I am against you.
You are mistaken in thinking that I am against you.
6) Many of battle were fought on the soil of India.
Many a battle was fought on the soil of India.
7) If I will reach late, I shall be punished.
If I reach late, I shall be punished.
8) If wished were horses.beggars may ride.
If wishes were horses,beggars would ride.
9) The criminal will be hung in the Ambala Central jail.
The criminal will be hanged in the Ambala Central jail.
10)The poet and philoshpher are dead.
The poet and the philoshper are dear.
11) I know Mr.Sharma for five years.
I have known Mr.Sharma for five years.
12) He spoke as though he was very angry.
He spoke as though he had been very angry.
13) This rumour may have spread through the town before you make efforts to check it.
This rumour will have spread through the town before you make efforts to check it.
14) Madhu was unhappy as though she (jail) from a high social position.
Madhu was unhappy as though she had fallen from a high social position.
15) When I went to meet him,he (work) in his garden.
When I went to meet him,he was working in his garden.
16) HIs fault was (forgive) by me.
His faults were forgiven by me.
17) He always (forget) the good things done to him .
He always forgets the good things done to him.
18) Have you ever (be) to Mumbai?
Have you ever been to Mumbai?
19) The patient (die) before the docter (come).
The patient had died before the docter came.
20) Of late the custom (fall) into disuse.
Of late, the cutom has fallen into disuse.

21) Had he worked hard,he (succeed).
Had he worked hard, he would have succeeded.
22) I (lean) against the door and (listen) to the wireless.
I leaned against the door and listened to the wireless.
23) Radha (suffer) from fever since yesterday.
Radha has been suffering from fever since yesterday.
24) It (rain) all the year round here?
Does it rain all the year round here?
25) The children (see) the film since 6.30 p.m.
The chidren will have been seeing the film since 6.30 p.m.
26) If you bought a car today, it (cost ) you a lot of money.
If you bought a car today, it would cost you a lot money.
27) I (knock).I do not think anybody (be) in.
I have knocked,I do not think anybody is in.
1) Actions sometimes speak loudly than the words.
Actions sometimes speak louder than the words.
2) I want to know as to why he hit the dog.
I want to know why he hit the dog.
3) Please kindly help me in my work.
Kindly help me in my work.
4) She ran very fastly.
She ran very fast.
5) I never remember having met him before.
I do not remember having met him before.
6) You only are responsible for my misfortunes.
Only you are responsible for my misfortunes.
7) I am quite sorry to hear of your losses.
I am very sorry to hear of y our losses.
8) He was here presently.
He was here just now.
9) The old man lived miserly.
The old man lived in a miserly way.
10) I am only free in the morning.
I am free only in the morning.
11) Alexander pope was a much learned man.
Alxander pope was a very (or highly) learned man.
12) He is named as Chander Mohan.
He is named Chander Mohan.
13) I shall present the book just now.
I shall present the book presently.
14) The patient is comparatively better today.
The patient is comparatively well today.
15) I Scarcely go the pictures.
I rarely go the pictures.
16) She is too beatiful.
She is very beautiful.

17) I have not heard from my son for long.
I have not heard from my son since long.
18) I am too glad to see you looking as well.
I am very glad to see you looking so well.
19) He carefully does his work.
He does his work carefully.
1) The teacher ordered me to write with ink.
The teacher ordered me to write in ink.
2) The lion sparang on the cow.
The lion sprang upon the cow.
3) Translate this passage from Urdu to Sanskrit.
Translate this passage from Urdu into Sanskrit.
4) The house should be disposed off in the manner indicated below.
The house should be disposed off in the manner indicated below.
5) It had a small kitchen garden on the back.
It had a small kitchen garden in the back.
6) None expect the brave deserve the fair.
None but the brave deserve the fair.
7) He married with a poor girl.
He married a poor girl.
8) These days,I am busy in writing a book of grammer.
These days, I am busy in writing a book on grammer.
9) I told him on his face that he could not pass.
I told him at his face that he could not pass.
10)The frustrated lover jumped in the river.
The frustrated lover jumped into the river.
11) Lady Drakemanton ordered for dinner.
Lady Drakemanton ordered dinner.
12) Is not a pen to write?
Is not a pen to write with?
13) Please open your book on page twenty.
Please open your book at page twenty.
14) It is half past ten in my watch.
It is half past ten by my watch.
15) I saw him sitting besides the minister.
I saw him sitting beside the minister.
16) Some bandits deprived him from his belongings.
Some bandits deprived him of this belongings.
17) A person who is filled by wonder,opens his eyes very wide.
A person who is filled with wonder,opens his eyes very wide.
18) China is in the north of India.
China is to the north of India.
19) Our examination begins from Monday.
Our examination begins on Monday.
20) All this discussion is beside the point.
All this discussion is besides the point.

21) There is no exception of this rule.
There is no exception to this rule.
22) Bharfi is made of Khoya.
Bharfi is made from Khoya.
23) Sachin was admitted in the tenth class.
Sachin was admitted to the tenth class.
24) Our friends have not been here for long.
Our friends have not been here since long.
25) His genious borders with lunacy.
HIs genious boreders on lunacy.
26) Ashoka ruled on a vast empire.
Ashoka ruled over on a vast empire.
27) The book fell on the tabel.
The book fell upon the table.
28) Franis Bacon,the father of English Essay.had a thirst in knowldege.
Fransi Bacon-the father of English Essay,had a thirst for knowledge.
1) As you are my younger brother so I shall take care of you.
I shall take care of you because you are my younger brother.
2) He had hardly seen me,so he came to me running.
He had hardly seen me when he came running to me.
3) No sooner did we reach the stadium,it started raining cats and dogs.
No sooner did we reach the stadium than it started raining cats and dogs.
4)Because he is intelligent,therefore,everybody likes him.
Everybody likes him because he is intelligent.
5) Two weeks have passed since I have seen him
Two weeks have passed since I saw him.
6) Both Madhu adn Sudha did not attend school yesterday.
Neither Madhu nor Sudha attended school yersterday.
7) He is neither happy wth his relative nor he is happy with his friends.
He is happy neither with his relatives nor with his friends.
8) All is not right that is expedient.
All that is expedient is not right.
9) The choice is between gloriuos death or shameful life.
The choice is between glorious death and shameful life.
10) Moving on the grass I saw a snake.
While moving on the grass,I saw a snake.
11) The choice is between glorious death or shameful life.
The choice is between glorious death and shameful life.
12) This book is as good, if not better than that.
This book is as good as,if not better than that.
13) Although she is foolish,but people like her.
Although she is foolish yet people like her.
14) He took another path form the one I showed him.
He took a different path from the one I showed him.
15) Although she is foolish,but people like her.
Although she is foolish yet people like her.

16) May you pass or not, I don't care.
Should you pass or not.I don't care.
17) Work hard lest you may not fail.
Work hard lest you should fail.
18) The teacher asked John why he was late.
The teacher asked john why he was late.
19) It is not certain if he will come.
It is not certain that he will come.
20) He behaves as if he is mad.
He behaves as if he were mad.
21)I have neither seem him nor his brother.
I have seen neither him nor his brohter.
22) Do you know that where he lives?
Do you know where he lives?
23) He either is a fool or a scoundrel.
He is either a fool or a scoundrel.
24) My pen is superior and more expensive than yours.
My pen is superior too and more expensive than yours.
25) The world lasts,the earth will go round the sun.
As long as the world lasts, the earth will go round the sun.
26) Not only he is honest but sincere.
He is not only honest but also sincere.
27) This is the reason our hockey team suffers a defeat.
This is the reason why our hockey team suffers a defeat.
28) He is such a person that no one can hate him.
He is such a person as no one can hate him.
29) The little boy was lazy nad careless.
The little boy was lazy and careless too.
1) I am taking exercise everyday.
I take exercise everyday.
2) I have read this news yesterday.
I read this news yesterday.
3) The earth move round the sun.
The earth moves round the sun.
4) I had taught him three lessons.
I taught him three lessons.
5) I did my work when he came.
I had done my work,when he came.
6) Here are your shoes.I just polished them.
Here are yours shoes,U have just polished them.
7) He know his faults.
He knows his faults.
8) If you will obey your superiors,you will not come to grief.
If you obey your superiors,you will not come to grief.
9) He get up early in the morning.
He gets up early in the morning.

10) Is your failure known to all?
Are your failures known to all?
11) When I reached home,my father already came.
When i reached home,my father had already came.
12)He said that he will not attend the function.
He said that he would not attend the function.
13) He is taking a bath everyday.
He takes a bath everyday.
14) We are helping the poor for four years.
We have been helping the poor four years.
15) When she was at Lucknow,.she had broken one plate everyday.
When she was at Lucknow,she would break one plate everyday.
16) My mother cut the vegetables everyday.
My mother cuts the vegetables everyday.
17) I am knowing him.
I know him.
18) They believes honesty.
They believe honesty.
19) She is learning music for three months.
She has been learning music for three months.
20) She plays table tennis since morning.
She has been playing table tennis since morning.
21) Our teacher taught us that the earth moved round the sun.
Our teacher taught us that the earth moves round the sun.
22) The sun has rose.
The sun has risen.
23)His sufferings were all born with great patience.
His sufferings were all born with great.
24) He is born on April 22,1935.
He was born on April 22,1935.
25) The soldier laid dead on the ground.
The soldier lay dead on the ground.
26) Have you sowed the seed?
Have you sown the seed?
27) We have lose all we had.
We have lost all we had.
28) He lain the book on the table.
He has lain awake in bed for hours.
29) I stroke him on the head.
I struck him on the head.
30).Honesty and hard work certainly brings happiness.
Honesty and hard work certainly bring happiness.
31) I stroke him on the head.
I struck him on the head.
32) Has the bell rang?
Has the bell rung?

33) He has laid awake in bed for hours.
He has lain awake in bed for hours.
34) We have lose all we had.
We have lost all we had.
1) He should not hurry, there is plenty of time.
He need not hurry,there is a plenty of time.
2) When i was young,I had worked for twelve hours.
When I was young,I used to work for twelve hours.
3) I went to him so that I should warn him of the coming danger.
I went to him so that I might warn him of the coming danger.
4) We eat so that we should live.
We eat so that we may live.
5) Can I borrow your pen?
May I borrow your pen?
6) A docter should do everything possible to save a patient.
A docter ought to do everything possible to save a patient.
7) My boy,you must
of milk?
Would you care for a glass of milk?
12) We eat so that we should live.
We eat so that we may live.
13) I cannot accept your challenge,you are too strong.
I dare not accept your challenge,you are too strong.
14) One must serve one's country.
One ought to serve one's country.
15) Good night! How are you now?
Good evening! How are you nownot have spoken this.
My boy,you should not have spoken this.
8) Had he working hard ,he might have passed.
Had he worked hard,he would have passed.
9) He was working hard so that he should get good marks.
He was working hard,so that he might get good marks.
10) He played with me when he was a boy.
He used to play with me when he was a boy.
11) Should you care for a glass?
16) My brother is in the business line.
My brother is in the business profession.
17) There is no place for you to sit on this bench.
There is no romm for you to sit on this bench.
18) Such phenomena has never been perceived.
Such phenomena have never been perceived.
19) No less than five students were playing .
No fewer than five students were playing.
1) I am sorry, I will not be able to teach there in time.
I am sorry,I shall not be able to reach there in time.
2) You shall know the result tomorrow.

You will know the result tomorrow.
3) I will forgive him if he will tell me the truth.
I shall forgive him if he tells me the truth.
4)I will be drowned and nobody shall save me.
I shall be drowned and nobody will save me.
5) If you do not change yours habits,you will be dismissed from service.
If you do not change your habbits,you shall be dismissed from the service.
6) I will be thankful to you for your kindness.
I shall be thankful to you for your kindness.
7) Shall be appear in the examination this year?
Will be appear in the examination this year?
8) As soon as the chief guest will reach here,all of you will stand.
As soon as the chief guest reaches here,all of you shall stand.
9) Our teahcer shall be on leave tomorrow.
Our teacher will be on leave tomorrow.
10) We shall never deceive you.
We will never deceive you.
1) My elder brother is a M.A. whereas I am only a B.A.
My elder brother is an M.A. whereas I am only a B.A.
2) What kind of the man is he?
What kind of a man is he?
3) This is a news to me.
This is news to me.
4) Ganga is one of longest rivers of the world.
The Ganga is one of the longest rivers of the world.
5) None but brave deserves the fair.
None but the brave deserves the fair.
6) He is an European but his wife is a Indian.
He is a European but his wife is an Indian.
7) Than man is mortal.
Man is mortal.
8) Our principal is the man of principle.
Our Prinicipal is a man of principle.
9) Shakespeare is Kalidas of England.
Shakespeare is the Kalidas of England.
10) Delhi is a paris of India.
Delhi is the Paris of India.
11) Higher we go,cooler it is.
The higher we go,the cooler it is.
12) Punjab is land of braves.
The Punjab is a land fo the brave.
13) Hindu culture assigns highest position to Pundit.
The Hindu culture assigns the highest position to the Pundit.
14) Wheat of the Punjab is sent to other States of India.
The wheat of the punjab is sent to sent to other States of India.
15) Gold of South Africa is exported to many countries.

The Gold of South Africa is exported to many countries.
16) One can see heaven and the hell only in religious books.
One can see heaven and hell only in the religious books.
17) The honesty is one of the choicest gifts.
Honesty is one of the choicest gifts.
18) Mr.Ghosh is a honour to the teaching profession.
Mr.Ghosh is an hounour to the teaching profession.
19) I attend the college everyday.
I attend college everyday.
20) The English is the language of English.
English is the language of the English.
21) Almighty will help us in our work.
The Almighty will help us in our work.
22) Hindus and Muslims live in perfect harmony in India.
The Hindus and the Muslims live in perfect harmony of India.
23) Sun is a source of all life on the earth.
The sun is the source of all life on the earth.
24) Taj Mahal of Agra is a wonderful creation of the man.
The Taj Mahal of Agra is a wonderful creation of man.
25) This cost me hundred rupees.
This cost me a hundred rupees.
26) The gold is a precious metal.
Gold is a precious metal.
27) Should we look down upon poor?
Should we look down upon the poor?
28) He died on first of julym1980.
He died on the first of july,1980.
29) Make him stand by ear.
Make him stand by the ear.
30) In this way,the game came to end.
In this way,the game came to an end.
31) The tea is the popular drink.
Tea is a popular drink.
1) Mr.Bhatia is my English teahcer.
Mr.Bhatia is my teacher of English.
2) I forgave him for his faults.
I forgave him his faults.
3) I have read four-fifth of this book.
I have read four-fifths of this book.
4) All his family members are mad.
All members of his family are mad.
5) Chiranjiv is my cousin brother.
Chiranjiv is my cusin.
6) He is very miser.
He is very miserly.
7) My all friends are very helpful.

