Fluid Dynamics and Transport of Droplets and Sprays 2ed. Edition William A. Sirignano 2024 Scribd Download
Fluid Dynamics and Transport of Droplets and Sprays 2ed. Edition William A. Sirignano 2024 Scribd Download
Fluid Dynamics and Transport of Droplets and Sprays 2ed. Edition William A. Sirignano 2024 Scribd Download
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Second Edition
This book serves as both a graduate text and a reference for engineers
and scientists exploring the theoretical and computational aspects of
the fluid dynamics and transport of sprays and droplets. Attention is
given to the behavior of individual droplets, including the effects of
forced convection due to relative droplet–gas motion, Stefan convec-
tion due to the vaporization or condensation of the liquid, multicom-
ponent liquids (and slurries), and internal circulation of the liquid. This
second edition contains more information on droplet–droplet interac-
tions, the use of the mass-flux potential, conserved scalar variables,
spatial averaging and the formulation of the multicontinua equations,
the confluence of spatial averaging for sprays and filtering for tur-
bulence, direct numerical simulations and large-eddy simulations for
turbulent sprays, and high-pressure vaporization processes. Two new
chapters introduce liquid-film vaporization as an alternative to sprays
for miniature applications and a review of liquid-stream distortion and
breakup theory, which is relevant to spray formation.
William A. Sirignano
University of California, Irvine
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore,
São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521884891
© William A. Sirignano 2010
Preface xi
Nomenclature xiv
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Droplet-Size Determination 4
4 Multicomponent-Liquid Droplets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.1 Spherically Symmetric Diffusion 93
4.1.1 Continuous-Thermodynamics Models 97
viii Contents
Bibliography 427
Index 460
The fluid dynamics and transport of sprays comprise an exciting field of broad
importance. There are many interesting applications of spray theory related to
energy and power, propulsion, heat exchange, and materials processing. Spray phe-
nomena also have natural occurrences. Spray and droplet behaviors have a strong
impact on vital economic and military issues. Examples include the diesel engine and
gas-turbine engine for automotive, power-generation, and aerospace applications.
Manufacturing technologies including droplet-based net form processing, coating,
and painting are important applications. Applications involving medication, pesti-
cides and insecticides, and other consumer uses add to the impressive list of im-
portant industries that use spray and droplet technologies. These industries involve
annual production certainly measured in tens of billions of dollars and possibly
higher. Many applications are still under development. The potentials for improved
performance, improved market shares, reduced costs, and new products and appli-
cations are immense. Continuing effort is needed to optimize the designs of spray
and droplet applications and to develop strategies and technologies for active con-
trol of sprays in order to achieve the huge potential.
In the first edition of this book and in this second edition, I have attempted to
provide some scientific foundation for movement toward the goals of optimal design
and effective application of active controls. The book, however, does not focus on
design and controls. Rather, I discuss the fluid mechanics and transport phenomena
that govern the behavior of sprays and droplets in the many important applications.
Various theoretical and computational aspects of the fluid dynamics and transport of
sprays and droplets are reviewed in detail. I undertook this writing because no pre-
vious treatise exists that broadly addresses theoretical and computational issues re-
lated to both spray and droplet behavior. There are other books that address either
sprays on a global scale or individual isolated droplets on the fine scale. However,
no other book has attempted a true integration of these two critically related topics.
My research interests have focused on the theoretical and computational aspects of
the spray problem. Therefore, this book emphasizes those aspects. Major but not
total attention is given to the works of my research team because we have many re-
search publications and review papers on this subject. On the basis of these research
xii Preface
studies over the years, a decent comprehensive portrayal of the field is achievable.
I have given some emphasis to liquid-fuel droplets and to combustion applications
because my experience is centered in that domain and, more important, because the
high temperatures and rapid vaporization make the dynamics of the phenomenon
much more interesting and general. Rapidly vaporizing sprays have a richness of the
scientific phenomena and several, often disparate, time scales. The discussions are
often also relevant to other important applications including materials processing,
heat exchange, and coatings. Because the field of droplet and spray studies is still
developing in terms of both science and technology, a critical review is undertaken
This book was developed largely on the basis of my lecture notes generated dur-
ing several offerings of a graduate course. This treatise can serve both as a graduate-
level text and as a reference book for scientists and engineers.
