Pillars of Sustainbility

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When we talk about sustainability, we’re talking about a

development model that can meet the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own.
It’s a holistic approach that considers the social, environmental and
economic impacts of actions and decisions taken today.

From a historical perspective, the concept of sustainability was

formulated at the first United Nations Conference on the Environment
in 1972, but it has only really taken shape since 1987, when the
publication of the so-called Brundtland Report ("Our Common
Future") clarified the goals of sustainable development.

The same report introduced the three pillars or principles

of environmental, social and economic sustainability, also known
as ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance).

The transition to sustainable development is primarily grounded in a

series of international agreements and goals that are then
implemented at the level of the individual states and communities
involved. Among these, the best known are:

• The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change and its protocols, which set commitments to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions;
• The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which promotes
the conservation of biodiversity;
• and especially the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
which cover a wide range of sustainability issues. Built around
these goals is the UN 2030 Agenda, a plan of action for people,
planet and prosperity, signed into law by the UN General
Assembly on September 25, 2015. The Agenda includes 17
goals, valid for everyone around the world, articulated along the
three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social
and environmental.

1. What is environmental sustainability?

Environmental sustainability is the ability to preserve and protect

the natural environment over time through appropriate practices and
policies, meeting present needs without compromising the availability
of resources in the future.

Factors influencing environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability is influenced by several factors that can

have a significant impact on the ecological balance and the planet's
ability to sustain life.

Some of the main ones include:

• air, water and soil pollution;

• climate change, caused by the excessive amount of greenhouse
gases released into the atmosphere due to human activities;
• The loss of biodiversity;
• The overexploitation of natural resources;
• Economic models that involve unsustainable consumption.

What goals should we aim to achieve?

To achieve environmental sustainability, a number of key goals must
be achieved, including:

• Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially in crucial sectors

such as power generation, industry, agriculture and
• Increasing the production and use of energy from renewable
• Implementing policies to conserve biodiversity by addressing its
• Adopting sustainable practices in agriculture and the food
chain, such as precision agriculture strategies, optimizing and
increasing soil quality and productivity through a series of
targeted interventions using technology, regenerative
agriculture and agrivoltaics, non-soil cultivation methods such
as hydroponic or aeroponic systems, and reducing food waste.
• Raising awareness and engaging communities on the issue of
environmental sustainability.
• Promoting the circular economy.
Among the practices of great importance for sustainability, it is
essential to conserve and sustainably manage natural resources,
including water, soil, forests, wildlife and natural habitats, to ensure
the ecological balance of the planet and the availability of these
resources for future generations.

2. What is social sustainability?

Social sustainability involves a focus on the well-being of people

and communities.
It’s about promoting equity, human rights, access to education and
health care, and decent work.

Social sustainability aims to create inclusive societies, reduce

inequality, and ensure long-term well-being for all people while
preserving social cohesion and justice.

To achieve sustainability, it is necessary to overcome:

• Poverty and socioeconomic inequality.

• Discrimination, prejudice and social exclusion.
• Lack of access to resources.
• Insecurity and conflict, locally, regionally and globally.
• Poor governance, which includes phenomena such as corruption
and institutional inefficiency.
In the path to social sustainability, the promotions of systems and
policies that can reduce social and economic inequalities play a
particularly important role in ensuring equitable access to
opportunities and resources for all members of society.

In addition to the fight against inequality, the goals to be achieved in

terms of social sustainability include:

• The promotion of policies to respect basic human rights, such as

the right to health and education.

• The adoption of practices that value and include people of

diverse backgrounds, gender, ethnicity, ability, and sexual
• The creation of safer living environments with more efficient
administration of justice.
• The improvement of people's health and mental and physical
well-being through quality health services.

3. What is economic sustainability?

Economic sustainability is the approach whereby economic activities

are conducted in such a way as to preserve and promote long-term
economic well-being. In practice, it aims to create a balance between
economic growth, resource efficiency, social equity and financial

Factors influencing economic sustainability

Factors influencing economic sustainability include:

• The responsible management of resources.

• The capacity for efficiency and innovation of economic systems
and enterprises.
• Financial stability at the macro level.
• States' level of social innovation, that is, each country's
commitment to promoting policies, programs and initiatives that
address crucial social issues such as poverty, gender equality,
access to education and health care, environmental
sustainability, and other social issues.
• International cooperation and partnerships between public
administration and private enterprises.
• The level of equity and social inclusion.
• Corporate responsibility.

How an economy becomes sustainable

To make an economic system sustainable, it is necessary to

encourage energy generation from renewable sources, to adopt
policies and regulations that encourage energy efficiency, and the
promotion of economic models based on the circular economy which,
as such, are able to reduce waste and contain resource exploitation.

Achieving these goals requires fostering social and economic

inclusion, technological innovation through dedicated investments,
promotion of efficient and transparent governance, as well as public
awareness and education.

Responsible management of economic resources is of paramount

importance because it implies and ensures:

• The minimization of environmental impact;

• Social and economic equity;
• A more resilient and challenge-capable economy;
• A more widespread adherence of companies to management
based on principles of responsibility and ethics.

Is there also a fourth ethical pillar?

There’s another pillar of sustainability, which we could imagine as the

midpoint of a triangle connecting the other three.

Processes leading to sustainable development would not really be

such if all those involved in supply chains did not receive fair – and
sustainable – remuneration. Also included in this pillar are some of
the practices we’ve already considered, for example, respecting
human rights and promoting social responsibility.

In short, the ethical pillar consists of the core set of fundamental

guidelines that underpin the practical actions provided for in the other
three: these include integrity, transparency, fairness, respect for
diversity and promotion of collective welfare.

The pillars of sustainability are interconnected

The pillars of sustainability are closely interconnected, in that every

action taken within each of the spheres has spillover effects on the
others. There is a strong interconnection between the environmental
and economic spheres, where good environmental practices, such as
responsible resource management, are essential to maintaining the
stability of the economy and the very existence of the food supply
chain. Not only that: some sustainability strategies, such as
transitioning to a low-carbon economy and adopting sustainable
practices, can create economic opportunities, promote innovation and
increase the competitiveness of businesses.

The social sphere is also connected to both the environmental and

economic spheres. It is well established that in an equitable and
inclusive society, where inequalities are reduced, social cohesion,
active citizen participation and the basis for a sustainable and resilient
economy are fostered – just as it is evident that people's health and
well-being are closely linked to the quality of the environment in
which they live.

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