Brevini Flow Regulator Valve
Brevini Flow Regulator Valve
Brevini Flow Regulator Valve
flow regulator Cetop 3
AM.3.QF type one way non-compen- Max. operating pressure 350 bar
sated throttle valve are fitted with an Max. pressure adjustable 250 bar
O-Ring mounting plate which allows Flow rate regulation on 8 screw turns
its assembly for either input or output Max. flow 40 l/min
regulation. Adjustment is obtained by Hydraulic fluids Mineral oils DIN 51524
means of a grub screw or a plastic Fluid viscosity 10 ÷ 500 mm2/s
knob. They are available in the four Fluid temperature -25°C ÷ 75°C
AM3QF... regulating configurations shown in the Ambient temperature -25°C ÷ 60°C
Screws and studs Cap. IV • 21 hydraulic diagrams. Max. contamination level class 10 in accordance
The standard valve configuration al- with NAS 1638 with filter ß25≥75
lows "meter in" regulation, while it is Weight 1,5 Kg
possible to obtain "meter out" regula-
tion by turning the valve by 180° along
its longitudinal axis.
AM Modular valve
∆p (bar)
** Control on lines
A / B / P / AB
* Type of adjustment
M = Plastic knob Q (l/min)
C = Grub screw Each curve represents the flow rate adjustment for
Q (l/min)
each screw turns, starting from the closed position.
** 00 = No variant
V1 = Viton
Hydraulic symbols
4 Serial No.
Overall dimensions
K = OR plate
Type of adjustment
M Plastic knob
C Grub screw
Support plane
VALV/AM3QF004 _E/03-2018 IV • 17 ®