All of the material from the first edition is retained here, although much of
it has been reorganized into different chapters. Attention is given to the behavior
of individual droplets, including the effects of forced convection that are due to
relative droplet–gas motion, Stefan convection that is due to the vaporization or
condensation of the liquid, multicomponent liquids (and slurries), and internal cir-
culation of the liquid. Flow-field details in the gas boundary layer and wake and
in the liquid-droplet interior are examined. Also, the determinations of droplet lift
and drag coefficients and Nusselt and Sherwood numbers and their relationships
with Reynolds number, transfer number, Prandtl and Schmidt numbers, and spac-
ing between neighboring droplets are extensively discussed. Results from droplet
analyses are presented in a manner that makes them useful as subgrid models in
spray computations. Several examples of spray computations for which these mod-
els are used are presented. The two-phase flow equations governing spray behavior
are presented in various forms and thoroughly discussed. Attention is given to issues
of computational accuracy and efficiency. Various configurations for spray flows are
studied. Droplet interactions with vortical and turbulent fields are analyzed. Droplet
behavior under near-critical and supercritical conditions is discussed.
In addition to updating and reorganizing the material from the first edition, new
content has been added. This second edition is more than 50% longer than the first
edition. More information has been added on the topics of droplet–droplet interac-
tions, the use of the mass-flux potential, conserved scalar variables, spatial averaging
and the formulation of the multicontinua equations, the confluence of spatial aver-
aging for sprays and filtering for turbulence, direct numerical simulations and large-
eddy simulations for turbulent sprays, and high-pressure vaporization processes. A
new chapter has been included on liquid-film vaporization as an alternative to sprays
for miniature applications. Another new chapter has a review of theory on liquid-
stream distortion and breakup, which is very relevant to spray formation.
My interactions over more than three decades with 13 postdoctoral associates
and 21 graduate students on the subject of sprays have been very productive, stimu-
lating, and instructive. These junior (at the time) collaborators are well represented
in the references. They are Boris Abramzon, Suresh K. Aggarwal, Nasser Ash-
griz, Rakesh Bhatia, Jinsheng Cai, C.H. “Jeff” Chiang, Gaetano Continillo, Sadegh
Dabiri, Jean-Pierre Delplanque, Amar Duvvur, Eva Gutheil, Howard Homan,
Preface xiii
Randall Imaoka, Inchul Kim, Pedro Lara-Urbaneja, C.K. “Ed” Law, D.N. Lee,
Steven Lerner, Jun Li, Mansour Masoudi, Constantine Megaridis, Carsten Mehring,
Kamyar Molavi, Gopal Patnaik, Satya Prakash, M.S. Raju, Roger Rangel, David
Schiller, Bartendu Seth, Simone Stanchi, Douglas Talley, Albert Tong, Guang Wu,
and Jinxiang Xi. Exciting interactions with senior collaborators are also recognized:
H.A. Dwyer, D. Dunn-Rankin, S.E. Elghobashi, G.J. Fix, D.D. Joseph, F. Liu,
V.G. McDonell, B.R. Sanders, E. Suuberg, and S.C. Yao are identified here. Several
federal funding agencies and industrial organizations have been supportive of my
spray research; special recognition for continuing support goes to Julian Tishkoff of
AFOSR; David Mann, Kevin McNesby, and Ralph Anthenien of ARO; and Gabriel
Roy of ONR. Here I am acknowledging only those who worked with me or sup-
ported me specifically in the area of sprays. There are many others to thank for
associations on other scientific problem areas. Also, I am thankful for the opportu-
nities for intellectual exchanges and friendship with many individuals from around
the world who have contributed to the disciplines of fluid dynamics, transport, and
combustion and/or to technologies for energy, power, and propulsion.