All my friends are very helpful.
8) She does not know swimming.
She does not know how to swim.
9) My uncle lives at Janapath Road.
My uncle lives at Janpath.
10) Our examination starts from Monday next.
Our examination starts on Monday next.
11) He has grown into a beautiful youth.
He has grown into a handsome youth.
12) This is more better.
This is better.
13) What is the cost of this pen?
What is the price of this pen?
14) He made a blunder mistake.
He made a blunder.
15) I am going to cut my hair.
I am going to have my hair cut.
16) He pays more attention to Hindi than English.
He pays more attention to Hindi than to English.
17) It is a female compartment.
It is a Ladies' compartment.
18) Open your book on page ten.
Open your book at page ten.
19) Close the door at once.
Shut the door at once.
20) He has gone to foreign.
He has gone abroad.
21) Burn tha lamp at once.
Light the lamp at once.
22) Madhu is very proudly.
Madhu is very proud.
23) He lives in the boarding.
He lives in the boarding house.
24) Sachin adn myself helped you.
Sachin and I helped you.
25) He died form cancer.
He died of cancer.
26) He died of overwork.
He died from overwork.
27) My neighbour is five years elder to me.
My neighbour is five years older than me.
1) The teahcer wanted to know why the student is copying.
The teacher wanted to know why the student was coping.
2) Either you or he are right.
Either you or he is right.
3) None of the students have failed.

None of the students has failed.
4) The sky is blew.
The sky is blue.
5) Kalidas is Shakespeare of India.
Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
6) The man is mortal.
Man is mortal.
7) Do you agree to me?
Do you agree with me?
8) If you had written to me,I met you at the stations.
If you had written to me, I would have met you at the stations.
9) If I was you I would scold him.
If I were you I would scold him.
10) He will go, If you ask him.
He will go, if you ask him.
11) You are sleeping when I entered the room.
You were sleeping when I entered the room.
12) Walk fast lest you will be late.
Walk fast lest you should be late.
13) There are stands Ram and his brother.
There stand ram with his brother.
14) Each of you shall receive a packet.
Each of you will receive a packet.
15) I wish he was here.
I wish he were here.
16) The scissors is made of steel.
The scissors are made of steel.
17) He is living in Meerut since birth.
He has been living in Meerut since birth.
18) The cattles are grazing in the field.
The cattle are grazing in the field.
19) The hairs are gray.
The hair is grey.
20) As you sow, so shall you reap?
As you sow, so you reap.
21) Bread and butter are sick diet.
Bread and butter is sick diet.
22) A lot of money were needed.
A lot of money was needed.
23) Economics are not a difficult subject.
Economics is not a difficult subject.
24) The trousers is dirty.
The trousers are dirty.
25) Each boy adn each girl were given a prize.
Each boy and each girl was given a prize.
26) The wages are never meagre in this facoty.

The wages is never meagre in this factory.
27) It is a university, famous for its discipline.
It is a university, famous for its discipline.
28) Children often don't listen their elder's advice.
Children often don't listen to their elder's advice.
29) Hard work is rewarded always.
Hard work is always rewarded.
Comprehension from Seen & Unseen Passages
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below in the
context ofthe passage.
But for the fact that only higher education, the only education worth the name, has been received byus
through the English medium, there would be no need to prove such a self-evident proposition thatthe youth
of a nation to remain a nation must receive all instructions, including the highest, in itsown vernacular or
vernaculars. Surely, it is a self-demonstrated proposition that the youth of a nation
cannot keep or establish a living contact with the masses unless their knowledge is received througha
medium understood by the people. Who can calculate the immeasurable loss sustained by thenation owing
to thousands of its young men having been obliged to waste years in mastering aforeign language and its
idiom, of which in their daily life they have the least use and in learningwhich they had to neglect their own
mother tongue and their own literature? There never was agreater superstition than that a particular language
can be incapable of expansion or of expressingabstruse or scientific ideas. A language is an exact reflection
of the character and growth of its speakers.Among the many evils of foreign rule, this blighting imposition
of a foreign medium upon the youthof the country will be counted by history as one of the greatest. It has
sapped the energy of the nation,
it has shortened the lives of the pupils, it has estranged them from the masses, it has made
educationunnecessarily expensive. If this process is still persisted in, it bids fair to rob the nation of its soul.
Thesooner, therefore, educated India shakes itself free from the hypnotic spell of the foreign medium, the
Better it would be for them and the people. (Gandhi in Young India, 5 July, 1928).
Choose the correct option:
1. Mahatma Gandhi stresses that
(i) The only education worth the name is through the medium of English, though it might not
Make our youth the builder of a great nation
(ii) Higher education should not be received through a foreign language
(iii) Every nation teaches its youth through the native language
(iv) The use of the native language can unite the nation
2. The second sentence of Mahatma Gandhi’s comment means that
(i) The masses canacquire knowledge only through a language they understand
(ii) Youth should be instructed in a language understood by the common people
(iii) Youth should live in close contact with the masses
(iv) The language used in education can bring youth closer to, or separate it from the general
Body of the nation
3. Of what nature is the immeasurable loss sustained by the nation?
(i) The years wasted by thousands of young men in mastering a foreign language
(ii) Progressive weakening of the confidence and energy of youth and its isolation from the life
Of the country
(iii) The strengthening of foreign rule through the spell of a foreign language on educated India
(iv) The neglect of Indian languages and the consequent failure to perfect them for precise
expression of scientific ideas

4. Imposition of a foreign medium upon the youth
(i) has made the youth hate the British empire
(ii) has made the youth carefree
(iii) has brought the youth close to the masses
(iv) has shortened the lives of the pupils and sapped the energy of the nation
5. Gandhiji says
(i) that foreign medium should be done away with
(ii) that foreign medium can be retained only for technical education
(iii) that only the educated Indians should study in foreign medium
(iv) that foreign medium should be used only for official purpose
6. According to the passage,
(i) mastering a foreign language invites the resentment of common masses
(ii) foreign medium is too difficult to understand
(iii) foreign medium is very expensive for a poor country like India to afford
(iv) young men are obliged to waste years in mastering a foreign language and this leads to the
neglect of their mother tongue
7. By vernacular, Gandhiji meant
(i) a language understood by the masses of the country
(ii) the language native to a country as opposed to a language that is foreign
(iii) Hindi or Hindustani, for it is the national language of India
(iv) the great languages that have grown out of Pali spoken in particular regions
8. Gandhiji made a mention of
(i) all the evils of foreign rule
(ii) only the dominating attitude of foreign rule
(iii) only those evils which were linked with foreign medium
(iv) evils which were prevalent in England also
9. Idiom means
(i) the rules governing a language
(ii) the expression peculiar to a language, and often beyond grammatical analysis, but approved
by usage
(iii) the structure of words in a sentence
(iv) ornamental phrases which beautify the language
10. Abstruse means
(i) hidden (ii) clear (iii) religious (iv) scientific
1. (ii) higher education should not be received through a foreign language.
2. (ii) youth should be instructed in a language understood by the common people.
3. (i) the years wasted by thousands of young men in mastering a foreign language.
4. (iv) has shortened the lives of the pupils and sapped the energy of the nation.
5. (i) that the foreign medium should be done away with.
6. (iv) young men are obliged to waste years in mastering a foreign language and this leads to the
neglect of their own mother tongue.
7. (i) a language understood by the masses of the country.
8. (iii) only those evils which were linked with foreign medium.
9. (ii) the expression peculiar to a language and often beyond grammatical analysis, but approved
by usage.
10. (i) hidden
2. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions given below.
Unquestionably, a literary life is for the most part an unhappy life, because, if you have genius, youmust
suffer the penalty of genius; and, if you have only talent, there are so many cares and worriesincidental to

the circumstances of men of letters, as to make life exceedingly miserable. Besides thepangs of
composition, and the continuous disappointment which a true artist feels at his inability toreveal himself,
there is the ever-recurring difficulty of gaining the public ear. Young writers are
buoyed up by the hope and the belief that they have only to throw that poem at the world’s feet to getback
in return the laurel-crown; that they have only to push that novel into print to be acknowledgedat once as a
new light in literature. You can never convince a young author that the editors of magazinesand the
publishers of books are a practical body of men, who are by no means frantically anxiousabout placing the
best literature before the public. Nay, that for the most part they are mere brokers,who conduct their
business on the hardest lines of a Profit and Loss account. But supposing yourbook fairly launches, its perils
are only beginning. You have to run the gauntlet of the critics. To ayoung author, again, this seems to be as
terrible an ordeal as passing down the files of Sioux or
Comanche Indians, each one of whom is thirsting for your scalp. When you are a little older, you willfind
that criticism is not much more serious than the bye-play of clowns in a circus, when they beataround the
ring, the victim with bladders slung at the end of long poles. A time comes in the life ofevery author when
he regards critics as comical rather than for-midable, and goes his way unheeding.But there are sensitive
souls that yield under the chastisement and, perhaps, after suffering much
Silent torture, abandon the profession of the pen for ever. Keats, perhaps, is the saddest example of afine
spirit hounded to death by savage criticism; because, whatever his biographers may aver, thatfurious attack
of Gifford and Terry undoubtedly expedited his death. But no doubt there are hundredswho suffer keenly
from hostile and unscrupulous criticism, and who have to bear that suffering in
Silence, because it is a cardinal principle in literature that the most unwise thing in the world for anauthor
is to take public notice of criticism in the way of defending himself. Silence is the only safeguard,as it is
the only dignified protest against insult and offence.
Choose the correct option:
1. Why is the literary life mostly an unhappy one?
(i) Because a genius suffers the penalty of genius, and a talented person has so many cares and
(ii) Because it is mostly a lonely life
(iii) Because it does not pay much materialistically
(iv) Because it is difficult to get a reading public
2. What are the ambitions of a young author?
(ii) to be acknowledged as a new light in literature
(ii) to be able to reveal himself
(iii) to gain a public ear
(iv) to get his compositions published
3. Are editors and publishers sympathetic to young authors?
(i) They are (ii) they are not
(iii) They are anxious about placing only the best literature before the public
(iv) They are mere brokers who conduct their business on the hardest lines of a Profit and Loss
4. What are the ordeals awaiting the young author from the critics?
(i) The critics harass him (ii) he has to run the ‘gauntlet’ of the critics
(iii) He has to save his scalp, as the critics throw stones at him
(iv) The critics are sympathetic towards him
5. What attitude should an author adopt in the face of bitter criticism?
(i) he should defend himself
(ii) he should regard critics formidable and change his way of writing
(iii) he should suffer silently
(iv) he should take criticism as not more than the bye-play of clowns in a circus and go his way

6. Why does a true artist suffer?
(i) he suffers because of the pangs of composition
(ii) he suffers because of his inability to express himself.
(iii) he suffers because of the difficulty in gaining the public ear
(iv) all the above
7. What happens to the sensitive authors when they are attacked by critics?
(i) they remain indifferent (ii) they commit suicide
(iii) they abandon the writing profession (iv) none of the above
8. The attack of Gifford and Terry
(i) forced Keats to give up writing (ii) expedited the death of Keats.
(iii) brought Keats to limelight (iv) none of the above
9. The cardinal principle in literature is
(i) not to maintain one’s own style throughout one’s literary career
(ii) to satisfy the critics
(iii) to satisfy the public
(iv) not to take public criticism in the way of defending oneself
10. The only safeguard against insult and offence is
(i) to maintain a dignified silence (ii) to protest openly
(iii) to defend one’s own writing (iv) to attack the offenders
1. (i) because a genius suffers the penalty of genius and a talented person has so many cares and
2. (i) to be acknowledged as a new light in literature
3. (iv) they are mere brokers who conduct their business on the hardest lines of a Profit and Loss
4. (ii) he has to run the ‘gauntlet’ of the critics
5. (iv) He should take criticism as not more than the bye-play of clowns in a circus and go his way
6. (iv) all of the above
7. (iii) they abandon the writing profession
8. (ii) expedited the death of Keats
9. (iv) not to take public criticism in the way of defending oneself
10. (i) to maintain a dignified silence
3. Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions given below it.
The University Grants Commission’s directive requiring college and university lecturers to spend
aminimum of 22 hours a week in direct teaching is the product of budgetary cutbacks rather thanpedagogic
wisdom. It may seem odd, at first blush, that teachers should protest about teaching amere 22 hours.
However, if one considers the amount of time academics require to prepare lectures
of good quality as well as the time they need to spend doing research—it is clear that most
conscientiousteachers work more than 40 hours a week. In university systems around the world, lecturers
rarelyspend more than 12 to 15 hours in direct teaching activities a week. The average college lecturer
inIndia does not have any office space. If computers are available. Internet connectivity is unlikely.Libraries
are poorly stocked. Now, the UGC says, universities must implement a complete freeze on
all permanent recruitment, abolish all posts which have been vacant for more than a year, and cutstaff
strength by 10 per cent. And it is in order to ensure that these cutbacks do not affect the quantumof teaching
that existing lecturers are being asked to work longer. Obviously, the quality of teachingand academic work
in general — will decline. While it is true that some college teachers do not taketheir classes regularly, the
UGC and the institutions concerned must find a proper way to hold themaccountable. An absentee teacher
will continue to play truant even if the number of hours he isrequired to teach goes up.All of us are well

aware of the unsound state that the Indian higher education system is in today.Thanks to years of sustained
financial neglect, most Indian universities and colleges do no research
worth the name. Even as the number of students entering colleges has increased dramatically,
publicinvestment in higher education has actually declined in relative terms. Between 1985 and 1997,
whenpublic expenditure on higher education as a percentage of outlays on all levels of education grew
bymore than 60 per cent in Malaysia and 20 per cent in Thailand, India showed a decline of more than
10 per cent. Throughout the world, the number of teachers in higher education per million populationgrew
by more than 10 per cent in the same period; in India it fell by one percent. Instead of transferringthe burden
of government apathy on to the backs of the teachers, the UGC should insist that theneeds of the country’s
university system are adequately catered for.
Choose the correct option:
1. Why does the UGC want to increase the direct teaching hours of university teachers?
(i) The UGC feels that the duration of contact between teacher and the taught should be more.
(ii) The UGC wants teachers to spend more time in their departments.
(iii) The UGC wants teachers to devote some time to improve university administration.
(iv) The UGC does not have money to appoint additional teachers.
(v) None of these.
2. Which of the following is the reason for the sorry state of affairs of the Indian universities as
mentioned in the passage?
(i) The poor quality of teachers.
(ii) Involvement of teachers in extra-curricular activities.
(iii) Politics within and outside the departments.
(iv) Heavy burden of teaching hours on the teachers.
(v) Not getting enough financial assistance.
3. Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE in the context of the passage?
(I) Most colleges do not carry out research worth the name.
(II) The UGC wants lecturers to spend minimum 22 hours a week in direct teaching.
(III) Indian higher education system is in unsound state.
(i) Only (I) and (III) (ii) All (I), (II) and (III)
(iii) Only (III) (iv) Only (II)
4. Besides direct teaching, university teachers spend considerable time in/on ...
(i) administrative activities such as admissions
(ii) supervising examinations and correction of answer papers
(iii) carrying out research in the area of their interest
(iv) maintaining research equipment and libraries
(v) developing liaison with the user organizations
5. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?
(i) The UGC wants teachers to spend minimum 40 hours a week in teaching.
(ii) Some college teachers do not engage their classes regularly.
(iii) The average college teacher in India does not have any office space.
(iv) The UGC wants universities to abolish all posts which have been vacant for more than a year.
(v) All of these are true.
6. Between 1985 and 1997, the number of teachers in higher education per million population, in
India ....
(i) increased by 60% (ii) increased by 20%
(iii) decreased by 22% (iv) decreased by 10%
(v) decreased by 1%
7. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?
(i) Indian universities are financially neglected.

