Chapter-9 English Grammar Class 3 A

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orl< in pairs. Tall< to your partner about some things you did
last week
last month
last year
on your birthday
during the summer holidays

he Simple Past Tense: Purpose and Use, Form

•• • ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••

We use the simple past tense to talk about completed actions in the past.
In the simple past tense, we add -d or -ed t~ the base form of the verb.
love ➔ loved + walk ➔ walked + jump ➔ jumped
Riya opened the door.
She liked the gift.

For some verbs in the simple past tense, the spelling changes.
+ trap ➔ trapped + pat ➔ patted
+ fry ➔ fried + hurry ➔ hurried
For some verbs, we use different forms of the verbs in the past tense.
++- buy ➔ bough t + go ➔ went + see ➔ saw

• • ••••• •••••

Write the past tense forms of these words.

1. bring hyaujhl:
2. eat 12±0
3. w as h 11)0/\hoJ
4. ru n nan< ~.,
s. dr in k d x a JJ k ~
6. watch ,A
)ctl:.c bod
7. fall +Q \\ .. 7

8. pick f? A.ckd
Complete these senten-ce
s with the past tense form
of the words 1n the brack s
1. Amira ) DC'> \< R .J for shells on the
beach. (look) v~
2. Mala _ _S~C?c.. .:vn
;.~_.L. . .L"--+--- - h e r favourite song. (s
'-- .J
3. Mohit
to bring his Maths book. (fo
4. Linda (' :xi o d when she fell down. (cry)
5. I _ _J
. .'._
. ..-Ou...:Gi-1~"~(2-~:::.+--- for my friends everywhere
. (look)
6. Richa ConkoJ dinner yesterday. (cook)
7. Imran A- OD k , a family photo. (take)
8. Lisa - ~}d:..i-1.t~.='d-{- - - - her homewor
k. (d o)
• Change th es e se n te n ce
s to the simple past ten
se .
1. Anil jumps very high
. .
~n\, J>mvcd vo5 b~ ,
2. Minal feeds the bird
\v\ Inol. f J j}J) Q


~~~J-kjQ___(.~~~~ ,
3. Rashi swim s tO the other end of the pool.

4. Alok buy
~ l s groceries for his family.
, !',"V
ti a k \bu~ u~r--L r t ,
nc ..g~ Y-OGQ IQ..S :tu_!_
.Y' L
n ~ ±Cl rn,LL

r ___,,

• .::J
5. Bashu drives ai rreen car.

&v1\y dY r-V "." '

,._, "' a' jY O O l'\ Qay ,
6. Tina writes a po em.

~ I ,=D

~ kO "a+-~" g poe..m I

7. Jess1ca hides behin d at

l , ree.
'0 ~ \ c°' ru·d b 1 ;J ~ lYe Q
the night. '
I 1
B. Sumit hears a strange noise in

-Sum\± bo.;J ca-8\:;ea-.Jiw mWh,ljlit. ~, .. .. '1 ~

·egative Sentences
past tense, we use the form did + not +
Jr negative sentences in the simple
1se form of the verb.
· Tom did no t drive yesterday.
, we use the base for m of the verb and not the past tense form.
/hen we use did
no t vis it the mu seu m. [Z] + We did not visited the museum. [Kl
We did
\ j

e sentences.
f Change these sentences to negativ
1. Harry walked his dog in the pa

l--l A"<'=:) J,·J nd: W A I~ do~ io:\JQ ~ ,k ,

2. Rachna finished her homework.

~ c\iov, did r,al +JrU:___b ~Wl lirn:OQl.u_u fl ~

3. My parents went to the vegetable market.

~ rye\'!~ d;J nul ~-1_,--\a 9 0

4. Vaibhav came to our house yesterday.

rr')C\r 'l.-l: ,
Vo.I bLc1\/ J;d ncl:, CornQ_::\:o OLii' Lowi ra
5. Lisa reached home before the others.

l.,~Sc; d,d_ .ool YQQ.c.b hacaQ. ~x9---±i R 61:JQ,n;-._

6. Manas took the bus.

H~ dJ na±. i:fa ~ Tu bUA ,

7. Roma sl~pt on the couch.

i/l') rnO\ d;J no±. bloo/f ordk.. CcMb ,

8. Sukanya painted this picture. -+
\, \
..Su~C \ ot1ol _L n~' \
na:L T u\fit
+~1-A Tb{CJJ~Ye

Questions 'th wh-question words with the word did

. h ast tense w1
We form questions int e p b
and the base form O f the, ver . ,•