Nomenclature xv
Fr Froude number
G response factor for combustion instability; also Chiu group
combustion number
g acceleration due to gravity
g 1 , g2 functions defined in Section 3.1 by Eq. (3.44)
Gr = g R3 /ν 2 Grashof number
h enthalpy; heat transfer coefficient; scale factors; film thickness
In modified Bessel function of the first kind
k nondimensional constant in Section 3.1; also turbulence wave
k, l, m, n wave numbers
kE generalized Einstein coefficient
K constant in vaporization-rate law; constants in model equa-
tions; strain rate; cavitation number
K(t, t − τ ) kernel in history integral, Section 3.4
lc characteristic length for liquid-stream pinch-off
L latent heat of vaporization; differential operator; orifice length
Le Lewis number
m droplet mass
ṁ droplet mass vaporization rate
mf mass of fluid displaced by droplet or particle
mp mass of particle or droplet
Ṁ mass source term (rate per unit volume); vaporization rate per
unit volume for spray
MA1 , MA2 acceleration numbers defined by Eqs. (3.65) and (3.68)
n droplet number density; direction normal to interface; fuel
mass flux
ni number of moles of species i
n unit normal vector
N number of droplets; number of species in multicomponent
mixture; ratio of droplet heating time to droplet lifetime
N number of droplets in array
Nu Nusselt number
Oh Ohnesorge number
p pressure
Pe Peclet number
Pr Prandtl number
qα electric charge on droplet
q̇ heat flux
Q energy per unit mass of fuel
r spherical radial coordinate
r̃ cylindrical radial coordinate
r nondimensional annular radius perturbation
rf flame radius
R droplet radius, radius of curvature of liquid sheet
R2 droplet-radii ratio
xvi Nomenclature
R gas constant
Re = RU/ν droplet Reynolds number (In discussions in which a Reynolds
number based on diameter or some special properties is used,
it is specified in the text.)
s nondimensional radius; transformed variable defined by Eq.
S superscalar; weighted area in numerical interpolation schemes;
distribution function for radiative heat transfer; jet or droplet-
surface area
Sc Schmidt number
Sh Sherwood number
St Strouhal number
t time
tc characteristic time for liquid-stream pinch-off
T temperature
u, v velocity
uo mean jet velocity
U free-stream velocity; particle or droplet velocity; Bernoulli jet
v velocity in the argument of distribution function; specific vol-
v velocity vector
V volume in eight-dimensional phase space; liquid volume; char-
acteristic velocity
ẇ chemical-reaction rate, fractional change per unit time
W molecular weight
We = ρl R(U) /σ Weber number
Greek Symbols
α thermal diffusivity; wave phase; growth rate
β Shvab–Zel’dovich variables
γ reciprocal of Lewis number; fraction of radiation absorbed at surface and in
interior; ratio of specific heats
Nomenclature xvii
0 initial condition
∞ condition at infinity
Al aluminum property
b boiling point Al (aluminum property); bubble
c critical conditions
e edge of boundary layer
eff effective value
xviii Nomenclature
F fuel vapor
g gas phase
H related to thermal transfer
i index for vectorial component; index for initial value
j index for vectorial component
k integer index
L lift
l liquid phase
M related to mass transfer
max maximum
m index for species; index for metal
mix mixture
n, p integers for numerical mesh points
N nitrogen
ox oxide
O oxygen
p particle
P product
r, θ, z components in cylindrical coordinates
s droplet-surface condition
T related to thermal transfer
wb wet bulb
+, − upper or lower liquid–gas interface
k index for droplet group
. rate or time derivative
derivative; perturbation quantity
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
A spray is one type of two-phase flow. It involves a liquid as the dispersed or dis-
crete phase in the form of droplets or ligaments and a gas as the continuous phase. A
dusty flow is very similar to a spray except that the discrete phase is solid rather than
liquid. Bubbly flow is the opposite kind of two-phase flow wherein the gas forms the
discrete phase and the liquid is the continuous phase. Generally, the liquid density
is considerably larger than the gas density; so bubble motion involves lower kine-
matic inertia, higher drag force (for a given size and relative velocity), and different
behavior under gravity force than does droplet motion.
Important and intellectually challenging fluid-dynamic and -transport phenom-
ena can occur in many different ways with sprays. On the scale of an individual
droplet size in a spray, boundary layers and wakes develop because of relative
motion between the droplet center and the ambient gas. Other complicated and
coupled fluid-dynamic factors are abundant: shear-driven internal circulation of the
liquid in the droplet, Stefan flow that is due to vaporization or condensation, flow
modifications that are due to closely neighboring droplets in the spray, hydro-
dynamic interfacial instabilities leading to droplet-shape distortion and perhaps
droplet shattering, and droplet interactions with vortical structures in the gas flow
(e.g., turbulence).