(ii) All over the world, the university lecturers hardly spend more than 12 to 15 hours a weekin direct
(iii) Indian universities are asked to reduce staff strength by 10%.
(iv) Public investment in higher education has increased in India.
(v) Malaysia spends more money on education than Thailand.
8. Choose the word which is similar in meaning as the word freeze as used in the passage.
(i) Cold (ii) Halt
(iii) Decay (iv) Control
(iv) Power
9. What is the UGC directive to the universities?
(i) Improve the quality of teaching (ii) Spend time on research activities
(iii) Do not appoint any permanent teacher (iv) Provide computer and internet facilities
(v) Do not spend money on counselling services to the students
10. Choose the word which is similar in meaning as the word sustained as used in the passage.
(i) Continuous (ii) Frequent
(iii) Careless (iv) Deliberate
(v) Sporadic
1. (iv) 2. (v) 3. (ii) 4. (iii) 5. (i) 6. (v) 7. (iv) 8. (ii) 9. (iii) 10. (i)
JQ5) Read the passage and answer the questions that follows.
The next few days were full of rejoicing. The brother asked after the education of the two boys.He was told
by his sister that phatik was a perpetual nuisance.He was lazy,disobedient and wild.But makhan was as
good as gold,as quiet as a lamb ,and very fond of reading.Bishamber kindly offered to take Phatik off his
sister’s hands and educate him with his own children in Calcutta.The widowed mother readily agreed.When
his uncle asked Phatik if he would like to go to Calcutta with him ,his joy knew no bounds,and he said,”Oh
yes,uncle!” In a way that made it quite clear that he meant it.
It was an immense relief to the mother to get rid of phatik.She had a prejudice against the boy,and no
love was lost between the two brothers.She was in daily fear that he would either drown Makhan some day
in the river or break his head in a fight,or run him into some danger or other.At the same time she was
somewhat distressed to see Phatik’s extreme eagerness to get away.
1) According to the explanation given by her mother,how are phatik and Makhan different form
each other?
Ans: Phatik was a perpetual nuisance.He was lazy, disobedient, and wild.But Makhan was as good as
gold,as quiet as a lamb.
2) What did Bishamber offer?
Ans: Bishamber offered to take Phatik off with him and educate him with his own children in Calcutta.
3) Why was the Mother Happy to send Phatik with his uncle?
Ans: Because he was very lazy and wild.
4) Give meanging of
1) Rejoicing – Jubilation 2) Perpetual – lasting forever 3) jGet rid off- Dump
4- Distressed –sorrow,pain.
5) Find sentence,which is an example of interjection.
Ans: “Oh,yes,Uncle !”

Poetry:John Donne's "The Good Morrow"
Question :Describe John Donne's poem " Good Morrow" in about 200 words.
Describe John Donne's poem "Good Morrow" in about 200 words.
Discuss the chief features of poetry with special reference to Donne.
Answer: The theme In "Good Morrow" is the nature and fullness of lovers world.Donne takes the everyday
idea that lovers live in a world of their own with liitle sense of reality and turns it right round ,so that it is
the outside world that is unreal.He says that true love is a spiritual connection that two people
share.Initially,love has an element of fun and sex.It is like the dark night -an experience which is hot quite
clear.But with the dawn,the true nature of things is revealed.Poet says there was no charm in life before he
met his beloved.They were treated as children by people.They were not attracted by the beautiful things at
all.After he met with his beloved,their life changed suddenly.It seemed as if they woke from a deep
sleep.Now they should forget about everything and only love each other.They should not be bothered by
the expansion of the universe.He also included that if they be faithful to each other and love equally even
death will fail to kill them.The strength of their love is sufficent to create its own reality.When they watch
each other,it is not as in the outside world,out of fear,but to complete themselves ,as each one is half of the
world needing the other half.The poem ends with the establishment of true friendship.Experience has
thought them that the true happiness can be achieved through a mutul spiritual friendship.
Poetry: William Wordsworth 's Ode on Intimations of Immortality
Question: Discuss Intimations of immortality as a philosphical poem.
Question: Discuss the auto biographical elements in 'Ode on Intimations of
Question: What is the view of birth, childhood, the child’s relationship with nature,and
the growth into adulthood in wordsworth,ode: Intimations of Immortality?How does
the speaker feel about the past and how does he find consolation for his grief.
Answer:The Immoratliy Ode is one of the most famous poems in English Literature.In the whole series of
Wordsworth's poems it is the greatest and that to which all others lead up.In 1802,Wordsworth wrote many
poems that dealt with his youth.These Poems were partly inspired by his conversations with his sister.In
this Ode the poet unlocks his heart and describes a crisis in his intellectual development .In his childhood,he
lived in 'the glory and the freshness of the senses.Ode on Intimations of Immortality from recollections of
Early childhood.,the disappearing of youthful dream with the advance of age, the natural religiousness that
binds our days to each,and the philosophical rewards of maturity.It also expresses the idea of pre-existence
and the hope of immortality not as a magic but as a chief light.He described how a child is able to see what
others do not see because children do not understand mortality.The immortal nature of the human spirit,
automatically known by the child,party forgotten by the growing man,but to be known once more in
maturity through strong experience of heart and mind. But the advancing years this report comes to be
broken and dim.The things that the poet had seen he now can see no more.He described that his
surroundings and various aspects of nature that he is no longer able to feel.Wordsworth reached one of the
highest peaks of the English poetry of the Romantic Period with his ode.Indeed it is the high water mark of
poetry in the nineteenth century.
Question: What is an ode?
Answer: An ode is a form of poetry such as sonnet or elegy, etc. Ode is a literary technique that is lyrical
in nature, but not very lengthy.
Question Discuss 'Intimations of Immortality' as a philosophical poem.
Question: In an essay, compare and contrast Plato’s belief in the pre-existance of the
soul with Wordsworth’s belief on the same topic.
Answer:Like Tintern Abbey,the Immortality Ode is a great philosophical poem.His philosophy has been
compared to Plato's, but it is in fact less of an abstract system than a description of his own personal
experience of life and the process of ageing.
Briefly his theory seems to be something like this. the new born soul does not come from nowhere,out of
nothingness, but from some other ill defined country from afar.The little child still has clear memories and
visions of this other,heavenly place,b ut as he grows older thery begin to fade.
Earth does her best to make him forget this other place,and its glories and the child himself tries to hurry
on this process of forgetfulness,longing to be grow up copying adults in his games.Eventully he does grown
up and forget though he goes through a period when he still has rare hints of memory and dream ,though
unable to keep in continuous contact with his sense of glory.
When he is fully mature,even these hints are lost and disappear into the light of common day.On one
level,this is a plain description of Wordsworth's own progress from childhood through youth to a somewhat
unwelcoming and disillusioned middle age.
Wordsworth's attempts to make his own experience into a general philosophy,applicable to all men,and true
of the whole human condition ,that make the Ode confusing,Wordsworth was no philosopher though he felt
he ought to be one.His mind never dealt as early in abstract ideas as it did with some huge single physical
symbol like the bloodsuckercollector.
poetry: Nissim Ezekiel's Night of the Scorpion
Question: Sketch the different images of India that you can see in the poem'Night of
the Scorpion'.
Summarize the feelings of the little boy in the poem Night scorpion.
Question: What are the remarkable features of the poetry of Nissim Ezekiel the Night
of the Scorpion?
Answer: Ezekiel is known to be a detached observer of the indian Scenario.One side NIght of the scorpion
presents an Indian village through the eyes of an outsider and finds the deep rooted strains of superstition
and blind faith which may seem foolish to the western eye.The poem is set in an Indian village.Most of the
villagers are peasants.When the poet's mother was bitten by a scorpion. The villagers came running with
their candles and lanterns.They looked for the scorpion everywhere but it was not found.It had
disappearded in the rain outside.
They prayed that the mother's pain should burn her sins.They prayed that the mother's pain should purify
her flesh and her spirit.They sat arround the mother and looked at her with sympathetic eyes.The painful
night was long and the holy man came and played his part.He performed his rites and tried to tame the
poison with an incantation.But the poet's father was a rationlist.He was not superstitious.He tried on the
mother every herb and medicine he had with him. .After twenty hours the poison lost its sting.
As soon as the mother felt some relief,she said,"Thank God the scorpion picked on me and spared my
children."But on the other side the poem never fails to highlight the positive side of Indian village life.The

poet does not turn a blind eye to the fellow feeling,sympathy and co-operation shown by the villagers.And
in a poem that deals with the all conquering power of love,the reader too should be well aware of it.
Write a critical appreciation of 'Night of the Scorpion'.
Question:Narrate in your own words the incident described in the poem,'Night of the
Write down the summary of the poem , 'Night of the Scorpion'.
Answer:It was a rainy night. The poet's mother was bitten by a scorpion. The villagers came running with
their candles adn lanterns.They looked for the scorpion everywhere but it was not found.It had
disappearded in the rain outside.
The villagers said that with every movement of the scorpion,the poison in the mother's blood would also
move.So they prayed that the scorpion should sit still.They also prayed that the mother's pain should burn
her sins.They prayed that the mother's pain should purify her flesh and her spirit.They sat arround the
mother and looked at her with sympathetic eyes.
But the poet's father was a rationlist.He was not superstitious.He tried on the mother every herb and
medicine he had with him.He even poured a little paraffin on the mother's bitten toe and put a match on
it.A holy man tried to tame the poison with a n incantation.After twenty hours the poison lost its sting.
As soon as the mother felt some relief,she said,"Thank God the scorpion picked on me and spared my
Question: Consider Nissim Ezekiel's as an Indian English poet.
Question: Consider Nissim Ezekiel a poet?
Answer: Nissim Ezekiel is one of the foremost Indians poets writing in english and he has attracted
considerable critical attention form schlolars both in India and abroad.Not only that but also by vigithe of
his critical evaluation,he has brought fame and recognition to a number of Indian English poets.
As a man of letters Nissim Ezekiel is a 'Protean'figure.His achievements as a poet and playwright are
considerable.His versatile genious can be found in his poetry,plays,criticism,journalism and translation.He
has written many volumes of poems -A Time to change(1952),Sixty poems(1953),The third( 1959),The
Unfinished man(1960)
He has also edited books Indian writers in conference (1964), An Emerson Reader (1965),A martin Luther
kind Reader (1965) and Arthur MIller's All my sons (1972).His literary essays published in magazines and
papers are innumerable.Ezekiel is an editor of several journals encouraging writing poetry, plays and
criticisrm.He also asked many writers for translation,affecting the theory and practice of the young poets.
The poet Ezekiel has already published several volumes of poems.A time to Change (1952) was his first
book of poems.For him poetry writing was a lofty vocation , a way of life.
vocabulary and usage:-One word substitution
1) One who knows many languages. Linguist
2) Being unable to pay one's debts. Insolvent
3) A person who can neither read or write. Illiterate
4) A woman whose husband is dead. Widow
5) A child whose parents are dead. Orphan.
6) A minister representing a sovereign or state in a foreign country. Ambassador.
7) A person who lives at the same time as another. Contemporary.

8) One who m akes an eloquent public speech. Orater.
9) One who abandon s his religious faith. Martyr
10) One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen. Alien .
11 Being all powerful Omnipotent
12)One who eats human flesh cannible
13) One who hats mankind. Misanthropist.
14) One who believes in fate. Fatalist.
15) One who lends money at exhor bitant rates in interest Usurer.
16)A member of a council. Councillor
17) Murder of a king. regicide
18) Murder of a new born infant. Infanticide.
19) Taking of one's life. Suicide
20) A language that is no longer in use. Obsolete
21) Subject to death. Mortal.
22) Resutling in death. Fatal or mortal.
23) A medicine to counteract the effects of poison. Antidote.
24) The killing of human beings. Homicide.
25) The general pardon of political offenders. Amensty.
26) Fond of entertaining guests. Hospitable
27) Not being able to be elected or selected under the rules. Ineligible
28)One who comes as a settler into a foreign country. Immigrant.
29) Property inherited from one's father or ancestores. Patrimony.
30) A paper written by hand. Manuscript
31) The result of the match where neither party wins Draw
32) Animals which give birth to babies and feed them with their milk. Mammlas
33) A place for burial of dead bodies. Cemetery
34) Give tit for tat. Retaliate
35) Of one's own free will. Voluntary.
36) The science of reasoning.. logic
37) Compulsory enlistment for military or other services. Conscription
38) A figure with many angles or sides. Polygon
39)The absence of government in a country. Anarchy
40) Government carried on by an absolute ruler. Dictatorship
41) Government by officals. Bureaucracy
42) An instrument for measuring temperature. Thermometer
43) The life history of a person written by another. Biography.
44) The life history of a person written by himself. Autobiography.
45) The yearly return of a date. Anniversary
46) Of unknown or unadmitted authorship. Anonymous
47) That which cannot be reached. Inaccessible
48) That which can not be admitted or allowed. Inadmissible
49) Not definitely or clearly expressed. Inexplicit
50) Occuring at the same time. Simultaneous
51) An assembly of listeners. Audience.
52) A person sent on a mission ( usually offical) Emissary
53) A speech made without preparation . Extempore.
54) One who walks on foot. Pedestrian
55)All of one mind. Unanimous
56) That which can not be destroyed. Indestructible
57) That which cannot be burnt. Indivisible
58) That which can not be seen. Invisible

59) That which cannot be heard. Inaudible
60) That which cannot be read. Illegible.
61) That which cannot be believed. Incredible.
62) That which can not be avioded. Unavoidable
63) That which can not be divided. Indivisble
64)The only one of its type. Unique.
65) A man who is the head of a monastery or an abbey. Abbot.
66) A quantity that is no more than enough. Abundance
67) A public notice offering or asking for goods, services,etc. Advertisement
68) A person who draws maps and charts. Cartographer.
69) The driver of a taxi. Cabby.
70) A person,an animal or a plant that lives,grows or is often found in a Denizen
particular place.
71) The medical study of the skin and its diseases. Dermatology.
72) A false or mistaken belief. Fallacy
73) A state of extreme excitement. frenzy
74) A long pole on which a flag is flown. Flagstaff
75) A shopkeeper selling cloth and clothing. Draper.
76) A room or building for showing works of art. Gallery
77) A drug that causes one to hallucinate. Hallucinongen.
78) Existing only in the mind. Imaginary.
79) A newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity. Journal
80) A person who sent to teach the children religion to people who are ingnorant of it. Missionary.
81) Injury to the nose, fingers or tose,caused by extreme cold. - frostbite
82) One who is very powerful. Omnipotent
83) One who looks at the bright side of things. Optimist.
84) One who looks at the darker side of things. Pessimist
85) A person who is very popular for good reasons. well known
86) A home for orphans. Orphanage
87) A remedy for all diseases. Panacea
88)Government by rich. Plutocracy.
89) Murder of father. Patricide.
90) An examination of dead body. Post mortem
91) A place for clothes. Wordrobe.
92) That can carried easily Portable
93) That cannt be erased. Indelible
94) One who teaching dancing. Choreographer.
95) Easliy broken. Fragile
96) A man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession.
97) Animals/plants which are live in water. Aquatic
98) A place for dogs. Kennel
99) Murder of wife. Uxoricide.
100) A collection of poems. Anthology
101) A collection of flowers Bouquet
1) Adaptation(nB[e[bsk)Conformation,harmonization. 2) Apt (T[uhs)Applicable,Appropriate.
3)Adjust(G[rskT[Dk)Fit,suit,conform 4) Accelerate(tXkT[Dk)step up ,stimualte.
5) Add(tkXk)sum,total. 6) All (;kok) total,whole, gross.
7)Accumulation(fJekrosk)Aggregation, concentration. 8)Accuse (d'P)Slander,sully,blacken.

