Para Demo (3)
Para Demo (3)
Para Demo (3)
The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres
Content Standard
across national literature and cultures.
Examine the relationship between text and context (EN12Lit-IIg-35)
Knowledge Determine the relationship between text and context in the 21st-century literature.
Present ideas and concepts about 21st-century literature text and context through
composing a song, role-playing, speech choir, and creating Venn diagram.
Appreciate the diversity of 21st-century literature and its significance by reflecting on
the different cultures and perspectives.
Curriculum Integration
Integration Across
Compare and contrast your own opinions with those presented in familiar texts.
Naihahambing ang akda sa iba pang katulad na genre batay sa tiyak na mga elemento
nito. (F10PB-IIf-78)
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PowerPoint Presentation, Manila Paper, Marker, Pens, Coloring Pens, Television
Guide Questions:
1. What is fun poetry? What are its forms?
2. What are the key differences between riddle, limerick, and haiku?
The teacher presents the lesson objectives
ACTIVITY: Guess Moooo!
1. The class will be divided into four groups, and each group must select a
unique animal sound with an action to represent them.
2. The teacher will ask questions, and to answer, a group must first guess the
word displayed on the flashcard.
3. Groups signal their turn by making their chosen animal sound and action,
the first group to earn the highest score will automatically win.
1. What is a form of human expression that is communicated using words?
ANSWER: Literature
ANSWER: Context
2. Each group will receive a paper scroll containing a short, famous line from a 21st-
century novel or literary piece.
3.As a group, they will guess the title of the novel or literary work and discuss the
background information related to the events or circumstances of the story.
Activity 4.Each group will choose one representative to briefly present their ideas in front of
the class.
5.Time allocation:3 minutes for group discussion and preparation and another 1
minute for the presentation.
Famous lines:
Group 1."The man had never seen such a large crowd in his life."
From The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.
Group 2. "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our
From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling.
Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
Analysis 2. What do these lines tell us about the period or setting of the novel?
3. How do these lines reflect the themes or messages of the novel?
4. Based on the activity, what key terms do you think are related to today’s
Discuss comprehensively the following:
1. What role does cultural context play in shaping the themes of 21 st-
century literature?
3. Write the Lyrics and create a song that reflects the struggles, hopes, or
emotions of people forced to leave their homes.
4. Sing your song to the class and briefly explain how it connects to the
poem’s message and its context.
✓ (EN10LT-Ih-17): Analyze and interpret significant events in the context
of history, culture, and traditions as presented in literary works.
GROUP 2: Role-play
1. Perform a role-play based on one of the four key aspects of the context in
21st-century literature (Cultural Context,
Historical Context, Technological Context, and Social Context)
2. Plan the Role-Play: Create a short scenario or dialogue that reflects how
literature connects to the chosen context (e.g., a character facing a cultural
identity crisis or experiencing life in a digital age).
Nagagamit ang mga angkop na pang-ugnay sa pagsulat ng maikling dula.
2.. Read the Poems and review the key themes of both poems:
- “Home” focuses on migration and displacement.
- “The Hill We Climb” focuses on resilience and hope for social change.
4. Present and explain your Venn diagram with the class and briefly explain
your analysis.
running as well.
When the day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending
shade? The loss we carry; a sea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast,
we’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace and the norms and notions of what just
is, aren’t always justice. And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow we do
it, and somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken but
simply unfinished. We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny black
girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming
president only to find herself reciting for one. And, yes, we are far from polished, far
from pristine, but that doesn’t mean we are striving to form a perfect union, we are
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Compare and contrast your own opinions with those presented in familiar texts.
Naihahambing ang akda sa iba pang katulad na genre batay sa tiyak na mga
elemento nito. (F10PB-IIf-78)
Which of these authors focuses on cultural issues and themes of identity in their works?
a) Ernest Cline
b) Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
c) George Orwell
d) William Shakespeare
What does the interplay between text and context help readers to do?
a) Memorize the key points of the text
b) Interpret the deeper meaning of a text
c) Focus solely on the text itself without considering its background
d) Avoid thinking critically about the text
Based on your understanding of the relationship between text and context in 21st-century literature, discuss
how the context (historical, social, cultural, or technological) influences the themes and meaning of a literary
work. Use two examples from contemporary literature or poetry to support your answer. Explain how
understanding the context of these works enhances the reader's comprehension and emotional connection to the
Answer Key:
I. Multiple choice:
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. b
6. b
7. b
8. b
9. b
10. b
II. Essay
Answers may vary(ies).
Instruction: Students will create a multimedia presentation to answer the question. Using tools like
PowerPoint, Canva, or video editing software, they will design a visually engaging presentation within
3 minutes.
1. In the 21st century, literature has become a powerful tool to address and reflect contemporary issues such as
social movements, technology, and cultural change. Choose one key aspect of context (e.g., cultural, historical,
technological, or social) and discuss how it has influenced a literary work or poem of your choice . (50 points)
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Prepared by:
The relationship between text and context in 21st-century literature is essential in understanding the deeper
meanings of literary works. Text refers to the written or spoken material itself, while context is the background
or situation in which a text is created or read. This includes historical, social, cultural, and personal influences.