On a much larger and coarser scale, we have the complexities of the integrated
exchanges of mass, momentum, and energy of many droplets in some subvolume of
interest with the gas flow in the same subvolume. The problem is further compli-
cated by the strong coupling of the phenomena on the different scales; one cannot
describe the mass, momentum, and energy exchanges on a large scale without de-
tailed knowledge of the fine-scale phenomena. Note that, in some practical appli-
cations, these scales can differ by several orders of magnitude so that a challenging
subgrid modelling problem results.
Detailed consideration will be given to applications in which the mass vaporiza-
tion rate is so large that the physical behavior is modified. This is the most complex
situation, and therefore its coverage leads to the most general formulation of the
2 Introduction
theory. In particular, as the vaporization rate increases, the coupling between the
two phases becomes stronger and, as the droplet lifetime becomes as short as some
of the other characteristic times, the transient or dynamic character of the problem
emerges in a dominant manner.
The fast vaporization rate is especially prominent in situations in which the am-
bient gas is at very high temperatures (of the order of 1000 K or higher). Combustion
with liquid fuels is the most notable example here. The spray combustion regime is
a most interesting limiting case of the more general field of thermal and dynamic be-
havior of sprays. In the high-temperature domain, rapid vaporization causes droplet
lifetimes to be as short as the time for a droplet to heat throughout its interior. It
can be shorter than the time for liquid-phase mass diffusion to result in the mixing of
various components in a multicomponent liquid. The combustion limit is inherently
transient from the perspective of the droplet, richer in terms of scientific issues, and
more challenging analytically and numerically than low-temperature spray prob-
lems. Vaporization might still be longer than other combustion processes such as
mixing or chemical reaction; therefore it could be the rate-controlling process for
energy conversion.
The spray problem can be complicated by the presence of spatial temperature
and concentration gradients and internal circulation in the liquid. Interaction among
droplets is another complication to be treated.
There is a great disparity in the magnitudes of the scales. Liquid-phase mass dif-
fusion is slower than liquid-phase heat diffusion, which, in turn, is much slower than
the diffusion of vorticity in the liquid. Transport in the gas is faster than transport
in the liquid. Droplet diameters are typically of the order of a few tens of microm-
eters (µm) to a few hundreds of micrometers in diameter. Resolution of internal
droplet gradients can imply resolution on the scale of micrometers or even on a sub-
micrometer scale. Combustor or flow chamber dimensions can be 5 to 6 orders of
magnitude greater than the required minimum resolution. Clearly, subgrid droplet-
vaporization models are required for making progress on this problem.
Experiments have been successful primarily in resolving the global character-
istics of sprays. The submillimeter scales associated with the spray problem have
made detailed experimental measurements very difficult. If an attempt is made to in-
crease droplet size, similarity is lost; the droplet Reynolds number can be kept con-
stant by decreasing velocity but the Grashof number grows, implying that buoyancy
becomes relatively more important. Also, the Weber number increases as droplet
size increases; surface tension becomes relatively less important, and the droplet is
more likely to acquire a nonspherical shape. Modern nonintrusive laser diagnostics
have made resolution possible on a scale of less than 100 µm so that, in recent years,
more experimental information has been appearing. Nevertheless, theory and com-
putation have led experiments in terms of resolving the fluid-dynamical characteris-
tics of spray flows.
