a. High Jump- It is an event where you try to jump vertically and move your body over a bar that is
across two upright poles, upon which rests a 4 meter horizontal bar, then landing on your back upon a
cushioned mattress. The bar is raised as the competition progresses. You must take off from one foot
after an approach from a runway. You may touch the cross bar as you jump. However, if the bar falls
off, you have failed the jump. After 3 failed jumps, you will be eliminated. The competitor who can take
the highest jumps will win.
b. Long Jump. In this event you sprint along a runway to a wooden take-off board embedded in the
runway and level with the ground into a stretch of 2.75-3 meter wide of soft, damp sand. The edge of
the take-off board nearest the pit is called the take-off line. If you overstep this line, you forfeit the
jump. You must aim at landing as far as possible from the starting point and distance is measured by
the first mark made by any part of your body on the sand at landing. No part of the body must touch
the ground between jumping and landing.
c. Triple Jump. The rules of the triple jump are the same as those of the long jump. It is also known as
the "hop, step, and jump." Here you make a running start along a runway then hop and land on the
same foot from which you took off. You then take one step onto the other foot and jump.
d. Pole Vault. You carry a long, flexible fiberglass pole then sprint along a short runway, plant the pole
into a sloping metal box beneath the bar and push yourself up over the bar. You should pass your body
over the bar, legs first and face down. You push the pole away, and land into a pit of foam. You are
allowed 3 vaults for each height. If you have three misses at any height, you are eliminated.
iii. THROWING is the final classification in the track and field events. There are 4 different throwing
events which require you to perform with power, strength and accuracy.
a. Hammer. This is an extremely heavy metal batt weighing 7.2 kg attached to a handle by steel wire.
The hammer requires you to have the strength and excellent technique to throw the metal ball across
the field. You are made to stand within a designated area marked by a circle. You will fail if you step
out of the circle during the throw and before the hammer lands.
b. Discus. You are required to throw a disc-like object weighing 2 kg for men and 1 kg for women across
the field as far as possible. You begin the throw from a stationary position in a circle marked on the
ground. You are not allowed to leave the circle before the discus has landed. It is a fail if you step on or
outside the circle.
c. Javelin. You have to combine speed and strength with a javelin a long spiked-pole which you have to
throw as far as possible across the field. Throw the javelin by having your arm extend your throw over
the shoulder or upper part of the arm. The throw is counted if the tip (front part) of the javelin hits the
ground before the tail (back). It is a fail if you turn your back to the throwing line during the throw or
when you cross the throwing line during or after the throw.
d. Shot Put. It is a solid metal ball weighing 7.25 kg for men and 4 kg for women. You have to throw the
shot with one hand from stationary position from a marked circle 7 ft. in diameter across the field. You
are disqualified if you leave the marked circle before the shot has touched the ground.