Text in literature refers to the actual written or spoken material that forms the literary work. It includes the
words, sentences, structure, themes, characters, and literary techniques used by the author to convey meaning.
Context, on the other hand, refers to the circumstances or background that influence the creation and
interpretation of a text. It encompasses a variety of factors,
Importance of Context
In the 21st century, literature reflects a rapidly changing world influenced by technology, globalization,
social movements, and environmental concerns. Writers often embed their works with themes and ideas that
resonate with contemporary issues. Understanding the context of a literary work allows readers to grasp its
relevance, purpose, and message.
1. Cultural Context: refers to the societal norms, traditions, values, and experiences that shape and are
reflected in a literary work. In the 21st century, literature often serves as a platform to explore complex themes
such as identity, race, ethnicity, and the struggles of marginalized communities. Authors like Chimamanda
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Ngozi Adichie (Americanah) and Jhumpa Lahiri (The Namesake) provide profound insights into immigrant
experiences, generational conflicts, and the challenges of navigating multiple cultural identities.
2. Historical context involves the period and events surrounding the creation of a literary work, including wars,
pandemics, revolutions, and political movements. In the 21st century, literature often serves as a response to or
reflection on significant historical events. For example, post-9/11 literature delves into themes of fear, cultural
tension, and the erosion of privacy, as seen in Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Understanding
historical context allows readers to appreciate how authors capture the essence of their times and provide
insights into the human condition.
3. Technological Context: The rapid advancements in technology have transformed how stories are told and
consumed in the digital age. Literary works like Ernest Cline's Ready Player One explore virtual reality, gaming
culture, and the intersection of human relationships with technology. Authors also address themes of artificial
intelligence, surveillance, and digital dependency, reflecting society's evolving relationship with technology. By
considering technological context, readers can better understand how innovations shape both the form and
content of modern literature.
4. Social Context: Social context encompasses the societal issues, movements, and changes that influence
literary works. In the 21st century, literature often critiques and reflects topics such as climate change,
feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, racial justice, and mental health awareness. Works like Margaret Atwood's The
Testaments and Angie Thomas's The Hate U Give examine the complexities of social inequality, resistance, and
activism. By addressing these pressing issues, contemporary literature not only mirrors societal concerns but
also encourages readers to engage critically with the world around them.
Criteria Description (30
Accuracy of How accurately does the group identify the title of the
Guess (8 points) novel or literary piece based on the quote?
Background How well does the group explain the story's events,
Discussion (10 themes, or circumstances related to the quote?
Presentation How clearly, confidently, and engagingly does the
Skills (5 points) representative present the group’s ideas?
Team How effectively does the group work together during
Collaboration the discussion? Are all members participating?
(5 points)
Creativity in How creatively does the group present their ideas and
Explanation (2 interpretations?
Total Score
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Criteria Description (50
Content How effectively does the role-play demonstrate
Relevance (15 the chosen context (Cultural, Historical,
points) Technological, or Social)? Does it accurately
connect to 21st-century literature?
Creativity and How creative and engaging is the scenario or
Originality (10 dialogue? Does it showcase originality in
points) portraying the chosen context?
Vocal Delivery How does the role-play convey its message and
and connection to the chosen context in literature?
Coordination (10
Engagement and How confident and expressive are the
Impact (10 performers? Do they effectively portray their
points) roles and deliver their lines?
Teamwork and How well does the group work together in
Participation (5 planning and performing the role-play? Are all
points) members actively participating?
Total Score
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Criteria Description (50
Understanding of Demonstrates a deep understanding of how historical,
Context (15 points) social, cultural, or technological contexts shape themes and
meaning in literature.
Use of Examples (10 Provides two relevant and well-explained examples from
points) contemporary literature or poetry to support the discussion.
Analysis and Insight Offers thoughtful and insightful analysis of how context
(10 points) influences the reader’s comprehension and emotional
connection to the text.
Organization and Essay is well-organized with a clear introduction, body, and
Structure (8 points) conclusion. Ideas flow logically and cohesively.
Grammar, Clarity, Writing is clear, grammatically correct, and stylistically
and Style (7 points) appropriate for an academic essay.
Total Score
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Criteria Description (50
Contextual Identifies and explains the chosen context (cultural,
Understanding (15 historical, technological, or social) and its relevance to the
points) literary work or poem.
Relevance of Provides a well-chosen example of a literary work or poem
Literary Example that aligns with the selected context. Explains its themes and
(10 points) relevance thoroughly.
Creativeness and Shows a creative presentation of the given instructions and
Analysis(10 points) offers a thoughtful analysis of how the chosen context
influenced the literary work’s themes, characters, or
Organization and Essay is structured with a clear introduction, well-developed
Coherence (8 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Ideas flow logically and
points) cohesively.
Language and Writing is clear, grammatically correct, and free of errors.
Clarity (7 points) The essay demonstrates academic language and an engaging
Total Score