Classical texts on droplets, including burning-fuel droplets, tend to consider an
isolated spherical droplet vaporizing in a stagnant environment. In the simplified
representation, the liquid has one chemical component, ambient-gas conditions are
subcritical, and vaporization occurs in a quasi-steady fashion. The classical result
is that the square of the droplet radius or diameter decreases linearly with time
1.1 Overview 3
because heat diffusion and mass diffusion in the surrounding gas film are the rate-
controlling (slowest) processes; this behavior is described as the d2 law. These im-
portant phenomena are discussed in later chapters. Although most researchers are
now addressing these relevant and interesting factors that cause major deviations
from classical behavior, there are still some researchers who persist in the study of
the classical configuration. Here we will relax these simplifications, one at a time, to
gain a more accurate and more relevant understanding. Convective effects that are
due to droplet motion or natural convection and subsequent internal liquid circu-
lation are thoroughly studied. Transient heating (or cooling) and vaporization (or
condensation) that are due to changing ambient conditions, unsteady liquid-phase
diffusion, or unsteady gas-phase diffusion are analyzed. Multicomponent-liquid (in-
cluding emulsions and slurries as well as blended liquids) droplet vaporization is
studied. Near-critical and supercritical ambient conditions (and their effects on dif-
fusion processes, phase change, solubility, and liquid-surface stripping that is due
to shear) will be discussed. Interactions of droplets with other droplets and with
turbulent or vortical structures are analyzed. Distortion of the spherical shape and
secondary atomization of the droplets are also discussed. The effects of radiative
heating of the liquid and of exothermic chemical reaction in the gas film are also
Current texts do not explain in a unified fashion the various approaches to cal-
culation of the behaviors of the many droplets present in a spray. Efficient and ac-
curate methods for predicting the trajectories, temperatures, and vaporization rates
of a large number of droplets in a spray are discussed here. Sprays in both laminar
and turbulent environments are discussed.
Some comments about primary atomization and droplet-size determination are
given in Section 1.2. In Chapters 2 and 3, we discuss the vaporization of individual
droplets and study the phenomenon on the scale of the droplet diameter. Chap-
ter 2 considers the case in which there is no relative motion between the droplet
and the distant gas, and Chapter 3 covers the situation with a relative velocity. The
theoretical models and correlations of computational results for individual droplets
can be used to describe exchanges of mass, momentum, and energy between the
phases in a spray flow. The vaporization of multicomponent droplets, including
slurry droplets, is discussed in Chapter 4. Droplet behavior under near-critical or
transcritical thermodynamic conditions is considered in Chapter 5. Secondary at-
omization and molecular-dynamic methods are also discussed there. Interactions
among droplets and their effects on the modification of the theory are discussed
in Chapter 6. The spray with its many droplets is examined first in Chapter 7. The
spray equations are examined from several aspects; in particular, two-continua, mul-
ticontinua, discrete-particle, and probabilistic formulations are given. The choice of
Eulerian or Lagrangian representation of the liquid-phase equations within these
formulations is discussed, including important computational issues and the rela-
tionship between the Lagrangian method and the method of characteristics. Some
specific computational issues are discussed in Chapter 8. Some of the theories and
information in this book have already had an impact on computational codes; mod-
ification of the codes to address more recent advances should not be difficult. One
shortcoming, of course, is the limited experimental verification, as just discussed.
4 Introduction
In practice, f (d) will not be a continuous function. However, for a spray with many
droplets (millions can be common), the function is well approximated as a contin-
uously varying function. One example of an average droplet is the Sauter mean
diameter d32 , which is proportional to the ratio of the total liquid volume in a spray
to the total droplet-surface area in a spray.
The aerodynamic forces on a droplet will depend on its size in a functional man-
ner different from the dependence of droplet mass on the size. As a result, smaller
droplets undergo more rapid acceleration or deceleration than larger droplets.
Heating times and vaporization times will be shorter for smaller droplets. Accuracy
in the initial droplet-size distribution is mandatory, therefore, if we wish to predict
droplet behavior. Unfortunately, we must currently rely mostly on empirical meth-
ods to represent droplet distribution; it cannot be predicted from a first-principles
approach for most liquid-injection systems.
Liquid streams injected into a gaseous environment tend to be unstable under
a wide range of conditions. An important parameter is the Weber number,
ρU 2 L
We = , (1.2)
1.2 Droplet-Size Determination 5
where ρ is the gas density, U is the relative gas–liquid velocity, L is the character-
istic dimension of the stream, and σ is the surface-tension coefficient. The Weber
number (We) is the ratio of the aerodynamic force related to dynamic pressure to
the force of surface tension. Depending on the stream shape, oscillation of the
stream and breakup occur above some critical value of the Weber number. These
interface oscillations can occur at any wavelength, but some wavelengths will have
larger rates of amplitude growth. Below the critical value of the Weber number,
the surface-tension forces are large enough to overcome the aerodynamic force that
tends to distort the stream. So here, the basic shape of the stream is maintained with-
out disintegration. At higher Weber numbers, the aerodynamic force dominates,
leading to distortion and disintegration. This process is called atomization.