9)Abnormal(n;kXkoD)anomlaous,eccentric.10) Apathetic(bkgotkj)unmoved,uninspired
11) Authoritarian(skBkPkj)Lordly,bossy,autocratic 12) Association (;zpzX)league,axis
13) Abandon(fsnkr) -withdrawal,defection 14) Breeze(s/I jtk) ----- gale,wind
15) Beseech (p/Bsh eoBK)appeal,beg 16) Beauty (;[zdo)grace,charm,elegance.
17)Babble (rZgh )nonsense,jargon 18) Bandit(b[N Z D)robber,plagiarist.
19)Bashful (Powhbk)reserve,shy 20)Booty(b[ZN)spoil,plunder
21) Ethnic(B;bh) racial,tribal 22) Existence(j'Ad)life,being
23) Devoid(ykbh)release,empty 24)Deity (gowkswk)God,providence
25) Dandy man about town,puppy 26) Dangerous(ysoBke)Dreadful,awesome
27) Dislike(Bkg;zd )Disfavour,disaffection 28)Disorder(fteko,p/eko)reveal,expose
29) Cling(fupVBk)stick,hug 30) Cajole flatter,wheedle
31) Complex(r[zMbdko)mazy,winding 32) Copy(Beb)tracing,impression
33) Extensive(ftnkge)far-reaching,far-flying 34) Enormous(tZvk)immense,vast
35)Ending(ysw)final,extreme 36) Endorse(;woEB)enact,pass
37)Enrage (r[Z;k,Mzi'VBK)upset,annoy,anger 38)Excellent (uzrk)awesome,overwhelming
39) Enhant (eokws)fascinate,captivate 40)Earnest(rzGho)serious,impressive
41)Eccentricity(nB'yk)informality,exception 42)Extempore (fJe tko)at once
43) foreigner(ftd/Ph)alien,stranger 44) Flatterer (y[P)sponger,hanger-on
45)Feelingly(fJwkBdkoh)earnestly,sincerely 46)Fatigue(EektN,)grind,suck,overtax
47) Fat(w'Nk)sout,obese 48)Fraud (X'yk)imposter,duplicity
49)Greatness(wjkBsk)largeness,bigness 50) Grave (;ys,)serious,stern,sedate
51) Grasp(;wM)hold,seize,grip 52) Generous(y[Zb/Q,fdbh)liberal,bountiful
53) Gratitude(XzBtkd)thankfulness,gratefulness 54) Hymn(Xkofwe rhs)song,religious lyric
55) Heathen(d/ t;Bhe)amorlist,rude 56) Given(d/Dk)gifted,gratis
57) Nervous(xpokT[Dk)shaky,timid 58) Neighbouring(brd/,B/V/ s'A)close to,near to
59) Necessary(Io{oh)needful,essential,inevitable 60) Natural(e[dosh)normal,usual,regular
61) Native(w{b,iZdh)original,inbred 62) modesty(fBwosk)meekness,humble
63)Mixture(fwPoD)mingling,blending 64) Middle class(wZX tor)white-collar worker
65)Lax (bkgotkjh)loose, slack 66) Large(tZvk)sizeable,bulky, massy
67)Lifelike(e[dosh)realistice,exact,natural 68)Knowledge(ikDekoh)scholarship,learning
69)Kill(wkoBK)murder,destroy,slay 70) Keen(fsZyk ,s/I eoBK)sharp,acute
71) Kinship(;zpzX)relationship,alliance 72) Justice(fBnK)impartiality,fairness,right
73)Jolly (dkts)merry,lively,gay 74)Join(;[ykbk j'Dk) conjoin,yoke,assemble
75) Intolerable(nf;j) impossible,extreme 76)Insolence(jzekoh)Hubris,arrogance
77)Illegarl (r?o ekB{zBh)illicit,contraband 78)Harass(gq/PkB) trouble,inflict
79)Innocent (G'bkgD)blameless,sinless 80) Imitate(dh Beb)ape, mirror
81)Hoodwink(p[MKos)mystify,puzzle 82) Hire(B{z fB:[es)rent,lease
83)Hard(em'o)harsh,severe,cruel 84)Hypocritical(gyzvh)traitorous,disloyal
85)Noble(nwho)stately,lordly 86) Offender(ngokXh)villain,crook
87) Ornamental (;iktNh)glamorous,quaint 88)Obstruct (o[ektN)shield,hinder
89)Opposition(d[PwD)jar,friction,hostility 90)Opponent(fto'Xh) -opposer,adversary
91)Profane(r?o,n;kX)unholy,gentile 92) Plebeian(nkw)common,simple
93) Promote(gq's;kjB)help,raise,elevate 94)Patience(f;de,;fjDk)endurance,sufferance
95) Quantity(wksok)allot,rate,ration 96) Queer(nihp,nB'yk) eccentric,abnormal,odd
97) Relation(foPsk)reference,respect,regard 98) Remainder(pus)residue,result

99)Ridiculous sardonic,derisive 100) Repulsive(pd;{os)ugly,repelling,odious
101) Rumour(nctkj)hearsay,scandal 102) Similarity(;wkBsk) likeness,semblance
103) Shortening(S'Nk eoBK)severance,excision 104) Suitable (nB[e{b)Appropriate,eligible
105) Sequent (soshp)following,suquent 106) Sort(bVhpZX)type,kind,variety
107) Selfish (;tkoEh)self-absorbed,egistic 108) Sensual (e[Zb)earthly ,gross
109) Secluded(n;fteko)private,retired,hidden 110) Stimulate (T[s/fis)provoke,urge
111) Spontaneous natural,unchecked 112)Suppress Check,impede
113) Turmoil (rVpV)frenzy,storm 114) Trustworthy (ftPtk;:'r)trusty,faithful,loyal
115) Urge (ubkT[Dk)spur,impel,goal 116) Use (tos')exercise,employ,practise
117) Value(ehws)appreciate,prize,treasure 118) Vacant (ykbh) empty, void,unfulfilled
119) Weighty (Gko)ample,capacious 120)Worship(;BwkfBs)honour,revere,adore
121) Wonderful (n;uoi)wondrous,stupendous122) Wealth(XB)riches,fortune,plenty
123) Warmth(izr)fervour,ardour,affection 124) Zero(f;|o,Iho')nought,nil, nothing
125) Scorn- contempt,disdain. 126) scanty-meagre,limited.
1) Adapt (;Ekfgs)differ,disagree 2) Admiration(T[;fss) Hate,condemnation
3) Ample(fInkdk)meagre,limited 4) Attract (nkeoPD)reject, repulse
5) Awareness (ikro{esk)foolishness, ignorance 6)Awake (ikr)asleep,latent
7) Backward(fgS/)Forward,advance 8) Beautiful(;[zdo)horrible,ugly
9) Before (gfjbK)Challenge,claim, demand 10) Belief(:ehBh)disbelief, suspicion
11)Beseech (p/Bsh eoBK)Challenge,demand 12) Bewilder (wZbDQk)edify, illuminate
13) Blame(d'P)praise,compliment 14)Bold (p/y'c) fearful,diffident
15) Breed(gkbe iDB )murder,kill16) Brutal- tender, merciful
17) Busy(ftn;s)lazy, idle 18) Calamity(nkcs)joy,happiness
19) Calm(Pks)distust,agitate 20) Cancel(oZd eoBk)confirm, endorse
21) Careless (n;'u )attentive, vigilant 22) Confide(r[gs)suspect,doubt
23) Defeat(jko)prevail,win 24) Decide(c?;bk)hesitate,waver
25) Delight (y[Ph)sorrow, grief 26) Desire(fJZSk)detest,hate
27) Diligent(u[;s)idle,lazy 28) Disclose(y[bk;k)veil,suppress
29) Dishonest(p/fJwkB,X'yk)reliable,just, fair 30) Dispute(fttkd)Agree, comply
31) Dutiful defiant,rebellious 32) Encourage(j';bk)discourage, depress
33) Error(rbsh)Accuracy, verify 34) Hesitate(fMie)decide, resolve
35) Horrible(fGnkBe)agreeable, pleasant 36) Humble(fBwo) vain, proud
37) Ignorant (nDikD)cultured, educated,literate 38) Impulsive(p/fJyfsnko)cautious,heedful
39) Innocent(nDG'bk )wicked,criminal 40)Impartial(fBogZy)partial,unjust
41) Irritate(fuVuVk) calm, pacify 42) jolly(y[[Ph)unhappy,sad
43) just (fBnK)unfair, partial 44) kind(fdnkb{)cruel, hard,harsh
45) Kill(wkoBk) create, produce 46)lead(dh nrtkJh)mislead, misguide
47) liberty(nkIkdh)service, slavery 48) Loyality (tckdko)disloyality, treachery
49) Majestic paltry,object 50) Mild (jbek)savage, wild
51) miserable(d[yh)happy,cheerful 52) Modern(nkX[fBe)old, ancient
53) Narrow(szr)wide, broad 54) Neat(;kc) untidy,disorderly
55Nervous(xpokT[Dk)bold,fearless 56) Notorious(T[Zxk)famous,noted
57)Noisy (P'o)peaceful,placid 58)precious(ehwsh)cheap, useless
59) preserve(poeoko)destroy, demolish 60)Pretty (;[zdo)ugly, uncomely

61) Pride(xwzvh)modesty, humility 62) Sad(T[dk;)cheerful,happy
63) Scatter(E'VQk) hoard, ample 64) Scold (G'eDk)compliment,praise
65) Selfish (;tkoEh)generous,liberal 66) Serious(rzGho)gay,cheerful
67) Shocking (;dwk)pleasant,charming 68) Shy(Powhbk)bold,confident
69) Silence(Pks)uproar,disorder 70) Similar(;wkBsk)different,diverse
71) Skilful clumsy, awkward 72) Slender(gsbh)plump,fat
73) slow(j'bh)active, alert 74) Smooth(w[bkfJw)uneven,rough
75) Soft(Bow)hard, rigid,firm 76) Thin(gsbk)fat, obese
77) Thoughtful(;'u )carefree, remiss 78) Tie(pzBQ)unfasten,loosen
79) Timid(vog'e)bold, unafraid 80) Torture(sPZdd)allay, relief
81) Tough(w[Pfeb)soft, tender 82) Universal(ftnkge)sectional, factional
83) Uncertain(Gowhbk) gsbk Bow certain, definite 84) Unfair(gZygksh)just,fair
85) Utility(;j{bs)worthless, useless 86) Urgent (Io{oh)petty,trivial
87) Vain (y'ybk)Modest,unassuming 88) Violent (fjz;ktkdh)quiet,calm
89) Zenith(fPyo)base, basis,bottom 90) Stigma(ebze)honour
91) Salient(w[Zy)Insignificant 92) Valorous (pjkd[o)discretion
93) Guile(M{m)innocence 94) Optimism (nkPktkdh)despair
95) Laud (fGnkBeDevouring 96)Harmony(w[skpe)discord
97) Veneration(nspko )Grossness 98) Pastime(P'e B{z )work
99) Callow(em'o)experienced 100) Ardent (T[sPkj)casual
101) Absolve(puDk)blame 102) Brag (c[Zbdk) humble
103) Complaint(fPekfJs)suave 104) Delicious(;tkfdPN)odious
105) Deviate(feBkok)abide 106) Dilligent (fwjBsh )lazy
107) Endemic(yso/ tZb)epidemic 108) Violent(T[ro)placid
109) Vivid (T[xVBk)dim 110) Vital (ihtB Pesh )trivial
111) Verbose (tXkT[Dk)epigrammatic 112) Wilt (;VBk)revive
113) Yearn (o{g)foathe 114) Yield withhold
115) vibrantT[s/fisll 116) Vulgar (nPbhb) refined
117) Worse - Good 118) Grand -Humble
119) Bitter—Sweet 120) Majestic - Pitiful
A list of Some Words often confused
1) Ability ( Pysical or mental power or skill which can be acquired and developed) He has an ablity to be a good
Capacity (power which is usually inborn): He has a wonder capacity for maths,
2) Allow ( Not to refuse) The principle allowed the children to use the calculators in the exams.
Permit( To agree to some action) He was permitted to join the Computer classes.
3) Answer( A question is answered) The examiner posed some very difficult questions which the average students
could not answer.
Reply ( A letter or a charge is replied to ) I immediately replied to his urgent letter.
4) Ancient (Opposite of modern) There are several good books on the history of ancient Inida in our library.
Old (opposite of new) Old is gold.
5) Admit( give assent to) He admitted that smoking is a bad habit.
Confess( not only to admit something wrong but also knowledge guilt) He confessed that he had stolen money.
6)Anxious( feeling anxiety)I am anxious about my son's safety at his non-arrival.
Eager ( strongly desired) He is eger for his success.