+ Where did you go Ias t week?k?

+ When did you come bac . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We can also form Yes / No questions with did at the beginning using the base
form of the verb.

+ Did you lock the door? + Did Anya coll ect the prize?
We can ask a question without using did with a Wh -question word at the
beginning and the past tense form of the word.
-t \\'ho sent the flowers? + What happened to the radio?

Write answers for these questions in the simple past tense

using the words in the bracl<ets.

1. Where did Ananya go yesterday? (to the beach)

An7a l.( JQJ:5"l :±ti ::±to bMcb :::r~~:d,-,Q,vd~ .

2. Who collected the trophy? (team captain)

· 7QO.,f() Ll2 ~lo collec±d

3 How did Pritam reach Ranikhet? (bus)

. k'r:-l 0 ro o ee rhJ 1½n\\<.bot ~ \:J4S

When did Akshay visit his uncle? (last Sunday)
/%Ke_h~ V1,G ·L£ ~ t.mcla... on lAs\: -Suod'5
+ J- ~
the restaurant? (soup and noodles)
5. What did Saba order at d wJ)oD at ±ho xe.s-ba1..f(t1nl
,S:J-a o:rdoY?J .s~" f OlJ

e the plant? (window-sill)

6. WheredidPareshk e p l,,;,td:. a±d:tQ winda1.o-£H\
?O>YV,h K!ly±: ::/do p.

Asl< questions starting with did for these answers.
I. No, Mili did not post the letter.
J),·.J )v\; 1; ~as±- ::\iQ_ ld±Qr J
2. Yes, Richa rode her bicycle.
::t ,d :R,·da -c,·k bu. b;']d Q. ?,
3. No, Varun did not play video games.

J); J ¼x YD fl 4j v,'do.ojoitDQf. 9,
4. Yes, they found the remote. ri
5. No, the children did not eat breakfast.

iiJ -tip= Cb;!JYen C?d bYQakfw-±.?

6. Yes, Lara folded the clothes.

Complete this passage with the past tense forms of the
words in the box. ~~:.'.~~i-~-~~?.~'-~~.~i
✓ ~ ✓ '-./ , _/ ,__,,..,,- .__/
travel dance eat feel ma.Ke slay ride ~ p'taf (o
Last year, I 1. w oJ:rl::... on a holiday to
Kashmir with my family. We 2· ±re;\ YeH e4
by train and 3· ~12J there fo r seven
days. It was winter so we 4· -£9., ~
very cold. Wes. dw:ice.d and
'· f I4 QJ in the snow in Sonmarg.
My parents and I 7· ffigd R-
a snowman. We 8· @J. e_ a cable
car in Gulmarg. We 9· od:R a lot
of good food. I · £BA..f) shikaras
and houseboats on the Dal Lake. Our holiday
was so much fun!

ramm ar Fun
• ••• •• • • • • •• •
••• • ..................
Ml: Visual-S .........
patial; Game-b
1 .........
......... .......g

,ok for the past tense forms of the given words in the word grid.
cook- '-'
SWlill play ✓-
eat .
buy htlild cafch
X I R ~C'~R M D E P H D O G Y L
N I O B"~A'\:~.E R L D E M Y U I C
I U V R V"~lf'~G M Y N B M C Z S
r W 'c O W W u'-~ ~ X K M N T O C
)- O E P T S F°"c-!1' ~ A Q T R X D
~,-ff> .~- +---i- ---t-- -t---t -"-y- r--r- --r-- -r-r- - T~ l
0"' ~M A
A' [S K K M p'\ ~ I H L S N X
t S ~~E C Z V T B X K U P N B
C E H" ~"'~ I M M P C X Y S Q J D
K D u Q" ~ ~F C K ~VI B s A V A

R ,1r u I L 'b;l)) w w/ r.lL T M N N Q

.G D y C Q (P L ~ /Y E _g_, M E M H
le I Du z z Y KY vs v w RN

K R R U Q z U L Q T O R Q H M
0 G (( W A ~ C J W G CD T
M- L K
N R S K S p R A z S H G R T D
Now I know:

+ that we use the ~~ -be"o to talk about actions that are over
+ that we add ~ or - e,d to the b~
form of the verb to make the past tense.
+ that we use J t\
1' + a±:
l"l + base for~
of the verb to form negative sentences. )
+ that we use LOb - t2 110~±:Jnn words with --1.d...q.......a,_\~""-1-----r---
and the base form of t~e verb to ask questions.

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