Disintegration or atomization typically results in liquid ligaments or droplets
with a characteristic dimension that is smaller than the original length scale asso-
ciated with the stream. Disintegration will continue in a cascade fashion until the
decreased length scale brings the Weber number for the resulting droplets below
the critical value for the droplets. Other parameters will affect the critical value
of the Weber number; they include the ratio of liquid density to gas density and a
nondimensional representation of viscosity (e.g., Reynolds number).
Practical atomization systems use a variety of mechanisms to achieve the criti-
cal Weber numbers that are necessary. Jet atomizers use a sufficiently large pressure
drop across an orifice to obtain the necessary liquid velocity. Air-assist and air-blast
atomizers force air flow as well as liquid flow. The critical Weber number depends
on the relative air–liquid velocity here. Some atomizers use swirl vanes for the liq-
uid or air to create a tangential component of velocity; this can increase the relative
velocity. Rotary atomizers involve spinning cups or disks upon which the liquid is
flowed; the centrifugal effect creates the relative velocity. Sometimes other means
are used for atomization, including acoustic or ultrasonic oscillations, electrostatic
forces, and the injection of a bubbly liquid. An excellent review of practical atom-
ization systems is given by Lefebvre (1989).
There are three general approaches to the prediction of the droplet sizes that
result from atomization of a liquid stream. The most widely used approach involves
the use of empirical correlations. Another approach requires the solution of the
Navier–Stokes equations or of their inviscid limiting form, the Euler equations, to
predict disintegration of the liquid stream. Often the linearized form of the equa-
tions is taken. The third approach assumes that, in addition to conservation of mass
momentum and energy, the droplet-size distribution function satisfies a maximum-
entropy principle.
In the first approach, it is common practice to fit experimental data to a number-
distribution function for the droplet radius or diameter. With the current level of the
theory, this is the most commonly used approach. The Rosin–Rammler distribution
equation governs the volume of liquid contained in all droplets below a given diam-
eter d. In particular, the fractional volume of liquid (d) is described as
0 f (d ) dd db
∞ ≡ (d) = 1 − exp − , (1.3)
3 a
0 f (d) dd
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
We’ll get along with the Dardanelles now. All this will make pulp for
paper for the National Review.
I quote here a report of the opinion of Mr. Andrew Fisher, the High
Commissioner of Australia, and formerly Prime Minister of Australia; a
member of the Dardanelles Commission, on the duty of departmental
* * * * *
In some notes compiled on this matter I find it recorded that I was
present at the meeting on the 13th January, when the plan was first
proposed and approved in principle, and was also present at the
meeting on the evening of the 28th January, when Mr. Churchill
announced that the Admiralty had decided to push on with the project.
On the morning of the 28th January I said that I had understood that
this question would not be raised to-day, and that the Prime Minister
was well aware of my own views in regard to it.
After the failure of the naval attack on the Narrows on the 18th
March, I remarked at the meeting on the 19th March that I had always
said that a loss of 12 battleships must be expected before the
Dardanelles could be forced by the Navy alone, and that I still adhered
to this view.
Also, at the meeting held on the 14th May, I reminded the War
Council that I had been no party to the Dardanelles operations. When
the matter was under consideration I had stated my opinion to the
Prime Minister at a private interview.
Some light is perhaps thrown on my general attitude towards naval
attacks by the following remark, made at the meeting held on the 13th
January, which related, not to the Dardanelles project, but to a
proposed naval attack on Zeebrugge:—
I said that the Navy had only a limited number of battleships to
lose, and would probably sustain losses in an attack on Zeebrugge. I
demurred to any attempt to attack Zeebrugge without the co-operation
of the Army along the coast.
This note is here inserted because the Dardanelles operation
interfered with the project of certain action in the Decisive Theatre of
the War explained in a Memorandum given to the Prime Minister on
January 25th, 1915, but it has been decided to be too secret for
publication even now, so it is not included in these papers.
A Memorandum was also submitted by me on General Naval
Policy, deprecating the use of Naval Force in Coast Operations
unsupported by Military Force and emphasising the supreme
importance of maintaining the unchallengeable strength of the Grand
Fleet in the Decisive Theatre.
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