7)Battle( fight esp between organized and armed forces)The battle of Pakistan resulted in the death of many
violent Indians.
war( a series of contests between two armies) War between troy and Greece was fought for the beautiful helen.
Fight( a combat between small number of persons) Indians fought for their freedom.
8) Beautiful( used for the beauty of women) She is known as the most beautiful woman of her city.
Handsome ( fine appearnance of men) He is a handsome fellow.
9) Begin( used on all occasions) The meeting willl begin at 8 o'clock.
Start ( beginning of a journey activity etc.) He decided to start a newspaper.
10) Custom( generally accepted behaviour among members of a social group) We should not be slave to customs.
Habit(some settled practice esp.that cannot be easily given up) We should not fall into bad habits.
11) Ceiling( under surface or overhead lining of a room) He has beutified the ceiling of his room.
Roof ( top covering of a building,tent, bus or car) The children are playing on the roof of their house.
12) Careful( paying attention to what one does or says) One should be careful to what one does.
Meticulous( showing great attention to detail) He is very meticulous in his choice of words.
13) Curious( eager to know) He is very curious about his future.
Inquistive( inquiring into other people's affairs) He is i nquisitive about his neighbour's income.
14) Common( belong to used to done by all or nearly all members of a group or society) In multilingual
countries , English is a common language.
Ordinary ( usual or customary ) She went to the party in ordinary dress.
Vulgar ( ordinary but coarse) He delivered a speech in the vulgar tongue.
15) Deny ( Disown or refuse to a acknowledge) I denied the charge of having any hand in the M.P.s murder.
Refuse( say 'no' to a request or offer ) Her refused to help me.
16) Explore ( inquire into or examine a country going through it) The navigators explored the ocean's
depth for a good knowledge of it.
Discover ( find our something that existed before) Columbus discovered America.
Invent(create or design something not existing before) Graham Bell invented ine telephone.
17) Declar (Make known clearly or formality) The President of the athletic association declared the athletic meet
Annouce (make known for the time) His engagement with Sony is ultimately annouced.
Advertise ( make known to people by printing notices in newspaper)The manufactures advertise their goods in
the leading newspapers in order to grip the market.
Proclaim ( make known publicity by some formal declaration) He proclamed his nephew his legal her.
18) Doubt ( incline to disbelieve) Please don 't doubt my word.
Suspect ( Have an idea or feeling) I suspect that he is a liar
19) Difficulty ( quality of being difficult ) Do you have any difficulty in understanding the lectures in HIstory?
Hardship (severe suffering) The soliders bear hardship during a war without complaining.
20) Diaster (great or sudden misfortune) His over confidence had led him to disaster.
Catastrophe ( final and unhappy event that brings a change ) His failure in the examination was catastrophe.
21) Desire( long for want something earnestly) I desire to possess immense wealth.
Want ( wish for something lacking or absent ) I don't want such friends who meddle in my affairs.
Need ( need something lacking and necessary) We need nutritive food for good health.
Wish (have a desire that cannot be fulfilled) I wish I were a bird.
22) Error(Deviation from correct or accurate result) Brutus suffered on account of this error of judgement.
Mistake ( wrong idea or act ) We all make mistakes occasionally.
Blunder ( stupid or careless mistake) The student was punished for commiting blunders,
Lapse( slight error in speech or behaviour) He is criticzied for his lapse from virtue.
23) Expect ( think or believe that something will come or happen) I expect that she will come today.
Hope ( expection of something desired) I live in hopes of better times.
24) Event ( happening usually something important or memorable) The last two years in India have full of

Incident ( Event but of less importance) The incidents of theft have now become common in the metropolitan
Accident( happening unfortunate and undesirable) Many passangers died in a recent terrible railway accident.
25) False( untrue or incorrect) He is false to his word.
Wrong( not morally right) Two wrongs don't make a right.
26) Forbid (not allow something to be used or done) God forbade adam to eat the apple of the tree knowledge.
Prohibit( forbid an action by rules or regulations) In schools and colleges,smoking is strictly prohibited.
Ban ( order with authority that something must not be done) The censor board has banned the latest multi-starred
27) Freedom(without restraint) Children should be granted the freedom of speech.
Liberty (free from slavery ) Bhagat singh killed siemen in order to grant liberty to the Indians.
28) Famous( used in good sense) Michael jackson has become famous as a pop-singer.
Notorious( used in bad sense) A notorious dacoit was killed by the police in a fake encounter.
29) House ( Building for human habitation) The government provides loans for building a new house.
Home( Native land of oneself or one's ancestors) Cement and bricks cannot make houses the homes.
30) Idle(doing no work due to certain circumstances) Owing to the strike,the machines in the factory are idle.
Lazy ( doing no work due to habbit ) He is a lazy fellow.
31) Pleasure( sensuous enjoyment) Do me the pleasure of dining with me.
Delight ( great pleasure) The romantic poets find delight in the lap of nature.
Bliss( perfect joy) Serving mankind is a bliss to the virtuous souls.
32) Place ( to put) Please place the lamp on the table.
Keep( maintain in order) Keep the books properly in the shelf.
33) Perform( do a piece of work one is ordered to do) One should perform one's duties properly.
Execute( carry plan) The proper execution of the law is more important than its formation.
34) Possible ( that can exist or happen) Frost may be possible even in the month of May.
Probable( That may be expected to happen or prove true) Frost may be possible though not probable in the month
of May.
35) Praise(commend the merit of ) He is praised for his courage.
Admire (regard with pleased surprise) The beautiful girl is admired by all.
36) Rob( take properly from a place unlawfully and often by force) She was robbed of her ring.
Steal( take properly secretly without right) My watch had been stolen.
37) Resue(set free) He rescued a child from drowning.
Redeem( deliver from sin or set free by payment) The terrorists at last redeemed the prisoners on certain
Reclaim( reform a person) He reclaimed him from vice.
38) Subsititue( acting for a serving for another) Tea can be a good subsititue for cofee.
Replace ( put back in its place) Nothing can replace a mother's love and care.
39) Say(utter) He said that the name of his sister was jane.
Speak( hold conversation) I request you to speak slowly.
Talk( converse) They were talking about their business.
Tell( give detailed account of) He told me about his future plans.
40)Seem( appear to be) What seems easy is often very difficult.
Appear( become visible) The stars appear in the cloudless sky.
41) See( use the power to sight without effort) A blind man cannot see anything.
Look( try to see) I looked at the picture but could not find anything beautiful in it.
Watch ( see closely) The boy was watching the television.
42) Teach( give instruction to ) He taught me French.
Educate( Give intellectual and moral training) To wordsworth,Nature can educate man.
Train( Give teaching and practice to someone in order to bring to a desired standard of behaviour) The children
should be trained to be good citizens.
43) Understand( know the meaning of ) He didn't understand French.

Appreciate ( understand and enjoy) We cann't appreciate wordsworth's peoms unless we understand his love of
Co-operate( work or act together in order to bring about a result) A country connot progress unless its people
co-operate with the government.
44) Use (employ for a purpose) A knife is used to cut bread.
Employ (give work to) He is employed in a school.
Utilize ( use a thing for some profit) Life can be a bed of roses if we learn to utilize the opportunities we get in our
45) Vacant( not occupied by anyone) I have applied for a vacant post in the Royal hotel.
Empty( having nothing inside ) The famous big house on the Mall Road is now empty.
46) Wise ( Ability of sound judgement) Only wise man can see the things in advance.
Sage( having the wisdom of experience ) He behaves just like a sage.
Prudent( acting only after careful planning) A prudent man takes up a project after careful forethoughts.
47) Womanly ( befitting a woman) She possesses all womanly qualities.
Womanish( weak like women)The boys of womanish qualities cannot stand firm before dangers.
1) Pros and cons ( Advantage and disadvange) : Motherhood has both its pros and cons.
2) Bird’s eye view (the appearance of something seen from above) The large painting offers a bird’s
eye view that show the layout of the ancient city.
3) To cry over spilt milk(to lament something that can not be altered) He is always crying over spiled
milk .He can not accept reality .Don’t cry over spiled milk
4) Nine times out of ten( Nearly every occasion or almost always the case):When they want
something,,nine times out of ten they get it.
5) In a nutshell (say something in a brief way,using few words) In a nutshell ,the owners thought they
knew best.
6) A cat and dog life ( of spouses or romantic partners) They were so happy together when they first
started dating but after 10 year together,they have started leading cat and dog life.
7) A fair weather friend(She’s fair weather friend.
8) Ins and out (detailed of points and facts) David really knows the ins and outs of how this engine
9) A blessing in disguise( Good outcome from evil situation) When her boyfriend dumped her,it was a
blessing in disguise for ravi,for otherwise she oculd never have met the boy who is now her husband.
10) A silver lining in the dark cloud(never hopless in difficult situations)
11) Hand to mouth( Uncertainly,in poverty) They were Flat broke and living hand to mouth.
12) To have one’s eggs in one basket:Mr tan’s financial adviser urged him to be careful and not ot put all
his eggs in one basket by investing all his money on stocks.
13) To turn the tables( turning position) Police invited householders to a seminar on how to turn the
tables on barbers.
14) To fight tooth and nail: He fought tooth and nail to keep his job.

Vocabulary and Usage : Idioms and Idiomatic Phrases and Their Usages.
To back up (to support) He backed up the ruling party to gain their favour.
Blow over ( pass off) The present unfavourable tide will soon blow over.
To bear out( sub stantiate) The police produced evidence to bear out the charge of murder.
1) To dispose of(sell) I am going to dispose of my furniture as soon as possible.
2) To eat away ( corrode) Too many chocolates have eaten away my teeth completely.
3) Hear someone out( to hear upon the end) The teacher pleaded with the students to hear him out.

4) Led up to (culminated in ) the continuous tension between the two groups finally led up to a communal
5) To shake off( get rid of) She has been trying to shake off some of her weight.
6) Long for (desire) Throughout his life, he has longed for a good friend in whom he could confide.
7) Trump up (concocted,fabricated) The details of his various escapades seem trumped up.
8) Bore away( won ) The solider bore away many prizes for bravery.
9) Break with(Quarrel with) I gave him no cause to break with m e.
10) Brings in (yield as rent) His agricultural output brings in at least a thousand rupees a month.
11) Draw over ( win over) The politician was trying to draw over the votes of the poor people.
12) Give out ( proclaim) It was given out that the fort had been captured.
13) Keep back( conceal) She keeps back nothing from me.
14) Look upon( regard) We look upon her as our mother.
15) Pull through(recover from illness) The psychology of the patient helps him a lot to pull through his
16) Put by( save ) my grandmother always urged my mother to put by something for old age.
17) Run through( waste) Do not run through your savings.
18) Set about( begin) He set about his job assiduously.
19) Turn down( reject ) The officer turned down these points.
20) Work on( influence) We tempted him with many promises, but nothing would work on him.
21) Throw over(abandon or desert) When he become rich, he threw over all his old friends.
22) Run up ( increased) Recently,my expenses have run up considerably.
23) A red letter day( an important) It was a red letter day in the history of the nation.
24) Kith and kin( relatives and friends) I should look after my kith and kin whatever be the circumstances.
25) A cold reception( a welcome,lacking affection or warmth)He was given a cold reception at the
26) A burning question( issue keenly discussed) The budget presented recently, is a burning question
27) A bed of roses( easy and comfortable) Do not consider life to be a bed of roses.
28) Bad blood( a feeling of enmity) The cricket match ended up creating bad blood between the two
29) A fair weather friend( a friend only during the times of prosperity) That fair weather friend of mi
ne was not to be seen during my days.
30) A bookworm( one who is always busy with his studies) In spite of being a bookworm,he barely m
anages to pass.
31) Too add fuel to the fire (to aggravate the matter) His blatant lies after stealing the money only added
fuel to the fire.
32) To blow one's own trumpet ( to boast) He keeps on blowing his own trumpt and in the process,makes
a fool himself.
33) A bolt from the blue( An unexpected disaster) The news of his brother's death was a bolt from the
blue for him.
34) To cast an aspersion (bring discredit to) The officals's involvement in the corruption case has cast an
aspersion on the integrity oh his character.
35) To cry over spilt milk( to feel sory for what has already happened ) Brooding after failing in the
examination is like crying over spilt milk.
36) To die hard( to change or disappear very slowly) Old habbits die hard.
37) To end in smoke( fail) All his proposals ended with smoke for want of popular support.
38) To go to the dogs( to be ruined) The institution will go to the dogs if someone dies not stop this
39) To hang in the balance( to be undecided)The fate of the accused will hang in balance till the court
resumes its proceedings.

40) To hold water( sound logical) His explanation does not hold water any more.
41) To leave no stone unturned( to try one's level best) He left no stone unturned to secure a seat for
his son in one of the prestigious colleges.
42) To lose heart ( to be disheartened) Do not lose heart because you have lost your job , you can always
get another.
43) To make both ends meet( to live within one's means) He can hardly make both ends meet with his
present income.
44) To play ducks and drakes( waste) The youn g man played ducks and drakes with his inherited money.
45) To put the cart befor the horse( to do a thing in a wrong way) Having a baby first and getting married to the
industrialist's daughter.
46) To kill two birds with one stone( to accomplish two tasks in one attempt) If you are a little more tactful,you
will hear more and make a better image of yourself ,therby killing two birds with one stone.
47) To turn over a new leaf( to change for the better) After his defeat in the match, he has turned over a new leaf.
48) To win laurels(distinguish oneself)Virat kohli has won many laurels as one of the greatest cricketers.
49) To play up( to try to make something appear more important than it is )She played up her past achievements
just to impress us.
50) To set Thames on fire( to do something extraordinary or brilliant) He is steady worker, but never likely to
set Thames on fire.
51) To take people by strom(to captivate) His singing took the audience by strom.
52) To gild the pill( cover a disagreeable thing with something pleasant) They demand a large war indemnity
from us and gilded the pill by offering us two worships.
53) To nip in the bud( to destroy in early stages of growth,to kill in infancy) Diphtheria disease which nips many
a life in the bud.
54) Other fish to fry( more important work to attend to) Please be a brief as you can,I have other fish to fry.
55) Go to roost(retire for the night) I am in the habit of going to roost early.
56) Pen and ink ( in writing) Unless you issue orders in pen and ink , no one is likely to follow them.
57) without fear and favour (impartially) At your position, it is expected that you act without fear and favour.
58) Judas kiss( false love)His wife's love was after all a judas kiss.
59) Black ox(misfortune) his failure in life can be attributed only in the black ox.
60) All and sundry( everyone without distinction) She invited all and sundry to the birthday party.
61) At death's door( about to die) Her grandfather is at death's door, so we must go and see him.
62) Donkey's years ( after a long time) I have struggled for donkey's years to come to this position.
63) Add old flame( sweetheart) She was an old flame of my brother.
64) Eagle eyed( keen sighted) You indeed are eagle eyed to be able to spot to ram amidst the crowd.
65) Gate crasher(invited intruder) Sorry for gate crashing like this, but we could not help it.
66) Heart to heart( frank and free) It was only after a heart to heart talk with leela that we were able to sort out our
67) Not cricket(unfair) It is definitely not cricket to cheat in exams.
68) To pick a quarrel(to seek fight) I would rather not tell him about arun's behaviour for he is quick to pick a
quarrel with anyone.
69) Maiden speech(first speech of an individual) Most people cut a sorry figure in their maiden speech.
70) To while away( to spend time uselessly) Those who while away time at the sowing season cannot hope to reap
the harvest.
71) Yearn to(to crave for) The modern youth badly yearns for recognition, which certainly is not easy to get.
72) To tax one's patience ( to test one's patience) Dull and long speeches tax the patience of the audience.
73) Ups and downs( bad and good days) Almost everyone must have seen ups and downs in life.
74) To throw mud at (to accuse wrongly) pakistan always keeps on throwing mud at our country.
75) To take french leave( To take leave without permission or information) Gone are the days when the
government servants took french leave very often.
76) Through thick and thin(under all circumstance) If you develop friendship with and individual,you must stand
by him through thick and thin.

77) Spick and span( neat and clean) Do you expect a bachelor's flat to be spick and span?
78) Small fry ( ordinary) Nobody in life cares for small fries.
79) Lion's share(major part) The punjab wants a lion's share in the Beas river water.
80) Snake in the grass(a hidden enemy) One must be cautious in life, as there are many snakes in the grass in this
81) Lame excuse(false excuse) The teachers are used to hearing lame excuses of the students.
82) An iron will( strong determination) Our Prime Minister has shown that he has an iron will.
83) To hold one's tongue( to be quiet) Many critics of the Prime minister are holding their tongues out of fear.
84) Staionary:The mother ordered her daughter to remain stationary while she ran to get milk.
85) Stationery: Mr.Batra used her monogrammed stationery to decline the invitation for tea.
86) Shake off: (Get rid off) He was generally feeling bad.He just couldn’t shake it off.
87) Read between the lines(to understand) Ram read ravi’s letter again,hoping for some hidden message between
the lines.
88) Set apart(Separate) several acres of public land have been set apart for recreation.
89) Bad blood(anger ,offence) There is a bad blood message between ram and sham.They can not be civil to one
90) Die hard(:Old habbits die hard.

Jhumpa Lehri's "Interpreter of Maladies"
Question: Contrast the characters of Mr.and Mrs.das in about 200 words.
Answer: Mr.Das: He is the middle school science teacher who hires Mr.kapasi to accompany the family
on their trip.Mr Das takes a morbid interest in India and its peope, not really connecting with his
Surroundings expect through his camera and guide book.Mr Das is a passive, ineffective parent, incapable
Or unwilling to warning his children or misbehaving.In a moment of emergency, when Bobby is surrounded
By monkeys, he fails to do anything but accidentally take a picture of the scene.
Mrs.Mina DasThe self obsorbed wife of Mr.Das whose infidelity has lonely her from her husband and
children.Mrs Das cares only about herself and her needs and has liitle true connection to the people around
her.After having an affair eight years ago and conceiving Bobby,she never told Mr.Das or Bobby the
truth.Her need to confess her past misbehaviors horrifies Mr.Kapasi.
Bobby Das: The younger Das son, who is not actually Mr.Das's child.Bobby does not look like Mr.Das
Physically or unreliably.He is surly and treats Mr.Das disrespectfully.
Tina Das: The young Das daughter.Tina complaints and misbehaves, seeking her mother's attention and
Failing to get it.
Ronny Das: The eldest Das child.Ronny does not listen to his parents, preferring to do what he wants to
Question: How does Mr.Kapasi envolve as an interpreter? Explain with reference to the text.
Question: Contrast the characters of Mr.Kapasi in about 200 words.
Answer: Mr. Kapasi is the leading role in “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri. In this short story that
is narrated in limited omniscient, Mr. Kapasi is the smart Indian man in his late forties that has lost romantic
values in his marriage.
Mr. Kapasi is detail oriented and posseses a lot of attributes such as: observance, hard working,
modesty, dependability, intelligence and above all, he is very careful in his physical appearance. He is
educated, works two jobs where he uses his lingual abilities, and lives daily without affection from his wife.
He is quick to point out the differences and similarities between tourists and himself.
His actual identity was revealed by “Das” family. Mr. Kapasi was ultimately unable to bridge the
cultural gap between him and Mrs. Das, which stems from their national differences and or personal ones

such as his “romantic” job. Mr. Kapasi” romantic” interpreter job ended poorly with Mrs. Das because he
could not relate or translate her disloyalty and self withdrawal that she had towards her husband.
Mr. Kapasi is humble and modest, even when his passengers referred to his job as “a big
responsibility” but he felt it was a thankless occupation.Despite all the good qualities that Mr. Kapasi
possessed, he was also very insensitive and unreasonable. He did not show any sensitivity to his wife’s
objection to his working in the same place where they lost their baby... He also shows maturity and
understanding with his ability to quickly drop all the affections he has grown for her and instead attempts
to help her understand the true root of her troubled feelings.
Question Discuss the theme of the interpreter of Maladies.
Question: Discuss the significance of Partition as a theme in interpreter of maladies.
Answer: 'The Interpreter of Maladies' is a collection of nine short stories that explore themes identity, the
immigrant experience, cultural differences, love and family.The characters are largely Indian or Indian-
American and their stories together paint an suggestive picture of India's movement.The stories are about
the lives of Indians and Indian American who are caught between the culture they have inherited and the
'New World'.
'Interpreter of Maladies' is the strory of Indian tour guide Mr.Kapasi.He shows the Indian-American
Das family the sun temple in Konark and reveals his second job as a translator of symptoms of patients who
speak his native tongue.Mrs Das declares his job romantic and important,and Mr.Kapasi becomes briefly
obsessed with the woman.Mr.Kapasi notes the parents'immaturity Mr. and Mrs. Das look and act young to
the point of childishness,go by their first names when taking to their children,Ronny,Bobby and Tina and
seem selfishly indifferent to the kids.
On their trip,when her husband and children get out of the car to sightsee,Mrs.Das sits in the car
,eating snacks she offers to no one else,wearing her sunglasses as a barrier,and painting her nails.When tina
asks her to paint her nails as well,Mrs.Das just turns away and refusals her daughter.Mr.and Mrs.Das ask
the good natured Mr.Kapasi about his job as a tour guide,and he tells them about his weekly job as an
translator in a docter's office.Mr.Kapasi's wife hates her husband's job because he works at the docter's
clinic that previously failed to therapy their son of typhoid fever.
Mr.kapasi begins to develop a romantic interest in Mrs.Das and conducts a private conversation
with her during the trip.Mr.Kapasi imagines a future communication with Mrs.Das,picturing them building
a relationship to translate the coast-to-coast gap between them.However,Mrs.Das reveals a secret,she tells
Mr.Kapasi the story of an affair she once had,and that her son Bobby had been born out of her adultery.She
explains that she chose to tell Mr.Kapasi because of his profession,she hopes he can understand her feelings
and make her feel better as he does for his parents,translating without passing judgement.
Lehiri also establishes a difference in this story between characters who care and those don 't
Mr.Kapasi cares about this family he has only just met,he considers them and their situations and cannot
offers a solution to her problem.

Question: What does “sexy” mean in the story of the same time?
Answer: “Sexy” tells the story of a young woman, Miranda, and her affair with a married Indian man named
Dev.The first time she meets Dev, She is not able to discern his nationality.However she is instantly
captivated by his charm and the thrill of being with an exotic, older man.She has pangs of guilt because he
is married.

Question: How does Lahiri show the values that are important in a relationship.

Question: Write down the Analysis of 'Interpreter of Maladies.
Question: The stories of “Interpreter of Maladies “demonstrates that although an
immigrant’s mores are shaped by the past, tolerance and compassion are universal
values that must be learned.Discuss.
Answer: The story centers upon clarification and its power.The interpreter has power as a vehicle of
understanding.Mr.Kapasi's work enables correct judgment and treatment by understanding the pains and
troubles of patients effectively, he enables the savings of lives.Mrs.Das looks for this understanding from
him, seeking forgiveness for the secret of her adultery.Interpretations also becomes a means of
communication and connection, something for which both Mr.Kapasi and Mrs.Das desire.
Mr and Mrs.Das whose unfaithfulness has remote her from her husband and children.Mrs.Das
cares only about herself and her needs and has little true connection to the people around her.She lies her
husband about Bobby's truth. Lehiri also establishes a contrast in this story between characters who care
and those don 't Mr.Kapasi cares about this family he has only just met,he considers them and their situation
and cannot offers a solution to her problem.
A tour guide Mr.Kapasi and Mrs.Das begins to develop a romantic interest in Mrs.Das and
conducts a private conversation with her during the trip.Mr.Kapasi imagines a future communication with
Mrs.Das,picturing them building a relationship to translate the coast-to-coast gap between them.They both
likes each other.In the end of the story,author aslo establishes a contrast between characters who care and
those who don't.Mr.Kapasi cares about his family he has only just met,and considers their situation.
Jhumpa Lahiri's "This Blessed House"
Question Write down a detailed note on the story"The blessed House” to Jumpa Lehiri Bringing
out its main theme.
Question: Write down the theme of the story"The blessed House” by Jumpa Lehiri.
Question: Write down the summary of the story"The blessed House".
Answer: Jhumpa lehiri's "This blessed House" was one of the most powerful stories."The blessed House"
is a realistic and sympathetic account of a young relatioship.It demonstrated the respect for a religion that
people have whether they actually believe in it or not.A young Indian couple,Sanjeev and Twinkle,are
recently married and have just moved into their new house.Sanjeev has more of a serious attitude and he
pays a lot of attention to the opinion of others.But Twinkle on the other side is livelier and she seems to
always look on the bright side of things.Instead of opposites attracting in this situation Sanjeev seems to
be annoyed by the things that Twinkle does for example when Twinkle insisted on wearing high heels.
As they go about investigating and fixing up the house, they begin to find small Chirstian
oddments, left behind by the previous owners. Twinkle arranges them all on the mantel.Sanjeev thinks they
are all silly and wonders why Twinkle is so charmed by them.He wants to her throw them all away.But she
did not and hopes to find more.
A week later, Twinkle finds a watercolor poster of Christ, weeping and with a top of barbs on his head.She
wants to display it but sanjeev refuses.Twinkle says she will put it in her study, so he will notḲhave to look
at it.
When Sanjeev has a moment to himself he recalls a dinner he and Twinkle had in Manhattan a couple
of days before.Twinkle drank four glasses of whiskey in a bar,then pulled him into a book store for an
hour,and then claimed that they dance a ballet on the footpath. A few days later, Sanjeev returns from the
office to find Twinkle on the phone to her girlfriend in California, taking willingly about the "Chiristian

One day they are preparing for a housewarming party at the end of October,to which they have invited
thirty people,all of them Sanjeev's associates.Twinkle who is still a student at Stanford University,knows
no one in the area.
That evening when Twinkle is lying in a bubble bath, Sanjeev says he is going to remove the statue
of the Virgin from the front lawn and take it to the dump.Twinkle stands up and says she hates him.She
says that she will not let him throw the statue away.He notices that she is crying and his heart softens.They
agree a compromise.The statue will be placed in a recess at the side of the house so passerby will not see
it, although it will still be visible to anyone who comes to the house.
Question: Explain the dynamics of the house warming party.
Answer: One day they are preparing for a housewarming party at the end of October,to which they have
invited thirty people,all of them Sanjeev's associates.Twinkle who is still a student at Stanford
University,knows no one in the area.The menu of the party was very simple:there would be a case of
champagne,and a samosas from an Indian restaurant in Hartford,and a big trays of rich with chicken and
almonds and orange peels, which Sanjeev had spent the greater part of the morning and afternoon
Sanjeev and twinkle Had prepared the arrangements.But he is very worried about it.for this reason
he burned one of the rice trays and had to start it over again.Twinkle swept the floors and volunteered to
pick up the samosas.By five thirty the entire house sparkled,with scented candles.
Douglas, one of the new consulants at the firm, and his girlfriend Noora were the first to arrive.Both
were tall and blond.The bell rang again, and again and again.Within minutes, its seemed, the house had
filled with bodies and conversations and unfamiliar fragrances.The women wore heels and and short black
dresses made of crepe and chiffon.Some of the Indian women wore their finest saries, made with gold
fingers.Everyone congratulated them.
Question: Write the critical Anaysis of the story "The blessed House ".
Question: The relics”meant something to Twinkle”But nothing to Sanjeev.Expalin their
different views.
Answer: This blessed house is another survey of love and marriage and the effects of commuication. A
young Indian couple,Sanjeev and Twinkle,are recently married and have just moved into their new house.It
is this long distance aspect to their relationship that both helps and hurts the marriage.Twinkle and Sanjeev
do not know each other that well and both fail to live up to the other's hopes of what a husband or wife
should be.
Here the communication breakdown that happens between the couple intensifies Sanjeev's
lonliness.But he is person who has never experiences love and,in some ways,his story is his coming of
age.Twinkle is more open to contenment and wonder which Sanjeev lables as"childish".Sanjeev does not
want to have to explain things relating to his culture as he is trying to adjust.He introduces his wife under
her given name of Tamina rather than Twinkle because he is embarrassed to appear as anything other than
a responisble American.In the end his acceptance of the items singnal an acceptance of his wife,her
habits,and the cultural differences that should be celebrated rather than hidden.
Objects also carry meaning and reproduce the emotions throughout the story.In specific,the
weeping Jesus poster that Twinkle insists on keeping is a hit at the party.Her willingness to negotiations is
undone by her going against his wishes.But the fight does unlock the stalemate between the two.
Question Write the Character Analysis of Twinkle in the story"This Blessed House".
Answer: Twinkle is a very pretty Indian woman, who likes to get dressed up and look good.Her face was
very girlish looking and had untroubled eyes.Her name in itself shows shw's a fun girl.In the story states
she loved to wear high heels, some that were three inches and leopard print.It also says that she had an
appointment for a manicure and pedicure before the party so she doesn't like to just dress good, but look
good all the way around.

When she says," I would feel terible throwing the Jesus Christ things away."Shows that she
is also a very caring person.Twinkle aslo did not have the same taste in music as Sanjeev did because when
he was listening to his music she told him to turn it off because it was putting her to sleep.
Twinkle definitely likes to smoke.She's regularly smoking throughout the story.Usually, smoking is a
release of stress and other things.She's also likes to tease Sanjeev.She gets excited by the little things in life.
Sanjeev responded to Twinkle in many ways.In one example,he would dote on her and how
they met.In another he showed how much he cared by doing little things for her.Including holding her while
she cried and compromising with her.The only thoughts that were shown about Sanjeev and what he thought
about Twinkle.
All in all, Twinkle has the whole package, disadvantage the being organized and tkdy part.

Essay Writing (Short Essays)
Impact of Science on Man or(Science in the detection of crime)
To the primitive man, the earth was like a platter.He did not dare to risk to places unknown to him, lest he
should fall off limits.The sun, the moon and the stars amazed him..The invention of the wheel and the
discovery of fire were the achievements of primitive man.The advent of science has changed the life of
man.With his brainpower, man has proved his superiority over the other beings in nature. He also
discovered that the earth is round and it revolves around the sun.The law of gravitation were
discovered.Later discovered electricity, invented telephone.
With the advancements of science, man invented objects which cased his work, provided him comfort
like television, radio, air-conditioner, geyser, oven, room-heater, etc.
With the technological advancements in space research, artificial satellites were launched to promote
communication. Technological changes such as the Bluetooth wireless service would revolutionise
communication.This would establish connections between mobile computers, mobile phones, portable
handheld devices and provide connectivity to the Internet.
Agriculture too, has benefitted from scientific advances.Improved methods of irrigation, better quality
seeds and use fertilizers have increased crop.
In his pursuit of excellence, man ignores nature.The destructive potential of atomic energy was
witnessed in August, 1945, when the United Stats dropped atom bombs in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.
The earth being a unique planet, because of its life supporting features.The atmosphere acts as a
blanket, shielding us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun and maintains the right strength of
heat...Science has made man civilised but in the process he has ingnored nature.He should believe in 'live
and let live'.If man learns to use science carefully, it will make a posittive impact on him.
Importance of Educational System in India.
According to Diogenes," the foundation of every state is the education of its youth." The educational system
gives the degrees but does not gurarantee employment. During the ancient universities, Indian educational
centres and universities were the temples of knowledge.Indian education was respected around the world
for its high quality, syllabi
The present educational system of India was inherited from the british.In the year of 2002, there
were 291 universities, 162 traditional universities while the others were professional/technical institutions.
The pressure of the educational system is taking its toll on the children who are hardly out of their
infancy.They are made to identify fruits,vegetables,animals,alphabets,numerals,etc for admission in
kindergarden.The students learn their lesson by rote,without straining their old cells.

The exam oriented system judges the student on the basis of his performance in the annual
examination held at the end of every session.
Admission in a good college is a extraordinary task.The applicants are many but colleges have limited
seats for various courses, and hence, cut off percentage for admission is high.
Though the university regulations require each student to have 75 per cent attendance, the fact is that
nobody observes this regulation.It is often seen that the students without attending the classes in the college
opt to go for private tuitions as a result of which the teachers in the college are not able to take upclasses
The present educational system need be changed so that all children can get proper education.Education
should be planned keeping the requirements of industry and business in mind..The number of vocational
courses and colleges should be increases which would be able to provide job to the youth.
India is the second most populous country in the world.A developing nation by economic status, India
cannot afford to increase her populaion.India become the second country in the world after China to cross
the one billion population mark.
It is belief that children are the blessings of God and any effort by man to challenge him would mean
the invitation of His anger, has led to the population growth
More children means more hands to addition the family income.They somehow ignore the fact that it
also means more children to feed and clothe.Early marriage of girls result in motherhood at the tender age
of 16.Education leads to awareness,but in many states,the educational system has become hopeless.
India's rapid growth of population has led to many socio-economic problems.It has the maximum
number of starving people in the world
Family planning Programme should not be the only measure to control populaion.It has been
recognised that rapid population stabilisation can be achieved only be continued improvement in healthcare
facilities concentrating on social indicators like infant and maternal mortality, litercy.The non-
governmental organisations are working for the freedom of rural women.The Department of Family welfare
has deawn up the National Population Policy 2000 to improve the family welfare services.
The Government of India should make it compulsory for all its employees to adopt the 'small
family'norm.Benefits of free schooling and medical aid to the childrten should be provided to the parents
adopting this scheme.
Addictin to Drug
Man becomes separate from the society.Failure in his search often leads him to discontenment and sadness
and he finds himself a loner in this world.In the modren world,none is natural by stress.Even children are
not spared from this.
A section of youth, unable to handle with the expections of their loved ones, either end their lives or
experiment with drugs.for seeking temporary escape from the rigours of life.The body then becomes totally
dependent on drugs and cannot survive without the daily dose.
Drug abouse is a psychological and social problem.Some younsters take to drugs because they want
others to believe that they are superior and mature,other factors that lead to drug addiction are -lack of
parental care and supervision,lack of moral and religious education,media and pop culture,broken homes
and harted for any authority,etc.
A drug addict in due course gets disaffected from the maionstream of the family, neighbourhood and
Our country has been challenged with the problem of an increased handling in drugs.Cultivaition of
poppy and opium is legal in U.P.A .Major portion of the drugs available in India is smuggled from

Afganistan and Pakistan. There should be regular counselling sessions in schools and colleges to guide
students to cope with the stress on campus and in their life after their acadamic pursuits are complete.
Unity in Diversity.
Our country comprising of many ethnic groups with myraid spoken languages,dialects and regional
diversities.Different faiths and religions which is reflected in their customs,rituals,norms,dresses and
festivals.In spite of the regional diversities,the citizens remain essentially united.There is a society where
would religions like christianity,Buddhism,Islam,Zoroastrianism and Judaism have co-existed with
Hinduism,Jainism and others.
The Constitution guarantees each individual the freedom to profess,practise and propagate his religion and
assures strict impartiality towards all religions.It declares that there would be no state religion in India.
Indian culture has remained alive and dynamic because it has always been tolerant to different
cultures.In all parts of the country, cultural unity,the unity of the way of life
Our rich cultural heritage,a legacy which binds the peple together,should be preserved at all costs. A
correct balance of traditional values with modem ideas should be the objective.
In recent times, there has been a cultural awakening of the educated youth who have become aware of
the beauty of our art forms, crafts., and have started taking a keen interest in educating themselves about
their rich cultural traditions.
However,the great Indian traditions of secularism and cultural diversity is undr a major threat,of late.It
is imperative that all Indians should bury their petty differences based on caste,religion,etc, and work
together to ensure the success of the concept and pratice of unity in diversity.
India,once known as the Sone ki Chiriya or 'land of penty', was full of riches. However, coming of the
Turks, the Mughals, the Arabs, the Mongols nad the British for spreading their empire or for trade tired its
resources to a great level and today, poverty is a harsh reality for a large section of the Indian populaiton.
Poverty may be defined as the incapability to secure the minimum eating requirements for life,health
and efficiency.These requirments necessarily include minimum human needs in respect of food,
clothing,housing,education and health.
.Poverty is the cumculative effect of many factors operating in the Indians society.The urban poor in
India are largely the overflow of rural poor into the urban areas.Both in the rural and in the urban
areas,growing inemployment has accentuated the problem of poverty.
The eradication of poverty has been a integral component fo the strategy for economic development in
India.The Annapurna Scheme was launched in April 2000.It aimed at providing food security to those
senior citizens (65 years and above ) who though eligible for the National Old Age Pension Scheme
remained uncovered under the Scheme.
Extermination of poverty is a extraordinary task.However,India has travelled a long distance on the
road to development since independence.Though India ,today is a poor and developing country,sincere and
effective efforts for development and poverty improvement will definitely place it in the group of rich and
Corruption is a widespeard miracle in today's public.In the past 55 years,we have nearly institutionalised
corruption as and inseparable part of our life.The miracle of corruption is extensive not only in government
offices but even in politics.
.Corruption has reached such high levels because some of us indulge in it for petty gains or convenience
and the rest tolerate and accept it.Giving and taking bribes has become the norm rather than an offence.

We often wonder which is the most corrupt department or section of the administration in India.A
survey find out the number of people affected by corruption.The anti-corruption agencies, such as the
vigilance commissions, anti-commissions ,anti corruption department.CBI are constituted to look into and
trap thebribe takers.Such actions can have a short term dramatic effet,but would not deal with the root of
the problem.
Corruption at high level of political leadership lead to corruption in the bureaucracy and other wings
of the administration like the police or the Public works Department .It spreads from to to bottom..There is
a need of a new beginning to make India corruption free.
The government policies should aim at lowering rates of infant mortality and increasing life expectancy
at birth through improved healthcare services.In a country where corrupt elements do not hesitate to make
money for buying coffins for our martyrs, the depths of depravity can be well imagined.Our attitude is so
laidback that we don't even lend our support to those who are fighting against it.
Pollution has become the most serious issue as everyone is facing lots of health risks in their daily life.
Various types of pollutants from the industrial garbage and other activities are polluting our natural
resources like air, water, soil, etc. After being mixing into the soil, air and water, they are directly affecting
the human being and animal body system and causing variety of deadly sicknesses to health.
Noise pollution is affecting the listening system in the body as well as causing disturbance to the
The rate of pollution in the cities is higher than the villages because of the vehicles transportationSoiled
water from the big dirt system, other garbage from the households, by-products from the factories and
industries are directly mixing to the rivers, lake and oceans. Most of the solid wastes, garbage and other
unused things are thrown away by the people on the land which cause soil pollution and affect the crop
All the roads in the cities become full of traffic all through the day because of the increasing number of
vehicles which are the reason of both air pollution and noise pollution.
The quality of life is falling day by day as pollution acts as a devil which causes various health ailments
like high blood pressure, kidney disorders, respiratory disease, cancer, epidemics, skin diseases, etc.
Modern methods of teaching
A good teaching procedure will lead to effective learning, that’s why it’s very important for a teacher to
understand and use applicable or new method of teaching. In our modern technological world where the
use of computer is viral, teachers need to learn how to use / apply the new technology so that the teaching-
learning procedure will be enjoyable.
Classroom activities to be effective must be governed by different strategies. Pupil to pupil interaction
must be observed everytime a lesson will be introduced in the class.
Ideal teaching today encourages the application of new methods in teaching to develop initiative,
creativity, confidence, self-reliance and independence among the pupils.
There are lots of modern gadgets which can be used for improving the teaching in the classroom.
Here is the list of most popular equipment which can be beused for better teaching learning------ ===

Use of computers or laptops with wi-fi connection in the classroom- This is the most important tool of
modern teaching methods. This type of teaching is seen mostly in the higher education institutions which
have good infrastructure.
Use of LCD projector in the classroom- Use of LCD screens in the educational institutions is becoming
very common nowadays. Teacher prepares the power point slides and which are displayed on the LCD
screen with the help of a projector.
Use of interactive whiteboards in the classroom- Whiteboards are very interactive and provides the
touch control of the computer applications. On whiteboard a teacher or student can draw, write or
manipulate images so providing a very interactive and interesting platform.
The other less popular modern teaching method include-
Use of digital games in the classroom.
Use of special websites or blogs in the classroom.
Use of microphones for delivering the lectuer in the classroom.
Natural Disasters
A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural developments of the Earth; examples
include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic
An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic breakers.
At the Earth's surface earthquakes manifest themselves by vibration, shaking and sometimes displacement
of the ground. Earthquakes by themselves rarely kill people or wildlife. Many of these could possibly be
avoided by better construction, safety systems, early warning and planning.
Volcanic eruptions
Volcanoes can cause extensivedamage and resulting disaster in several ways. The effects include
the volcanic eruption itself that may cause harm following the explosion of the volcano or falling
rocks, lava may be produced during the eruption of a volcano, and it destroys many buildings, plants and
animals due to its extreme heat.
Flood as a temporary covering by water of land which is usually not covered by water. The size of a lake
or other body of water will vary with seasonal changes in rainfall and snow melt, it is not a significant flood
unless the water covers land used by man like a village, city or other inhabited area, roads, expanses of
farmland, etc.
A tsunami , also known as a seismic sea wave or as a tidal wave, is a series of waves in a water body caused
by the movement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or a large lake.
Blizzards are plain winter storms characterized by heavy snow and strong winds. When high winds mixture
up snow that has already fallen, it is known as a ground blizzard. Blizzards can impact local economic
activities, especially in regions where snowfall is rare.
A tornado is a violent and dangerous rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the
earth and a cumulonimbus cloud, or the base of a cumulus cloud in rare cases. Tornadoes come in many
shapes and sizes
A Scene During recess

The name of our college is desh Bhagat College. It is situated at Sec 6 in the District of FGS. The recess in
our school begins after the 3 four periods It begins at half-past one and ends at 2 P.M During the recess,
students move about. They move in twos and threes and chat among themselves. Some students stand before
the school notice-board. Some purchase Tiffin from a sweets-man seated near the college gate.Some boys
divide themselves into several groups and play Ringball and Kabadi.
Inside the Teachers Common Room, some teachers are found reading newspapers. Some are busy
writing letters. Some are seen forwarding applications.
Inside the Principal’s Office, the Principal seems busy in reading the applications of students. The
office-clerk stands beside him to receive some direction. Two or three teachers sit before the Principal for
some advice or order Guardian may be found talking about his ward. The Principal’s office is found busier
than ever. When the bell rings to make the recess over everything comes to normal.
The scene in a college during the recess hour is no doubt a happy scene. It is a sight for gods to

The Uses of rubber

Rubber, in one form or another has been used since the times of old, evidence of its use going back
2,000,000 years or more. In those days the substance was derived naturally from the rubber tree. Individuals
would then use it to make balls, and to waterproof handmade buckets, pails and more.
As time went on more and more uses for rubber was discovered inspiring the invention of synthetic
rubber because the natural alternative could not keep up with the growing demand.
Natural rubber production begins with the tapping of the matured rubber trees of South East Asia
and Africa. Workers tap the trees by making an opening which cause the slow flow of the milky fluid called
latex, after collected in pails the water is then removed from it and the latex is then turned into raw rubber.
The production of this type of rubber consists of the adding of materials like petroleum, crude oil and
different types of gases.
Today, rubber is as widely used as wood and this is largely due to its beneficial proprieties like strength,
long lasting, water resistance and heat resistance all these benefits makes this material perfect for tire
Other benefits like being non slip, soft, durable, resilient makes this material the first choice for
playground equipment, shoes, mats, flooring, healthcare supplies, household supplies, balls, toys and
thousands of other rubber products. Rubber comes in a large variety of colors, styles and textures making
it extremely diverse. Used rubber tires are often recycled to make other items like mulch, shoes, bags,
jewelry and coats. It is safe and reliable and seen as a valuable material by many.

Importance of co- curricular activities

Co-curricular and extra curricular activities are an essential part of the curriculum which provide
educational activities to the students Co-curricular activities can be defined as the activities that enhance
and enrich the regular curriculum during the normal school hours. Whereas extra curricular activities are

the activities that take place beyond the normal school hours wherein the students are encouraged to
participate voluntarily in activities like NCC, athletics etc.
These activities are designed to meet the needs of the students and cover a broad / wide range of their
abilities and talents. These activities enhance the learning experience of the students and help in recognizing
and developing their inner skills such as leadership qualities, creative or innovative skills etc.
Co-curricular and extra curricular activities give the students a chance to think out of their box and get
creative ideas of their own with the help of a guide / facilitator.Students need to take time outs to do more
than just studying and co-curricular and extra curricular activities give them a chance to relax, refresh and
mingle easily with others.In short, these activities prepare the students practically for their future.
The normal curriculum teaches and educates the child about academic theories while co-curricular and
extra curricular activities help the child to apply what he / she has learnt to practice in their practical life.
These activities help in developing the grasping power of the child and provide an opportunity to the
students to work in teams and thus develop team spirit in them.Most of the co-curricular and extra curricular
activities are physically active and get the students out their desks to try out new things in a practical way.

My Hobby

Hobby is a particular and most interesting habit than other habit of any person. Hobby is very necessary to
be with everyone because it makes one busy and free mind. It never leaves alone us and prevents from the
psychological problems
When I was kid, my father generally laughed at me while seeing watering plants. But now he becomes
so proud of me that I do something to save plants life and understand their value.
Hobbies are our daily lives activities which we must do. It helps us to get escaped from the daily crush
of life. It gives us immense pleasure and peace of body, mind and soul. It is like yoga and meditation and
even benefits more than that.
Good hobbies dramatically improve our personality and character traits as well as improve our
performances. It helps in discovering our talents and abilities and uses them in right direction.
My favourite hobby is gardening and l like so much planting new plants and watering them in daily
morning. The enjoy seeing flowers blooming and plants growing. I really feel sense of great achievements
and realize the fact of life.
It helps me keep myself fit, healthy, strong and rejuvenate. Watering plants and gardening on daily basis
is a best exercise for me which positively moulds my mind and body.
Is air travel as safe as it should be?
Statistically, air travel is reasonably safe when compared with road, rail and sea. Many countries have a
high death and injury rate on the road; train, ferry, and ocean going ship disasters are regular enough to be
commonplace, taking a global view. Yet air disasters are usually deadly to all or most concerned and are
therefore more widely reported.
Looking first at natural causes, at least three can be identified. Bad weather is one. This included
storms, icing and air pockets in the case of light aircraft. One cause in the case of jets can be large flocks

of birds or swarms of insects being sucked into the jet nacelles and thereby stopping the engine.. A third is
the alleged danger in what is known as the "Bermuda Triangle", in which both ships and aircrafts have been
lost without trace..
Most dangers to aircraft are man-made. The first and obvious danger is accident. In the busiest
airports, especially in the tourist season, aircrafts may take off as often as every twenty seconds. Personal
fatigue or mechanical failure in a radar centre can be very dangerous. Most, though not all countries have
strict regulations governing air traffic control.
Another cause of trouble may be the age of the aircraft. Metal fatigue eventually sets in; cracks appear,
bits of the aircraft may fall off, even hole engines, or the passenger cabin may lose compression. This means
almost certain death to all passengers and crew, and there have been cases where an aircraft has been lost
because one of the doors was not properly secured. So also is the importance of regular and completely
efficient servicing. Operatives licences can be withdrawn if government inspectors find inefficiency in this

One Act Play: "Chitra" by Rabindranath Tagore

Question: Discuss Rabindranath Tagore as a poet.

Answer: Rabindranath Tagore was a Bengali fount of knowledge, becoming the intial non-European to
win the 1913 Nobol Prize in Literature.He played a considerable function in bringing about a new
awakening in India in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
Tagore was a genious with frequent sided character.He was a poet, novelist, dramatist, musician, quick
story author, teacher, painter, educationist, philosopher and humanist.
Possibly no other Indian had this kind of diverse interests as Tagore had.He was a searcher.He desired
to realize himself and that he could only do by expressing himself.As the experiences and feelings varied,the
media aslo mixed.
Rabindranth Tagore is one of the best Indian writers in English.He primarily wrote in Bengali but his
fame reached his peak by his writings in English.He has proved himself in drama, short stories, poetry and
so on.He wa a versatile writer, with hugeenergy.He was inspired by many writers in English like
Shakespeare, the writers of Victorian age and the Romantic age.
He had great access to the sources of literatute.His works include -The sea Waves in 1887,Gitanjali in
1912 for which he won the Noble Prize,Gora in 1923 and many more.Tagore is an Indo Anglian writer who
has cheerfully offered a symbolism in 'Chitra' and 'The Post Office'.Symbolism is an important aspect of
his plays.
Tagore is a true child of his great poetic families.He has recognized and expressed the true glory of
love in his world.He teaches us that the love of man and woman is not beautiful, not lasting, not fruitful so
long as it is self centered so long as it does not cause goodness so longs as it does not resolve itself in society
over son and daughter, guests and neighbours.The remarks that Tagore has made in respect to Kalidas hold
true for the poet himself.

Question Write down the Character of Arjuna in the play"Chitra".

Answer: Arjuna’s role in Tagore's play "CHITRA" is a supreme importance.He does have significant in the
development of the incidents in the play.He is one of the five Pandavas of the "Mahabharata" and he is
reputed warrior.His name is closely linked up with Lord Krishna who conveys to him the golden message
of the Gita, the lesson of action", at a time when he was lost in despair.

In the course of his wanderings in completion of a promise of penace, Arjuna comes to Manipur.there
he see Chitrangada, the beautiful daughter of Chitravahana, the king of the country.Chitravahana asks him
who he is and learning that he Arjuna, the Pandava tells him that Prabhanjana.Arjuna promises and takes
Chitrangada to wife and lives in her father's capital for three years.
Arjuna is of the Kshatriya or "Warrior Caste" and during the action is living as a loner retired in the
forset.Chitra is the daughter of the king of Manipur.She is a woman and a mother and Arjuna is content and
says simply ,"Beloved,my life is full."
Arjuna is found changeable.He sees an appartition of beauty in the perfect form of a woman.Arjuna is
charmed by her beauty when he sees her in the temple.She keeps him completely in the hold of her bodily
ornaments.She had made him her imprisoned.He further states that she is the wealth of the world, the end
of all poverty, the goal of all efforts.
Arjuna is attentive by Chirtra's beauty and he has lost his reasoning power.Arjuna and Chitra together
drink the joys of affective love.She feels that she has dishonored Arjuna by boring him into the curls of
physical beauty.But she feels sorry that it is all in her costume.
Arjuna soon realises that he must go back home.His attention is arrested by the sound of prayer bells
from the village temple, which indicated that he should go back to his normal routine.He desires to posses
something that can last longer than pleasure that can undergo even through suffering.

Question: Write down the Character of "Chitra".

Answer: Tagore is an successor of the great literary tradition of Bengal ,Which regarded a woman as the
ancient energy of the universe.One is Urvashi and the other Lakshmi.Tagore 's women characters display
remarkable liveliness and dazzling variety.In his works women appear as
mother,sister,daughter,wife,beloved.There are also mythical,historical,religious,social,reali=stic and
romantic characters,placed in several of his dramas,short stories and novels.
Tagore's heroines are both feminine and unfeminine.They belong to the earth but they undergo
tremendous changes in their encounter with harsh reality.There is an evolution in the character of Chitra
which can be traced from dream to reality and the transition from the fire of flowerly spring to the mellow
fruitfulness of autumn.She advances from the paradise of sensual rapture to the ecstasy of illumination and
the sustaining delight of wisdom.
Chitra is the princess of Manipur.She is brought up as a warrior.When she looks at Arjuna in his ascetic
best clothes for the first time, she becomes conscious of the fact or reality of her being a woman.She
considers that she is beautiful enough to win his heart.Chitra is fully conscious that her obtained beauty
would shortly disappear, as the petals fall from an overdone flower, the only moment of her sweet union
would slip from her.
There is another aspect of Chitra's pesonality as a terror of evil doers and as father and mother to her a watchful lioness she protects the litter at her dugs with a fierce love.Thus before parting form
Chitra, Arjuna accepts her in bliss when she casts on him a tranquilizing spell.Chitra becomes all the more
beautiful because she has known love and because she is now a prospective mother.
Question: Discuss the element of symbolism in Tagor's play Chitra.
Question: Critical essay on symbolism in Tagore's Chitra
Question: Comment of Tagore portrayal of women, as you find in his play”Chitra
.Answer: In Chitra, symbolism plays an important role.It is based on the well-known Mahabharata story of
Chitrangada and Arjuna.Chitra essentially contains the history of a development -the development of flower
into fruit,of earth into heaven of matter into spirit.
This play was not meant for dealing with a particular passion but for translating the whole subject from one
world to another-to raise love from the spehre of physical beauty to the endless heaven of moral beauty.

The central symbol in Chitra is the offer of beauty to Chitra by the gods, Madana and vasanta, for the
span of year.Chitra has been brought up as a son by her father.She falls in love with Arjuna, who however
does not recirprocate her love.
Nonetheless, Chitra feels anxious on being rejected like this and seeks the help of the gods.Arjuna's
happy and proud acceptance of the real Chitra and the final spirtual fulfilment.There is no conflict between
the surface realistic level and the deeper symbolic meaning.
The time factor plays a significant part in the form of the gods'offer of beauty to Chitra for a year.This
central symbol fully and organically set in the play is assisted by the symbolic gods,Madana,the body less
god of abiding love and Vasanta,the time bound god of spring.
In short,Chitra stands for human desire,Arjuna stands as the seeker of love,the gods Madana and
Vasanta stand for love and youth and beauty repectively.The symbols in Chitra are an organic part of the
theme.Chitra combines the flowers of spring with the fruits of autumn.It also combines heaven and earth.

Question: What does Chitra symbolise?

Answer: Chitra namely the symbolism of the human psyche of youth and growth.He refers to the symbols,”
the organic world” of flower and fruit amd plant and creature.There are also symbols of metaphysical
passions of illusion and reality.

Question: Narrate the story of “Chitra” as shown by Tagore?

Question: Narrate the theme of the story “Chitra”.
Answer:Chitra exhibts a realization of the spiritualist elements of life and love a heavnly message to the
human soul as to what is the meaning of love in the truest sense of the term.In chitra,Tagore dicusses the
evolution of human love from the physical to the spirtual.Chitra makes her last sacrifice at Arjuna's feet.
She is not as perfect as the flowers with which she worships him.She brings to him the gift of a heart of a
woman,which is full of pains and pleasures,the hopes and fears and shames of a daughter of the sand.
Chitra and Arjuna both gain and lose their attachment for each other as they had adopted the wrong
mode of charming each other. The fulfilment of love thus happens in the last scene of the play when Arjuna
meets the real Chitra with all her physical marks and exclaims in joy, Beloved, my life is full."Arjuna's
reply is brief but perfect.Thus when the time comes for the lovers to separate, they have no regrets for life
has given them all it has to give.
The poet does not place an exclusive value on ordinary love and beauty but that does not mean that
they are less important because the responsibilty of fatherhood and motherhood go side by side and one
cannot be remote form the other in a concept of pleasant survival.Thus the purpose of the play is not the
worship of sexual surrender.
Tagore has in reality an complete view of life and he is as much a poet of love and passion as he is
a poet of God and religion.In Chitra he deals with the theme of human love that goes beyond its physical
limitations in order to realize its full significance.
Beauty and youth, although they may be passing are yet parts of our experience.The poet teaches
us that the love is founded on beauty of body alone is built on insecure foundations.Beauty in human face
and form is glorious, brief and mysterious

Other important Question

Check the errors of conjunctions in the given sentences and re write the sentences:

Incorrect: The car either dashed against a goat or a donkey.

Correct The car dashed against either a goat or a donkey.
Incorrect: Neither he would eat nor allow us to eat.
Correct : He would neither eat nor allow us to eat.
Incorrect: Though he was poor but he was happy.
Correct: Though he was poor he was happy.
Correct: He was poor but he was happy.
Incorrect : He asked that what my name was.
Correct : He asked what my name was.
Incorrect : He enquired that where the office was.
Correct: He enquired where the office was.
Incorrect : Do it carefully lest you may not make a mistake.
Correct : Do it carefully lest you make a mistake.
Incorrect : The teacher asked that why I was late.
Correct : The teacher asked why I was late.
Incorrect : When I reached there then it was raining.
Correct : When I reached there , it was raining.
Incorrect : No sooner we reached the station, the train left.
Correct: No sooner did we reached the station, than the train left.
Incorrect : Not only he abused me but also beat me.
Correct : Not only did he abuse me but he also beat me.

Check the errors of prepositions in the given sentences and re write the sentences:

Incorrect: Police was angery against him.

Correct : Police was angery with him.
Incorrect : She was angry with the weather.
Correct: She was angry at the weather.
Incorrect: She is annoyed against herself for failing the exam.
Correct : She is annoyed with herself for failing the exam.
Incorrect: We arrived to the village last night.
Correct: We arrived at the village last night.
Incorrect: Mr. Smith was ashamed from his mistake.
Correct: Mr. Smith was ashamed of his mistake.
Incorrect: Muslims believe to the Prophet Muhammad.
Correct :Muslims believe in the Prophet Muhammad.
Incorrect: He boasted for his car.
Correct :He boasted in his car.
Incorrect: He has been working since two hours.
Correct: He has been working for (about) two hours
Incorrect:He sat in a table.
Correct: He sat on a table.

1. Check the errors of articles in the given sentences and re write the
1. The Beijing is the capital of China.
Ans. Beijing is the capital of China.
2. I first met your Dad at the Walmart
Ans: I first met your Dad at Walmart.

3. He has failed in the English.
Ans: He has failed in English.
4. She died of the malaria.
Ans: She died of malaria.
5. She is best singer I have heard.
Ans: She is the best singer I have heard.
6. Rose is sweetest of all flowers.
Ans:Rose is the sweetest of all flowers.
7. A Man is mortal.
Ans: Man is mortal.
8. You are in a trouble.
Ans:You are in trouble.
9. Don’t make noise.
Ans: Don’t make noise.
10. Your words are not worth penny
Ans: Your words are not worth a penny.

2. Identify the sentences as simple, compound, complex

1) She is a good girl. (Simple sentence)
2) Sana went to the river and started playing in the beach. (Compound
3) Although he is intelligent, he did not get a ward. (Complex)
4) After doing your work, go off to sleep. (Complex)
5) Tomorrow we will go to the market and we might go to the cinema hall
for a movie. (Compound
6) Sana loves taking her dog to the garden. (Simple)
7) Gaeta went to the garden and the dog pounced upon her. (Compound)
8) However the task was very easy, yet she took the whole day to
accomplish it. (Complex)
9) Forests need to be saved to live. (Simple)
10) She got the prize because she had run the fastest. (Complex.)

3. Fill tin the blanks with correct option:

a) One of the student’s ________ absent from the class. (was/were/had)
Ans: was
b) My scissors ________ very blunt.(is/are/am)
Ans: is
c) Tina is __ weak so she fainted in the class. (too/to)
Ans: Too
d) Aeronautics ____ a very interesting subject. (is/am/have)
Ans: is
e) He ___ to eat fast food. (Likes/ like)
Ans: likes
f) Will she ___me your address? (give/ gives)
Ans: Give
g) The council __ of one opinion. (was/were)
Ans: was
h) Sam is __ than the other boys his class. (strong/stronger)
Ans: stronger.


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